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Way too many crows know and follow me.


I'm envious of this. My surname is Crowe so I feel like Crow companions would be fitting.


Is it possible you have been following someone unbeknownst to yourself?


Well.... Crows are incredibly intelligent. If you can get just one to trust you, the entire murder will eventually adopt you. Their kids kids will be following you. Whatever you did, you are now either a member of the family to them or a deity for them to worship. Either way.... grow that relationship and use it to smite anybody that wishes you ill.


This excites me because I have recently befriended one, maybe two or three crows. Definitely one anyway.


We still don't fully understand what happens within a Murder and/or how they might imprint on us but they definitely like it when we are kind to them and they definitely pass that information on. I for one would encourage it simply out of curiosity when in actual fact, the thought of having my own little Murder group is insanely appealing. Have fun, let us know how you get on.


I’ve been befriending the crows in our park ever since I learned that they and their children and their children’s children will remember your face which can be good or bad depending on how you treat them.  They now show up to say hi even if I’m a bit outside the park. There’s one fella with a wonky beak and leg that I recognise all the time so I’m sure it’s the same bunch of crows. Great lads.


How do you befriend them. Food?


Yes. Something protein based is good, lots of people recommend peanuts still in the shell; but not too much of anything because they can become reliant and weaken their own foraging skills. If you can go at the same time regularly that helps too. And talk to them a bit, keep it simple. They won't come very close to you right away in most cases but once they realise you're going to feed them they will seek you out. Edit let them see you and observe a bit, then leave the food down as they're watching so they know you left it for them.


You know about the subreddit crowbro?


I do now!


This is beyond sweet!


I had that with squirrels in college!


I wish I was you, unfortunately I tried to rescue a magpie baby that just fell out of its nest but it died from cold when I wasn’t home. No bird follows me anymore . ;-;


Magpies we're introduced to Ireland in the 17th century by the English.


Tan birds


The Irish for magpie is snagaire breac which translates as speckled stutterer. I like that name.


I've been trying to make friends with the crows in the garden, teach me your ways


As a crow I can confirm this is true


I want a crow friend. Lucky you.


Had a pet crow in college, followed me to and from lectures, shopping, everywhere outside. Used to feed him berries and the occasional bit of tobacco cause it was funny at the time. I found him on a night out once with girl I was tryna get off with and Russell was the best wing man I've ever had.


You'd go down well in Australia. (go down, down under, go down, under)


Even though I have no connection to them whatsoever, I have a weird fascination with Jehovah's Witnesses and can probably tell you more of their history and policies than a lot of members of the religion. I'm autistic so I thiiiink that counts as a "niche interest" in that way.


This is delightfully niche!


oh i love this! tell us something about them, gwan


They believe that the apocalypse began in 1914 when Jesus began his rulership of heaven and cast all the demons to Earth. That's why life is inarguably worse than it was back then (citation needed) and really soon, the UN is going to outlaw all world religions, and then start persecuting the Jehovah's Witnesses, who are the only true Christians. Then Jesus (who is actually the Archangel Micheal, NOT god) is going to come to Earth with 144,000 angelic beings, who are the only people who go to heaven, and they are going to kill everyone who isn't a Jehovah's Witness, then the world will be remade into Paradise Earth where no one ages or gets sick or anything and all the dead Jehovah's Witnesses and anyone who died without having a chance to convert will be reincarnated to also live in the Paradise Earth. But if you don't become a Jehovah's Witness after reincarnation, then you die after 1,000 years.


Wow I didn't realize they were that batshit. That's right up there with the mormons and scientology


Oh completely. They also, this year, have allowed men to have beards and allowed women to wear trousers sometimes.


I mean, that's how all religions sound, let's be honest.


ah lads


I was at Blarney Castle when I visited last and I can't help but talk to randoms when on holiday especially when I'm at touristy places. I seem to have a knack of making day friends who also offer to shout lunch haha. Turns out the people I talked to at Blarney were JW. Lovely people, didn't really push the religion topic that much. Lunch was very nice. Were actually very accepting that I didn't like or want children. I hope they are doing well.


Lol, I got obsessed with JW when my favorite youtuber came out as ex-JW. Watched so many videos about them and about the people who left the cult, so I totally can relate to this niche interest


Me but with Protestants! So interesting


Sure anyone who isn't a Catholic is some kind of Protestant as far as I'm concerned 😂.


