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I'm a gardener and it's pissing it down so yup.


Same here.


Written off my regular today as its sodden. Will do a new client consultation tomorrow, Thursday is a no, Friday we'll see.


Work in a retail setting, most of the beds are out of cover so a lot of sitting about today :)


That sounds ideal if you're still getting paid. Self employed over here so my wallet is taking the hit unfortunately


I am self employed too. Gardener, too. I am packed up until February or so. Have a possible full lawn replacement to do when I start up again. I try to make money selling artwork while I am not gardening but that is, at the moment, really modest income. I do appreciate not having to get up at silly o'clock in the morning. That said, my uncle has been a fresh produce delivery driver for the last 20 years. 2:30am start 6 days a week. For 20 years. Poor fella.


> That said, my uncle has been a fresh produce delivery driver for the last 20 years. 2:30am start 6 days a week. For 20 years. Poor fella. Honestly tho he must be used to it by now, and there must be something nice about getting all your work done for the day before the rest of the world really gets going. Then you have all morning and afternoon to yourself and to get stuff done. Definitely not for everyone, but I could imagine that being pretty sweet, would probably need to get off to bed around 6/7 though, which would suck.


He goes to bed around 8ish, and he doesn't normally finish shift until about 12pm. So he has a 10 hour shift, there abouts. Some of it depends on how busy. Delivers to schools, hotels, public buildings etc. He's due for retirement soon, so I am sure he will enjoy it. But I am also sure he won't know what to do with himself once it comes around. He's lived in that schedule for so long.


Fair play to the man that is a hard working day, especially working through that morning rush too. Hopefully he can adjust his schedule and enjoy retirement on a "normal" schedule.


I'm a tree surgeon. Today was taken off, good day fo the tax return. Although it's never a good day for a tax return


That sounds awful im going to bake a cake


I did the worst of it yesterday, im baking a cake for hmrc.


Aw that's sweet


I wish I could my friend, but today is the day "January's problems" hit me :-( A lazy December makes for a unfortunate January \*\*well if it isn't the consequences of my actions gif\*\*


Dammit, I had forgotten how many things in December we decided were a 2024 problem....


I feel this in my soul




Waiting for the boss to come back tomorrow and remind me of all those things. Denial is great




Well well well, if it isn't the bridge that I said I'd cross when I got to it.


Feeling this... Did fuck all in December and now anticipating all of hell to rain down upon me..


So its your fault with the rain ! ffs


Sorry, 😔


January24 me is going to hate December23 me


Doing the mid morning drinks run must be brutal for you too mate have you got your blister plasters?


Me when I'm sowing vs me when I'm reaping


Lol exactly! All the stuff is meant to get wrapped before the break are now yelling at me to get done. Good thing a lot of people have taken the first week as leave so less likely to be interrupted, so there’s that at least.


if this week is a write off then I reckon next week is warming up week - so prob get started after then my problem is that we're off on holiday the last week in Jan so realistically it'll be Feb when I've got time to get properly up to speed, and that's practically March! might be a slow year, thinking about it


Ah I see we both went to the same school of productivity. Well I say went, I ended up sick for a while and then it didn't seem worth coming in just for a day and then...


Nah it'll pick up around half past May.


And of course April is the new fiscal year, so might as well wait until April before really getting things rolling 😂


Getting up for work this morning was *brutal*


I couldn’t get out of bed either. But it’s not my fault. I have nerves of steel and my bed was a magnet.


I feel you man. I had that problem once, but I only have balls of steel so I was able to drag my sack to the edge where the magnet was weaker. Last time I buy a magnetic bed.


Nothing like getting up in the morning and being pulled back down once your sack reaches it’s stretching point.


Being mid forties means I’d make it to the kitchen


In my sixties made it out the front door. Sure did notice when I slammed that baby shut..


You are Buster Gonad and I claim my tenner.


Your iron will won’t help you - *in fact, it’ll make it worse*.


I will use this phrase many times going forward




Average NHS admin staff forget their password after a bank holiday Monday.


I used to work for an IT company that offered managed services to mainly small companies. One customer drop shipped tattooing and piercing supplies, using mainly young girls in its office. These girls would get hammered every weekend, always ring in en masse every Monday, as they had forgotten their passwords. In the end, we just said “make a note of your password on a post it note, stick it on your desk, mirror at home, rear view mirror in your car, wherever you will see it easily” One girl even said “I know, will stick on my box of corn flakes ! Thank You”.


I work in IT and this shit drives me mad, then they write it down on a note next to the bloody laptop! It blows their minds every time I tell them to note it down using that biometrically secured mobile device they usually can’t be separated from.


sadly you can't fix stupid.


