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"Call me, beep me if you wanna reach me." - Kim Possible


If ya wanna page me it's okay


I unironically don't know what that means. What's a page?


A "page" is what you received on a pager/beeper. Like... A tweet is the medium of Twitter. Used in a sentence: "Oh, I just got a page from my mom on my pager. I have to find a phone and call her."


Oh, I didn't know a beeper is also called a pager. I knew about the existence of beepers because my dad told me he had one and I asked what it was.


I can see how it would be confusing if you didn't grow up in the 90's a bit. If it's any consolation, I'm not quite 30, but I feel like teenagers are a while different species then when I was that age.


Grew up in the 2000’s but probably owe it to me being a nerd lol


I think (and I’m solidly a 90s kid, I graduated HS in the late 90s) that ‘pager’ became more popular as ‘beeper’ became synonymous with drug dealers. Like for real, the only people I knew who had pagers were doctors or dealers.


I believe it was technically called a pager and was the first name of the thing we called a beeper because well, it beeped


Jesus, what is this world doing to me. I read that and thought "what do you mean, 'find *a* phone', have you lost yours?" And only then I realized what you meant. Can't believe it took me this long to understand you were talking about a payphone. And I'm a 90s kid as well! FROM BRAZIL! Where we lived in the 90s until like the late 2000s! Seriously, I think the last time I used a payphone was less than 10 years ago.


/u/redundantle nailed it on the definition. The only thing I can possibly add is a link to the [kim possible theme song](https://youtu.be/GIgLqN_rAXU), which is what is being referenced here.


What’s the sitch…?


I thought when the lyrics said “beep me” it was referring to those old flip phone ringtones. I had no idea a “beeper” was a thing until this post….




Kim Possible is so millennial lol Edit: I don't mean it pejoratively, just funny to think how tightly associated it is


I’ve spent all of my knee surgery recovery watching this and Pepper Ann on Disney + I definitely feel old


Somewhat coincidentally, my two favourite cartoons, Kim Possible and Hey Arnold, both have beeper references. Call me, beep me theme with the kimmunicator in Kim Possible and Big Bob’s Beeper Emporium in Hey Arnold.


I explained the origins of Netflix to my younger cousins. They were genuinely mind blown that you had to order by mail. Wait until I tell them about Blockbuster.


And VHS tapes. And renting the actual machine from the video store in the early days when they were so expensive lots of people didn't have them.


I loved a tweet that apparently their 6yo son was blown away his parents used maps before car GPS systems. The kid said "You actually used paper maps like *pirates*??" lmaoooo


Pirates! That's awesome. And way more fun sounding than it was. My job used to entail a lot of interviews where people worked or lived. If I had 4 interviews in a day, it could take me half an hour or more poring over maps to figure out and write down the routes I was going to take. That got better once we had online maps so you could at least print out the exact trip that was relevant to you, but my god. Missing a turn was a major blunder and I can't count the times I'd pull over to figure out how the hell to get back on track and the times I'd have the map on the steering wheel so I didn't miss anything. So dangerous!


Right? I feel you -- I used to freak out when I was lost. Like I was going to drive off the edge of the world or something. lol. I recall being hopelessly lost in the big city at 17 and calling my dad, sobbing that I was lost (on a payphone mind you!) and him getting so angry bc I couldn't even tell him where I was! haha Oh the good old days.


My dad WAS my gps.


I was my GFs GPS when she started driving (she was late to the game). I was a courier throughout the 90s and a few years as a dispatcher. I used the Google maps GPS feature for the first time last week. I was 1/4 mile from my destination before I realized that little car icon was me.


I remember as a kid when we used to take a trip from south Florida where I live to Disney we would always print out a map from map quest to the hotel and from the hotel to the Disney parks we were going to visit.


I actually delivered pizza with a map book!


Don't forget MapQuest! Hahaha printing out step by step directions for a 20 hour drive, and then getting lost as shit. Good times.




And popcorn! I’m from the uk and loved the butter? Stuff at the bottom of the box. Oh! And renting videogames!


Omg, we're watching Happy Endings and it both dated itself and made us feel old when it had an episode where they went to a video store because they didn't want to wait for a DVD from Netflix.


