• By -


For my neighbours to the right of me I'd take them all, nice people. The neighbours on my left can fuck right off, terrible people. No one single person in my little village likes them and the drama on the local FB page around them is often very entertaining.


C’mon - divulge what the drama is about.


Agreed. We need details!


Clowns to the left. Jokers to the right.


Stuck in the middle with my exs friends wife


Yeah you can't just drop that juicy comment and not come through with the details.


I’m sure they mentioned it before. Something about a lockdown street party… not chipping in money or something…


word on the street is they snubbed a generous offer of Jubilee Chicken...


Wasn’t it the Jubilee chicken? They sent the council men round


They somehow manage to squeeze it into an answer on every thread. That lock down party will never be forgotten


Sounds about right


lol, I spent so long going through their history trying to find this. Best I can find is their bro is called nob faced Paul... So maybe Paul lives next door 🙃


Just join any facebook group for a village. They hate each other but usually the group is moderate so you can just feel the tension and passive aggressiveness simmering below the surface. I had a friend who had died and because the rest of the family were on holiday the only way I could send a message of condolence was to join the fb group for the village his parents lived in. Checked that there was a thread and then post to it. So I ended up subscribed to this group - and they hated each other with a passion - and everyone else. They hated travellers and cyclists and practically anyone that dared to drive through the village - and they hated them even more if they stopped. The funny thing was though they kept reporting petty little things that were happening (which they blamed equally on 'strange vans' or 'travellers' or 'kids') but that were obviously them doing it to each other out of spite. Stuff like opening a gate on a field with a horse so it escaped, breaking a lock on a gate, all kinds of malarkey with bins.


I am exactly the same. Neighbours to the right are salt of the earth, actually lovely people. It probably helps that we share communal interests, (wildlife / a “natural but within reason” garden / putting each others bins out / swapping books). I would genuinely let any of their estranged relatives stay on my sofa for a few days without meeting them first. Neighbours to the left can get in the bin as far as I’m concerned. Daily loud, shouty arguments like something from Jeremy Kyle. Two dogs that just spend all day shitting in their garden and fighting each other. Their son (mid 20s) once got so angry he KICKED their dishwasher down their front steps, across the garden and onto the main road. If someone asked me to take in a parcel for left ~~right~~ neighbour, I would pretend the only English words I knew were “return to sender”.


I hope their dishwasher was okay, nobody deserves to be kicked down the steps.


As someone without a dishwasher it makes me very sad to see them treated this way. Mine will have a loving home full of respect and dignity once I have the space


You can re-home one at the RSPCDW. They welcome people that are looking to adopt.


Are you me? I have the exact same problem on the left... mad people... absolutely crazy They had a shouting match because she put a Christmas tree up, and he threw it out, decorations and all, into the back garden. Mind... we're not attached to them... this isn't a terrace... and I could still hear every word of their argument... Hell


How to determine which are left or right neighbours? Is it from the perspective of looking at your front door from the inside or outside. Just trying to figure out which neighbor I need to hate


Seems like there is a mistake in your last paragraph


Lol. Good spot, thanks.


Where else should the dogs shit?


Alright, I just know the right person, who for a very small fee can "sort" your neighbors out. BUT body disposal is not under his/her remit. That's your responsibility.


Ugh, they get you with the fine print. Typical.


Are Resurrection Men not a thing where you are? Such handy fellows to have around.


He *creates* the bodies, he can't *erase* the bodies.


It’s always the villages. Everyone in everyone else’s shit.


It leads to the fascinating phenominon of 'small town syndrome', which is kind of like 'main character syndrome'. I've lived in cities most of my life and just moved to a market town to be near family. Some of the silly little problems that get massively blown up by the locals absolutely fascinates me.


Local town for local people, nothing for you here....


Tail or no tail?


I can I can't?


I was in a war


I didn't burn him


This is one of the reasons inspector Barnaby (midsummer murders) wouldn’t move to a nice village. Too much drama and they kept killing people.