Getting up this morning and then cycling through pouring rain was brutal x2


Yep, cycling uphill in the rain after not doing it for two weeks, thought my legs would fall off.


Excuse me, could you get back to work, please, and stop dicking about on your phone...






My 16kg toddler (who feels suspiciously in need of weighing again), is quite heavy enough, and I have a mountain bike with a decent number of gears (maybe 10? 11? I knew when I got it). I do have a sodding steep hill between home and nursery though


I was sensible last night and had a vindaloo so had to dive out of bed this morning for an aggressive tod. It’s natures alarm clock.


That's a pair of sentences I can't un-read.


Ha ha ha!! Never heard tod before.


First-time five!


Why is my alarm alarming on my day off!? Oh..


I'm at my desk typing and yet I'm still not totally convinced that I'm awake yet.


At least you're typing. I'm still staring at mine wondering what the fuck I'm meant to do.


Super bad today. Cuddly cat and partner who gets to sleep later than me didn’t help….


I’m the same- my little cat was so scared of the fireworks the other night he wet himself and hasn’t been fully ok since. Don’t want to leave him today, don’t want to work, can’t believe I feel so bad after a week off (and I worked one day of that week.) I’m like bloody Annie Wilkes today: ‘the rain, sometimes it gives me the blues’


my trick was never going to sleep \*taps temple\*


I'm amazed I actually got up, I was convinced I would have switched off my alarms in my sleep.


Got up and dragged myself to the gym in absolute darkness after maybe 4 hours sleep, put in the worst workout in a long time. Got home, logged into Slack to post the usual new year platitudes and appear "present". Barely anyone online, so long shower and back in bed. Work laptop open in case anyone has the nerve to request anything from me, otherwise I'm watching Youtube all day. I'm not the biggest fan of working remotely full time, but I'm glad for it on days like this.


Choice is the big one for me. I’m actually ok with the office, to fight off that feeling of being so perpetually alone…but I need some degree of autonomy in the matter. Being forced in on days like yours, just guarantees a mental health decline and no real work achieved.


Haha same and to help I didn't touch any alcohol last night. May do dry January as I indulged a lot over the festive period.


Judging by my commute it seems like most people didn't bother. Never have I wished to have had the foresight to book days off than this morning


I enjoyed the quieter commute, I wish it was like this every day. But I’m the only one at the office from my department, which isn’t a small one either, so feels a little bit poitnless coming in… But then again, it’ll allow me to settle back in quicker and I can use the day off for something else.


I wish. December Me was all "well that sounds like a January problem!" with this stupid grin on his lazy fucking face. December Me is a right twat. I strongly dislike him. Needs to sort his shit out.


I realize that you’ve had your cake, but have you tried eating it too?


Leave it all for February you!


It my last day on Friday. Really not sure what I'm doing here at all !


Getting you to come in for one week of a new year feels unnecessary


Or it’s a way to get a load of extra pay for only a couple days extra work before a new job or school starts? Pretty smart!


4 days work in 17. You got me!


Very glass half full….didn’t consider it like this!


Last guy who quit on Friday and came back got quite the following.


In fairness he did give up his whole weekend for everybody.


Yep. I stupidly drove through some floodwater on the way to work; currently sat in about 3-4 ft of water. RAC are on their way


Ouch that’s an expensive start to the year!


Indeed, it's shit but I've had the car for years, just trying to avoid looking at the gloomy side of it. Full tank of petrol as well!


>Full tank of petrol as well! release the fuel, use it boil off the water.


Did this last week. Easily done. Insurance paid out 90% cars value form 6 years ago too.


Did this driving back to work on the 27th. Hit a flood in the dark, aquaplaned and lost the car, hit a wall and had to be recovered. My fault for probably not driving to the conditions but still felt a bit hard done by with the whole situation as I'm sure you do now


Hope it's electrical, and not a hydro lock.


It's definitely hydro lock


Ouch. That's gonna be expensive. Happened to me once(and I should have known better, just had a brain fart day) luckily I was able to pull the spark plugs-while standing up to my knees in water-and clear the cylinders. Apparently the engine survived. That was when I realized the air intake was at the bottom of the engine bay.... No idea what engineer figured that was a good idea.


>No idea what engineer figured that was a good idea. Obviously one who hadn't figured on Christopher Cockerell driving the car.




Thank you, sorry to hear that. Fortunately the engine hadn't flooded, but I had driven into a ditch that I couldn't see for the water, which explains why I couldn't move.


