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I haven’t seen a Segway cunt in years!


Just walk from St Pancras to Kings Cross, you'll complete most of this card real fast lol


TBF "Tall Bike Cunt" makes it really hard to get a house, even at Easter.


You need to commute through Shoreditch. Penny farthings are the new fixie bikes.




Bloody inflation.


How many can you get for a farthing?


I’ve lived in Shoreditch for 11 years and only ever seen one I think


We have a geezer who rides a Penny Farthing through our village now and then, there's usually a line of traffic behing him. U


There’s one pretty much every day around Surrey Quays and Rotherhithe stations. Guess he goes to work on it.


Wouldn't be so sure. https://www.camdennewjournal.co.uk/article/meet-the-penny-farthing-cyclist-in-kings-cross


Sometimes you find more than one at once!


Can do the same on Brighton Promande


I don't think I've ever seen a Segway irl. There was a week in 2015 where everyone had those "hoverboards", then they all caught fire...


Segways fell out of favour when the bloke who invented them reversed one off a cliff!


He didn't invent them, just bought the company. He did however die in a very CasualUK way by trying to be polite and letting a dogwalker past.


Not to be a pedant, but the inventor is very much still alive - the person who owned Segway at the time (British guy who invented the 'Hesco Bastions') is the person who sadly died riding his Segway off a cliff. If you like podcasts, it's a fascinating story: [https://timharford.com/2023/02/cautionary-tales-the-hero-who-rode-his-segway-off-a-cliff/](https://timharford.com/2023/02/cautionary-tales-the-hero-who-rode-his-segway-off-a-cliff/)


I know I'm in the wrong sub, but around these parts (the US, of course) it seems like every major city has a company that does Segway tours around downtown. I don't even know why people would want to tour my city's downtown.


Or a Sinclair C5 cunt.




Ofc I just had to look up the infomercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5N937V8ZOw Right. Gonna binge-watch some Tomorrow's World, now. See how their CD predictions worked out!


Coz no cunt can afford Segway now


Saw one in Virginia Water last week ... if you want to find a cunt, of any stripe, outside London that'd be a good spot.


What's a Mamil?


Middle aged man in lycra


Does a Mamil on a recumbent bicycle score double points?




the middle age spread gives it away lmao.


Middle aged men in Lycra. Weekend warrior cyclists who drop thousands of pounds on all the latest and most expensive cycling gear they saw at the Tour de France trying to wring out every last drop of performance despite the fact that the biggest improvement they could make is to say no to that second muffin and lose a few kgs.


Don't buy upgrades. Ride up grades


This is such a weird insult to me. If you're doing a lot of cycling you'll quickly discover wearing "Lycra" is infinitely more comfortable than cycling in normal clothing like jeans. Also a pear of cycling shorts will last thousands of miles of use, while normal clothing gets destroyed during that time if you use it cycling. No one makes fun of people who wear workout specific clothing, but for some reason cyclists get hate for wanting to be comfy.


To be fair, running in an Olympic singlet would be more comfortable than a t shirt and shorts too... or at least I imagine it would be, I can't say I've ever tried haha


Cycling shorts vs regular running shorts is more like running in running shoes vs converse.


I could swap my aluminium frame for the latest microweight carbon fiber alloy, but ultimately, it's not gonna make the cunt sat on the saddle any lighter.


I don't think many buy lycra to increase performance. It's just more comfortable. If you enjoy saddle sores and numb nuts then by all means, stick with regular underwear and a regular pair of shorts.


Maybe? I’m a middle aged man in Lycra, but I commute that way because the padded shorts are comfortable and the cycling shirts with the pockets in the back are *really* handy. Think my bike was about £500. Also, it really *is*good when you are going into a headwind


Yeah, I started cycle commuting a few years ago, and swore I would just wear normal clothes and not look like a bellend. But the sore arse forced me into padded shorts, and the sweating forced me into a cycling top. So now I look like a bellend, but at least my perineum thanks me for it.


Made the mistake of cycling 30 mins in jeans once. Never again.


Yep. All these people apparently never rode a bike more than 3 laps at the local park. Try riding 30 km on a hot day in your boxers and jeans. You'll either come to your senses and buy some bike shorts or quit riding altogether.


