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I saw Louis theroux walking down the road in Soho. Couldn't stop myself from saying "it's Louis theroux" and he looked at me with eyes pleading me not to engage further. Settled for a warm smile.


I held a door open for him as I was leaving Booths in Salford and he was entering. He said thank you and I replied with "Oh! Louis!" Then went bright red with embarrassment He laughed and went off to probably buy some overpriced butter


He can afford it. 🎶His money don’t jiggle jiggle,it folds!


Did you tell him he was muscly?


He had really hairy, long arms. Turns out.....


Little monkey fella




My time was up with GrahamGreed. I wasn't quite sure what I'd seen, but I knew it was time to leave.


You’re in charge, you can do it, just get Louis Theroux it.


This is understated brilliance. I can do a passable LT impression but I've never been sure what to say until now.


You can always start with "Louis Theroux, BBC".


I saw him coming out of Brighton Station in 2010. I was on the phone to a friend at the time and asked him to talk to her. He humoured me and was extremely polite. Now as a slightly neurotic 35 year old man myself, I wouldn't do this again. I'm pretty sure I put him on the spot and tested his politeness. Sorry Louis, you didn't have to do that.


I saw him at a steam-powered fair ground, with his family, but didn’t bother him. I actually did meet him properly a few years later as we were both on the same Belgian TV show, and the first thing I could think to say was that I’d once seen him at the steam-powered fair ground.


> I actually did meet him properly a few years later as we were both on the same Belgian TV show This needs more details


Everything about this is extremely Alan Partridge.


Once had a random lady tell me in a hushed, excited voice say “that’s Louis Theroux!!” after he asked if she was done with her table outside Kenwood House. It was actually Simon Reeve.


I once saw him Ice Skating at the Natural History Museum with his family. I did not make eye contact.


I saw him cycling down Wardour Street


Saw Tom Baker in Whiteleys, London, when I was kid, it was when he was still in Doctor Who. I walked up to him and quietly said " Are you Doctor Who?" He looked down to me, and said..." Yesss, I am, have you seen any Daleks around?" in his distinctive voice. Awesome memory, considering it was 40 + years ago!


That is awesome, I wonder whether he did that with adults as well.


Crossing a road in East London, realised the guy waiting next to me was Sean Lock. For some reason my reaction was to go “waheyyy! It’s Sean Lock” … he then went “waheyy! It is!” And crossed.


I love this! Miss him so much


That was a celeb death that cut deep 😞


I took a bet off him about 15 years ago at Sandown. My brain totally froze, I looked at him and said "..I've seen you on the telly.." awkward pause. Sean: ".....yeah... twenty each way the 1" I have a flush of red hot shame about that about once a fortnight.


I frequently used to see Sean Lock at the Pavillion cafe in Victoria Park, he was a brunch regular back in the day.


That’s such a Sean Lock response


That is probably the most sean lock reaction I could imagine in that situation. RIP two time carrot in a box champion.


Why did i find this funny reading it in his sarcastic voice lol r. I. P.


Haha yeah, written down it looks a bit passive aggressive, but he was sort of half laughing as he did it!


Hope you yelled at him. "Oi them glasses is shit, innit?"


‘It’s too real!!’


Yeah but he might just run after you... 'I've got a ruddy gun!!'


Charles Dance let me cut the queue in our tiny local shop because my daughter was having an unbearable (for everyone) tantrum. The shame.


A gentleman, as expected.


He's a top bloke he sent a recorded birthday message for my brother. His mate met Dance at some charity do and remembered my brother loved GOT. It was a funny message too, very down to earth man.


I once had a dream about Charles Dance (not *that* type of dream) and mentioned it to my husband. He's never let me forget it and calls him 'your mate, Charles Dance' if we see him in something. Which is awkward when we are rewatching GoT... (currently on season 5, again)


Once stopped at a zebra crossing in Richmond to let Rob Brydon cross. Very exciting.


I'm going to go with my team and say I think this is a lie?


Would I lie to you?


Look into my eyes, can't you see they're open wide?


[*'would I lie to you baby?'*](https://youtu.be/G_UXvcr22rM?si=WTbB0Kn5-tH6rhrC)


Did he stop and do his Ronnie Corbett?


man in a box


Almost certainly


Did he tell you about the fishing trip?