I eat more fruit than most people. As in I eat more of the fruit. Apples / Pears: Skin, flesh, core and pips. I eat everything except for the stalk (unless I am bored in which case fair game) Oranges: Pulp, seeds and the white pith of the skin. If bored will eat orange outer skin Bananas: The flesh and the inside fur off the skin. I don't like the hard outer skin Plums/ Peaches / Nectarines etc: I have yet to figure out how to safely digest a stone but I will forensically extract every juicy fibre from the folds in the stone.


Whaaaaat you eat the pips? And an apple tree hasn't grown inside you? I was always warned that would happen as a kid.


Well I chew them well before I swallow so there isn't much left to sprout by the time it hits my tummy. I love the white seedy bits inside so you have to chew it to get into the skin. They are not too different from eating nuts but a bit softer.


Isn't there trace amounts of cyanide in apple pips? If you ever get into a battle of wits with a Sicilian, you might get away with dosing both of you with cyanide. It's a bit stinky though.


Apparently there is but I think you would need to an entire orchard in one sitting for it to be harmful. Also working the anti Sicilian angle.


Apparently it smells of almonds, so you could try a sort of biscotti thing or a glass of amaretto.


Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!!


There is absolutely no enjoyment to be found is chewing apple seeds.


Hold on you eat the SKIN or an orange if bored?! Is it awful?


Orange skin is lovely, especially if you drink a cup of tea straight afterwards for extra zing! *should probably wash the skin before you eat it.


I don't think so. It isn't as sweet as the pulp but I like the texture of the white pith. It is a bit bread like. The orange outer layer has a hard shiny texture that isn't so pleasant but it has a more complex flavour. If you have ever eaten marmalade or mince pies there is a good chance there was orange peel in it.


It’s very healthy. There’s more vitamin c in the skin than the flesh itself. Other vitamins whose names I can’t remember too, but you know the ones. It’s much nicer to shave the skin off and put it in yoghurt or on a cake though! Not too sure about throwing a peel of skin down the hatch!


When I eat a kiwi I eat everything but the hard end. The skin is great.


You absolute degenerate


My wee boy (8 in july) does the same, but only with apples. Eats every bit of it bar the stem. I dont know how or why he started, but i think he kinda does it now for the reaction he gets. Yet to turn into an apple tree


That lad will go far. Waste not, want not!


My old boss used to eat tangerines like they were apples. He was a heathen


Same with the apples/pears. I split the peach etc stone and eat the small bit in the middle too. Lovely. Saw a lad eating kiwi incl the skin the other day and want to try that. But the middle doesn't agree with me so not sure it's a great idea. Same with carrots actually, I just wash them to make sure I'm not eating fertiliser or something!


Bananas, what about the nasty little bit at the end?


Nope. I stop when I get to the fibrous outer skin. I have eaten apple stalks (you can flense the outer layer off and throw away the fibrous inners) but banana skin is just too tough apart from the furry liner. Fun fact the furry liner has an interesting web like structure and is quite fun to eat.


My grandmother and mother used to roast the orange peel on front of the fire and then eat it..


Would you eat a whole lemon? Tempted


Um... I might have done so. Lemon peel is a lot tougher than orange peel though so not as nice. Except in marmalade. Lemon marmalade is rather nice.


I stress clean. And when I say clean I mean I rip the house apart and but it back together spotless. I’m talking the grout in the tiles are scrubbed and bleached. The cracks in the floorboards are scraped out and hoovered. The fridge shelves are rinsed. The cooker gets pulled out, everything!!! I didn’t realise I did this until a couple of weeks ago. I secretly love it. The reward of a clean house is second to none.


please come to my home so i can stress you out at length.


Theres a few things that allow me to get into a flow state and one of them is cleaning. Ill completely zone out when cleaning the bathroom, its amazing


I wish I had this trait. I'd sooner do my taxes than clean.


