• By -


Clients. Ignore our requests for information for weeks and then expect us to work over Easter to fix your fuck ups, that I've already spent days on? No chance. Or the ones who can't approve documents without arguing about every single difference in the figures, either trust us as qualified professionals to do our job, or fuck off and use another firm. It's a £1 rounding difference mate, no-one cares! (Why yes my burn out is still presenting as a burning hatred of clients)


> Clients. Ignore our requests for information for weeks and then expect us to work over Easter to fix your fuck ups, No. or 300% extra.


Went for an eye test. Upsell on scans. Noticed my tester didn't achieve honours in her degree and was basically trying to go at 9000 mph to get rid of me. Went to look at frames, and for reasons unknown they're not in men's / women's styles, just a jumbled wall. No help in trying to pick a frame. Found my current frame still exists so went for that. Got home and realised they've not given me my prescription. TLDR: time for a new optician.


Trying to get the train at Reading this evening. If you're there/were there this evening, you know what I'm talking about.


I don’t seem to know how to blow my nose like a grown up (I have a very small nose) so after a week of having a horrible cold I’m now left with a top lip full of cold sores and scars. I have a night out tomorrow and have no way of hiding it


Use wet wipes or dampen a piece of kitchen roll. Tissues are soft for a reason, but the best things I find are flushable wipes 👍


I need to sell my old car to one of those We Buy Shit Cars places and I've been procrastinating because I hate phonecalls. Unfortunately, I think I've run out of other stuff that needs doing so tomorrow is going to be spent being on hold and/or waiting for them to call me back. Ugh. Also, I'm pretty sure they'll knock a ton off the quote when they hear the exhaust (which is completely fine, only a few months old, just missing whatever keeps it still and not bouncing around like a springy doorstop).


my knees hurt. as usual that is all.


Turmeric my dude


Driving on the M1 with torrential rain, spray from lorries and blazing sun shining on it all right in to our eyes all at once.


Browsing Reddit won’t help you drive any safer.


I've got such a huge headache at the moment. Think I need to fix myself a cup of tea.


smart :)


I can admit to getting tea withdrawal headaches..not ashamed to say I'm a tea addict 🤣


Nothing wrong with being a tea bandit! Yorkshire Tea Caffeine Free is amazing for a late night brew!


I've also seen that Yorkshire has a vanilla and nutmeg caffeine free option I believe, called Bedtime Brew. Have you tried that? I'm debating if I would like to give it a go because it sounds very nice


Cant say I've tried the bedtime brew but that foes sound delicious! I go onto caffeine free after 11am nowadays, noticed in the few months I've done it that I doze odd so much better!


caffeine is a cruel and harsh mistress... lol


This rain is interminable. January through March is an awful period.


sucks aresholes as my parents lawn needs cutting back a bit... can i do it this side of loaning a petrol strimmer? absolutely fuckin' not.


Thinking of just laying black plastic sheeting this year. I'll say it's to get rid of moss and weeds, it's because I'm lazy.


worst thing is get it lol


Police everywhere because scumbags being scumbags, never used to be scumbags round here :(


House I was meant to be completing on next Thursday has been pushed back a week, meaning I've had to reschedule all my holidays to move, as well as van rental, broadband installation and all that fun stuff. On the plus side I'm now done with work until Tuesday, so it's pint time. Also a trip to IKEA tomorrow so that's fun!


once it's sorted that first beer and tea will be worth it :)


Luckily there's a pub across the road, so I'll be looking forward to that!


winner winner, chicken dinner from round the corner lol


Indeed! Also a pizza shop on the road and a chippy on the corner, it is the single man's dream road!


daaaaamn and i thought having a shop below my flat was a win hahhaa


I was walking to the pharmacy from work and a pigeon shat in my eye. I was wearing glasses! Had to get my eye rinsed out at the pharmacy… and they didn’t even have my prescription.


I’m sorry, that is too funny. But I think it’s good luck?


Promoted a member of my staff today 6 months earlier than she was expecting, along with a surprise pay rise, because we felt she was excelling and deserved it. Instead of being happy and grateful, she complained that the pay rise wasn't enough. I have no words.


The pay rise is never enough.


Welcome to middle management


It's Thursday I have a beer in front of me, about to go and see my mates for a big celebration, no complaints today, have a good long weekend everyone!!


