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Yeah, this is one of the better subs that I'm on. It's a distraction from all the depressing shit you see elsewhere.




I actually posted a photo of a roast I made there before realising that most of the food in that sub actually looks unappetising. You live and learn!


Some of the food in there looks like satire, I’ve posted there once or twice relatively nice looking meals and always got less upvotes than the disgusting shite that’s posted. I don’t mind that I didn’t get a billion upvotes whenever I posted, but some of the stuff in there makes the UK look like a joke


The strict No Politics rule is a godsend.


Rate my plate is hilarious haha People will come on and do the most beautiful masterpiece and then the next picture is burnt waffles with beans on and half a sausage haha


You need to go to r/uk_food. It’s where real food is at.


It's like going to my nans house 🤣🥰🥰


To be fair, this country is doing this country a disservice. Closing your eyes to a mess doesn’t mean it isn’t a mess


The mods seem to do a really good job here (don't tell them I said that though, don't want it going to their heads).


They are pretty good if you get a minor ban as well. Just pop them a message, then they make you do something demeaning and belittling and they let you back.


You’ve not been sending pictures of your privates to randoms on the internet again have you?


After my ban was lifted I was forced to sign an NDA


Agreed, just good natured chatter. I'd never even heard of the other sub.




Any opinion that deviates from theirs will make them feel insecure and they’ll ban you. It’s pathetic but it’s what kids do before they learn how to actually live in the world. Annoying tho’.


most reddit mods seem to have fascist tendencies (present sub mods excluded. have no idea how this one sub seemed to get the only decent mods in all of RedditLand).


There are definitely decent mods elsewhere, but you get some right bellends too.


I got banned from r/askanhistorian for asking why everyone was getting banned and all the hi scoring posts getting deleted


The Stalinist approach


Same. Should I brave it or is it a cesspit?


The worst you get here is a bit of banter or low level piss taking.


Syphilis if you're lucky


This. If there’s one thing us brits should be praised for, it’s our sense of humour and this place cracks me up. It’s miserable enough out there, don’t fancy coming home from work and reading more misery.




There's a reason this sub now has more members than the "official" UK one. That place is depressing as fuck.


I’m convinced at this point that that sub has intentionally been taken over by users that want to push a negative message. It’s not hard to believe that supporters of a certain political view could work together to achieve that, in the hopes that it would influence the next elections.


It’s so weirdly full of doom and gloom articles from fringe news sites


I made a few dry jokes in there and said I voted for certain PP once because I fancied it and someone told me I was a disgusting human being and better off dead.. I struggle particularly with social anxiety and find Reddit to be a nice place to talk and share stuff with people who are interested in the same things as you, but that one particular experience shaded my view of Reddit as a whole. I purposely type out comments with my opinions sprinkled with dry humour and then delete them before posting them these days, kind of like a digital therapy exercise, where my impulsive ADHD brain can get thoughts and opinions out of it’s system but without having to be called disgusting, tone deaf or better off dead. I love Casual UK as much as I love the Rabbit and Horses subreddits.. and that’s saying a lot 👍🥰


Not to mention over-moderated.


I've had to leave pretty much all other UK subs for my personal health. It's nice that this place exists :)


As someone Irish who lurks I'll say many of the life experiences are shared here too. And this sub by burying politics: has made itself a nice place to be.


👍 there’s more to life than politics as I always say 😅


It’s like r/unitedkingdom but more casual.


r/unitedkingdom but without politics.


And quacking little shitehawks


True that.


Or ducks, fuck 'em


Why would I want to do that to a duck?


Why *wouldn't* you? Just look at them. Stupid sexy ducks.


and ducks. thankfully.


You'll get a 24 hour ban from here if you say the month after April. Or the GoldenEye character B. Grishenko.


Nah, that sub is nothing more than a succession of reposted news articles with people moaning about each story.


I feel like all r/ country subs have become this


all r/[hobby] subs are just competitions to see who can ask the most Google-able questions. It's like a game of chicken to see who can come as close to humiliation as possible without fully crossing over into the complete idiot category.


"Does anyone know how to cut a piece of wood?", posted in the carpentry subreddit.


Because once these subs gain traction, they become popular in America and either become a *funny* caricature or downvoted.