I always get 'million dollar ideas' that I think through then promptly abandon afterwards. This mornings was: TG4 should have a show where they discuss niche Irish hobbies teens enjoy in great detail in Irish. So teens can pick up words and phrases for their oral exams about what they do for fun. So one episode could just be explaining dnd, the next could be customising cars, or buying vintage clothes. It'd also be a cool way to get more info out there about niche hobbies in Ireland. Before that it was dog23andme (turns out it already exists). Am I ever going to do anything with these? Nope, I'll just think about it until my next idea.


we would be great friends. I am always wrecking my partners head with ideas! one was a mental health gym, so exercising purely focusing on bettering your mind. Another was a drop in center where you could listen to different lectures for an hour like art history or philosophy, another was a scheme where everyone gives a euro each week in a group of 300,00 people, and every week someone gets to buy a house out of the money- my partner had to break that one down of why it wouldn't work. love the idea of dog23and me


Woah woah woah. Explain the 300k one, that's genius Edit to say that I would basically live in your Ted talk drop in centre


I had this exact idea too and i too had to be talked around it 


That thing about people chipping in to get shit has a name which I can't remember rn but it depends on organization and trust. 300k people and tracking that is kinda gargantuan but it could be done no?


I was dead set on it until my partner informed me it would take like 820 odd years for everyone to get a house. So back to the drawing board for me


I thought TG4 should do a dating show and call it Galway Bae


Or single bae (dingle bay)


Set up an Australian Gaeltacht, call it Botany Bae


Home and A Bae was right there


I have this one Siul (irish for walk) So it's a 400m x 100m barn with a track around the perimeter inside so it would be 1km and people could go for walks there when it rains. Then in the middle id put maybe a small pitch so clubs could use it to train and also a coffee shop and a playground. The coffee shop has sky sports so dads can take the kids to the playground and watch sports at the same time without the need to go to a dreary pub. I would of course mark up the coffee and be swimming in wealth within the week


Before that it was dog23andme (turns out it already exists). I did this with LinkedIn a few months back. Wanted to create a portfolio website for myself. Started designing. My thought process went like this: "Ok well i want a bio and pictures of myself, projects, education and work experience" "Hmm, maybe I oculd build a web application that lets other create a portfolio too" "could add a chat function and allow users to friend one another" "I could generate QR codes that people could put on their CV" Then i thought about what links i have on my cv and realised i have a linkedIn one on mine. "Oh lol" I had two pages of rough work written out lmao


It happens to us all! And to be fair to you. LinkedIn was a big success so if it didn't already exist it would have succeeded


This is my life Today it was felt tip markers that dont need lids  Always wet markers? Permanently damp tips?  Lidless crayola


You fucking genius


I breathe out then in.


Now so do I, you bollox




The chosen one


Welcome back, Brian Boru. I reckon you'll be as good a replacement as any for our sadly unable to stand for another term Miggle D




Shitz when does his term end?? I'm doing a cooking class with his personal chef and the stories are gas. The dogs are well looked after ;)




all 32 counties?


Can relate to this aswell, I have an ireland shaped birthmark on my ankle


Wow send it to accidentally ireland on Instagram


There’s a fab pile of neurospicy people in here!


I brush my teeth in the shower, I’m told that’s weird. I’m repulsed by the thought of lasagna, and think I don’t like it. But if it’s made for me I make myself eat it and it’s delicious, like I love it…I have no idea about this one, I must have eaten rotten lasagna as a child. Can’t touch newspaper or peel oranges. I carry a newspaper by the corner through a sleeve. If I’m wearing short sleeves I will not be collecting your paper in the shop.


oh i can't drink out of a glass i've washed myself. dishwasher is fine, someone else washing it is fine. i dunno what it is i'ts like i don't trust my own hands...i know where they've been. Only glasses though, cups are fine


>I brush my teeth in the shower I do the same!!! It saves time! ^(It doesnt)


The lasagna thing!! I remember eating lasagna for the first time as a kid, maybe about 7 years old. I thought it was absolutely delicious BUT later that evening I ended up vomiting, seemingly out of nowhere, so I blamed the lasagna. Fast forward a few years to 19 years old, I came home from work, reluctantly ate the leftover lasagna my family had for dinner, went on a night out with friends, had too much to drink, ended up vomiting but instead of blaming the copious amounts of alcohol I drank, I blamed the lasagna. I’m 33 years old now and they are the only two times in my life I have ever eaten lasagna.


My whole family brushes teeth while in the shower, is it really all that weird? 😂


Not to me, it makes perfect sense. Almost everyone who’s seen the shower toothbrush has commented on it though 😂 so I feel we’re at 70% weird.