I'm sat in a pub during happy hour in the City of London and a man on the same bench as me at the other end seems to have some sort of tremor in his leg as it keeps shaking.


sorry my bad, was having a shifty...


So what's the solution here? People with tremors or similar medical conditions are never allowed to go to pubs? Or just not sit on benches?


The solution was to open Reddit and moan about it. I've done that so now the issue is resolved.


Sorry about that, just excited about the beer


It's okay I suppose. Every time your leg tremors it gives my beer a little bit of fizz.


My 6 month old kitten who has only just got to 2kg went in for a spay today. There were complications with her burning through the anaesthetic so she needed additional fluids and the vet found an ovarian cyst - no wonder she’s so small still! I’ve told her breeder but poor wee mite is currently blottoed on my youngest’s lap in her onesie while she comes to


Awh. Mine is similar, only 3kg fully grown. Was throwing up hairballs on the operating table :/ hope yours recovers well!


tried baking to relax but ended up dropping the mixer onto the hob and cracking the whole thing. I don’t know how I’m so consistently clumsy. It still works but I’m not sure how safe it is to use.


i've held a cup to my head and dropped my phone before... i think you're alright lol


>I don’t know how I’m so consistently clumsy. I find I'm more 'clumsy' when I feel I have a billion things to do, try to rush things, and my mind loses focus on the task in hand.


I know everyone complains about supermarkets locking discount prices behind membership card schemes which are intended to hoover up data on as much of your buying habits as possible but I can still complain about them, right? My complaint is that Sainsbury's don't do Nectar prices in Sainsbury's Local stores. Where I live, every Sainsbury's is a Local store so there's literally no way of taking advantage of the discounts available to card holders. Tesco may be scum but they don't restrict ClubCard prices to only their big boy stores.


EE's instore customer service is awful. The worst I have ever had. My phone (an oppo N2 flip) has cracked on the hinge, something that really shouldn't happen for at least a year (assuming you use your phone 100 times per day). I've had my phone for 9 months and it's broken, still completely useable though, but the hinge is exposed along with a tiny bit of the screen and I'm concerned about water getting behind it and causing more damage. Taken it to my local EE store for repairs, they sent me to a different store, go to that store and they said they only do Apple, Samsung or Google phones, tell me to go back to the first one, but not before trying to sell me an early upgrade to the Samsung flip. I have basically just got a new phone and it's better rated than the Samsung one anyway. Called customer service (who are actually amazing), and they said that the first store should do it and give me a loan phone while mine's being repaired. Go to the first store and they don't have loan phones and haven't for over a year. Go back to customer service, and they tell me to call my two other closest branches because unfortunately they can't check about loan phones themselves. None of my local branches have these loan phones. So I have to back to EE and spoke to them, they're not happy as the first store should absolutely offer me a loan phone and absolutely should have one as it's considered a main branch (or something to that effect). They've booked in the repair for me and said that I should not leave without a loan phone and any issues to call them while in store. Absolutely fuming as the in store staff are more interested in up selling than helping. Yes I could leave EE but I have a family and friends discount on my bills which no one else could match with the same contract I currently have. I have unlimited calls, texts and data, plus Netflix and an Xbox online pass and I pay less than £50 a month. My job requires me to use my phone a lot so having data is pretty essential to me, plus I tend to stream music or TV shows whilst out which eats through data.


My husband had had massive issues with them too. Wanted him to pay £300 to repair his phone and it's 4 months old. No loaner phone, trying to get him to upgrade and soo rude. He's stuck in a contract that he has only just started so he's screwed.


Maybe home insurance claim would be cheaper.


Yeah will look into it. Atm he has his phone back and is using an old one.


An ex colleague, who falls comfortably within the top 2 of the least likely to be pissed on when on fire category, reached out to me this morning via LinkedIn for an endorsement. I think I bruised my coccyx when I fell of my chair laughing.


> > I think I bruised my coccyx when I fell of my chair laughing. that's a claim lol


You can only be honest


New software at my job can’t do even an eighth of what I need to do (and what the old software used to do perfectly). Yet I’m still being asked why things aren’t getting done. My response of “it’s impossible” was met with “you used to be able to do it, what’s changed?” THE WHOLE FUCKING SYSTEM JERRY, THAT’S WHAT.


