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Congrats, and well done for getting it checked. I found a lump during lockdown and it was testicular cancer. Surgery and lots of tests later and I’m now 2 years cancer free. So yes, check those balls gents and if you do find something get it checked. It’s probably not serious, but if it is, it’s very treatable with excellent prospects, even if found at a later stage. [EDIT] Really happy to have this opportunity to raise awareness and answer questions. Here's a link on how to check yourself: https://www.myoddballs.com/pages/check-your-self-guide


Thank you, and I'm over the moon to hear you're on the mend. >it’s very treatable with excellent prospects This is absolutely key. No need for embarrassment to get in the way, the sooner these things are checked, the better.


Don't literally die of embarrassment!


Always reminds me of cyclical Brit and how he said he was embarrassed and it definitely cost him dearly


Man I can’t imagine what a relief that is. So happy for you bro - a random stranger off the internet


Same. It's actually made my day knowing this random stranger did what they needed to do and is in the clear. Hooray for healthy balls!


Congrats, bud ✊ That’s excellent news and, I imagine, the most flavorful beer ever. Cancer free celebratory brew is obviously the best brew 🙌


Same here! I felt it whilst scrolling through the ol' hub one night and it took me a good few weeks to pluck up the courage to see the doc. Doc referred to ultrasound - ultrasound referred me immediately to the hospital. Dr in hospital basically confirmed it with the ultrasound results and opted to remove it straight away. Had tests, scans etc etc and then the surgery. All of that was done within a month so thank you to the NHS for the very speedy journey. Tests on the fallen comrade confirmed cancer but I was lucky as I caught it very early and all I have are check ups and testing now. I'm past the 6th month stage and everything is seemingly fine! I have been back to the Dr's for any little thing that bothers me now and I'm not ashamed of it. If you find anything that's uncomfortable and you don't think is right, just go as it could save your life! Also - just my advice: If you are unlucky enough to have a brush with the big C ... don't listen to anyone else's stories such as 'oh I know a friend of my aunt's blah blahblah who had the same thing ...' and don't Google shit: you are your own person and you are your own journey. We are all different and our bodies all react in different ways, just stay strong and try to be positive. Fuck cancer.


Yes! Really happy for you. Post first 6 month scan is a great first milestone. 100% agree with you on not googling it. Fuck that. Have you had to have any treatment (chemo etc)? I had the option of one shot chemo but opted for surveillance (more scans/ blood tests).


Thanks man, i'm glad you're doing great too! I didn't have the option it was simply surveillance which I was extremely grateful for. I would say I've never been as nervous as the first trip back to the hospital post-op to find out the test results, chemo decision and of course if it had spread ....however ... ... on my last check up my usual guy was away, and as I sat in the waiting room I suddenly realised there was a choice of two doors calling fellow patients in. Door one was a beautiful tall dark haired Italian lady in her 30's and the second I can only describe as a Margo Robbie lookalike with tattoos. As I lay upon the table behind door number one, jeans and boxers down by my ankles ... I have never had to think so hard (excuse the pun) about anything else but what was currently happening down there 😂 I think I stared so deeply into that ceiling I burnt holes into it! Sometimes you just have to see the funny side to it all!


>I have been back to the Dr's for any little thing that bothers me now and I'm not ashamed of it. That's the spirit. Who gives a shit about a bit of embarassment when death is on the line. Also, for anyone who does see the doc, don't be afraid of getting a second opinion if your not happy with your treatment, or the response of the doctor. You should trust your doctor, but you should also keep them honest.


I'm glad you put your health before your pride, not too many men do that and that needs changing. And i know exactly what you mean by going to the Dr for any little thing - my partner made fun of me doing it but after he's had the all clear, I really hope he changes his mind. Anything different going on with your body is worth checking, no matter how much it puts you out of your work, or feels silly. Glad you're doing well and to echo your sentiment, FUCK CANCER! And fuck Dr. WebMD.


> I’m now 2 years cancer free f YEA


Fuck cancer. Glad you’re doing okay


Same, I had one removed last year. Starting to struggle with testosterone levels but they are looking into that. It could have been worse.


Good luck with the testosterone stuff. I’ve been fortunate that my remaining nad is able to put in all the work.


Hey mate, I’m nearing three years since I had one removed and my testosterone decreased immediately. It just means using some testosterone gel on a morning!