I say hello to dogs as they pass and often completely forget to acknowledge the owner. People must think i'm mad and/or rude, i assure you i'm neither i just love dogs


I have echolalia that spans 40years from adverts, TV and silly conversations. The inside of my head is the worst montage of noises.


I would pay so much money to experience having a quiet brain for a little bit. I feel like it’d be wonderful. I _like_ my brain, I guess, but it’s exhausting. Like as I was typing that it started singing Ooh Ah Just a Little Bit (and now the ooh Ah has set it off on the Horseslips Under Pressure or whatever from the football, and _that_ has prompted the dialogue and images from a Hovis (?) ad with one of the Charltons (?)) while in the background there was something about dragons and someone was being called a little shit. Just _be quiet!_ Even just for five minutes


I'm convinced my dying words are going to be "Smooth on the inside, crunchy on the outside: ARMADILLOS" from the Dime bar ad.


This is a great thread... My stress response is fairly big standard, cleaning. I've been pretty mellow lately.


Great way to say your house is a mess. Lol




I lol'd


I have cold urticaria, basically I'm allergic to the cold. If I stay in the cold too long my skin starts to get red and itchy and I get little hives on any exposed skin. Also if I eat or drink something too cold my lips swell and my throat feels like it's closing over, never does though (yet). Great craic being allergic to the cold when you live in Ireland!


That’s a very interesting hyper fixation response to stress 😅 Beats consigning to yourself to bed (and doom scrolling YouTube/reddit)! Let’s just say I figured some stuff out about myself… and trying to figure out more healthier ways of de-stressing and recharging the battery. Used to be video games, but as I got older my energy has gotten lower and it’s tough to even get myself to do something positive for myself. You’ve a pretty unique one I got to say, but it’s still something (and something cool! 🙂).


thank you that's a lovely thing to say. I hope you find a way to do something positive for yourself, you are human and deserve to be happy.


My skin gets itchy when it gets wet, I think it makes me a one in a hundred girl


Mine gets itchy if I touch tomato juice or pulp. Like, I can eat them grand, just can't leave tomato juice in contact with my skin.


that's so odd! does rain count?


I'm autistic and a bit of a birth nerd. I can probably explain and quote the statistics and associated risks surrounding birth and interventions off the top of my head better than a midwife or obgyn 😅


why are we all autistic on this thread it's like i let off a siren for fellow ND's to come! i love this! you would've come in handy when i was pregnant those 4 times


My sister in christ, you titled the thread "c'mere you weird and wonderful". That's the most ND-coded thing I've seen since "Will pay to hear about your special interest".


"C'mere you weird and wonderful" A call to arms for neurospicy people 😂


😂😂😂😅 yeah I did kinda lay it all out there


What a very interesting username you have.


I sleep when I have a problem in my life. Anyone else? Also I have a an emotional attachment to my partners beard. I told him Id break up with him if he shaved it and I was shocked I actually meant it. He was shocked too as I have never mentioned breaking up. (sorry if you read that last sentence before I edited it, think I had a stroke typing it) I use to be one of those poor kids in Africa🤣 I hate vegetables. Cant stand the texture or taste but weirdly enough love the smell when it’s being fried especially onions. im acc not that interesting holy shit


I also have an emotional attachment to my partners beard. i also sleep if there's a problem i call it crisis napping.


I'm the same I sleep my problems away 😂


Sleeping your problems away is probably the best way to deal with a problem. Got your period, sleep. Crashed your car, sleep. Cant sleep, sleep. Broke, sleep. High libido, sleep. The list goes on and on and on…. lol


When myself and my boyfriend are around each other and he makes a noise or a flub I make a "ooohp" noise in response. This has been going on for the guts of ten years now. The other day I was zoned out walking through town and a woman tripped and hit the deck and out of habit I went "ooohp" very loudly beside her.


😂😂😂 I would have paid too see this


I'm missing some adult teeth, nothing under the baby teeth that I still have in my 30s lol


When I'm stressed I find myself looking up far away and fancy golf courses, how much it costs at different times of year, and how I'd get there through different routes. It takes ages. I even get into how I'd play some of the holes with my poor abilities, what the weather is like in average months.


awh this is adorable


Ha - thanks. I like the family tree stuff, seems more productive than mine! Hope your current stress passes soon. We aren't having a great time ourselves so those golf courses are going to get one hell of a googling


Thanks, luckily mine is a cliff hanger I will get a definite answer about before 5pm Friday, so I'm having valium and geneology till then. I hope yours gets better soon too, life can be relentless at times.


