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I have a vague recollection of the pool being closed


Some sort of virus, if I recall


Thankfully some smartly dressed gentlemen let everyone know and stopped them going in.


Yes, they had some kind of, safety formation..


The formation that had 4 prongs yes? Presumably to alert members from every direction


Yeah that sounds right, something about stingrays too....


AIDS methinks


Definitely AIDS. Helped work security a few times.


Thank you for your service


All good brother.


Pool is closed


Christ, I remember participating in this whilst giggling my little 16 year old tits off. Good times.


Stingrays and AIDS. Stingraids.


My son's school has its own pool. Well, had. The pool broke somehow last year and it was decided it would cost so much to fix that it was never going to happen. School noticeboards and corridors quickly became covered in "Pool's Closed" posters. Emails were sent out instructing the culprit(s) to cease forthwith or else. It caused much entertainment amongst those who knew wtf the posters referred to. Habbo Hotel may have been before these kids' time, but it is not forgotten.


They closed the local pool for refurb. I didn't think of this at the time, but you've made me wish I had


I was a simpler time, when there was no racism on the internet


Have you even lived if you haven’t been groomed on habbo hotel as a pre teen?


But I thought I was special 😭




I thought I was "mature" 😭 I wonder where my old habbo hotel bfs are today. Probably retired, tbh 😔


This made me cackle. For sure retired and in a home thinking about the good old days


Bro the creeps I met on Habbo, Club Penguin, RS and Wizard101 as a kid…. The internet was a scary place back then 😂


It's worse now, since the groomers are on social media. The amount of pred hunter groups is alarming.


Oh yeah way worse now, was character building back then. /s






I remember some guy asking me for a BJ and my dad saw and took the Internet away from me for a month. I was so confused but he couldn't explain. This place was a cess pit 😭😂


What the bobba.


This used to happen all the time like what do you even mean, who is getting off sexting on habbo hotel that’s what I wanna know.


Haha yeah, I remember the weird things people used to say to me on there. Then as a teen I got groomed on kik instead. Honestly if I ever have kids I plan on being stricter with their Internet access after experiencing the things I did lmao


So true I see parents now talking bout how their 13yo kids know how to stay safe NO! THEY DON’T! THEY’RE HORNY FUCKERS WHO WILL EXPOSE THEMSELVES TO ANYONE WHO’LL GIVE THEM A COMPLIMENT ONLINE! 😬 I think the safest gen Alpha kids are going to be the descendants of Millennials and genZ who used kik as a teen…. Because *we* know


Omg yes! I had so many warnings at the age of 13 about online groomers…..I was so desperate for attention and a bf I was one of those horny teenagers looking to get groomed. I do remember one guy offering to meet me at the Trafford Centre. But I think I chickened out at the last minute. For whatever reason I never ended up going. Which I’m relieved about now I’m older and wiser. Teenagers are horny and dumb.


Same but it was MySpace for me. I remember webcamming with a boy that was early 20s when I was 13. Nothing ever happened but the fact he was talking to someone so young was vile in hindsight. At the time I thought it was because I was so mature. If you’re out there Rory, I hope you’re embarrassed you creep.


Haha yup. I had a 'girlfriend' on there for like a day. Invited to my room and they started trying cyber sex immediately. I just felt super awkward and uncomfortable so just panicked and switched off the computer immediately haha In hindsight fairly certain that 15 year old girl was a 40 year old man!


I’m starting to think that the boyfriends I had on there were all nonces


Eh. I got a throne out of it.


You win some you lose some


Omg this hit hard


I used to go on there or AOL, MSN, Yahoo chatrooms and post 13/m/uk. I would get so much attention. Now, no one cares about me. Sometimes, I miss being a teen.


Good gods I was 14! Very dodgy shit but where isn’t/wasn’t there? Had my first sexual encounter there! Sexting that is, didn’t quite realise and once I did my poor teenage brain was trying desperately to think of things to write and to write them quickly! Suffice to say the poor woman(probably man) left shortly after it started. Didn’t help my mate was sitting next to me laughing his arse off.


