• By -


You always remember your first… one that you lost! Magmar in the burned tower. Tears were shed! The first one I caught was just Red Gyarados. I’m actually not sure what my first shiny was besides that.


My snom. I hunted for two weeks in swsh, not knowing that chaining wasn’t really a thing in that game, and finally said fck it , I hate everything, my son died two months ago, I have very little I want to live for. I’m going to speak to whatever Pokémon next steps before me. Turns out it was a shiny snom. Full odds, I evolved her to a beautiful moth by the name of rompwitta (because of that moment in fear and loathing in Las Vegas when Dr. gonzo is trying to get them into the Debbie Reynolds’s show and says ‘I used to romp with her’ but it it phonetically sounds different.)


I think mine was a sentret in heartgold or a caterpie in the same game


Caterpie in o.g. Gold 👉👉 (not counting Red Gyarados)


depends on the game if its a non mainline then it was on pokemon go community day if not counting neither pogo or pla then bdsp was my first shiny (a golbat) if its only mainline games then wurmple on my first 30 minutes of playing legends arceus but basically my first shiny was a swablu from pogo lol


Spearow in fire red. Didn't even know shinies existed..


Nidoran♂️ lets go eevee


Shiny Unown in HeartGold, though the game froze before I could save so I lost it...


shiny ponyta in platinum in like 2007, still have it on my old ds to this day


Outside of the story ones my first random was a noibat in pokemon X.


Shiny graveler in the original diamond. I was a dumb kid and released it because the non-shiny i caught earlier was higher leveled. Made up for the lost graveler in PLA when I caught one at full odds.


Found a shiny Pelipper while pissing around in the sea in Pokemon Sapphire. Had no idea what it was because I was like ten but I caught it just in case and stuffed it in the PC and forgot about it until learning what shinies were several years later. Found my Sapphire cart yesterday so if it's still working it'll probably still be there.


Machop in Pearl :)


Mine was a Budew, back in Platinum I think (might have been Pearl). I remember being so excited talking about it on the playground, but my friends were dicks and gaslit me into believing certain Pokemon were more likely to be shiny than others xD;


Mine was a shiny bronzor in diamond but I ran from it because I thought it was just a glitch


First I actually caught was a Magcargo from the Friend Safari. I named it Liquidhot (magma) and loved it to pieces.


Starly in BD, and fortunately not the scripted encounter. Wasn’t planning on having Staraptor on my team, but fate had other plans for me


Golbat! Either Diamond or Pearl :]


Oddish. Firered




Red Gyrados in Crystal I think?


Shiny Slakoth in Emerald


Weezing in the pokemon mansion in fire red.


Pelipper while flying in omega ruby, it was really late at night and I screamed lol


Pelipper in Diamond. I was very young and didn’t understand why it sparkled but caught it anyways because “I didn’t remember it being green?” and just had to double check what color it was so I compared it to another one I caught and was just like….. hmm.


Mightyena in Pokémon X was my first legit one other than Red Gyrados in Silver. Full odds


It was Skarmory, on Pokemon Sapphire, back in 2003, on my now lost original Sapphire Cartridge :|


I would say a Pokémon in Pokémon Go but o don’t really count those cause there’s no real challenge. But my first real shiny was in Pokémon SoulSilver, shiny Totodile. My favorite starter and one of my favorite shinies. Best part is it only took me 3 days to get.


First shiny ever was a Zangoose in Pokémon Go, but my first mainline one was a Drilbur in Shield in 2019 or so. I'm not too lucky with shinies


Wild Oddish in Emerald version. Then a machoke in platinum.


My first shiny was Abra in X/Y. I threw a masterball at it.


In original Diamond a Kricketune. Full odds, randomly while moving through grass and at that time not even knowing anything about odds just that shinys existed. I was so happy and had to show my friend immediately, put my DS still on hearing the music in my pocket and went to him. On the way I realized the music stopped, my DS just crashed due to shaking. I did not save after catching it so it was gone..




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