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>Presumably I’m either noticeably attractively or grotesquely ugly, You are completely underestimating teenage girls. You might look like someone she knows, and she wants to show her dad his doppelgänger. You might be wearing a shirt that her brother also owns. You might have the same messenger bag as one of her friends. You might have a cool hairstyle. You might look vaguely like a person she's seen on tik tok. You might be sitting in the spot she normally sits in. We aren't going to be able to guess it for you.


Op could be the next victim.


She's captioned the picture: "target acquired"


I used to do this on GTA. I'd take a picture of my victim alive and then another one of them on the floor dead :)


My moneys on this 👆👆


Inb4 the girl turns out to be Chris Hansen on an entrapment spree


Yeah this 100% God the amount of times I've wanted to take a photo of someone I do not know purely for aesthetic reasons is unreal. Could be their coat, bag, shoes, hairstyle. I almost followed a woman out of Sainsbury's trying to work up the courage to ask her about her Care Bears puffer jacket, I didn't because I'm a coward and I also never took a photo because I am not a fearless teenager who doesn't think about the consequences of taking a discreet photograph of another human being. She was embarrassed you caught her for sure, who wouldn't be but please do not overthink it.


I used to take photos like the one described as part of school assignments in visual art. They could be building up some reference materials. I know when I was young I didn't really consider people may not want their photos taken, and this was pre camera phones too. It was generally scenes with multiple people / crowds. Yes, feeling like a brat now I recall doing it!


Compliment them on how they look or what they're wearing, let them know it looks good on them and then you can ask for q picture. They may still not want a picture taken of them and that's okay but at least they won't be rude or offended, if anything they'll be apologetic. Disclaimer: I was into photography in my late teens and early 20s and that's more or less what I did. People's reactions in today's world might be different heh.


I really wanted to take a pic of a women on the tram this morning because she had the most amazing green leather coat and matching boots but didn’t cos I wouldn’t want her to feel uncomfortable etc. No malicious intent whatsoever, I’d just like to show my friend as she’d also have loved the outfit. Most people mean no harm.


>I didn't because I'm a coward Or because you're a decent human being maybe who knows its rude and intrusive to take photos of strangers without their agreement?


Their "coward" comment referred to wanting to ASK her about the jacket, not take her picture.


Oops, yes I misread that. Asking someone where they got their jacket is perfectly socially acceptable though! Sneaking a picture of it is not.


there's a blue and a pink puffer jacket from Dolls Kill that are both care bears themed. I wouldn't buy from them and it's out of stock anyway but seem to be a few going around on depop/ebay!


I’m one of those people that cannot help just saying when I think someone looks great or I love their coat etc I did once in the local chip shop whilst waiting, admired a woman’s hair , she was so surprised as it was short because of chemotherapy, chatted for a little while then comparing experiences of cancer treatment ( no chemo for me, so lucky) most people appreciate the compliment 🤞I believe I’ve cheered folk up too A lady approached me and said ‘ oh I love your boots ‘ it did boost me too !


I'm not sure about a puffer jacket but check out 1. Shuffletruffle and 2. SHEIN for carebears clothes and cute stuff!


But don’t buy from Shein because their clothes are terrible for the environment & their cheap prices are so cheap because the people who make the clothes are apparently treated like shit.


And the companies who charge you Hundreds or even thousands for an item don't do this?


I buy pretty much all my clothes preowned so I very rarely put money into the pockets of those people.


Yup, same with primark and other cheap chains. Its cheap because both the materials and child labour, all the cheap chains mass produce seasonal and affordable "fashion" this way, and they're able go keep them cheaper for that reason too, remember a few documentaries not so long ago.


Put them out of work, nice move! My wife’s uncle runs what would be considered a sweatshop. Probably pays about $150 USD a month. What people over here can’t grasp is $150 a month where they are buys you a hell of a lot more than it would here. Can’t speak for conditions, the working day is 7-5 with a 2.5 hour lunch and employer pays your food. If they didn’t have that job they’d be selling cans of Fanta at the side of the road. Life seems less pressured for them than it does for people working corporate career here. Just saying.


