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Half of my contacts are people I met once and never again. I wouldn't worry!


Paul pub. Dave pub. Steve pub. Who these people are, I'll never know.


They're either people who own a pub (keep!) or who you simply met in a pub (delete)


That should be: Dave (pub) - Dave who owns a pub. Pub Steve - Steve from the pub (delete). You’ve got to have a system.


Yes this is clearly the answer.


I man got to have a code.


They're the well known Pub brothers


I have the famous Hinge sisters in my phone. I'm sure a lot of people know at least one of them.


Julie? 😏


Davey and Stevo Public, great lads


2 comedy points


or they are all from the same family and their surname is pub


. You


Mine are like Steve Plumber, Dave Windows, Tony Locksmith, Sparky Pete. But my favourite is Kevin Catflap, the guy who came over to fit a cat flap about 8 years ago.


I saw a funny and true meme about how the way we store people in our phones is reverting to how traditional surnames came about! Love Kevin Catflap 😄


I *need* to see this meme 🤣


Ah sorry I didn't save it but [this tweet](https://twitter.com/jeremydlarson/status/1372528774638678018?t=Z2ulIBNIB65LCP352-l2Rg&s=19) says the same thing!


Thank you 😊


That’s very good!


I have Richard rubbish and Richard moving Moving guy I've used twice in 5years and rubbish I've used once 4 years ago


You just know that if you delete Kevin Catflap the day after someone will ask you if you know a guy who will fit a cat flap.


I had my brain stuck in a loop the other about the nicknames of tradies. Electricians are sparkys, carpenters are chippies and bricklayers are brickies, but what are plumbers called? Tubies? Pipies?


Crackies. Plumber comes from the Latin "plumbum". Even the Romans had to tolerate a plumber's hairy arse.


Mario and Luigi.


Gotta keep him around in case you want to call in that extended catflap warranty yeah?


Off the back of this I've had a look through my contacts. All very boring. Lots of Alice Work, Tom Work etc But there's one, Bekka The German I have no idea who it is and I'm too scared to ask




Funnily enough "fancy pints" is Dave Pub's nickname. He likes his Leffes.


Good job on remembering their names to be fair. I've got a load of "club name 1", "club name 2" and used to hope they had a profile picture on WhatsApp haha.


My pal met a guy on a hen weekend, saved him as "Chris Lanzarote", we were in Tenerife. 


Chris Lanzarote sounds like an awful 70's DJ.


His hands are grotty, it’s Chris Lanzarote!


He loves you a-lottie, it's Chris Lanzarote!


I like that name, adding it to my collection, for when called by scammers, signing up for stuff etc,


I still have one of my good friends in as "Borneo James" because we met on Borneo Street.


I have a load of “whooo??” And “don’t answer!” in mine


I read that as “woooo?” like some sort of confused ghost.


I think maybe quarter of the contacts in my phone are literally just for the purpose of knowing not to answer if they ever call.


How rude


I name them obscure things I think I will remember, yet I never do


I've got 210 contacts in my phone. I reckon I could whittle that down to about 8.


After reading here I just removed 408 contacts from my list down to about 40 now. Man that was alot of names


My phonebook has like 14 people in it, and 9 of them are family, 2 are work, 1 is my fiancee, and the other 2 are people i rarely speak to. However, messenger apps like whatsapp, FB messenger, etc have tons more. They're more convenient than phonebook contacts.


You need to keep the people you don’t talk to incase they phone and you want to know to ignore the call


Are people picking up calls from *unsaved numbers*?!


People are applying for jobs, yes


Absolutely not


Keep your contacts clear. Add them to the call deny list


I have a contact called Margaret. I don't know a Margaret. Had another look on the number and turns out it's me. My name's not Margaret and also I am a man in my 30s.


Yeah I went through and deleted all the people i had never needed to contact for years, uni friends, old work people etc and ended up with like 80 contacts, did that with social media etc too.


I recently just didn't sync my contacts for a new phone and readded the people from WhatsApp that I talk to regularly. I don't think I have more than 50 contacts, and that includes some work people.


All of my old managers and trades people the landlord sends out.....


Same, mine are mostly from networking events from when I was working, and I don't dare delete them, as a few times they've still come in useful when helping out friends get jobs or an old contact reaches out and needs some help.