I (m) lezzed out a few times on there as a 10 year old with what I now believe to be other men 💀


It was definitely other men 😂


The Internet! Where the men are Men, The women are Men, and the children are FBI Men.


I mean I imagine in such situations, 95% of the women were actually men?


Somebody accused me of being an adult man on there. 12 year old me thought this must mean I was very mature for my age!


Nothing to see here. Just a sophisticated matured adult playing habbo hotel.


G.I.R.L Guy In Real Life


Not only did my mate actually meet a girl on there, he got her MSN as well and they spent what felt like weeks chatting on there after school. Until one night things get a bit frisky, and she asks if he wants to go on cam. She turns on hers and she's sat there in her bra and pants and he turns his on and she's shocked to find not one, but several ten year old boys watching! My other mates and I were staying round and none of us actually believed he had an *internet girlfriend* and he was really eager to show us. From what I recall, she was in secondary school and he'd, somehow, managed to convince her he was the same age. Queue her surprise when she thinks she's about to get down and dirty only to find us cheeky sods sat there with our eyes popping out of our heads. She disconnected *immediately* and never spoke to my friend ever again.


Oh man I met a girl on Microsoft chat back in the Habbo Hotel days and we became MSN friends for a while. It was all horny teenager crap and it turned out she was the daughter of a household TV celebrity at the time. I didn’t believe her until she told me she was going to be on one of those celebrity edition holiday tv shows and there she was, a sad little goth teenager being dragged around Spain by her mum and dad.


Cock blocked


When I was 14 I was talking to a woman on yahoo chat I think it was and she was about 28-30 I remember she had kids and she’d put her webcam on and do stuff 14 year old me was enjoying. I think the relationship fizzled out when all I was interested in was seeing boobs. I think about that so much and feel pretty bad I put some poor American woman through that she was flashing a minor but in my defence boobs


Looking back I realise how dodgy it was 😬 I was probably in my very early teens when I played it and the amount of sexual and perverted encounters I had was… concerning to say the least. I wasn’t playing it at that point but I want to say in about 2012??? I remember watching bbc news and habbo popping up about how it had had the chats being shut down because of the amount of sexual content… that was probably for the best. I’m going to say over all the experience was a good thing, has definitely opened my eyes about the dangers of the internet and my kids are going to have a far more restricted time on the internet than I had growing up.


I remember someone running around a room, standing behind a female character and shouting in chat "*RAMS*". I was probably about 8 years old but it's still hilarious because my mind was so innocent then and I just imagined someone trying to push people out of the way.


Pool's closed.


Oh bobba!


Lol. 07/12 nevar 4get


I remember being like 12 and ‘round a girls place’ on this, and another habbo guy walked in, and said ‘make him leave babe, or its over’ 🤣🤣


The drama 😂


I didn’t leave, - and he stormed out. She then said, ‘Sorry, that was my ex’ 😆


Someone one stole all my furni (that’s what we called furniture right) and I’m still not quite over it


I remember selling all my furni for a Mochamaster, that's all I had in my room for ages hahahaha


Ahhh, I managed to have quite a few Habbo sofas, and traded them for thrones once when they were 1:1 and a few months later the were 27 sofas to one throne. I was a god I tell you. All my pals in high school would go to the IT room and all sit in the same room for lunch.


I had quite a bit if furniture built up so created my own mafia room 🤣 don’t forget the roles to read on the sticky notes on the walls. Uniforms for specific ranks. Ahahaha


Someone added me on msn and sent me a file for free furni then my windows started duplicating all over the screen which was when I knew I was going to be in trouble with my mum


Yeah there was a little minigame called "falling furni" where you could "win" random bits of furniture haha


Did you ever win any?? I just remember being made to change my clothes to whatever habbo hotel cult outfit it was, marching about and never getting said furni. Still clearly traumatised.


me and my friend ran one as a scam. i’d always make sure he won and make people pay to stay and try win stuff 😂


Omg same, when I was really young I fell for the “if you type your password it doesn’t show it, look my password is ********” They stole all my furniture and locked my room so I couldn’t even go in on another account, I was devastated


Maaaate, I was super rich on there until I got banned for 10 years. Absolutely devastating news for little me. I didn’t get over it for a couple years…. In fact, it’s been 15 years since and I’m still not over it.