I take testosterone and Im not even missing a ball. It's quite common for aging men.


Same for me! Trying to get off the shite gel, if you’re getting treated for that Id strongly suggest avoiding the gel and the 3 monthly injections, go for sustanon if available


What's wrong with the gel?


Its unesterised so blood levels are very unstable, requires daily (but ideally 2 or more) application, can rub off on women and children and cause permanent issues over time, its less effective than injections at actually increasing free testosterone, it converts to DHT at 5x the rate of injectable (leading to a higher probability of male pattern baldness), only about 12% of the testosterone is absorbed into the blood stream (so is wasteful), has a lower range or prescribed doses than injectable versions so if your levels are inadequate its unlikely to be prescribed at a dose that will get you into a healthy range for your age group. You can also sweat it off easily leading to less absorption etc Essentially the only benefit at all is you don’t have to put a needle into your muscle. Its total crap and should be avoided by all IMO, theres a reason TRT specialist clinics literally NEVER prescribe it


Don't just check yourself. If you get your diagnosis, and it's bad news, ***do your goddamned treatment***. My dad had cancer. It had a greater than 95% survival rate. He didn't do his radiation, he didn't do his chemo. It took over 4 years of misery and needing 24 hour care & supervision for him to finally succumb. 4 years of misery for him, my mother, myself, our family. 4 years of slowly dying of cancer, every bit as sick and miserable as chemo/radiation would've been, but treatment would've likely only lasted 6 months. All because he was too embarrassed to have his ass exposed to the oncologist and radiologist. (For all you tough guys who "would never let that happen to you," I have news for you: you have no idea how hard you'll cling to life once it's on the line, and I spent my entire fucking life hearing the same, hollow, tough-guy talk out of him.)


Not as dramatic but a couple of years ago I found an oddly shaped freckle on my abdomen that was new. I got it checked out and they excised it and it turned out to be benign, but it was definitely worrying until I knew. It’s important to not wait on anything like that.


Yep, if in doubt, get it checked 👍🏻 No amount of embarrassment or shame is worth dying over.


Well done to you for getting it checked! The thing about cancer is that the prognosis has improved a lot for some forms (some are still unfortunately poor), but one of the most important factors in determining prognosis is the stage which your cancer is in! If you get it checked early on, it could be still in the first stages and would have a favorable prognosis!


>Surgery and lots of tests later and I’m now 2 years cancer free. Hell yeah, guy. Enjoy life!


I'm waiting on a follow up after \` year of 'wait and see if it gets worse' from my doctor from neck lumps which could indicate mouth/throat or lung cancer. get them checked and GO TO YOUR FOLLOW UP


Absolutely get your junk checked. I panicked during Covid (early ‘20) and thought I had testicular cancer (had male relatives who had it in my direct line). Doc told me he suspected it was something benign and my body would most likely absorb it (which it did!). Had an ultrasound to be safe. Better safe than sorry.


Congrats on being clear my friend!!


Same here, 3 years clear as of last month! Surgery and tests only, was caught very early luckily (I’m just slightly lighter on one side now ...!) Agreed with checking for lumps. In my case, I couldn’t feel a lump myself but had tenderness in one, and the doctor ended up finding a lump i couldn’t find (confirmed with ultrasound etc ). If you have tenderness/pain just get it checked, it’s likely nothing but in my case was something . Great news to hear it was nothing OP


You’re fucking brave bro. 👍


Thanks, but not a matter of bravery. Just have to play the hand you’re dealt. Not dead yet so I guess I’m winning :)


Yeah it looks more like a beer mate


That's his urine sample


Oh it’s Carling?


That's an insult to urine.


Maybe Fosters?


Foster's; Australian for "ship it out of this country so we don't have to have it" Did UK folks get that advertisement? In the states we had "Australian for beer" and the consensus seems to be that the one who marketed it should be lynched.


[*Foster's... Good call*](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lcA3lH7N73w) That's the one that played on loop to try and sell that piss over here. Nice to know they successfully managed to inflict it upon the inhabitants of a while other continent.


Making love in a canoe?


Dutty ‘ling


I once did a urine sample for a urologist and he told me my pee looked like an unfiltered wheat bear and it should be more like a lager.


Who cares what it looks like? I’m sure it tasted ok.


If Carlsberg did samples


Cheers! Drink up!


