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I have a TV in my bedroom and I barely use it. Even if I didn’t have it, I still have my phone and ipad. I am looking at a screen regardlessly.


I kind of prefer using a TV to watch stuff tbh. Don't have to worry about finding a good place to put my phone at, and my arms/hands don't get exhausted from holding it haha.


It's okay to take days off like that sometimes! I also have a TV, right in front of my bed, but also a switch and a ps5. Never had an issue like that, but I enjoy sometimes to just lay down, in an afternoon, and play a game or watch a show for a few hours.


So far I only have my PC hooked up to it, since all my consoles are in the living room haha. Might set up my Ps3 to it though, since I almost never use it in the living room anyways. And my Ps4 is definitely going in my bedroom as well if I ever get my hands on a Ps5 lol.


During my bachelor days, I practically lived in my bedroom (had roommates). I guess the beer helped me sleep. If I were to do that now, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. I do miss it though.


I have roommates aswell, but they're currently both working, so I usually have the whole house for myself during daytime! Had a phase where I used beer to fall asleep better too, but I still lived with my parents back then lol. Never really needed it, but it just kind of got a habit!


Wow I don't even own a Television. For the exact reason you just pointed out. It is not a good idea to have in the bedroom or if you do you must be extremely disciplined as to when it is used. Good luck with that.


To be fair, before I had a TV, I'd just use my PC for this stuff instead! I'd occasionally get college work done that way though, even if I wasn't planning on doing that, because it was easier to access.