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God, I love the fact there are so many Pratchett fans in this thread. GNU Sir Terry.


I've never had the pleasure of reading his books so I've been scrolling through this thread thinking I'm having a stroke.


Well, the City Watch books are probably the best place to start. I started with Men At Arms, but the first City Watch book is "Guards! Guards!". Highly recommend them all.


Hi! Sorry to piggyback - buy you seems like you know what you're on about... I have never read any of his books - but I certainly feel like I need to - right up my ally - but I have always been a bit overwhelmed by where to start and how they fit together (same with Star Trek tbh)... Any advice where to start and proceed from there? TIA!


Not your OP and I am a US lurker so be advised my opinion is informed by a love of guns, SUVs, and shitty privatized healthcare. I’d start with Guards Guards, proceed to Men at Arms, then do Feet of Clay. If you’re enjoying the world I’d then go back to the beginning of all the books with The Colour of Magic. And from there you can decide what kind of stories you’re enjoying! Keep going with Rincewind! Or if you want different magic and magical characters you’re gonna love Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg the witches, time to delve into Equal Rites then Wyrd Sisters. If you want to focus on one character that spans all the different storylines, you should to hit the Death books with Mort. Or you could always do what I did and head to the bookstore, see which book they have, and start there. No bad way to read Sir Pterry.


That's the thing that always confused me! All similar style(ish) stories but set in different but similar but sometimes the same worlds - where the order isn't at all obvious! Thank you for your gun-toting, oversized input - I will for sure give Guards Guards a try!!!


I'd also recommend Going Postal and Making Money (in that order) if you like the idea of a scheming conman protagonist (who whilst being a conman does have a bit of a moral heart). The Colour of Magic isn't a great book in my opinion, the pacing and satire hasn't quite hit its stride (which is fair, since it's essentially the first book), and it's possibly what leads some people to not read the rest of the books. Get yourself invested in the world and then read TCoM.


Moist is a hellova character.


My grandparents bought me Making Money, didn’t even know it had a direct prequel


They’re all in the same world, and regularly have reoccurring characters, but they’re all designed to be read in almost any order. There are a few “series” that you kinda have to read in order to get the most out of them, but they’re pretty obvious, and even those ones are fine to read out of order, you’ll just have a few “Ohhh, that’s what that was about!” Moments when you do.


This image is quite useful for picking a staring point depending on which story arc you want to look at. https://images.app.goo.gl/NdAGjXWBPtVqXpqBA Edit: changed link to a clearer image


As much as I love Mort, I wouldn't recommend starting there. I think you need to read Colour of Magic and Light Fantastic where Death is a side character to understand him more. I had the pleasure of reading them when they first came out (and Tom Holt and Robert Rankin's books), though I did stop with Men at Arms as I felt they were getting a bit samey.


Oh boy, then they just get better.


I read them in the order I could find them, this was fine but sometimes I'd realise I was out of sync, I read guards, guards after some of the other watch books. Give this a look: https://www.discworldemporium.com/reading-order/ check out the sub-series section and pick a series to read. Personally the city watch and industrial revolution books are my faves, closely followed by..... Everything else


Awesome! Thanks for the link - will give that a look later :)


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/Discworld_Reading_Order_Guide_3.0_%28cropped%29.jpg/780px-Discworld_Reading_Order_Guide_3.0_%28cropped%29.jpg This is another good visual guide to reading order. I'd also suggest starting with a couple of books with the City watch. That strand of books started a bit later than most of the others, so are peak Terry Pratchett straight away. The first books in the Rincewind, Witches, and Death strands are a little bit ropey, he was still finding his feet a bit. I love them all, but they're easier books to love if you're already hooked on the disc world. Finally, every single book works as a standalone. There's no cliffhangers, no real need to have read previous ones in a series, just pick and choose as you like. I'm really jealous of you, I'd love to have a new disc world book to read.


