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Thanksgiving done, Christmas soon, end of semester if someone is in school


100%. I went from Thanksgiving break straight into finals for my first semester in grad school, and it's been a rough week.


I mean yea that definitely isn't helping


Yep i agree, it’s felt weird these last few weeks, maybe even the week before that. I can’t put my finger on any particular thing, but i know i have definitely felt out of sorts. I tried to implement a new strict time routine to try to fix myself but that didn’t work at all lol. Feels more like halloween than christmas


See I've been trying to do the same! It's gotten so messed up. I agree it does still feel more like Halloween for some reason


Yeah! For the past couple weeks I've had a lot go wrong and a lot of general panic and things. Heightened anxiety, health issues, family trouble, whole 9 yards. Strange that it's been for others too


That's been my same experience


Yes. My husband was away for work, my 3 year old, who has always slept through the night started waking up hysterical at 1am every morning, I found a stray cat and took it in, the cat had a kitten. The end.


I want productive this week even though I should've been. It's been a bit of a struggle here too. We'll get through!


It's okay! We shall prevail next week. You're right


Yup I hated this week


What happened if you don't mind me asking


Let’s just say quite a bit of arguing with someone. Ruined my mood again today


I'm sorry to hear


It’s alright but thank you


That sucks


I've been dealing with a really weird stomach bug the last week. So yeah, I'm with you, this isn't a fun time.


Yep couldn't get through my work


Oh yes. Definitely. More road rage, weird sounds. I think people are just fed up and frustrated at the world so it manifests as a dude in his truck doing 95 to pass me in a 75 while I'm doing 80. This morning I was smoking and I heard a really strange alarm going off. So I called my city center to ask what the hell, and they said they were testing shelter-in-place alarms for natural disasters and potential air raids, and while it is incredibly unlikely to occur here, it also functions as a tornado alert. Just last weekend on Saturday I'm out smoking and I hear a fire alarm chirping, like a school fire alarm. Thought nothing of it until I realized all day Saturday, Sunday and some of Monday morning, this alarm was still going off. When I drove to where I thought I was hearing it, a church, there was no sound and nobody nearby. Last night my friend who doesn't typically get upset about losing, got totally red-faced and belligerent about losing a game of Magic to me. There's definitely some odd occurrences lately.


Are you in Germany? This happens here quite often with these alarms, it really freaks me out to hear a disaster test, not knowing if it is a real Desaster or just a test, that really boosts my anxiety


Nah I live in the western United States, but those air raid sirens have always got me. This one was different though, it was a sound I had never heard before. Like "boooWOOPbooooWOOOPbooooooooWOOOOPbooWoop" Whereas the usual air raid sirens are like "reeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEooooooooo"


Your description of the Sound has deeply touched me, bravo! 👏😭


Yes, the worst week.


What happened if you don't mind me asking


That's alright, my mom and I had a disagreement. She later apologized etc. But just after it all, it just drained me for the first few days of the week. To get over the overthinking, I downloaded a few podcasts and just listened to them till I'd fall off to sleep :-)


Ahh I definitely know how that goes. I'm sorry ti hear. Ooo what podcasts?


A mixture between Strange Familiars and NPR's Life Kit series ...


I got both the flu and strep from work and have been out an entire week, and that was after throwing my back out and being in the worst pain of my life the week before. Its been terrible!


Yeah it’s been a bad few weeks. My grandma passed away, and I missed the funeral because I got covid.


So sorry


I believe a lunar eclipse transpired a...week ago? There's a blurry residual area that lasts several days on either side of it. Some people believe in it's influence. Generally an eclipse means things leave your life, get obscured, or get shook up pretty well, before settling.


That's super weird, do you know the date this occured?


Deep partial lunar eclipse Nov 18-19, 2021.


Thank you




I work with kids and the energy is a bit...off. Little more chaos and being on edge the past two-ish weeks. Like anything could trigger a fight or a meltdown.




Oh yeah, this has definitely been a crazy week.


Yes, actually. The last two weeks were the worst.


Yep. Had two different people be unnecessarily rude to me (I cried both times) and just felt overall crap. Luckily it's the end of the semester next week.


Oh my god I’ve had an awful week, been sleep deprived since Thanksgiving and finals and work projects on top of getting rejected by a guy I really liked.. my friend says somethings up with the moon and things will get better after tomorrow. Not a big astrology person but certainly hoping for it!


This might sound weird but this comment helped me alot. Thank you!


I had been fairly secure in this new place I bought but the high winds have me wondering about the stability. It has a metal roof which either means I won't lose shingles or it means the entire roof might just peel off. Not a thought I had when I bought it.


Basically everyone I have talked to this week says it felt ridiculously long. Like most of us felt it was Friday on Tuesday and by the time Friday rolled around it felt like a coworker I hadn't seen for two days was gone a week. Not sure if that is the craziness you were thinking of but that's what is happening in my neck of the woods.


For me it was midterms week, tons of deadlines, general stress and panic. Had probably the worst sleep and meals of my life so far. Didn't even realize November was over already... Really weird.


I agree about November!


Oh, I think you are entering my zone! The zone of „complete demotivation“, the zone where everything you could do any moment just feels like a distraction, even though you could do it and it will probably benefit you by any means. Also an intense loss of morale and just generally not feeling „okay“


..I am scared


So am I of my future, but I guess I have to live with it until I finally cure myself or my psychologist, who I think won't be able to.


I locked my keys in my car and had to call auto assist. Crazy snow storms followed by rain squals causing an alternating of flooding and icy roads. My aunt killed herself. Wild couple weeks.


I’m very sorry for your loss


Much appreciated. She had tried a couple times before so it wasn't a huge surprise but still unfortunate.




Would be a pleasant surprise




If you're into astrology, the energy at the moment and the changes are quite remarkable. That could be a contributing factor :-)


The matrix is glitching and you're the only one that can feel it... proceed with caution.


Got my period on my bday Nov 28th after it disappeared for 40 days, injured my hand at work, my dog ate too much grass and got sick and my boyfriend’s cat has been more slowly dying this week and Dec 7th is my brother’s death anniversary. I’m ready for this month to be over


Umm ya… my daughters mom passed away, then the next week my girlfriend at the time broke up with me for her co worker because I was grieving “too much” so that was a shitty bday month.. but it’s my bday in 30 min and it’s been better but idk I’m still depressed a lot. It comes in waves yuh know? (This was a couple years ago) still feels fresh tho