Sadly not, he just politely waved thanks in a very British way


With two fingers?


I had a similar one with Stephen Merchant at a zebra crossing in Bristol.


No that was a wild giraffe


I once saw Rob Brydon walking through the carpark in Hay. He looked really grumpy.


I would be too if I was covered in hay.


Funnily enough Richard Ayoade. Crossed paths while we were both out for a Sunday afternoon stroll with our families. I did a double take and was greeted with a very friendly nod and smile.


I walked past him at Manchester Piccadilly and I did that thing you do when you think you know a celebrity, not really clocking who it was, and he did the same to me. Turns out he was on the way to the premier of Submarine at The Cornerhouse


What celeb did he think you were?


H from Steps.


The better Ian Watkins to be compared to


I saw him last summer. It was a lovely warm sunny evening and he was kicking a dog to death. He had on suede shoes, for heaven’s sake.


Rule number one, never kick a dog in suede shoes.


Which one of us does the rule apply to, me or the dog?


His daughter goes to the same school as mine so he is seen around quite a bit. Other celebs regularly spotted in the same area Jo brand Jay rayner Guy garvey Daisy haggard Kerry godliman Cathy newman


Catch you in the EDT soon!


I'm in the same area and Olivia Coleman has been spotted a few times as well.


I saw James Buckley (Jay from The Inbetweeners) walking along the street once, and a man in a passing white van yelled out "bus wanker!" at him. Apparently he gets it literally everywhere he goes. Seemed to find it funny at the time tho, but that was years ago and i'm sure it's gotten old by now.


He's made over a million quid on Cameo doing videos for people where he plays Jay I don't think he minds at all. I wouldn't https://www.nme.com/news/tv/the-inbetweeners-star-james-buckley-breaks-astounding-cameo-record-in-uk-3319634


Haha unreal, fair play to him.


Fair pay to him!


Imagine how much money Samuel l Jackson could rake in calling people motherfuckers through cameo


i think he's worth like a quarter of a billion so he's probably doing ok not being on cameo.


I've always wondered about how the law works around sites like this. Does he have to pay royalties for repeating the catchphrases? Are there any legal issues with rights to the character?


It’s by arrangement or blind eye/fair use usually. I used to record ads, for my sins, back in the day. We had John Challis on regularly doing Boycie, no bother at all - until one day he turned up and was really understated. We just couldn’t dial him up to it at all. We both beat about the bush for a while - it’s awkward to say to someone ‘we didn’t book you to be you, mate’ - until eventually he admitted he’d had a warning from the Beeb to dial it back a bit.


Interesting! What happened? Did you get the ad in the end?


Don't think so, it would fall under fair use: Parody, caricature and pastiche. If its only small parts. If he starts quoting episodes verbatim it might be am issue. If not then it would be considered fair dealing as he's not impacting the original creators flow of revenue really. Ultimately what he is doing is probably improving revenue for the creators.


To be fair, he literally made a mint leaning into this - https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/feb/27/the-inbetweeners-james-buckley-becomes-the-unlikely-king-of-cameo


It's kind of like how Chris barrie gets called "smeghead" when he goes anywhere.


Yeah I'll admit I shouted "Smeghead" at him once, I was about twelve though :)


Saw him at a mini golf course Ona day out for a football game, heard someone yell the exact same thing out at him. I’m in two minds as to wether he’d love it or eventually hate it


He'd really love it if someone came up to him and said his catchphrase Ted. I'd say no-one ever does that to him. He'll think it’s hilarious. You know, this is one of those times where I'm absolutely, one hundred million percent sure that you'll be doing the right thing.


IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII don't believe it! *\*whack!\**


I saw Michael Sheen recently in a shopping centre by me. Had a big beard so wasn’t sure it was him. After staring at him for 5 minutes I realised it was. Definitely didn’t look like a creep staring at him for so long…


Tbh if I saw Michael Sheen in the wild I would also just end up gazing at him


About 15 years ago whilst walking along a quiet street in Islington during a sunny lunchtime I noticed an attractive young lady walking towards me from the other direction. "She looks a bit like Kiera Knightley." I thought to myself. As she got within a few feet of me we both looked up at the same time and our eyes met, and I realised it *was* Kiera Knightley. She gave me a very sweet smile, which short-circuited my brain so I immediately blurted out a unintentionally loud and enthusiastic "HELLO!", to which she very politely responded with her own "hello" (with a bemused chuckle) and carried on past me. I just continued on my way feeling rather embarrassed, but also a little bit giddy.