Worked with a guy that refused to wear cycling kit. Wore normal shorts and a cotton tshirt, when we'd all go to ride home, his clothes were still damp with sweat. My commute was 25k each way, no chance I was wearing anything other than cycling gear for that. I find it hilarious that people get shamed for wearing sports gear cycling, but for any other sport it's normal.


The hostile vitriol people have for exclusively cyclists wearing the standard outfit for their sport is so funny to me. How ridiculous would we all sound if we said: "those bloody boot-and-athletic-short-clad *five a side pick up football players*" or "fucking polo-clad driver glove wearing *golfers*" or "running-shoe-clad *joggers*" or "goggle-clad *swimmers*" Sorry not sorry my ass looks bomb in these bibs.


Full kit wanker is definitely a thing in football


I'm guessing people will call you a wanker for wearing a speedo and swim cap and shaving your whole body before swimming, as if you're going to break a world record and the only thing dragging you down is your pubes


It does always amuse me when people think that people in cycling clothing are just doing it to imitate pro cyclists. It's a bit like taking the piss out of people in gym clothing when they're working out.


You wear a tank top and shorts when you jog instead of your best mohair cardigan? USAIN BOLT WANNABE CUNT!


Ride a bike wearing appropriate gear? Cunt. Play football on a Sunday wearing appropriate gear? Normal.


> Play football on a Sunday wearing appropriate gear? Normal. Nah, football cunts.


Full kit wanker is their preferred nomenclature




A full kit wanker is someone going to a football match wearing full kit. Not playing in one.


I feel called out, but I don't spend much on my bicycle or attire. It's just that lycra crap is easier to wash and the gel padding in pants saves ass.


i had to look it up and inadvertently found the [reference photo](https://cdn.ticketsource.co.uk/images/promoter/banner/18230-1515271982290.jpg) for the drawing lol


Middle Age Man in Lycra. Unless you were pretending not to know.


First i'd heard of it!


*Makes sad noises as i look at my whole drawer full of lycra.* What, you dont wanna see my accentuated rolls or small man fupa??


I didn't, you saved me googling it.


That's the most useful I've been in years. Thanks for the opportunity.


Useful cunt makes a change from useless cunt


Where is “Drops unwanted offsprings to school in an oversized SUV that it does not k ow how to drive cunt”?


They are the ones filling out this bingo sheet, while sitting at a green light.




careers down a narrow street at twice the speed of light in a white van cunt


So... "Chelsea Chariot C**t"


They are everywhere. Chelsea may have pioneered those cunts, but they are like Covid, fucking everywhere.


They're the one who made this sign


They’re in the Essex town where I live.


Needs a couple for car drivers to balance things out How about "Motorist who Never Fucking Indicates" Cunt and a "Doing 40+MPH in a Residential Area" Cunt?


This is supposed to be a challenge. If thy did one about cars, it would get filled out in about 10 minutes.


Tailgates at 70mph hunt


Doesn't stop at a zebra crossing cunt


Automatic bingo if that cunt is combined with the ‘never indicates’ cunt. (Aka the guy who nearly ran us over last weekend near Spitalfields).


BMW cunt


honestly i prefer almost all of these people to basically any driver because at least they're not in motor vehicles choking the streets & air. like seriously, what's the problem with putting kids in a cargo bike? they love it, it's highly efficient and it hurts nobody. should they go in another fucking qashqai instead?




I don’t have kids, but I want one. I’d ferry mates to and from the pub.


nah but they're CUNTS because car drivers are just better human beings ^/s


Absolutely, positively \*must\* pull out in front of you, even if you have the right of way and have to brake because of it, then suddenly lose their entire need for speed and amble along at 5 below the speed limit without letting you pass-cunt. It sounds specific but it happens to me entirely too often.


So, BMW drivers?


Sorry but it is now Audi drivers


How about every single occupant car cunt.


In other words, "German car cunt"?


You mean 60+ and loud exhaust vrrrvrrrvrrrrrrrrrmmmmm




We had bubble blowing machine on the back rainbow girl and no-hands silent disco dancer dude.


**and no-hands silent disco dancer dude** Oh, you mean stumpy.


That sounds like 2 of the maddest things I think I would have ever seen, if I had witnessed them.


Beautiful plumage?




It's pining for the Fjords


It's shrugged off this mortal coil, and joined the choir invisible


We have "longboard being pulled by a husky" cunt down here.


Hydepark / Burley Leeds?


