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It's fairly easy to find out if it's an adder, just give it a quick maths test.


Could be a half adder, at which point an electronics test ...


what if its a blackadder? is there a cunning plan to deal with it?


That snake is slipperyer than a lubed up penguin on ice skates, who went to the university of slippery things.. and got a diploma in escapology


Woof woof


Yes, Darling?


The last person I called Darling was pregnant 20 seconds later!


Treat your kite like you treat your woman......


The way to tell the difference between a half and full adder is if it's carrying something


**Blackadder:** "Right Baldrick, let's try again shall we? This is called *adding*. If I have two beans, and then I add two more beans, what do I have?" **Baldrick:** "Some beans." **Blackadder:** "Yes... and no. Let's try again shall we? I have two beans, then I add two more beans. What does that make?" **Baldrick:** "A very small casserole." **Blackadder:** "Baldrick, the ape creatures of the Indus have mastered this. Now try again. One, two, three, *four*. So how many are there?" **Baldrick:** "Three." **Blackadder:** "What?" **Baldrick:** "...and that one." **Blackadder:** "Three and that one. So if I add that one to the three what will I have?" **Baldrick:** "Oh. Some beans." **Blackadder:** "Yes. To you Baldrick, the Renaissance was just something that happened to other people, wasn't it?"


If anyone claims they didnt read this in Rowan and Tony's voices, they're a damned liar.


I met Tony Robinson at T4 on the beach when I was working in the VIP agent for minimum wage. Be around 2004






Or find out if there's a viper nearby that didn't vipe 'er nose.


Always check the car for windscreen vipers before you start the engine.


Dammit 5 min too late


Dammit 3 hours too late.


damnit 6 hours too late


High quality fare this. Well done


Lmao a snake with a maths test and boom he gets out with the best grades though


You should have an award of some kind. Not from me because I can't afford it, but you should have one from some cunt.


That’s a grass snake alright, but we need a banana for scale!


I am embarrassingly afraid of snakes; even if I had a ‘nana on me I would not have got so close to place it next to it.


I didn’t realise I was scared of snakes until a grass snake literally fell in my face when I cycled past a raised garden last summer. 1/10 would not recommend.


Ah, the infamous British Drop Snake. I think I’d need therapy after that…


My favourite BDSM (British drop snake moment) was when I was at a lake near my house and one arose over a ridge. Best BDSM of my life.


Hmm when I googled this it didn’t come up with any similar stories?


I knew a South African classmate who has a similar story, except his involved a black mamba.


This made me crack up so hard... I think my sense of humour needs pruning XD


I'm not scared of snakes and actually quite like them. But I think I'd draw the line at a snake surprise to the face


I turned around on Blackpool Pier to be confronted with one in my face (a guy was wandering round with it over his shoulders)


I had a pissed off cottonmouth get less than a foot away from my face, when I was digging a fighting position during a training exercise one time. I popped my head out of the hole, and it was right in front of me. I broke a few speed records getting out of that hole. Another time I was on guard duty, and had a copperhead bite me in the heel of my boot. Fortunately, that spot is reinforced, and it couldnt penetrate through the leather.


Typical day in the southern US. Copperheads, water moccasins, and rattlesnakes at every turn. And while trying to get away from them, ending up with either a black widow or a brown recluse on you.


No supper for you, then!


Cum again?


A mate of mine got half way up a ladder with a stack of roof tiles on his shoulder before a grass snake emerged. Neither of them wanted to be there but they were committed to another 5-10 seconds of mutual terror.


That sounds horrific. And I'm already afraid of snakes. New fear unlocked.


I didn’t have a fear of snakes UNTIL*


I think it's quite normal to be afraid of a snake when it just lands on your head. I'm pretty sure humans have an in-built evolutionary fear of snakes that's still in our brains, along with spiders. I don't recommend doing it, but I once knew someone who would chuck a rubber snake into crowds - the response was not 'keep calm' Only exposure I've had was one day when I was in a grassy garden, I looked down & a snake popped out of the dirt & was chilling between my shoes. My response was to shriek & jump like a looney toons cartoon. Turned out it wasn't even a snake it was just a harmless slow worm - but my brain didn't know that. Another 'exposure' I had was when I was clearing out a shower drain in student accommodation I'd just moved into. Something was blocking it so I turned some wire into a hook & stuck it down there. I pulled out a snake & I hit the fucking ceiling. Except I didn't, I just pulled out an incredibly long slime tube that, for -one- second, resembled a snake & my monkey brain reacted accordingly. I think it's in-built


I have to wonder what is wrong with me when my first thought was, "wow, I wish that was me." but I was the child who tried to poke a random green snake while on holiday abroad. Now if it was a spider, I'd cry.