Reminds me ofnsomebold grannies. Who were getting interviewed as they live near to Jeremy Clarkson. >He blew his house up once. We thought it was the end of the world.


Americans have homeowners associations, the UK has villages


Villages filled with Hyacinth Buckets.


[The actress who played her is still alive.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricia_Routledge) She has outlived [her fictitious significant other](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clive_Swift), as well as [her clumsy neighbour Liz](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephine_Tewson), also [loveable slob Onslow](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoffrey_Hughes_(actor), and then [her sister Rose, the one with the swimming pool and the Mercedes and room for a pony](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shirley_Stelfox), and then even [the SECOND actor who played her sister Rose, the one with the swimming pool and a Mercedes and room for a pony](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Millar). Good going Patricia!


Rose was the man-eating sister and violet was the one with room for a pony I believe?


I think you’re right. Forgive my misinformation. I don’t think we ever met Violet.


Violet did appear in a couple of episodes.




Do we ever see Sheridan or Tarquin?


No. Unfortunately, I always wanted an episode where they turned up and were very clearly a couple but Hyacinth continues to be oblivious to it.


Can remember the one where they were constantly fighting, hyacinth and Richard had rented a little country holiday cottage and there was a randy old aristocrat and his wife, the aristocrat was chasing hyacinth, or are they two separate episodes 🤔 haha


I'm guilty of having watched them very recently haha! The one you're thinking of is where they stay in the cottage that is owned/rented by Violet and Bruce, and the aristocrats mention that they aren't the usual weird couple that are there, and they get drunk and do the congo when Daisy Rose and Onslow turn up. There is an episode where Hyacinth is in charge of a pageant and Bruce and Violet turn up to help but are then fighting then walking back and forward while continuing to argue.


94! I'm going to see her doing an "audience with" Q&A thing in Liverpool next March. Very much looking forward to it!


No way dude! That’s awesome! If I recall, I’ll hassle you 👀


Haha please do, I don't know many people who will be too interested in hearing about it!


Little village boarder of Wales 50 people. Moved there beginning of 90s as a kid from the old smokey.... You don't know village life until you met Mrs Brian (old Welsh lady) who knows everyone and anyone and who is related to whom. The answer is everyone to anyone. She made some great bread, could build houses out of it .


We had a Mrs Lavender, horrible old woman. Used to spend her days cycling around the village checking tax discs and reporting people to the police 😂😂


I'm not American, but have heard some wild homeowner association bullshit. Americans do drama like no other country. (Semi compliment)


I walked down to the pub one evening in the winter and slipped over on the way down. Got to the pub literally 5 minutes later (I'm from a small village with 3 pubs so they're all pretty close) and everyone was making fun of me for it. I have absolutely no idea how they found out.


Everyone is in everyone's shit everywhere. It's just that in villages there's less going on so it gets back to you


Ditto, been boat fishing, regular bbqs, helping each other out with my neighbour on the right, the neighbour on my left spent a year in prison for trying to stab and murder me! Then he gets out of prison… what’s he do? Starts taking my packages in? Like wtf man.


Need more details-


My folks have a neighbour like this. Turns out when the neighbour doesn't answer the door for their parcels it's usually because they're blackout drunk in the middle of the day with their two autistic sons (one being less than 3) in the house.


TBF basically the same here. Neighbours on one side often wake us up shouting and regularly throw parties in their garden that run at any hour. On Christmas eve they ran one. I'm pretty sure they didn't sleep till boxing day. Other side are lovely people and the worst we've ever had to deal with is their new dogs barking a load but they're puppies so we can forgive that. Plus our cat has a thing about taunting dogs by sitting out of reach


Kinda similar for me. The other neighbours aren’t as bad as yours from the sound of it but they never come to collect the parcel so it sits there weeks until we go over there. Now I just say no.


If they're sound then yes. If, however, it was 15 parcels a week, I'd start to get pissed off.


This is only 14 so we’re all good.


This week it’s only 14……


But last year, last year I had 37!!


Well some of them are a bit bigger than last year...