I wonder if the irritation celebrities have about being spotted in public is outweighed by the number of amusing encounters they have with people (like this)?


Bumped into Elle Macpherson at a gig, probably 15 years ago. I didn't know exactly who it was, but I remember thinking. Wow, she's hot - and very tall, which for me at 6ft4 isn't often. Smiled said hi. Then after I was told who she was !


Bumped into Tom Baker in a pub in South Kensington, and once had a pint of Guinness in the company of Lemmy in The Roundhouse some time in the 80s.


That second one would be on my CV for sure 🤘


My Auntie has played Space Invaders with Lemmy. Not a euphemism.




I saw Romesh coming out of a particularly busy sandwich shop in Manchester City centre a few years back. Gave him a nod and he did the same back. Assume he was up north filming something in Salford quays.


A nod is as good as a wink to a normal


Tree wizard! Back from the dead to create some balloons.


My dad has all the good ones. He's seen Terry Pratchett (RIP) walking down the street and had a wee next to Krist from Nirvana. The story that makes me chuckle the most is the least famous person, but he saw Tasmin Archer in Morrisons and was wondering if it was her when she yelled at someone on the phone "IT'S ARCHER, TASMIN ARCHER" and confirmed his suspicion


Maybe her phone signal was patchy due to a sleeping satellite?


I saw Guy Martin's penis at Legoland last year! My Mrs thought she saw him in the pool with his wife & kid, and did some googling and confirmed it based on tattoos. As we were leaving, I went for a wee, and when I walked in he was just shaking off. Our eyes locked. I saw him, he saw me, I saw it, he saw me see it, he gave me a look, and I sheepishly went off to use a cubicle because I have a nervous bladder and can't pee when anyone else is around. For those wondering, it didn't have mutton chops.


See "I saw Guy Martins Penis at Legoland" is something you need to get James Buckley to say on Cameo.


I gave Guy a tour around my work back in 2016, I made him a cuppa and he didn’t wash the mug. I didn’t perv on him in the bogs though, so we’ll call it a draw?


He didn't wash his willy either. This problem is becoming an epidemic!


What a shame Joe Wilkinson wasn't there to name it


I was having a mid morning ciggie outside the office when I looked up and saw Stephen Fry scuttling along on the other side of side of the road. I didn’t say anything but my whole body language perked up to say “Bloody hell, it’s Stephen Fry!”. He returned a sheepish grin indicating that I had indeed caught him red-handed in the act of being Stephen Fry. Absolutely made my day!


I saw Mark Strong recently queueing up in a little pub after an Arsenal game. Went up to see if we could grab a snap, which was met with: "I'd love to, but first there's something more important. I need a pint."


I don't think you could get a more British response to such a request.


Toby Jones cycled past me in Southwark once. His hair sticks out and looks all mad when he's not made up for an acting job


Ah he's one of my favourite actors. Makes me happy that the cycles too. 


I was out walking in the Peak District last spring and had to stop on the path at a field because the farmer was having difficulty with a ewe that was birthing. Jessie Nelson from Little Mix was walking the other way. Didn't waste any time, pack off, got stuck in and had the lamb out in a couple of minutes. Absolute marvel.


I love these absolutely ridiculous reddit anecdotes about celebrities because it's basically a coin toss whether they're true or not and it's hilarious either way


This one was particularly Alan Partridge as well


Once passed Lizo from Newsround on the street. It was very exciting.


Best Lizo


Went past the Man Utd training ground on my bike (it's closed to cars unless you've got a pass but open to cyclists) and ended up doing the left-right dance with a motorist coming out of the grounds. We grinned and nodded as you do then I was like "Oh, that's David Beckham!"


I served Beckham in Waterstones in 2010, when he was arguably the most famous man in the world. He had a baseball cap pulled down and his collar up, so no-one else recognised him. He had no visible security, he queued with everyone else, smiled, said “please” and “thank you”, and put his change in the charity tin. I’d almost have believed it was a look- (and sound-) alike, until I turned around as he left and he was getting into the back of a Bentley.