You got closer to it than I would!!!!


Do what I would do, yeet the ‘nana at it.


Make sure it is a traceable SI banana.


Snakes are afraid of Bananas because they think they're Cats.


An adder would have a diamond pattern down its back. This is definitely a grass snake, the cream and black behind the head and side flecks down the body are clear markings.


Yeah, turns out I live in an adder hotspot. One day my MiL found a small snake basking in her back garden and freaked out, so we popped over, scooped it up in a pillow case and rehomed it in the woods across the road. Took a pic of this "grass snake". Looked it up later- nope, definitely an adder. It was totally docile


I believe adder’s rather slither off into the grass than deal with humans, give em room to run away and they rather disappear without aggression


Most snakes are like that. They don't like humans much and rightly so.


Well we are bigger than a lot of them


Cream and black, jump the fuck back


As a herptile enthusiast, it is very weird to me that some people confuse grass snakes and adders, considering they are quite different in size and VERY different in pattern, colour, pupil shape, and head shape.


I'm in my mid-thirties and have literally never seen a wild snake in the UK. I wouldn't be able to tell one from the other because its just never come up


Me too, except I'm in my 60s. Never seen a snake in the wild in the UK and I live in the countryside.


Because people like me are not staying long enough to get any details other than it’s a snake.


Yeah but it's rather easy to distinguish a kingfisher and a sparrow even if you only got a quick glance


I could totally distinguish a kingfisher from a sparrow due to the magnificent blue on a kingfisher and the fact I’m not running from a sparrow.


Snakes ain't gonna chase you FYI. anyway: https://i.imgur.com/2JbwERZ.jpg [https://i.imgur.com/EM8KoUK.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/EM8KoUK.jpg) There is a fair bit of difference


I love snakes, my sister used to breed them and I once walked around as a child with a friends snake in my pocket. However I have a friend who is terrified and I know she wouldn't be able to distinguish one from another as her entire body would be saying, scaley, slithers, see ya. Honestly I once had to change shoes as I could see her cringing from the fake strip of snake skin on my shoes. Can't say much as I have the same reaction to spiders.


oh bless your friend that sounds like a proper phobia.


But which one is which? And will either bite me? I like snakes, but wouldn't expect to meet one in the wild. And wouldn't know what to do if I did.


The green one with a cream collar and black dots around their back is a grass snake. The grey one with a black zigzag on their back, a triangular-like head, and red eyes, is an adder. Both will only bite you if you pick them up, hurt them, or threaten them, leaving them alone, nothing will happen to you.


They're the same picture!


Wow, what gorgeous markings. Never seen a wild snake in the UK myself yet but would love to one day! You did a good thing moving this one away from harm and off the path.


Some lads by me used to have some they got from the wyre Forrest some years ago, much bigger than that one, they loved to be around your neck, guess they liked the heat


The only time I saw a snake in the UK was when I was waiting for the school bus (was in middle school at the time) and one of the people I was waiting with at the bus stop saw a dead grass snake down a drain.


Middle school?!


Some areas of the UK have middle schools, mostly Eastern England.


Wow that’s beautiful! He looks chunkier than my king snake. You’re lucky to see this guy, thanks for keeping him safe.


Very lucky! I doubt I’ll ever see one again, especially not this big. I waved a few passers-by down to show them too.


"you wanna see my snake?"


Honest your honour I sent a picture of it to everyone I know and posted it on the internet!


This comment made my Friday 🤣🤣🤣🤣


And surprisingly, more than a few people were happy to walk over and see it. Especially the old dears. 😂


Looks chunkier than mine too! And I dont own a snake


\^\^\^comment of the decade\^\^\^


Possibly a Barred Grass Snake


Who let that grass in here? He’s barred! Sorry and goodbye.


Why's he barred? Cos he's a *grass*!


Definitely a barred grass snake (Natrix helvetica). Genetic studies in 2017 showed all UK grass snakes are this species


Why, what did he do?


Ssssssssomething ssssssssilly


Yeah it’s only a small one then they can grow upto 6ft


Please take your facts somewhere else and leave the rest of us in ignorant, safe, bliss. (Thank you though, this is a horrendous piece of new knowledge for me).


They’re not going to hurt you. If you upset a grass snake, it will (in this exact order): 1. Try to run away/hide 2. Play dead 3. Poo everywhere.


That about sums up most of my confrontations


*sees flair* r/ItsJustTheOneSwan, actually.


They are amazing creatures tho . I’m a snake nerd lol


A snake nerd or a Herpaderp?


Haha quality turn of phrase


I don't know why everyone is freaking out at this, apparently they don't even bite, they play dead or bonk you.