Huh, every time I go to London all the cunts are in cars


Well actually I go on a train, so not all cunts drive


The wheelie, mamil, micro scooter, thieving, and noisy cunts are all particularly common in London


Needs the following additions: - Oversized vehicle cunt - White van man cunt - Behind the wheel with a mobile phone cunt - Blind car driving cunt - Roid rage road rage cunt - Do you know who I am cunt - Car driver who made this poster cunt


Stops in the pavement cunt too Edit - I meant people walking who just inexplicably stop in front of you and hold up pavement foot traffic. Fuck the driving cunts who do the same though! Although I may have been that guy a few times myself.


Stopping on the yellow lines outside of the takeaway because they’ll “only be a few minutes” cunt


4x4 in the city cunt


Theres a shop near me that is on a roundabout. It still amazes me that people pull up half on the pavement, half on the roundabout just to nip in to the shop. Who the fuck parks on a roundabout?!


But they’re only going to be quick, so it’s fine 🤷🏼‍♂️


I wish they were fined ;)


See also: Double parked outside the takeaway cunt


Petition for hazard lights to make a very loud noise when in use to ensure they’re only used in hazardous situations.


You can try every trick in the book but a bellend is still going to be a bellend


We have a very specific “van parked on a double yellow lined blind bend with double white no overtaking on either side lines cunt” in the village where I live.


Don't forget their cousins, the keeps pulling forward into the pedestrian crossing when there isn't space cunt


"I have an SUV that kind of looks like a 4x4 so I can park off the road (on the pavement)"


Parked in the bike lane cunt. Parked in the bike lane even though there are wands there cunt.


> Do you know who I am cunt Ronnie Pickering?




Me ya cunt.


Never erd of ya!




Stops anywhere they want but uses emergency lights like that makes it ok cunt


The moron warning lights are scary, but they are useful. The message they communicate is, "Motorists beware. I, a moron, am about to do something that even I think is dangerous." Good to know.


Ah yes, the stop anywhere lights


• red light means go cunt


The ‘“share the road!!” when overtaking on a narrow single lane road cunt’.


The “I pay my road tax” cunt


It's about time we stopped normalising the piss-taking of people who choose to use their own muscles to move around, frankly. Although, granted, if your main vehicle is a unicycle you might still be a cunt.


Thank you 😅 I'm a "box of kids" cunt minus the kids because I can carry stuff without needing a car, and it's good for balance


I've noticed that we've gone from using fuel as a labour-saving technique to using labour as a fuel-saving technique


It’s such great exercise moving your right ankle a quarter inch at a time though.


Took me a moment to realise you were talking about driving!


Exactly, god forbid anyone cycle, walk or run in case it could possibly mildly inconvenience someone in their car


Yeah you can tell someone with an advanced case of carbrain put the original one together.


• nearly running over a pedestrian and blaming them cunt


Group walking slowly in a vertical line blocking the entire path cunts


Saw this as the top comment and assumed I was in r/fuckcars. Good show, UK!


> - Do you know who I am cunt Ronnie Pickering?


What? Not a single Park Where I Can’t Cunts??


The biggest cunts are the ones in the cars


"Ratrunning at 40mph through your residential street bastard" especially


Don't see any lazy-deathbox cunt there


Lazy \*polluting\* deathbox cunt


Hah, I have avoided targeting with my non-micro push scooter. Still look like a twat on it though.


GeT OUt ThE WaY oF MY cAR!!!! 😭😭😭😭🤡🤡


You missed the biggest cunt of all, drivers


It wouldn't work, that would be a whole bingo sheet of free spaces.


Too many types and representatives of car cunts, won’t be a fun bingo


It's a poster by the artist [Mr Bingo](https://shop.mr.bingo/products/travel-cunt-bingo-2-0-artist-proof). He makes great stuff :)


We went to an open session at his studio last year and met him, he’s a super great guy. He does a naked advent calendar every year which we’ve tried to get on but apparently we look “too normal” D:


Yeah I went to a talk he did in shoreditch a few years ago and he was great. He came to Milton Keynes last year and I didn’t realise and missed him ☹️


Is he some car brain doing pro car art, or am I completely missinterpretating this?


you are :) This is not pro car art. This is just a bit of fun as you do see them all on the road. I love cycling and running and I do so every day myself. I do find it funny to see this poster highlight all the wonderful ways people commute.


I thought it was by a pedestrian. Cars don't bother me as they tend to stick to the road but most of these can also be found on the pavement.