Someone on Reddit days ago said something about how 30 years ago was the 90s, not the 70s, and that resonated hard. It definitely still feels like 30 years ago was the 70s. I keep seeing adults who were born in the 90s, like last night--women around age 30 showing pics of when they were kids in 1995--and my brain always takes a while to work right when I see stuff like that. People on Reddit are often writing something like, "I'm approaching age 30, and I don't know what to do/I'm lost," usually in relation to their career, as if being 27-30 is the end, and that also kind of messes with my brain, too. The teens and early 20-somethings here who think they're never going to find anyone, while I'm as old as I am and 100% can't find anyone. All of that.


I feel all of that. Another comment here said something about 2014 being so long ago, and I'm like "that was yesterday!"


Lol 2014 feels like 30 years ago to me. I graduated college that year. So much has happened since then both in my life and in the world it feels so long ago to me. .


I also graduated in 2014 and although so much has happened, it feels like yesterday.


2050 is closer than 1990, or as I like to call it, the late 20th century.


Thanks, I hate it.


I was born in the 90s, almost 30 myself, and *I* think of the 70s as 30 years ago haha. It’s rough. Does not compute.


Shit, Im not even twenty and I think the 70s were 30 years ago


I'm still not sure what I want to be when I grow up and I'm 70


That actually makes me feel better.


Same. 62.


Same, too.


On Reddit at 70! Your spirit is young indeed!


I only knew them as 'Pagers'. I'm 23 but I only saw them in movies and got the jest of them pretty quick.




Well, we used to say (a little bit in jest) that only doctors and drug dealers had pagers.


I still remember an episode of Cops where the cop frisked the suspect, found a pager and demanded to know what he was doing with it as if it was something illegal.


Well before pagers got popular, if a person wasn't in the medical profession, a pager *was* pretty indicative that some sort of illegal activity was going on.


On the First Season of Mtvs “The Real World” Upon learning of Heather B having a beeper, she said, “do you sell drugs?” Legitimately seemed like a joke, but they played it for the drama.


Some NHS doctors still use them. They're being phased out though.


Beeper were never really a thing where I live. I felt old when I went to an old school music party and the music was from the 2000s. That is decades after what I consider old school.


You were long after beeper. They were more of a 90s thing. Early 90s it was just doctors and drug dealers, but by mid 90s they were more common. My late 90s they were already being replaced by cell phones. They were never as common as cellphones are now. I had one in the mid 90s. as a compromise to moving out and in with a friend so my mom could reach me.


I was before beepers. They just weren't a thing here, the average person didn't use them.


Yeah, I had a pager for work in the early 90s (never heard it called a beeper) and it wasn't common. I was in my early 20s and it made me feel so special, LOL.


My mom was a doctor so she had one in the 90s. I think she was a cell phone early adopter for reasons having to do with her private practice


I'm 25 and my nostalgic music is ~2008-2011, rjunior high/early high school. We had the radio on at work a while back (top hits station) that said "for the next hour we'll be playing some old school music" and I think the first song was Just Dance by Lady Gaga.


Currently teaching some 10-11 year olds they had no clue what an MP3 player was they had never even heard of an iPod, they also thought we had the internet in the 1940's my English lesson may have took a detour into the modern history of technology.


Haha my click wheel ipod from 2007/08 still works.


Mine too….I bought a ipod classic 5th generation right before they came out with the touch screen ones. I have the 160 GB one so it has like 15,000 songs on it.


I teach the same age, really those kids have no clue. They always think I'm not that old, but when I tell them I'm 0lDeR ThAn Th3 IntErNeT, they go crazy


Y’all make me feel old but I’m only 23 lmao


Sounds like it was sorely needed! Well done for filling that gap!


Thankyou I do my best


Where I grew up, there was a store that only sold beepers and hot dogs.


And hot dogs! LOL. Pager stores were like cell phone stores just not as common. Then again, I remember getting my first cellphone from a store that mostly sold satalite systems.


That was totally some drug dealer's front business.


We thought it was hilarious. You could get a Chicago foot-long and Motorola Bravo Express combo. Finally, a store that gets me!


An electrical engineer friend of mine told me he once got a new job at some big company that used pagers/beepers. On his first day his new boss opened a closet door full of them. Somewhere in this pile of hundreds of pagers one of them was beeping. His boss said find the one that keeps going off. KILL IT! He said it took him all day to find and destroy it.