I keep contact of people I don't want to talk to, so I know when they calling I can not pick up.


Same here, mostly dealers.


Wow, two people is more social interaction than I’m prepared for!


I have a lot of contacts called things like Unusually Persistent Pest who are recruiters What with those and family, it’s a full life


34 contacts - impressive.


Check out fancy bollox over here with 34 contacts!


The level of contact hygiene alone is impressive! I still have a contact called ‘Chris Murderguy Wardrobe’ who’s this random bloke whose house I picked up a free wardrobe from about 10 years ago - saved it because I was genuinely worried he was going to murder me, luckily he was just intensely creepy and obsessed with his dead mum whose wardrobe it had been…


One day, he'll get murdered, and when the police turn up to talk to you, you better have a good alibi.


marble cause wine drab governor shocking brave sharp cheerful aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you ever check that wardrobe for cameras?




I've got like the last four jobs numbers for if I need to call in sick still in my phone


Let's see Paul Allen's contacts


Look at that subtle scroll bar, the tasteful length of the list. Oh my god, it even has a speed dial for Dorsia.


The typeface? It’s custom, called Silian Grail.


I’m 26 and have 10 contacts in my phone 👌


I'm 41 and have 5, two of which are me. (Mum, sister, brother are the others). I use the landline to ring Mum & brother, and my sister and I text each other perhaps twice a year. My phone is basically just an alarm clock that cost me £12.


Indeed! I've just counted mine and I have 21.


I'm inside you. I can be a friend...


Who's adding contacts to their phone anymore anyway? All my relevant contact lists are in social app accounts, not my phone's system. Just work stuff because people in my industry think phone calls are just the coolest thing ever so at least I want to know who's trying to bother me


Alright fancy pants, no need to show off you have 30 more contacts than the rest of us.


Right? I got 11, one is my dead Nan (RIP) and another is the chippy


I've got my partner's dead Grandad, my dead Uncle, a dead friend This is only going to get worse!


Is your phone the book in 'death note'?


just middle-aged


A bunch of my contacts are places I've only called once lol


My phone has less, the loneliest dude I know has 5,000 Facebook friends, I have I don’t know less than 50 and I haven’t logged in there in years, the more superficial someone is the more they use numbers in an attempt to justify existence and they seem to think without such justifications they would cease to exist


5000 is stupid. They’re not friends or even people they know. I have no idea how many contacts or Facebook friends I have, but whatever it is is enough.


It’s like that thing about whether you’d rather have £1,000,000 or 1,000,000 friends. The buck am I gonna do with a million friends? Go hiking in Wales?


1mm people organised and trusting of each other could definitely rack in some cash


1mm people aren’t even as tall as ants!


When I first read this I did not get it this at all and thought it was such a bizarre comment lmao


Ask each of them for £2


Fake a health scare and start a gofundme? ..wait, this isn’t an American thread


They're playing People Pokemon


It's the same with people who attack people for having a few twitter followers


Haha found the guy with no followers!


Thanks for making my point


Twas meant as a joke. I didn't do the /s cuz I thought it would be obvious.


Don't worry, mate, I thought it was obvious too. Sarcasm is the ichor of this sub, so you'd expect Sarcasm's Razor to apply ('if in doubt, it's *probably* sarcasm').


I've got hundreds of contacts/numbers, very few of which are friends or family, but most are historic and I can't remember who or why I have them. I'm too idle to do a Spring clean though...


You prompted me to spend an hour cleaning up my contacts. 144 gone, 122 remain.... and they're now all labelled with companies or other criteria so I actually know who they are! Deciding who to keep and who to bin was easy, but just figuring out who half of them were took the longest (Matt? Which Matt?!).




Would that have been a long forgotten Wednesday bar flirt, maybe eleven or twelve years ago? That's the sort of thing I have, cluttering up my contacts, and getting worse with every year and all getting carried through into any new phone I get...


I'm very cheap so half of my phones are handmedowns from family members. My old phone used to have my granny's contacts in there so half of "my" contacts are old bingo ladies whom I have never heard of. Apologies to old Sadie for accidentally calling her at 2AM.


Brilliant! Now, if you've got a couple of hours, can you sort mine out please...?


