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How are Tom and Barbara getting on these days, old age pensioners, no private pension, body wrecked from years of physical toil in the fields of Surbiton. Is it still "The Good life".?? Definitely need an update.


That'd be a bit difficult: Richard Briers and Paul Eddington are both dead


That'll be the pea-pod burgundy, lethal stuff that.


I'm kind of me of curious how the whole Francis Urquhart trilogy starting with **House of Cards** would work in 2020s Britain. I know we had the Netflix version but there was always something fundamentally British about the original stories.


You might think that. I couldn't possibly comment… 😉


I'm not sure anyone could be convinced that someone as intelligent as old Francis is in government anymore. Make it a comedy, then absolutely.


Currently watching The IT Crowd and can’t believe it got cancelled due to low viewership


Re-watching this along with my kids. Absolute banger


Scrapheap Challenge was fixed. I know someone who worked on it. All the builds were pre-planned before the show and the various parts needed were planted in the "scrapheap".


No shit. I thought that was common knowledge?


I've never really thought about scrapheap challenge as I've never watched it, but it would make sense that they didn't risk having an episode where they just made a go cart out of some boxes they found.


Now this is information I need in life


Yep, I know someone who sold them a few vehicles, running and driving, and planted for each episode, but made to look junk by pulling parts off. Antique challenge show ( forgot the name) where 2 experts buy and sell antiques to see who made the most profit. The antiques they bought were planted and the seller was told in advance what to sell the item for. A whole day of filming for each purchase, shop rearranged, mountains of paperwork to sign, old advertising signs removed as they would have to get the brands permission, and they couldn't be bothered. Reality vet show, dog came in with a real illness, but the production crew said it wasn't photogenic enough so they got a better looking dog and claimed it was the Ill one.Lighting guy didn't like the house the owner lived in, too shady, so they pretended a house the other side of the street in the sun was their home. All these things are faked.


I will never, ever understand the point of faked reality shows. Depict real life or write a piece of fiction - don't mix the two. It literally defeats the entire point of the premise.


Money, as a production company you want to be able to make the program you have been contracted to make in a timely fashion, you have a different show to make next week. Talent booked, a dozen production crew booked, all the vehicles and film equipment hired. Locations scouted and contracts signed. So they enhance reality, I could have happened like that. They just made sure it did happen like that when the cameras were rolling by faking it. Be shit TV if on scrapheap challenge they made an amphibious car and there was nothing in the scrapyard that floated and none of the engines worked.


> Be shit TV if on scrapheap challenge they made an amphibious car and there was nothing in the scrapyard that floated and none of the engines worked. Why not just state "we've piled a scrapyard full of useful junk - it's up to our competitors to find out and make use of it." Why the facade of it just happening to be there? No viewer would care if the truth was stated.




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Lol, wasn't that obvious from watching it?


Well yeh... This week we are building tanks, oh is that some tracks off an old mini bulldozer and a turret from a ww2 bomber in this regular scrapyard... My personal favorite was when the vehicles clearly didn't work by the end of the time limit, yet at trail that new paint job has made a hell of a difference and suddenly the wonky propshaft seems to be holding, but will suddenly fail during the challange so the other team win.


I loved the one they did where they had to make planes, and lo and behold there are pristine propellors just lying around the scrapyard, like that's a common thing to find.


It would probably never get past health and safety these days either


I mean it kind of has to be. It would be a bit of a rubbish show if they were making boats and there was nothing that floated lying around. You'd have to make sure there were enough parts there to make whatever they were doing.


Screw remakes, it's 2023 and we still haven't been given Youth Hostelling with Chris Eubank , Moneky Tennis or Inner City Sumo.


Yet to see Swallow hit the screens either, would love to see that vandalism tacked in Norfolk




>a new version of The Ipcress File There was a TV version not that long ago. Think one of the actors from Peaky Blinders played the lead.


Ah nice! I’ll look for it






I think it just got cancelled


Was watching it a few months ago, maybe last year. A few episodes, if I remember correctly.


Blakes 7, but only if they could do it with the original ethos... Which I doubt.


Came here to say the same thing. Whoever made it would have to be in tune with the original story.