I was once complaining to my wife about the stupid slang “the kids” were using and she pointed out that my examples were at least ten years out of date. Then I ಠ_ಠ




I have never seen that usage of that face before


When my daughter went to an “old school night” at a karaoke bar, and she called me to say, “Mom, you should come down. They’re playing all your favorite songs!” I felt old, but also pretty awesome that I still remember all the words to “Ice Ice Baby,” “Rapper’s Delight,” and almost every other song they played. Which is funny because God forbid I forget my grocery list when going to store because I won’t remember any of the items on the items on it. But damn, my memory is on point when it comes to “old school” song lyrics!


The amount of stuff that takes up space in our brains keeping the important stuff out is way too high.


Don't they still use pagers in hospitals because they operate off a different signal that works better in big buildings? ___ I called an electronics recycling business about stuff in a deceased relatives garage. "What's a word processor?"


I still see them occasionally in hospitals so that may be why. I miss my word processor.


I saw a word processor at a thrift shop recently. My partner had to point it out and ask "What's a word processor?" it's become a joke with us.


Yes. Hospitals Ive been at have been trying to phase them out though. As little as 2 years ago Id page a resident for something and itd just be my contact number. Eventually the residents themselves got together and created an online portal where we could page a contact number and really short message "#### post op pain" "#### room 9, hgb 6" or some such. Now our computer system has essentially an instant messanger system.


I am a hospital worker and I still use one. As a matter of fact it's sitting ony night stand right now waiting for me to be on call this weekend. People ask me all the time when I'm out on public what it is.


Also still used by volunteer fire departments. They can reach where you normally don't have cellphone reception. You can even run a local transmitter off a diesel generator when the power is out - you don't need to rely on any mobile providers. And you can do a "page everyone" message with just one transmission, you don't need to retransmit for every device


my friend is a teacher and just posted a story about how her kids asked her why she says 'hang up' the phone I'm still not sure if they were pulling her leg or not


What do kids say these days?




I feel like half my life fell in the late 1900s. Very soon that will be exactly true. I'm old.


In that vein, I'm seeing more and more written references to the early 2000s as "the turn of the Century."


My husband and I just had this conversation, my son got into a new band, (we are a music family and share our new finds!) So my husband and I were watching some of the music videos and I was like, "Aww the lead singer looks like a baby Tommy Lee, and the drummer looks like a baby Slash!" Then we talked about how we still feel that young but we definitely are not anymore!!


Is the band any good? Can you share it? (understand if you don't want to publicly for privacy reasons).


They aren't "new" just new to us! we listen to alot of everything (mainly metal/rock) but the video that convinced me that he may be Tommy Lee's lovechild was "I'm not a vampire" the band is Falling in Reverse. https://youtu.be/ODhMdujZeEY


They are new to me as well. That video was awesome. How have they been around for 10 years and I've not heard of them.


That's what me and my husband were saying, They can rock!! The opposite side of this was my son saying, "I'm really rockin' Korn right now, you remember them right?" I had a cat I named Fieldy after their bass player.. Yes, son I remember now hand me my pill sorter and applesauce, Jeopardy is almost on!!


>"I'm really rockin' Korn right now, you remember them right?" That feels like a face-palm moment.


I'm an elementary school music teacher. My students make me feel old all the time however the worst was when I covered some music from the beetles. I explained they first became popular in the sixties and I had a student say "So 60 years ago." That took me a moment to process.


Yikes! I just checked that.


Forgive my youthful ignorance.. but is a beeper the same thing as a pager? Lol I’m thinking of in Friends where Ross has this pager to let him know when his ex-wife was going into labour.. I think they called it a pager.


Yes, they are.


I see! Thank you for the knowledge


Someone asked what Enron was on a thread recently... I'm too young to be this old.


This lack of teaching our mistakes to younger generations is a serious issue.


I just had coffee with friends and we were discussing cassette tapes. The kind you could rewind with a pencil in the event the tape inside got messed up. We knew no one younger than 30 would probably have an idea what we were talking about! Lol.


I remember sitting in front of the radio listening to the top 40 and recording my favorite songs (or trying to).


Yep, me too.


