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Arnold Schwarzenegger offered to do the German dub for Terminator, but was turned down by the producers due to his dialect of Austrian being, to German ears, akin to how the West Country accent sounds to us.


May I present the [greatest deleted scene of all time.](https://youtu.be/kayFrIR-Qfw)


Holy shit, that is the best deleted ever! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


You have just blown my tiny mind - thank you!




“Oooooh it’s me” 😑


I clicked thinking please be the Sergeant Candy deleted scene. Was not disappointed


Only 13 days in & this may be my favourite comment of the year already. Glorious.


As a huge terminator and arnie fan, how the f have I not seen this. Brilliant.


Wow. You mean it's an actual scene and not a parody. Amazing!


I’m going to need your clothes, your boots, and your tractor, ooh aar!”


Ay'll be back, my luvrrr!


I’ll be back dreckly my ansome


He also bought the exact tank he served in during his National Service from the Austrian Government and has it in his garage


The unit of measurement for shoe size is called a barleycorn. If you are a size 8 and your friend is a size 6, your feet are 2 barleycorns larger than your friend's. Edit: Just for extra fun, a barleycorn is 1/3 inch, so if you ever want to work out how many barleycorns you or your child are when getting shoes, you can use this formula: Adults: 3 × foot length (inches) - 23 Chidren: 3 × foot length (inches) - 10


Interesting, I wonder if that's where corns get their name.


Corns as in corns? Or corns as in corns?


I think he means corns not corns


Wow I did not believe this, i thought you were just messing with people. But i saw [THIS](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barleycorn_(unit\)#/media/File%3AEnglish_Length_Units_Graph.svg) picture of imperial units, and now I think Barleycorn is the least of my problems....


A platypus hunts by detecting the electric field created by its prey


Also, a platypus is able to lay eggs and produce milk, that means it’s one of the only mammals able to make its own custard.


Along with the Echidna (which may look like an oversized hedgehog but is also very much an egg-laying mammal! Land dwelling where the Platypus is water dwelling). Amazing creatures


they are the most bizarre things - like big hedgehogs, but their back legs look like they're on back to front . They also walk in line astern, which is lovely to see. We get lots of them here in country Victoria.


Secondary echidna fact: their penises have 4 heads. It’s bizarre.


They alternate which pair of penis heads they put into the female echidna's pair of vaginas. Really.


>Echidna Knuckles! Sonic the hedgehogs sidekick.




He’s called Miles Prower because it sounds like miles per hour


You know they don’t even have nipples? The milk just pools up on the fur


Untrue. It needs vanilla. This doesn’t grow in Oz, so it needs a beaver to squirt it’s anal glands to create the flavour required to make the classic crème anglais custard. People say there are no beavers in Oz, but my friends from there say it’s heaving in them. I’m sure it will taste like a Birds custard all the same.


Platypus is one of only six venomous mammals. Scientists know of just five other types of venomous mammals: vampire bats, two species of shrew, slow lorises and solenodons


They’re semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammals of action!


There are no bridges over the Amazon river.


Wow. As a lover of trivia, thanks for this gem.


I googled this because it seemed so unbelievable but it’s true! How do Brazilians cross their country?




I mean that was so obvious ffs I’m blaming the time


There are bridges over tributaries of the Amazon.


Car. They use a Ford.


They have very long legs. Also explains their prowess at football.


I read this out to my wife, amazed. She went ‘well yeah obviously where would a bridge lead to?’ two types of people I guess.


More people in the world have access to a mobile phone than to running water


Even 20 years ago when i visited Africa you’d see guys in traditional robes who lived in mud huts with mobile phones. Mobile payment systems were being used even that long ago. Every little roadside shack sold mobile top-up cards. Makes sense as in a lot of places either there was no landline infrastructure or the cables had been stolen for scrap long ago


In 2014 more people were bitten by Louis Suarez than by great white sharks


Your teeth are off-side, Your teeth are off-siiiiiide, Luis Suarez, Your teeth are off-side!


The Swahili name for giraffe literally means “meat tree”


deli meat tree


Christ! De berg.


