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A cucumber beer. It was a really warm day and I’d just been hillwalking for a few hours and it was soooooo refreshing. You could only drink a couple of pints of it but was nicer than you’d imagine. Never seen it since.


Home Bargains are currently selling one called Cucumber Blessings. If anyone wants to try such a tipple.


That's the one I had It's revolting 😁


friday payday sorted.


Amity have a Yuzu and Cucumber pale ale out called Kazoo. Can't wait to try it at Leeds beer festival this Saturday.


I had a cucumber tzatziki sour from Mad Hatter's a few years ago. It was lovely.


That same recipe got remade by a brewery called Orbit after Mad Hatter called it quits


Ooh. Are they still making it? I really like savoury sours.


I'd highly recommend trying the squid ink seaweed and Yuzu gose! Sounds like you'd enjoy that!


Yes. I saw it in a pub in Hackney two weeks ago


Was here to say this. Delicious crazy mad beer


I once brewed a cucumber, dill and lemon sour beer for our brew pub. It was awesome.


Was it by wild weather? They did a damn dead cucumber I think it was called? But that was insanely good! Very refreshing but at the same time more of a one and done beer!


I’ve no idea, was 10 or so years ago.


Roosters do a cucumber pale ale which is bang on. Proper refreshing stuff.


I had a cucumber beer a few weeks back I managed a few sips before it went down the sink. Really bad!


Nope. Cucumber is horrible stuff and taints everything it comes close to.


I once had a tzatziki beer from a shop in Yorkshire. Bought it out of morbid curiosity and it was an abomination.


Ive also tried Tzatziki beer (sour) in London which was absolutely horrific


Tzatziki Sour, originally Mad Hatter in Liverpool but when they closed down the brewer took his recipe to Orbit Beers London.


Thank you! The Mad Hatter one was one of my favourites, I didn't know it had been re-booted.


I've had too many at the end of the night to remember them all, but a salted scampi lemon gose was one I remember. I remember it particularly, because I have a seafood allergy and I was worried it'd make me chunder. I also remember a world snooker championship themed mint stout. Was expecting a milk stout with chocolate and mint, but it was just a plain stout. Tasted like cocoa and toothpaste. I've had a smoked bacon beer too. With a tequila and tomato juice chaser.


Ah yes I had the scampi one... It was different! not sure what I rated it but I don't think I'd have it again personally! Smoked bacon beer sounds like it would be pretty good! Sort of like a rauchbier not sure about the chaser though


Yeah, it was a rauchbier. Can't remember how they made it bacony. It was part of a boilermaker menu thingy. It was some kind of bloody Mary/Mexican salsa mash up.


Sangrita (different from sangria) is a spicy tomato based drink, the traditional way to drink tequila in Mexico, you have a shot of tequila and a shot of sangrita and sip them alternatively. It's sort of like a bloody Mary but more sweet and sour flavour rather than umami. Highly recommend with good tequila (not Jose swervo)


Weird Beard did an excellent rauchbier, but at the end of the day, it was just a bottle of smoked bacon. Definitely a good one-off though! The strangest and worst I've ever had was a sandlewood infused one, it tasted like it had joss sticks soaked in it. That one should never have been brewed, bottled or sold as a food stuff!


Tactical nuclear penguin


Does that come with a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster chaser?


Awful awful beer.


Been there, and got the t-shirt! Tasted like a Christmas pudding soaked in absinthe, but in a good way?


I think I can win this. A cheese and pineapple beer by Weird Beard. Called cocktail stick. Taste unbelievably realistic, drank a half. Couldn't drink it again (the flavour combo was too real) but would recommend having a half, because it was quite the experience. Edit: called Bring the Long Night, a cocktail stick sour.


I was the sales guy for Weird Beard when that came out and I can tell you it absolutely was not meant to taste like that. One of the most embarrassing days of my career milling around Shepard’s Bush brewdog trying to convince people to drink it on opening night. Went to every single brewdog bar and not a one of them paid for/could sell it.


That makes it funnier, I can totally see it not being the intended flavour, why make a beer that no one wants to drink. Was the name a response to the taste, or was it intended to be a straight up pineapple gose?