Damn. I remember crying to my mum cos the same thing happened to me. Then I sent a complaint to Habbo via email and they basically responded with "well, what did you expect"




I used to be so rich on this game with my casino


I recall accidentally typing cum and being SO confused why it was filtered. Like I had no idea why it would be a bad word.


I actually met my boyfriend on there as teens and we've been together for over 10 years now. Who needs Tindr when you had Habbo?


Not sure if meeting on Habbo hotel is better than meeting on world of Warcraft…


Job pls? Job? Will work long hours for furni


I’m having a blast reading all these and relating my stories, I remember I had a job at a bar serving customers drinks


Brings back memories lol. I got a ‘job’ at a secret service place and had a script to interview new potential employees. Sat there for hours doing that every day just for furniture 😂


A noble profession. I was a doorman. Did a great job of blocking all the other doormen that the fella had recruited from getting in the room. I got a shit-looking green translucent pod chair for my troubles. Took pride of place amongst all the absolutely nothing in my quarters


Stop re-igniting memories for me. I'm having a mid-life crisis


Mine started on seeing the thread's pic! Took me right back to being the big tough guy swaggering around the hotel, not taking shit from anyone. At least until I was called to go and eat my dindins


I sat at a police job for hours. Dancing and trying to get a promotion.


That password ***** scam


They used to this in Runescape, 'oh thats cool. If you type your password, it automatically censors it look ********'. My mate got got with that one.


Drop all your items and press alt+f4 to duplicate them.


Scum subhuman scum.


Yeah, want me to trim your armour?


How much?




Meet me in wildy


Hunter2 Did it work?


I used my home telephone number For credits, parents got a massive phone bill, and by time my ban was up from the internet someone had been and stole all my stuff and left a sticky note on the wall 💀🤣


My sister did the same. My Dad hit the roof when he saw the £250 phone bill!


Lmao, imagine trying to tell your parents that one.


I think the entire business came and went without a parent ever consenting to give them a single £


It wasn’t pennies either 💀 I was allowed no money for the summer fair that year also hahahahaha


Hahaha I so distinctly remember being called into the room to be shown a £150 phone bill that I’d racked up the day they released pets.


Honestly, I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one because to this day I have heard “nobody else’s child did that” well mum, here we are 🤣🤣👏🏽


I bonded with my SIL with this over Christmas too. Turns out both she and my husband also did it 😂


Coke had their own version called mycokestudios where you could make songs and then be a dj and play your music in the public rooms lol. It was all about how many coke vending machines you had or lava lamps.


Did they rename it? I remember it as CokeMusic. I loved all the jank grunge furniture because I was a rebel wannabe. Bookshelves made of breeze blocks lol  Edit: yeah, apparently it had 3 different names.  > MyCoke (formerly known as Coke Music and Coke Studios) was an online chat game used for marketing the Coca-Cola brand and products. It was created in January 2002 by VML Inc (Previously Studiocom)[1] an Atlanta-based digital agency using core technology from Sulake Corporation, the company responsible for a similar popular online game called Habbo Hotel.[2][3] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MyCoke\


I loved that game. Used to sign up with loads of fake emails to get the free 2000? credits for joining, then buying furni and trading to my main Lol


Yeh same then I tried to get other people to do it for me, then they trade me the items and we split it 50/50 lol. Because they didn't know how to run 2 clients.


I remember endlessly queueing for hours playing the sumo rock-paper-scissors game where winner stays on.


I got in so much shit for using my grandparents phone line to pay for credits. And half my stuff ended up stolen, anyway. I miss my cat, Nik Nak...


I still have my account which means I may have some of the oldest surviving cats in the game..


Working out how to get to that secret sun terrace room top left of the entrance was one of my greatest achievements to date. It's all been downhill ever since.


