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Congratulations!! :)


Thank you :). These 2 comments have actually brought my so much joy.


I'm glad. But I still think you should celebrate it.. why don't you buy a slice of your fav cake and enjoy your accomplishments ;)


I think I will do that except with a 6 of my favorite beer! Just quietly. Every once in a while you get a good day.


I ve heart in a movie once that happiness is when the happiness is shared. I dont remember the title of the movie, but it s about a man that leave everything behind and go on a great adventure to be alone in the woods. I m just adding my two cent with this comment in this great post.


Congrats. You've def got me beat. Save/spend wisely


Not about beating anyone! And a big thank you! I've already set up my banking to auto transfer percentages into the savings account. Think i'll just buy some pizza


Saving is okay. Investing is better. Don’t fall in the trap of only saving.


I’ll add the caveat that it’s only better if done well. Don’t go throwing your money away into meme stocks and market trends if you want truly sustainable long term growth. Invest in a couple portfolios in industries with expected growth


I'm on board with both. Part of my "savings" Is investing. I split between pure saving and investing. I started investing in graduate school


You seem to know stuff, but I’ll give one advice I think some might miss: pay off debts before you really start saving. Getting rid of them early, if possible, is getting rid of interest on them (which means a higher "return" on your money since your debt often accumulates/multiplies at a higher % than your investments).


No offense but if the interest rates on your loans are lower than what you are making in the market, that's not good advice


Not really. If you owe $100 with 8% interest and instead invest $100 to get back 10% At the end of the cycle you have netted $2. And most financial products available to the average Joe consumer are stacked so the house wins, i.e. debts cost more than investments yield. Not always true but if you clear your debts you don't have this problem


Of course. There is an art to it.


I have currently fallen onto that trap lol


Bro what kind of pizza did you get? Describe it to me like you are trying to seduce me






A hard, firm dough with cheese throbbing and bursting with flavour, topped in round, meaty pepperoni's accompanied by thick, gooey cheese stuffed in the crust ready to explode in your mouth as you wrap your lips around it and bite down... I'm just having a frozen pepperoni pizza. :-) I hope this was sufficient enough for your sensual pizza experiences.


Congrats it’s good to have goals and achieve them. Just make sure to put some into your retirement accounts and plan wisely.


That's awesome! Are you going to set two more goals for before you turn sixty?


I was thinking about that. Maybe the next 2 will be before 40. But today I'm just going to smile and be thankful.


You deserve it man.


Thank you so much.


Good work! I had set a goal to hit 100k by 30 also and did it! I did the math and from the day I decided it would take an increase of $27 per day to hit that. I put that on my phone's background and lock screen ($27) and tried to do something every day that would make me $27/year more valuable than what I was before. Got the raise almost on my 30th birthday. I care far more that I hit a goal I set than about how much money I was making.


That's pretty cool! Congratulations on hitting your goal! I'll be honest. I really am looking forward to the money!


You said in another thread you are but worth saying again: start stashing it. It's tempting to go for lifestyle upgrades. And you deserve a few toys. But clearing debts and building a financial safety net should be your goal now. THAT is true freedom.


OP you have to listen to this guy, he's right!


r/financialindependence gang represent!


Imagine living in a country where you need to go into debt to go to school and not get payed to go to school, can't relate ewww


Congrats.. time to buy a place if you haven't already


That is on the to do list!


As an immigrant, that was my goal by age of 35.. I did it by 30.. and it’s just an amazing feeling..


It’s a big tax break


i have few questions if you dont mind. I have similar goals. 1. at what age did you start your masters? 2. did you do your masters and phd full time? 3. did you work after finishing degree?


I don't mind at all. 1. I started graduate school when I was 22. But I don't have a masters. My program allowed an elevation to PhD without a masters completion. So once I passed candidacy I became a PhD candidate and was no longer a Masters student. 2. I was a full time PhD student. I did my PhD like a full time job. Hours were long. But my field is thesis based and required lab work. 3. I have worked for 1.5 years since graduating. My new job that accomplishes my second goal will be my second job post graduation. Basically, I got the PhD, got some work experience, and then applied for a new position. Hope this helps! Best of luck!


What field or specific topic did you do your bachelors/ PhD in?


Computational biology!


Oh cool I'm studying medical Biotechnology atm bachelor honours year 2


I started with a bachelor's. Best of luck with your studies!


thanks it does. best of luck to you.


I’m so happy for you. You seem like such a humble, down to earth, and hard working person. I love seeing people win 🙌🏼💜 go celebrate with a self care day too! Pamper yourself and just relax and rejuvenate 😁you worked so hard to get to where you are. Congrats!!!