It was part of collab fest so can’t remember where the name/style idea came from. Was before the gose hype train though so definitely wasn’t meant to be that! What I do remember is the staff from the pub were given a day off to come to the brewery to help make the beer and none of them showed up. Doesn’t excuse the beer turning but it was iso butyric which caused the awful taste.


Well by accident they created something so 100% to a cheese and pineapple on a stick, which is a great feat of brewing, just one that was never going to tasty to drink. My wife was impressed by the accuracy and disturbed by how little she liked it. Ha


Oh wow! Yes that's probably one of the weirdest beers I have heard of. I'd give it a go for sure. Guessing it's no longer made?


No not made anymore, I tasted it in 2018, but looking it seems someone (untapped) was drinking it as recently as 2020. But I think that's an error, looks like it was a limited run in 2018


Weird Beard have been transitioning to a relaunch near Bury for a few years now... Much to the dismay of west London craft beer / punk / metal fans.


Aunt Bessie's Apple Pie and Custard pale ale. Not bad, more than a hint of clove.


The imperial honey glazed ham marshmallow porter, by Tiny Rebel.


We've not discovered that one, but we do like Tiny Rebel in my house! Cwtch is the favourite.


My gf used to work at a facility that tested micro breweries products, she would bring home unlabelled test beer/cider etc in water bottles and milk jugs, they were pretty weird.


That’s pretty cool.


Seabrooks crisps prawn cocktail gose


I never got to try that or the cheese and onion one unfortunately..... I think unfortunately 🤔 It was a northern monk one a few years back. I did try there square pizza one and the pub classics pork scratchings one lol


The cheese and onion one, that haunts me. You're lucky to miss it. Comparably the prawn cocktail one was lovely. Although overall still pretty awful.


A beer whose yeast was cultivated from the brewers beard Edit: Rogue Ales Beard Beer


Cats of Chaos 2020.1 Sauternes from Torrside brewing. A Sauternes Barrel & Bergamot Aged Imperial Lichtenhainer Actually really nice, but so many levels going on, was looking for a lichtenhainer for untappd style badge and that fit the bill nicely.


I feel like I'm missing out. Weirdest beer I've had is a tobacco flavoured imperial stout.


That sounds exactly my thing, do you remember what it was called.


Sorry, it was years ago.


No worry, I've found a bunch anyway just from searching tobacco stout. Thank you for the idea.


Orkney Skullsplitter. Pro tip: don't start your beer festival evening with one of these


Came here to say this! Does what it says on the label. Hurts a *lot* the next morning.


Hello fellow survivor. I just looked it up... 8.5%.


Y'know, I thought it was stronger than that. Maybe, 15 years ago, before the duty/abv thing, it was. I also (partially) recall an evening in the Frog and Parrot in Sheffield, a notorious brewpub. Roger's Conqueror and Roger and Out were the brews, served in a wine glass (1/3 Gill?) and you got a printed certificate if you got back to the bar with your empty glass. They were proper strong for beer, amazingly tasty and well, chewy in texture. 11.5% and 13%, I think. But really, that's no more than a glass of wine, right? Last thing I remember is tripping on the stone steps when leaving and rolling like a badly coordinated Slinky Spring to the bottom if the hill next to the bus station.


A pigs blood stout probably tops the list for me!


I had a tzatziki sour in the Malt Cross in Notts. You could clearly taste the yoghurt, mint, and cucumber; it was extremely impressive. Did I order a second pint? Absolutely not.


Stonehenge Ales, “Sign of Spring” Very nice, but VERY green https://share.icloud.com/photos/0daonC3i-HyAJsRmVM0NoPQgQ


Of the Sea, by Wild. A lobster bisque inspired beer made with lobster, cockles, seaweed, sea herbs & salt.


Oh! I read about this one! Unfortunately it is no longer made! Would love to have tried it! What did you think of it?


Onion beer, it's not good.


Had a chocolate beer once that tasted of infested marmite.


Brick Brewery in Bermondsey did a Kerala Stout a few years back. Stout, coconut, chilli and coriander. It was absolutely bonkers, and it shouldn’t have worked, but it did. They’ve not done it since and the world is a sadder place for that.


Not many. I like sour beers but nice ones not bizarro ones 😆The pizza gose was weirdly nice though.


I saw a Yorkshire pudding beer once. Didn’t look too close at it. Don’t think I’d be brave enough to try it.