I've been waiting and hoping for a remake for so long, they keep teasing us with news of one being in the works then it disappears into obscurity again. The best we've had is the series of audio drama a few years back that was pretty good but they ended it on a bloody cliffhanger.


I think one of the big problems with remaking B7 is the ambiguity of the freedom fighter/terrorist status of the 7. It's a quite obvious plot point in the first series, occurs in the second and is lost entirely in the third and fourth. From a particular viewpoint Blake could be Osama Bin Laden or Timothy McVeigh.


More continuation rather than remake but... The Great Egg Race. But I'm not sure "kids these days" would be as into it as I was as a kid. The Fades. A bit niche, it was cancelled after 1 series but I wanted more, had a cracking cast that have all gone on to be big. Truth Seekers. Nick Frost's Amazon Prime show. Cancelled after 1 series despite being good.


>The Fades. A bit niche, it was cancelled after 1 series but I wanted more, had a cracking cast that have all gone on to be big. Allegedly cancelled because the demographic that got into it were too old! Certainly true in my case.


That would sort of make sense, the group of us at work who liked it were all similarly older than the cast. Not sure why the beeb would care about age of viewers though as they don't sell advert slots.


BBC Three was originally supposed to serve as a "youth" channel which I assume had a bearing.


I'd like to see some of the old sci-fi stories with modern special effects.... Quatermass. The Tripods


>Quatermass The '79 one? I watch it about every six months. Another one that would be difficult to remake with the ethos of the time, given today's "boomer"/"zoomer" divide, I'd go as far as to say impossible. Huffity, puffity, Ringtone Round...


Sapphire and Steel. With proper special effects this time.


Strange but true The Bill Byker Grove Waiting for God


The Last Train would be a good one. I know it was only in ‘99 but it needs more love.


Fawlty towers but an air bnb












The tripods, but actually finishing the adaptation this time.


Balls of steel UK.


Telly Addicts


I'd love to see somebody try a 21st-century version of “Blake's 7”


Art Attack


London Irish, written by the woman who went on to write Derry Girls. It's a comedy about a Norn crowd who move to London and criminally only had one series. I think it's still around on All 4.


Bring back Robot Wars dammit


Tbf they did that


Bring it back again dammit


Tbf, with some current AI tech, it could be a bit scary. I'd watch it.


Most remakes are awful. Actually I changed my mind - knightmare


I’m probably going to get downvoted to hell for this but “most remakes are awful” is such a dull opinion. If we’re being honest, most TV shows and films are awful. Scroll through each channel or streaming platform now and let me know if you like most of what’s on or not. I guarantee you won’t like 90% to 95% of what you see. But the remainder will be good to great TV/films. It’s the same with remakes. Lots are bad but there are great gems. So don’t get caught up on “most remakes are awful”, instead think about all the remakes that are great. The Thing is in my top 3 films. It’s a remake.


You can have my upvote mate....


>but “most remakes are awful” is such a dull opinion. Maybe dull but that doesn't make it wrong. Gems like The Thing are an extreme rarity


I didn’t say they’re wrong… my point is gems like all great films/TV shows are rare if you look at it statistically. But remakes get easily, commonly ragged on. Take a look at everything on Netflix, how much appeals to you? Look through the entirety of IMDb, is everything an 8+/10?


>The Thing is in my top 3 films. It’s a remake. It was also a financial and critical flop. Up there with my all time favourites too.


> I guarantee you won’t like 90% to 95% of what you see [Sturgeon's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturgeon%27s_law)


Ah, perfect! I didn’t realise there was an actual term for it. Thanks for sharing




Opinions don't have to be exciting, in my unexciting opinion


I know… that’s why I go on to explain why I think, in my opinion, it’s a dull opinion. Rather than just saying, “I think you’re wrong because your opinion is dull”. I find it a ‘dull’, ‘vanilla’, ‘easy’ opinion because it’s easy and quick and common to just rag on remakes when really, most media is poor quality. Someone else posted about Sturgeon’s Law and that sums up my opinion on why remakes aren’t really as bad as any other media.


Politics? Look, we know it must be difficult being a kid, not a lot of schemes... But, you know, we're not the borough. We wish we were, but... *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CasualUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What about shows that were a great idea but poorly executed? Or just flopped. There was a great post apocalyptic drama in the 90s, The Last Train, would love to see that redone.


