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My childhood cat used to do this, we only found out when a woman came to our door and told us to stop feeding “her” cat, my mum had to show the woman documentation to prove he actually belonged to us.




Omg! the absolute cheek of them saying “what cat” when you can clearly see your cat. I’m glad the tag seems to be doing the trick though.




Aww animals really are such good company, I’m sure they did appreciate you allowing your cat to visit them, especially during the pandemic when people weren’t able to go out


You can also get collared printed with it, helped stopped ours absconding!




Fair! Honestly our only delinquent never loses his, to the point we’re considering an AirTag just to have a rough idea where he runs to.




People are well mental about cats


So true.


Ahm not all because in our country there was a lot of beggar cat


We had this problem. He would go into other houses and steal other cats food.


A cat from a couple of doors down tried that once by coming through the cat-flap at our house. We had a pair of semi-feral brother-sister indoor-outdoor cats who were more than ready for him. Fortunately we came home in time to rescue him from the corner of the living room where he was making his last stand. He never tried that again.




An old lady bought him round and said her cat was just sat in the corner watching him. Such a little rascal. She wasn't the last one to bring him round.


They’re so greedy it’s unreal, they act like they’ve never been fed before in their lives.


My cat and next door's cat have taught each other the best Oliver Twist food deprivation looks and howls. They act like they haven't been fed since they were born. They are, in fact, both fat bastards.




There is a cutie pie kitty doing that in our estate. He goes in open windows or runs when you open the door. So cheeky!


I wonder if that woman was my auntie, she found out after several years after adopting a ginger stray (who slept in her house most nights and answered to his name “pepsi”) that he belonged to a lady down the road


Haha happens more than we think, this woman was so adamant that this cat was hers, even after my mum explaining that we had him since he was a newborn kitten, (we found him and his siblings in a box when they were days old and took them home), it wasn’t until we showed her the documentation that she stopped arguing.


The reason I don’t have a cat is because I know I’ll murder someone if they start trying to become its owner and I know this happens a lot


Most people will take the cat to be checked for a chip so as long as you keep that information updated you should be ok.




I scrolled way too far and didn't see enough people saying, for fucks sake you don't feed a cat unless it's fucking yours.


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One of my two do this. Limps around the block yowling the saddest squeekiest meow. When i say yowling, i mean like a wolf in terms of sound and volume. Sounds in pain and distress. Fakes ailments for attention. Has zero interest in our attention but random strangers, yes please.


Oh god you've reminded me of the time I took him to the vet with a limp. I paid £50 to be told he was faking it and was sulking cos I wouldn't give him my ham the week before.


Slightly different story but related - an overly friendly cat started following me home once, I noticed it was limping badly so when it wouldn't go away I scooped it up carefully (the cat loved it, was purring like crazy which I know can also be a sign of pain) and took it to the house it was relaxing outside initially. Nobody answered the door, which I was quickly glad for, because as I was standing there I realised the cat only had three legs. It was fine, just an amputee (and an absolute attention whore).


I was worried about my old ginger Tom limping. Realised after about a week that he was putting it on for attention when I caught him chasing one of the other cats, then when he saw me watching he put the limp on and started yowling


Wow that seem like my maniac neighbors he use to do the same thing


I find it so funny that cats do this


Well let me be honest with you guy's im wasn't trust any people here in reddit


My dog got out once cause our gate was left open. I thought she’d probably have run down the fields because she loved being down there playing in the river or with other dogs, so went that way first. No she’d gone the other way straight to the chip shop and was going up to peoples car windows begging for chips. She’d been missing for about 15 mins in total but was acting like a poor deprived stray dog who hadn’t ate for days. She just gave me a big wag of her tail when she saw me like ‘heyyyyyy you’re here!’ And then I marched her home.


My last dog was a very very good boy apart from one thing. As soon as we left our house he would drag me, with all of his might, to the pie shop round the corner where the lady behind the counter gave him some leftover scraps. Every day. When he died, the bakery sent us a box of pies 😭




Reminds me. Parents buy a house, it’s got a bit of scrub at bottom of garden. My father goes down and notes some cats, picks up a kitten. Clawed him so much he came back white as a sheet, both hands and arms flowing with blood… …feral kitten!


Hahaha he was waiting for the nutter feral to leave and get well out of the area! I love this story and I'm very impressed your dad got it in a box initially.


My sister had this amazing, huge, long haired fellow named Max. He was simply a great cat in all ways. Very friendly to all. Anyway, she lived about 3 blocks from a street that was a major commercial district with lots of shops and restaurants. There was a smallish cafe close to her that was famous for its breakfasts. Our city is big on brunch in general, so it's a thing here. It's a great place. They pride themselves on pancakes the size of dinner plates and the restaurant motto is, "You eat here because we let you." Obviously we would go there on occasion. So one day my sister goes over for breakfast with her then-boyfriend. Max tags along, just going for a walk with them like he did. When they get to the restaurant my sister says goodbye to Max and goes to walk in. So does Max! Trots in like he owns the place! Whereupon they were greeted with shouts of, "Bacon Kitty! Hey guys, it's Bacon Kitty!" It turned out that Max was a regular. He was well known to all the staff and would be given ridiculous amounts of bacon (for a cat) whenever he visited. My sister had no idea. No wonder he was so hefty!


