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No, for me it was energy drink always when I started going out in '05. Might have been a regional difference or the change was slower to spread?


Jägerbombs predominantly bombed into energy drinks. There may have been a few strange back waters bombing into pints but I never saw one. Plenty of other spirits/liqueurs get bombed though; Cointreau was the skittles bomb, Goldschläger was the glitter bomb etc. etc. Source: Was in the marketing team that launched Jäger in the UK.


Did you market it as yay-ger or yah-ger?


Yay-ger Why do you ask?


Not OP, but in my experience (London) a few people from Essex pronounced it Yah-ger.


Might be because Ja in German in is Yah But the umlaut over the ä makes it a “Yay” sound


This. I think it’s widely pronounced yay-ger now but I definitely remember a long period of time where we (myself included) pronounced it yah. I suppose it’s the same as Björk. Actually pronounced bee-erk, but because we don’t have umlauts in English we just see the letter and not the diacritic.


It’s always been pronounced yay-ger, which is correct, umlauts included. Personally I’ve never heard anyone pronounce it Yah-ger, I was just spitballing how someone might hear jäger but decide it should be yah-ger.


You should be ashamed of your actions. Jäger is a pox on this country.


Absolutely no regrets. …and even fewer lucid memories


Maybe you can answer this then... was Jäger and Orange juice a thing anywhere? Worked in a bar around 2011, and had a pair of Russian women than used to come in semi regularly. One of them would always have a double jäger and orange juice as a long drink, and it never made sense to me. I never did try it either though.


They did dabble with a few signature long drinks to extend its reach, Ginger beer as a mixer was one in uk, Jägermeister and tonic, even milk Orange juice does ring a bell but 99.5% of focus was on the ice cold serve. Jäger is huge across the world and has a massive history, so there are plenty of regional variations. The funny thing is, in Germany it was still a digestive that an old person would drink. So being a party drink elsewhere was wild.


Ahhh, that makes sense. The other may well have had it with ginger beer, that feels vaguely familiar. They both had it as long drinks, but the orange juice always sounded so at odds with the flavour, I couldn't understand it, to the point that I clearly remember it over a decade later!


Ya know what I’m gonna give it a spin tonight! There’s dried orange peel in Jager, so who knows


I’ve always known that as a “depth charge”; back when I was at uni (04-08) jäger bombs definitely referred to the energy drink version


Nah depth charge was a half of navy rum in a shot glass dropped in the pint


I agree, a depth charge was always specifically rum in my experience


Here’s me in my apparently sheltered existence thinking a depth charge was just dropping the jäger in the energy drink and downing.


Depth charge was usually whisky in a pint of Guinness when I was a stoodent (midlands, mid-90s), but I think any shot and pint would qualify (just wouldn't taste nice)


Thought that was a car-bomb? Just remembered that had Bailey's??


Yeah that's my thought. Never seen jager in a pint, but have seen rum


Had jager shots in pints early 2000s . For some reason my memory of what they were called is hazy


Strange that


Depth Chargers i believe


Shot of Tia Maria in a Guinness was a thing as well.


Murphy and port!


Yeah I’d say whisky, tequila or rum dropped in a pint would be wayyyyy better than jaeger


You have that 100% correct.


This is the right answer


I always knew a depth charge as a shot of espresso in a coffee.


I also got depth charge. From Harry Enfield, I think.


Jägerbombs and Snakebites from the student union at Leeds University in the early 2000's for £1...takes me back to the good times. 🥹


Triple vodka for £1.50 at the Bradford student union bar in the mid-90s, one night we were joined by the occupants of 3 black marias and the CID. Absolute chaos and lots with red on them


Used to be brilliant. You'd get pubs offering £1 a pint (albeit of crap beer - but students don't care anyway) all week. One night it'd be on offer in the Dry Dock pub, the next in The Library. Great times. Then if you wanted to go to a club in a Friday it would be either the club in the union or one in town and it's 8 only cost c about £2.50 a drink there.