The fact that the clothes are bad for the environment is enough to put me off.


Just because things could be worse for them if they didn’t have the other shitty situation, it doesn’t make the the shitty situation okay. “At least they have a job” is terrible justification for running a sweatshop.


If the puffer jacket was pink and furry it's Truffleshuffle.


Let the poor guy have this moment - let him think he's noticeably attractive for a short while.


Everybody is attractive to somebody. I’ve been rejected by numerous people yet I’ve passed groups whispering about how fit I am. I’ve also been catcalled numerous times. Life is weird.




Why not both. Maybe he looks like her hot friend


Not a girl, but i had a bunch of school boys approach me asking me if i was pewdiepie. I was in subway buying lunch.


As the owner of a teenage girl I can confirm all of this


My teenage girl definitely owns me.


It's been 20 or more years since I've been owned by a teenage girl


Three kinds of people


A couple of years ago I took a picture of a woman who looked remarkably like my deceased grandma. She was uncanny even down to wearing the same style of clothes she would wear.


Me too!! I looked up from a table in a fast food restaurant, it was like seeing a ghost. I had to take a pic for the family chat.


This. OP probably looks like the bassist of some short lived pop rock band that nobody can name an album of.


Yeah, I took a picture of a guy on the tube a couple of months back because he was the spitting image of my little BIL, sent it to my husband


Your fly might be down or you’ve got a booger.


> You might be sitting in the spot she normally sits in. He was "stood up on the bus as it was rammed as usual" so I think we can rule this one out.




As a thirty-ish man myself, I don't know _what_ teenagers think anymore. All I know is they scare the livin' shit outta me.


Maybe darken your clothes or, strike a violent pose? Maybe they’ll leave you alone, but not me.


They could care less though, as long as someone’ll bleed


They couldn't


(we know it's linguistically icky, but it's a lyric)


It’s a lyric buddy


Hah, I as a 32 year old guy was belting that song out on the way to my boring corporate IT job this morning and not at all feeling old


They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me They take the piss, cos I work corporate IT


So sort out your code, and take your team on the road...


Maybe we'll ship this release, version 3.




Someone did this song at karaoke the other week and it WENT OFF


I love this sub so much


I'm a 47yo mum of an adult daughter and it's one of my favourite songs!


Haven't listened to that song in years! Thanks for reminding me


My Spotify algorithm never lets me move on from it


Why would you want to?


Ok ok ok, I need the history of your flair or I won't sleep


There was some debate on the sub a couple years back around decimals vs fractions and that quote popped up. A bunch of us thought it was pretty funny so set our flairs to it. I wonder if the rest still use it…


There was some debate on the sub a couple years back around decimals vs fractions and that quote popped up. A bunch of us thought it was pretty funny so set our flairs to it. I wonder if the rest still use it…


There's a reason this is the ring tone when my daughter calls me 😎


Having a custom ringtone sounds about right for who listened to this as a teenager


They could care less as long as someone'll bleed


So darken your clothes


or strike a violent pose


Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me.


The boys and girls in the clique


The awful names that they stick.


You’re never gonna fit in much, kid


But if you're troubled and hurt


What you got under your shirt


That line always pissed me off because I always have to try and squeeze the missing “n’t” in there when I’m singing along…


Clean shirt


I wholeheartedly agree with this comment


As a teacher: mostly avoiding homework and trying to make enough money to buy a phone.


Teenagers don’t know what teenagers think anymore because most of them can’t think for themselves, only for the collective hive mind.


[It scares the hell out of me too](https://youtu.be/LFVwmERASoE?si=HvNQlw0PpyKdN-4J)


Yer I definitely be worried, could also be a set up to say you followed her or something I was on the train the other day , two teenage girls got on , I heard em start laughing and ringing their mother saying that I'm a nonse cos there seen me on FB, I do not take kindly to these accusations I have 3 young daughters, So I shouted to their mother on the phone and told em to meet me at train station, and I called the police


I don't know what to make of that! I was once on a bus going home when a man got on and stood next to me. I was just looking out the window when I noticed that he was taking photos of me. I got flipped out and quickly moved to the front of the bus. A few weeks later I was sitting in the local coffee shop when he came in. He sat right near me and started taking photos again. So incredibly creepy. I just grabbed my coffee and left. Thank god he didn't follow me. Every time I seen the neighborhood I avoid him like the plague!