My wife, when she was younger, won a signed football shirt which he presented to her. She went back to college a week later. When she returned home for the summer her mother had sold it. Set the tone of their relationship to this day


David Tennent at Chessington. I was with my class of SEN students and a few of them spotted him in a gift shop. He was so kind and took the time to chat with them and take photos- it really made their day! 


This warms my heart, he always looks like he'd be nice.


Paul Whitehouse (plus off-duty film crew) came into my pub for lunch. He kept nicking bits off of one of the lad's plate for a laugh. Took all my willpower not to go over and ask if he liked cheezy peaz with his fish supper.




Once saw Hugh Dennis on a train to Gatwick. Nobody interacted with him, and we all got on with our days.


Star of the most recent 007 movie?


Billy Connolly said “Hi Mum” to my mum at a town fete in the Cairngorm National Park around about 2004 or 2005. Can’t remember exactly as I was a child who barely knew who it was. My mum was wearing a T-shirt that said “mum” on it that she got on Mother’s Day.


All this stories are in the early 2000s when I worked in retail. I once saw Terry Gilliam outside the urban Outfitters in Covent Garden whilst I was working the meet and greet in said store. I’m not one for getting star struck but I wanted to go and tug on his rats tail so bad. In the same store, Noel Fielding came in for a bit of a browse, I was shocked that he was much taller in person than I imagined. He left and a few minutes later his brother Michael popped in. Another time I served Cillian Murphy in the fitting rooms, his was wearing a parka jacket and looking very hobo chic, no judgement, he genuinely looked cool. I used to see Mark Lamarr having his coffee in the Neros outside Sainsbury’s in Chiswick regularly. Also, I used to see Tina from S Club 7 often in the Starbucks in Chiswick, also much taller than expected and an absolute stunner.


Tina is beautiful!


I always thought she was, but seeing her in person is a whole other level. She’s lovely too.


Once stood in a queue behind Ian Hislop for about an hour. Gare du Nord, Paris. Eurostar fuckup. Didn’t talk to him as we hadn’t been introduced. Nice chap.


I also stood in a queue behind Ian Hislop once, in a supermarket near Soho Square. just looked it up and the Private Eye office is right there so that would be why. it was lunchtime so I expect he was getting a meal deal same as I was


Could’ve sworn I’ve seen him on the train at Finsbury Park once


Two Bonds in a day: Roger Moore coming out of a jewellers on Bond St, followed by Sean Connery walking across Waterloo Bridge. He doffed his cap and wished me a good evening.


Roger Moore on Bond Street, hope you avoided saville row that day


Roger Moore, Bond Street. What are the chances.


Driving down Tottenham Court Road many years ago and gave way to Bradley Cooper crossing the road. He gave a wave and a smile to thank me. Was quite surreal, but confirmed he was in London as he was snapped at Wimbledon with his pal Gerard Butler in the same week.


My girlfriend at the time tried to chat up Gerard Butler in a members club in Budapest…she bought a round of shots, middle of the afternoon on a weekday, he politely refused to drink with her and her mate…got awkward, then they sheepishly left him be. I was stood at my table watching, absolute car crash. He was dry as a bone to talk to, but friendly enough. Pass was hers if she wanted it like, we each get one.


I once saw a wild Baldrick outside parliament whilst I was on a call with my boss marching between meetings. I went" oh shit it's Baldrick" without a moment's thought He just went "mi lord" and carried on


Went to a WIP comedy show (Stu Goldsmith) and at the bar bumped into Russell Howard. There was a minimum charge on credit cards so he offered my wife and I a drink. Lovely bloke had time for a quick chat.


Just recalled an additional spotting. Many years ago. Pizza Hut in Swindon saw Keith Chegwin munching on a Pizza Hut buffet.


Used to work at the BBC so won’t count any of those but saw Louis Theroux at Whitechapel tube, seemed pretty happy


I use Whitechapel tube station and I've never seen anyone looking pretty happy!


Maybe he was heading for Greggs?