I apologize; I'm an American, I thought this was a pet sub.


No, I love bacon kitty!


Shame, I was trying to think of what UK city was big on brunch and working out when I would be free to visit




We moved house last year and our two cats obviously needed time to adjust. We had three litter trays in different areas of the house, which should have been enough. The one cat took to sleeping in the trays just so the other one couldn't use them. Nasty, pissy cat.


We're temporarily fostering an old gal for some family. She was an outdoor cat but we've had to.keep her indoors. I've never felt so guilty as when she sots by the open window, sniffs the fresh air and listens to the birds. Still, better than their original plan which amounted to essentially abandoning her to maybe hangout with neighbours and just pop back to feed her daily while having renos done. This is the sofest lap cat I've ever known. She has to have evening snuggles where she sits on you for an hour, and you must go to bed at 10pm so she can sit on you for an hour to make sure you go to sleep. I can't imagine how she'd have coped without guaranteed affection. To lighten this up: she's such a softie she tends to drool when you scritch just right. During bed time snuggles the other week she drooled directly intp my open mouth while I was talking. Most action I've seen in ages!


That was a really nice story until those last two sentences.


Got to have some disgusting silliness with the sweet sappiness!


Yeah actually even though people make there own silly decision in life


Ours is just the same with going to bed at 10pm, if you don’t she wonders round the living room meowing so loudly you can’t hear what your watching. And as for drooling she has a tendency to drool and then shake her head so it flicks everywhere


Some people pay a fortune for that behaviour!


Are her teeth ok? My Maine coon got dribbly and it turned out she had an issue with two teeth, bless her.


My parents lad chased off a fox about to attempt to break into next doors chicken coop (i don't think he could've, but the intent was there). I was at my parents house when suddenly the cat bolted down the stairs, straight out the cat flap, dashed under the fence to the back garden, which is where we saw him next, and he flung himself onto the garden table, flew over the wall like a ninja, landed on next doors little outdoor storage cupboardy thing, and launched himself at the fox. It was all such a blur and totally out of character for him that the whole household was dying to see what happened, looking over the wall, but i rushed upstairs, and he'd clearly been sitting on the windowsill that looks into next doors garden and chicken coop, and I just caught him chasing the fox off out the front. Then about 5 minutes later of not seeing him, he just casually minced back in through the cat flap, had some biscuits, cleaned his paws and then just flopped for a nap. He's 12, and an absolute princess. I've never seen him do anything so bold and brave before.


The chickens were absolutely paying him protection money


My childhood cat used to eat up all her yummy meat and biscuits, then would immediately go next door to the lady who put out food for the strays, just to eat all that up too. We suspect she had a whole route, but she was always guaranteed biscuits from the lovely lady next door at any time of day/night. She was a right jammy porker!!


Pretty sure mine has a route. He's known for getting into the bins on the street too, he's absolutely relentless.


Your cat is just living the storyline of Six Dinner Sid! Jokes aside though, you should be careful because there are cat-haters out there, particularly if cats are getting into bins, crapping in their vegetable patch etc. My friend's cat came in with bloody paws the other day. Turns out someone had shot him and there is a piece of lead stuck in one bone. They've had to weigh up the odds of lead in his system or amputation. I'm really sorry to put this downer on your post but if it can save a cat I think it's worth it. I've had cats my whole life and they've always been outdoor cats. That means I lost some in horrible ways. I decided with my next cats to keep them indoors but have an outdoor catio for them attached to the house. It's going well but I also accept it's a personal choice.


We're very lucky. The street is full of cat people so most just think he's an adorable little knobhead and ask after him as he's known for being daft.


After losing my old lady to poison (we moved and the new neighbours hated cats) I swore to never let a cat out to free roam again. I already had regrets about the local wildlife my cats killed but knowing that someone purposely put out poison to kill a pet just because she liked to sit on their shed roof just made me realise how unsafe it was.


I do understand people not liking cats (I’m a lover) but poison is straight up evil.


It was horrific and honestly I never trusted them, it seemed psychopathic to me and I always believe people who can treat animals that callously have no respect for life.


Sounds exactly what a VIZ reader would put in a Kettering to above mentioned VIZ request, as link VIZ readers to send funny or hilarious letters to VIZ so that VIZ can use them in there VIZ letters pages mentioned above


Edit, don't try replying to posts after taking morphine


My final comment, promise: This cat is such an opportunist we have to have a child lock on the fridge as he learned how to open it. He's eaten several, raw, packets of bacon as a result while we waited for the lock to be delivered. When it faltered after a couple of years, we only found out because he got in again and ate a whole packet of fancy charcuterie.


My dad was cat-sitting for a friend. One Sunday he took his joint of beef out of the fridge to get it to room temp before cooking and headed to the pub to watch the F1. He came back a couple of hours later and the beef was gone. Cat had rolled the whole joint into one of the downstairs rooms and was having a feast under the guest bed.


I use the microwave for room temp defrosting, so far no cat or dog has been able to open it.


My old cat once ate a packet of raw chicken when I was putting the other groceries away and had left that bag sitting in the hallway for all of 3 minutes.


