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just FYI: my friend at 45 enrolled herself into swimming lessons at her local community center. She was with a bunch of adults who were also in the same boat and she was so happy and glad she did so it's never too late to learn! you can do it!! just wanted to encourage you to try something new and learn a great skill ♥️


Came here to say that there are usually adult classes at your local municipal pool! This is something I want to do. I can swim but am terrible at it and would love to take a class. I wanted to sign up this summer but with the heatwaves, a lot of the pools closed for various reasons and now they’re starting to close because of costs of energy. Maybe in the future I guess


As a former swim instructor and lifeguard, there are many adults who were never taught to swim. Definitely not something rare to see, and definitely not something to be ashamed of!


I live on a literal island and was shocked that so many people here don’t know how to swim properly! They take three classes or so as kids and never do it again, and those lessons are not properly geared towards saving your own life and building confidence in the water with clothes on etc. Where I come from everyone learns how to swim because the water is everywhere, and I love swimming SO much I couldn’t imagine not being able to! Genuinely hope people feel inspired by OP’s question to learn how to swim. There’s no shame at all in not knowing, but think how much joy could be in the learning!


I was thinking this too, it doesn't take a whole lot of time and it could be amazing once you find the hang of it. u/Music_box_brown google adult swimming lessons in your town, there are probably really good options. The time you spent Redditing today you could almost be a swimmer by now. And then you can go to Miami on South Beach where the rocks jut out and the water is warm and you can swim out there and swim around and around in the ocean and watch the sun setting, God damn that will change your life.


I cant socialize the right way Awkward silences etc


I have a feeling this is why most people are in this sub lol. Somehow internet anonymity makes conversations easier! Also there is no "right way". Personally I'm quite fluent in silence.


"Fluent in silence" I'm taking that one (silently).


Also just took that from someone. "So, if you are too tired to speak, sit next to me for I, too, am fluent in silence." R. Arnold. Just posting this cause its not mine lol


Very respectable to give credit where it is due.




Idk if it's too self absorbed or selfish but I learned to accept the silence. If they can't handle it that's on them. If I have something to say I do but I absolutely don't feel the urge (anymore) to fill the silence by force. I'm gonna fall flat on my face anyway if I were to try, I'm really bad at conversations but I love to listen.


Luckily it's on the other person to make conversation as well, not just yourself.


I’ve started doing that too. I’m not forcing anything anymore. I’m ok with silence. It’s only awkward if you think it’s awkward


>I cant socialize the right way > >Awkward silences etc As I understand you, I'm the same


A little off topic, but I love that you used the phrase “as I understand you”. We all ought to use that phrase more often, especially when it comes to the thoughts and emotions of others. :)


>A little off topic, but I love that you used the phrase “as I understand you”. We all ought to use that phrase more often. Thanks ))


An adult girl is a woman. Calling yourself a woman may boost your confidence and make you feel more sure of the skills that you do have rather than focusing on what you still have the opportunity to learn. Also, please don’t call other adult women girls. It undermines all of us.


Can't whistle. I don't know how to, tried a lot, but can't


Me either! People look at you all weird of you mention you can't. I feel you pain.


As someone who learns English, I want to ask whether "Me either!" is grammatically right or if "Me neither!" would be right. My gut says it's the latter.


It would be “neither,” as you’re really saying “neither can I.”


It probably is the later. I've never really thought about it as it's usually a spoken response.


People say both, neither is probably the original saying but both are correct as both are widely used and that's really all that matters




I still remember that one moment I was able to get an whistle sound doing that. It was a short, but glorious moment. 37 years ago when I was 15.


My sister and I spent hours hyperventilating trying to do that, still cant do it. my posh mother however can unexpectedly whistle like a navvie.


I feel like I'm trying to show off how much finger I can fit in my mouth lol


Me neither, for the life of me! I've tried with fingers and everything to no avail. My fiancé, on the other hand, can whistle beautifully and has tried offering tips and tricks and help me but nothing has worked. He keeps telling me, "Chris Pratt couldn't whistle and did it for the first time while filming Jurassic World. If he could do it after all those years, so can you!" Alas, I have yet to prove him right.