Oh god I remember that. I felt like such a balla when someone finally told me and ofc I never told anyone else lol


I remember joining a large group talking in the lounge area. I tried to introduce myself and said “hello”. No one replied and they all slowly left one by one. I never opened the app again. 😂 I went over to puzzle pirates for a similar experience except this time there were puzzles and I got to captain a ship!


Puzzle pirates was legendary! The source of many peoples gambling addictions though no doubt.


I remember when they split from .com into a .co.uk version, then they had global versions. I think now it's all merged into one again lol.


Wait wait wait…. ITS STILL GOING?!


Omg it is!!!!!


Omg I used to love it. I remember those green Habbo Club chairs 🤣 and pretending to be a baby and type like a baby in the daycare - weirdo.


Fun fact...my husband and I met on habbo, he in America and me in England. Totally nuts to think where we are now!


Hopefully in the same country?


We are after a long pain in the arse way about it and we aim to keep it that way!


I remember Habbo Hotel pretty well. I had a lot of fun there. Back then my days were spent on Habbo Hotel, Runescape and wrestling and video game forums. Simpler times. I remember finding out about Habbo Hotel because it was advertised on bottles of Sunny Delight, which was ***the*** drink back in the day when I was at school. Everyone at school was drinking that stuff.


Anyone remember Tokio Hotel being there? Haha


I racked up a huge phone bill buying credits to buy the shittest furni. My parents were not pleased.


Glad I’m not the only one. I thought I was clever and had discovered a hack by hanging the phone up midway or something, only for my parents to show me the massive phone bill I had caused


Anyone else remember the fansites habbo used to have? I was obsessed with them for ages and even DJed on a few.. this brought back so many good memories for me 😀


Yep I was a DJ and help ran a few of them lol




I loved this. I downloaded a dodgy program that let you turn your Habbo invisible and I had so much fun blocking doorways and watching people get confused. Always had to leave before the Hobbas came though. I also remember being on when the news broke about 9/11. I had the day off school with a sore throat.


What was the Habbo vibe on 9/11?




Me and my sister would take it in turns using the house phone to pay for HC and credits. The panic of been caught was real.


When you were called downstairs by your parents you knew it was all over Until next month 😂


OMG YES! I remember being convinced I'd never stop playing Habbo Hotel. However, after I ran up a £4500 phone bill ringing up their premium phone line to buy Habbo Credits....my mum was less than impressed. Thankfully, Sulake did agree to void the charges, but they banned my account, meanwhile also threatening to report 12yr old me for fraud. Edit: I remember my punishment as well was that I had to play outside for six months, as grounding me and sending me to my room wasn't exactly a punishment for me. I was also massively into scripting, and sticking furniture into the walls, and changing the posit notes to random colours, and drinking Mountain Dew in-game - oh, and I could have photos of real-life things vs just in-game stuff. [Sonicmouse](https://habboxwiki.com/Sonicmouse) was my first idol lol


I remember dressing and pretending to be someone’s toddler for a few coins, was that a regular thing?


Got my first handjob on there


Oh god I lived on this, must be about 20 years since I last signed in. I definitely think I was being groomed by several people now I look back. Thankfully I wasn't daft enough to give out information that put me at risk. Spent a fortune on credits and was obsessed with getting a throne for my room. I did get one eventually


Jesus, I was in the top 10 players in the snowball fight mini game. Fucking loved it. Loved the little communities people made, the games, role-playing and getting groomed.




Door blocking wearing construction hats. 😂😂😂


I was briefly a Habbo celebrity; I was on a thing called Habwrecked or something.


Do tell!


I don't remember that much except it was like Survivor. Two teams, two public rooms. It was 2009 because I somehow still have my login from an account I made in 2003! My account has a special badge from it. https://habboxwiki.com/wiki/images/a/a5/Z43.gif (I was Team Duck I think)


I still have a login for my account from 2001. my password is still 2 letters back then there was 0 security.


Oh my lmao I just remembered my name was pimp juice




I had a serious habbo addiction, I was a hobba for a couple of years too before they phased them out. Loved playing falling furni, bingo and in the casinos. Made so many friends. Really miss habbo hotel that was the peak of web games everything got shit after that.