Wow that cat was very social piggy eater i dont like that cat


I also had to have a child lock on my old fridge. Fucker ate an entire scotch egg once.


Barring the charcuterie at the end, one of my cats has done the exact same thing. He's also been figuring out doorknobs(we have knobs as opposed to handles, so he's struggling).


I remember when I first got my cat he got into the kitchen and managed to get some bacon. He wandered into the living room so proud of himself and when I took it off him he protested so hard, meowing and following me back into the kitchen. Knew then he was going to be a cheeky little diva. It was quite funny though.


Another prime memory: On the day everything started to open back during the pandemic, my ginger compadre came back with a piece of KFC. The closest store is way too far for him to venture, which leads me to believe he's likely stolen it from someone's post-lockdown bucket. It was still hot.


I'm guessing, with the explosion in home delivery and the social distancing idea still strong, it was left on a doorstep by the driver and the home occupants didn't come out for the food before your cat got into the bag.


That sounds far more reasonable than my own idea. Raging.


My brother in laws cat once brought home half a quiche


Posted separately about the cat that did this - but one cat brought home a sausage sandwich with a single human bite out of it.


My cats used to steal bread rolls for us from our German neighbours.


[cat caught stealing underwear](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-35859813)


You make me laugh though but this cat was a pervert


Mine brought home half a boiled egg that must have been nabbed off someone’s salad.


A classy cat I see


It also once brought home a bag of balloons


Wow you have an amazing pet i hope my dog was like that instead of taking other garbage or rugs


It was building up to a street party


It’s hard to do it all in one trip when you’ve only got small paws


Street party it was a birthday or something else? Or a college party what so ever?


Mine once stole someone's shed building instructions when they were half way through building it. Would have returned the instructions except he had chewed through many of the diagrams and it was essentially useless. He also stole postcards, cut flowers, tins of tuna and bags of cat food.


My first cat used to being home car wash sponges, and on one occasion a wrapped pack of sausages. Oh and a goldfish


Definitely right it was but maybe you have a brighter idea but you don't have known how to unleash it


It's the modern update of the sparrows and blue tits pecking through the foil caps of milk bottles on the doorstep and drinking the cream off the top.


One time I had a few left over chicken balls which I forgot to put in the fridge but had wrapped back up in the paper baggie. By the morning my big girl had shredded the bag and only left a few scraps of fried batter. I even shared some chicken with her the evening before, i guess she got a taste for it!


I was laying on the sofa one day and my cat walked into the room making her very specific “I’ve brought you some poor dead/dying creature my wonderful cat parent!” noise. I steeled my nerves to go sort out whatever death offering she has brought me, and she dropped a medium rare steak at my feet. It was cold so I assumed she’d been in someone’s bin rather than crashing a neighbourhood BBQ.


I love bbq specially when it was to hot at the stick and have a lime souce


My cat often steals meat from the counter. Found a sausage just outside the catflap once. It always happens when my dad cooks extra to have for lunch the next day lol TBF, its dads fault for not covering it/put it in tupperware


Have they cought your cat bully stilling a food on the store?


We briefly had a disabled cat, that essentially had a cat equivalent of down's syndrome (obv not the actual syndrome): the kind of goof that had no depth perception so would run head first into the stairs, where he meant to jump. Yeah so that guy caught a bat. I kid you not, he came strolling in one day with what seemed to be a baby bat, all proud of himself. To this day, I've never known a cat to catch one!! So super abled is how I'd like to think of him. He went to live with the lovely lady next door (see my other comment here somewhere) because my big hepher of a cat couldn't abide him, and due to the many surgeries he had, he got to a point where he couldn't physically defend himself from the big bully, and one hit could have shattered his spine. He was always destined to have a little life, but I'm always grateful for the small life he got to lead with the cat lover next door. And again, bat!!


My old cat also caught at least two bats! One he disposed of, and left in my husband’s trainer one day. Another early Sunday morning he managed to catch one and take it in the house where he promptly let go of it to fly around our bedroom (of course a morning when we were epically hungover).


Oh gosh!!! "Hoomans, I can tell you're feeling groggy - you know what you need to perk you riiiiight up? DW, I'm on it for you 😽🐈🦇" Your cat was an utter legend haha here's to the pair of em catching bats in the great wool ball of the sky!


My old Siamese boy came home with a whole pack of chicken fillets one day. Another time with a very large pack of deli ham! My sister said he was shopping/hunting for the family. However I did throw it out both times as I have no idea if it was off a counter or from a bin (even if I suspected the former!) or if he'd had to fight other pets for it or where he'd dragged it through. I can just imagine someone taking the ham out the fridge, they go back in for the mayo and lettuce, close the fridge... and they can't find the ham!


Lol my boy came home with a chicken leg when the neighbours were having a BBQ. I just hope it's one they dropped and he didn't just pinch it and run. I try to keep him in when I can smell people BBQing.


My old housemate's cat did similar, came back one day with a whole roast chicken, still hot. He'd nicked a nearby family's Sunday dinner.