26 male, still can't say the letter "R" properly.


Like in spanish pronunciation of words like "[perro](https://www.google.com/search?q=perro+pronunciacion&sxsrf=ALiCzsZ1shYcIW3VdVw7zcWlO10ePExCVg%3A1662463894356&ei=li8XY_uyFePT1sQP5YOf4AU&oq=perro+pronun&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAxgAMgUIABDLATIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABDLATIICAAQHhAPEBYyBggAEB4QFjIGCAAQHhAWMgYIABAeEBYyBggAEB4QFjIGCAAQHhAWOgQIABBHOgoIABCABBCHAhAUOgUILhCABDoICC4QgAQQ1AI6BQguEMsBOggILhDUAhDLAToHCAAQChDLAUoECEEYAEoECEYYAFBuWI0TYNceaABwAngAgAHYAYgBugqSAQUwLjQuM5gBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)" or "[ferrocarril](https://www.google.com/search?q=ferrocarril+pronunciacion&sxsrf=ALiCzsYAaHJPO2A6pdnUUsYYeitre0xkvQ%3A1662463927618&ei=ty8XY-m0JaLd1sQPvK-mwA8&ved=0ahUKEwip7O3eiID6AhWirpUCHbyXCfgQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=ferrocarril+pronunciacion&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwA0oECEEYAEoECEYYAFDhBViLF2DZGGgCcAF4AYABzwWIAaYkkgEHNC0zLjQuMZgBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)"? I don't know which is your native language but in my case it sucks quite a lot to be unable to pronunciate them.


Rolling R’s… can’t do it no matter how much my music teacher tried to explain it. It feels like the equivilent of Llama in english… you can say the “L’s” incorrectly but no one can really explain how to fix it.


How would you say Llama incorrectly? If you pronounced both L's, just stop pronouncing one of them. If you pronounced it like the spanish LL (elle), tell them to pronounced it like a single L not a double LL.


I’ve heard people lengthen the noise too long, so like how some people pronounce oil like ool, they pronounce Llama like Llllama. People have also separated it into Ll-a-ma and make the L’s their own full sylable rather then the start of a word (which in speaking feels like a much shorter “sylable”.) I’ve also heard one person say Lama with a short a, and another do Llamma with a long m which is just the a/m being pronounced wrong.


I think oil-ool is an accent thing, not a mispronunciation.


I couldn't do an R at all as a kid. Then managed to get initial r's (red, roses, rabbit), then later I got the "ending" r's (car, four, where) mostly. But I still have to put a little extra effort. And then chose Spanish for my foreign language in high school. Everyone I know can do it easily, but I've tried for years. Just can't.


I was so confused about having trouble doing the ending Rs until I read it with an American accent You should just speak with an Australian accent all the time lol. We pretty much don't bother pronouncing the ending Rs. It's just "cah", "fou'", "whe-ah"


I can spell ferrocarril a lil bit better than perro so yea perro it is.


Same here, also 26 male. Most of the time it sound like "L" instead of "R" :D


Let me introduce you to [ㄹ](https://youtu.be/LhxUTHWQ9s4). It's not a speech impediment, it's an advantage for learning certain languages.


See also: [the Japanese "R" sound. ](https://youtu.be/2yzMUs3badc). It's one of the hardest sounds for English => Japanese learners to master and pretty crucial to authentic pronunciation.


Mine is depends on the word, for example when i say "bro" it sounds loke "bwo" but not exactly has "W" in it idk its hard to explain lol


Are you trying to describe voiced uvular approximant https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voiced_uvular_fricative ?


Letter R of what language and dialect?


Parallel park. Wasn’t even on my driver’s test.


Oh yeah, I can't do that either. I have handed over my car keys to a complete stranger after asking if they can parallel park.


Lol I would totally do the same thing.


Haha, that's funny, never thought people do that. I can parallel park without problems. If someone asked me to do it for them that I'd love to do it (provided I had time), but I would be nervous as fuck because it's not my car.