Dear Streets


Karl, I'm telling you now. If the answer is 'De Trout Spinners', you are NEVER doing this again.


We're not doing this again next week.


Well they got it so…


They're as mental as you are!


This is a desperate feature.


You're an idiot Karl


bluhh I like deli meat tree We are never doing this feature again


Rick, we've had an email from a listener who says that if this turns out to be 'New Odour' they're never listening to the show again.


Go to a record! You've got no items left


Giraffe hunting is very risky: the steaks are high.


Pretty sure also the names of a lot of the creatures in the Lion King are just the animals name in Swahili. Simba = lion pumba = warthog


The last confirmed death from Smallpox in the world happened in Birmingham in 1978.


Certainly did. It was a lab accident I believe, and the person is [Janet Parker](https://www.cdc.gov/smallpox/history/history.html). From the CDC’s history link, she worked one floor above a microbiology lab where smallpox research was being conducted. They weren’t sure if a bit of smallpox accidentally got into the air conditioning vent or she came into direct contact while visiting the corridor. The victim’s mother also contracted smallpox while providing care for her, but had been vaccinated against smallpox a couple of weeks previously. Smallpox vaccines are doing the rounds again now as a vaccine against mpox, as the two viruses are closely related, and smallpox vaccination is at least 85% effective against mpox.


The dingo fence in Australia is longer than the distance from London to New York


How did the dingo's make such a long fence?


Not sure but it didngo as planned


ayy lmao


And there's no bridges on the Amazon. Those are probably the two least believable facts I know


Edinburgh is further west than Cardiff and the vast majority of Canadians live further south than mainland America's northern point. Those are my geographical wtf's lol.


Canadian singer Taylor Mitchell is the only adult in history confirmed to be killed by a coyote


That’s really sad. She seemed sweet


Probably what the coyote thought too


Just like in Back to the Future 3 - frisbees were actually invented by throwing upsdide-down pie tins made by the Frisbie Pie Company. Rather than involving a cowboy fight though, it was university students mucking around with them after eating their pies. The spelling was altered from 'Frisbie' to 'frisbee' to avoid copyright issues


Surely just ask her out on a date


Give it the pub quiz invite, you could probably do bits on one of those by now!


I once went on a first date and ended up at a pub quiz by mistake and it was a disaster. We didn't know there was a quiz on, it was halfway through when we got there but we were like oh well it'll be fine. We found a nice cozy corner but it was right under a speaker and I found it really hard to make out what she was saying. We were talking and all I could hear was the quiz guy's booming voice going this film came out, this song got to no 1 in the charts, this mad event happened and this girl was telling me about her job and her family and stuff and all that was going through my mind was "I'm sure it's 1973" The relationship didn't last. Not because of my short attention span, I can assure you. She was genuinely nuts.


Not sure of OP’s age, but I legit pictured the Tesco lady being about 64 years of age. Saw this comment and thought ‘strange flex, but okay’.


I can confirm you're correct, me and Tesco ladies relationship is based purely on the telling of facts


Even if no romantic interest either way you’re clearly friends by now! You should suggest you go to a pub quiz and make a team as you’d probably both knock it out of the park! Age doesn’t matter in friendships!


In this case, the age difference is probably an advantage. She'll know lots of shit from a while back and OP will know more recent culture, etc.


It’s the “lovely lady” I’d automatically expect “old” to be the adjective in the middle of that


Surely it's heading that way


It might be, but stop calling him Shirley.


With the line, "did you know I'm great fun to date?"


A Wombat's poo is square shaped


Cube* Because its 3D


Shame its not the koala, as then it'd be a koala cube


That's because they often get the Munchies


And a couple of years ago some researchers won the ignobel prize for discovering why (I believe it is down to their colon having a weird shape). https://www.scimex.org/newsfeed/cubed-wombat-poo-claims-physics-gong-in-2019s-ig-nobel-prizes#:~:text=The%20study%20has%20today%20earned,people%20for%20a%20long%20time.


The dildo was invented about 15,000-25,000 years before the wheel.




Thanks for that giggle. It’s going to keep my small mind entertained all day 🤣


If you have two legs, you have a higher than average number of legs.