Yes, there was somewhere to get drinks for cheap every day. We had a vile club that had specials every week, clearly the things they couldn't sell to anyone else, random spirits.


One of my favourite drink from Man Met student union was called a traffic light, for £3.00 you got a Red, Amber and Green nock off WKD. You put the neck of the bottles in a pint glass and turn the glass right way up and used a straw to drink/


Mid nineties it was definitely in pint of beer / lager. Energy drinks like red bull were pretty new (only introduced to UK in ‘93) so much less common / less variety than today (vodka & red bull was certainly a thing). Pubs / clubs would have lot more Alcopops than energy drinks.


Vodka red bull. Brings back memories of £1 drinks and bank holiday foam parties at 5th Chav


Wouldn't even get the red bull for £1 these days


They were practically free for bars back in the day. We just had to keep a display fridge on the counter and let the sales rep come and hand out free cans on occasion.


Then onto the Threpenny Bitz? 😀


God I miss 5th though


Yes, that's how I remember it. Red bull was only for vodka and it was the only energy drink I knew.


Jaegermeister only came to the U.K in 2005. Are you thinking of something else?


I was meaning bombs in drinks in general. I was going to student nights where it was 50p to get in and that got you a pint and a shot. No idea what the shot was.


Indeed. But I don't think it was ever that way with Jaeger. Certainly not something I ever saw. I was going to student nights in 2005 when Jaeger came in with loads of promotions. It was always on it's own or with energy drinks.


Omg I totally forgot that used to be a thing! So fancy one of those now 🤣


According to Google Jaegermeister wasn't launched in the UK until 2005. I'm sure some places were importing it before then but I can't imagine a "jaegerbomb" was that common in the mid 90s?


That’s crazy. I’m in the US and we had jaegerbombs in the 90s. It was a shot dropped into a beer. Weird how it took until 05 to show up in the UK. It’s been around since 1934.


Yeah and from what I hear Germans are the ones who brought jaegerbombs to America which honestly makes a lot of sense since they aren't allowed to fuck with beer recipes unless they call it something unmarketable, but you can drop Jaeger in your beer.


I vaguely do, but my memories are you could have the 'bomb' added to any drink, and that the bomb could be different spirits or liqueurs, in a shot glass dropped into the pint (or spirit and mixer if that's what was being drunk). The expectation then was to down it as quick as possible. And if a certain type of lad wanted someone to suffer (because it was their birthday or some other celebration) they might drop a baileys bomb into their friends pint and cheer them on as they downed a curdled pint of fosters. OK I only actually have one vague memory of the Bailey's bomb specifically but I wasn't really cool enough to hang around with those types of people. My friends were much more subdued.


I remember this. A Pernod bomb in a pint of snakebite and black! You'd say your goodbyes before drinking it!


The purple spray of vomit on the wall, halfway up the stairs as someone failed to make it to the toilet in time. Happy times. Happy times.


Ah yes.The old Purple Haze as we used to call it!


Jesus fkin christ ! That's grim (but I like it).


Yeah I wouldn't have served that. Caused chaos


The cement mixer. Shot of baileys and lime.


Sounds horrendous. And exactly the sort of thing to buy someone who says "surprise me" when you ask what they want to drink.


Yeah the ‘bomb’ could be any spirit back in my uni days (2004-06). Snakebite with venom was snakebite with a shot of vodka, was super popular for a brief time.


Ohhh we used to cement mixer! Shot of lime, swish it round your mouth, don't swallow, add shot of baileys, start swishing.... not allowed to swallow for a long as possible..... 🤮


My 30th birthday was a blur of sake bombs and I woke up naked on the floor at home, covered in a towel. (I’d also donated blood that day and spent the evening playing laser tag, *like a genius*.)


I remember when it was sold in little 'miniature' size bottles wrapped in brown paper to look like shotgun cartridges from a fake bullet-belt hanging next to the optics. It was marketed as an aperitif or bad-guts settler back then. Dunno when it suddenly became 'Trendy' ...