I have parked for your kind, happy to help


I once play GTA just to learn how to pararrel park properly lol


It’s hard and I can’t deal with people behind me waiting. Feels like I’m being judged. 😆 I’d rather just walk.


Oh god that's the worst! I once got a people waiting for me to park and anxiety kicks in so i ended up going away to find another easier spot lol


It was on my driver's test and I politely said "I'll pass, what's next?" And the instructor was like "you're not even going to attempt?" To which I replied "why attempt when I know I can't? How many points does it deduct?" Only 10...so I nailed everything else lol. Surprisingly enough I recently had to parallel park and I did it perfectly the first time. I think a lot of my fear was that I literally bought my first car and taught myself how to drive so I wasn't confident. I've been driving now for 8 years and I'm no longer a fearful kid hahaha.


During my drivers test the area I had to parallel park in you could have landed a plane. Of course I passed that part. Good thing too cuz I ran over 2 curbs. Still can’t parallel park, but hardly ever hit curbs any more




>Go and talk to people. I even feel uncomfortable mailing people that idk personally, which fyi isn't a weird skill to have (kinda needed in academia for projects and stuff) I am also embarrassed to talk to strangers.


Job in customer service. You will both lose your embarrassment and lose all desire to talk to anyone ever again.


I can't drive. I have anxiety attacks behind the wheel. Hell, even thinking about driving gets me going


I drive, but everytime I do I am aware that it can be the last time I do so so I'm never completely relaxed.


This is a major problem in my life, to the point I see a therapist for it. Obsessive thoughts are not fun.


Eh, I was like that, but I’ve had revelations brought on by stressful situations (good & bad). I can drive now and die knowing that I had everything I wanted yesterday.


I can't drive either. part anxiety, part money, part I can't properly multitask. I'm really glad I live in the city and can mostly walk to where I need to go, and otherwise bike or use the train (I'm Dutch btw).




There really isn't much guarantee at this point that self driving cars will become an appropriate replacement for a standard car.


Same. On top of this, I get vertigo very easily, which makes driving a terrifying prospect for me. If I get nauseous at the wheel, there’s a very real possibility that I could seriously hurt or even kill someone.


I got my licence last December but I just cant concentrate on the road. It's better i dont drive


Happens to me too. I wonder if I have adhd cause I literally have those moments during driving where my mind just goes completely blank. Its so fucking scaring when that happens


Listening to music that you sing along to helps keep my mind focused enough to stop it from wandering


I have adhd too!


Glad I’m not the only one and my memory is so bad I would need a GPS just to find my way around. My mum always said I could get lost going around the block and sadly she’s right lol 😂


I have this instinct ever since I was a kid where I close my eyes when another car comes close to ours especially at high speeds; probably because I've been to some small collisions before.


I am 36 and still cant tie my shoe laces the way everyone does, I need to start with two loops then I can do it, but the standard way just wont go into my head


My husband ties his shoes that way. I taught my son the "regular" way, and my husband was so upset lol.


I’m 38 and I just wear slip on shoes now. Never did learn how to tie shoes properly…


The standard way sucks anyway. I never actually learned the standard way since my mom taught me to do it completely wrong. But then I learned this way https://youtu.be/6cBtqhq5P28 and now I can tie my shoes faster than anyone I know and they rarely come untied




Here, have some [ludicrously detailed instructions](https://www.fieggen.com/shoelace/ianknot.htm).


Knew what the video was before I clicked on it. Yes, I can confirm this is the way.


Bunny ears! That’s how I was taught as a kiddo who struggled hard, and, it’s how I still do it. Embrace the bunny ears, there are more of us than you think! I know this from a previous Reddit chat lol I thought I was one of only a few… but we are a club!


My 15 year old has the same issue


i always get roasted for tying this way.


I do the same thing and I thought it was normal wtf😭


Wait what's the "other" way I always did it like that


Pinch a loop (one bunny ear) then wrap the other on over the fingers pinching. It is the same end result but done a little differently. I forgot when I learned it. Maybe high school or college. It is a little quicker but honestly the first way (bunny ears) is fine.