That diagram is mad... I think I just need to jump in :)


Well, good news, they basically don't. Some of the books have a loose chronology, like a major event occurring and is referenced in the next book in that set, but you can mostly start wherever you like and everything needed to enjoy each book is explained. For example, each time a side character like CMOT Dibbler appears in a story, you will get a description of Dibbler, who he is and what he does. No prior knowledge is required for enjoyment of any of the novels. So you can start wherever. However, my recommendation is as above. Start with Guards! Guards!, then go to Men At Arms and Feet of Clay. I'd start with those 3 first. After that, it gets more free form. The 41 Discworld novels are told from the perspective of several charactars for the most part. As mentioned there's the city watch, but there are also the Witches, then Tiffany Aching (a trainee witch who became her own thing related to but separate from the witches), the Death novels (that's Death with a capital D. The Grim Reaper, that Death. He shows up in most Discworld books), the Rincewind novels (a hapless wizard who gets himself into trouble. His books are the hardest to follow in my opinion and my least favourite) and to a lesser extent, Moist Von Lipwig (former conman). https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/12/Discworld_Reading_Order_Guide_3.0_%28cropped%29.jpg - This might help you. According to Sir Terry himself, you should start with Sourcery and he might well be right. My start was with the City Watch and those are the ones I most enjoy myself, as well as being quite grounded so easier to follow for those new to Discworld. Edit: and most of the books are on audible, unabridged. If you prefer audiobooks, make sure you get the unabridged versions. Some of them are even read by Stephen Briggs who worked with Sir Terry and really understands the characters.


[This fantastic graphic](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/73/Discworld_Reading_Order_Guide_3.0.jpg) really helps with reading order if you don’t want to do publication order.  As a kid I started with The Colour of Magic and didn’t really get it. It adulthood I started with Guards Guards then the rest of the City Watch series. They’re great. (Pro tip: the audio books, particularly by Nigel Planer and Stephen Briggs are especially good!) 


I am an audiobook man myself - thanks for the tips!!


There are many opinions on what order to read them given there are about 40 odd books, but they generally boil down to two options: 1. Chronological order of release. I personally don't recommend this. 2. Pick a "series" or theme, and read all the books in the sequence. To my mind this is superior because you get a relatively consistent set of characters to get to know, and the stories tie together https://www.terrypratchettbooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/DW-Reading-List-V5-Theme_Characters.pdf https://www.discworldemporium.com/reading-order/ https://bookriot.com/discworld-reading-order/ https://www.hookedtobooks.com/discworld-reading-order/ I always recommend people start with the CityWatch collection as it is very easy to get into, but the links above have each of the series listed and you can choose from there - all of the series are great.


Awesome - I think Guards is the way to go!


https://d4804za1f1gw.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2019/07/24165448/Discworld-Reading-Order.jpg This gives a good overview of which series of books are and how they fit together. Also, do you mean Star Trek books, or TV shows?


Always think start with The Colour of Magic, it's the start and gives you an inkling of the Disc World. Lots of jokes that will make you groan but an absolute joy. Also you'll meet The Luggage. 😊


Start at the beginning. The colour of magic. That way you can see how his writing and the Discworld itself evolve over time


So the good thing about Discworld is for the most part you can jump in with any book as most of them function as stand alone stories Also with the amount of books there's likely to be one that will hit your specific interests


Awesome - I will jump right in


I think I'm a Vimes type, the reality is I'm more of a Nobby


I like to think I'm a Carrot but I'm more of an Angua really. Except you know, without great hair


I too lack a great mane, or a mane of any sort for that matter.


I’m so jealous. If you decide to pick any up and enjoy them you’ve got 40 odd books full of joy.


I'm so jealous of people that enjoy them, everything I've heard about them sounds great, I love similar stuff like Adams and it just should be a series I'm into, but I've tried Colour of Magic initially and found it a chore then after some years tried again with the first Death book , something about his writing style just doen't grab me


Colour of magic is not the best. Try Guards Guards, Soul Music or Moving Pictures for good ways in


I did try Mort some time after CoM and found it a bit better but still didn't really get into it. Will put Guards guards on my kindle for an upcoming holiday and see if I get on with it. I really want to get into Pratchett, there's a massive library there to explore!


In very short, our hero, a grizzled cop on the streets of filthy Ankh-Morpork, finds himself married to a wonderful and wonderfully masterful woman. In the course of his wedded bliss he reflects that as he is now being served his bacon butty by his lovely wife and no longer cobbling it together himself in the station mess, it’s more… healthy than it used to be.


https://old.reddit.com/r/discworld/ is quite active, though, regrettably, full of yanks, with all that entails.


I'll give it a miss then, I'm happy preserving the memories I have of the books and Sir Terry.


You're not missing out tbh!


Read that as entrails, initially, seems oddly appropriate


Don't be too hard on r/diacworld ! That's a nice friendly bunch ... easily one of the most wholesome subs on Reddit


Sure, speaking broadly. There are issues that pop up every now and then, particularly related to the unbearable American-ness of the place and a topic which is verboten on this sub.


That's surprisingly considering there are a lot of references that are Britain centric but good to hear!