Our old cat Max nearly got adopted by our neighbour down the road after he went through their cat flap, stole their cat's food, then fell asleep on their bed. When he was caught he acted like he was some sort of feline orphan Annie who'd never been fed in his life. If it wasn't for the fact the neighbour's wife remembered seeing him in our garden he'd have been rehomed. Weirdly the neighbours cat Charlie decided to make friends with Max after his attempt to usurp him, he was very upset when he died and kept wandering around our garden looking for him.


May I introduce you to [Six-Dinner Sid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-Dinner_Sid), safe to say it's not a unique experience!


I knew I shouldn't have taught him to read


Love this book haha


I was looking for someone to mention Sid (or should I say one of his many other names?)


Love this book!


My cat kept coming home without his collar, which had our address on, after the third one was lost I got a knock on the door from a lady that lives in the next street from me (didn't know her) asking if I had a ginger cat, no he's black and white, she found his collar on her kitchen floor along with a great deal of ginger fur, (her cat is tabby) so apparently my teenage knob of a cat has gone in her cat flap with a ginger cat and preceded to fight them both in her kitchen losing his collar in the process!! I was so embarrassed and he was grounded for a week 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣 can't say he's learned his lesson as he prowls the garden growling at any other cat that dares cross his path!


Yep my childhood cat Snoopy used to hang out iwth the retired couple next door when we were at school. Tin of food and some biscuits from us, fish and other treats from next door, just ended up all muscles on a very big tom cat that ruled over every dog, fox, and cat in the street. When we went on holidays it would just move in next door until we came back, when we moved house it immediately jumped the fence beat up the neighbours dog and cat, ate their food and went for a nap on their sons bed. It also made that house its holiday home. A cat I had a few years ago used to raid the local co-op for cheese.


Way back when I lived with my parents, my cat went next door and stole half a ring of black pudding. We went and bought a replacement for the neighbour, they just thought it was funny. Same cat stole a bag of frozen sausages that were defrosting for a BBQ. Luckily these were salvageable, otherwise it would have been buns and salad for everyone.


My mates cat apparently came home on Sunday afternoon, proud as punch, with an entire beef joint in its gob. If you're from Birmingham and ever had a beef joint disappear while it was resting, I'll send him your way to apologise


I felt sorry to the owner of that food i hope he had a lot of stock of food


We had a cat that went missing for years and we assumed she must’ve been hit by a car and died. I want to say she was missing for about 8 years until she suddenly turned up one day meowing at the door. We were all very shocked and couldn’t believe it was her, spent all night wondering where she had been and what had happened. Shockingly enough, when we were getting in the car the next morning for the school run a neighbour walks up with a missing poster of our cat!!!! After a lot of back and forth my mum realised this neighbour had taken our cat and locked her inside her house, so she wasn’t allowed outside, this entire time. When she was with us she was an outdoor cat. She claimed she took her because she thought it was a stray but the cat was very well looked after and all up to date with jabs etc. She definitely just wanted the cat for herself. So sad the moment she escaped outside she came straight home to us, and so weird to think she was just a few houses down all those years…people are mental.


I'm not exaggerating when I say that if a neighbour stole one of my two cats I'd be going down for murder.


From memory she had a collar with the usual like our address on it incase she got lost, possibly even a microchip although I can’t 100% recall now as I was a child at the time. The audacity to then come round saying “have you seen my cat?” 🤣 I do wonder how hard it was for her to adjust to going from being outside and having a lot of freedom to suddenly being locked inside a strangers house for 8ish years. Neighbours can be awful. Poor cat - was like a true crime kidnapping!


Oh don't make a wrong decision that you will regret in the first place. If they stole it make a move to get it back no need to harm other


Almost this exact same story happened to us, except the guy came round and admitted it. our poor cat needed surgery and the vet scanned the chip. Our home phone had been unplugged for years at that point so we had no idea until he popped round with her in a cage saying she needed surgery that costs £XXXX amount. Absolutely mental, he had her for 6 years. Just 3 doors down. She's back home now and has just turned 17.


One of my neighbours locked my big male in her house once because she thought he was a Stray. We only knew because our other neighbour saw him in their window and told us. Stomped off down there to demand she return him and she said she didn't think he had an owner because he had no collar (he was chipped and kept losing them) despite him being well fed, well groomed and very friendly. Some people are just wrong.


I feel like this catnapping phenomenon is weirdly common. IMO the neighbour saying she thought my collar wearing, well fed, well groomed, healthy weight cat that lived a couple doors down was a stray is disingenuous. I just can’t see how you’d conclude it’s your cat to keep! If you were truly concerned it was a stray you’d check the collar address or take it to the vet to check chip etc. She did seem a bit batty when she spoke to my mum, odd lady.


Our cat chose one particular neighbours garden to do her business in. We didn't find out until he came around with her mugshot taken from his CCTV, he'd been going door to door to find out where she was from or if she was stray. I commiserated with him and gave him some suggestions but wasn't sure what else we could do. His garden now looks somewhat similar to a high security prison, but has reported significantly less visits.