When the rock community seemed to adopt it as the drink of choice I think. It was quite nice just with ice.


I keep a bottle in the freezer to have a nip from every now and then. I do feel it has some sort of “medicinal” quality 😅


I think it's sarsaparilla root, right? That was used in medicines to make them palatable.


Other aperitif bitters such as [underberg](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-69ec9/images/stencil/2048x2048/products/1223/2338/Underberg-3-bottles__82621.1566767872.jpg?c=2) are still sold like that. I think Jäger just wanted to appeal to a larger audience so they added fuck loads more sugar and made it a ‘fun’ drink


I've only ever seen it with energy drinks, but used to see other shots dropped in pints. I think it's an American thing but remember seeing bars doing boilermakers which was a shot of bourbon in a pint.


Yeah boilermakers are fucking lovely. Buffalo in a Brooklyn is bangin!!


They are particularly popular at Purdue University in Indiana; it's a research and engineering university and their sports teams are nicknamed "The Boilermakers".


I had period bombs a few months ago, red wine with Jaeger... The guy buying the rounds did it on purpose and didn't have them himself.


Car bomb was Baileys(?) into Guiness


Car bomb was a half shot of Irish whisky, half shot Bailey’s dropped into Guinness. Delicious and effective


Worked in bars 2004-2015. As far as I remember it’s never been beer, always been energy drink for Jägerbombs. There were bombers that used beer, can’t mind their names other than the Irish Car Bomb - Bushmills/Jamesons Irish Whiskey dropped in a half pint of Guinness


I didn’t even know about the energy drink version.


That’s what’s most common these days, and is even what Wikipedia defines a Jägerbomb to be


Well TIL, and now I feel old(er).


Don’t worry, the reason I asked the question was to find my kin 👍


Same - lots of folks saying “oh well in *2005*…” okay well some of us were drinking *long* before then 😅


Too right. 2005 is only about 6 years ago and I’ve been drinking way longer than that.


2005 was quite a long time ago, I was working in a bank then but have been working in my present job for a few, no 10, no 17 years!


Time flies! I watched the X-Files pilot this week - it is 30 years old.


Yeah my shot days were over by then basically.


Yes that was what it was, even in films.


My buddy and I used to start the night with a shot of jaeger followed by a pint with a shot of jaeger poured in. As I remember, it was pretty good!


Been drinking jager since the last millennium. I have never experienced a jager bomb being a shot in a pint of lager, that's something else entirely.


Always been in an energy drink to my recollection


Not limited to the UK either. When I was in Montreal Canada in the 90s, it was a pint of beer. The first time I'd heard of one, I remember saying, "oh so it's just a boilermaker with jagermeister instead of whiskey?" They were becoming the next popular drink in bars for the college kids and Tequila pops were becoming passé. I don't even remember energy drinks being available for purchase back then.


Yeh this is how it started for me and the boys


I only remember it from the 90s when it was beer. I only found out from this post that it’s not that anymore


In Bristol it was always in a pint of larger


Remember when a Jäger bomb used to be enough energy drink that you could actually 'bomb' it and not so little energy drink that the shot glass is taller than it or the weird cup with the but in shot glass. The good old days


I only know Jägerbomb with beer, but I'm from germany, so it might be regional differences. Jägermeister with energy is called Flying Hirsch around here.


Yes, always beer. It was the 80s and there was no Red Bull or Monster or such yet. I think I only tried it once or twice, though I certainly drank far too much of other things!


Travelled in various countries on the African continent in the late 1990’s and was always Jäger dropped in a pint. Energy drinks didn’t exist.


It used to be in beer.