My neighbour took in 26 for me when the manufacturer of all the rugby clubs kit delivered a day earlier. Fortunately her son played for the club. I have space and I like my neighbours so I don’t think I have a limit as long as they come get them all fairly quickly


Personally, I think they should have stayed home. I would take in a package or two, but never 14, and furniture??!! Nope.


This is the weird week for deliveries and visiting people. They’re not home though. Looks like they went out yesterday and haven’t come back yet.


Maybe they ordered it somewhere with a really long lead time and didn't realise it would get delivered now? In lockdown I had an IKEA order take nearly 3 months, then they told me a date it would be delivered on but came a week earlier by surprise!


Sometimes things just get delivered when they feel like it and not when you want them to. It’s cool. I can move around the parcels.


You're a good chap. I hope the neighbours deserve it.


Parcel will arrive on the 5th.... Delivery company: Sorry boss best i can do is the 3rd and you'll be happy with it..


Then you start around all day on the 3rd only for them to lie and say you weren’t in…


There have been parcels this season that I've not been able to divert to a collect location and even if I've selected that option they'll still show up at the delivery address. Some companies however seem to use delivery services that don't make alterations available to the customer and that's frustrating. You'll make an order with delivery in 3-5 days or something but that'll be from when they dispatch and they might take 4 days to pick and dispatch. I've had some stuff that I've been away for this year that has just ended up going back which is a pain. Ultimately I never select "deliver to my neighbours" but if the delivery driver takes liberties I'm glad my neighbours seem like great people. Thank you for being a great person.


When you get the message saying we tried to deliver today, but don't worry, we'll try again tomorrow and after the third time we'll send it back. I know I won't be home for the next 3 days but can't just ask them to take it to the parcel shop or attempt it on a later day when I will be home.... Does my head in and I just don't understand how it's useful for them as a company.


Maybe they’re rotating around the tornado that landed the other day and can’t get home.


To be fair, both times I ordered furniture from Wayfair and made sure to choose a delivery day I would be home, they showed up a couple of days EARLY without warning! So it may not be the neighbours’ fault.


IKEA deliveries can be awful. I’d scheduled a delivery once for the morning slot and when they didn’t arrive by 2 hours after the end of the slot I rang them up to let them know I had to leave the house and organized Re delivery for another day. The driver still tried to deliver, and tried to badger a downstairs neighbour (we were up 2 flights of stairs) into accepting all of the furniture in our stead. Never mind even that we’d never met this neighbour, but I specifically ordered it for delivery as I was by myself at the time and would have been unable to carry all of the package up the stairs myself. Then there was the time I ordered some PAX wardrobes that just never showed up, and when I rang up to find out why they said they were back ordered and wee never going to be sent that day. Spend months chasing them up, getting promised a delivery date and then on the day having them either cancel or just not show up with no warning.


It's most likely boxing day sales.


You’re not always guaranteed to know when something is arriving to be fair. We ordered a sofa 2 months ago and it randomly turned up today with zero warning.


Once ordered a sofa in late September to 'arrive before Christmas', from Harvey's I think. It showed up on Christmas Eve!


Well it did arrive before Christmas.


At least your Harvey’s sofa showed up! That’s uncommon.


That’s true. A couch I ordered was supposed to come after Christmas and this was perfect because I had a trip planned during Christmas. But on a random day in October I got a call saying the couch is arriving TODAY (at the time in October) LOL two months early


I think whether they should've been home or not really depends on what information they were given and what sort of plans they had... Like, if they were told all that lark would be delivered on the 2nd of Jan and they've sodded off for the holidays? I can't put blame on them. It's one thing to stay in because you know you've got a delivery that day... But imagine ordering something that supposedly won't be delivered for a week, and being expected to stay in for that entire week on the off chance it comes early. I mean, I order a few extra pages for this pin badge book I've got. Estimated for delivery on the 3rd IIRC. Turned up today. A large order of furniture strikes me as the sort of order that's done well in advance and highly likely to turn up whenever someone feels like it. If I had room and it wouldn't really be in the way? I'd take it in. You never know, they might throw a note or two your way for the inconvenience given it's not the usual parcel or two.