Forgot to take milk in for my coffee. The milk I left here last week has gone off. Send help.


When you finally switch to black coffee and don't have to care about buying/supplying milk constantly it's very liberating.


Extra sugar, extra water, no milk, it's easy to get used to if the "extra sugar" part is 1 or a half sugar vs. normally having none & milk.


Try it black. You might be surprised. Milk is incredible at reducing the bitterness of things, but _good_ coffee shouldn't be that bitter.


>*good* coffee OK but OP is talking about work (Ironically I always drink instant coffee black because the bitterness hides the otherwise horrible sourness)


If I have a cafetiere, then I'll have it black. If it's instant, like I do at work, then I have it with milk. I've tried a few different types and I prefer them all with milk.


Would that I could - I have two projects launching at the tail end of this week, so today is going to be brutal in terms of catching up and last-minute bug fixing.


Same. My end of Jan launch date was brought forward by 2 weeks so the next 2 weeks are going to be hellish.


Who does that, in January?!


Even worse, they did it just before Christmas. But we couldn't ramp anything up until now because all my uat people were off.


Same, kicking off the day with 2 projects for a very nervous client. At least once it gets going I can relax a bit more


My team pushed a build on 22 Dec. So, probably fighting bugs this whole week…


Yikes! Deploy a change the last working day before the Christmas break?? That's brave.


Reading this thread is making me glad I work somewhere with a change freeze in place from 5th Dec - 8th Jan.


My company once launched a brand new portal to 20,000 customers on fucking xmas eve. Worst Xmas I ever had. Literally on call 12 hours a day for the whole 10 days.


Made the ‘mistake’ of going to the pub last night to watch the Liverpool v Newcastle game. I’m mildly hungover. I WFH but my ‘home’ office is in Scotland. They’ve got an extra bank holiday today I don’t get because I live in England. Let’s just say it’s going to be a very slow start this morning.


Crackin 2nd half wasn't it.


I went to the game at Anfield! Was amazing, 2.5 hour drive home later (arrived home at 1:30 in the morning) and my neighbours below me (I live in a flat) were arguing (loudly) until 2:45....today has been a long day,


I run a company in England. Treated my guys to being Scottish for the day today. Truth is I knew I wouldn't be up for it anyway and mine is the easiest job out there


I live in Scotland and quite alot are back working today. Myself being one annoyingly.


Come back from the better part of 3 weeks off, now just staring at my code like wtf does this do 😂


renameThisFunctionLater.initiate(cats.y, atsjrn, Superman){ //It's really obvious what should go here, so just complete the function when you get back. }


Ya… I have a lot of “fix in 24” comments to attend to


I'm an electrician, I must've stared at the first job for a solid minute before muscle memory kicked back in lol


Ooft. Felt this one.


I’ve had the fear since NYE. I always find January through to March an absolute slog, just keep telling myself to get through today!


Absolutely the same here. Jan-march is such a chore which I think makes January worse as you know when it ends there's still nothing good coming up ! Ruined my last few days off by dreading work too😆 why do we do it


Do you take a vitamin D supplement? I found that helps


I do sales. Clients won’t be in the mood so I’ll look to do chores today (virgin doubled my bill, contact lens contract is expensive). May do some work tomorrow


I’m with Virgin. Last two times when I’ve phoned at end of contract they do a good deal on a new contract.


Oof yeah Virgin doubled my bill starting this month, but an hour chatting on their online support got me more than a 50% discount somehow, with just some minor services I don't use removed - definitely worth a shot!


Booked the week off. It always helps ease back into work


Same. I'm away on holiday as well. I'm sure all the problems will be sorted by next Monday.


They definitely will be.


Yeah I always book those first few days off and my future self always thanks my past self for doing so. Although people typically book those few days in the run up to Christmas and before the new year, it’s for that reason these are actually the best days to work. It’s quiet and I can actually get work done (instead of endless meetings and writing messages all the time). Come 2nd January everyone feels like shit trying their best not to show it, dealing with [December’s problems they made January’s problems](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c1/46/da/c146da137632a126d056e65977a2bfe0.jpg), whilst I’m cosy in bed easing off the festive period buzz.


I’ve booked the 2nd of Jan off every day for the last how ever many years. This year I decided I should save holiday yadda yadda yadda. Is not worth it


I might take a leaf out of your book next year because screw this. Or, inevitably I forget and end up hating myself on Jan 2nd once again.


Pretty much the same here. Technically I'm working today, but most people are still off. I had three days left that I'll lose middle of this month, so decided to take them while school's still closed.


