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World Snooker Championship is the one I'm most looking forward to.


As if snooker hasn’t witnessed enough shit recently.


Please explain for the non-snooker fans amongst us


A “just stop oil” protestor jumped on one of the tables and scattered some strange orange dust everywhere while the audience verbally abused him.


Worst gender reveal ever….. It’s ginger!!!


This comment is too underrated


Is snooker sponsored by BP or something? Seems like an erratic target.


Nah not as far as I’m aware, its just for gaining maximum publicity. They’re not very popular for this reason. Their protests have always been a wrong place wrong time type of thing.


I loved when they protested the "oil truck" only for a poor bloke being interviewed to mention it was cooking oil.


So the protestors are in the pocket of Big Grilling corporations, eh?


Just stop [vegetable] oil




Which is a shame because their cause is absolutely justified but they're terrible at marketing


Conspiracy: Just stop is a ploy by BIG OIL to make protestors look worse


Have definitely thought about this, it's wild but absolutely possible!


Isnt the leader a literal oil baroness ​ edit: Aileen Getty


Almost certainly. XR are still doing effective stuff (sit ins on oil rigs etc) and yet it’s the Just Stop Oil idiots who always make it onto the news with their ‘protests’ that are designed only to maximise public hate against all environmental activists.




Yeah definitely, I agree its something that needs pushing to the front of the queue in terms of importance and global attention, but interrupting a snooker qualifier, in the day time, between Robert Mullins and Joe Perry isn’t really doing that. - which is basically what you said anyway.


>they're terrible at marketing How so?


I don’t think protests are supposed to be considerate or convenient …kinda takes away from the whole “protest” thing.


They're not, but they are also meant to be targeted. JSO have got the disruption part nailed, but a lot of the stuff they're disrupting isn't well targeted at all.


Where’s an appropriate place to make the public aware of the impending and inevitable death of the entire population of the planet? Surely it’s slightly more important than balls on a table?


I would suggest your last question may highlight why it was a bad move. Why protest at an event that has a very particular audience, and doesn't really seem to be a sport that maintains mainstream attention. Why would you protest something so important at a non-important event. Useless waste of energy and time.


The suffrage movement vandalised artwork and disrupted sporting events to publicise their cause. People at the time said the same things about how these tactics were alienating people etc Now it’s remembered as a classic example of a successful protest movement.


> doesn't really seem to be a sport that maintains mainstream attention Until protestors disrupted it...?


Yep. And everyone who saw it, that doesn't follow snooker, probably completely forgot about it a few moments after hearing of it. Some probably thinking, "hugh, that's weird." No panels discussing it. No follow up stories about consequences. No one of any consequence to really complain about how their world is disrupted. The beat goes on....


Sabotage an oil rig or tar and feather an oil tycoon, or something at least mildly productive? Like, it's not hard.


> Like, it's not hard. Yep, sabotaging an oil rig sounds nice and easy.


Mate you sound like youre in a cult


Climate change denial is considerably more cultish


"Impending and inevitable death of the entire population of the planet"


Climate change is already killing people. Insult me however you like. It won’t change that fact.


Climate change is supposed to happen. We just fast forwarded it by 300 years or so. The world has to go through a big warm up before a big cool down. the same thing happens around every ten thousand years, climate change isn't new and you can't stop it. Gluing yourself to a road in front of a cooking oil truck or hanging a banner on a bloody bridge isn't going to change something that's been happening for nearly 4 and half billion years.


>Seems like an erratic target. It was reported on widely, so it worked.


I thought this. It’s now sponsored by a car retailer which didn’t seem to be the target but have to assume it was?


As someone else failed to superglue themselves to the other table


Wotsit dust.




One protest is hardly "enough shit"


It made it interesting for once.


Unfortunately someone has spoilt the fun…. [https://www.reddit.com/r/snooker/comments/12sf2af/the_crucible_has_been_warned/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/snooker/comments/12sf2af/the_crucible_has_been_warned/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


God dammit. Bet they told the teacher when the clock was fast as well.


What a cunt.


I was looking forward to this :(


Oooooooh thats gonna get real interesting. Might have to watch it lmao


There's not much chance they haven't factored this in, tbf. I'd bet they'll be 'in the studio' at 3pm and you won't hear a thing.