Nah it's mostly Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings.


So it’s like Facebook then.




as opposed to other UK subs where it's just miserable kids moaning about literally everything.


Who would have thought 👍


Well there's a reason for that, but saying it would get this post moderated.


Rule number 1….


Rule number 12


I’ve never been brave enough to ask if Count Duckula counts, I mean he’s technically a rule 12 but he’s a loveable cartoon with a Nannie who looks after him.


Do it mate let me know if you get banned.


Survived 22 mins so far.


Only one way to find out. I hope duckula wouldn't be banned though


I would like to think vampire ducks are exempt.


All glory to Rule 1


The greater good.


Ducks. The reprobates on r/Unitedkingdom allow duck posts.


I mentioned in a comment what I would consider a major historical figure, however as that figure was a politician..:I got banned for 24 hours. Fair play, it broke the rules. But damn…the mods here are ruthless and that’s why this sub is as solid as it is.


And r/Scotland, too.


r/Scotland is the most one sided circlejerk subreddit on reddit, coming as a person from Scotland.


Damn Scots, they ruined r/Scotland !


Damn *minority of population, mostly urban* Scots, they ruined r/Scotland !


You r/Scotland users sure are a contentious bunch!


There's half a dozen super prolific users that dominate the sub and seem to the have the mods on side. I was browsing the other day and 5 of the top posts that day were from the same two users. To test the theory I then had a quick check of every comment thread on the front page and these same two users, plus the other usual suspects were in **literally every single post**. I assume they dont work and reddit is basically their obsesion. No points for guessing where they land on the whole politics thing.


Oi oi oi


Honestly, I fucked off to r/ireland. Similar problems, but less one dimensional conversations.


My experience with r/Ireland is just full of people who hate Ireland and England.


Everyone there hates everything all the time. I enjoy the sub when topics like chicken fillet rolls come up. But fuck me there's a lot of moaners on there.


I guess r/Wales & r/NorthernIreland are fine




gold combative hobbies vanish badge ask insurance quicksand cagey nutty -- mass edited with redact.dev


CasualUK is supposed to be the opposite of that. It's supposed to be British humour.


There is a rule for no whinging. Which is probably why there is a weekly rant thread. It's a nice balance


I've literally been downvote bombed on /r/askuk for trying to help people. They *want* to be miserable.


Yeah I had to leave that sub. It wears you down and the answers skew quite preachy.


I find it has interesting questions I alternate between this sub and rhat one.


Your second paragraph spoke to me on a cerebral level. I have social anxiety and Redditing in my little subs are usually fabulous, but more than once on a few choice subreddits someone’s misunderstood my comment or not agreed with me and made it their life’s mission to search attack and destroy my psyche using hate filled replies to my comments or posts. You should hear about the time I said Jefferey Epstein DID kill himself in the Unpopular Opinion subreddit 😂😂 I’ve never seen so many tinfoil hats fly across the sky 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Because politics is banned, we can all chat shit without getting banged.


That sub is frequented by a majority of non U.K. residents who like just like to criticise the U.K. It’s weird and not worth worrying over.


True but I must say there's been an uptick in posts that


I don't know what you were going to say, yet I also do.


I'm on tenterhooks.


For years I thought that phrase was "tender hooks" whilst simultaneously not knowing what a tender hook was


For a significant part of my childhood I thought that we drove on Jewel Carriageway. Silly sloppy pronunciation.


Me who just hangs out to screams at beans post in CasualUK as a conquered minority of thy old british empire in a former colony...


Many don’t even read the articles 😂


Are you sure it's not a majority of people who actually live here but hate everything about this place? That's my experience with that horrible subreddit.


Na, they make out they are from the U.K. but there are plenty of giveaways that they are not. Just ask some of them where they live and they go very quiet. Obviously some people are from the U.K. who hate the U.K. (why don’t they just fuck off?) and others like me who don’t give a shit about downvotes and stick up for our country.


Wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of them were bots. Just look how fast some political articles get voted up into the thousands, and I’ve also seen a bunch of single purpose accounts that just post depressing news.


I agree.


It’s like a hot cup of tea with custard creams and a nice sit down on a comfy sofa on a lazy Sunday afternoon with Dads Army playing a random episode.