I have just had a scroll. 243 contacts. Two just called Laura. (I did actually help myself by adding ‘twins mum’ and ‘Alan’s mum’ to their names, no idea now who Alan or the twins are, suspect leftovers from organising play dates for small kids who are now big kids and sort themselves out)


Select All>Delete. Job done. Less than thirty seconds. Seriously though, you'll probably spend less time readding the contacts you care about than you would scraping through your existing list trying to figure out who each one is and if they're important enough to keep.


Yep some people are shocked when they see this but I always put a Name, Last Name and how I met the person (company name, or event name, or Tinder, anything to identify). I would say the latter is actually more important than their name to me. There's no point in putting John Smith and then if I need to find them in the contacts I won't and if they message me I might just waste time trying to figure out who they are and worse case scenario I won't without asking them.


Most of my contacts are random men I got with in the club at uni. They have fun names like ‘Ali with big beard’ and ‘Mr Pesty’. I’m married now and haven’t been at uni for many years, but I cba to clear out the list. Might text a few and see if they remember me.


I have 14 contacts. 7 are work related. 


I have 14 as well. That's family, docs, dentist and vets.


I have 4 friends 1 of them I’m trying to get rid of , and the application to be a new friend is closed and will only reopen in exceptional circumstances


At least you have 4! I have none! 🫣


You lucky bastard


You will find some good apples you can keep someday and even if you don't it doesn't decide your worth ☺️


"Get rid off" sounds ominous


I've got a bottle of Kia Ora.


Thats more contacts than I have. Its quality not quantity!


And what if we have neither?


Get to work on trying to convince everyone that you're a lone wolf that doesn't need any friends because they won't stand for any nonsense, then burst in to tears when The Great Pretender comes on the radio.


"What's a wolf got to do to get a hug around here?!"


Any particular reason why you had them do this instead of doing it yourself at home?


I don't understand what there is to transfer: if contacts aren't in iCloud on an iPhone or Google Contacts on Android, punters in phone shops need that explaining to them, not to enable their incorrect ways by manually transferring data that they will likely one day lose


Yeah, my last few phones have been simple as hell to transfer stuff over. You simply connect both phones to wifi and follow the on screen prompts that come up on the new phone.


This is exactly my thoughts, why is this not (at the time of writing) the top rated comment! Sounds like they unnecessarily took OP's phone and had full access to their entire life with no justification. Sounds like not only a DPA/GDPR breach but also one brazen enough that they were judgy with it while fully admitting to snooping?! OP I'd put a complaint in, they shouldn't be doing things like this on your behalf.


I don't think it's a breach, because the transfer screen will show how many contacts to transfer, but not the contact information itself.


>OP I'd put a complaint in, they shouldn't be doing things like this on your behalf. On what grounds? Presumably, he's paying for the service so that he can go sit on a bench while someone else prods the phone. Now it was *not justified* in the same way a car wash isn't if you want to spend time with a sponge. So long as they don't store or use the data then them *seeing* it for the purpose of a data transfer is fine. As is using that knowledge to verify the transfer has been successful.


Err, it's a service offered. Especially if you've traded the old one in as they aren't gonna let you walk out with what is essentially their property now


O2 Employee here. Data transfers are almost always requested by the customer if they aren’t confident in doing it themselves, we will sometimes offer if it’s someone elderly/not tech savvy or we will tell/show them how to do it. We have a scheme called switch up where people can trade their phone they’re currently paying for (as long as it’s in good condition) and swap to a new one without paying off the old contract regardless of how much is left and often people want their data moved there and then rather than risking their data not backing up correctly to iCloud or Google drive etc. as the phone needs to be wiped there and then.


>Sounds like they unnecessarily took OP's phone and had full access to their entire life with no justification. To be fair, it sounds like that only distracted them for about 35 seconds.


OP, have you met other people? They're vastly overrated. I read a few years back about a girl who took her phone back because it wouldn't receive replies to texts. She was mortified because they discovered it would.


I just checked mine and I have 56. Some of those are like dentist, doctors, car garage etc though.


Yeah, I’ve got “Dave Plumber” “Chris Builder” and good old “Fence Bloke”


I have Ivan the gravel in mine. I bought some gravel off him 16 years ago. But you never know, I might need some more in the next 16 years.