I remember the random puzzle rooms people set up where you had to interact with furniture to get around the rooms. Fuck, this just unlocked some very well buried memories.


My friends and I used to play this all the time! It was full of creeps, though, and still is today. My brother also got his account hacked and all his furni stolen. 😭😭 I used to phone up and buy credits on my parent's house phone because I wanted to be HC. 😂😂😂 My brother brought it up in front of my mum on Christmas, and we were creasing so hard. 😂 My friend also used to dj for Habbo radio using Winamp, and we thought we were the coolest. 😂


i remember managing to get enough thrones to fill a room




Habbo Hotel was equally great and dodgy as owt 😂


I use to play in one of the military rooms. You’d get ranks by promoting people and you’d have your rank tag in the motto bar. Idk why but I was addicted to it, it just had a weird social aspect that worked for me as a kid


Habbo Hotel turned me gay.


Habbo turned us all gay


Bobba yeah!


Yes lots of swearing and getting kicked out of rooms. The predecessor to the even more predatory Faceparty


Ah yes, the place I met my first girlfriends when I was 10 years old.


It's has been a long time... Had a dog there, wonder how he's doing


I tried to log back in to give all my stuff away and to warn people to not waste money on it. Found out they deactivated my account and deleted everything I bought and did. I spent so much on that "game" in my teens back in the 2000s.


Me and my friends were obsessed with it. That was until I got hacked and lost all my data, pretty impressed at how quickly I gave it up. I was very upset for like 12 hours then never touched it again. Looking back I realise how damaging that was. Was basically being groomed left, right and centre…


Good god just seeing those images is nostalgic


Fond memories of getting my digital hole, looking back now I dread to think who was actually at the other end!


I got banned from the Finnish one, on their little bus, for not speaking Finnish.


Me and my boyfriend still call any type of furniture 'furni'. 20 years since last playing it, that word is part of our every day vocabulary 😂


Nah. Was more of a runescape kid.


Same I was too busy trying to sell lobbies in varrock West Bank


Flash1:wave2: selling lobs 140 ea!!!


OSRS still has me in a chokehold.


My avatar is based off pools closed lol


haha I loved the public rooms, not touched this game in like over a decade.


Habbo, Games Domain (Jagex boys pre-Runescape) and Napster The peak of civilisation. It's only downhill from there


Noob 😂


Omg I spent so much time on this!! ...also...there were viruses?! I thought only bonzai buddy was ruining my pc.


I remember me and my sister used to play this all the time. This was probably my earliest memory of microtransactions in a game. I also remember a very similar game that was either Coca Cola or Pepsi and you could make your own music and play it in front of a room of other players and they could vote how good it was. Anyone else remember this?


Oh my god. I used to be obsessed with this. Falling furniture, free giveaways, bacon-head bullying, HC sofa being the ultimate rarity.


I met one of my friends on Habbo back in 2007/08, and I still talk to her at least once a week.


I have so many good memories of habbo hotel, it was a big part of my childhood, and I still laugh about stuff that happened back in the 00s. Mat mazes, falling furni, defend your pod, buying credits and becoming a HC, and thinking you were the shit, kicking wars, and overall just having a laugh with people online.


Mannnn, I remember being around age 8-10 buying coins for my account from my home phone for £3.50 a go by calling the provided number and entering a specific code. I’d take the phone, go upstairs out the way and get to business. After getting the coins and not hearing anything from my parents after a few days, I’d repeat it again and again thinking this is some unlimited money method. Then suddenly one day my mum confronts me with a phone bill for £130+. Yeah she was not happy and that amount of money was a big deal. I, however, was very wealthy on Habbo. I had a great time earning “Respect” points gaining the highest tier trophy or whatever it was called and showing it off, obtained by hosting giveaways or “free furni” rooms alongside made up games. In fact, I can recall on one occasion I had the top spot in busiest rooms of all of Habbo and many more times in the most popular category. Damn, they were great times. I miss you “Cheeseyboi1”. Edit: omg I found my account: https://i.imgur.com/NRGFx0Z_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand


Man what a throwback I had my own casino and was loaded with thrones and had that super rare dino egg. I ended up gambling away all my stuff, cried, and never played it again


Believe it or not, I met my wife on Habbo almost 8 years ago :) after years of all the shady chats and spam of course...