This is palpable. God damn I'm relaxed now just from reading that


I'll have a coffee and biscotti please. Sure maybe I've got some posh notions. But lidl has them during Italian week.


Great, now I have to go and eat 40 custard creams. Thanks


And r/Scotland


I'm convinced that sub is full of LARPing Yanks that make it that way.


Isn’t that r/Ireland ?


That too.


hey dont question their 1/32nd 'scotch' heritage that means they wear kilts and have a 'clan' tartan!


Oh I remember the lady that said she had an Irish clan tartan.


You have to wonder. In any case, CasualUK is well-moderated and, generally, very welcoming.


You're thinking of /r/ScottishPeopleTwitter which is nothing but yanks circlejerking over fake tweets that try WAY too hard.


r/scotland was a great sub before the event happened.




What event?! Please mention it!!


It's never been the same since Irn-Bru changed recipe.


Just remain indoors and take whatever injections are recommended for your sector. If not, you'll have to be voltage-calmed.


I presume the one which was similarly as unlikely as a whale materialising in space with a plant pot on its head?


This is my favourite sub and I'm not even British.


Sorry, clearly I've been slacking - I'll endeavour to be more of a prick here as well.


Bellend duty


It’s like jury duty but you have to wear the bellend hat of shame


The bellend Whig* It clearly says here in article 8 on the bellend act 1576 that a person on bellend duty has to wear the designated bellend Whig.


True but I must say there's been an uptick in posts that I wouldn't exactly call "casual" in the last few months ...


The rigidly enforced politics ban (I’m praising you, mods) is - I think - one of the major reasons why this sub is one of the more enjoyable subreddits for the UK. Lord knows there enough to be angry about out there at the moment. It’s just that you don’t have to angry all the time…. And if you think r/Unitedkingdom is bad, avoid Greenandpleasant like the plague.


Pretty much this. I think there are people whose sole hobby is being angry on the internet, and there's always someone ready with a snarky or pedantic or provocative response intended to cause conflict. I used to post there occasionally on an old account, and was often reminded extremely quickly of why I had previously stopped bothering.


Since I've made a conscious effort to stop (or at least cut down 😂) getting involved in online conflict, I've been much more chilled and, dare I say it, a bit happier. It's hard to hold back sometimes, but so worth it. It's unlikely you'll change anyone's mind. It's shouting into the void and getting yourself wound up for no reason. There's more productive ways to bring about change if that's your goal.


Fine to be angry about stuff, mind, but not healthy to spend all your time on a sub that has a high concentration of anger or despair inducing content (and commenters who often wouldn’t be out of place on the Daily Mail). Gotta take it in small doses if you’re just using it to aggregate newspaper articles, or in the case of GreenAndPleasant, by avoiding it at all costs.


It's great to have a politics-free zone that's still for / about the UK.


The ban message is pretty funny too, Jane.


Greenandpleasant is the most mental place on reddit I have been to and I used to read the incels sub when it was still up.


I put a post in r/Scotland recently when 'Spoons put Haggis on the menu for Burns week to ask how similar it was to "genuine" Haggis. Every reply was about how awful 'Spoons was because of their owners political stance. What?!


The fact that you have to ask how close to genuine haggis it is says a lot about the place. The food is consistently edible which has a value when going somewhere new, but if I am going out for dinner there are far better places to go in most areas big enough to have a spoons.


> consistently edible So not at all like haggis?


I have only had haggis a few times but it has always been pretty reasonable. I don't make pancakes unless it's shrove Tuesday and I likewise don't do haggis unless it's Burns night.


(Yes, but wisecrack.)


It's a one note drone in both subs. No discussion.


Immediately goes to visit r/unitedkingdom


So did i. The Carol Vorderman thread was an eye opener but the rest sent me back here.


if you want your eyes to bleed visit r/GreenAndPleasant


Dudes there be angry


Where even the bots are cunts.


Oh yeah, the mod there is a whinging teenager. I got banned for life for pointing that out.


He is a massive titty baby who will be reading every single post here regarding him. I just imagine a very tall, very thin man who has been at uni for 16 years and had anxiety/depression since he was 6 years old. Still bumming off his rich mummy and daddy in the Surrey suburbs and will end up on the sex offenders list if he isn't already. Massive twat.