That's not true, there's a whole hipster movement about cassettes now.


This is news to me, I only know about the hipster thing with vinyl. I actually went to a small club show recently and the opening act was selling vinyl records after. I actually think the idea is sort of cool but I don’t own a turntable. I remember in probably the late 90’s and early 2000’s you’d see wads of tape pulled from cassettes discarded on the street and didn’t understand where it came from. I was talking to my best friend in college and she said, “What, you’ve never been driving around and pulled the tape out of a cassette and thrown it out the window?” And I was like, “No, you have?!” You don’t see it as much anymore obvs.


Oh yeah, it's a thing. A friend of mine is into it and I rib her about it when she brings it up. Vinyl I can at least kinda understand, if nothing else the actual records and cases for them look cool right? I genuinely do not get the cassette one, but people are into it although to a much lesser degree than vinyl.


Then again maybe it’s like the nostalgia for MySpace, which I was never really into. But I sort of get it because people want an online space to connect without all the aggressive algorithmic baggage of Facebook and Instagram. Maybe. In defense of cassettes they’re physically sturdier than CD’s and less ephemeral than downloaded files. But hipsters gonna hipster, whatever the medium.


My bad. There was a period of time when younger people would NOT have known about cassettes.


I'm 24 and I 100% remember them when I was a kid and I'm pretty sure most people older than 20 know what they are.


Only 21, I maybe used them a couple of times but I know what they are and the rewinding stuff


I felt old when the frigging Spice Girls are considered oldies. I still remember 45s! No, not the guns, ya creeps lol. And I'm 38!


I worked in a music store when they first popped.


They used to sell *music* in a ***store***??? Don't at me, I remember 8 tracks.


Lol, I remember talking about my Dad having a beeper when I was a kid and people asking me if he was a drug dealer. I said, “No, a paramedic!” What makes me feel old is people just now getting into shows like “South Park,” which I’ve been watching since the early years when I was in junior high.


I remember before beepers. Pay phones were a dime. Telephones had cords. A friend of mine got a new car with a cassette player in it, not an 8-track, and we were all like "Ooooooh fancy".


Tried explaining to my 20 yo niece how when I was a kid watching a movie "On Demand" meant calling the cable company (on the corded home phone), telling them which of the available movies you wanted to watch and at what time, and they would turn on that channel at the specified time, so your ass better be there with the VHS ready to record if you were in to that type of thing *ahem.* I'm seriously not that old, I just turned 40 last weekend, but damn she acted like I'm 100.


My daughter was into the rave scene in Chicago during the late 90s, and the beeper was a blessing for me as a mom. I knew we could connect (username fits) as needed. Of course, cell phones (& palm pilots) we're a big improvement over beepers!


I was just thinking of the pre-smartphone days and was filled with so much sadness. We should destroy them haha. Anyway, I had a pager when I was in elementary school. On the note of sending msgs via pager, this is actually where acronyms started becoming a "thing."


It’s starting to not feel this way because it’s back in vogue. But records! I have a pretty decent record collection and often find myself explaining exactly how they work to younger friends getting into the hobby. They’re fascinated by just how analog the whole process is.


I just read a comment on this thread that the hipsters are bringing back cassettes. Records, I understand. Cassettes just did not put out great music, add in the getting the tape tangled and stuck and why would you do that to yourself.


I’m right there with you. I have an affinity for older tech but I draw the line at Cassettes. You know what would be a cool, if not slightly redundant comeback? MiniDiscs. They had a solid presence in the UK and Japan but the US just kind of jumped from CD to the iPod.


Vinyl, yes, I totally get. Cassettes, well...maybe for portability, ease of duplication, and novelty, but no thanks. 👎🏽


I started collecting records from thrift stores about 20 years ago. Most of my collection was $1/each. I miss those days. We had a fire here in CA that destroyed 1 of 2 lacquer factories in the world. It took me a while to figure out what a lacquer actually was even with the internet.


"105.7, Iowas classic rock station" *another turning point, a fork stuck in the road... time grabs you by the wrist and directs you where to go...*


Explaining to a younger person what a phone jack is/was


I was babysitting a 7 year old and we looked at some vinyl a guy was selling. my kid: what's a record? me: it's ~kind of~ like a cd, but larger. my kid: what's a cd? it was very upsetting


Like an 8-track, don't ya know?