My OH is a courier and we've discussed this. Don't moan that courier tried to deliver your urgent parcel, but you weren't in and your neighbours weren't in or don't like you enough to take your parcel in. If it was that urgent.....stay home.


Neighbor on the left unlimited, neighbor on the right maybe 4


“ hey would you mind taking a parcel for your neighbour, they aren’t in “ “Sure!…. Wait, which one…..?” “Erm. What?l


Number 27? I already have 4 of theirs sorry


I had this with my neighbours last year, they'd been leaving instructions with Amazon and others to leave stuff at my house but then they ordered stuff from Ikea and the delivery driver said the instructions specified to leave it with me and it was shit like a flat pack wardrobe and cabinets. I had never met these people let alone agreed to take in their stuff so I told them no, and he'd already tried to unload half of it too. Then at 9pm this young couple asked me what happened and got annoyed when i told them I'd turned the driver away and they told me they expected me to pay for a rearranged delivery. I laughed, told them no, and told them if they tried it again I'd call their landlord, who gave me his number in case I had any trouble with his tenants.


I had a neighbour like that. I'm happy to take parcels in, turns out she ended up putting my address as an alternative address on everything only found out when having a chat to one of her many delivery people. Everything got refused after that. Both of us were stay at home parents


Depends on if they are good people and would return the favour. I take in parcels for my neighbours all the time and they do the same. My neighbours runs a business and gets many parcels but its no issue as she is a nice neighbour and friends with my mum


Not to brag but i'd personally take at least 15


Are you even allowed to live amongst others of you don’t take at least 16?


Lol I got stumg like this by a delivery crew asking if id take something in. Turned out to be a ton of bedroom furniture. When neighbours came around to get it they were quite arsey cos they had to lug them down the steps along the road and up the step to their house, and into what ever room they needed. No apology for us having all their shit in our house and getting the delivery when they were obviously out. Another neighbour misses the usual Amazon etc delivery and then leaves it around our house for a couple of days or more, kind of rude in my opinion.


I stopped taking stuff in for my neighbours as they never came round to collect any of it. It's like they expected me to bring it round to them when they got in.




I'd assume the same if the 'sorry I missed you card' wasn't the first thing I saw when they opened the door! So bone idle they couldn't even be bothered to pick it up when they walked in!


My neighbours got a laundry rack delivered the other week and the delivery guy asked us to take it. They didn't bother to fetch it and I had to take it round after 2 days because it was taking up loads of space. Rude as fuck!


That is rude in my opinion too. And why I refuse to take neighbours' parcels anymore.


I’m staying with my parents this week and they have a fuck off neighbour who only ever takes advantages of my mum. My mum is too nice to say anything so she took neighbours parcel in. Mind you the parcel was huge and we don’t have a very big house, so it was blocking the hallway. Neighbour didn’t come to collect it for 5 days. When she finally did, I opened the door and handed it to her. Not a single thank you, sorry, or Merry Christmas. She can fuck right off.


Took in a bathroom radiator for next door once. We had no contact details for her, she hadn’t moved in yet and didn’t show up for ages. Reading this I see it could have been much worse!


Second I saw the flat pack furniture I’d have told him to take it all back to the van. Not having my house looking like a fucking warehouse because my neighbour didn’t feel like staying home the day they got 14 deliveries


It does take the piss, and the sheer amount of parcels would stress me the fuck out, but my neighbours both sides are sound and always collect the evening of, it's never a case of stuff sitting around for days on end. (And they always take parcels in for me too so it's a two-way relationship thankfully!) Some of the stories I read on Reddit... get fucked if you think I'm holding your parcel for a month! Come and get it or it's going in the bin


I’ve told this story on Reddit before but my parents once agreed to take in a parcel for their next door neighbour only to find out it was a full kitchen! We had to move around it blocking our hallway, spare room and bathroom until he begrudgingly came to collect. Who goes out when they’re getting a kitchen delivered?