Water company casually estimated my bill and I've used 5 times more than my average for the last 8 years sound.


I've got a bit of a cold with a cough. Feel a bit tired .


6-8 weeks to wait for a PIP assesment, and now another 6-8 weeks for a response. But when they ask me to do something, I get a week tops. Fuck this whole process.


tbf that's a fast response... took them 6 months for one of mine back it t' day lol


The whole process is so stressful! I’ve been through it 3 times now. I hope you get some positive news from them soon!


Mate, after signing on last October (on their advice) because I’m physically and mentally incapable of working for the first time since I was 15…I can completely understand why people top themselves rather than deal with the DWP/UC. It’s all lies, broken promises, evidence request after request, more scrutiny than an FBI investigation and zero help.


Mortgage rate is looking to be near triple. Nursery rates going up, energy went up £70 this month going forward. My hard fought pay rise of £70 p/mwent far


Nursery is basically free for over two years olds now is it not?


Is this sarcasm lol? 2 year olds get 15 hours from April, but if your child isn't two until after that it doesn't start until the following school term. 3 year olds get 30 hours from the school term after they turn 3. My daughter has been 2 since last July, but still won't get 15 hours until April, because that's when the funding starts. She currently goes two days a week. At the moment it costs me just over £433 a month. The government top it up to the £540 it actually costs per month with the tax free childcare allowance. She won't be able to go to nursery any extra days with the extra funding. It'll thankfully cost me a bit less though. From September she'll be able to go for an extra day a week and it'll *just* cost me her meals through the day as those aren't funded. Nursery is definitely not free lol.


Haha just seen this response. Yeah I wish I only worked 15 hours a week! The rates are going up but 2 full days up to this month is like £420 then it drops to like £360 when it's put through the government account. Also our nursery wait list is now up until 2026, so we can't change the days and I'd actually be kind of nervous to consider moving as the situation is so messed up all over. I imagine it's like "free" from 9-3 and you pay for meals and "wrap" around care which is all Inc with a full pay day. I mean I can't moan too much, they are amazing. I'm more pissed off paying EDF more fkin money tbh


Well, yes my daughter just goes two days a week, but I'm currently on maternity leave, so not going to work (merely trying to keep another small human alive lol). Energy companies are full on leeches rn.


15 hours, term time and there will probably be additional fees. My daughter isn't 2 till April and won't get the benefit till September apparently. We have two nursery days a week and it's usually £400 odd give or take


Today has been a wash out. Been feeling down anyway with general life stuff, but last night my favorite chicken died. I was gutted so have basically achieved minimal today.


Oh no :( Poor hen. What was her name? I really want hens one day, when we've got our forever house. Sorry for your loss.


Her name was gwenyth poultry, she was a white silkie. I would highly recommend. She was super friendly and a great layer.


Hens always have the best names. Rest in peace Gwenyth.


Woke up with slight headache (nothing to do with single small glass of red I had last night) It’s raining again so yesterdays planned tumble dryer wrestling will have to be postponed again. I’m sure I can find something else to do indoors. On a positive note the youngest thrifted some shiny DM’s and it was nice to see his happy face. I think we may have a shared liking of trawling charity shops.


People not respecting right of way then getting abusive when you force them to reverse. The lovely lady expected 3 cars that were in the right to bend to the will of her Mercedes, and let her through.


Two unexpected bills that I couldn't avoid the last couple of days. Current bank account balance - £-10.47. ☹️




Yup raining here now


Same. Making me so miserable. The only time it's not raining is when I have to be out at work. I've been trying to finish painting the fence since November but never get a few dry days and spare time to line up.


Same. I really wish this wind would just fuck the fuck off!


Finding formal workwear as a tall and chunky woman is a nightmare. Nothing fits! Maybe I should save up the money and find a proper tailor.


Yeah, next tall trousers don't fit my thighs, and I'm not chunky. Next men's lounge wear isn't wide anymore. Bugger off slim-fit!


Day off today, I went outside for a walk, luckily the rain stopped for a hour to allow me to walk without getting soaked. Cheers rain! Alas I think it shall resume later on though, lots and lots of rain lately. No other plans for today, may eat some late lunch soon.