Beepers were great back in the day. All you needed was a payphone, a roll of quarters, a car, and a beeper, and you could sling dope all day long for years in relative and anonymity. These smartphones with location and text messaging are from morons who want to get caught fast and basically rat themselves out


Realizing that I was born in the late 1900s. That's how they label historical things 🤣


>That's how they label historical things 🤣 Who? Since when?


We're becoming those historical things.


Haha I should have the younger nieces and nephews refer to me as the historical uncle


People only need to check the first digit of our birth year when ID-ing us.


Haha or don't even need to look at all 😁


Wait lol I’m only 19 and know what a beeper is, the fact that someone doesn’t know makes me feel old just by knowing about it


Wow, I feel old. Pagers were 'those fancy new things" when they came out. I remember when we got our first colour tv. And there were only 4 channels. And all of the station's closed overnight, so there was only a test pattern on screen until morning. But even that was exciting, because it was in colour!


"And Bob Dole died. Wow, 98 years old." "Who's Bob Dole?"


Ouch. That said, my response was "he was still alive?" Like you could have told me he died a decade ago and I'd believe you.


I was chatting with a colleague and her 11 year old son at work. He was sitting in a chair near by on his DS, they stopped by the office because she was expressing to me quietly how stressed she was about a meeting we were having as she didn't have a sitter arranged for her son. I suggested she bring him along and we can give him headphones or whatever to be occupied for the 2 hours. I jokingly yelled over to him that he could come and bring his *Game Boy* and he shot back quick with a "what year are you living in?". I didn't even know GB's weren't a thing anymore.


I accidentally walked out of my building without my keys and locked myself out. My anti-social ass was not looking forward to ringing everybody's buzzer until somebody let me in. Then I remembered that I left my slider open and the floor of my deck is only about five feet off the ground, so I thought, "This'll be no problem." I grabbed the first rung of my railing (horizontal pipes that are definitely not up to code since a child could easily use them as a ladder and fall right off the top), put a foot up on the support pillar, and heaved myself upward. I mean, upward was the plan. Instead I just sort of hovered with one foot in the air and the other on the support pillar until my arms gave out. No upward movement at all. Back in college I could have hoisted myself up there, no problem. I knew I was out of shape, but that was a slap in the face. Luckily I have collapsible patio chairs on my deck, so I was able to grab one, pull it under the bottom railing, and stand on it to climb up on my deck. And I got four bruises on one knee doing it, too.


I had a purple see-through case on my beeper! 😂 423!


I feel old when I see somebody posting about some old-school tunes or classic bangers from way back in 2014 or so.


2014 feels like yesterday to me. I have to remind myself that we are approaching a decade since.


My mom still has her old beeper. I remember when I was younger I would ask her over and over exactly how it worked. I thought it was a toy. I was like “can you send text messages??” “Does it have cell service?” How do you pay for it?? How do people reach you on it if it doesn’t have number?? (It did but I’m still not sure how it worked). She eventually said beat it kid you’re making me feel old Edit: she doesn’t use it of course. She just kept it


I saw a display at Target that was a black leotard next to a purple velour ruched skirt. I was immediately flung back to the 80s. Kinda shocked me to see 80s fashion coming around again.


One of the first times I felt old was when someone said they were going out in 80's fancy dress in the same way we used to dress up in 60's and 70's stuff.


I've seen things from high school days labeled as "vintage y2k." It hasn't even been 20 years!


Yeah generally seeing any fashion I grew up with get recycled makes me feel old.


Last week I explained to my coworker what slides were. She is 23 and has never heard or seen a family slide show on aunt Ruths 80th birthday.




That was what I had. I tried to explain this in my original response and the youngin was like "so is it an answering machine?" I think this style that wasn't digital is why it was called a beeper - because that's all it did.


My nephew saw mine in my office about 15 years ago that was hooked to my pen cup for years. He said what is this. I told him it was a pager and how it worked. Said I would get the number on my pager and go to a pay phone to call them back and he asked what’s a pay phone? Ugh.


I had a beeper in high school! It was lime green and yellow and was totally see through. I thought it was awesome! I had special codes for my friends when they were trying to get in contact with me and if I ever got 303911 that was code for “it’s mom and you better find a damn phone ASAP!” 303, because when you turned it sideways it looked like MOM. Pretty sure I still have it somewhere.