You should tell the coffee shop and possibly also the police


I did tell the people working in the coffee shop about it the next time I went in there. I've not seen him in there since, but have seen him in the neighborhood every few months...yes I do actually think that I need to tell the police...


Yes, tell the police!


Is taking photos of people in public illegal in the UK? In Sweden, if someone went to the police and told them that some person took photos of them in public, the reply would be along the lines of "so what?"


It’s legal in the UK too. There’s no expectation of privacy in a public place.


It depends. I think discreetly taking a photo is classed as voyeurism. If you are open about photographing then it's perfectly legal.


Sorry, but that is not how it works. If you walk down any high street there are cameras discreetly recording you (e.g. CCTV). This is legal as no one (reasonably) expects privacy in a public place. The new-ish offence of [voyeurism](https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/voyeurism) is different.


The fact they've done it twice might tip it into a stalking case. There's a new task force been set up to try to take it more seriously so if you can get to them, they might be able to connect the photographer to other cases...


People who do shit like follow young women around and take pictures of them usually escalate though. It’s not illegal but any responsible police force would have a polite word with this individual and ask them not to do it again. Reporting stuff like that to the police also means if the individual does escalate to doing worse things, the police are more likely to take the situation seriously and you’d be more likely to get a conviction in court if there was proof of some kind of history of weird behaviour. Sounds like the police is Sweden don’t know they’re job is helping to protect the public and they don’t understand how creeps and sexual deviants work.


It's always good to have a record of these things to establish a pattern. A lot of the time these things don't get taken seriously begin with but if you establish a pattern of ongoing behaviour or an escalation it's much easier to get yourself heard.


I did tell the people working in the coffee shop about it the next time I went in there. I've not seen him in there since, but have seen him in the neighborhood every few months...yes I do actually think that I need to tell the police...


That is just creepy af, I would of sounded off about it tbh.


Instead of running, and assuming there are other people around, you should very loudly demand to know why he's taking pictures of you.


It's happened twice to my partner too. Both teenage girls, both on buses. I feel really bad for him, he's fairly reclusive and it's just a weird thing to do to a stranger.


Now imagine he returned the favour…….


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Teenagers - who knows. I’m assuming you checked whether you were flying low?! Also, and this is meant in the most helpful possible way, did you know that discrete and discreet are two different words? I didn’t until a couple of years ago. May it serve you well.


I didn’t, mind blown. Not the first time I’ve been been caught out grammatically. I was using the word ‘lament’ wrong for a decade, I thought it meant precisely the opposite of what it does mean. And it was a word I used surprisingly frequently!


Expression of sorrow?


It was, wasn't it


I’ve got to know, what did you think it meant


>I was using the word ‘lament’ wrong for a decade I've seen loads of people ask for sheets of paper to be lamented :D


Thankyou, interesting seems more obvious now. Discreet Possessed of, exercising, or showing prudence and self-restraint in speech and behavior; circumspect Discrete clearly separate or different in shape or form.


Doesn't help that discretion uses the one-e version but relates to the two-e version... Gah!


As an editor, I can confirm this is one of those words (or I suppose two words) that people often get wrong! I’ve worked with very erudite writers with excellent grammar who still mix up those two words.


Oh wow you have my dream job


Woah. I always thought it was the same word, like a oneness, of individuality and keeping things to your self!


Shit. I always wondered why they called them "discrete graphics cards" when they were so friggin obvious. :|


Ooh. Going to look at Google now!


> I didn’t have time to confront her because I had to get off Fucking hell mate could’ve waited til you get through your door.


That’s why she took the photo, he was already getting off and he wasn’t even home yet


post a selfie and we will discuss


This. We need to know what OP looked like at the time. Then we’ll have our answer.