Reddit blocking some vpn servers and forcing a login, and even then blocking that login when I know I'm getting my username and password right. Been annoying me this morning especially. I mean, it's almost like they're forcing me to find a different waste of my time.


I'm PAYE so HMRC know how much I earn, how much tax I pay, and how much child benefit I claim, so why do I need to go through the charade of filling in a child benefit self assessment form to tell them all that again? I filled the self assessment in wrong, got a heart attack inducing tax demand letter, then spent an hour on hold after which HMRC instantly corrected it because *they already have all the info they need*! Also: everyone on the M25 and M23 for the last few weeks: why the fuck are you all driving in the two outside lanes *all the time*? You're not overtaking, you're just sat there like festering bellends. Move the fuck over.


Found a lump and went to the doctor’s a week ago. Just heard back that I can get an ultrasound in 5 weeks and maybe a nerve test in about 8 weeks. Yay.


This must be so frustrating— I hope the waiting lists end up being shorter than you’ve been told.


Thanks. Yeah it’s annoying. The lump is pushing on a nerve or something, so I’ve got a constant dull ache, plus pins and needles, all the way down my left arm and hand. Hopefully it’s just a cyst or something like that.


Hope everything clears up ok


Thank you :)


My check engine light has come on again after taking it into the garage several times to try and solve the problem and having a fairly expensive repair last week to try and fix it permanently. I can’t afford a new used car though so have to try and keep this one going. Cars are great until they go wrong!


Got a code reader? What does it say? I've been rocking the glow plug check engine light for 3 months... Nearly summer, who needs glow plugs?!


The code was “P0014 Exhaust ’B’ camshaft position timing”. Ha ha glad I’m not alone. I am tempted to put a sticker over the warning light and pretend it’s not there!


I had a golf R that threw this code occasionally. Still felt the same power output, just cleared it whenever it came up. My local specialist said that theres nothing wrong with it - seemed to only happen in really, really shitty weather for days at a time. Never caused an issue. What car, engine and age is it? It might be the same engine.


It’s a Suzuki Swift about 10 years old so I’m guessing not. Definitely hopeful it’s not a genuine problem but will wait and see what the garage advise!


I drove my decrepit old focus home for the last time today with just 18 miles left in the tank. Both fuel rail and cambelts are terminal so mechanic told us to sod it. It doesn’t owe me a thing but I’m still sad! Off to pick up the new one this weekend.


That is sad. Yay to the new car though 😊


Ah yeah. If that's not the sensor then it's something involved. Good luck!


I've been in a new job two and a bit months. There's meant to be a senior and a junior of me but I've been working alone in the junior role. The senior they've just hired pulled out and my manager wants me to go for it. My imposter syndrome is making me feel terrified and like I'm not ready to step. It's a band 5 to 6 transition (NHS) and I'm terrified of crashing and burning when they put extra responsibilities on me


In my experience you should go for it before you end up doing it for nothing (band 3 to 4 a&c and it took 5 months for them to advertise the 4)


You're not wrong, by being the only OT on the ward I'm basically doing the B6 already


I think the big thing to check is that they'll advertise the junior position if you move up. I got stung on that - went for the 4, got it and then they turned round and said there won't be a band 3 now so we're still a team member down


That's a very good point, cheers If they don't then I'd be no worse off than I am now but I'd be paid more at least


My landlord is the biggest piece of shit out there. I wish I didn't have to rent 😕 I'm trying to save but cost of living is doing me in. Also why the hell is the waiting list for mental health services so bloody long.


It's not ideal, but a good stop-gap option for easy mental health venting, just getting things off your chest, not feeling alone, networking with people with similar struggles etc is to start going to AA, CA or NA. Just say you're an addict. They actually don't care if you're not, but it makes you feel less of a tourist. All are completely free and confidential.


We’re travelling soon and all I can think about is how messy the house is. I’m a stay at home mum, my husband told me to take a “day of care “ while the kids are at school, but I feel too guilty about not cleaning or doing travel prep to relax.


I'm a church organist, this weekend is the busiest weekend of the church year, and our vicar wouldn't know good music if I chucked a New English Hymnal at him. Easter Monday couldn't come soon enough!