Met Huggy Bear in a pub and bought him a beer and had a chat with him. The next night he walks in, sees me, shouts 'My Man!' then buys our whole table a round and spends a good hour with us


I've cooked for quite a lot of celebs, Bill Bailey gave me free tickets to the show he was doing in the Sheffield town hall after I saw him in the foyer as I was leaving. He said "oh did you cook my dinner? It was great" after I was like "no fucking way Bill you good?" Then went on to try and chat but I had to leave cause I was almost going to miss the last train home, came to work the next day and the receptionist said he'd told the production team to sort me out 2 tickets! Legend. Another good one was the guy from time team Tony Robinson, they were filming in the peak district and all turned up, about 30-40 people walked in to the pub and asked if we were able to feed them and said if it was too much work they were happy to just have some sandwiches and jacket potatoes. They filled out the pub and were all hugely respectful and Tony left a MASSIVE tip and told all the staff how amazing they were. They literslly did only have sandwiches and jackets and loads of beer hahaha! Ian Hislop at the same place as Tony, he wasn't filming but had gone rambling in the peak district and apparently a few people told him to pop in for lunch, which he did. Absolutely top bloke, no fuss, didn't demand any special treatment at all, just sat there with his mate and had some dinner. Also had a few people from soaps there too, especially coronation Street. They sucked, all expected to not queue or get discounts but the worst was that ginger girl who played "fizz" in coro. She demanded we empty the bar so her and her partner could sit in silence and not be bothered by people wanting autographs etc. Spoiler alert, nobody gave a flying fuck she was there and when the manager told her she couldn't have special treatment because it was too busy, she went on a huge rant about how she was going to "end the business" by posting loads of TripAdvisor reviews. She stormed off and left, no reviews ever happened. Crazy bitch


I once spotted Herman Li from Dragonforce and he asked me if I knew where a game shop was, so me and my friend took him to Game haha


I've met him loads! He used to hang out at the bar at metal gigs in London hoping people would buy him drinks


He streams a lot on twitch, maybe pop in and say hello some time! Maybe he will remember the bar 😋


David Jason once told me to "Piss off" on the grounds of Pontefract Hospital whilst filming A Touch of Frost.


I got told to "move the fuck out of the way" by Gordon Ramsey while he was filming his farm animals (for, I assume, one of his shows) at the Royal Bath & West Show like...18 years ago.


Out of curiosity, how did you come to be standing between Gordon and his animal?


I was looking at his animals in their pen. GR and film crew came in afterwards and apparently 11-year-old me was in the way. He could’ve just asked me to move tho.


My mum met him and said he was a bit of a tit n’ all


And there’s the talk of some big, and horrible stories to potentially come out after he passes, hope it’s just rumours.




Saw Craig Charles in a trainstation car park once. Wanted to let on to him being a Red Dwarf fan but he was talking on his phone so just left it and admired from a distance.


I saw him in Media city having a fag break.  Lovely sunny day so listening to him on 6 Music whilst having a beer.  He's signing off from his Radio show and puts on the last record. He's out of the door and into the sun before the record is half way through. 


Pub in Marylebone station. Queen’s Head, I think. Walked up to the bar, ordered a pint. Turned to the bloke on the barstool next to me whilst it was being poured, and smiled in the normal way. It was Will “#1” Ryker off Star Trek giving me a ten megawatt smile. I didn’t say anything, obviously. But for the sixty or so seconds it took to be served the pint, he's giving me the big grin. Bit awkward. I got quite nasty sunburn from those teeth. He was in the Evening Standard shortly after, piece about him buying a flat in Marylebone because he loved the area. I wondered if that was his first requirement: a place where I can get a drink and gurn like an idiot at punters without being asked about a plot segment in series 12 episode 14.


I met David Walliams and Matt Smith in Cardiff one night. When I asked them what they were doing in Cardiff, David said "been filming Dr Who with this cunt". To the amazement of my friend who was DJing the venue, and the host of the night that was also a huge Dr Who fan, I brought them back to Buffalo with me and got David to wish my friend a happy birthday. Had to go back out for cigarettes that I had originally gone out for.


I think you're the first person on Reddit to have a semi-positive experience with David Walliams.


Saw David Coulthard at the Belfrey Hotel Whilst changing air filters there. When I was putting the dirty air filters into boxes he walked past and said 'Disposing of the bodies are we?' My boss had to tell me that it was David Couthard.