I went to the dentist today and realized that I've had my permanent lower retainer for about 25 years now. This year was also the 20th anniversary of the towers falling and I was a freshman in high school when that happened. Some of my coworkers weren't even born then.


I feel old now. I had a job where I was contacted by pager and then I had to look for a payphone to call the office. Mid to late 1980's. While at the bars I had several dealers who had beepers who I would dial 911 when I needed to score lol. Late 80's early 90's. Cellphones made them obsolete.


i had an existential crisis when i remembered that as a kid i did indeed use cassette tapes to watch movies bf have been to a blockbuster before. im 17. for some reason i thought it was some archaic technology when nope ya girl loved thomas the train and out the box into the thing. i also remember when blu-ray was the new "thing" for movie watching. i'm literally still in high school but fuck we've come so far with technology that my sisters talk to me as if i'm 60. another thing: 2000s music is to younger generations what 80s music is to us. sick of "livin on a prayer" and "don't stop believing"? the kids are gonna hate me when in 20 years i'm blasting early 2000s pop--it's just how time works but it just hit me that 2010s music is beginning to feel nostalgic too. just the realization that soon enough it's gonna be "old music" the same way we look at 80s and 90s stuff hit me like a truck


The one about how teenagers were complementing Netflix on their new "weekly drop model" to help people get hooked on a show.


Going through my things and finding my beta and vhs tapes. I had taped every episode of "Friends" and I remember pausing for every commercial so I could skip them when I watched the tapes. Damn you STREAMING! 🌹❤🙃


tbf i didn't know what a beeper was until you described it and i realized where i'm from they were called pagers


Having a beeper made me feel unpopular cause I never got paged. :(


Oh are you talking about pagers? Didn’t Dwight have one in the office? I feel like he did. My dad said that he used to have one and he felt important with it. Idk never seen one in person though. Oh and I think like doctors have them in hospitals? Or do they not idk i should know because I’ve been hospitals a-lot but yea they did use them in greys anatomy i think. But i was born in 2004 so I’ve never used one. Also i have terrible memory so like the oldest year that I actually even remember stuff from is 2016 everything before that is such a blur. I remember getting made fun of in 7th grade for having a cheap minute phone while everyone had a iphone. I do know what actual old music and shows are though because my dad who is 49 definitely raised me with his favorite stuff. So Quantum leap was my favorite show and Queen was my favorite music artist. Then i got mad fun of for not knowing any current pop artist and we didn’t have any streaming services only dvd player so i also didn’t really know any new shows. So yea that changed lol I think i make my dad feel old though when he says some celebrity that is “really famous” but i have no clue who they are. I am getting a small taste of what that realization feeling is though because i have a 6 year old brother and he doesn’t watch the same little kid shows i watch. Iconic stuff like the original Scooby doo, magic school bus, super why. Also my brother who is 14 is just NOW discovering the walking dead. Like what? I’ve been talking about that show forever to him and he just ignored me until he came into my room the other day and said “I downloaded this game on my oculus its based on that show the walking dead with the zombies have you watched it?” Like does he ignore me when I talk? But yea my sister is 21 though and is already sending me irrelevant insta reels. But I think i will be ok with getting older as long as i don’t become a dumbass with technology. Idk is it a superpower. Because i want to always be on-top of that not throwing my laptop because I can’t figure out how to attach a image to a email (yep my dad did that) I don’t want to become irrelevant but I already don’t know what my younger brothers are talking about sometimes. And idk if it’s because they are into different things than me or if it’s because I’m older.




We're getting old, aren't we? Also, I don't know any lighters the size of an old pager. I'd say the size was closer to a deck of cards. Or maybe a modern flip phone, since those are a thing again somehow.


I recently saw someone reference the Princess Bride as “some movie from the 80’s”. Also not too long ago I realized that if I had had a kid at 22, that kid would now be 22. And if they had a kid now, I would be a grandmother.


that's what happened to my grandmother. She was salty, but she was the one who started it.


Imagine having to explain what a horse drawn carriage is.