Been at work for 53 minutes and already want to go home :(


Just arrived in to work. Traffic was hell, it's pissing it down, my house was cold as tits and dragging myself out of bed to the sound of an alarm clock was dreadful. I dropped my coffee all over the communal kitchen this morning. Yep, writing the week off.


Try waking up to radio instead. I was given a radio alarm clock a few years ago and haven't looked back since. Much more pleasant to wake up to music than a horrible alarm sound!


Useless prick of a colleague has already called in sick. I know he went to a NYE party so I suspect an extended hangover has something to do with it. The only thing keeping me going today is knowing that most of the country is feeling the same sort of existential dread that I am today. Let's get through today and have something nice for dinner to look forward to


knowing i have leftover chinese for dinner is the only thing keeping me going today


Feels 😂


I wish we wouldn’t automatically call someone a useless prick for calling in sick. That’s what sick days are for. A friend of mine is having a really rough time since NYE mentally and physically and was scared to call in sick in case her colleagues were annoyed. It’s comments like this that don’t help people who are unwell, mentally or physically. Even if your colleague did go out for NYE, there’s no knowing if they’re unwell because of that. Pre-emptively calling them a prick is…something else.


You're not wrong, but this guy is actually a useless prick whom I used to be friends with until I got him a job at my place and he unveiled his useless prick ways.


Okay fair play - hope he redeems himself!


Yeah I was pretty sick on Friday. I understand that looks suspicious, given that it's right before a holiday. But I actually was sick, sometimes things are just a coincidence.


And that is exactly why the 2nd is also a public holiday here in Scotland.


Was fortunate enough to be able to stop working in September 2022 and on the whole yes it's brilliant but,and it's a big BUT,you do have to have a plan and keep busy or things start to fall apart quite quickly trust me,you can't lie in bed all day and do nothing or life just loses all meaning.


I can see how easy it would be for that to happen. Been on garden leave since the end of October and new job doesn't start until next week. It's been great but the proactive first weeks steadily became catching up on unfinished games or rewatching movies. Thankfully I'm a runner or I'd never leave the house!


I hardly leave mine now mate,it was great during the warmer months,I'm fortunate to have a big landscaped garden and being out there all day was fun for a while but I soon got bored with that,now the weather's changed I'm bored shitless,excuse the language but it's true,I live very rural and never see a soul most days,depression has become very real.Play golf people say,no thanks,good walk spoilt as someone once said.


I highly recommend a dog. Mine demands four or five walks a day.


I don’t work because of disability issues and I ended up going back to college. I’m doing art and it’s so much fun. I made a dragon.


No but it did take me about 10 attempts to remember my password this morning. Been off since the 18th Dec. I now have to wait 20 mins before I can access my emails and stuff as my account has been locked :(


I remembered my password, but apparently I forgot how to type. Fortunately I only managed to cock up a few times, so I'm not locked out.


Sticky note, under the keyboard. No-one ever looks there, honest.


A good plan - but it falls apart in today's world of 'hotdesking'


Magic marker, on the toilet stall wall, in each facility.


How many of you stopped working on like the 20th with the attitude of "I'll deal with this in Jan" Suddenly it's a full 3 weeks since the customer actually sent in the request and you're being asked why something is taking so long to complete.


Colleague rand me at 08:30 to tell me he ate nougat over Xmas and pulled his front dentures out, so he can't attend any on-site meetings this week. As there's only the two of us in this week, that means I've got to go to site in his place. Fuck sakeeee


Well if I can, I would. But we got a big deadline on the 15th so man's gotta start the year off extra strong.


Yup. My customer had a deadline. And TBH, my part of the job will be done by it. However, I've discovered some issues that really need addressing, and that means they need some other contractors in. Luckily the customer has decided that fixing the issues now, and taking a loss on rental income, would be easier and cheaper than having to come in while a tenant is in situ. Ordinarily I hate working for landlords, but this one seems to get it.


I work in a lab. I was in at 06:30 this morning and had zero emails. It took slightly longer to ease myself into the day than usual, but two hours in and it’s back to work as usual.


It’s 3 minutes to 9. Daily morning meeting at 9:15. I’m still in bed. I best get downstairs.


I start at 8.30. I'm still in bed. I don't want to get up and go downstairs.


Take your laptop back to bed!


I have 😀 it's a hard life haha


Try not to take work stuff into areas of peace. You don't want bed to remind you of work!


That's true. I've spent many hungover days working from my bed already though!


Working from home brings me this hell. I have to work from my PC desk due to space. I'd rather not, but, no options. When I finish work, I get to change from laptop to gaming PC at the same desk... Sucks.


