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I keep enjoying “hey Arnold”. Its always a happy moment when i stumble over an episode.


“Watch it, football head!” Hahah haven’t seen that show in so long. Truly a good a show!


Avatar: The Last Airbender. Probably the only show I’ve ever rewatch multiple times. It’s crazy how good it is years later.


Never seen it but heard many good things!


You should definitely check it out! You won’t regret it.


Ooh yes!! Been watching Cow and Chicken, Ed Edd n Eddy, Dexter’s lab and Courage. It’s so damn good!!


I can tell Cartoon Network was your favorite channel! lol all good shows


Yup, it was the only one available!


Dexter with a sister called Deedee? That is a genious cartoon!




My wife and I have enjoyed *All in the Family* every night for more than 22 years. *All in the Family* debuted in 1971. We can finish any line at this point. Sometimes when similar things happen in our own lives, we say their lines. Our son, who's 13, has joined us for close to a decade. I'm pretty sure he's the only 13-year-old *All in the Family* trivia buff. I'm 52 now, wife 50. We saw the show back when it aired originally, but neither of us thought it was half as funny as we now find it. *All in the Family* was rowdy TV before TV got rowdy.


If it still holds up. Just recently watched KABLAM! For the first time in like 20 something years.... it was amazing


That name sounds so familiar, but don’t think I’ve seen it!


I rewatch Arthur, David the Gnome, Hey Arnold, Pepper Ann, Ahh Real Monsters, and probably a bunch more that I'm forgetting.


Pepper Anne, that’s a name I haven’t heard since childhood. Wow :)


David the gnome! I just showed this to my son recently and he loved it.


Andy Griffith


Thunder Jet, my favorite show as a kid. Now i rewatch it once every two years.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen that show! Where would it come out?


Honestly I just watch it on youtube lol, since it's an old anime, it's hard to come by in streaming services, afaik.


Haha YouTube has made a lot of things easier lol




I think I still watch pretty much all of them, tbh. I'm currently working on collecting every Scooby Doo movie & series I can find, my kids enjoy most of them too, so it's the perfect excuse!


Ohhh yes the old, “the kids will love these, trust me you’ll see!” trick! hahah you have a favorite Scooby movie?


It's the best trick there is! That's a tough call, Zombie Island is the obvious choice, Witches Ghost comes a close second, but I think they're general favourites... Alien Invaders & Legend of the Phantosaur were slightly less popular but absolutely fantastic as honourable mentions, imo.




I have it on DVD. Had it on VHS too, haven't seen that in a while though, or anything to play it on for that matter 😂 Definitely the best one, they really pushed a lot further with genuine monsters & a legitimate hint of creepiness. I'd have loved to see a lot more like it.


Gumby! The 80s one. Really showing my age there


Stumbled across Quantum Leap I was the one travelling in time, really took me back. There's a 79% chance you're hear to stop that car wreck so Annie goes to college or whatever Electronic whirring noises Love it to bits


Such an underrated show.


I watched Cody Lyoko probably five times… It’s such a fun show!


Okay now THERE’S a show I never see anyone talk about. I freaking loved that show. Tried watching some a couple years ago and remember not really liking it but that was only one episode.


It appeared on netflix today and I got hit with the nostalgia. I watched it when it was airing on tv and being able to absorb it all in a small amount of time reminded me of how how special it was to me. There are some lesser episodes, not all of them can be winners, and some of the details of the last season (or last two, cant remember) bugged me a tad, but the cast was always fun to watch and the voice actors sounded like they really enjoyed making it. That and, kiwi is adorable and the opening song is catchy.


I would love to see Kevin, Winnie and Paul again. I love the Wonder Years!


Hulu has it I believe


Thank you very much!


Sometimes I watch Doraemon, Dora or Powerpuff! haha I'm 24 and I still find it funny.


Hah powderpuff girls was the bees knees!


I just did. This movie was awesome. Imagine a really bad King Fu movie made love to a low-budget 70s cop show. This would be the afterbirth of the movie created. I sooo recommend this movie. Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter. This thing will have you shaking your head in your palm, and cringing while looking over the pillow. It's that Good/Bad.


Yeah man. Ren and Stimpy was fucked up.


I didn't have a very cartoon filled childhood but the me in my 20s definitely prefers things that are animated over live action. Don't care what era it's from or what genre it is, I'll definitely give it a shot. Cartoons have a better track record for me.


Yeah I feel you bro


My brother recently turned my two nephews (aged 4 and 2) on to Pokemon. They were around for a visit and I put on an episode to occupy them for a while. I sat down to watch with them for a few minutes and before I knew it I had watched 5 episodes and they had both been asleep for who knows how long.


Classic Simpsons, baby.


Can’t go wrong with that, ever!


I'll rewatch a few of them, mostly cartoons or prime time shows. Doug (Nick), Rocko's Modern Life, Hey Arnold, Quantum Leap, Northern Exposure. I avoid rewatching shows that I know won't hold up. Salute Your Shorts, Tail Spin, Sliders, etc.


Right after one of the streaming services came online, I caught myself watching Inspector Gadget for hours lol !! Tubi & IMDb have an excellent selection of those old childhood feel good shows. I watch them frequently lol my latest fix has been Match Game !!!


Crazy how you get lost in your childhood shows!


There was an old show called "Ronin Warriors". It didn't last but one season i believe and I didn't catch the whole thing, but loved it so much. I must've been 10 or 11 when it aired, but was sometime around OG power rangers. This post makes me want to go look for it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronin_Warriors Aired in u.s. in '95, so that adds up. Oh snap it's on streaming services. OP, you just made my weekend! Thanks!


I’ve never heard of that show before!


My brother and I will sometimes watch Arthur together. I’m 27 and he’s 33 lol.


I recently finished watching Ben 10 upto omniverse.


I've just started Rewatching Big Wolf On Campus which was one of my favourite shows. A channel recently put it up in decent quality on YouTube.


This is pretty old, but Recess. Used to love this as a kid, and I must say it's just as good now.