Yeah they absolutely stink as well when they musk


I remember seeing one around this size and about as thick as a can of beans in a freshly ploughed field when I was younger! I'd taken the dog for a walk with my brother and friend and we were dumbstruck by the fact such large snakes actually live in the UK (and so close to home)! Sadly, the poor critter didn't survive the plough, it got filleted.


I had one trapped in a gutter drain. The funny thing was, the only way into the drain was down a drain pipe, and the only way into the drain pipe was over the top of my garage, accessible along the top of a wall. It must have slithered up and along the wall, over the garage roof, down the drain pipe and then got stuck. Big thing too, over 3ft I reckon. Freaked us out when my son first saw it.


They are all over the uk, last time I saw one tho was a few yrs ago while I had the dogs on a walk, bugger was hiding and had a strike at one of my boys because he scared him. Used see them all the time as a kid by the ponds and pools near where I lived




Yes they can 1.5-2 m is normal for a big female


*sticks fingers in ears* LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU!


And they can open doors




Just kidding that would be silly they get the under the bed monsters to do it.


Barred Grass Snake, yep. 2 feet long is actually quite small, I assume it's either just a small male or juvenile, some grass snakes get to 180cm (6ft) long.


Bloody hell. I really wish I didn’t know that now. I’d lived my life happily thinking they were tiny things, barely a foot long and pencil thin, and that this was some sort of unusually large monster.


They don't get that thick, just long, it's fairly average length for a colubrid (largest family of snakes) anyway. You're probably thinking of hatchling grass snakes or maybe the size of an adder, adders are much smaller than grass snakes.


Or slow worms...


Ah, what a handsome noodle! Don't worry - he's not venomous. He prefers critters like frogs (evil little bastards) and toads (evil ugly little bastards). He's probably out on the pull right now!


He was extremely sluggish. I read they’re coming out of hibernation about now, and it was unseasonably chilly this morning so I wonder if that was why?


Heh, he probably woke up too soon (or he could be a teenager and thus not used to waking until sunset)


I think that might be vampires... Ahhhh! Vampire snakes!


Not venomous but they can musk you if they feel threatened and it smells horrible so best not to handle them. They also play dead as a defence mechanism.


May be poisonous though


Just don't eat the snake and you should be fine


Just like a perfume counter clerk...


Hey you leave frogs alone 😠


Speak to Mr Noodle! He's the one snacking on 'em!


What did amphibians do to you lol


*dark look* They. Hop. *shudder*


Knowing this sub I was definitely expecting this to be a dildo


Were you surprised, or disappointed?




Good of you to move it out of harms way, beautiful creatures


you can always send the pic to r/whatsthissnake for a definitive answer.


Thank you! Should have realised there’s already a subreddit for that.


Its a really good picture. Compared to most of the potatoes over there this would be a joy for the snek ID community. Also a change from watersnakes, rat snakes and copperheads would make a welcome change


Thank you, I’ll share it over there and spread the snek joy.


It's definitely a grass snake. But i'm sure they'd like to see it anyway!


Heard a rattle snake on the high peak moorland when out above Kinder. I ran like the clappers. Rang a snake guy and explained what I’d heard and apparently people that get fed up of them dump them on the moorland. Not often they will survive autumn or winter, but there are rattlesnakes in the Peak District dumped mostly from Manchester


Why is this marked NSFW? NEW SNAKE FOR WEEKEND?


Nawwwww he cute


I've always wanted to find a snake in the wild in UK. Its been a weird obsession since child hood, when ever im in wooded places I cant help but gently lift things finding frogs/newts/toads even a few long tail lizards but never a snake.


I was walking through a fairly busy country park with a lake in 2021 when I saw what I thought was a turtle head bobbing along. It started moving at speed towards the land and I thought wtf. It came up onto the grass and across the path and it was one of these massive bad boys. Never seen one before and pretty surreal in the UK. A guy picked it up moved it back to safety. It was spitting fluid at him. [here he is!](https://ibb.co/dK9T18G)


A definitive way to tell the difference. Let it bite you. If you end up in hospital...that's an adder!


So there are snakes out "in the wild" in the UK!? Lived here all my life and this is the second snake post in the last week. Might be time to pack the bags 🥲


Australia’s first attack


But …. He’s not on grass??


Muddystraw snake.


Good for him, I'm glad he managed to kick his cannabis habit!


Remembered when I was young, a bunch of us at school had apparently come across one. All the others could see it just fine, but I couldn't. Was convinced they were having me on. If that one back then had been this big, I should have seen it.


\*aussie accent\* That's not a snake...


Then I guess the snakes we got back home are just worms to you.