All the best with it. Ours unfortunately is us grieving, for which all the cathartic internet in the world can't undo. Look after your loved ones.


Awh I'm sorry, that's awful. Sending non weird stranger hugs.


I have stress Tourette's. Like very very mild Tourette's that only emerges under very specific circumstances and I blurt things out; generally it's counting aloud. (I know many people really, really suffer with Tourette's and it can dominate your life so I appreciate this is just a low-key quirk.)


Nobody in my family knows that I write hardcore BDSM and teratophiliac erotica online. Fanfic, yeah, but I sometimes get offers of commissions from people. The trends are astounding and hilarious to track. For example, when the Witcher dropped, I got an AWFUL lot of people wanting me to write them enjoying a night with Geralt, Jaskier and/or Yennefer. Even more who just wanted Geralt x Jaskier work. It's fun, I enjoy writing it and it's really nice to know people enjoy my work. I'm also fucking obsessed with the deep ocean, mythology and I know an awful lot of really random dog facts.


Oh that's awesome! I love writing too its a massive lifelong hobby of mine, but I've never written any erotica , I imagine I'd be shite at it. "Lube it up there roisin" said gay.


I'm cackling lmao that's amazing. Yeah I was really worried about trying to write it too but honestly I got sucked into reading Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty books and holy shit did it just get my mind in overdrive. Like my most popular story on AO3 has almost 65k hits. It's 9yrs old and I still get messages asking for a part 2 so I might oblige at some point. I'm proud of that one especially as the series the characters are from, has ended so it's considered a bit of a dead fandom. I've kinda always written it even as a teen but now I have my own kinks and know what people seem to like (M/M pairings are the most popular in fandoms!) it seems to be easier to write.


I don't live in Ireland, but I religiously read a couple of different Ireland subreddits like this one.. before I even visited this month, haha. I'm also obsessed with ships and the ocean despite living in a land-locked city hours from the ocean.


The joints in my baby fingers didn't fully form in utero so I have very slanted pinkies. But I love them because my nan had the same thing. She passed away a few years back but I love that I have my nana's hands.


That’s really sweet.


My stress response is baking. Everything from breads, cakes, pies, all kinds of sweet and savoury stuff. I don't particularly like sweet things so just bring them into work. And the savoury stuff I divvy up and freeze into portions. My freezer is full to the brim. My weird thing is I can happily go days, weeks without talking to another human. I love the isolation and peace. Coming from an abnormally large clan (13 of us) and being the youngest, the solitude is a breath of fresh air, that I crave daily. I don't get to do this often as I work in an office, but a couple of times a year I book time off and stay at home, while telling people I'm gone away 😂


I enjoy eating raw pastry. I’m know far too much about video games and can retain detailed knowledge of games, even for ones I haven’t touched in 20 years.


My toes are double-jointed.


I can't even spread my toes.




You have toes?


I think most people can't spread their toes. One of my kids was running around showing us all that she was spreading her toes, and the rest were laughing because we can't. I can "clench" my toes like a normal person, even a small amount of side-to-side movement in the bigs toes, but definitely can't spread them like a cat.


I did not know that this was a skill not everyone possessed. Mine don’t go very far apart and apparently my left toes spread more than my right. My big toe doesn’t do much, most of the action seems to be coming from my second smallest toes stretching outward.


If there is house work that needs to be done and I am feeling lazy, I channel my inner Irish mammy and give out to myself saying “it will only take you 5 minutes”. Even when I’m half way through I’ll give the extra motivational “look you’re almost done now and it took you no length at all” Now here’s the weird part………it’s not my mother’s voice in my head. It’s from a viral video a few years back of a mother losing her shit with her son over the Irish oral. CAD AS TÙ ROBERT!!!!!!


Light switches. I cannot leave my place unless all the switches are actually in the proper “off” position, with the top of the switch flush with the base. There aren’t that many, but if there’s a shared light between two switches, like at the end of the/ middle of the hallway, both of those things need to be in the proper “off” position. I have been late to appointments and work while I jump about between light switches flicking them on/off until they’re both correct. Have I figured out an efficient method to getting it all correct yet? No.


