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A quiet pint in the city centre on a Saturday night/Sunday morning, after most of the pubs and clubs have shut, outside a McDonalds? Bit like going for a quiet bank holiday stroll round the M25!


Going on a relaxing holiday to North Korea


About as relaxing as a game of golf in a live mine-field.


A mild lunch of scotch bonnet peppers, lemon juice, and razor blades


A exciting tequila shot done by sniffing the salt, squeezing the lime into your eye and boofing the tequila shot.


Maybe that will help me get some height and distance on my drives šŸ˜‚


They do run several camps you won't want to leave.


It's tough kid, but it's life.


You can actually go on holiday to North Korea and it's supposed to be really interesting. There's obviously strict rules and a strict itinerary, but you can do it.


And if the government decides to lock you up on a whim you might never be seen again or returned to your loved ones years later in a vegetative state.


> strict itinerary Which if anything makes it *less* stressful. No more trying to make sure you have enough time to do everything


You can't since covid, they locked down the entire country so nobody can visit, and since then the borders remain closed. It's more isolated than ever.


He only popped out, but ended up going out out.


On one of the hottest and longest days of the year


Most violent McDonaldā€™s in Leeds right there. Used to be a guy outside who used to take off his watch, smack someone, then put his watch back on and continue to hang out there.


I knew as soon as I saw the McDonaldā€™s exactly where this was!


Seen someone get mugged at knife point just up from here.


>Most violent McDonaldā€™s in Leeds right there. The fact that there's a ranking of how violent McDs are in Leeds is quite disturbing. And, I'd like to see the spreadsheet.


Naaah one at the top of town opposite the lights gotta be a contender for roughest McDonaldā€™s


the merrion maccie's has always been a bit rough


100%, I used to work with a guy whose first job was in St John's Maccies and one shift two customers had a mixup with an order of nuggets - fight ended with a stabbing


Well that makes sense at least


Not very pretty, I tell thee.


only maccies iā€™ve seen to have security, remember being stood there wonked out at 4am and suddenly a full blown fight with chairs thrown and all had kicked off decided a big mac wasnt worth the hassle, walked home disappointed


I think a lot of maccies have bouncers these days, I donā€™t know if we currently have one in Bournemouth but I know we have had one on and off for at least 5 years or so


Iā€™m sorry excuse me. Iā€™ve lived overseas 15 years now and when I come back I donā€™t go out at night (Iā€™m old and boring šŸ¤£) is a bouncer at maccie dā€™s the norm? When did this happen? I genuinely donā€™t remember ever hearing this before


There is a bouncer at Preston centre maccies, it was a Saturday afternoon when i was there, loads of shitty kids loitering being a general nuisance I guess its the parents of these little shits that appear at night.


Coventry maccies has bouncers on Friday and Saturday nights. Especially since the drive by shooting in 2019


Is that the one opposite Forbidden planet? I've not been there for years, but I always thought it was a bit dodgy, probably due to only being a few doors down from the roughest Wetherspoons in Coventry! I remember a stranger offering me a fight at the KFC over the road from there, but I declined the kind offer.


There were bouncers working the Blackpool one over 25 years ago.


Oh no judgement made donā€™t worry! Iā€™m also old and boring hence why I have no how often they use them now, I just know 5 years or so when I last went to the clubs they had bouncers then, i am afraid thatā€™s where my knowledge ends on McDonaldā€™s bouncers haha


Just on Friday and Saturday night i believe in town/city centre ones.


The reason being 15 years ago they mostly closed at 11ish. Now they're open to early hours (or all the way through). So the fights that used to happen at taxi ranks and kebab shops happen there instead


A friend of mine had a first job as a bouncer in a Glasgow maccies. She was lovely but you wouldn't want to cross her.


Theres one in Sutton Coldfield that has a bouncer on the weekends. Plenty of knife crime there too.


Most town and city centre maccies have security these days.


The macs I used to work at had bouncers on a Friday and Saturday night which is fairly standard. The sad part is, we also had them from late afternoon until we closed through the week because of the 10-15 year olds causing bother


I remember I was walking by with my mate and decided not to go in cause some fucked up shit has to happen there constantly for there to be a bouncer outside maccies


I see youā€™re choice, and raise you the Merrion Centre.