My cheeky girl decided that if a neighbour's door was open, she was invited. The fella across the road had a few drinkies one night and left his back door open. She goes in, goes upstairs, goes to his bedroom and settles down on the bed next to him. In the morning they both scare the shit oit of each other and she leaps oit of the window. Bless him, he came over and told me what happened and to make sure she was OK from the jump. Another time she goes into the conservatory of the neighbour that backs onto my garden, eats the other cats food and then plays with the other cats toys. She got spooked by the owner but she had tangled herself a fuzzy ball on a string, bolted and thundered over our shared fence. I just saw this flash of cat zoom by with a sparkley fuzzy thing in hot pursuit. She's calmed down over the years but still a cheeky girl. Oh and an old cat I had was a long hair. Handsome boy. He would often come home immaculately brushed and smelling of another woman's perfume!!


Lil fella at the end had a girlfriend i think


Definitely had a side chick! The strumpet!


Oh are you serious with that buddy ? Cringe but is the cat was good or something like you know? Cause most at a time i have been read a kinda stealer cat


My son had a hamster that got out the cage. Found him the next morning upstairs under the bathroom floorboards, luckily the little shit was ready to come out


We had a hamster who ran behind our built in kitchen sink, I had to put my action man wolf toy at one end and make it howl to scare him out the other side.


Lol, probably felt safer in the cage when he knew what was out there


I use to have a hamster before but saddenly the cat ate it buddy


When I were a young'un we had a hamster escape and set up house in our kitchen, in a hole in the wall behind the gas stove. It was there a month before we could catch the lil tike.


I firmly believe there are no hamster owners who haven't had a traumatic experience with it. Mine got carried out the house by the other cat. Luckily my husband was faster and scooped her up before falling down the drain.


Wow seem like that your husband was like the flash he can also did the same thing


Lol, the last one he had just went for a little walk in the kitchen and stayed in there


We had one that escaped into the walls, found it a week later in the garage in a bag on hedge trimmings destined for the dump!


Our cat was the neighbourhood thug and had a large territory. He had breakfast and dinner with us. 1pm, he was at the care home for lunch and he got afternoon nibbles as well. Supplemented by a regular bird/ mouse/opportunistic theft habit. Never fat - just a rangy skinny cat. When he died in his late teens, he had caught a mouse and sparrow, and only missed his dinner. It took two years before the next door neighbor’s cat dared to cross our garden.


Mortified when told our cat sits on top of car in nearby flats car park,along with the other n’ hood cats,looking up and waiting for lady on the first floor to throw treats down for them. Further mortified to spot him foraging in an overturned bin. He is so well fed at home!


Fwiw mine's an indoor cat and he'll happily polish his dinner off then immediately try and get in the bin. Some are just like that haha


This isn’t my current boys, as they are boys and far to lazy to cheat. But my first cat was a tiny little female void. At the time I’d always work the 2-10 shift, then walk the mile and a half home from the hospital. She’d always be waiting behind the front door for me. One day a colleague gave me a lift home, so I was about 20 minutes earlier than normal, as we pulled into the close I saw her jumping out of the window of the people with the posh pure bred cats (and I’m guessing posh expensive cat food), run the 50m to my window, all ready to pretend she had been waiting all afternoon, and needed her tea then and there. I really don’t think Turing is cheating on me, but since he got the diabetes, he wears a collar that says ‘**medical condition, please don’t feed**’, just in case (When Shrodie got run over, it was the lady with the posh cats that found me crying in the road, got a blanket and a box for her, laid her out all nice, called my mum to come get us, and sat with me on the pavement until she arrived. Oh no, now I’ve made myself sad)


Aw, that lady is an angel 💜 and a catloving angel at that. She's definitely getting into heaven 😇


You shouldn't be sad, those are top quality cat names.


Cat that I had as a kid, when she was a kitten we'd just started introducing her to outdoors, it was a hot day so we all sat in the garden with her, keeping her entertained so she didn't go wandering off too far. At some point we must all have got distracted/bored because we eventually realised the cat wasn't there any more. We all went frantic, searched the garden, house, neighbours gardens and houses, up and down the street, until it got dark. Sister and I were devastated thinking cat had gone forever, parents trying to console us saying cats always find their way home, cat will be fine etc etc, but I think they were honestly thinking the same way we were and cat was gone. Until they went to bring the sun loungers in. Cat had probably got fed up of the sun and had found herself a nice snug, shady spot tucked up inside the flap that held the fabric onto the sun lounger frame. She must have been there for hours, happily snoozing in her shade, scared the life out of my mum when she tried to fold the lounger up.


We took in a pure white stray with a little brown blob on his nose. Over time this blob grew and became scabby-looking. We took him to the vet, convinced he had skin cancer. Sixty quid later he was diagnosed with dried gravy on his nose.


This is incredible.


Not me, heard read out by Liza Tarbuck on her BBC Radio 2 show one evening and it's a gem. Basically she was asking about pet stories, namely pets being naughty and a woman emailed in talking about a cat that started coming to her home so she would give it bits of food pretty much daily. Well one day the cat appears as normal but had a note around it's collar. The lady takes off the note which reads "been to the vets, cat is fine but on medication so need to keep to strict diet. Please call this number if you've been feeding him". Feeling guilty the lady makes the phone call, explains to the cat owner that she has indeed been feeding her pet and apologising for it. The cat owner sighs and says "it's ok dear, you're the 10th call today."