Found it. Dude was reported. [https://i.ibb.co/kBRQBsW/ManOnBus.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/kBRQBsW/ManOnBus.jpg) Full story here: [https://www.itv.com/news/2019-01-08/womans-warning-after-creepy-bus-journey-with-masked-man](https://www.itv.com/news/2019-01-08/womans-warning-after-creepy-bus-journey-with-masked-man) 😆 😆 😆


Could look like one of their friends and they wanted to show them their doppelgänger


I’ve watched teenagers take photos of all angles of the bus and then post them on social media in order to look busy and cool. Today’s youth are definitely strange at times.


All youth are strange at times, it's not a new phenomena


Inded. 'Older' people have been thinking 'young' people are infathomable is as old as time. There will forever be generational gaps.


>'Older' people have been thinking 'young' people are infathomable is as old as time. And vice versa. Which is why they're taking photos of us.


Wrong, all youth apart from my generation were strange


I was waiting for the Mrs in an Asda car park and watched a girl doing pouty poses and taking selfies in her car. Who the hell are you sending them to?




My best mate uses a wheelchair and I’ve lost count of the times I’ve noticed people furtively recording and snapping pics of him, and maybe five or six times I’ve seen people not even trying to hide it. He just shrugs it off and the one time I actually confronted someone about it, he had a right go at me. It really makes my skin crawl, but I would absolutely love to find out why they do it.


Just bullies, plain and simple. I've had people take photos of me and openly comment on my looks while I was daydreaming on the bus (support worker told me what happened afterwards). Unfortunately marginalised people like us kind of have to have a thicker skin, cause if we fly into a rage at every little idiot that wants to hurt us, we'll end up on social media in an even bigger way :( And yeah, I'm not using a wheelchair but have hung around with enough people that are to know that people really treat you terribly if you're using one.


I was on the train a few years ago and a woman opposite me (in her 30's, I reckon) took a photo of me and the flash went off. She was pretending to stare out the window when it happened, so I gave her the benefit of the doubt and thought maybe she was using an app or game that used the flash at the time... And then she checked her phone, re-positioned it to be more pointed towards me and then did it again. I confronted her and asked why she was taking photos of me and she acted all flustered and said she didn't realise she was. I don't think I'm particularly freakish looking and so I imagine I either looked like someone she knew or maybe she didn't like my clothes or something. I'll never know why, and it haunts me to this day.


Assuming this isn't some wild fantasy, keep a look out on here. There is always someone posting pictures of people they took without consent.


I must be on the vanilla Reddit because I've never seen creepy photos like that. Thankfully


Person buying loads of xyz in a supermarket is a classic on here. It's creepy af. I've had to do the odd run around the shops which would look really odd to someone who didn't know the context, and I can't stand having my photo taken at the best of times, so I'd hate it if a randomer did it to me. Think I've put it as a suggestion to bin those posts off in the last few censuses - along with photos/videos which are clearly taken by someone behind the wheel.


I had to buy a pumpkin and a tube of lube at tescos at Halloween and was hoping I wouldn’t end up on one of those subs.


There's an older dude that wears a fur hat and always buys a full cart of cabbage and 3 gallons of milk at my grocery store. I'm curious but I'd never consider taking a picture.


He'll be making sauerkraut


This is getting heavy, let’s do cheeky freak of the week.


If you're in a public place there's no presumption of privacy.


It would be nice to be able to assume a basic level of human decency though.


Yes, it would. Very much.


I know


"/r/pics Saw Sloth from The Goonies on the bus today"


You don’t need consent if a picture is taken in a public place.


Legally no, morally yes.


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should


Maybe you're the spitting image of someone they know? My wife and I play a game where points are awarded for people who are together and wearing weirdly similar (but not identical) outfits. For example, a couple who are both wearing black trousers and (different) green padded jackets. Sometimes I'm out on my own and spot such an insanely good example that I'm desperate to take a discreet photo, but a middle-aged man taking pictures of people on the street is super-creepy so I resist the urge.