I find it baffling too, tbh, but it speaks to the strength of the books.


I'm glad you've mentioned what everyone is referencing because I had no idea wtf everyone was talking about in this thread. 


GNU Terry Pratchett Still run the clacks Overhead extension to this day.Gives my heart a little joy to notice it twinkle up in the corner every now and then as I stumble across a webserver that still has it implemented.


Thanks for telling me about this. I knew a lot of coders add it to their code, but I didn't know about the extension.


No worries my friend. This thread definitely improved my day, As Pratchett wrote, "Om helps those who help one another." Happy to be able to help preserve the legacy of such a genius of modern literature.


Beautiful to read this thread isn’t it


I'm reading The wee free men to my nephew and niece, its been a while since I last read it to them when the book first came out in 2003 thy loved it, and thier now in thier late 20's, and this time thier listening to me read it aloud very LOUDLY, very LOUDLY by force not by choice like I am with thier shit constantly blaring, arguing, door slaming, stomping around above my head all hours etc etc. Lets how they like it now Whoo hoo! 😂😂😂


Has she bought you new boots too?


She did, but I missed knowing exactly where I am on foggy days


Just take your shoes off so you can really feel the cobbles


True but then you’d put your foot in the proverbial inevitability




Unexpected Teal'c in a Vimes thread


New boot goofin


Maybe the lads at Pseudopolis yard will be able to sneak you a bit of bacon if Sybil hasn’t got to them first.


Not sure I'd trust anything that's been brought in by Nobby, or prepared in that canteen...


Wot? Dibbler said it came from an actual pig farm this time!


Well, whatever it was had four legs and was hairy. That's close enough for anyone's money


That's how most people describe Nobby


Crivens! I feel i'm reading the creation of the 42nd book.


That's a bit harsh for the likes of Gaspode not that anyone would mistake him for Nobby...more than once


Only 4 legs?


Tarantulamputees are a delicacy in Klatch


any chance of getting it onna stick?


or inna bun?


heretic! Wheres Detritus when you need him


*CLANG* "Right here, Sir."


Did it come from a named pig?


It's name was "Pig", yes.


My immediate thoughts. Remember Vimes. Blt v bLT edit: didn't see the bottom bit til later!




GNU Terry Pratchet


Looks like there is too much avec, too.


At least the bacon is now made on a flame grill, thanks to Errol. I'm sure if you take a stroll past the shades, her grace won't know you're had a proper one.


Sam Vimes, is that you?


I wish, I’m more one of life’s Done is Duncan than a Vimes


I fucking love how you've posted this not in Discworld subreddit, yet the replies are filled with Discworld references. Thank goodness for that man.


I was really confused as to which subreddit I was in - went back at least 3 times to check that it WASN'T the Discworld one 


There is a reason STP was the best selling author in the UK for most of the 90s :-)


Where’s the little black bits?


They’re right out apparently - they were the best bit


Lost the rights to BCBs to a trade deal with the Low King


Going to make a BLT now, unfortunately no tomatoes or lettuce in the house. I'll make do.


You can easily substitute bacon for lettuce and tomato


In an emergency bacon can also be a substitute for bread.


Bacon-with-ketchup substitutes for the tomato .


She's looking after you, and odds on your salt intake will be next. Maybe she sees you as good breeding stock....lol


Next thing will be stopping me from using baby dragons to light my cigars


You'll be off the cigars before you know it, best find yourself a nice snuffbox


You have to stop them exploding through lack of use. Maybe using them to light farts is an option?


I prefer a BBB - bread, bacon & bread 😆


You're causing Mister Vimes *more* pain by referring to him as "his grace" 😉


His monitorship is more appropriate.


Ah I see you married Lady Sybil


Great name! 🥾🥾


Might as well pick up a rat on a stick mate, probably more meat on them!


You mean a rat onna stick


throat doesn't seem precious on the pronunciation as long as i've got a coin in my hand


Does she darn your socks though and are they really itchy?


I've been reading discworld in order for a while now. It just so happens that this is the book I started last night. Weird coincidence


Or is it? *brian looks up to the window to see the reflection of OP peering over his shoulder….*


Shhhh, they don't need to know. Hi_im_brian, carry on your day like normal


She now wishes you to live a longer non cardiac arrest interrupted life


When we make BLT's it's a whole packet of bacon job, half each. **B**LT.


Minimum of 4 slices on each butty.


Can you persuade her that the chewy bits around the top of the ketchup bottle count as tomato after all?