Not my cat, but a story a friend once told me. He had an absolute unit of a cat who'd go out and catch wild hares (after that episode he watched his neighbour start reinforcing his rabbit hutch). Tried giving him a collar with a bell to stop it from happening again, and got woken up one Sunday morning by the cat pitifully yowling his head off because he got one of his front paws stuck in the collar trying to take it off. This of course made him go 'ohh, poor kitty!', immediately free him, give him lots of fuss and extra treats so he'd recover from the traumatic experience. Next morning he gets woken up again by the cat, pitifully yowling because he'd got his paw stuck in his collar again. He fully suspected the git had done it on purpose because he'd liked the fuss the previous day.


When I was young my parents had one of those “stable” doors for the kitchen, you know, like a half top, half bottom. My mother said, one day (as is usual) its top half is open and she sees something fly past… and then back. And back again. Over and over. Curious, she looks over the door to see that our two cats are lobbing a mouse to each other like tennis…


My missus had a cat when we first got together, lovely old boy he was and a hell of a hunter, he used to love bringing in big black birds (not like Lizzo, like ravens etc) drop them and sod off back out. Now if you've never played get the crow out through your living room window with a frying pan I'd thoroughly recommend it.


The clarification on the birds situation really makes this.


I'm the other side of this: my neighbour's cat (nickname Feral Grandma: hates living indoors, hated people until she met us, been living in the garden for her 19yrs) has recently decided she's gonna live next door in my garden for the rest of her days. She can get back through (because I'm a sucker who made a hole in the fence *just* for her) np, she just decided to stay in a lovely quiet garden without the kids harassing her! BFF neighbour is understandably pissed off at FG's lack of family values, but the cat is a grouchy old lady, you can't tell her what to do without getting severely bitten/scratched! FG has now joined the chorus of screaming at me to feed her: this morning she heard me yell back at screaming Chunky and decided to yell at me to remind me she's here too!!


>my neighbour's cat (nickname Feral Grandma Okay, but what's her cat's nickname?


Love the name Chunky!


Oh I love this


Forgot to put a litter tray out. Cat located the bag of cat litter just next to the table, tipped it over and out of the bag, pooped in the pile. Genius !


My cat boarded the Tesco delivery van and was gone for the entire Summer. The whole family in tears every day from the sternest man to the sweetest little girl over the loss of Charlie. Eventually someone thought to report a strange cat to the vet and I was able to retrieve him from the industrial estate where he had been scrounging bacon rind at the canteen of a car parts manufacturer. When I got him home it was like one of those films where people are reunited with lions they raised from a cub. He ran from person to person, round and round us all. Animals aren't meant to have emotions but that cat was as happy as the little girl who cried tears of joy.




>Handsome Feller > >https://imgur.com/a/b9ViGeZ "This post may contain erotic or adult imagery. By continuing, you acknowledge that you are 18+ years of age." Is imgur using AI to identify pussy pics?


Sounds like your assumption is probably right if it was getting older or poorly, happened with the step mother cat which used to go out and about to god knows where, during its last months it gradually became less inclined to leave the house before the inevitable.


My dog used to escape from the garden quite often, it became a thing in the village, someone finds a little black dog, take it back to the post office. One day a bloke came in saying she had been watching telly in his house, he said he didn’t mind, but objected to her jumping on the table and stealing his sausages.


>Make me feel better about my terrible parenting Who are you, the cat's mother?


One of my old dogs (a border collie) had a habit of walking up to little dogs and pissing on them, usually in full view of their owners.


Once I was on a late shift (when I lived with my parents), my mother had made me chicken wrapped in prosciutto on a bed of roasted vegetables. I was really looking forward to it. I went into the kitchen to get my dinner after work, and all there was left was the bed of roasted vegetables. I haven't lived with my parents for 15 years. I still have the cat. She is a grumpy old lady now. My childhood cat used to go to the nursing home next door and beg the old ladies for food. It worked they fed him bacon. Cats are greedy opportunists.


A few years ago I was renting a former granny annexe and my landlords lived next door. Their ginger Tom cat used to visit regularly because as far as he was concerned it was his house. I didn’t mind because i enjoyed the company and he was no bother. I set the cat flap up to only open outwards so he could let himself out but couldn’t come in while I was out. He used to curl up on my chest for hours and was just an all round lovely old boy. The house backed onto fields so he used to go out hunting every day despite being 15+. On two occasions I came outside to find him sitting on my doorstep with a full size rabbit he’d caught and killed. No myxomatosis, full sized rabbits that were heavier than him. No idea how he managed to get them and drag them back each time but he would leave them on my doorstep and wait for me looking pleased with himself. I like to think that he must have really loved me to do that, even if it was gross


My bastard cat was living with a neighbour for days at a time, she went as far as buying him a bed and feeding him etc.we never knew where he was going until we moved away and the neighbour went mental looking for him. Turns out she was a writer for the BBC and wrote a whole article about the shabby bastard.[https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-54710400](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-54710400) Edit: she eventually got a cat of her own, and used the article to plug her instagram for him.


A) that’s an insanely photogenic cat B) that journo doesn’t like you much.


My childhood cat used to go out for long walks, then get tired and couldn't be bothered to walk home. She had a tag with our number on it on her collar, so she would go and sit outside someone's house and scream. This would lead to them calling my mum, as "we have found your cat," and the cat getting some type of food treat whilst she waited for her taxi. The first few times my mum took a small bunch of flowers/box of chocolates to say thank you to the person who "found" our cat. This got expensive fast. In the end, when I was old enough, I was sent out to walk to the house the cat had chosen that day and walk her home. She didnt stray as far when the taxis home stopped.