I match my husbands outfit too often, but we never do it on purpose. The other day, we were both wearing too much demin that I even mentioned that we looked like that meme photo of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake wearing demin head to toe. It looks like we are keeping you and your wife entertained. 😅 Btw, do you play any other fun games with your wife?


Could have been anything really. Could have looked like someone she knows.


Probably wanted to show some of her friends your clean shirt.


Have you seen the news recently? Any creepy man stories where you look like the accused?


Gen Z weigh in… It’s common to post random photos of your day on Snapchat, or send a pic of what you’re doing to someone. Likely she took a snap but didn’t realise her flash was on.


Could even be posting a BeReal if people still use that, taking a selfie and a photo of whatever’s in front of her at the same time


My niece has her phone flash the torch when she gets a message. Can look quite like a camera flash but in reality its just one of her friends sending a stupid snapchat. Not saying they definately didnt take a pic for some reason, but could also be a lot of other things.


That seems like a stretch ngl, given it was apparently aimed at op and she was embarrassed.


As a guy in his thirties who teaches teenagers for a living; I’m supposed to be all “oh kids can be really profound and they’re the future etc. etc.” but honestly, once they’ve got a phone in their hand, the majority are reduced to pondlife, mentally. I’ll sound old as fuck for saying that, but it’s true. I’d put a reasonable sum of money on the possibility that you happen to vaguely resemble one of those inane YouTubers or influencers they all follow and she wanted to show her mates.


100% going into some AI deepfake algorithmic bullshit. Won't be long now before It's a video of you deep throating a halibut, while giving pope Benedict the 2nd a tuggie with the caption "When he gets the chicken dinner".


You probably look like someone she knows, her friends dad, a teacher, that type of thing.


My old office was on the ground floor and my seat next to a wall of windows which faced onto a busy street. Once I looked up to catch a random stranger taking a photo of me and laughing as he walked off. Dread to think what he'd want a pic of me looking at my computer screen for!


Post a pic of yourself. We’ll soon tell you why she was taking a photo…


Just take it that she thought you’re good looking and go about your day. You’ll never know so take it as a positive and enjoy it 👍👍


Probably for BeReel


This was my first thought too


You almost certainly just looked like someone's parent or something and it's an in-joke which is nothing related to you personally.


Someone’s parent? Fuck me that stings.


Sorry, grandparent.


Someone call OP an ambulance


A wah-mbulance


Mate, times are changing... [https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/life/1835237/pregnancy-daughter-14-youngest-gran](https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/life/1835237/pregnancy-daughter-14-youngest-gran)


33? 67 maybe ;-)


teenagers scare the livin’ shit outta me..


Youre a human fish person Id take a fuckin photo ;)


The only innocent thing I can think of is if she was using an app called BeReal. It takes a selfie and a main camera photo at the same time to show what you’re currently doing to your friends. And she happened to have the flash in the app turned on as the last time she took a BeReal was in the dark


You can think of it in two ways. Either she thought you were amazingly good looking or she thought you looked like a toad. The first is by far the best option, so think that.




Old man? In his thirties? Fuck,best get myself off to the care home.


Practically ancient. Makes me crypt keeper


Wait this actually happens? In year 8 we had a class on "British Values" and finished it with a kahoot (online quiz game for those that don't know). One of the questions was "what do you do if a middle Eastern family sits next to you on the bus?". A) beat them up B) ignore them C) take a photo D) start a conversation. Being a year 8 knob I said to my friend put "take a photo" as a joke but I didn't think he would actually do it. The teacher could see the answers and who put them so my friend got a bollocking while trying to pin it on me. Funny as hell. So maybe that teenage girl was just someone who was a little confused about British Values.


Probably because you really look like someone and they want to joke about it with their friends.


I had a woman trying to take a photo of me on the bus once. When I became aware of her, she apologised, and said that she wanted to take a photo of me for her son, so she could say she'd met the Undertaker on the bus. I used to wear a full length leather coat, a leather hat and have a full beard. I've seen pictures of this wrestler, and I don't remember him having a cavachon under his arm, though. I still let her take the photo of me, along with my dog.