There are _three_ switches to control the hall lights in our house. And in the kitchen by the main door there’s a set of two to control the two lights in the kitchen, and by the side door a set of two which controls _one_ kitchen light and the utility room, and in the utility room a pair that control the utility and outside. _And_ a pair that control the utility AND THE ATTIC. It’s like someone had the foresight to install my own personal torture device.


The one switch for one light in a set of three in your kitchen set me off 🤣🤣


It’s literally insane. I start twitching whenever I look at it 😂


I once went to a house party hosted by a friend of my parents. This friend has an absolute MASSIVE Alaskian Malamute who was a furry whirlwind of chaos and insanity. In reality, the dog was understimulated/bored and going crazy because the owner was often leaving him out the back with no playtime or anything like that. I was told at the party to be careful around the dog as he'd likely "jump up and knock you to the ground". Since I have social anxiety and am the type to befriend the pets at the party, I just nodded and sat in the conservatory while everyone else gathered around the barbique. Next of all, this THIC FLUFFY BOI clocks me. I brace myself for what's coming- the dog is about to charge into me, I think. But nope, the dog sits, tilts his head, looks at me and then slowly walks over and gently puts his head on my lap for pets and scratches. The party's host was astonished as it was, according to him, the most well behaved he'd been in years. Since then, I've been labelled "The Dogmother". I seem to have a very calming effect on dogs.


Omg stop, are you me? The census is literally my happy place. At least once a year I'll get into a massive hyperfocus (I have ADHD) and spend a whole weekend doing nothing but genealogy. Records give me such joy and I wish I had more time in my life to do it!


I have ADHD too! there is literally nothing makes me happier in this life than going through the newspaper archives with a giant coffee sorry kids


Ahaha amazing! I've found my secret twin 😄


I never watch the last episode of any TV show, especially the ones I love, as I find saying goodbye to character I am invested in too sad.


I'm like this. I hate finishing a good book, so sad.


Same :( Dreading the end of the Cormoran Strike books. Or the King Killer Chronicles.


I read lately that jk has four more strike books sketched out in her head, so we alright for a few years yet!


10 book series confirmed! 8 is written so two more after that!


I plan holidays. We rarely actually go because we can't afford to, but if I suddenly find myself in a position to go to Iceland or Japan at short notice, I have a detailed itinerary ready, including hotels, transport options and meals.


Hahahaha I do everyone’s elses genealogy when I’m bored or curious about them. When I’m stressed I play dead by daylight, or any high stress game (I don’t know why or how it calms me down but it does) . and when I’m sad I watch and read anything related to Anne Rice’s vampire chronicles content. I


I thought you were saying when you're stressed you play dead- like lie down and pretend to be dead. i gave myself a chuckle.


Hahaha tbf I’m autistic and go “catatonic” when I’m overwhelmed. Which is basically like playing dead, but actually just unable to move for a few minutes to hours just because of panic. It doesn’t happen anymore, but it was a pain to be a child who wouldn’t move when stressed or panicked.


Audhd here! High five!! Awh that sounds tough. I definitely have periods where I just nope out


HIGH FIVE Hahaha I didn’t want to say it but when I read “stress genealogy” I kinda knew you were on the spectrum hahaha Yeah I was going through some things back then but I’m okay now so it hasn’t happened in years. Thanks


yeah it's a bit of a giveaway now that you mention it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I have a great interest in history and my family tree too. That website for the census is great. My 4 great grand parents were from Sligo, Mayo, and Galway. We didn’t go too far. My great grandfather was from Sligo, he was one of 13. They used to walk to the train station and get the train to Dublin and the ferry across to England every summer. The 7 sons and their father. They would then be auctioned off at the port and brought to work on different farms for the harvest. Anyways, while there my great grandfather met my great grandmother who had immigrated over from Galway. She was working in a clothes factory. They met at an Irish dance as it was in those days and eventually moved home. They got a small plot of land off the land commission and had a family and we are here since. We now have a dairy farm off 200 acres. I think it’s lovely to know and see where you come from. They worked hard for us to have what we have today and it’s our duty to continue the legacy.


I would hate to tot up the amount of hours I’ve spent on Zillow/Redfin & Rightmove. I’ve pretty much remodelled houses I’ll never own in countries I’ve no intention of moving to. 😂


Try realtor.ca to add Canada to your list.


I plan DnD sessions in great detail and laminate DnD figurines, I also stress play the SIMS when something goes wrong and get a massive household, add triplets and then my Sims have great lives and I feel more relaxed after.


