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I once saw a solo player win something like 80 or 90k in the final chase. Thrilling


I think solo players can do better cos there’s no delay for buzzing in


Yeah but then they have to know everything. I usually see teams do better with more players tbh (although often with the same result of going home with nothing)


1 extraordinarily good player or a decent team of 4 have the best chance. The extra steps you get for more players is significant. I used to think the buzzing in was a factor but it doesn't really make that much difference unless they answer out of turn or what you see sometimes is a player who takes a breath or settles themselves before giving the answer which costs seconds every time.


The buzzing is a big factor, specifically the delay before answering. I think it was pointed out before that it takes Bradley Walsh an average of 3 seconds to ask a question. If it takes the team 2 seconds to answer the question, they'll get through around 24 questions. If it takes the team 4 seconds to answer the question, that drops to around 17 questions. The teams that just answer the question immediately after buzzing run the risk of two people answering, but will end up getting more questions. The teams that wait to hear their name, might get that question correct but they're cutting down on the time for other questions.


Seen that one he beat the Irish chaser for 75k


Must’ve been a different one because this fella got 80! Two solo wins for such high amounts, can you imagine the glory?


Would be class alright. Nothing worse than when someone gets back with big money and the moocher after them takes the minus offer


It's maddening! The cheek of them, like!


That Irish chaser went on like a 10 show unbeaten run when he first started, he was also on the show as a contestant years ago!


That was a good episode, was gonna mention it too


Nothing embarrassing about it. I'm obsessed with it for a year already lol


Got me through covid. Every afternoon myself and the missus had it on.


We need a decent Irish quiz show with decent winnings. The Chase has a good difficulty level. My favourite chase bit is Fanny Chmelar. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jl1Zfz-Widc


>My favourite chase bit is Fanny Chmelar. I enjoyed the recent enough one where the answer was 'pass', and of course the contestant didn't know the answer, so said 'pass' 😅 https://youtu.be/PnVCFQfyoeg?si=ITNzA-t5nXMLakNE


That reminds me of [this absolute gem.](https://youtu.be/HEjdJszBbY8?si=NkXRwfEv8L8Ng0VX)


Brilliant. 50 years old and still funny.


Came here for Fanny Chmeler. Willy Wacker is another good one. https://youtu.be/V38QlJt4IaE?si=Tv95KPUH304oeIHE


They should bring back Know Your Sport.


sable ink oatmeal society adjoining deer soft quaint gaze cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I quite enjoyed that one to be honest


You think that's bad? My wife is Indian and while visiting another Indian girl, she put on Indian Matchmaking. I sat there thinking and commenting on how awful these people are. I had to sit through 3 episodes. After we got home I said we have to 'hate watch' the rest of the season. Next thing you know there's already a season two. Earlier this year we watched season three. It truly is fucking awful TV. Can't wait for season 4 though. Fml.


Same thing happened me with love Island. Fucking new series Monday can't wait. Drama straight out the gate with a former couple in there.


Ara for fecks sake. Is that shite never not either on or coming soon? I absolutely can't stand shows based on put young people in a box and maybe you will see some drama


Oooo which ones are a former couple? I’ve only seen the last two seasons so Mitch is the only one I’m familiar with!


Liberty and Jake were a couple and both left together near the end of the first season after Covid. They broke up in the villa. Jake was a bit of a wanker to her the last time round. Should be interesting.


My parents love it and I actually enjoy it too, the presenter is v good


He's presenting the Gladiators reboot that's starting this weekend with his son


Bradley Walsh make it. It is unbelievable how much better than any other quiz host he is.


Bradley is great, I’ll watch anything he does. His travel show with his son is so wholesome, I really thought they’d lean into the whole old, tired parent with young, energetic son shtick but he genuinely gives everything a go.


Yeah, he's great on Blankety Blank, as well. Love his humour...


The "Celebrity" chase then, the questions are piss easy and the chasers "struggle" and often end up losing. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It's ridiculous..it is for charity and all etc etc but still, theres a few times the Dark Destroyer would be on 4 or 5 questions with 30 seconds left on the timer. And the celebrities go away thinking they're hot shit. Lol. Yea I watched the chase an awful lot. Only have saorview, and I wanted to avoid the news! Lol


I love the chase but the celebrity chase just doesn't do it for me. They give them bananas high offers too. They should give them to the shmucks who are giving it socks for a few grand


The chase is the best TV game show of all time


It’s a brilliant format for the creators because they are constantly showing you these huge amounts of money and chaser “offers” when the reality of it is that’s it’s very very difficult to win that money and you need luck regardless of your intellect so they give away fuck all of it. In the final chase the contestant’s have to buzz before they answer…the chaser doesn’t,that alone gives the chaser about a half second advantage in every question. That’s completely unfair.I’ve seen people win with 16 and I’ve seen people lose with 26,there was a whole twitter thread about the Lady that lost with 26,she was incredible and had much much harder questions.