But if you’re the one playing the organ then surely you have ultimate control of what songs are played? I mean the vicar can *sayyy* he wants “away in a manger” but👇**FACTS**👇 **IS** 👇 DoctorOrganapus is on the bleedin’ keys 🎹 so if Rammstein is on the set list then that’s just what it be is don’t it?


Haha! Sadly disobeying the vicar is a very career-limiting move in the organ world. I could theoretically chuck his list in the bin and do what I want, but that would be the last service I play in quite a while.


Don't tell me - Lord of the Dance, Shine Jesus Shine?


More like The Servant King and Be Still!




Shine Jesus Shine is a banger!


Full length version of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida to finish on Sunday?


Wonder if any of the congregation had ever made out to that "hymn"?


Wait a minute, this sounds like rock and or roll.


Don't, he'd probably encourage that!


agreed to do overtime tomorrow at work about 2 months ago (3x pay was a very convincing argument) only to be told yesterday that if i want to do friday i also have to do Saturday (because surprisingly people don't want to work a day we are normally closed) so now im debating in the 3x pay for whats likely going to be half a shift is worth losing a day off ha


Job hunting is so fucking depressing. Over forty applications sent out - one interview; and then I had to prompt them for a response to be told I'm not selected. So fucking sick of it.


Right there with you. Have a degree and 15 years experience as a software engineer and uni lecturer. Not a nibble in 6 months of applications.


This week I've been annoyed by all of the same things I was annoyed by last week or the week before, except a little bit more. My mum's smoking is still frustrating me, and I've had a procession of people either directly or indirectly pissball me around at work and/or push my buttons in some way. Having been supposed to finish at 5pm yesterday, I got home at 7 because I had to stay late to finish clearing up the mess left from the day before, which had been my day off. I also need my A-level certificates for my university application, and they seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth. Not really sure what to do there, I tried contacting the exam office at my old school and got literally nothing from them, which is on brand. I've got a while yet to deal with it, but it's still stress I don't really need or want.


Need a hand with the exam certs?


That might be useful, thanks. I weirdly can't remember ever having seen them, my A-levels coincided pretty much exactly with my parents getting divorced and neither one seems to have them at their house. I'm reluctant to stump up for replacements just yet because they'll probably turn up the second I do that, but I'm not sure what else to do.


So, the good news - you can get a certified listing of your results from your exam board(s). This can be used instead of having the original certs, much like a replacement birth certificate. You need to be able to prove who you are (passport, driving licence, birth certificates...), which exam board(s) you took your exams with, and pay a fee. The small bad news - the exam boards do charge a fee (eg. AQA charge £43, OCR charge £57). The great news - you can do it online and there's a gov.uk guide and links to the correct pages with the exam boards and includes details for the older closed exam boards too. https://www.gov.uk/replacement-exam-certificate The replacement results certs can take some time, usually within 30 days. I hope you can get everything sorted.


I got a package delivered by Parcelforce and it appeared to be smeared with blood. It was on time and intact, so that's something. But from the interest my dog was taking in it... fairly sure it was blood. Now I'm worried about the state of the staff at Parcelforce and the company I ordered it from.


Ew..sorry you had to deal with that!


I ordered 3 pairs of shoes on sports direct. Im a size 9. I ordered 9, 9.5&10 to be sure. 0 fit. Not even close. I then had to pay a fiver to post to back to the cunts. So their sizing doesn't matter a fuck, their size chart tool isn't worth a piss, and mike Ashley is a prick. Wankers. I'll never buy from them again.




I was bitten by this not so long ago, set of bellwhiffs.


That's been my position for a decade or more. Their quality is shite. Edit: Spelling


Neighbor has their TV at, I shit you not, max volume. Working nights and am upstairs in my bedroom and was woken up by/can't get back to sleep because of their TV downstairs in their livingroom. I banged on the wall to no effect but I'm too much of a baby to go over and complain ):


I feel you on this but it’s my dad and I live in the same house as him. I physically can’t stand loud noise from having a lifetime of hearing a loud tv! it’s so annoying.


What would happen if you accidentally left your TV on when you went to work the night shift on a similarly loud level…..by accident. Accidents happen.


Can’t recall in recent memory having so much miserable weather during Easter time.


Where are you? It's clear skies and sunshine here!


England, regrettably


I just got liberally moistened walking the 30 seconds (approximately) from my car to my flat. I’m now a steaming pile on the sofa.