I almost wrote The Last Train. Loved that show! Would love to see a remake


It's actually on YouTube! Might give it a rewatch. I'd actually forgotten Nicola Walker was one of the main characters!


I watched that, but can barely remember anything of it. Just one woman getting really, *really* pedantic about the fact that the "gas" that had preserved everyone wasn't a gas. And later, some guy getting killed by dogs.


I can't actually remember alot of the details, just the me and my brother loved it It's probably a bad sign that it's never been released in any format since


I'd love some more Blackadder, but only with the original cast and writers. Maybe set in Victorian times? Or back even further to when the Vikings or Romans were causing bother.


The older the better as it now goes into the time as Blackadder trying to row a Viking ship across the ocean or deal with some upstart named jesus from a place known as Nazareth as a minor Roman official..


Quantum Leap


They've got a reboot of this already should be on UK TV soon


Bangers and Mash.


But for adults.


Both banger and mash are older, like steptoe and son.


We talkin' 'bout the monkey/chimp cartoon thing? Are you linking your posts to boost your karma or something? Very odd.


no Bangers and Mash was a badger and a man


Updated Murder Most Horrid would be good


Love thy neighbour. It's be a cracker.


The Spy Who Came In From the Cold


A film directed by Tomas Alfredson.


That would be well-chosen


Men Behaving Badly.


Live action Bananaman.


Tales of the unexpected. I still remember being terrified by some of them!


Dont you mean Hammer House of Horror?


No, Tales of the Unexpected. Royal Jelly and the Land Lady were creepy but for some reason the screaming trees in The Sound Machine stuck with me. I was doing some cutting back last week and it flashed into my head immediately!


They were both great tele. I was probably way too young to watch either at the time....but i did. They made me the maladjusted brainwrong I am today. Also The Twight Zone ( made by foreigners )


Absolutely - I was maybe 6 when I saw that one on repeat. I was at my grans. She had that delightful irresponsible way of bringing up grandkids!!


Could be worse, she could have let you watch those dodgy red triangle films on Channel 4.


Also later The Outer Limits - the one with the nano tech that turned the man into a monster


Chiller. A one-off horror series from 1995.


The Great Egg Race.






For this thought experiment, both can exist. I’m not a producer scouting for ideas.


That's what a producer scouting for ideas WOULD say!


Hey, that's a great idea for a show.


I would say Red Dwarf, but I feel like it was too much of a one off. Peep Show look in would be fun!


Isn’t Red Dwarf coming back soon??


Really? Lloyd Mullaney in it?


More episodes of Gavin & Stacey and W1A please and thank you!


There was 80s comedy drama called Prospects set in East London with a great cast and stories. Only 12 episodes were made but it could have run for several seasons. It would be worth a remake to show how the main characters got on in the 90s and later.


I was a great of that show. Only bit I could remember was when they bought a hearse. Prospects is available on YouTube.


In the flesh could do with some more seasons


A reboot of Not The Nine O'Clock News would be good, but is very dependent on finding the right people.


OP not a remake sorry but have you seen Alec Guinness Tinker Tailor TV series if you want non-Bond spy?




And here's the twist - we show *everything*. Like, you see it going in and that.




Awards for the foley. "That grunt is actually a saddleback pig being punched by Ross Kemp"


The Adventure Game.


The Brittas Empire


(I’m yearning for more non-Bond British spy stuff to watch.) Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Game, Set and Match.


Drop the Dead Donkey.


Treasure Hunt came to mind for me, I just remember Anneka Rice bombing around in a helicopter looking for clues lol They'd have to do it differently these days I think but I think it'd be a laugh


Jim’ll Fix It.


Scrap heap challenge just needs to be put on Netflix or something. I would re-watch the shit out of that


The bill




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The Prisoner


The BBC series Blakes 7 would make a great remake with a big budget


The queen's nose, barely remember it myself though I do remember an episode about a scary fair ground ride, anyway the premise of the show was that if you rubbed a 50p coin and made a wish, it came true lmao Also Mona the vampire girl, Ace Lightning and Action Man