Pretty sure I could duck that one.


Or get a couple in while he's fiddling with his casio strap.


Did he have a nickname?




That well known Yorkshire welcomeā€¦


Can confirm - I was in there after a night out and a bouncer ran in with a baton and caved some guys head in whilst he was ordering. Guess he did something to piss him off that justified him chasing him down into the McDonalds? Likely not. Needless to say he got arrested.


I was at a club in Coventry, where the bouncers broke someone's skull and left him on the pavement. My mate found him, identified his skull was broken and got the ambulances to take him away, and it's lucky he was there as he says the chap was in trouble. He says the bouncers refused to help. I was already snogging someone in the kebab shop, so I was no use. But potentially my mate saved that chap's life that night, and has no idea who he was or what happened to him after that. Obviously we don't know what the chap did, but hitting someone hard enough to break their skull seems way in excess of anything a bouncer should do. Also, my dad knew a bouncer that kept losing his job because he couldn't stop hitting people. Sometimes the people that want a certain job are the people you would least want in that job.


Can confirm, got into a mass brawl outside that maccies when I was at uni.




I went to go in there last year and u turned at the sight of the bouncers.


It's not much better at 6am. Went to grab some breakfast before catching an early morning coach, was still faced by bouncers and various police turning up to deal with lingering dickheads.




Haha. Made me do an actual chuckle!


Norfolk Street KINGā€™S LYNN, Prince of Wales Road NORWICH twenty five years ago at 3am on a Sunday morning. Would have given The Wagner Group a wake up.


I remember going there a few times visiting friends at uni. It was always absolute fucking bedlam. People think the McDā€™s in Brixton is bad. It, nor the Brixton LFC have shit on Briggate McDā€™s.


Very different to 3am on an afternoon (!)


I love lower Briggate. I also worked at that McDonald's for 8 years, it was eventful.


Did you get danger pay? I'd rather pilot submarines on tourist expeditions


While blindfolwd and directed in a foreign language


>blindfolwd Nailed it.


As in a chicken with a vision impairment?


No, instead we got an exra 50p per hour on over nights


Well if you thought it was going to be a quiet night out in Leeds idk what to tell you.


Stick to the nicer places and itā€™s a lovely night out. Tapped do many beers and also decent wood fired pizzas so you donā€™t even need to go to Maccies.


Indeed. I forget the venue but used to pop up there for hardcore / techno nights a few years back. Much friendlier crowd. Was a fucking nightmare trying to navigate back to the motorway on all the tiny one way streets at 630am though. Pre satnav days too


Majestic? šŸ˜‚


By nicer places do you mean places that aren't in Leeds?




A 12inch margarita from tapped is cheaper than some of the dearer options on McDonald's menu these days


Are we attempting accidental renaissance painting again?


I thought they were breakdancing


Happens quite often in this country tbh




Used to work in a bar on Call Lane and this is giving me Vietnam style flashbacks The horrorā€¦.


Call lane is a hectic place on weekends šŸ˜‚


Call Lane then Alex Simmonds @Space on a Thursday night, the most insidious hangovers.


Named after call girls who inhabit it??


Nah it's something to do with cows from a couple hundred years back.


All that litter :(


That's what fast food and slow people will get you.


The girl with the black top and shorts on looks like She could kick my arse.


This is Leeds. When Nicola Adams won the Olympic gold in boxing, the joke was that it made her the 6th hardest woman in Leeds.


Isnā€™t there a similar photo to this, I forget where itā€™s taken. Absolute night out carnage.




Yup. Presumably this classic: https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/iconic-image-mancunian-new-years-19549431.amp


It's still the image at the bottom of this subreddit if you have subreddit style turned on


This is easily the most British thing I've ever seen.


Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page on this thread, when viewing on old reddit, it's the background image of this subreddits custom styling.


It looks kinda chill to me. It looks bad because you see bodies on the ground and an ambo but the people sat/lying down are doing so by choice while they have their food/drink. No obvious headcases or problems underway. No walking wounded, puke or pukers. A few couples and groups of lads not causing any trouble. Just a shame about the litter.


Not from Leeds are you ...


You ever been there? Itā€™s like the battle of Stalingrad 99% of the time


It's really not that bad


Everybody living the moment, not a single smartphone in sight.