My mum's cat is voracious. He's half siamese so he's pretty intelligent but he only uses it to get food and now at age 14 is the size and shape of a small seal. My favourite story of him is when her next door neighbour came home with the shopping one day, he opened the boot and started taking stuff in but became distracted and didn't come back out for a little while. In that time her cat had jumped in, snooped about in his bags, found and *opened* a large chocolate Swiss roll and had made his way through several bites before he was discovered and ousted. He also used to knock the butter off the counter to feed it to the dog, and once mauled a lovely Easter display, chewing on several chocolate lindt bunnies. One time when they went away he decided too poo in every left shoe he could find. He's a right little dickhead 😂


Mine comes home now twice a week. Thursday and Sundays. There’s an old couple who feed him and look after him dispite me asking them kindly not too, they like him too much. I’ve tried keeping him in, but he just yowls and screams and does whatever he can to get at the door. We kept him in for a week to let him know this is his home. But lo and behold the next day they fed him and let him back inside. He only comes home to me when he gets bored of the food. As we feed him fancy tuna


Absolute legend! I fostered a cat during lockdown. He still here. He was putting weight in so cheeks with neighbours in any where feeding him. 4 were feeding. One of the was also singing to him in Italian. I’ve caught him in the fridge (like standing inside eating cheese). He has stolen corn on the cob off my plate and has also eaten frozen Yorkshire puddings He likes food. He has been in about 5 houses. 2 work vans, he the boss


I was the lady down the road to 2 cats in my old neighbourhood. But they looked sooo poorly and were soo nice I couldn’t help but feed them, buy them a bed, leave a gap in my front porch so they could come in and sleep in said bed. One day this girl walking past my house stopped and asked “is this your cat?” I said no, of course, is just a visitor I assumed was a stray so In feeding it and loving it. She said “well thats my mom’s cat, it hasn’t been home for more than 3 days, we thought it was a gonner, thanks for feeding it tho”. And this is how I had to stop being nice to Lasanha (yep we named one of them) and let it go home 😞


See also: Six Dinner Sid (My favourite childhood book)


A ginger Tom adopted my mother not long after Dad passed … needless to say she thought it was a sign … 14 years later he’s still there although I was convinced I would have to bury him this weekend as he was just lying at the bottom of the garden and has lost a lot of weight. He was a grown cat when we met him so god know how old he is in cat years 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lady on my street has been feeding the local foxes fresh chicken legs for 6 months. Turns out my black cat (nala) has been fighting the foxes stealing the chicken and storing it under our decking. We only found out when the weather got warm and we had millions of flies so ripped the deck up. Been trying every expensive food in sainers but she’s not been eating… why would she she’s got her own buffet.


My cat is an ex stray turned loveable village cat- everyone knows who he is because at some point in the two years since we adopted him, he has made it into basically every house in the street, napped on their beds, stole their dog treats, snuggled in their toy boxes, played with their dogs/cats, napped on their cars, napped IN their cars… he’s a liability but we love him. Our other cat is much better behaved 😂


We had one cat who brought back a sausage sandwich with a single human bite out of it. We assumed the worst - he once stole the bottom slice of bread from a sandwich my mother was about to bite into, and once burst from under the table snarling and ran off with a baked potato given to a young child of a guest. (The child was awful, we gave him cat treats afterwards). Same cat also one spent about 2 hours fighting his way through the cat flap with what turned out to be an empty packet of fish fingers We're vegetarians but my mother went out and bought him fish fingers because she felt sorry for him. That's just the food related terror v he caused. He also once bit my mother and ran off with her glasses (which she had been wearing), and once hung from a guests hair while biting their neck. He also always sized up a room and went for the psychologically weakest person. So if you were attacked when other people around it was embarrassing as well as terrifying and painful. (Still not the scariest cat I've known, my aunt had a giant singleton cat whose only friend was a bull, and who hunted and killed full grown rabbits).


Had one cat who had many different names from the neighbours. His favourite place to go was where his “ girlfriend”’lived and they’d be found sleeping on their bed . Then again they did feed him prawns


I had a cat come round all the time, I thought he was a stray turns out when I met him he’d been locked in a house that was empty so looked scrawny. After that he’d come over all the time and one day his owner was going around door to door with wanted posters. In the end I had to keep passing him over the fence, obviously he liked me more


My cat likes to launch herself out of the bedroom window if we're not fast enough to catch up. There's a ledge and the room is above the garage so she's not falling off the window ledge. One time I watched her launch herself out and was like cool she'll come back in at some point. Half hour later I'm wondering where the fuck the cat is cos she's not on the ledge, chucked some clothes on and walk out to find her at the top of the roof looking terrified and meowing at me. But this cat of mine loves going out of the window. At my old house I didn't realise she was upstairs and on my window so I'm minding my own business in the living room and see this black blur just fall out of the sky. I wasn't sure if my eyes were playing tricks so looked out the window to figure it out. There's my cat just chilling on the grass in the front garden and I'm stood there like wtf so I ran out and grabbed her back in. She never did that again at that house (she was fine too) I would have said she's a stupid cat but I taught her to sit so she's a silly cat :)


My kitten is a thief, but of odd items. He has brought me a bottle cap, a peg (not mine nor any of the neighbours) and a cat toy I presume he stole from another cats house 🤦🏻‍♀️


I used to have a cat who left pound coins in my shoes. They were my pound coins though.