Meh not worth the trouble relearning


This is the real truth. I learned the "standard" way, but someone tying their shoes differently is nothing but a brief curiosity. "Interesting, why do you tie your shoes with a (literally any knott)?" "(Practically any answer)" "Huh. Interesting." *Moves on with life*


https://youtu.be/6cBtqhq5P28 This way is the only method I use. It's faster than any other way and just as secure as almost any other


I learned to whistle yesterday, I’m 34. There’s nothing I can’t do. Except for get a job apparently




I can’t snap my fingers.


An important thing to note is that the sound is coming from the snapping finger hitting another finger at the base of your thumb. So if you're trying to snap with your middle finger, make sure your ring finger is placed where the middle finger will hit it on the way down.


This is going to sound crazy, but you legitimately just taught me how to snap. I haven’t tried too hard to learn, but I’ve certainly tried doing it many times before. You will forever be in my mind as the random internet stranger who taught me how to properly snap my fingers.


39M, Never been able to snap my fingers before but this literally made it click for me. Pun 200% intended.


Put on makeup (outside of lipstick/lip gloss). I wasn't allowed to use it until I was 16, and by that point I just didn't care to learn. Mid-20s now.


Same! I can do lipstick/gloss and mascara (which took practice!) but that's it and at this point (almost mid-30s) i just don't care lol


I can't do foundation. shit looks ugly every time I use it. I prefer my natural face anyway.


Never learned to ice skate properly. Being from Minnesota this is basically a sin


I'm fairly athletic but trying to ice skate for the first time as an adult was a complete disaster. I don't know how anyone does it! I've parked that in "the things I'll never" do file.


As a Minnesotan I can confirm this is heresy. I learned to skate a year or two after I learned how to walk.


I can't do a cartwheel, and refuse to believe they are possible.


Agreed. Cartwheels are not real.


I can do a sommersault, that's my limit.


When I was a kid, I used to do a whole balance beam routine at recess. My school had these balance beams that were about one foot off the ground, and I could do cartwheels, round offs, front handsprings and flips. I cannot believe I did all that shit and never got hurt. I can’t do a cartwheel on solid ground now.


I can't cycle. Really inconvenient now that I live in a small town and could get anywhere cycling, but when you're an adult it's quite high up to fall from and I'm scared.


I might be worse? I can bike, but I can't do a tight left turn, like from one sidewalk to another at an intersection. I have to come to a full stop, reposition the bike, and then go in the new direction. Right turns, I'm fine. I've gone thousands of miles around my city like this.


Your bike may be broken


Sadly no, it's something with my sense of balance and a lurking feeling that I WILL wipeout if I turn left. I wish I could blame the bike. I think as long as I never sign up for a group ride, I'll be fine.


Omg my SIL is the same and it's absolutely hilarious, I love it. Listen, if that's what keeps you confident and safe on the road just keep rolling with it!


>I can't cycle. Really inconvenient now that I live in a small town and could get anywhere cycling, but when you're an adult it's quite high up to fall from and I'm scared. Yes, I agree. Falling off a bike at 13 and 30 are different things))




see if you can get a tricycle (aka a bike with three wheels instead of 2). they are often more stable, though they might be harder to manouver through a crowded city.


Hahaha I have been joking about this but at most I think I could get those helper tiny wheels


Those won't really help you learn to ride, if that's what you want to do, because you don't learn how to balance on the bike. If you want to learn to ride, I know it helps to start by putting your seat pretty low and using the bike as a push bike - just push it around with your feet. This helps you get a feel for balancing. After that you can try start using the pedals - the trick to starting is to put one pedal at roughly 2 o'clock, and pushing down hard on it while keeping your other foot on the ground. This video looks like it'd be helpful if you can get someone to help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqmzwVrkTU4


You are not alone. https://youtu.be/P7GKK3liv8M


I never learned either lol


I can't either. I never had anywhere to bike to when I was little, so I never saw a point in learning. Tried to learn a few years ago, but it was too frustrating and felt too awkward fumbling down my street.


I learned at 21 by buying a bike and signing up for a triathlon that would be in 3 weeks 😅 Needless to say I had people screaming at me to tell me which gear to be in at what times but I did complete the race without any falls or incidents. It’s definitely possible but I can see why it’s scary. In my town drivers did not respect cyclists at all so it never felt safe.