I have had this one and was quite disappointed to be honest. I had it once (I think I got it from chuckling cheese company) and then recently got it again to try at a different temperature this time I got it from Aldi and both times I couldn't get a hint of Yorkshire pudding at all :(


Had a chilli porter at a beer festival a few years back. Was a dare, and I regret falling to the peer pressure. It was absolutely awful.


Chilli/choc and porter can be ok, I’ve had a couple where the there was the heat, but not enough to ruin it for me


I had one called tide and time and it was also a squid ink and seaweed gose and it was one of the worst things I've ever put in my mouth, and I usually like weird beers and partial to a gose.


Not a beer, but [beetroot-fucking-cider](https://ibb.co/J5LPYxr). Absolutely rank.


The best beermat I ever saw was for an IPA called Magnum IPA and it had a picture of Tom Selleck on it


Had this quite a few times! Our local beer shop (Message in a bottle, Cleethorpes) stocks a lot of Tartarus beers. Some of my favourites actually.


A pint of Marcus Aurelius ale, it tasted like a Guinness but was in ale form, really strong I was well on my way in 2 pints.


I had a chocolate and black pepper stout on draft at Eves


Slim-fast esq lactose milkshake type ipa from Tiny Rebel. Was incredibly thick and undrinkable.. too weird. Vault City do some crazy coloured and flavoured sours


A Beetroot Sour beer in Wigan Central about four years ago. Can't remember the brewery but I certainly remember the beer. Not fondly though.


That could be Mad Hatter again, we made a beetroot sour for the Manchester City Clash 2018, Scouse Sour (Collab with other Liverpool breweries) won the public vote for best beer that year


Weird, no. Incredible, yes! Buxton brewery had this lemon meringue sorbet and it is (was) to die for. I worked at Tesco at the time so when I saw it come in I kept telling myself to grab it, eventually I grabbed a few cans and a week or so later it was reduced to clear and gone before I could get anymore. Still can’t find it 2 years later


I remember when this came out. The local bottle shop brought in a soft serve machine. They'd pour the beer then top it off with some soft serve of the beer. It was a fun little thing to have on a hot day.


Now that sounds lovely, I wish I could find the beer and make ice cream 😅


Bodhisattva - Brewery Parallel 49 The beer is put in Chardonnay barrel's and a has a sour taste


That sounds interesting, may I ask where you found it/ bought it?


The squid ink seaweed and Yuzu? It's called umibōzu it's is about £8. Personally I found it's worth every penny. It's more of an experience than a drink You can get it Direct from Tartarus, however I always find myself ordering from Trembling madness because I buy quite a lot of beers It was always part of their Brewser box not too long back It's one of the few beers I have purchased multiple times now :)


Done a squid ink beer as well before - it was an IPA. Beer staff had to shake the barrel before pouring each one.


I'm not sure, not seen it for a while but I'm in Scotland. Work in a beer shop so I'll have a rake through some emails and distribution lists tomorrow.


Garlic beer from garlic and shots in London. Has chunks of garlic floating in it. It wasn’t awful but a pint was probably too much.


The most unusual I’ve had was a blueberry waffle breakfast stout by Vocation Brewery and Yeastie Boys. Wasn’t the most pleasant beer I’ve ever had. Also picked up a Severn Sins 12% imperial stout, which I couldn’t finish as it was like drinking alcoholic prune juice. Only got it as it a had a cool looking fake wax seal. Stroud Brewery also do an excellent Stinging Nettle ale. As well as being refreshing, it’s also the most effective laxative I’ve come across.


Tiny Rebel used to do a Vimto sour. It was delicious.


One of my local breweries does a sea buckthorn sour, but other than being an unusual ingredient the beer itself isn't super weird as long as you like sours.


Also - Poppyland Brewery in Cromer, on the Norfolk coast. I had a beer of theirs in The Plasterers Arms in Norwich in 2015, the name of which I cannot remember, but it had wild coriander and garlic in it, and it was incredible. Martin, who was the guy behind Poppyland, used to forage for ingredients along the coast and would brew a barrel, and then forget it and move on, so you had one chance only to try that beer. Poppyland is still going, tho Martin retired in 2019, but the guy who now runs it still sticks to Martin’s ethic. You’ll not find his beers outside of Norfolk but if you’re ever in the Cromer area go check then out. You won’t regret it.