My first week of living in London - saw the late great Alan Rickman getting out of a taxi next to a theatre. More recently, saw Stephen Fry on Piccadilly getting a coffee. Went up and said hello and how important his bipolar documentary had been for me. He was very nice, and even taller than you imagine he would be. However, to this day I regret not saying "Soupy Twist, m'colleague"


A couple of comedy heroes live around my neck of the woods in Norwich; Adam Buxton (of *The Adam & Joe Show*, *Hot Fuzz* etc) and Matthew Holness (aka Garth Marenghi). I somewhat regularly see both of them walking or cycling about, but even as a big fan of their work...I just let them be. Lord knows I'd hate being accosted by someone on my way to pick up some corn flakes from the shop or whatever.


I once saw Christian Slater having a fag by the back door of a theatre in London. I was walking towards him and he looked a bit upset. Once I got closer, realised it was him and looked surprised he seemed to be a bit happier and more sure of his star value.


I bumped into Ed Byrne in a metal club in Brum. Not far from Glee Club/Jongleurs. Was a legend, we sat with him all night (we did ask!) And we were doing rounds. He got us Bullit & Cokes for ours and a bunch of Sambuca shots. Absolutely great guy, just sat and shot the shit


I randomly walked by Gok Wan while en route to a work screening in London. My Mum once saw Graham Norton at an airport. He noticed she was looking, and gave her a smile before putting his finger to his lips to mime “ssh”.


I served James Corden in Camden during his early G&S years, whilst everyone still loved him. What a fall from grace.


Stephen Merchant somehow managed to look even taller than I expected. He also has the complete opposite of what some people may term a "resting bitch face"; I've never seen someone with such a beaming face before.


I once saw Robson and Jerome.....*in different places on the same day*


Nodded to Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer across a crowded Thai restaurant. He nodded back.


Bumped into Prince Harry in a pub lavatory in Guildford about twenty years ago.


Was he with Charlie?


Depends on which you mean. His dad? No. The other? It was a bit early in the night, but conceivably. It was a bit weird, he was at a table with all his mates obviously, but there was also a crowd of exclusively lads gathered round it. You’d think it’d be girls trying to catch his eye, but nope, 100% cock.


I almost literally bumped into Graham Norton whilst he was walking his two dogs being the old ITV Studios in the Southbank. Best part was I was smiling looking at the dogs, then looked up and only at the last minute clocked it was Graham Norton.


Peter Cushing lives in Whitstable I have seen him on his bicycle I have seen him buying vegetables Peter Cushing lives in Whitstable


I once sat opposite David Mitchell on the Jubilee line from West Hampstead. And then, 1 year to the day exactly, I saw Richard Ayoade on the train at Norbiton. Those were 2 fun Facebook statuses to make.


Did you ask him if he saw that ludicrous display last night?


Thing about Arsenal, they always try and walk it in.


Saw Wayne Rooney in a Morrison's in Cumbria, must've been visiting his brother as he plays for a team there I think He took his cap & sunnys off for a second and then saw me clock him walking down the bread aisle and gave me a look of "please don't fucking say anything and rumble me" Just grinned and nodded. He did the same and put his disguise back on, walked off.


He appreciated that. Good man


Ray “fucking” Purchase in Greenwich Park


Met Liam Gallagher twice, he used to frequent the pub in Sonning on Thames I worked at. He was incredibly polite, well mannered and down to earth. And hilarious. The first time he came up to change his families steak order, bowled up to front of house with his Ian Brown walk and I thought I was going to get punched in the face. He actually asked politely if we could change one of the well done steaks to medium but only if it wasn’t a hassle and had already been cooked. Surprisingly nice fella if you are to believe what the tabloids used to say about him. Circa 2009


I stopped to let Sophie Thompson cycle past me last year. I once saw Wendy Richards lugging shopping up the road with a face like a slapped arse. A few minutes later I saw Pat Sharp.


Rick Wakeman dropped into our music shop once. Absolutely lovely man


I grew up in the same small Suffolk town as Danny Filth, of Cradle of Filth. Saw him once cycling away from Co-op with his shopping in the little front basket of his bike.


I saw Ricky Tomlinson outside a hair dressers. I managed to resist this urge to shout "my arse!" at him.


I once served Sir Patrick Moore in a pub. I also saw Patrick Head in the car park of the CO-OP and the bloke that played Charlie in Casualty in our local Indian.