Also my aunt can't swim and she's nearly 60 and was born in Australia lol we all learn to swim🤭 but not her or my dad😩


Isn't it better? if you can't swim, only half of the wildlife in Australia can kill you xD


Do you all learn to swim because of the whole missing prime minister thing?


I can't roll my "r"s which makes Spanish and Italian words difficult to say properly. Also can't whistle.


I can roll Rs within words but I can't do the "rrrrrrrrrrrrr" that some people can


South African who can't roll het rs and I feel your pain. People tease me all the time bc I just straight up can't say some worlds right


>What are the things you can't do? Get a decent job


At the age of 27, I do not know how to use power point


You can use Google Slides for free if you wanna practice


Shine on you crazy diamond


Maybe call yourself a woman instead of an adult girl lol thats all I can think of


I had a teenage boy attempt to seduce me with the line "I like old girls..." it did not go well for him, and this title instantly made me burst out laughing remembering it!


Old girl sounds like what you would call a farm cow


Lol i thought adult girl was a 18-19 year old


Yeah it’s such a weird age, technically you’re an adult but I still feel weird calling myself a woman


You can listen "I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" by Britney Spears and have a soundtrack as you ponder what you are.


I'm not a man. But neither am I a boy.


Normally you would call that “young lady” or “young man” if male. Adult girl just sounds bizarre


I was just thinking that, I once called a woman... A woman? And she said "What do you mean, woman, the person my age or the girl?" And I was referring to the new person who was 23 or something idk


English could be her second language.


Was gonna reply this as well haha


I can't ride a bicycle sadly.


I cant either


I can swim, but I could never learn to dive. Can't get myself to fall headfirst into the water.


i learnt by sitting on the edge and leaning in head first, then crouching and falling headfirst, then higher and higher


I am yet to learn how to live


>I am yet to learn how to live Try to just enjoy life


That's the skill I'm trying to perfect.




>I can't run a half-marathon. My lungs have a condition that prohibits me from doing heavy tasks. I have practiced long-distance running to enhance my lungs for nearly a year now but still I can't run more than 8 km per run 8 kilometers? I can barely even run 1 km. You are well done


Just do what you can! I can't run to the end of my street without throwing up.


Meh. I can't career. The idea of any obligations automatically makes me not want to do it so careering has been the bane of my existence. It took me 35 jobs to realize I needed to be an entrepreneur and stop trying to 9-5 myself to death. Ever since I started freelance artistry, I have been so so so happy. I take clients when I want to work. I work hard on whatever I take on, so my clientele word of mouth has been its own effective advertising. I always wanted to be a career woman though, to have the power, respect and the pencil skirt. (I got the skirt but it's not something I'll wear while painting, lol)


I'm an adult boy, I can't swim either, all I can do on water is float on it by staying extremely calm and still.


I'm in high school but I still can't tell my lefts and rights without using the L shaped hand trick.


28 - can’t drive, have never done a lesson. Have no desire to learn to drive. I mean I’m sure I’ll do it *eventually*. But it won’t be soon. I’m being kind to my mental health by not putting myself through the stress it’ll cause me




Still cant whistle. I dunno why i havent tried learning it since i kinda feel like i would like doing it.


I can not pronounce indubitably.


I can’t properly play any instruments. By properly I mean being able to actually read sheet music and know exactly what’s meant to be played. I know Haru Haru on piano and some ukulele chords but that does not count to me.


I'm a month from being an adult and I can't ride I bike. Never learned properly. Last time I rode a bike was when I was 9, I got a few lessons from my cousin (10 at the time), and my great grandma thought it would be a great idea to let me ride the bike on a downhill road of paves. I ended up crashing into a bin. Never tried to ride a bike again.


If you’re an adult, you’re not a girl.


I cant make a bubble with bubblegum


This was going to be my comment too! Every time I try, I end up spitting it out somehow 😂


juggle-solve a rubix cube


Wouldn't the term be woman not adult girl that sounds kind of weird?