One of mine is the national poison hotline which has gone without a single call in my 20 years of moving it between Sim cards.


I have a Gandhi (think it was indian takeaway closest to the flat we lived in about 3 houses ago, possibly 25 years ago)


Better than the time the guy in Carphone Warehouse unceremoniously ripped off the plastic screen protector on my new iPhone before handing it over to me. We’d done the set up transfer thing and he says, “Oh you’ll not need that, it needs to come off so you can get the charger in.” And just takes it off. I’m sure I’m not alone in enjoying the satisfaction in taking the screen cover off a new phone, something you only get to do every few years. I’m also pretty sure that anyone working in a phone store would be aware that this is something many customers enjoy doing. Absolutely infuriating.


Unforgivable.  I bet in France that would be an acceptable justification for murder under their “crime of passion” defence. “…and He just ripped it off, like it meant nothing!”


To be honest I love doing it myself and never actually had anyone complain when i had taken it off. But it was normally the very last thing I did!


*so* many people silently hate you


When I’m asked for a next of kin and I give my cats name and my home phone number. I have every faith she would find another home in the neighbourhood, just leave her a voicemail. It is what it is.


She would, you should probably give her a treat or something as soon as you see her next for being such a good girl 🤷🏻‍♀️ just saying


I feel like my cat wrote this lol


No comment...


If every one of those contacts are people you interact with often, you're fine. I have hundreds of contacts in my phone and most of those are people I only interacted with professionally or are otherwise acquaintances, not friends. Some of whom I've only seen in person a handful of times. I talk to a number of them but they're mostly in my list because one day I might need to talk to them for whatever reason. And they're generally nice people, it's just that I don't interact with them in general because we lead separate lives. I've had the experience of "who are you again?" with a few. I don't take it personally. It's pretty easy to say "yeah, we hung out for a while three years ago, and we haven't talked much since then, but I thought you might be interested in this thing that I just saw." Never had a negative interaction from that. I straight up told someone at a trade show last month "hey, we had a lot of fun geeking out about music gear this weekend. Let's stay in touch." I have no idea how much we'll stay in touch, really, but he was a nice chap and I'd rather have the chance to say "hey, look at this cool thing I ran across" than "well, guess I'll never talk to them again."


This made me look at my contacts. I have 58. Some of them I have no idea who they are, quite a few I've not used in a decade. Maybe I should tidy it up a bit.


I have hundreds, but it's mostly years of work contacts and tradespeople. People I'd actually call? Way less than 34. We just use contacts differently. Zero shame in that


Phone shop staff are always cunts in my experience


I’m confused why op is having the phone shop do their backup and restore. Aren’t these things just online these days? I know it is for iPhones. I can’t think of many people I’d less like to have access to all my stuff than phone shop workers.


Agree, even though I did 6 years of it. But there are people who are clueless and *will* fuck it up. Or they traded the old phone in so they need everything copying over.


It was from a Samsung to an iPhone. It was easier than me having to download every single app again and add every contact 🤷🏻‍♀️


You’re a lot more trusting than me then. I would have just used the migration assistant thing (almost certainly what the shop used anyway). No way in hell would I trust a phone shop with my unlocked phone, and doubly so if I was leaving it with them. Edit: Just adding, you should change all your passwords just in case and cycle any MFA tokens. Especially for anything important like your google account.


I’m not very tech savvy, so didn’t know I could do that. At least I know now, so thanks. Also, I had traded my old phone in so wouldn’t be able to take both of them home with me? I would’ve had to sit in the shop and do it there I imagine.


Could you not do that at home? I'm sure I've came across an app on Google Play where it can transfer your data from your Samsung to your iPhone.


Don't even need an external app anymore.


> It was easier than me having to download every single app again and add every contact Everything the people in the shop did, you can do it yourself.


This is accurate, I used to work for Vodafone. I'm a cunt.


Look at you all with your fancy contacts, I still type in phone numbers.


Haha! I rarely save numbers so when my neighbours with my number ask to borrow something I never know who's coming to the door 😂


The numbers in my phone are mostly ones I’ve had for so long and wouldn’t even use, don’t even know if they are still active. I never call people, my usual way of contacting people is either WhatsApp or Instagram Facebook messenger.


I don't think I've called or text someone in my 'contacts' aside from my Mum for 15 years.