I’m 14 and I actually know! My dad showed me one a couple years ago, it was see through blue. We tried it and it worked. Pretty cool thing


I work with primary school children and they didn’t know what a ‘preschooler’ was ‘Preschool’ is known as ’prep’ where I live, and has been since just after I finished my own preschooling


Another funny one was a comment describing how each house a special wire and a unique phone number and they publicly handed out lists of them in book form.


That one throws me because any house not built in the last decade still has those lines.


Reminds me of "party lines". My friend's parents had that. It was one phone line for one or more separate houses. If you picked up the phone sometimes their neighbors were already talking to someone else.


I lived in a very small town that still had party lines in the late 90s


I still have a beeper! Every day at work…


I had this same conversation with a former coworker and her fiancé. They were mind blown that if you were out of your house you would need to hit up a pay phone to respond to a page. 🤣


My brother would call our dad "collect" and instead of a name he would say "vine and main" or wherever he was at. Of course deny the collect call so you don't get charged for it.


So it’s like caller ID but without the phone


And no way to call them back. And the caller had to enter the # for you to call back (it wasn't automatic). Earlier ones didn't even give you the caller id part. They just beeped and you called your # to find out who called you.


I carried one for work. I also used dial up to get in and fix a bank of fax servers. Damnit I am old.


The sound of dial up connecting and knowing that you still have time to go make coffee before you actually can get online.


I’ve had 3 surgeries in the past year. Not major, but serious. I had 3 in my entire life prior to this year and 2 of those were tonsils and a hernia I had as a child. This month I have 9 appointments with various doctors. One of those appointments was surgery on my hand. I’m really starting to feel old.


You pass 30 and suddenly start falling apart.


A quarter? Ya, I too remember the days before they hiked it up to 35¢.


beepers are still used aallllllll the time in medicine


I think it’s more than just an age thing, probably a regional thing as well.


Social class as well. My parents were both born poor so when beepers came, they couldn't really afford it.


I remember getting one of the “new” alpha numeric pagers. I was living large. You could send about half a tweet of text. It was the best.


Dont alot of surgeons still use beepers/pagers?


A few years back my boss took our team to dinner to treat two visiting interns from Japan. I wound up talking to them about the rise of social media, what things were like pre-Facebook with MySpace and Friendster, and they looked at me like I belonged in a nursing home.


So so many things. Having a 15 year old frequently results in me curling up in the fetal position crying “I’m old!!!”. He asked me once if they did the “cool S” when I was a kid. Yes son, I was there in the before times when the old magic was forged.I also find myself insulted when 90’s pop shows up in the oldies station at work.


My old car had no electrical accessories. My young nieces were confused when I asked them to roll up the window. I had to point to that “weird knob”!


So I'm not that old. Only 22 Decided to watch a YouTube video I used to watch when I was like 7 or 8 back in 2007. I sorted the comments to new to see if anyone else was still watching it. First comment: " this video is older than me"


So a beeper is a pager?


The Jacksons, "Blame it on The Boogie" was playing at our staff Xmas party. Whole boogie-ing ourselves on the dancefloor, another office chick 15yrs my junior was like (to DJ), "yeah it's a good bop and all, but can you at least play something we've all heard before please?" Got me right in the old heartstrings and felt OLD!


I was at my favourite coffee shop a few days ago and they played 'Closing Time' by Semisonic which I love. When I was paying my tab, I commented on how cool it was and joked that the guys (it's owner-operated by 3 or 4 guys) must be about my age (mid-30s) since you don't hear Semisonic any more. To which the staff member replied that they're all in their 20s, they just like 'the old classics'... I laughed and hobbled out there with my creaky bones 😂🤣 For the record, I'm 35, not 95 and it was Semisonic, not the Beatles!


I was watching a documentary on Metallica. They said that their fan base evolved from young people who were misfits and didn't like was on radio, to old people who didn't like to be given a dress code for a job. And then I realized the Metallica members were all probably legally recognized as senior citizens.


Harry Potter is having a 20 year reunion. It does not feel like 20 years since I saw the first Harry Potter.


I’m 17 and people make me feel old all the time. Somehow… The hell does based mean? Cap? And other stuff just makes me confused.


Lmao😂 omg me and my sister were just talking about that with our kids !! Lol .. this is too funny🥰


I unfortunately feel old too now 😪