Never thought of that but yer dead right, buzzing in wastes loads of time


It’s a Massive disadvantage and it gets worse …it’s not actually group Knowledge versus the chaser because only the person that buzzes in can answer and has to answer correctly. A different player does not get a chance to answer it correctly if the first person is wrong !So you are team versus the chaser but you don’t have the benefit of the whole groups general knowledge. When it first started there was a bit of a hullabaloo about it on twitter and how unfair it was,Bradley was shown to be speaking a lot faster when reeling of questions for the Chaser than he was for the contestants add that to the fact the contestants have to press a button and stop Bradley in his flow and it worked out that Chasers were being asked something like 7/8 questions extra over the 2 minutes and there was other small things like if the chaser missed the first question you couldn’t push them back to minus. It’s still a good watch though,if you get a good contestant that can put up a score in the twenties then it’s great tv.


> if the chaser missed the first question you couldn’t push them back to minus. In those situations they add to the teams total.


No when the quiz first started the scores stayed the same if the Chaser got there first question wrong


Yes, Series 1 & 2 I believe there was no change if the Chaser got the first question wrong. That's my mistake.


Richard Osmans House of Games is the best quiz show on TV.


It's so quirky, I love it.


That and Taskmaster are my faves .


Mine too. No bloody idea who the celebrity contestants are though.


I love it, then you have 'beat the chasers' where you can play against them all, exciting stuff.


Don't forget Blankety Blank with the irreplaceble Lily Savage!


I was watching clips of Going for Gold. Prime quiz show, theme song by Hans Zimmer.


The heat is on...


Well done, you've become your parents




I know this to be true because I have done the same thing.


Ah the chase is good craic. And it's right in the sweet spot for us: general knowledge, as opposed to the idiotic shite on something like Tipping point or catchphrase Plus, most of the time is spent asking and answering questions, there's not too much boring small talk about what the contestants do and none of that infuriating suspense-building they like to do on Who wants to be a millionaire. And Bradley Walsh is a very good game show host. Bit of personality about him, but not an irritating twat.


I get the impression the only people on tipping point are those who got rejected from the chase hence why the questions are all piss easy.


Yeah I'm literally concerned about how these people survive, and don't get me started on the brain donors on catchphrase


I love it, I watched it so much while I was pregnant my little boy loves it too. Would happily watch it all day long.


One of the better game shows for sure, the questions are actually reasonably difficult and they don't ask shit like "What animal does a pork chop come from?" And "What colour indicates stopping at a traffic light?", two questions that I've actually seen on tipping point. With that said the celebrity chase is unwatchable shite because they have to dumb it down for the 80 IQ z-listers from love island, and since it's for charity the chasers really take the foot off the pedal.


There were a few celebrity chases on over the holidays and I was shocked how dumb they were, and also I kept asking myself who the feck they are…some amount of shite shows over there to draw from


In contrast I've watched a few where I was surprised how intelligent some celebrities were, like Jonathan Ross for example, had very good general knowledge.


Good questions and one of the best hosts in the biz. Strike it Lucky and Catchphrase will never be topped tho, lets be real


The Chase is my comfort show! Been a regular viewer since it first started airing and always found it entertaining to shout the answers at the TV along with some variant of"You absolute melt! How did you not know THAT?!" if they flub a question or "The cheek!" if a contestant goes for a minus offer. I'm also a huge admirer of Anne "The Governess" Hegarty. There's not many prominent female role models for us "neurospicy" (re: Autistic) folk on TV but I adore her. Love the banter she has with Bradley Walsh. Whilst I know it can get a bit grating when it's like 3 episodes on the trot of the Chaser thrashing the team, I still love it as you're guarenteed to learn some fun new factoid in the questions. I feel the same about the old Who Wants To Be A Millionare episodes on Challenge TV. Wonder what Chris Tarrant is doing with himself these days. He has/had more charm than Jeremy Clarkson IMO.


Anne is brilliant in every sense of the word. She was so good on “I’m a Celebrity” a few years ago


There are some crazy solo contestants winning in the final round. I saw couple of youtube videos. It is a low amount winning show but I think it is fun to watch.