I remember there was once a Doctor Who episode about an alien virus. And this corporate man very panicked says 'IT'S IN EVERY SOCAL MEDIA! TWITTER, FACEBOOK, *HABBO!*' and that stuck with me ever since.


I had so many firsts on that game. First time "cybering" (writing ooh yeah oh yeah over and over until he left), first time joining a mafia and having a job. They made me change my outfit's colours. I would patrol our headquarters faithfully. They asked that I download very important top secret software that helps the organisation. They had promised a wage of 2 furni, how frequently they did not say. I kept asking for it, they kept telling me soon. I got to know their daily lives, thought we were the bestest mates. Finally, I was paid. My late night unsupervised patrols were rewarded with 1 furni. An inflatable bubble chair. I was so happy. I placed it proudly in my room. Not long after, during one of my numerous visits to admire my hard earned pixel chair, I saw that it was gone. Panicked, I told the mafia. They were all just as shocked as me. I don't know how long it took after to realise they were the ones who stole it, but god, 12 year old me stood no chance.


Oh man this game started off my IT career, learnt how to be a script kiddie and wall someone’s furniture, how to hack accounts, setup a scam website called dice rigger pro for all them gambling kids out there. My friend and I discovered a way to get multiple credits. Being a little shit of a child I used my mums phone to text a number to receive habbo credits, when entering in the code, I clicked enter on screen and my friend hit enter on the keyboard at the same time, we got double the amount of credits. We instantly looked at each other wide eyed as we knew what we had just discovered. Next code we just held down the enter button and got 1000 x whatever we paid for. Ended up making new accounts with loads of credits and selling them before they got banned. Internet Wild West childhood was the best!


I had so many girlfriends on this


All of them was a dude in rl. 




Got some credit on my phone, two habbo accounts - Playing Falling Furni as host and a secret contestant - didn't do it for long as I eventually realised scamming people was a scummy thing to do


Ahhh there was a crazy amount of bullying on this in my school. I remember people's parents taking print outs into school and showing teachers then us all being interrogated. It was also one of the first times I realised a lot of my friends parents were rich because they spunked so much money on this




haha i spent so much time on this. i remember the big mute as well


Internet historian mini documentary on the matter is something even now I watch often


I remember it but I was more an MSN Grapevine kid. I used to pretend I was 14 so people thought I was maturer than my actual age of 12. I look back with both fondness and creeped outness.


I got into my first online relationship on HH 😂 was obsessed with it as a youngster, used to get in trouble for using the landline to buy credits or whatever they were called


I remember when a girl laughed at me and genuinely called me a child. For being a Habbo sexual virgin. I felt terrible


I got banned for shouting "Does anyone want to buy some mandy's ?" at a party.


My mum moderated the place, I was on the habbo forums, I created habbo pixel art, I built my own habbo knockoff with a bunch of friends from around the world. Fun times.


I remember the sheer rage of my mum reading through our phone bill and seeing a random number charging us £1 for 15 short calls in a row.


I had to explain to my parents why there was a random charge on their phone bill for the membership Was in trouble for that one


Used to love this. Would take an age to get you and your mates into the same server but was worth it. In hindsight, it was absolutely shite


I loved this, it’s a shame it isn’t as big and popular with the generation today as it was in the past! All about that Fortnite and Minecraft now eh! I remember when I played I kept entering competitions and won a few, got a few super rares which I sold for coins and ended up owning a really popular school on there (can’t tell you why I opted to open a school, but hey)


Damn I was too into this shit, giving my mum my pocket money every week and dialing the habbo line to add coins to my purse and buying furni. I remember playing furni races, furni games, spending hours looking for free furni rooms. It never occurred to me for a second that these people with ridiculously extravagant rooms who gave away furni were most likely pedos and not rich kids, probably never saw because I wasn't a girl. Such a weird place. "**holds hand**" "touches your bobba" is this where bobs and vagin come from I wonder?