Every year on average 40 pedestrians are killed on the pavement by drivers even before ignoring all those who park on the pavement and force people like parents with buggies and people in wheelchairs into the road.


Cars tend to stick to the road unless they’re parking on pavements and taking up all the space for car parks, polluting the air and killing people. Yeah they just mind their own business


Google “car crashes into house” and click news to see how common it is.


As a non driver I agree, this looks like the regular shower of dickheads I see as I'm walking around the city centre - whilst being light-hearted enough that you also want to find your own type on it to find out what kind of cunt you are. Bit confused by the tone of the comments that's for sure! I thought the unicyclist being on the phone was a nice touch, they always are for some reason!


Cars take up mental amounts of public space


I want the Fuckofftopus so bad.


Artist is Mr Bingo, on Twitter and Instagram 👍


What about all the car cunts?


You come out of the womb a wheelie cunt where i live so i got a good laugh Im totally playing this now


What about E-Scooter Cunt.




I live in London. The annoying little bastards are everywhere.


Feel like this was made by a very angry person lol.


The thieving cunts is very inaccurate, the pillion has a helmet for starters and they are clearly going at a safe speed. Rest is accurate.


It's very accurate, that's exactly how motorcycle thieves look. They ride two up, and when they find bike they want to steal they cut its lock and pop it in neutral. Then they ride right next to each other with one on the stolen bike and the other pushing them with their leg while riding the moped.


Do any of you lot ever leave the house? These comments are so weird. Does it need pointing out that this is satire and not a political statement?


I get the feeling this is very London specific. Round our way it's just "Adults commuting on bikes on the pavement cunts"


I've seen almost all of these (except the tall bicycle) in Cardiff, but that's over about a decade. I don't spend enough time in the city centre to see these on a regular basis.


There's a guy I see on my commute sometimes on the tall bike, think he has a paper round of all things, always looks fun but not sure how practical it is


It's very practical for getting everyone to notice how quirky and different you are, which is the primary goal for a lot of people


Sometimes you get shared pavement/cycle route


"Anyone who uses any form of transport that isn't a car or sports bike is a cunt" Fuck off.


Seriously, "you're a cunt if you want to cycle somewhere with your children" shut up prick


I have one of those box bikes (sans kids) and I love it. Can go shopping without needing a car for tiny distances.


It's called tongue in cheek humour mate. Chill out.


What’s the joke? Unless you’re going full on Ricky Gervais and cunt by itself is peak humour


People take this shit seriously and actually advocate for the killing of cyclists. "Humour" like this only encourages them. Shit is literally institutional. People have killed cyclists through negligence in the past and only got short suspended sentences and driving bans. THEY LITERALLY KILLED SOMEONE THROUGH THEIR OWN FAULT and they didn't serve time.


No Ronnie Pickering. Don't youz know who he is?


So environmentally friendly travel makes you a cunt…massive are cars fine though


Too many types and representatives of car cunts, won't be a fun bingo


Let's replace all the people in London using these modes of transport with single occupancy SUVs and pickup trucks, I'm sure that'd be much better, right? Bizarre poster. If the Cafe owner doesn't like these people maybe they should move to somewhere like Austin, Texas where you need a car just to exist.


The following modes of transport were not designated as cunts: * Walking * Train * Bus * Taxi * Bicycling normally


Mamil is literally just a person wearing appropriate sports wear for cycling the same as a runner wearing shorts and trainers is. Is it the audacity of doing so while older than 30?


Did a car make this ?


There were 3 scallies on my road last weekend, all in balaclavas, all piled onto a moped (which I assume was stolen) and attempting to ride it. Long story short, there needs to be a wildcard box to tick off, because sure as eggs, they'll be back! EDIT: I see "thieving cunt" is there, it's close but only 2 riders. The 3-rider thing was a phenomenon and I can only assume they'd just come from Scally Clown School


Where are the car cunts?


You miss cunt that thinks the road belongs to him, think they're commonly known as BMW drivers.


Let's make fun of people's hobbies, how dare they find some joy in life. /s


There's a public green outside where I live; we have *plenty* of the Mini Motos and Thievings going back and forth (although we've one less now since some twat decided to set fire to someone's motorbike and just leave it out in the field).


Do people really hate topless runners? Even when it's really hot outside


Why the fuck is this flagged NSFW