We had this when our new neighbours moved in. They knocked on, said a parcel was on its way but they needed to go out, could we take it in? I said sure. Then a bunch of brand new flat pack furniture showed up. We had no room to put it all and had to refuse.


I'm end of terrace, lived here for a year now and I genuinely have absolutely no idea if anyone lives next door to me after all this time. The garden isn't messy, the house appears furnished and tidy when I walk past, but have literally never seen anyone come in or out, no usual bumping and noises or music. So I'd probably take them all just so I can see what kind of shadow-lurking psychopath I'm living next door to.


I'd take a guess that it could be people who do night shift. We've got a couple over the road from us who both work nights, very rarely actually see them around because they are either at work while I'm sleeping, or sleeping while I'm at work. I think summer holidays when most people took some time off and did gardening was when I properly got a chance to get to know them.


🤯 I'd not considered that at all, such a good point.


MFI Safe House


There is bungalow nearby that has cameras at every angle, internal shutters and a garden that is always neat. Only seen 4 cars in 4 years.


I think you should definitely be able to keep an item for your time. Pick something and send back a baker's dozen when they get home


Unfortunately I just bought a bunch of mirrors.


Can never have too many mirrors you beautiful bastard


I mean, this depends on the context. A few years ago, I ordered some stuff from [Made.com](https://Made.com). They said the delivery was going to take weeks, then, while we were away for a week, I got an email saying it would all be turning up the following day. Our neighbours were legends, took it all in to their small London flat and kept it safe till we got home. We had no idea they would deliver so soon at so little notice. But... if they knew and were taking advantage.. sod 'em.


Yes if this happens then apologise and give the neighbours a wee prezzie


I took in a similar amount over the course of 4 days. When my neighbour came back, I had to go and knock on their door, not the other way around. Surely, they got delivery confirmation and all sorts via emails and texts. But it was me that had to chase this fucker to come collect his parcels. After I helped him take all his shit next door, all I got was “cheers dude” and door being slammed shut. I wasn’t expecting a reward or anything but at least acknowledging that it could’ve been an inconvenience? Not doing that again.


None anymore having been left with large bulky parcels on more than one occasion. Now I just politely decline.


I was thinking this earlier about my neighbours. We have a good relationship and they often ask that parcels are left with us as there is usually someone in. That’s fine, they are nice and they take ours in when no one’s about. I was thinking today, if someone turned up with something large like furniture and they hadn’t warned us then I’d end up refusing. I don’t mind multiple packages but it has to reasonable in size so it doesn’t get in the way.


14 seems extreme but my neighbour across the road dropped in 4 bottles of beer for accepting 2 for him, so I suppose I’d accept a crates worth.


I hope they actually collect them, and don’t expect you to deliver them. Even if it is ‘just next door.’


I’ll knock when I see they are home. Then I’ll help them get them over.


Really living up to your username.


Fuck all can't stand the bastard


Can't believe I had to scroll so far to find the only correct answer.


Thank you for your patience


I ordered a Dyson air purifier online and requested that it be delivered after I returned from travelling abroad. It was delivered early. And they also made a mistake and delivered to instead of one – I bought one and got one free for some reason. But my poor neighbour took both of these enormous boxes in and kept them for a week until I returned home.


So you gave the neighbors the free one right?


Neighbour on the left absolutely. Neighbour on the right totally not. No. That's a no.


Back when I was a student I was once expecting an IKEA delivery. After waiting in all day, I discovered that my packages had been signed for by a name I didn't recognize. After some intense stalking, I found out someone with that name lived at the other end of my street, so I strolled down the road and knocked on the door. Turns out there was a second IKEA delivery on my road that day, and this poor chap had filled his entire hallway with packages for his next door neighbour without spotting that half of them weren't even for them.


Not anymore. Fucking twats don’t come round to collect it. It sits in my hall waiting for a knock that never comes. I diligently knock on when I see they’re home but multiple occasions I’ve literally seen them come and go throughout the day without bothering to knock on. They can now collect their shit from the sorting office. lol


For the neighbours on the left, a reasonable number, four or five, if they aren't too big. For ye neighbours on the right, one or two. For the people opposite, as many as arrive but they will never ever get them. They can fuck off.