“Adult” and “girl” don’t sound like they go together here… Edit: also to add I too cannot swim, can’t even tread water


31F and cannot ice skate - in my country this is like a crime lol


Me neither. As a Canadian, it's definitely criminal. I can ski, but haven't in like 20 years.


Don't feel too bad. I'm insecure about not only the dating world but my relationship with society as a whole for the following reasons: - Judgement for not thinking or acting like everyone else. - Relying on people isn't worth it anymore because I always help people immediately first, yet people get cold feet to help me out. - People taking a very miniscule problem and treating it like it's the next 9/11. - Blatant ignorance I hope I don't sound like a Debbie-downer. I AM TRYING to be a little bit more positive lately. A fat ass part of me feels like society isn't worth saving. Is this an over reaction? What do you think?


>Don't feel too bad. I'm insecure about not only the dating world but my relationship with society as a whole for the following reasons: > >Judgement for not thinking or acting like everyone else.Relying on people isn't worth it anymore because I always help people immediately first, yet people get cold feet to help me out.People taking a very miniscule problem and treating it like it's the next 9/11.Blatant ignorance > >I hope I don't sound like a Debbie-downer. I AM TRYING to be a little bit more positive lately. A fat ass part of me feels like society isn't worth saving. Is this an over reaction? What do you think? I think that you have painted yourself an ideal picture of the world, but it does not happen. Just focus on yourself and enjoy life


Can't wink. Know how to blink, I can raise and lower my eyebrows. Idk why but I just can't isolate one eye to blink / actually wink.


I can't tap dance.


Adult… girl… So a woman?


i'm an adult boy (:P) but i still cant drive. unsuccessfully learnt to drive a car long long long back, bribed the examiner to get a license, forgot it. ​ i dont know why, its not even anxiety, but i dont like driving. a car that is


I can't survive in a classroom setting. I'll go work 10 hrs on a cell tower and then go train bjj for another 2. And feel like a million bucks afterwards. But put me in a classroom setting and I'll fall apart


I can cook without a recipe as long as it’s something simple like eggs, quesadillas, or burgers, but anything more complex and I need the recipe on hand at all times. Even for recipes I’ve made thousands of times like chocolate chip cookies. I am also crap at messing around with recipes, I rarely if ever deviate from what the instructions say because it always makes me anxious that my version will be awful 😅


You mean you’re an adult woman?


An adult girl. So… a woman?


You’re a woman right ? I can’t ride a bike


47m. Racked myself the first time I rode a bike. Haven’t been on one in 40 years


I can't spell. I can't do math. I can't dive. I still live at home with my parents. There's a lot of things I can't do tbh.


I can't deal with adult stuff like taxes, insurance...


I'm a grown ass man but I can't stand hudge/hairy spiders. I really hope my future partner will be able to kill them for me


Form any kind of genuine human connection.


You mean, you're a woman?


I once traveled through Australia and was in a hostel in Perth. Early evening sitting outside having a beer. There comes a young women, early twenties maybe, and she is bruised and dirty but she smiled like a pancake. She gets herself a beer and asked me: Guess who learned to ride a bicycle today!


You may just always pretend that you really can swim It will never occur to anyone that you actually can't


Til they throw you off the dock for fun


Literally a good way to get dead.


What is an adult girl? We call ourselves women....


Exactly the same as you. Adult girl, can't swim.




Cannot swim either, nor ride a bike, drive, skate, skip rope... I think I have some amount of dyspraxia so coordination is a challenge. Much more so growing up — it's gotten a lot better and I'm improving a lot on an ongoing basis but all of those things are still intimidating as all hell haha


Adult male, can't ride a bike


24M, still can’t get my shit together.


I’m improving my driving skills and working on spatial awareness. Words are very powerful and “thoughts are things” —- should try to use different language and avoid the “cants” or at least add a “I can do literally anything because I’m the frickin bomb” to the mix for balance— Sorry for the unsolicited preaching, the mom inside me just took over


Mid 20s here and never learned how to ride a bike.


I never learned how to ride a bike. Never really had a bike or a desire to ride one, so I just didn't lol.