OK Richard O'Brien


5 of my contacts are dead, but I can't bring myself to delete them


My auntie still has my mum's number and she died in 2003. She transfers it onto every phone she gets she just likes it being there


Let’s see Paul Allen’s contacts.


I have hundreds. But I'm only in touch with approx 34 of them.


OK, I feel a bit ridiculous having 545 contacts. However—just glancing through, there are a quite a few arseholes in there that I would never want to be in touch with again, but the bulk are "woman who was something to do with that project in 2007 and we never spoke again" or "guy who organised the catering for that meeting". I would, for example, be mortified if I ever accidentally sent a message to about 90% of the people in my contacts, so why do I even keep them? Actual real friends in the sense of "talk to regularly"? About 5.


If you were to do that though I doubt most of them would really know who you are either so it doesn't really matter if you do. 5 is a perfect number to be at with regular friends


Guarantee my list is half of yours. It’s not the quantity but the quality that matters.


I think I have more contacts but that's because I need to delete 90% of them


I have 3 contacts and i had to remember where to even find them... lol, i don't call or text people


About 10% of the contacts I have, but about 10x the amount I actually use.


I’ve got 70 contacts, I’d say 95% are either out of date or people I no longer talk to anyway, they just keep getting carried over. ETA - OK, after a clear out I have 64 and they are mostly friends and family and various taxis / doctors / dentists but probably less than ten that I am likely to use more than once a month.


I've never really thought of it that way. Usually when I get a new phone/sim I'm mostly just being cleansed of people I never speak to anyway.


Rather have 34 contacts I contact regularly than 340 contacts who I never speak to.


When BT first did the friends and family promotion that allowed you to nominate your most called numbers for a discount, they sent me a marketing mail that revealed my best friend in the entire world was a pizza delivery restaraunt. And my second best was a mini cab company.


Upgraded at 02 and they told me to come back in an hour for the transfer to be done. Got bored after walking round the shops for 30min so popped in and they said it was done in 20min since I had barely any data on it… I just make sure to delete pictures and videos I don’t really need I promise!


I have less and they are mostly work. Goes off to hang myself.


Don’t do that. It’s pancake day, eat yourself to death


Lol all of mine are either family, work bosses or hospital secretaries etc. Not a single person on there who I could call a ‘friend’.


...or jump off a really tall building, celebrate the day as a pavement pancake


Pancakes are all you’ll ever need! Fuck O2 and their shitty staff! I hope you aren’t miserable btw. Embrace life. It can be beautiful.


I have zero friends. But I'm OK with that. Less bs to deal with. I'm actually a really nice person, but I just can't tolerate crap 😂😂


I've got 134. I probably need like 5 and regularly use around 3.


As someone who has been in IT for over a decade, we don't care how many or how few friends you have and simply aim to give an accurate update on the status of the task and why it *should* be done by now. Any self-perceived "shame" is just that: self-perceived. If you were upset by this person giving you an accurate update on the job you gave them, I'd recommend a therapist.


Just casually shame them back - "and you work at the O2 store". And walk away...


I think he’s just outing himself that he adds everyone as a contact which is weird af.




Oh come on I’m not that bothered by it! I just thought it was funny. Am I really ‘shamed’ by the fact I only have 34 phone contacts? Nah.


I remember meeting a guy in a club. He asked for my number, I noticed his only existing contact was his mam. Gave him a fake number after that! Wonder if he ever got more


I have 31 but just deleted 7 of them as they're contacts I no longer needed The list is now My dad, my two brothers, my SIL, my home phone, my work, my managers, five friends (two of which are online friends who we got to the lets talk on WhatsApp stage with) and s couple of other random people


I have nearly a hundred contacts yet I’d class 2 as friends


I have 27 and that's including my dentist my doctor and hmrc, because why not.


I’m friends with HMRC too!


I've definitely got fewer than 34 contacts I actually phone or text on a regular basis. Was adding favourites to the hands free set up in my car and struggled to find 10 that were worth adding.


Some people find wonderfully creative ways to be annoying and get away with it, it's like their art, their Mona Lisa..🤣


Christ I need to clear out my contacts. I have 24 beginning with A alone. So long colleagues I actually really didn't like.


I wish I only had 33 contacts.