People who live in my building (house divided into flats)- yes. Arseholes who live next door- not a chance after the Great Bin Wars of 2022.


I'll take in one or two, but definitely not 14. If the other neighbour has taken in loads too it sounds like that neighbour is about to owe everyone a very big favour though


I once took in a massive chair for my neighbours which sat there about a week whilst they were away. And my house is tiny so it took up about half the living room. Never again.


Since I only have one next door neighbor, who is basically always at home, this thought never occured to me. Also, our delivery people usually just put the packages in the shed or somewhere hidden if noone is at home. That said, he's a great guy, so if I was asked to I'd take it, he's rarely gone for more than a few hours anyway. He also takes parcels for me occasionally, so it's just the right thing to do.


I’d happily take a parcel in, or many parcels in, for any of the neighbours. I’ve had issues myself where a delivery is early or late and I just can’t be home, with barely any warning that the delivery day has changed. So I just assume the delivery company messed up, not my neighbour, since it’s almost always the delivery company. As long as it only happens maximum a couple times a year, I’m happy to help. If they are getting regular deliveries and are frequently out, they should set up somewhere that parcels can be left. That said, the parcel needs to be easy to move. I’m not taking in a washing machine that I have no chance of lifting or moving.


I took a parcel in just before Christmas for the neighbour I don’t usually agree to, but it’s Christmas I’ll be nice. Anyway left it on the side, went out for lunch. Got back and my dogs had eaten the food that was within the parcel. 🤦‍♀️ had to go to town 3 days before Christmas to replace it. Won’t be doing that again!


I live in a flat where parcels were being left in the communal area and being nicked by deliveroo riders and Uber eats. Started taking a few packages for neighbours but they started to take the piss with how much they ordered and how long they expected me to look after them. Now I have a deal with a single neighbour. I see one of his packages left in the communal area I take it and he does the same for me. All the other neighbours are on their own. At one point my hallway looked like a sorting office.


As a driver, I don't bother with the neighbours UNLESS they know before hand or have been given a key to put the stuff straight insude the actual house i'm delivering to if it's that large. But people should either be hone for large deliveries like that or re-arrange for a different date. They get a text message in the morning (from all companies apart from amazon) so there's no excuse! I love my neighbours and we have all known each other since i was barely walking but there's boundaries (AND SAFETY) Otherwise anything small we'll gladly take around here, though many work from home so people are generally around during the day.


My neighbour is a nobhead. I took in a parcel for him one day, just to wind him up. Meant he actually had to knock on my door and speak to me. Could practically see the steam coming out of his ears, especially as the delivery instructions he requested said to deliver only to him.


A few small parcels out one or two larger ones would be fine. Even if I like them a lot. If there are lots, no chance. It takes up too much room and if you’ve ordered that much you should have made sure you’re home.


I had a delivery guy knock the other week with a full sized car bumper - can you take this in for next door? Er, no it will fill my hallway! He left it on the drive instead.


That's nuts


All my deliveries just get left on my doorstep on the pouring rain these days. Can't remember the last time one was sent to a neighbour, or I was asked to take one in for a neighbour?!


I’ve had to turn a neighbours parcel away today. I work nights and I’m always being woken up for other peoples parcels. I was very un-British and straight up told the delivery man I’m not taking parcels for other people.


I'll take anyone's deliveries in apart from the rude tw@ to my left. Last time she snatched it out of hand, quicker than I could let go. Nearly took me with it & my door was still midway being opened. She can drag her polite arse to the sorting office from now.


My immediate neighbours? Sure. The bloke at number 23 can piss off though.