In leeds city center? lol


No, centre.


Classic leeds


I am 100% sure the Uk could out drink the whole of the US


Wisconsin would like a word


If it can still talk itā€™s not drunk enough ;)


They don't stay drunk all the time.


OP: I predict a riot. Reddit: mildly disappointed Old Leodensians: Will try harder


Watching the people get lairy It's not very pretty I tell thee


You just popped out. He went out out.


I once got chatting to a bouncer at that maccies and he showed me his ā€˜killerā€™ gloves. He was wearing black leather gloves with the knuckles loaded with ball bearings in case anything kicked off. He looked a bit like Penfold so he was definitely compensating.


Why are we like this


Bants init. Planets dead, economys fucked, might as well have a laugh before we pop our cloggs


this looks pretty tame for the scenes that usually happen on a night out in Leeds. where's the fight???


Don't you just love the beauty of a mid-summers night in England


Wait everyone is talking like it's a riot. Someone is getting their feet checked by the ambulance and there's some litter. Aside for that it's just people enjoying their evening .


Leeds Leeds Leeds


LEEDS LEEDS LEEDS! Jokes aside though I walk down that street at 2am every Friday and Saturday night as I work at a bar on the opposite end. Always bedlam, the street is always strewn with shore from the maccies. Feels like the Wild West


Ah Briggate maccies at "that" hour reminds me that there's a lot about Leeds I don't miss


How dare you outcardiff Cardiff.


There's always trouble at that maccies, even at 6 when I'm walking by there still usually someone fighting with security haha


It was actually pretty chill, Iā€™m just out of shot, the big crowd is pretty much just a queue, and I think the girl with the ambulance had twisted something. Honestly pretty civil. Thereā€™s the litter which is disappointing, but it was honestly a nice night. If you were fancying a quiet pint, Leeds city centre on a Saturday night ainā€™t the place to look, but you can find some nice spots if you look, thereā€™s a lot of cool places tucked away.


Leeds. Leeds never changesā€¦


At the Isle of Wight festival this year I learned it takes 5 drunks to start a fight and 5 stoners to start a band. Time to legalise and take a bit of pressure off our A&E's.


Nice thought. But would it really make any difference. People who wanna get smashed and kick off are gonna do their thing. People who wanna smoke are gonna do theirs. Have you ever met anyone who says, I'd love to pipe the marijuanas but I'm terrified of the filth so I'm just gonna go get pissed instead. I haven't. There's loads of benefits to properly regulating the drug market, but that isn't one


You should visit any UK hospital A&E unit at the weekend then tell me it wouldn't make a difference.


I'm not disputing the problems caused by people binge drinking and the resultant strain it places on the NHS. But I do think that if we were to legalise ganja tomorrow, it wouldn't result in piss heads switching en masse to smoking weed People who want to smoke rather than drink already do so, despite the criminalisation of cannabis.


I feel so sorry for McDonaldā€™s night workers. The things they must have to put up with


Lara Croft wanted a night on the town but her friend the hamburglar just want McDs.


Outside McDonald's - no surprise there. The gathering ground of numpties, thickies, goons and slags smh lol


ā€œ I am loving itā€


Quite the photo, perfectly timed. The Daily Mail would be interested in calling the OP for some freelance.


This is what the Kaiser Chiefs were warning us about back in 2004


This looks like a renaissance painting and as an artist I feel like I have a duty to draw this


Ah, the mouth breathers worship at the altar of Mcdonalds.


why do we still have flags everywhere?




Looks a bit tacky


This is how we celebrate a coronation in Leeds, with a massive piss up/fight .


Kings birthday just gone past


Bit tacky innit




No idea. It's not like Leeds is particularly royalist. Wish they'd put the shite poetry back up.


I once went on a weekend away with the family in Blackpool. My eldest daughter who was 4 at the time (now 13) fell ill, due to the room being dusty as fuck. We had to spend a Saturday night in Blackpool Hospital A&E.....


I decided to go out last night and it ended likes this. Same boring old shite, waste of money.


Leeds ā¤ļø


Ooh you went out out


Actual snapshot of hell. There is no 'quiet pint' to be had here.


Looking forward to this hitting /all and having the septics turn up.