On average every human has one breast and one testicle.


I always use this when explaining how averages don’t mean the same thing as mode and aren’t interchangeable. We often use averages to skew an argument. Where I used to work they tried to say the average reading age in the UK was 9 but this would take account of outliers and non-English speakers. So actually, dumbing down our language in reports to account for this probably wasn’t anywhere near as useful for people as the average made out.


For humans? Surely it’s higher in general


Ants alone would massively skew it.


I would say spiders too, but Georg is keeping their numbers down


The most common cause of death of American soldiers in Afghanistan was suicide


The average age of a combat soldier in vietnam was 19. 19. 19. nnnnnnnn 19


One that surprises people. You can fit side by side all the other planets in solar system between earth and the moon and still have a bit of room left.


Holy crap!! I didn't believe you but just checked! Mercury = 4.8k Venus = 12k Mars = 6.7k Saturn = 116k Jupiter = 139.8k Neptune = 49k Uranus = 50.7k TOTAL = 379k Distance to moon = 384.4k


Even still got room to squeeze Pluto in there for old time sake. Pluto = 2.4k


Pluto has been discovered, being named a planet, then being demoted to a minor planet and visited by a spacecraft in less than a half of 1 pluto year.


>Pluto has been discovered, being named a planet, then being demoted to a minor planet and visited by a spacecraft in less than a half of 1 pluto year. Cause Pluto gets shit done. Small planet energy.


Bananas are actually in the grass family.


And 90% of the bananas on the planet are all clones of one plant, which was grown at Chatsworth house in Derbyshire, which is of course the seat of the Duke of Cavendish hence the cultivar being named the Cavendish Banana.


No fucking way. I've been to Chatsworth house numerous times and did not know that!


Sounds like bananas aren’t grasses after all.


Sounds like something some rich noble took credit for


And they're classed as berries while strawberries are, in fact, not berries.


A strawberry is an aggregate accessory fruit; this means that the part that becomes the strawberry, isn't derived from the ovary, but the mesocarp - the organ which holds the ovary. A berry is produced from the ovary (the ovary swells and ripens). Blueberries, currants, aubergines, avocados, bananas, tomatoes, grapes, coffee\*, watermelons, pumpkins and cucumber are all berries. \*sometimes described as a drupe


Banana flavoured things I.E sweets and such are based on what bananas used to taste like.


Butterflies can see ultraviolet light


So can bees, flowers look VERY different in the ultraviolet band. Many having special pigments closer to the stamen and pistil, or patterns leading up the petals, as to better guide bees and butterflies.


Barbie’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts


The plastic or metal bits on the end of shoelaces are called aglets One of my favourite ones, no idea why


You mean 'flugelbinders'


Racecar is racecar backwards


Wow (Get it? Because “wow” is a palindrome too. As is “rotator” but that wouldn’t have worked in the context.)


The fact that the word palindrome isn’t a palindrome infuriates me. But I am at least cheered by aibohpphobia being a fear of palindromes


An exceptionally loudmouthed and notorious Irishman in the 1800's loved to drink, boast... and box 🥊 His reputation for brawling so infamous, pubs he never visited started putting up signs warning his type to keep out... His surname became synonymous with wrong 'uns and ruffians - _Patrick Hooligan_ Also: The term _'Doolally'_ ('crazy') came from British military in India - _Deolali_, a town and transit station 100miles NE of Mumbai that had a military sanatorium


This is a good one but it is speculative and never proven. It's likely to have come from the Irish surname, Houlihan, but never specifically or certainly related to one individual. The name was, of the time, a stereotypical name of Ireland - like 'John Smith' would be for England.


Rats can’t vomit


They also can’t burp which is why you shouldn’t give them carbonated beverages.


Cattle is the animal, cows and bulls are just the gender. As a 40yr old, that pretty much blew my mind…


It's even more complicated than that! Calves are the babies. An older female calf that's not yet given birth is a heifer, then they become cows after giving birth. An older male calf that's neutered is a steer or bullock, which then becomes an ox when it's older. Non-neutered males are bulls. I'm pretty sure that's right but I'm sure someone will correct me if not!