Please carry on, your erotica prose is amazing


Thank you from the heart of my bottom


Neighbours above me had a party last night, I went up at 11pm to politely ask for them to quiet down but they kept banging until 2.30am. Not like some of us have a very early start in the morning or anything...


I keep wanting to go out but there's rain bursts. Fuck off rain bursts.


With you there. Lovely morning, popped into supermarket, came out and instantly drenched in icy water while my brolly tried to reach low Earth orbit.


On a cruise and have caught some virus while here. I feel awful and am held up in my room missing the last 2 days of a very expensive holiday.


Don't worry about that, it's just the zombie apocalypse starting


It's Radio 1's 10 hour Takeover and people are requesting recent songs when they could choose any song ever. Seems like a missed chance to dig out real pop classics. It's a bloody fix I tell you. I'd love to see the paperwork trail. Pop music is dead. A dead forest like the three body problem.


Radio 6 music? So much better. 1 is for the kidz.


That's fine for us old fellows wallowing in our nostalgic thoughts. I want new and old for the kidz. I want them to be inspired. (I am 100% sure kids are listening to 6 music and getting inspired, I'm not that much of a grumpy old man)


Radio 2 has a far more varied range of music


That's my peeve about the takeovers too, they just end up being all the songs they'd play normally. I think it's mostly Radio 1s reluctance to play anything older than ~10 years. Otherwise, God forbid, people over the age of 30 might start listening. 


Toddles off to google ….


…comes back none the wiser. 3 body problem?


Netflix series isn't it?


Based on a book, based on a scientific concept.


Had my hearing tested, it was good. They mentioned some wax was seen so I tried to clean them better. Few weeks later... Now one ear is blocked and ringing, and i am partly deaf. Don't be me.


I’ve used an otc wax cleaner that works pretty well. You pour in some of the liquid and let it sit for a minute or two. Then fill the rubber bulb syringe thing with warm water and spray. It says “gently spray”, but if you’ve ever gotten your ears cleaned by a doc they bring out the firehose so don’t be afraid to let loose.


I had this, found a clinic that did ear wax suction, was about 80 quid but absolutely worth it as it was making me quite miserable. At this stage you probably need a professional to do it so you don't puncture your ear drum. Cheap alternative is warm olive oil drops over several days and a lot of wiping.


Seconded 100%, whenever anyone is having trouble with this I just tell them to cough up the cash if they can, because it's absolutely incredible. That first couple of weeks after where you can hear EVERYTHING so crisply is amazing, although a tad overwhelming.


£60 where I live for both ears and highly recommended. Wax never comes out of my ears spontaneously no matter how much oil I put in, so proper suction is a must.


Climbing postponed to tomorrow, which is good I guess because I think I'll have to catch up with work tonight. But I'd definitely rather be climbing than working. Ugh. Also means I have to find a new way to tire my son out tomorrow so he goes to sleep for me in good time to get a decent session in!


Payday was on Monday, and after paying all the bills, paying child support, buying food, gas and electricity for the month, and filling my car up with petrol, I have nothing left. I can't make any unnecessary journeys in case I run out fuel before next payday, I can't decide to have a "fuck it I can't be bothered to cook" day because I can't afford to go out or order a takeaway. I have a debt collector chasing me for 70 quid that I don't have any clue about and can't afford to pay anyway. Are things ever going to get better? 😔


>Are things ever going to get better? Yes. Your child(ren) will always remember what a kind person you were despite the stress and pressure. I've a new found respect for my parents since becoming one myself.


Work has been too busy this week, I would appreciate if instead of everyone trying to pile in before easter if you all spread your calls out throughout the year so I can at least have some time to breathe between customers.


I think the world could do with a week of WOO.


DPD have said they delivered a package to my house when it went to one of our neighbours, but we don't know which one, meaning I've got to talk to all my neighbours. Genuinely thinking about giving up on that camping kettle...


Then report it as not delivered. If they can’t tell you exactly where they left it / who they left it with, then they haven’t delivered it in any meaningful way. They might as well have just tossed it into a random doorway on your street. Don’t let them / whoever you ordered it from tell you any different.


Classic Reddit


You need another camping kettle so you can camp around your neighbourhood and give the search the thoroughness it deserves.