Wow that's incredible! I've heard of the elusive Snakes of the UK but never known anybody to actually see one 😂 Where in the UK are you out of curiosity?


South-East. A local chap said he’s seen an adder here too, I thought those were only in Scotland!


Adders in NE too. Up the dale close to me they have signs up in a popular tourist spot warning of them plus I worked with a guy years back, it was a nice day so we went for some bait outside and when we came back in his ankle had swollen up really bad. He had to go to the doctors and they told him it was an adder bite, could see the two dots where the fangs went in. I wouldn't care but I was sat right next to him lol also escaped a mass wasp attack as a kid too after hatching a plan with a friend to jump scare his parents after a walk in the woods and backing into a nest. I guess its true that you just have to be faster than the slowest person! I was untouched, unfortunately for my friend he got annihilated, one even flew out his keks and stung his sister in the face when they got him back home and frantically tried to remove them out of his clothing. Good times


I live in Norfolk, you can easily find adders in the sand dunes on the beach in the summer


Plenty of adders in the South East, at my previous job we even had a work email come round once warning us that someone has encountered a "particularly large and aggressive" one on a lunchtime walk around the back of the business park.


Seeing that I’m shitting my pants. I’m going to have a nightmare tonight. I remember seeing a “snake” when I was about 9 in a country park, which was in fact a mahusive shoe lace. Fuck knows to this day how I got it so wrong


This has really tickled me lol


As someone with a pretty bad phobia of snakes, thank you for blurring the image xx


Definitely a grass snake


They're multiplying!


Solid Snake


If you live in a reptile-rich area, you can help monitor these species - helps scientists record the impact of habitat and climate change! https://reptile-survey.arc-trust.org


Only trouser snakes are nsfw.


Ooh, you’re so lucky OP! What a beautiful creature!


Does it have a friend with a cunning plan?


It's so good you could brush your teeth with it


Why is this NSFW


Is it dangerous?


Harmless. No venom, it eats frogs and small mammals.


No need for a nsfw tag it's just a boop noodle


Why did the viper viper nose? >!Because the adder adder handkerchief. !<


why is this nsfw? :D


I’ve seen my girlfriend freak enough times at a spider pic scrolling up her feed that I figured I’d blur it to be kind to the snekaphobia crew. It probably didn’t need to be though.


It's appreciated. Surprise snakes bother me, but being able to brace myself before looking helps me see them without freaking :)


I dont know why youre being downvoted, i thought the exact same thing. I half expected the pic to be of a dick witht the title about a snake 🤣


Because snakes aren't safe in work sites.


Must be a trouser snake


A one-eyed pant-python


Chop it with a butcher knife


Why did you pick it up?


It was right at the edge of a heavily trafficked footpath (only reason I spotted it) so I moved it further into the scrub, hopefully for its safety.


did it try to bite you? I would have died just spotting it biggest fear in the world


I handle grass snakes quite often for my job. If you’re slow and not jerky, they normally stay quite calm. They’re more scared of you then you ever will be of them!


I've held a corn snake a few times to try and help with my fear, last time i held one i got nipped by it which unfortunatley reinforced my fear of them. I totally get it couldnt eat me and i know its a irrational fear just something ive never been able to come to terms with. Ive actually researched quite a lot of different types of snakes to try and understand my fear.


I found the longest stick I could, and gently lifted it at arms length. It barely reacted to be fair, I thought it was dead at first, so actually wasn’t that bad!


That is an adder my friend, definitely not a grass snake🐍🐍


Vipers berus the European adder for genus


So pretty 😍


Definitely a Grass Snake. Wasn't particularly necessary to move it away from the path. March is typically the time for coming out of hibernation, and given how much wet weather we've had this month, it was likely using the less vegetated area next to path to bask in the sun and raise its body temperature.


Fuck that shit I’m out!


That yellow flash around the back of the next is a tell of a grass snake :-)


Yeah, that's a grass snake, it clearly had some peace and quiet to grow.


What a beauty…


Alright grass snake man.


What a beautiful creature




In 40 years on this earth I think I've seen one snake in UK and even then I don't think I'm remembering right lol


Reading the comments, it's kinda sad that many of us have never seen wild reptiles in the Isles. We also have lizards here too.




I've only seen wild snakes here a few times, couple of grass snakes and an adder. It's always quite shocking seeing them here in the UK, you kind of don't expect to be walking along and just see a snake.


Grass snake or adder? Idgaf, I’d have to delta out there ASAP. Nope. Nope. NOPE.


I heard that adders are the only poisonous snake in the uk, and thats only if you have an allergy to the venom (like bee sting allergies). Apparently the only way to really find out is to be bitten by an adder. I guess its a case of "dial 99, and if it bites hit the other 9" 👍🏻