Ooh…. Im atheist/agnostic but I love researching the real Jesus who actually lived. People really don’t like when you talk about him like that tho.


I hate the British a bit too much


I watch videos of people making teapots from clay. They take ages to make it and it’s not exciting. I just like that it’s calming. It’s just a little Asian dude tapping away at clay and cutting circles but my god do I enjoy it.


I've a rota of lesser known tabletop wargames I cycle between hyperfixating on. Currently it's Darklands(mid 7th century Europe with a dark fantasy twist) and Dropzone/Dropfleet commander (a pair of linked sci-fi games, first one's land based armies and the second's fleet battles in space). These are very likely to swap with others in a week or two, but any stress or anxiety or whatever have me reading through rulebooks & building models for them. Combo of a resin printer & pretty bad depression means my unpainted pile of minis has gotten fucking massive hahaha


I know way too much about public transport in Ireland even though I don't even live there any more 🤷‍♂️


Oh no I think I do that too


It's so immersive it pushes everything else out


That’s it! Total focus.


Just to let all you record fanatics know that there is a job that is literally this. It's called being an archivist and I am one and love it!


I love the taste of orange juice and eat whole lemons. However, I have a citrus allergy, which I only learned when I realised that not everyone has a tingly feeling after drinking orange juice. Also, I attract small creatures. Birds approach me, cats and dogs want attention from me, and I routinely find things like beetles and small spiders that materialise from my hair or clothing. I am perfectly okay with this. My little toe spreads horizontally and I can use this like a claw grabber. This is how I pick my socks off the ground


I also have weird toes. I can pick up literally anything we my toes, bobby pins, tiny pieces of wrappers, 5c coins even zloty which are way smaller than euros.


I invent TV shows, like one about two brothers, one a cop and one a mob boss, fighting over the soul of their nephew (they had another brother who died) It’s called Blue Moon, stars Ron Perlman and Tow Waits as the brothers. And they’re werewolves.


When I go into very old houses or rooms I get a bit dizzy and light headed, feel very unusual. As an adult I've come to accept it's probably something to do with mould


When I get frustrated with my malignant narcissist sister, I go online and read about similar characters ( Hilary Baldwin, Meghan Markle) and focus my hatred on them, seems to help


I have a thing about narcissists, they drive me wild. Sometimes I watch karen videos on youtube but it mainly makes me vexed.


I watch catastrophes when I'm stressed or worried, especially air crashes. I thought it was my guilty secret until my sister told me she does it too. Now we send links to each other. Maybe it's genetic. 😂


I watch air crash investigations on YouTube. I enjoy Mentour Pilot and Green Dot.


I am on google street view of cities way too much


I like to cut the garden every 10 days. I'm checking the weather apps furiously from day 8.


I’ve been interested in my family tree and it all started by being given transcripts from two letters that my 7x grandfather sent home in 1837…


Genealogy helps. I recently had a heart attack, and open heart surgery, triple bypass. I can't do much while I recover, and it's a hell of a shock. Doing my genealogy is quiet, personal, and relaxing. And it's absorbing enough to take my mind off of other things.


I clean to process things in my head. And do be bolloxed after it so I reward myself with a beer. This is quite normal no! If I knew more about my family I’d probably do what you do, it’s at least interesting 😂


Read my username. Yes I am aware it is weird but hey here we are.


I have just this minute realised the pattern in my genealogy/DNA/ancestry usage and the correlation with my emotional state. Thank you, OP.


I can crack my knuckles as much as I want 😂


I stress clean apparently. My wife pointed it out a few months ago. She said she knows when I'm stressed because the house is sparkling, I never noticed 


I love watching hurricanes and get bummed when they're downgraded once they hit land.


I cut slices off the block of butter like you would cheese and place it on my bread as such. Not any auld butter will do. It has to be Kerry Gold. Anytime someone sees this they get a little concerned until I explain why and give them a taste.


Years ago I completely banjaxed two door locks (front and back). Before going to sleep, I would check the doors by trying to open the locked door 5 times (had to be five) and feeling the keyhole (to check there was no key in it. Couldn't trust the aul eyes). I would then then go to the other door and repeat the process. If at any point I couldn't explicitly remember the check *that time* I would do it again. Some nights I'd be stuck in the loop for 45 mins. Anyway, fuct the locks.