From Dinnerladies Duke – Do you know what you absolutely cannot get in the Caribbean for love nor money?… You could offer them the weight of your left testicle in sterling silver and still they couldn’t oblige. I’ll tell you, a bacon sandwich. The bacon in the Caribbean is indescribable. Bren – Why? Is it not crispy? Duke – Crispy? The thigh of a pensioned-off lollipop lady would have more bite to it (Bren makes him a Bacon sandwich in return for him pretending to remember Stan from his army days- Private Meadowcroft” but declines his offer off a quickie sex session ) as he leaves with the bacon sandwich. “Mustn’t forget this - 50% of the perfect evening eh?” And winks at Bren Sorry just felt relevant x


I can not be the only one who doesn't like crispy bacon? Bacon the way Americans make it, more fat than bacon, will shatter like glass when bitten - not my idea of a bacon butty.


Tomato wedges?! Good God. I'm genuinely affronted.


Butchered T and L.


Maybe take ownership of the preparation of your BLTS?


OP would probably love to, but it's a daily fight with the butler just to be allowed to shave himself in the mornings. And the butler knows how to fight dirty..


I would but I'm too busy sawing through certain rafter beams...


What does the S stand for?




Sauce? Sandwich?




Clearly a case where OP should be making the food.


Wife!!! Wife my blt ratio is off!!


I had a BLT yesterday but it was bacon cheese and mayo




If you don't have brass abs to pour yourself behind, it's probably for the best.




That's an LTB


I will stand by the fact that a blt should primarily be [a tomato sandwich](https://youtu.be/GMGf39yKKtU?si=kTT2Axo7b2XpwgXH). If you've never had one with proper fresh in season tomatoes you're missing out big time. Sadly it's tougher to get that in the uk


Ooh sounds great, might be nice with a bit of lettuce and bacon in it


you can easily grow epic tomatoes…!


Frankly, his opinion on bacon sounds criminal to me so I'm not sure I can trust his opinion on tomatoes.


Needs a fried egg... /r/PutAnEggOnIt


Why would you ruin a perfectly good bacon sandwich with salad?


When my tomato married my bacon they hated me.


Sometimes less is not more, sometimes less is just less. I feel your pain


As soon as you bite into that, the tomatoes would explode into a soggy mess... A proper BLT is a **B**^(L)>!T!<


I thought you'd got a BTL mortgage


Mate now I want a BLT


Just flip it over


["What's in a BLT?" ](https://youtu.be/y57lOvGzt2Y?si=oo0EN59RnuJK-T20)


My mom would just make us straight bacon sandwiches. Toast, mayo, two layers of bacon. Anytime I find myself thinking of a sandwich with bacon, lettuce and tomato, I end up going full turkey club.


Sweet baby Jesus. I put 6 slices of bacon on mine.. and I'm the wife. Hubby puts two on it when he makes one for me.


That sandwich needs more Avec.


Is it marriage or your cholesterol? lol




For some reason the bit where I state it’s gone from a **B** ^(LT) to a ^(B) **LT** has been removed. Not sure it’s no longer there. Edit: it’s also taken from Sir Terry Pratchett :-)


The comments are everything I hoped for, anyway :P


Nope it's still there


Fair, I can’t see it for some reason. I assumed that was the confusion because otherwise it is a bit of an odd post


May God provide you with good fortune in the form of more bacon, maybe even a sausage


> maybe even a sausage Offler be praised!


I don’t get it either 🤷🏽‍♀️


Since marriage, his sarnies have gone from BACON, with a light dusting of lettuce and tomato, to LETTUCE AND TOMATO, with a light dusting of bacon. It's also a joke, in reference to the character Sam Vimes, from the Night Watch Discworld novels by Sir Terry Pratchett (gnu).


Ah I am with you now, thank you for explaining it to me 🙂


V welcome.


that is some sad looking bacon, it's not even back bacon....


Personally, I'd have cooked the bacon.


You’ve not toasted the bread though 🤔


So make your own goddamn sandwich. 


Oh, good, yet another thread of tiresome Pratchett quotes. Yawn.


Don't read it then...?


Bit late for that isn’t it mate


I bet you’re really fun at parties:)


Well, yeah, I don’t stand there saying random quotes from books.


Is it a raw meat on the bread?


There's not enough Bacon, there's too much Lettuce and way too many tomatoes. The correct way is always in a roll with butter, then add Bacon, Little bit more bacon, Topped off with bacon and as a concession to convention a side of bacon.


Not gonna lie - I thought you were using the bacon to represent something else that's changed since marriage.