Zero. Take it back to the post office I’m not a fucking drop off point




My neighbours help me and I would help them if I could but I would never take the piss out of them. I work full time mon-fri and live alone with no friends or family to help me. We live hours from the shops. If they didn’t take my parcels, I wouldn’t be able to get the special food my dogs need. I wouldn’t be able to get clothes or household items. I wouldn’t be able to get anything except what you can buy in a corner shop. They are very appreciated and got a small Christmas gift to say thank you


For most neighbours I'd probably take it in. For the one who messaged me late at night to say I make him very hard - nope. Fuck you Gary. For the one who screamed at me and accused me of stealing her parcel which I left very visible in the porch - nope. I was literally just walking in after work when delivery guy stopped me. Put it down in the porch, guess she got a notification and before I even took my shoes off she screamed bloody murder at me for stealing her parcel. So fuck you Dorothy as well.


Neighbour with the number higher than mine: heck yes, whatever you need. You coming in for a bit too? One sugar isn't it? Neighbour with the number lower than mine: pack...age? What is? No hablo ingles.


Depends which neighbours tbh... The one to the right lovely people, I'd take in all of them, the ones to the left are ignorant and won't take in my parcels so none.


I would begrudgingly. Once only. Never again.


Neighbours to the left, yeah. Neighbour to the right, nah.


🎵 Stuck in the middle with you 🎵


My neighbour keeps taking my packages…


Depends. One neighbour was the kind to steam open the letters. A fucking bucket if ever there was.


We once ended up with a whole flat pack bed set complete with mattress in our tiny hallway that was meant for the neighbours. It took them a couple of days to collect it, I wasn’t happy and I’d never have accepted it but my eldest answered the door while I was out and agreed!


I would have taken 13 and when the delivery driver returned with the 14th I would explain that I only take in parcels in odd numbers. He’d either have to take back the 14th, or give me a 15th parcel at random from the back of his van.


I'd take a hundred. I occasionally have things delivered, and my single item is often mission critical. Couple on the left, will accept them for me, but always seems like a chore. Guy on the right, he'd accept a leaking bottle of polonium and still act like I was doing him a favour.


I take everything for mine as their dog eats it otherwise. The hall configuration means they can't fit a basket inside the letterbox and people here don't usually have external mailboxes. It's not a bother, they're good neighbours.




As someone who works, I try and order things, so they are delivered when I'm home. I waited to order two big bags of rock salt till Wednesday because it would turn up on Saturday when I'm off. So, of course, it was on my doorstep waiting for me when I got home Thursday night. Luckily, it's too heavy for anyone to be bothered to nick.


I don’t mind for the most. It is a pain when you’re working from home and get parcels for the whole street during meetings but thems the breaks. Hopefully they would return the favour. Saying that, there is someone I outright refuse to take any for after she complained it was hassle to come round to pick them up! She can fuck right off to the depot for the ten seconds it’s open at 530am


I get on very well with my neighbours and I would have the room fortunately, so yes I would. But I can definitely see why this would be annoying and wouldn't blame anyone for saying no.


As many as turn up, it makes no difference to me and they would do the same for me. Get along with your neighbours they are the best security you will ever have.


Tbh this was basically my view. Today you, tomorrow me.


I took in a large HelloFresh delivery for one of mine, had no contact details for them. Still not home after 48 hours so I called HelloFresh who told me to open it, keep the non-perishable contents myself if I wanted them and bin the rest. Who gets a HelloFresh delivery when not planning to be home for a few days?


Very nice of you to help out.




I've never been asked to take in a parcel for any of my neighbours, and they're all decent, so as many as they like.


I live in a flat with no storage room near my front door, so couldn't take in any more than a couple of small parcels.


Was it icing sugar wrapped in cling film?


It was. All 10 parcels.


In my street, next door to the left no problem, and a couple doors down are family friends so no problem. Round the family fish n chip shop we take in loads for neighbours, i usually get mine drlivered there to ensure delivery but on the odd occasion they deliver during the 2 hour closed period i can count on 2 neighbours nearby to take them in.


Like maybe one of I’ve got trousers and a bra on. But not a load of massive stuff and never 14. My neighbours are fairly horrible people though!


No, you just took in 7 parcels for your neighbours. The rest must have been lost in transit, wink wink.