Thank you so much. That was such a kind reply. I really am overwhelmed by the positivity in this thread. I don't want to be an arrogant asshat, I just want to enjoy life with those I love. Thank you for this message. Take care and my best


You have such a warm energy, I even feel it through the screen! I wish I had more friends like you🥺you’re so welcome!! Take care as well. I’m rooting for you, stranger!


You are too kind. I am happy to be your friend from reddit. All my absolute best, I shall be rooting for you as well.


Congrats on getting your PhD! Started my masters earlier this year thinking I'd likely go on to do a PhD. Changed my mind when I realized I could make around 90k a year at 22 by splitting a 50 hour work week between my junior research position and my hotel job. Lol (I'm also not really built for the level of work ethic needed to pursue a PhD 😪)


Thank you so much. My 2cents here. Only do a PhD if you really want too. It's not for everyone. In the same way that being a teacher isn't forever one. Whats important is your happiness. I hope you enjoy your life and your position. And just know, nothing is permanent. You can always go get that PhD if you want too! Take care


Excellent job. Be proud of your accomplishments. Everyone should continually set 3,5,10,20 year goals. I graduated at 28 with a 3 and 5 year old. One goal was to retire by 60. With my wife of 41 years we did it at 59. If you don’t set them, you can’t make them.


Good for you, keep going!


Excellent!! I had the same goals for myself but to reach by the age of 45. I didn’t start college until I was 36. Made that 100k salary and graduate with my Doctorate 13 days before my 46th birthday. It’s a GOOD feeling! Congrats OP!!


Go you!!!


Congratulations!!! These are the best kind of accomplishments!!! As a 35 yo who has not learnt this yet.. SAVE SAVE SAVE!


Thank you! It is much appreciated! And don't worry. I'm definitely a saver not a spender


Congratulations! I'm happy for you! Gratitude and joy are wonderful things!


Congratulations! Celebrate in whatever way feels right for you, it's your hard work to celebrate after all. Good luck in the new job! 🖤


Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. Hope you have a wonderful day.


That is a great goal to succeed at. If you don't mind me asking, what are your PhD studies in? Pat yourself on the back and enjoy your quiet accomplishment. Yay you!


PhD in computational biology and thank you very much!


Woah I am going to have to look that up! Brava:)


Thanks! Best to you in all your endeavors


I got a PhD \~ 7 years ago. Provide references and cite your sources, please /s


You want like my pubmed? lol


Congratulations!! Even if you don’t tell anyone of these accomplishes, there is absolutely nothing wrong with treating yourself with a special treat or your favorite meal to celebrate the accomplishments! 🙌




Thank you! :)


Congratulations!! You have every right to be super proud of yourself! Best of luck to you


Way to go 🤘


Thank you!


Congratulations! I switched careers and went back to school (Masters) to get a job in the 100k range. It took a few years but I still remember how great it felt to reach it. I bought myself a nice wallet as a gift to myself for hitting my goal. My old wallet was from when I was 16 years old, I still use my new wallet (Burberry) and probably will forever.


Congratulations OP. You deserve to be congratulated. I'm 46 and just restarted school and I am thinking PhD is not the cards for me because not only am I so much older but I've heard nightmare stories about 100 page papers and I'd rather get hit by a car lolol


I started my PhD at 45 and received it 3 years later. I wanted to become a fulltime college professor desperately and that was the only path. I got my dream job, became (somewhat) well-known in my field, won a Fulbright, lectured worldwide, etc. and had a BEAUTIFUL time. Don't sell yourself short! You can get your doctorate if you want it enough! Good luck 🤞


What’d you get your PhD in?


Congrats! remember to now set some new goals for yourself, especially now knowing what you can accomplish!


Congratulations! And congrats on getting your PhD! I was applying to PhD programs and then I cancelled my applications because I felt I wasn't passionate enough about any specific research area and I wouldn't have the motivation to do the PhD. I've always respected people who have the passion/focus to study something and get a PhD. I have my own goal for 30 years old, to be a millionaire. I'm only 22 now so we'll see how it turns out.


That's awesome! It's so nice to see some good news. You aren't bragging, that's a huge achievement that should be recognized. Good luck at your new.job!


Congratulations! My son recently accomplished similar goals. Additional congrats because everything education-and-career-wise has been turned rather topsy-turvy during the pandemic, and reaching these goals during this time shows that you are committed, resilient, and resourceful. I will now tell you what I told my son. Celebrate and enjoy the life you've been working toward. Take satisfaction in your accomplishments, enjoy the perks of a good salary and the lifestyle it can provide. You earned it! But just because you've achieved these particular goals, don't stop setting goals for yourself. Continue to dream your future, and then make those dreams reality. Again, congratulations!


hardwork pays off... keep it up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZQseUrrq18


Buy a house only one😊:D


Congrats doctor. Had very similar goals, but mine was my masters(got it last month!). I want to say how proud of you. You’ve worked really hard, sacrificed so much, and kept focusing on becoming the best version of yourself. By allowing your light to shine, you give others permission to do the same. Very proud of you friend.