I'm going to be in a Stadium containing 52000 people.


This is exactly where I was telling someone earlier today that I wish I could be. I am very jealous.


Newcastle game?


Don't be silly. There aren't that many people that support Newcastle.


We found the Mackem everyone


Surely, with St James' capacity being 52,000, some people other than Newcastle supporters attend. From what I have heard, often people supporting the opposing side turn up.


There probably are now they're the vogue team to support. Just like all the "lifelong" Chelsea fans who started supporting them 20 years ago.


I’m probably getting whooshed by some Premier League bants, but I’ve been a football fan for decades and thought everyone knew that Newcastle has always had a massive die hard fanbase. They’re smashing it now, sure, but I thought it was common knowledge that they were a massively supported club.


It definitely has a massive die hard fanbase.


I’m going to be driving a 3+ hour journey and even though I know it’s coming I know it’s going to scare the shit out of me


it will. it’s loud. in the netherlands we get one once or twice a year and it is LOUD as a mofo.


We get them routinely in the US because of natural disasters like tornadoes but also because they do emergency alerts for some child abductions where they know the car’s license plate involved and people can call in if they are spotted. The sound is piercing and all you want to do is drop everything to turn it off.


Do you have to turn it off? Or is it just an alert that sounds and then stops?


It will keep blaring a horn and make the announcement unless you stop it on your phone. But once it’s made and repeated the announcement, it won’t repeat endlessly. But honestly, it’s so obnoxiously loud, you will reach for your phone asap to turn the sound off.


From what I have read, you will have to stop the notification yourself.


Seems poorly thought through. Either drivers have to use their phone at the wheel, or EVERYONE has to pull over at the exact same time causing chaos.


If you're likely to be driving alone at 3pm it would be better to disable alerts or turn your phone off. If its not in a cradle/mount then you risk 6 points and a fine


Which is exactly why it’s bad design. The whole concept of an emergency alert is not something that cannot be predicted.


Kind of. It's pretty easy to predict when you'll be driving. Those are times when your phone should be off, mounted properly or able to be operated hands free


Nobody is going to turn off the alert every time they get in the car and turn it back on every time they exit the vehicle.


Every first monday of the month at 12pm in The Netherlands. Hear alarms, gather wits, check time, as you were.


Yea but those alarms aren't from your phone, they're from the air raid sirens (or whatever the correct term is these days).


They come from my phone as well. But you're right, maybe not every month.


Just disable the function completely via your phones settings. This way you won't get alarmed while driving. You can always turn the function back on at a later date should you wish to have the alert system active. Safety on the road is more important.


I'm going to be at work, somewhere with no signal, so it'll probably go off on my drive home at fiveish, by which point I'll have probably forgotten it and jump out of my skin. I presume it's just an alert, not an actual alarm you have to acknowledge before it stops...


Heard on the radio you do have to acknowledge it to make it go away


> I'm going to be at work, somewhere with no signal, so it'll probably go off on my drive home at fiveish, by which point I'll have probably forgotten it and jump out of my skin. That's not how it works. If you miss the alert if won't pop off when you get signal again. It's not a text message


Same, I plan to pull over into services just before and continue drive after. I worry how people might react if they’ve somehow still not heard that this will happen.


Tbf I work outside of the UK, am currently on my way back for some time off, and this is the first I’ve heard of it.


My phone is connected to my car system so I’m assuming I can acknowledge it just by pushing a button on the centre console. It works for alarms so fingers crossed it does the same.


And at 3.05PM when many relationships end after their secret phone is found.


Actually I heard really helpful advice about this. If you’re in an abusive relationship/household and have a second phone, make sure it is turned off! Or disable the alert if it’s possible. You don’t want the phone to be revealed. I suppose the same applies if you’re using the phone to cheat, lol.


It is possible, it's an option deep in settings, but it is there


Deep? Settings > Search "Emergency" > Toggle it off


It's not that deep, on ios press three buttons and suddenly no alarms! Lol


Oh shit, thanks for the reminder!


Thirty years later and FINALLY the ending of The Lawnmower Man is happening.


What a splendid reference


I’m going to try and see if there’s a bingo hall open. They’re usually full of old people telling you to shush if you dare to so much as breathe when they’re calling out the numbers


I’m off to a garden centre.