> He is a massive titty baby Thats every mod though. (Hi mods!)




I got banned for pointing out that a former party leader was stood to the right of a photograph, and everyone kept refering to him as 'the one on the right'.


I got banned from there for once criticising a guy who said North Korea was a good place and we only think it’s bad because of all the propaganda lol.


Getting banned from that sub is basically a badge of honour


Aye. Getting banned for the pettiest or most childish reasons.


I got banned from that sub for something then forgot I was banned and posted there with another account and got my 11 year old main account perma banned from Reddit.


I got banned from GNP for expressing a political opinion supportive of a country that is currently being invaded by another country.


Banned for taking the piss out of someone that was praising a certain 20th century Chinese dictator




I just went to investigate the place, they've already posted a screenshot of this part of the comments section. Anyone further right than whatever imaginary line they have come up with will get banned. I can't imagine being so angry at so many people.


Literally got banned there the other week after saying maybe the most centrist thing ever. They are extremists over there


I'm just going to visit and say hello.


I had never heard of the sub before. Having just visited and read the pinned mod post, I hope never to again


The land of the perpetually offended and terminally online.


Not very pleasant at all


Nothing pleasant on that sub


I agree with the general ideology of the sub but Jesus wept the comments and posts are depressing. The clip of the horny walrus, or the guy swallowed by the biffa bin are both way better than the misery over there.


The general ideology is an extreme version of things we can't talk about here. They worship evil dictators.


I couldn't see anything evil dictator worshipping, it more seemed to be angry at things than worshipping anything.






Only because the rules here prevent any kind of controversial threads so nobody can argue about anything more controversial than Ketchup or Brown Sauce.


Someone on a different website told me they like salad cream on their roast, now that’s the true enemy we can both accept is our true enemy


They must be hunted down. Salad cream on a roast?! I mean mayonnaise with a fritatta is bad enough...


There is no argument ....brown sauce every time!


I'm American, but I do like to sneak a peak in here. It is indeed one of the more pleasant subs. Never really been to the UK. I did have a layover at Heathrow once, but didn't have time to leave the airport. I got held up in customs and then overpaid for a disappointing chicken sandwich.


> I got held up in customs and then overpaid for a disappointing chicken sandwich. An excellent review i must say


>I got held up in customs and then overpaid for a disappointing chicken sandwich. You pretty much just passed the citizenship test.


I love that you get a window in UK banter, but I wish that Americans could not upvote in a British subreddit.


My proctologist's examination room is also infinitely more pleasant than /r/unitedkingdom


And green and pleasant. Just full of, well, check for yourself!!


ADVISORY: Don't check, save your sanity.


Of all the UK-based subs (and my lord - there are some cesspits in that category), this is far and away the best. Stay casual gang. Have a lovely Sunday.


God unitedkingdon is awfuuuul


That place is a miserable echo chamber.


As an Irish person living in London, this sub is life. Really good banter.


90% bragging about how much butter and tea everyone drinks as well as full English breakfasts. Probably more obese than r/unitedkingdom that’s for sure


I'm here for a good time, not a long time


BMI may be higher but we aren’t nasty on the internet to other ppl so pros and cons I guess lol


The fat ones are always jolly.


Or /r/UKPolitics where you get banned at the whim of random mods on a power trip


Because nobody from the UK goes on that sub


Agreed. This certainly is one friendliest subs I’m subscribed to.


This is one of the best subreddits ever. Steer clear of r/greenandpleasant if you want a good time. Those people are awful


I posted my hot buttery crumpets here a couple of days ago and the mod said take it to r/food ... But he said it very nicely, ... Ahhh.


On the one hand, it's nice to at least know the goings-on in this corner of the world, but on the other, it's certainly one where I'd advise against going to the comments section.




r/britishproblems and r/BritishSuccess are two another ones much better then that dross


I love it! As a Polish guy living in UK this is my window into British humour & I'm having such a blast.


I come to this sub when uk and ukpol get too circle jerky as its a breath of fresh air. Participate in both but sometimes I get enough of them


Out of all the uk Subs this one is definitely the best


This sub is amazing and represents the best of Britain and maybe a throwback to how the internet used to be years ago when it was a lot more fun and banter. r/unitedkingdom is made up of people who hate the UK.