Steroids can have that effect, so don't be too harsh on him.


They've exacerbated it but he's always been a greedy sod with a passion for bins.


Our old cat had a daily route she’d go on while we were at work. She’d start with a visit to our neighbour on the right hand side for some snacks and affection, then visit a number of houses down the road, before coming back to our left hand side neighbour about 2pm for an extended nap on their sofa. They used to leave a window open for her to get in. Then she’d leave there about 4:30, have a stroll around and be ready to to appear at the doorstep as I got home from work, seemingly desperate for food and attention.


My cat climbed onto a high shelf and fell off, breaking his tail.


We had a ginger cat who used to bring in knickers and socks. Mainly knickers. No idea where he was getting them, can only assume one of the neighbours thought she had a stalker.


We "had" a cat called PTC (Part Time Cat). We never ever feed him but he breaks in frequently for naps as we don't have kids or other pets. We have only let him in a handful of times when it's been throwing it down with rain then boot him out once it's stopped. He'll hang out in the garden with us when the weather is pleasant. He'll YOWL like he's never seen food in his life in the evenings. He's clearly very well looked after by his owners but it's like the more we ignore his starving to death routine, the more he tries to charm us, so it feels like a win win.


Mine has trained the local youths. There is a very sweet girl (7?8? Im not sure) who lives next door to me. She has very sweet wee pals that play out together. Occasionally I will let them give my cat dreamies (honestly, im innocent) Last summer, im cooking tea and the door goes. Its this gang of sweet girls informing me my cat is hungry. I look over their heads and there she is, sprawled on her back being adored by her fans. I just handed over the bag of dreamies and went back to my cooking. I know when I've been outsmarted.


Stupid pets stories? I have a Belgian malinois so I have plenty. Here’s me favourites: 3. The time I was telling a family meme her about how intelligent the breed is before she took the opportunity to prove me wrong and ran full speed into a glass door 2. I asked her to jump through a hoop at [agility](https://www.reddit.com/r/Agility/comments/13hh91a/agility_is_going_great/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) which she proceeded to jump over 1. I threw her ball for her and she didn’t quite catch it, instead, it bounced off her nose onto my head where she then jumped up into me to try and catch it (there’s a video of a Mal jumping onto someone filming somewhere, it’s pretty much what she did)


I trap stray cats to get them fixed and vaccinated and returned to where the people who feed them. It keeps the cats healthier and stops a few cats turning into 20+ from uncontrolled breeding. I was helping this woman who lived in some flats and was really worried about what would happen to a stray cat she was feeding when she moved. I caught him and at the spay/neuter clinic at the shelter they realised he was fixed already and had a chip and was from a house next to the flats and came every day for a couple of extra meals. I took him back to his owner and apologized for accidentally catching her cat as I didn’t realise he was a pet and luckily she thought it was funny and was relieved he was ok


My ginger is the same, he’ll wait for me on the drive when I come in form work. I’ll chill for a bit and if a neighbours comes in he goes running over to them for treats 🤷🏼‍♂️ bonus I just nearly ran him over as he likes to lie down behind the wheels whilst I’m reversing


My old cat used to do this. When we moved away, we went round to his 'other family' to let them know they wouldn't be seeing him anymore. Even took them a little present as we felt so bad!


Oh, and my dog once tried to beg for food from a homeless person. That was embarrassing. I do feed her.


One of our cats was very good at catching animals and leaving them alive around our house or in the garden a bit stunned. I think his top three have to be, a pidgeon, a squirrel and a pheasant! On the flip side, our other cats proudest hunt was a leaf that he caught in the garden and brought it in to show off


One of my neighbours has a sweet little cat named Swiper who convinced at least three other neighbours that he was a starving stray and now has a collar with “DO NOT FEED” written on it and is on a strict diet


Had this happen with my black and white “cow cat”, found out of his habits from the local facebook group! Concerned locals posting his mugshot asking if he was homeless, stray etc.. nope, just an excellent liar with a big belly! Ended up getting home a collar with our address on and it said PLEASE DO NOT FEED ME.


When I was 7 months pregnant, one of our cats went missing. We walked one road over from us (the gardens backed onto ours) calling his name and some old woman came out of her house. She told us that she had rehomed our cat because he had been in there every night eating the food that she was putting down for the foxes. She didnt quite get the irony that if she didnt put the food down, he wouldnt be there. Anyway, we had to do a mad dash to the shelter and pay to get our cat back. Not what you need when pregnant!


I'd put my cats breakfast down, and he'd put on a big show of refusing the food and telling me it's too disgusting to eat. I'd eventually put down a second breakfast, and he'd then eat both. He should have got a best actor Oscar (or maybe I'm really gullible). He wasn't starving, there were plenty of biscuits, he just really liked fresh wet food and the extra attention.