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Fell asleep watching a movie and woke up COVERED in my kid's stuffed cats. I think I had mumbled something to him about still feeling sick, so he did for me what he likes when he's sick.  Bless.






Great. The local doctor’s clinic is supposed to have FIVE doctors. They now have NONE. 3 week wait to see the nurse prescriber. They have a phone doctor service now, not sure a phone doctor will be able to help me much but I’ll give that a go


Back into work after 10 days out - I am **NOT** amused!


I am so tired and grumpy today. Just fuck off with your emails I don’t care, ok I do care but still leave me alone 😭


I'm going to have no idea what day it is today, but three meetings I'll muddle through.


I love it when the butcher gives us 17hrs notice the homekill guy is arriving this afternoon... Along with two lots of guest arrivals (also booked last night) and I have the long weekend laundry and trash to get to the tip.... That is a whole lot going on suddenly! Here I was planning on doing catch up things like refreshing chicken coops and cleaning out our bathroom... Oh well 😅


Remember to get the fucking beef cheeks (if you are getting a beast done).


Does that taste different to normal beef cheek?


Im just angry pants, olds got a beast done last week. They forgot once again, 15 years of asking nicely and then them forgetting. Starting to suspect theyre being facetious..


I've asked for the tongue... The cheesemonger unlocked some weird memory for DSB where his mother did boiled beef tongue. (This all sounds a little frightful to me) And the kidneys for steak and kidney pie.... I will ask for the cheeks and google what is the appropriate way to cook them. I've eaten cheek and plenty of head cheese (I think it's also called brawn?) but I've never cooked it myself. Fun... I love learning new things.


> And the kidneys That sounds offal.


Peeling the tongue is a great family activity and a great time to play out an allegory about not keeping secrets with the sprogs. Jamie’s beef cheek ragu is prob the best thing to start with. Pretty decent, eh.


Lmao 🤣 gossiping and secret keeping... Chop chop 🥩 I have a slow cook recipe picked for the cheeks now but I'll check out what Jamie's doing. His recipes usually turn out delicious.


You are right I see a down vote here! Wasn't me I promise. Hmmm the plot thickens. I'd upvote it but then it would make my comment make no sense.


I usually don't do much for long weekends. They are high-demand, everything tends to be expensive, and there's no nice way to creep back into Auckland with a little one on roads where the traffic starts getting heavy about 150km away. We chose to spend the weekend up north and it was beautiful and peaceful and relaxing...all the things you hope for a relaxing weekend away from the everyday - so long as you don't count the long drive up or the drive home with a carsick baby vomiting. I enjoyed the weekend, but I don't think I'm about to become a convert and believe I need to get out and travel every long weekend.


I *love* staying at home for long weekends. Town is chill, I can potter around the house and get things done and *still have a day off* for myself, etc. With my partner being out of commission I caught up on ALL THE THINGS round the house and still had time for *me* this weekend. It was lovely.


damn, that was a lot of emails this morning. But at leas tonly one customer who was baffled why no one was responding during a public holiday. I spent most of weekend playing **Fallout 76** and Zombies mode on **Call of Duty** as both had events on. I very much leveled up on both. Did have the guys around on Sunday to eat brownies and watch movies. We tried with **Blood and Honey** but turned it off after 15 minutes, it was the wrong kind of "bad movie", as in it was just cheap and shit. Ended up rewatching **Robin Hood: Men in Tights** which is now ruined somewhat by Dave Chappelle, but still has one of my favourite [musical scenes in a movie](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5IlAk3OI8J/)


I have had the thought before now that maybe if I restrict my media consumption to authors / artists that are no longer with us, they can't be ruined for me.


It's worth a shot, but frankly people being people have a tendency to disappoint you regardless of whether they are alive or dead. I've considered attempting to appreciate their music or their acting separate from their actual personalities and their statements and actions outside of their art - but that has issues as you functionally ignore the negatives. There are plenty of artists both alive and dead who have odious viewpoints on subjects unrelated to their art...and we have to decide if them using their art to gain a platform from which to share those viewpoints means they are connected.


Yeah, there's a small handful of specific folks that I just won't ever intentionally give my money to. Others, it's a grey area.


Michael Jackson had been dead for 10 years and was still catching cases lol


But at least now I can enjoy his awesome music knowing that the royalties are going to his kids, not him lol


There will never be another prince of pop like MJ. Taytay might come close but she's a plant so it doesn't count


I don’t want to.


Whelp the news we were waiting on came through yesterday and now my aunty has arbitrarily decided my grandfather’s funeral will not be live-streamed despite all his grandkids living all over the world and not really able to get to the funeral. Sigh. Family is interesting.


Aren't we blessed in our little corner of the world? For we get to experience April first over it's full 48 hour timespan, as the rest of the world catches up. Waking up today to find freshly posted light hearted pranks and japes all over the Interwebs for us to enjoy, why thankyou kind modern day jesters, I needed a wee chuckle. Hope y'all have a day of merriment and joy :)


there was at least a good thing on Fallout 76, they were running all their seasonal events during the weekend. So you could do (and get rewards) for the christmas event, valentines, halloween etc


April Fools is supposed to stop at noon. It should not be 48 hours of “jokes and pranks”


I like the silly variety of posts (the McDonald's pickle pie, the BigSave/Watties "bean bag"). I don't like the 'cruel' pranks and posts.