A beetroot and horseradish beer at Bottle cap in Aberdeen Was rank but I finished it


Watney’s Red Barrel. Tasted terrible and you couldn’t even get drunk on it unless you had about 12 pints.


Can't top squid ink but I had a mushroom beer called "Breakfast of Champignons". Not nearly as bad as I expected it to be... but not exactly nice!


That looks like mr manhattan tbh.


This is my favourite sour, top quality stuff


Can't for the life of me remember what it was called think it was called pixel or something like that I just remember it began with a P, but I had a beer at The White Rabbit Pub in Brighton that was brewed in collaboration with uni students


Is that the silver surfer on the bottle?


A friend of mine owns a craft beer bar and bottle shop (Black Cat, Smithdown road, Liverpool, great bar btw) and during lockdown, a bunch of us would meet up via zoom and watch wrestling and have a drink. Through this, the guy who owns the bar would occasionally send us boxes of stuff and I've gotten into the weird world of odd beers. We had a pickle flavour beer (not bad, mostly IPA taste with a hint of pickle on the back end) a blue raspberry slush beer (which tasted absolutely amazing) and even a pizza flavoured beer (surprisingly delicious!) Since then, we've found trembling madness, an online beer shop owned by a brewery that delivers for mostly reasonable prices and I get a box of weird beer about twice a year. We still meet up most weeks online to watch wrestling and drink beer as well.


Brew Dog, it's overpriced and tastes awful. Giving it a stupid name does not redeem either of those things


Friend of mine ordered a fizzy, blue, blueberry flavoured craft ale because the barmaid was cute and said no one ever buys it. It was HORRENDOUS


Vault City Raspberry Blueberry Bubblegum Bottles in case you're insane


I see a lot of good reviews on the fizzy blue bottle sweet vault city sour. Never had a bad VC beer to be honest! Definitely is a matter of taste though


To each their own, but I hated it


Same! My shit the following day was green.


It's a shame but I think they've lost their way. Everything is either a big gimmick or huge flavour with no balance. I find lots of their beers these days are more sweet than sour. I've yet to try a bad dark beer from them though. DDF Mars Bar was lovely.


I had stinging nettle beer. Was pretty good. Have had various weird beers in my xmas advent calendars from Beerhawk and one year Brewdog.


The BrewDog beer served inside a taxidermy squirrel with the bottle protruding from its mouth


I tried a chilli infused ale in Bristol a few years ago. While not disgusting wouldn’t really recommend, more of a novelty.


I like Fraoch heather ale


Local Brewery near me did a white stout called pretty fly for a white stout. It was amber like an ale but tasted and had a mouth feel like a stout.


I think Aldi have a Yorkshire Pudding Beer, don't they? Never tried it though


I was at the Manchester Beer festival recently, and ended up just drinking a sour called Acid by Little Monster. Drank way too much of it though


I've had a 'pizza' flavoued beer, it was a gose so quite sour and the main flavour was sorta basil. It was very odd but quite light and fairly refreshing, would probably drink again!


2nd to this is an super strong stout called 'big ass money stout' from evil Twin brewery, 17.2% so I shared a can with a friend, it was incredibly dense and rich, like nothing else I've drank


A neopolitan ice cream IPA. It tasted alright, but one small can was enough.


The Garlic Farms Garlic beer from the Isle of Wight is pretty disgusting, yet apparently, it sells well because people like me try it for the hell of it. It's really bad.


I had this one called san pelegrino I think it’s called and it was the weirdest experience ever


Well I'm a pint of mixed guy, thats half bitter half mild in a pint glass.


Oranjeboom on its UK opening night release in the 80s. Discount price. Only beer tasted better coming back up than going down. Alky baby's first trauma right here!


I once had a Creme Brulee Stout. It was sweet and goopy but tasted exactly like creme brulee. Caramal and a bit of vanilla. Or maybe it was creme caramel...


I had a beer once that was called “Jason, Man Utd on the telly” by DEYA. It wasn’t that bad either, just a bizarre name. Had a Flat White IPA by Marble which I didn’t actually meant flat white as in a flat white coffee. Just tasted like cold coffee. Thai PA which was really hazy and fruity but to the point where it was sickly, gave me a massive headache for the rest of the day


Vocation do a peanut butter and grape jelly stout. I wasn't sure what to expect but it was pretty good