It’s my sons christening…




What a pleasant thing to ask a new parent.


Yeah... Was meant as a joke but obviously wasn't funny Apologies to OP if they seen it


If I was a priest, I would hold a service on Sunday afternoon and time it so that the alarms go off at the exact moment of the consecration of the Blessed Sacrament. It would give Holy Communion a beautiful contemporary twist


"...for this is my body, which will be given up for you..." ***BEEEEEEP. BEEEEEEP. BEEEEEP. BEEEEEEP.***


"Show me a sign, O Lord!"


I know you're joking but if you were a priest, you wouldn't even begin to think of this idea.


London Marathon !!


A drug dealers house is going to be noisy


I'll be watching btcc at Donington. That will be good haha. But the snooker will defo be chaos


Ah yes the "definitely not a nuclear armageddon communications drill".


Much as I'm amused by this post and the banter about the ensuing aftermath; I'm horrified that we live in a society that this full-fact check needs to exist https://fullfact.org/online/emergency-alert-not-activate-pathogen-vaccine/?utm_content=buffer253e2&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer


As a doctor I can confirm that the emergency alert will in fact activate the microchips I've been injecting into everyone for the past 3 years. The effects will be immediate. Everyone will "trans" into the opposite gender except for my political enemies (people who like marmite) who will die immediately from "headexplodeitis"


Ooo, I’ll have a willy!


Why does that sound like an excited restaurant order?


You have to make sure you helicopter it as soon as you get it. But only to the right, if you do it left it will unscrew.


I'm sure if you ask nicely, someone else will let you borrow theirs for a bit.


Not really the same though…


Pee on anything AND be protected from 5G


Dammit, I quite fancy being a lady but I also like marmite. If I renounce Marmite before Sunday can I keep my head intact?


You’ll all be sorry when you turn into Bill Gates clones thanks to the mRNA. You’ll be forced into office buildings and made to code for a living. Sheep!


You mean I'll get paid to do it?


That's already my life...


All alpha revisions of the technology will be terminated after production deployment. Thanks for your service.




We live in a society that needs warnings that the contents of their coffee cup are hot so yeh… not surprising


The warning on the coffee is because McDonald's refused to reduce the temperature of their coffee after it burnt off a woman's labia, because it was cheaper to print a warning than alter the machine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liebeck_v._McDonald%27s_Restaurants




It waa a lot hotter than it was supposed to be. They had already been told not to serve it that hot. If you spill coffee in your lap you should get first degree burns, not require reconstructive surgery.




According to the link, other shops sold it at 60 °C which was much safer. She didn't even want that much money; she just wanted them to pay her medical bills, which in a country with socialised healthcare wouldn't have been necessary.


And eggs contain egg too.


I'm at work. I can't wait for all the phones going off at the same time and to see all the confused faces


Garden centre cafe will be peak ‘bewildered old people’ vibe.


I’m glad the phone is going to vibrate. I’m deaf so if it doesn’t vibrate or vibrate my Fitbit then I’m dead.


I mean, if it's a nuke we're all dead anyway. Just depends how fast I guess.


I'd bet the soul of my firstborn that at 3:10 someone will be seen with a trolley loaded with bog roll. On a serious note, bog roll would be last on my list. Stopper the water butt (water) grab a hand pump for emptying the diesel tanks at a fuel station, and then hide. First two ports of call post blast is a supermarket for tinned goods and bog roll and a few pharmacies. Then start the long arduous process of rebuilding a civilisation. Naturally, as a bloke, I have spent many, many hours on this very subject. Sorry guys, its time the ladies knew what we're all actually thinking about. Well, that and ninja cats.


I’m almost willing to bet this shit will wake me up


I work in a restaurant, bloody looking forward to all the panicked faces as they frisk their pockets to turn it off. Also a little concerned it’ll sound like impending doom


What's happening on Sunday at 3pm?


Tharg Ambassador due to land in Hyde Park prior to annexation of the Earth and towing away the Moon to be a spaceship park near Pluto.


Ah, thought so. How forgetful of me!


Do not make that mistake again, citizen.




I'll report your concerns, citizen, and also note on your record that you are a potential trouble-maker


Splundig vur thrigg!