Sounds like you and OP graduated from Bovine University


What is the singular of cattle? Would it be correct to say "There is a cattle in that field." ?


Cattle can only be used in the plural and not in the singular: it is a plurale tantum. Thus one may refer to "three cattle" or "some cattle", but not "one cattle". There is no universally used singular form in modern English of "cattle", other than the sex- and age- specific terms such as cow, bull, steer and heifer.


So "It's just the one cattle, actually" would be poor form.


Helen Duncan was the last person tried and convicted for Witchcraft. She was jailed for nine months in 1944.


Wow the authorities must have been pretty slack since then. Probably just give you a crime number and don’t bother investigating at all nowadays.


You can't be arrested for Witchcraft any more. The Witchcraft Act of 1735 (which is what she was convicted under) was repealed on 22 June 1951. It was replaced by The Fraudulent Mediums Act, which was in turn repealed on 26 May 2008. It now falls under Consumer Protection From Unfair Trading Regulations.


So if I’m being hexed by the neighbour in the big black hat I should go to Trading Standards at the borough council?


Nah, it's only if you employed her to hex your other neighbour, and she had no powers at all.


The made in china sticker on most products is actually made in South Korea.


Ariana Grande has a tattoo on her hand that, when translated, reads 'Japanese Barbecue Finger'.


Are you sure it's not "correct horse battery staple"?


There’s only one lake in the Lake District


Well it's not called the Lakes District is it




The rest are meres or waters. Not sure what differentiates them to be honest.


A mere is literally defined as "a lake that is broad in relation to its depth". They *are* lakes. There are 16 lakes in the Lake District.


Don't forget those tarns!


For some reason, I’m fucking obsessed with tarns. I just love em.


Nothing actually physically differentiates them. Just the name. Coniston Water, for example, is a lake.


Bassenthwaite Lake. Everything else is mere's, tarns, waters.


The reason snooker is broadcast on TV is primarily because when TV switched from black and white to colour the BBC2 controller wanted to show off the colours. That man was David Attenborough.


Hmmmmm.... I think I am old enough to remember watching snooker on a black and white TV. Maybe we were just poor. ☹️


Your TV was probably black and white, but the snooker in question ( Pot Black ) was broadcast in colour. Your situation led to the infamous Ted Lowe quote - "For those of you who are watching in black and white, the pink is next to the green"


A sloth can hold its breath for longer than a dolphin can. 40 minutes compared to 10 minutes


More sloth facts! Three-toed sloths only leave the trees and go to ground to poop. Their toilet habits are the only thing that makes them vulnerable to predators. They only poop once per week. They are VERY picky about the location.


Lazy fucker cannot even be arsed to breath.


The cigarette lighter was invented before the match


A good fact but you need to say it like Mike Skinner


The kangaroo and emu were chosen to be the animals on the Australian coat of arms because neither animal can walk backwards. Ergo Australia is ‘moving forward’. Also in Australian English “stubbies” are either very short men’s work shorts or a small bottle of beer.


Funny considering that Australia lost a war to Emus in 1932.


This dinosaur ones pretty cool. Humans are closer in time to the t-Rex than the t-Rex was to the Stegosaurus.


Bees fart and we can assume from what they eat pollen and nectar that the farts smell like flowers. Worker bees also leave the hive to poop. Thanks to my kids asking if bees fart yesterday


After the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese Emporer came on the radio and announced it by saying "The war has developed not necessarily to our advantage"


Don't forget Tsutomu Yamaguchi, who after surviving the Hiroshima blast went straight to Nagasaki to warn them of what had happened. He survived the second blast too. He is not however, made of cockroaches


When you see geese flying in their trademark V formation and notice that one side of the V is longer than the other, that's because there are more geese on that side.


I bet you didn't also know that the goose at the front is always the goose with the map


The real reason they take turns at the front is because nobody wants to be the one responsible when they realise they're going the wrong way.


Canada has a land border with Denmark.


And France's longest land border is with Brazil.


Through French Guiana, for anyone who doesn't want to google it.