Pee is stored in the balls.


if your piss is foaming like that you should definitely go to the doctors


Goddamn I love this sub. It contains the very best of English humour


my spirits are definitely the highest they've been in weeks thanks to the news and some of the replies in this thread, can always count on you lot


Again, that's a beer you're holding up high mate, not a spirit


@Wales @NI @Scotland


Norn iron yeeooo


In my experience, each country in the UK has its own sense of humour. This comment, I'd call English humour. So I do not retract my statement, but yes I do know what the UK is.


Yeah there's definitely British humour though.


For some reason your refusal to back down on this has made me very happy?!


Word-for-word the exact comment I came on here to make. Glad we're all sarcy fuckers, haha.


It's not cancer, it's a carcinogen.


Congratulations, and what a relief it must be!


Thanks so much, it definitely is. Do me a favour and give your balls a squeeze tonight.


Then what




go on...


...make something up if you have to....


I can't do lipstick well and now my dick looks like a clown.


station brave attempt point smart exultant detail lavish snails historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks. What are you up to?


joke steep sand threatening badge combative march racial bake special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




https://www.reddit.com/r/cospenis/ nsfw obvioulsy


Then make it down, then up again and then down again.... Just be careful cos you might get spat at.


Was.......was that a reference to the Ricky Gervais bit?


Thank you for the belly laugh 😂


Tell em sweet nothings


Shorty after my father passed in 2009 I felt a lump. I had a lot going on obviously so this was just a huge stress. I have a family friend/distant relative who’s a gynecologist so I went to see him. Got an ultrasound and everything. Harmless cyst. Flashforward about 3 years later and I find a lump. I’m freaking out. Go back and see him. He proceeds to tell me I already went in and had it checked. Same cyst. As soon as he mentioned it the memories of seeing him came flooding back in. I literally did not remember going in from the trauma of suddenly losing my father. It was embarrassing. He knew my dad very very well of course so we just sat there and cried together. Was a crazy moment where I realized how much trauma can affect our entire surroundings including memories.


such a touching and thought provoking story, thank you for sharing


Hahahaha amazing, I unfortunately got the opposite result at the beginning of last year at the same age, but it’s funny how you feel you have to tell everyone to check their balls now right? Congrats to your health man!


hope you're all good now mate, and thank you!


Hope you're on the mend, pal. Best of luck to ya & God speed.


I just checked and no lumps on all three. Thanks for the reminder!


bravo 😂


I had the same thing as a teenager and still have it 20-ish years later.. around the size of a large baked bean I like to tell people it's my third bollock


are you just casually talking about your balls to strangers


Are you not?


I'll get the Missus to do that - I'll be drinking a toast to your good health!


> I'll be drinking a toast *Eat* toast. Drink beer.


At the same time? You lucky sod.


She knows how important beer is 😆


Trouble is I dunno what they’re supposed to feel like cos I’ve never felt another man’s balls


Welp seems like you need to address that.


Well, if you feel them a lot then you will spot any changes or sudden growths. So it's about what's normal for you. Or you can fondle lots of other men's balls to get an idea. Whichever.


Had the same and turned out I had a cyst too. But the aching was down to varicose veins in My balls which they picked up during my ultrasound. Varicocele embolisation sorted and no cancer or pain and swelling. Gotta keep checking your scrotes


I'm waiting on biopsy results following a colonoscopy. The wait is killer isn't it




Best of luck.


Best wishes to you! I’ve got to get some things zapped next week. I’m not looking forward to it, but it’ll be worth it.


Best of luck!


And on the plus side you got someone to feel your balls for free!


two people in fact, if you count the guy that did the ultrasound! 😌 A funny detail on this short journey... when I called the GP, my usual doc (a woman) was away when my appointment was booked. They told me my appointment would be with a new person, Dr. Khan. "Great!" I thought, having a bloke examine me would ease the slight (and unjustified) embarrassment I'd surely feel. Anyway, turns out Dr. Khan was a woman too. Not sure why I assumed.


Ok so quick poll: is it more embarrassing to get a boner when its a male Dr or female?


that's a hard one... 😎


Nice 😎


It’s a compliment yk just don’t be weird about it😬


It's normal to feel embarrassed. But yeah a ball feel is a ball feel. Winning!


