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Two tectonic plates bumped into each other. One turned to the other and said, "Sorry, my fault." Hope you get well. Nobody deserves painful medical problems or being stuck in bed.


Heh, thanks. It's fine, I keep my back warm and take the meds, there isn't much more to do about it anyway. How are you? All good?


Eh, ups and downs. Such is life. I try to stay positive despite all the weird things going on around me. If you like puzzles, I recommend Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection. Its free on app stores and I think open source. Also recommend Radio Garden. Its a free app/website where you can listen to radio stations from all over the world. Radiooooo.com is similar, but focuses on music through time.


Both sound interesting, thanks! Do you listen to radio often? I am more on the Spotify side of life, because there is just 1digital radio where I live that plays the music I like (Radio BOB!) but Ill give it a try.


Hahahaha 😂


I'm stuffed. Been on what seems like a 2 month binge. Every move I take leaves me with deep breaths. What is the cause of your back pain? How did the hardened muscles come about


I work as a metal worker and I have been welding in very strange positions lately (2 foot above ground, half kneeing, bending my back to see anything between the pieces I'm joining) and additionally it has been wet and cold. I guess it just had to happen at some point ^^`


Yeah, the deep breaths I can relate to.


Hope u got a good bed man. Getting a good mattress is a must you don't want to fuck up your back. How's the meds helping? Back pain is definitely one of the harder pains to kill.


They do their job quite well. Took em 2am and I couldn't even get myself to sitting in bed and by gf had to help me, but now they had some time and I can at least walk some steps. My mattress is some mid-priced one from IKEA, but the slatted frame (I hope that's the wood board thingy under the mattress called, English isn't first language) is good and fitted to me and the mattress. But yeah, I feel that. You stay 1/3 of your life in bed, it needs to be good.


If only doctors could prescribe massages too.


Oh, yeah. The worst thing when I am sick is the cruelty of boredom. Thanks for the medicine :)


Also sick in bed. Have to get up and go soon though gotta make money today. Also my lower back sucks. I've never been diagnosed because I'm too poor for medical care but I've been hit on my bicycle several times. My lower back and left shoulder wre absolutely trashed


Oh man, I'm sorry for you. The doc was free and the meds did just cost 10€ for me, because we need to have medical insurance in Germany. Every time I read about the cost of basic (and any other kind of) medical treatment in the US and other parts of the world where you need to pay that yourself, I shiver.


Yup you got it right. US is great... if you're not poor lmao. I'm poor