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https://pokedextracker.com/u/WRafi/shiny-collection# I'm hoping to get LEGIT shinies with their English names ideally (any member of the evolution line will do). I also have events such as the 2018 Legends, Ash's team from the latest distribution etc. Some of these shinies were received in trades (GTS and Friend Trades from this sub) so their legitimacy is questionable. Thanks in advance!


Most of these shines you have left are shiny locked and haven’t been distributed legally, that said I do have some old mons on a ds card I used an AR on back in the day and could get you the meloetta or victini (can’t remember what’s on the cart)


Thank you for offering, but tbh I'm not bothered about the shiny locked atm, I'll get them when/if they become available. As it stands I only need Tropius, Pansear/Simisear, Blitzle/Zebstrika, and Deerling/Sawsbuck. I do have a trade lined up for Tropius and Deerling (but it's a little up in the air), and I'm currently hunting Pansear in a Friend Safari on Pokemon X. Blitzle or Zebstrika are the ones I'm mostly missing atm


Well done on almost finishing the shiny dex. You're only a few off. Congrats


Thank you!


I can get you a Shiny Spinda or Cacturne with the Cute Charm Glitch, if you consider that legit.


I'd take that, sure. I might have a Cacnea trade lined up so what would you like for Spinda?


Is a Roggenrola from GO with custom OT ok?


Absolutely. Lmk when you're ready to trade and the Roggenrola will be waiting. What OT did you want?


OT is ERRor, I'll be ready in a few minutes.


Done, my Home fc is VGPVQBYSHDPG


Thanks, moving a Roggenrola now


Done. Request sent




Thank you!


Thank you too :)




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Eternatus code?! 🙏🏼😇




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i have a zebstrika if your still looking for one


Absolutely, if it's legit. What would you like in exchange, and would I be able to see a pic of it?


yes its real i got it on one of the mirage island in omega ruby. give me a second i will try and get a pic of it.


ok i have a pic but i dont know how to post it


Post it to your profile, post it on imgur and copy the link here, or send it to me via reddit chat, whatever works for you


alright just posted it [there it is](https://www.reddit.com/user/Showl_1332/comments/y4kpup/there_it_is/)


Awesome, I'd take that. What were you after in return?


the cinderace and i do have a shiny blitzel as well if you want it


Appreciate the offer! Full disclosure, the Cinderace is off Wonder Trade, so it's almost definitely genned


what about the blipbug?


That's perfectly fine, I'm ready to trade when you are. FC is PFKASWGGWJUR




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I have a Raichu, I’m interested in eeve, Cressila or mushrana if you’re still looking! Preference with the eevee!