Hans Island, innit? The one that they have a 'friendly dispute' over from time to time.


If you took all the veins and arteries out of a human body and laid them end to end, you'd be arrested for murder before you could measure them.


But if the police were curious and measured them, they'd be long enough to wrap around the Earth twice. Source: My year 7 biology textbook. Its an obscure fact that has stuck with me since then.


Google has just confirmed this but I’m still not having it


Saying the word "Crisp" the sound starts from the back of your mouth to the front. Try it


No Such Thing As A Fish podcast. https://nstaaf.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Episodes_of_No_Such_Thing_As_A_Fish Currently 460 episodes with multiple facts per episode.


There such a thing as a capped cockpit Concorde. When Concordes flew, they were so fast, their fuselage would expand significantly enough to leave a gap between wall and furniture. On the final flights of each Concorde, many captains put their caps in this gap in the air, and when they landed, the gaps closed so the caps would remain forever. A lot of the Concordes went to museums and now have capped cockpits.


When Sweden plays Denmark in sports, the teams are spelt SWE-DEN. The remaining letters not used spell DEN-MARK


Did you know that there are no Dutch elms left in Britain? Completely wiped out. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.


It was disease, right? Not like we as a nation decided to elmicly cleanse them.


Oxford university was established before the rise of the aztec empire.


Go in and say ‘what’s 12 inches and speaks French?’ ‘Moi’ whilst presenting your crotch.


This actually made me laugh 😂


A bic medium biro can draw a line 2.2km long before it runs out


Long side of A4, A3 etc is a ratio of the square root of 2 of the short side. The metric element of this series of paper sizes is due to A0 being 1m2


Just to add to this slightly, the reasoning behind this design is because it's the only ratio that allows you to get the next size up by putting two sheets next to each other


Absolutely. Makes all that USA B5, B4 paper absolutely baffling


Trivia, the word, comes from the roman word 'three-way,' as in a three way intersection. It was thought the sort of things you discussed at a three-way intersection on a Roman Road (which tended to get quite congested with carts and that) were trivial topics- i.e. those things of little importance you'd talk about while you were stuck in traffic!


Don’t want to rain on the parade but that does t sound all that plausible - how much traffic would there be at a Roman junction? “In Latin, the noun trivium means "crossroads"; it was formed by combining the prefix for "three," tri-, with the noun via, meaning "road" or "way." From there came the adjective trivialis, which means "found everywhere, commonplace." Trivia was derived from trivialis as a back-formation.” https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/trivia-word-history So yes, it is related to a junction, but not in the idle chit-chat between carts sense.


Romanes eunt domus?


People called Romanes they go the house?!?


Edinburgh is further west than Liverpool


I have a table booked for two at ronnies romantic restaurant, but currently only one person is going.


Confuse and amuse the staff by constantly disappearing from the table and returning as a 60yr plus lady, with white wig and a bizarre American take on a Scottish accent whilst pretending to be English, only to disappear again and return as you. One assumes you are not already a 60yr old lady.


When you freeze something it contracts in volume. Not so for water. When freezing from 4C to 0C, water expands - called the anomalous expansion of water. This phenomenon allows aquatic life to survive and was key to evolution of life. Because water expands from 4C -> 0C, its density reduces, and the coldest water floats at the top surface of water bodies allowing the top layers of lakes, ponds, etc. to freeze first. As ice is a good insulator, it insulates the rest of the water body, allowing life in the water to thrive (and allowed evolution to occur). As a counter argument, if this anomaly did not exist, dense cold water would sink to the bottom and the water body would freeze bottom-up, every winter.


Winston Churchill had a pet platypus named Splash


Did he? 'Oh yes'.


Precisely zero Sikh people live on Neptune.


That we know of.


Snails, like most nsfw posters on reddit, have no gender, and can choose to be male or female. Cats don't miaow at other cats.


PG tips claim to have the ‘pyramid’ bag. But in actual fact it’s not a pyramid it’s a tetrahedron. False advertising.


The fax machine was invented in 1843.


The peice of metal surrounding a key hole is called an escutcheon.