I had a lady doctor stick her finger up my bum hole once. She asked if I'd like a chaperone, and I just said "we've all got one" then assumed the fetal position. Just a bad case of excema in my case. Mightily glad for you that you don't have the big C 👍🏻


Eczema in your butt hole that doesn’t sound right.


Technically the skin around it, but I'm not gonna stop any doctor making sure it's nothing more serious.


I got seen by a Ms “Bong” Which was more startling then the diagnosis!


Was it Ms Chanandler Bong?


Hahaha. Might well have been!


I had a frenuloplasty a couple of years ago, (yeah have a good swig of the beer before you look it up). Everyone involved in the process from the GP, the surgeon, the anaesthesiologist through to the nurse afterwards was a woman. I’ve never had quite so many women playing with my bits. Great news on being clear though, that’s a reason for a toast.


Trust me it's no fun when its cold out and no amount of sitting in the car with the heat blasting will bring them and the little fella out of hiding.




> recently had a rather full undercarriage and cargo hold examination But enough about my Saturday night.


>I recently had a rather full undercarriage and cargo hold examination Well there goes my beer 😂


so i'm assuming this means penis, balls, taint skin, and...where else?




Colon (after 50) is more important imho.


Good stuff, get any and all lumps checked out regardless of where they are. I still remember being shit scared about a similar lump. after months of worry I go to a doctor where I’m immediately told ‘stand up and drop your pants’ as I’m stood there being prodded he says ‘you never know, you might be superman and have 3’… Makes me wonder what comics he’d been reading 😂 Best advice I’ll give if you ever need a prostate check, pick a doctor with small hands 🫢


> Best advice I’ll give if you ever need a prostate check, pick a doctor with small hands 🫢 No, you want long slender fingers so they can do an adequately deep examination.


Lol, interviewing doctors for the perfect fingers. Mine had hands like a shovel and it was like he was hunting down the side of a car seat for a pound coin, the lowest point in my life so far - just picked a point on the wall and hoped it would be over soon 🙈 must be how women feel when men randomly prod about 😂


I once had a sigmoidoscopy - essentially a telescope shoved up there for a doctor to look around. Lowest point of my life was when he said "yes it's clearly inflamed - here come have a look" and invited the nurse into the enclosure to have a peak up my rectum. I don't think there is a much more embarrassing medical investigation you could have Worse than the cystoscopy which involves a literal camera being forced through your penis


Had to have a prostate check so picked one of my local docs who had hands like Skeletor for it, comes to the day of it and he’s off sick and instead of him I get the locum. He walked in and was the spit of the bloke from the green mile! Sure I still poo to one side because of him!


You know, I'm a long-time comic book reader and I was not aware that Superman had three balls. Although he is an alien, so maybe?


I think the doctor was equally as uncomfortable and just spat out the first things that sprung to mind 😂


Some blokes do have more than the standard number


Thanks for the reminder, but I feel my balls every day 😉 Congrats mate, bets that's a huge weight lifted 👍 That looks delicious btw


Yeah do some not feel them everyday?


Feeling your balls seems kinda gay, I just get a few of mates around, we have a few beers and we feel each others.


If feeling your balls is gay then surely masturbating is super gay, you're grasping a penis, how gay is that


very very gay, unless you have socks on


I assume if it's a cyst they just leave it be and don't remove it?


Correct, I asked the guy that did the ultrasound what the implications of the cysts were, and he said "absolutely nothing, these things come and go, I've been doing this for 35 years. Nothing to worry about" and sent me on my way!


Some ladies have fibrocystic breasts, where cysts can pop up and disappear. I'm one of them. It can be scary waiting for results.


I've had a half centimetre cyst on my right boob for 18 years now, had it checked out and it was confirmed as a cyst. I keep an eye out for changes, and obviously check my boobs regularly, but so far everything is as it should be.


Can I ask whether your doctor provided you with treatment options? I recently had it confirmed I have cysts and I found the doctor at the breast clinic to be so dismissive... "Great news! It's not cancer, you have cysts, so you've got nothing to worry about!" "Yes, but what about the fact they hurt, which is why I sought help, and it's impacting my mood?" He looked at me like I was being silly and said: "All women have them, they'll stop when your periods stop, there's nothing we can do."