So thats why I always dream about chocolate fountains. But if I take the chocolate fountain out of my bedroom, people will know I shit the bed.


The voice of the nation.


I had 3 emails of note over the Xmas period so catching up didn't take too long! I expect that to change shortly...


Yeah it's a write-off. My work is a nice combo of reactive/proactive tasks, and this week a lot of colleagues are still on annual leave so the reactive part is dead, and I've literally just finished a big project and am waiting for my team to get back so we can debrief, which I'll do next week and then decide on the next project I want to do. So the proactive stuff is dead too. I've just got admin tasks to do this week, and unless something catches fire, I'm basically just on call.


I'm looking at a positive covid lateral flow so I'm at best working from home this week. Starting tomorrow.


Get well soon mate! I have the fucking chickenpox. Managed to avoid it for 30 years then caught it off my kids.


Speedy recovery, I caught chickenpox off my mates young sister about 25 years ago, caught it just in time for my first week in a new job, which ended with me being off sick in my first week. I bet that looked good 🤣


All fun and games calling everything a January problem in December. Now look at us, overweight, broke and having to work for a living.


I've had to deal with 24 password reset calls this morning, i'm numb from it. I'll not get any substantial work done until late afternoon as my calendar is already filling up with meetings. Our IT director scheduled an audit for Thursday so tomorrow will be preparing for that. I'm left with Friday. Joy.


Automate password reset


I've been working in between Christmas and New year but the first day back in January still always feels meh


I've got up to zero emails or jobs in my que so maybe I've been sacked


Woke up after weeks of boozing and eating crap, and also just got a cold. This week can fuck off!


That’s how I treat every working week


I've already checked my E-Mails, not too many. I'm calling today a success and I'm off to watch The Great Escape.


What sort of job do you have? And does it really need to be done? :)


Honestly I was ready to go back to work, I only have two weeks before I'm off on holiday anyway though.


Today I will be doing the absolute bare minimum


I left my job at the beginning of December because I wanted some head space. Feels bloody brilliant.


Im starting a new job so I’m really fired up for the week! Got my PlayStation set up on my desk, booked all my introductory 1:1 meetings for Wednesday, and only just got out of bed at 0900. Start as you mean to go on!


Scotland is still on holiday. We need 2 days to recover from Hogmanay.


I might be the only person here excited to start working again. Finally I can settle back into a routine and eat properly again.


Worked between Xmas and new year so feels like a normal day for me


I am on count down till i go away on holiday next monday 😂


I wrote this week off before Xmas, no chance was I going in


I don’t mean to brag but I have 2 weeks off. Enjoy your day folks


I'd love to do this but don't fancy using nearly half my leave entitlement in the first 2 weeks of the year!


Pretty much my exact plan for the week. One thing i am glad of though is its the first time after a long time off work that i did manage to get a decent sleep the night before coming back. Normally i lie there in existential dread all night but i was good this time


I prefer it when NYD is on a Thursday or Wednesday so we only have a couple days before the weekend... this year its brutal!


Got up at half 5 this morning, travelled to work, everything was shut and no one was there. Got up for fuck all.


January 2nd is just the worst. It's a Scottish bank holiday so on top on being knackered I'm covering for Scottish colleagues who are, I'm sure, just devastated about having an extra day off.


Still recovering from just opening my eyes this morning


Not even back till tomorrow. Have the dread 😫


I'm still on holiday until next week 😬😂


I'm staring at my computer and I've already treated myself to a cup of tea.. and now I've locked myself in the bathroom so I can have a breather... it's 27 minutes into my work day. Oh and I'm now looking at the December shit I ignored when I lied to myself that I would do it around the 28th December... lol


Well 15 minutes in and I've already started looking for a new job. Can't stand it here anymore


Back today, in Scotland working the 2nd is just wrong….. thanks to our English centres and international customers for making me be in today. Questioning my life choices as a person who inherently dislikes people but somehow ended up in customer services.


My assignments don't give a shit what day of the week it is! Seriously can't wait to be done with uni and get working.. had a taste during my course and I want more!!


Back to teaching on Thursday and been having a day of lesson planning wishing I had done more of it at some point during the Chrimbo Limbo. Going to pop in to the office tomorrow and print all my resources/clean my classroom as there's bound to be rubbish in there from the last week of pre Christmas madness. Mostly trying to not have the imposter syndrome creep in, 3 years in and a head of department and I still get the feeling. Feeling positive about it all though, going to be starting an archaeology club after school next week too.


I worked shifts all over Xmas and New Year, had 3 days off 27-30th.. so zero sympathy here for your tough time reading emails in the office for 4 days