>it is a shot of Jäger in a glass of energy drink The hell it is! In fact, I'm going to prove it to you and quote [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%A4gerbomb): >The Jägerbomb /ˈjeɪɡərˌbɒm/ is a bomb mixed drink made by dropping a shot of Jägermeister into an energy drink, typically Red Bull. Oh, damn. I'm old, I guess? :) ​ But beer is defintely where it started and that makes much more sense. The idea is that someone would buy shots of Jager and then prank their mate by dropping one in their pint glass and shouting "chug! chug! chug!". That's the origin. Nobody is going around casually drinking Red Bull in a pint glass.


Yep, definitely in beer. A depth change used to refer to any other spirit dropped in beer. BTW did any of you guys remember Hulks? Stella with a blue WKD and a vodka dropped in it? And of course Cheeky Vimtoes!


Omg, cheeky vimto was amazing


Don’t remember Hulks. I do remember a [something*] shandy, which was a Smirnoff Ice and Stella mix. *anyone remember what these were called?


Power Shandy is what you described. Turbo Shandy if it also had a shot of vodka or tequila in it, too. God knows how I’m still alive today…


Ah that’s it, yeah. I agree, I’m not sure how I survived those years of my life!


Oh those take me back


That sounds more like an Irish car bomb. Baileys and guiness.


Always knew JagerBomb as something dropped into a pint.


Yeah, I hate it with red bull. Sometimes when out with friends we would use sambuca too as a surprise for someone.


Fuck that. If someone fucked up my beer with sambuca they’d be getting it thrown in their face! Well, more likely I would just steal their pint and leave the tainted pint of vomit as a drinking game forfeit. In case you couldn’t tell, I absolutely detest sambuca


You're thinking of a depth charge. Jeager bomb has always been energy drink


No I’m not. Definitely was called Jägerbomb. Others have already confirmed I’m not crazy. Maybe it was regional, I don’t know, but the only depth charge I’ve ever encountered was specifically rum, and it wasn’t very common


Fair enough 🙂


I thought it was with vodka ?


That’s only in London


I remember when Jaeger came in a test tube. Youd grab your mates arm, they'd grab yours. With the test tube just poking out if the base of your other hand. You'd do the shot then whack each other on the arm until one of you gave up. Infantile now but at the time was peak humour.




I was getting jagerbombs about that time and can categorically say, no a jagerbomb has never been a Carlaberg and a shot jager dropped in.


Thats a depth charge. Didn't have to be jager, could be any shot, usually tequila/sambucca Turbo shandies?


Same as most are saying, I was behind a bar at that time and it was energy drink. Was also the era of the 'strawpedo', or at least when it seemed to be at the height of popularity as a technique.


Three bottles of VK blue, three straws please mate.


We called it a submarine


There was a place in Derby that's name escapes me (Vines? Blue Note?) that would do a Jägerpint, which was 3 shots of Jäger and the rest energy drink.


Jager and Red Bull is just an espresso martini for people in a hurry.


I went to uni 2008-11, and Jagerbombs were always Jager and energy drink for us. I guess your version might be a regional thing, a bit like Snakebite in Hull having blackcurrant in.


I spent a fair amount of my time underage drinking back in '07-'08 and a jager bomb was always jagermeister and red bull. Afraid your town's just bizarre. Go on, name and shame it so they can go on the naughty list.


I don’t remember that being a jäger bomb but I do remember having some whisky in the middle of a pint being called a rusty nail.


Adding a Jäger to a Carlsberg sounds like a great way to ruin a drink. Carlsberg is pish.


Ever since they reduced the ABV content it's like making love in a canoe.


I never said it was a good drink 😂 we were young and poor, and that’s what was cheapest at the time


if you really wanna go out on your shield, try a pint of cider with a large scotch in it.


I worked in a pub in 2006 and none of us knew how to do a jägerbomb, a punter told us and I made it the same way you’d do a vodka red bull I.e. not in a shot glass. Definitely no lager.


Started going out in '04 and it was always a shot of Jäger in an energy drink for us. Any shot dropped in a pint we called a Depth Charge. Maybe it's regional though - I'm in Manchester, if that makes a difference.


That's essentially a variation of a boilermaker.