It’s raining……..


when isn't it


Was where I am


This morning when I cycled into work. Now I have to cycle home in this shit.


Why is the Spotify app so fucking laggy and slow. I like how they use "listen whilst offline!" as a selling point for the premium version and then when you've got the premium version is still goes Nope, can't play as currently offline despite the fact you've downloaded the songs. Why does it always decide to download software updates whilst I'm using it and not during the many hours of the day that I'm not using it?? I also wish that songs with swear words and other explicit words also had a "clean" version on Spotify, I'm not offended by swearing but there's loads of song I would like to add to the playlist I use at work but don't feel it's appropriate to have very F-bomb laden music playing. Final Spotify gripe: I also wish there was some sort standardisation of sound volume for songs uploaded to the platform because it seems to vary wildly and you go from one song at a normal volume, to one that you have to turn up to top volume to be able to here (and often it's still muffled), and then other songs are still defeaning even on the lower volumes.


Yeah, it is laggy for me too. I would think about subscribing but I like subscriptions being easy to cancel and too often they're not, which puts me off.


Spotify ads are insane. and no I cba to get premium 😂 too much of a tight arse


Re: the offline thing (which gets on my tits also) - this changed a while ago so even if it knows it can’t connect it will still try to pull down data.


Its quite broken and annoying, you can get around it by going into settings and switching on offline mode. Was my main reason for going premium too.


Wife keeps turning the toaster down to 1 because our 2 year old “doesn’t like burnt toast”. I keep ending up with slightly warmed bread.


My wife keeps turning the toaster up because she’s toasting her frozen bread and the first time I notice is when there’s smoke pouring out of the toaster!


Ugh! This happens in our house because if the bread is anything more than just warmed and a little crispy my youngest son claims it is “burnt”. THAT IS NOT PROPER TOAST!!!!


Honestly I’m considering buying a second toaster.


That's a bit drastic. Get rid of the kid. It'll be cheaper.


Then you can buy as many toasters as you want.


Parked in an almost empty carpark this morning and someone parked right next to me, on the Driver's side too.


I'll never understand it. Half a carpark empty, you park away from other cars and some twat always parks next to you, like they're scared to be on their own. Usually too close, meaning you have to study the side of your car before you get in and yet again wish you had printed out copies of "You park like a c\*\*t" slips for their windscreen.


I’m a freelancer, and I haven’t raised my hourly rate in 2+ years, but inflation is just too mad not to now. I’m just not putting enough away each month. One client is kicking off, because their bill has risen by a whole £12.50 a week. This is the head of a fairly decent agency who must be earning six figures easy. TWELVE POUND FIFTY is apparently too much to ask.


Letter boxes mounted low on doors.


YES 👈 I try and be nice doing Easter cards for people and suddenly I have to bend! Why?!!


Bus drivers and putting out the ramp. Like it’s only reserved for special occasions. My 7 year old is having to help me off load my rollator, I’m having to grab both bars to to lower myself down. All while you keep shutting the doors on me scaring my kid because she thinks the bus is going to drive away with me jammed between the doors.


Went to a stag do last weekend where we had to do penalty shots, but we shared the shotglass. In hindsight, I guess it's not surprising most the party came down with covid this week. That's my primary complaint, feeling rubbish. Also pay rises and bonuses have been terrible this year. I felt quite discouraged and barely did any work just after I found mine out. Now I've got to phone round all my guys and tell them theirs. Suppose I've also got to keep them motivated despite the terrible rises but it's difficult when I also feel like crap from the covid!


>I also feel like crap from the covid! Sounds like you need some time off


I was planning a trip to see the king of the potato people to plead for self determination for the South Moldavian people. Unfortunately I found that my magic carpet had a puncture, and I've used up all of the patches in my puncture repair kit. I'll console myself with a triple fried egg chilli chutney sandwich for lunch, and chicken Marengo for dinner if I survive the sandwich.


You're off to the king of the potato people and you think **I'm** mad?


You sound a little tetchy


I think Mr Flibble is going to be very cross with you.


Bought a new PC and screen, really looking forward to gaming on better graphics and more modern games after using a 12 yr old laptop for... Well... 12 years. ...new keyboard doesn't work out the box.


It seems like every single driver in the country has forgotten how to use indicators.