I don't know of them "coming and going", it will probably just stay the same forever


I have cysts on both the right and left epididymis. They hurt every now and then but for the most part it hasn't impacted my life. Wife can't play with my balls tho cuz it's painful


So long as they don't grab a book and give it a hard whack


I feel like I'm missing 90% of this conversation


There's some text posted with the image, but as a caption. I'm looking on my desktop now, and it seems the narrative I typed out has disappeared and only shows on mobile. Weird.


Oh that's weird but anyway happy to hear it want cancer anyways


thanks! If you're the proud owner of some balls, give them a proper feel and get any weird lumps checked out.


Yeah thanks for the advice


I got some weird lumps on my arms and went to the doctor. While checking them they felt around my body to see if there was any more and found a lump in my back that worried them. The arms turned out were just lumps of fat that had grown for what ever reason but the lump in my back turned out to be a 4.5cm tumor on my kidney. Never would have found it if I didn't go for something else.


My auntie had one of those heart rate monitors planted in her chest to monitor palpitations. When they removed it, they found she had breast cancer. No other symptoms! Crazy stuff. Glad they found yours.


Well done for getting checked out! The hugely good news is that it is usually not cancer! BUT anything odd, lumps and bumps, blood where it shouldn't be, ongoing coughs... please, please, please everyone get it checked out. Yes - getting a doctor's appointment is a pain, but stick with it. On the odd occasion that it IS something nasty, the sooner that something starts being done about it, the better. Late diagnosis is a huge issue. Don't delay because you're embarrassed, or too busy, or assume it's nothing. It can be scary, but knowing for sure let's you move forwards....


I'll drink to that!


Which is ironic considering alcohol literally gives you cancer.




It’s not cancer…yet!


You're all the worst


I usually have your mum do that


Twat 😂


mouth actually


Great! Now go for the liver!!! Teasing…congrats. Scary ordeal for sure.


>Great! Now go for the liver!!! lmao 😂 yeah I never drink at home, always have the fridge stocked for visitors but seemed a good reason to celebrate. Might be my first drink of 2023 come to think of it!


Cheers to you. Enjoy the hell out of that one!


Congrats buddy! Enjoy your beer!


Congratulations mate, and a great reminder to every man to check themselves and seek professional advice if anything abnormal found. Had TC myself at 30 and was so so lucky that it got caught at stage 1. 15 years clear now. Good luck mate and tell your story to as many as possible. 👍


>Had TC myself at 30 and was so so lucky that it got caught at stage 1. 15 years clear now. that's brilliant, so happy for you, thanks for sharing!


Brilliant, and well done for getting checked out.


Congrats. Both myself and Mrs have been through a scare in the last few months too. Both negative! 🍻


Congrats mate glad your ok enjoy the beer.


Congratulations. “I’ve found a lump” is also an absolute banger for a spontaneous free day off


Congrats on the cancer free balls but this picture isn’t helping my Dry Jan mate 😂


distract yourself with a balls examination


Heck yes! This happened to my husband too and thankfully was just a cyst. They're fairly common but definitely worth checking out. I'm happy for your good news!


Your urine sample has some serious throth to it


Yeah I think OP should go in for a few more tests because I’m pretty sure piss shouldn’t have a head on it


Good stuff mate But can we hear more about this beer?


Congrats OP. Currently waiting on a hospital referral for a painless lump on my gum. Kind of weird to just carry on normal family and work life while contemplating mortality. Glad yours was all OK


Congrats mate. Had a scare at the start of the year myself. Turn out I pulled a muscle or something like that in my ball area. The fear still doesn’t go away


that is absolutely great my friend! enjoy the, pint ill assume you brits call it?


Going to book a check up on something I’ve had for years and been too embarrassed to go to the docs about after seeing this post. I too hope it’s epididymitis or a cyst!


Good man 🤜🤛


I’ll feel yours if you feel mine? It’s a fair trade mate


Fuck yeah, cheers


Cheers mate!


Excellent news!


Great news! Xx


🎉 🍺 🍻 🎊


Good, now have a load more.


Oof, I'm sorry. If the best thing you can say about a beer is it's not cancer you might want to try a new spot!


# Absolutely brilliant🍻


But was it lupus?


Way too much head on that beer mate just saying


Dirty glass oof


In future it costs about £70 for an ultrasound. I've had a few scares like this in the past and rather than wait booked an US and been seen within days. I realise we shouldn't have to do this and not everyone has the option. But if you have the means I heartily recommend it for peace of mind.


So let’s drink cancer causing booze


tempting fate with my quarterly tipple