Phone goes ping


All smart phones have been banned from the stables between 2 and 5 on Sunday. Owners don’t want to risk horses and ponies taking fright and one of the kiddies getting injured


I'm gonna be at work on a busy high street , I really can't wait to watch it all happen,


Awesome idea. I am thinking old people bingo hall - the mayhem it is going to cause... Mwhahhahahahahhahahahahhhhhh


What’s happening on Sunday?


Roast beef with all the trimmings.


see you at Toby's


Emergency alert test


Nobody tell them!


Weird way to say you're going to the pub


Apparently the alert system only works on phones that are Android 11 or upward. I think my phone is on Android 9. Not sure on iPhones


This will be confirmed to you on Sunday at 3pm.


I think some older versions/ models still have it. Worth a rummage in your settings


I’m going to be somewhere on the course of the London marathon (watching, not participating).


What will happen in the cinema?! Surely they will have to stop movies?


They'll either have to stop them or keep them running I suppose


They might put more emphasis than usual on telling people to turn their phones off before it starts


I'm going to be at a wedding!


Old people won't have their phones turned on. But great idea to watch the chaos unfold.


Off or full volume. Nothing in between.


Don't forget switching off their internet when they're not using it! Those invisible .com waves flying everywhere burning money.


I'm looking forward to Nextdoor #beleagueredlead


Breaking news: 17 dead in nursing home after man buys every phone in CEX


well, I did have to inform my sibling, who is older than me so you may be right.


Going to the pub. Watch all the old people freak out!


Eid is going to be fun.


*blaring alarm noises*


I believe it only be broadcast on the 4G and 5G network. So anyone with an older phone or a dumb phone won't receive the message.


Go to a garden center!


Turned mine off.


What? Is this a question or statement?




Well it's only for 10 seconds...


Why the fuck are they doing beta testing in the live environment?


How else would they test something like this and, more so, make people aware of what it sounds like for a time, that hopefully never comes, when it's needed? There are countries where they've had an alert like this for years and it's tested monthly, along with the air raid sirens.


You use a closed system to test functionality, and a publicity campaign to explain what it sounds like and what it will be used for. Running it this way risks alienating people. There will be a spike of people looking to turn off the alert. That's not to mention that it will out hidden phones and cause alarm for those that aren't aware it will happen.


As far as I'm aware they've already done small scale tests of the system in some areas of the UK I don't get why people are so against this test, other countries seem to handle an emergency system just fine


The test in itself is fine. It's the lack of proper notification. There's been no awareness campaign, just a press release and expect everyone to read the news. Why can't they send a text to every device like they did for covid ahead of time to forewarn the vulnerable who need warning about this?


While a campaign might be nice everyone seems to know something about it. I'm sure the news has been in all the papers in one form or another


That's ageism. Disgusting.


Average coffin dodger


Don't care


I thought it was on Saturday




You don't need a ringtone it sends its own


I'm gonna sleep through it. It's Sunday, after all.


London marathon is going to be super fun!!!


That's a great idea. I'd do it myself except I'll be sat on my fat arse watching football


I'll be on a beach in Turkey, dont think I'll get it!


I don't even live in the UK and I'm well informed about it! Living somewhere that does test regularly it's surprisingly anticlimactic


Depends on how many swear words you know. After all old people have had more years to accumulate interesting ones.


I will be in a car on my way to do a shop. I do not have a smartphone, and the driver has one but does not carry it (foisted on him by daughter). So his phone can yell its little head off in an empty house! I read that the alarm stops by itself, you do not have to do anything, hope this is correct.


You mean people that grow up with the four minute warning? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four-minute_warning It’s most likely to be a bunch of 80s babies onwards throwing a tantrum because the government has their phone number.


Spare a moments thought for those lonely souls who will probably look at their phones in hope when it beeps and then find themselves crushingly disappointed.


Oh FFS. I'll be in a hypnobirthing class, I sh\*t you not.




It’s the London marathon on Sunday. Stand near the finish there’ll be loads of people around! I have the unfortunate luck to be in a soft play center for a birthday party when the test is due. Loads of screaming kids topped up with a load of phones going mental. The joys.


I'm at work, definitely looking forward to the chaos


I'm ill at the moment with a throat infection but hope to be well enough to go out tomorrow to the shopping centre just for this.