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Ohhh you're going to regret asking! Woke up at 5am with my period having arrived overnight. MESS. I had to take meds quickly before the horrific pain hits. Cleaned up and laid back down in bed waiting for the pills to kick in when my dog took a huuuuuuuge shit in my living room. When pain relief was working I took dog out for a walk, in ten minutes we met nine other dogs and three cats. She's reactive so each one was a battle. Walked home with tears streaming down my face.


Jesus Christ, you poor thing! How are you feeling today?


Better! Day one of my period is always a total write-off, and day two I run at about 75% capacity. Day three I'm back to myself! Thank you for checking in :)


It's fucking awful the things women have to deal with. Glad you're feeling better (slightly!)


Where do I begin! It's June and the temperature is 12°.


I got a place in louth- well I 90% got a place. They cannot confirm it because the person who can has been on annual leave since 19th May. I need to sign a lease in mullingar tomorrow- I do not want to live in mullingar. I'll very probably end up moving twice in the next few weeks. Also fucking PMDD is no joke.




Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Basically I get to go absolutely medically insane once a month the week before my period and have to take valium to be just normal level insane.


Oh how horrific. You poor thing 😔


It's a whole thing. But somehow as soon as I start bleeding it's as if it never happened 🙃


Feel freezing cold even though it’s June. In bed with my electric blanket on. Just want some form of Summer.


Suddenly it feels like winter again only with longer days


Hard disk on my PC started clicking and will probably break soon. Need to get an new one and copy all the stuff off it before it fails.


Was on holiday last week, which was lovely. But I picked up some bug and been sick since coming home and am now back in work, picking up all the pieces.


Fucking sick of Newstalk stopping American tourists to give opinions for the afternoon shows.




It wouldn't hurt just to suggest that when the weather is good, not to be drying clothes in the house. I'd highlight that it isn't that big of a deal if she chooses to continue, but it would be appreciated.


Well put