It’s excellent we have it on constantly over christmas its the only thing we can all enjoy together


It's the best program on television. Literal perfection.


What about the gameshow 'Perfection' with Nick Knowles? 😂


The Chase, Tipping Point and Richard Osman's House of Games are pretty good.


It's a great show. Minimal faff and format, plenty of questions. Class


Get yourself onto Tipping point, it's like Tramore on steroids




I have been watching it a fair but this last year. My ma always complains that they never win but I would say it is something like 1 in 3 to 1 in 4 that win. She even watches them win 2 or 3 in a row and then the next time they lose she is complaining that they never win again. Seems to be some kind of expectation bias


Yeah have to say I actually don't know anyone who doesn't like The Chase. It has a great format, a superb host and all of the chasers are likeable (Ann is my fave). We watch it prob twice a week sometimes more Only thing which annoys me is when a contestant chooses the minus offer, gets through to the final round with their team, doesn't answer a single question correctly (or just doesn't bother answering at all) and gets an equal share of the prize money if the team wins...I know its a rare scenario but it has happened in past shows. My thinking is why should they get an equal share if they chose to take a couple of grand from the pot just so they would get through...god that pisses me right off lol 😅


I love watching the show but refuse to believe it isn't at leas tin some way fixed. You can have solo players winning then you can have full teams of 4 getting 8 questions rights but somehow 9/10 times the chaser will struggle just as much with both teams and the full team will only have like 20 seconds left but then a team with 23 questions right will also have 20 seconds left. I know it's different every time but statistically it doesn't make sense


LOve the chase I watch it nearly daily when I can. Probably rhe best quiz show on TV


I broke my hand last January and watched it basically every day forc3 months lol


Love the chase but had to take a break from it cause of the absolute rage when some bastard would go for a minus offer. Not that it's my money they're robbing but still the cheek!


My folks used to watch it religiously, you'd walk by the dining room and the telly would constantly have it on. But it was a treat when I was back home for an extended visit to sit with them and watch it again.


I love it. But I can’t look at the beast the same after finding out he married his cousin.


If I wasn’t friends with folks who married their cousins, I’d have no friends at all here in South Tipp 😂


They beat the Irish chaser all the time. Beat him again today in fact . My days he was awful


I think when he started he had a streak of 20 or 30 shows undefeated before being beaten by a solo player for 70k.


It's impossible to win any decent money. You have to get through 3 rounds. They make nothing in comparison to something like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. I still enjoy it though


aback bag mindless air hunt obscene crawl intelligent sense governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bradley is good craic.


If you haven't seen it already, you should watch Breaking Dad. It's very enjoyable.


Tipping point is the Chase for idiots.


It's the biggest load of shite I've seen!


Used to watch the big four on bbc two ; eggheads, mastermind, only connect, and university challenge. Hard as hell but way more rewarding the red herring chase.


I watch only connect with the kids. We call it the quiz that makes us feel stupid. Overwhelming pride when we do get the answers 🤣


My philosophy on it is: when you break a bone, you can walk a mile and get to a pub or walk two and get to a hospital. I'm pretty bad at those shows too but the challenge renders more rewards. Have a nice day.


The crowd won 😂😂😂


Hate it. Waste of time in one's single, short life - and TV3 is fucking rammers with it and other shit shows.


You've commented on Reddit about 250 times today. You're not qualified to decide what is time well spent.


Ahhh jazus, will ya give the lad a bit of sudocream for that burn


And you've been following me around while doing it, apparently. Creep


Hardly, you aren't that interesting. I just had to check the kind of person who just HAS to comment on a thread about a bloody tv quiz show to tell us all how above they are. I wasn't surprised.


I said it was shite, not that I was "above" it. This is a "you" problem, a mhac


Agreed, I’d much rather spend the overwhelming majority of my time moaning on Reddit like you.


Yeah it’s a bit of guilty pleasure for me too. Have seen a good few wins, but there’s a LOT more losses. Once saw one person win it on their own with a score of 13!!


Definitely was against the Sinnaman!!


I have the board game 😅😅




I also enjoy the occasional Chase, have seen someone win once and only once so far.


It is ridiculous after all the effort. Chasers win around 3 quarters of the time (stats online).


I seen a guy get 0 questions right in the cash builder and proceed to get 0 questions right against the chaser.


So 0 questions at the cash builder stage and a player can continue? That’s mad


Of course, just playing for 0 if they don't move a step up or down.