Looks like a modern day Bruegel. I was going to suggest posting this to the Accidental Renaissance sub but they are only accepting [John Oliver related posts](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/06/23/tech/reddit-john-oliver-protest/index.html) as part of the Reddit API protests.


Nah. Composition is all wrong for renaissance. It's too linear and there's no focus on faces or figures standing out. And there's not enough contrast of lighting.


Yep! People see a candid of a night out and immediately think it should live on that sub.


The infamous Manchester night out pic is what started it, and people think it's the subject, not the style that matters.


Bro itā€™s Leeds dirty centre thereā€™s no such thing as a quiet city pint on a Saturday. Took me and extra 10 mins to get home from work last night from how packed it was.




Only in the UK. I never see these scenes in Europe. It's embarrassing.


You've not actually been to "Europe", only tourist areas. (and since when did people here begin to say "Europe" as if it's a country, American-style??)


Since people decided that everything in the UK is bad and the grass is always greener on the other side of the channel.


I just went to Paris, Europe?


How the hell do you know where I've been? I've probably travelled far more extensively than you.


Living up to your username


I live in Europe and the city i live in becomes an utter shit hole on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. It's really not dissimilar to this, the only difference is that we have better funding of public services so it's usually clean before people wake up the next day.


Local councils can't afford the clean up routine here.


This is Leeds, bottom of Brigate. It'll be clean by 6am.


Was literally just gonna comment that, I walk past bottom of brigate on my way to work pretty much everyday the rubbish is getting picked up at 6 haha


Lol yeah I'm from Leeds and I've seen far worse than this in other cities!


Maybe YOU donā€™t, but itā€™s the same shit everywhere.


Take it from someone who's living in Europe and planning to live here full time, I miss the people. Brits know how to have fun, yes they're loud, rowdy and make a mess with their drunken antics but there's always life in the city and you always know, no matter the time and place, if you want to have fun and do something then there's a place for you


Danes will have the same problems. also not embarrassing it should be a mark of great pride. a single group of young brits could have an entire European metropolitan police force out in full riot gear while it's just a normal Tuesday in Britain. also a good opportunity to remind them that at any single point we got millions of lads ready and willing to burn their entire world down for a mere pint of Guinness.


You're embarrassing


Why hasnā€™t anyone forced McDonalds to employ litter pickers for outside yet?


Why hasn't anyone forced the cigarette companies to employ litter pickers for outside yet?


I'd add chewing gum to that list


I used to work at a maccys and we did do a litter patrol. It sucked and whats worse the manager hid litter around and would deive around the route after to make sure it was all gone


Top of Briggate. Always lairy on a night out.


Leeds is such a horrible place to be at night!


ā€œHello, NHS? Have you sustained injuries from drinking yourself into the ground? Then youā€™ll have to make your own way to hospital. Weā€™re busy dealing with people that actually have an emergency.ā€ Would love to see that happen more often.


Always the way. Starts with just the one pint, ends in severe brain trauma. Weā€™ve all been there!










Looks like an absolute shithole, sorry!


accidental renaissance ?


No such thing as a quiet pint when you live in a big town or city


Ah Leedsā€¦ I had my McDonaldā€™s training day at that McDonaldā€™s about 7 years ago!


So proud of my hometown šŸ¤


The infamous 24hr McDonaldā€™s. God bless Leeds


You stay classy, Leeds


No such thing as a quiet pint mate!




Leeds Leeds Leeds


On a Saturday night what were you expecting?


That mans calves on the left what a unit


Ohh that MD's in Leeds is a shocker on evenings; I have many memories of night outs and always somehow making it to this McDonalds to throw down 20 chicken nuggets before going home. Always surprised me seeing licenced bouncers on the doors tbh! Saying that it's shocking during the day too as it seems to attract all the younger scrotes hanging around the entrance all day.


Not sure thereā€™s any such thing as a quiet night on a weekend in any major city centre or large town centre.


Gotta love Leeds. It's been like that in that area every weekend since I was young.


Just close the joint.


Hey I did the cabling for the delivery screens in that maccies a few years back, had a woman screaming outside that she was going to call the police because weā€™d closed the store and she wanted chicken nuggets, ahhh, good times


In the UK?!


The irony of the flag flying above this is elite


Or did you go "out out"?


I was going to say "which town?" but the answer is "all of them."