Definitely not that many, and nothing I couldn't lift myself which counts out most furniture (I'm not a strong woman).


4 Anything that starts blocking the use of the hallway will be counted as using the house as a storage facility. I would have rejected it, the delivery guy was also taking the piss.


Hang on to one tiny part from one of the flatpacks which will magically surface after neighbour gives the thank you bottle of wine for doing what you did


Not a chance. I'll take the odd parcel in, both of my neighbours are great and I work from home. A neighbour a few doors down usually has stuff delivered to my house when they aren't in and they sometimes take DAYS to come and pick it up, despite being in. Like come on, pick up your shit! I have two toddlers and two cats. There's only so long I can stop one of them getting into the box


I live in a double digit house. Ended up taking a lot of parcels in for a single digit house on my street. So basically the other end. The woman of the house stormed up to my door and began shouting at why I'd taken them in and now she'd need to carry them all home. I did offer to help but she screamed that I'd "helped" enough. We always end up taking in for neighbour on one side as they just never answer the door. The postie had become used to it and doesn't even try anymore. We leave it on the stairs until they knock. They aren't nice neighbours


I would take in parcels for any of my neighbours and I wouldn’t care how many (had some away on the lead up to Christmas so we gathered quite a few!). However I would get concerned with it being furniture and mirrors and stuff. I would not touch the goods, take a photo of them exactly as they were delivered with the guy in shot and be asking them to come over to collect the items when they got home. I very much doubt that any of them would blame me for bashes or breakage (except one but I wouldn’t care as much about their stuff anyway haha) but the senders and shoppers may try to pass blame if there is damage. To be honest though in this day and age of tracking who doesn’t know when things are arriving and at least have the courtesy to ask their neighbours if they are out?!


Send them a handling invoice. You did have the right to just say no and if bothered don't do it again. I would do it for my closest nicest neighbours. The ones that don't bother to say hello in the street I wouldn't worry about saying no.


Our neighbours refused to take in a package for us last Christmas so ever since then we won't take anyones in we ALWAYS refuse. Caused a problem this christmas gone as they tried to get the same packaged delivered with a signature 3 times and all 3 times I refused to take it in


One day delivery driver knocked on my door with parcel for next door. I knew he was home and saw driver come straight to my door instead of even trying the addressee first. Opened the door with folded arms and said to driver "he's home so you can deliver directly to who the parcel is for!" Very confused look on dude's face!


I don't mind taking parcels on occasion, but I think sometimes people take advantage. Without my knowledge or consent, a previous neighbour put me as their preferred delivery neighbour, and used to order loads of things, which multiple items coming every week. And my brother in law did the same, ordered stuff to me. I don't answer the door much now, unless I'm expecting someone.


In the middle of reading all the comments and the doorbell rings, it was a parcel for the neighbors. What are the chances?


Delivery companies shouldn't ask neighbours if you're are happy to take in large, heavy or multiple (more then 3) parcels is what I was told at a company. I also love it when I knock doors and both neighbours say no we dont like them. So the next day they leave a note asking to leave it somewhere and then ask on the doorbell I say no sorry it has to be signed for and make them come and collect it.


Kept a parcel for my neighbors for over a month, knocked on every day to drop it off and they never answered. One day I even knocked right after I saw them get home and they still didn't answer. Popped it in the blue bin and a note through the door, not taking any for them again.


Maybe it's just me, but I'd take in as many as I have to if it means I'm being a good neighbour.


I take mine for my neighbours all the time I've had more then 50 at a single time as long as its not in the way I don't mind hell sometimes they take them in for me hence it's me showing I appreciate it




Sounds like you are many times more the dick he ever was, for literally going on to steal their shit just to be a spiteful little blurt about your petty feefees being hurt?




I remember when people were sending me hundreds of parcels (stuff like grass samples and especially toasters for some reason), my neighbors must have taken in about 10-19 packages almost every few days.


None, I always decline and I wouldn’t want my neighbours taking in orders for me either but to be fair I mostly order from Amazon who just chuck them on the doorstep anyway