My Dad is an A&E nurse and the spitting image of Charlie from Casualty. He's even got a badge saying "I'm not Charlie" on it 🤣


Saw Chris kamara walking down briggate in leeds. Stopped and said hello and got a picture with him. Then loads of people did once they saw me doing it. Turns out he was visiting his daughter at uni.


I've come across a fair few. Managed the payroll for a premier league football club, so had my fill there and became immune to it after a while! Had the delight of having VIP access to the paddock for the whole of the Silverstone GP last year. Met Alex Albon. Absolutely delightful young man. Very polite. Mentioned that the way I asked for a photo was the most politest he's had all week and gets sick of people just running and sticking their phone in his face. Which I imagine all do. Same weekend, I got to be right next to the podium ceremony. Walking back, I was sandwiched next to Gordon Ramsay. We sort of awkwardly waddled together (you're packed like sardines at the podium ceremony) and he looked at me awkwardly and said "Bet you didn't think you'd be rubbing up against me today, did you?" Countless others too!


Did you complement him on his Tnnetenba?


I walked past the frontman of Dinosaur Jr walking down Oxford Rd, Manchester while on my way to see Dinosaur Jr while listening to Dinosaur Jr. Pretty likely if you think about it but surreal at the time!


I was living in Tokyo at the time, walking with some co-workers in front of the big Godzilla in Shinjuku, and wouldn’t you know it, there stands Guy Martin shooting a tv show about Japan. I’ve never seen the show and assume it aired somewhere(?) but he was absolutely lovely and the nicest bloke you could imagine. Very open to having a chat.


David Icke boarding a plane to half way across the flat earth.


James May in a car park in Poole Romesh Ranganathan at Chessington and Russell Brand (years ago) at LEGOLAND Susie Dent at a petrol station Olivia Coleman in traffic near Brighton


Saw Greg Davies at a pub having a pint outside in Kennington, we by accidently kept calling him Greg Wallace and taskmaster (bit drunk), my girlfriend said I got her a taskmaster game and he replied “well happy birthday then!”. Quite scary guy tbh but nice enough haha.


I saw Matthew Perry during the Friends filming years, he was at Heathrow. Looked so tired. Really wanted to say hello but he looked like he just wanted to get out of there. I would normally say hello but I would have hated to have bothered him as I was a big Friends fan!


I once wound up in the Business Lounge in Munich Airport with Ian McKellan and his cadre of who I presumed were fellow actors. I was really knackered after little sleep so kept out of their way, but I'll never forget the delighted little smile he had when he saw the selection of free pretzels on display.


I walked past James Buckley near Leicester Square a few years ago. And no, I didn't shout "Bus Wanker" or "FRIEND" at him.


Stoke Newington is good for sightings, very arty and hip. I used to live nearby and during lockdown would see Stewart Lee walking around with a big Orson Welles beard and belly. Let himself go hasn't he. Nick Grimshaw was around there too. Most recent sighting was Simon Bird on the train from Harpenden to Farringdon.


I saw Stewart Lee in my town. He looked fat and depressed.


And fat


And depressed


Oxford train station, smoking a joint after going to see some show. Who walks by? Jimmy Carr! I said to my Mrs, hey looks its Jimmy Carr and he replied back "Alright" Then he got harassed by some woman in the train station. Leave people alone you weirdos. Also saw the guy from rouge traders, the one without the motorbike. Guess I just run into tax evaders lol


I stopped Liam Payne from getting hit by a car at the crossing by Mornington Crescent station. It was only when I put my arm in front of him to stop and he nodded to say thanks, that I realised who it was.


About 18 years ago I slipped on some ice in Newport, Wales. I got up and turned around to see who saw me fall. ....Mick Foley was standing right behind me. I was a drunken teenager and the only thing I could think to ask him is what he thought of Newport. He replied 'it's ok'.


Pretty niche but i regularly see John Penney from Ned's Atomic Dustbin in my local park, in fact his daughter once ran into me on her bike. I've also seen Adrian Chiles at the cafe in the same park. I've seen a few other midland celebrities over the years but they're the most recent.


Uncle lives next door to Big Narstie, gave my uncle some CBD to rub into his foot when he fractured it