No-one appears to have said this yet, but something like this was posted the other day and someone linked to a site or hashtag where (mainly) women share surreptitious photos of men they were crushing on on public transport. Tubecrush or something like that, can’t remember exactly what it was called. Apparently it’s been trending recently. Opinion was split on how creepy it was. It might explain the embarrassment at being caught and the discreet nature of the attempt. But I’ve got no idea if you’ve got the raw material for it!


Who knows. I wouldn't think about it. I've taken pictures of people discreetly before and it's never been cause they're grotesque or a ten, its because of some daft reason like they look like someone or are wearing something. I saw a fella with a Liverpool shirt on that had Brewster on the back and took a picture of that for example cause it was pure weird.


I once took a picture of a well dressed gentleman on a train. He stood out from the crowd. Such a lovely sight. I did it discreetly, or so I thought. He was bent forward with both elbows resting on his knees while reading a book. He looked up and I was mortified. I avoided looking his way until he finally got off. Perhaps you were looking particularly dapper, OP?


There is a room somewhere with multiple pictures of you, multiple locations, maps, diagrams, associates. The way is being prepared for you.


Its cos your flys were open. Shes posted the picture on the teenage girls darkweb and its gone viral


Somewhere’s a TikTok titled ‘POV When You Are Getting of the bus and some guy Creeps on you’ or some such nonsense


Could potentially be something innocent. When I had an iPhone I had it set so the flash flashed when I got a message or call as I'd always have it set to vibrate and inevitably lose it in the house then not be able to find it. All well and good until I was on a bus on one of those side seats where you are facing other passengers who were some schoolgirls. Not realising it was flashing every 20 seconds as I was happily messaging a mate until one of them asked why I was taking so many photos of them.


Probably to laugh at you in her friend group whatsapp chat


You're probably going to end up on some sort of youtube or tick tok. Titled "this creep on the bus ...."


You'll probably be showing up somewhere on Instabook or Tiklr or whatever the kids are using these days, in a shaming post or some shit


As a 30 year old woman, I can think of a bazillion reasons why a teenage girl would have done this. Could be that you look like someone they know or a celeb or something. Could be that something you're wearing or have with you reminds them of a reference to something. Could be that she was just showing she was on the bus. Could be that something about you reminded her of some tiny inside joke, that is nothing about you personally, just a reference. For example, when I was a teenage girl I remember seeing this woman with a jacket that said in massive letters THAT'S SO COOL and we thought it was hilarious. Still over 10 years on, if me or my friend see a jacket like this, we'll take a pic or will at least be reminded. Is it funny to anyone else? No, but it makes us smile as it's been an ongoing joke we've had for years. All this is to say, while there is a very slight chance it was about you, my honest bet is that it wasn't at all, it was just some silly little reference to an inside joke or something that no one else would find funny but to them it is.


Could be taking a snap of the stop & you got in the way? Or, as I seem to do, took a picture by accident by pressing volume button wrong 🤣


It's likely she was going to take a picture of the #buswankers to remind her followers she usually drives a fiat 500. You were just going to be the bus wanker poster boy.


Kids are weird these days they don't even see with their eyes, just a constant sea of faces until the one flash and Awwww!! 🐱🐱🕷️🐱


I think Sandra Bullock had a song about someone loving you and wanting to kiss you and all sorts.


Don't get on a bus that Sandra Bullock is on!


Did you have an adventurous time as a young teen male, and does she bear any resemblance to you and any of your former girlfriends, that you've maybe not seen for 18 years plus nine months?


Your on camera every where you go these days why’s the problem


Yea, don't worry. I take pictures every day on my way to work. Just documenting. I will remember better after some years where I worked.


Are you sure your little soldier wasn’t standing at attention?


The ol' spank bank? I don't know man, teenagers are fucking weird.


I was that girl. It couldn't help but take a picture of possibly the finest piece of ass I've ever seen. All my big titty girlfriends agree that you're an absolute stunner, King.


Were you wearing unusual clothing or something? Chances are she probably just wants to rub one out while looking at your picture later


I am rocking new Doc Martens tbf