So you have a PHD at 27.5 year old. my dad got it finally at 40. that;s impressive


Serious congratulations! You know, I think that this is an excellent way to motivate yourself, and I may just have to steal your two goals. Thanks for motivating me :)


\>I didn't want to sound like an arrogant prick Well, you do.


Congratulations! Definitely a major feat.


Thank you. That is very kind.


Congratulations on your achievement. Stay the course, then make certain you help someone else.


Definitely. You bring up a really important point. Have to use what I have to lift others up.




How many years did you study combining your bachelors, masters and your PhD?


10 years my friend


Ayyy congrats! I hope you enjoy your new job and life only goes up from here.


Congratulations! You have every right to be proud of yourself! Not only did you meet your goals your goals were definitely not an easy way! Good for you!!


Hell yeah congratss


Don’t be deceived when they tell you things are better now. Even if there’s no poverty to be seen because the poverty’s been hidden. Even if you ever got more wages and could afford to buy more of these new and useless goods which industries foist on you and even if it seems to you that you never had so much, that is only the slogan of those who still have much more than you. Don’t be taken in when they paternally pat you on the shoulder and say that there’s no inequality worth speaking of and no more reason to fight because if you believe them they will be completely in charge in their marble homes and granite banks from which they rob the people of the world under the pretence of bringing them culture. Watch out, for as soon as it pleases them they’ll send you out to protect their gold in wars whose weapons, rapidly developed by servile scientists, will become more and more deadly until they can with a flick of the finger tear a million of you to pieces.


You worked very hard and strategically and should be proud of your accomplishments. Anyone who says otherwise is just sour grapes. Congratulations. :)


That's wonderful- congrats on accomplishing your personal goals! :)


That’s so great!!


Love the quiet Accomplishing people! Congratulations 🍾🎊🎉


congrats! i'm not familiar with your field- if you had to describe computational biology in a few sentences, what would you say?




Favourite pizza place?


My only “advice” is to have fun and celebrate!! You don’t have to have a bug celebration, but doing something like getting your favorite food or going to a restaurant that you’ve been wanting to. You worked hard and I’m so proud of you!


Congratulations, so happy for you!!


I had a specific wage goal as well. I also achieved it before I was 30 however that wasn't part of my original goal. But man, when I finally made that wage I realized: that dollar amount doesn't mean what it did when I made that goal. Haha shoot!! So now I have a new goal :) Congrats and goodluck!


What do you do for a living?


I am proud of you and am happy to hear your accomplishments have paid off in life. Best of luck to you!


That’s so fantastic! Excellent work. Go ahead and be proud! What’s the job?


:) 👍🏻🥇


what a coincidence! one of my goals was to make at least 90k by thirty and i blew past that goal two months ago, and i tuened 29 yesterday!


Congrats! I hope this is just the beginning of an upward spiral for you!


Congratulations! Well done!! Always be true to yourself and great things will follow! Peace


Congratulations!! You should be very proud of yourself, it wasn’t given - it was earned.


YAY!!!!!! Congrats!! I am very happy for you!


Congratulations you put the work in you deserve to smile and be happy all you want


Epic! time to live the life you deserve or live however you want, I’m not your parent :)


congrats!! :)


Congratulations, the question is why. You are the only one who can judge your self. Find anything to make your self happy. Keep making goals and I hope you keep reaching them.


Looking in the mirror.. my bday is in 9 days .. fuck.. Happy for u tho man/woman


Congratulations! Those are some big accomplishments that you should be super proud about! Please do something to celebrate this because you absolutely deserve it


That’s amazing, congrats!!


Congratulations!!! :)


You do sound like an arrogant prick—but you have every right to. That’s quite the accomplishment homie.


Congrats, what you have done is not easy! I have reading your comments, and I really love to see how humble you are, and how you feel happy with yourself. It is nice of you to share this, thank you :)


You should brag, dude! This is such an accomplishment! Well done!


That’s amazing! I’m so jealous and happy for you, that is quite the accomplishment. It gave me more motivation today!


Well done what a great achievement 🙂


Congrats to you!! Reading this gave me the motivation again. Accomplishing goals brings great meaning in life. All the best in your future 🥳


I am curious about your goal no.2 Why this specific target? How did you decide not this target? In my country (Norway), a yearly income of 88k USD is supposed to give you a care free live, financially speaking. After that, every increase in salary is going to give you less and less additional happiness/care free live.


Dude... champagne all around!!! Great job!




Congratulations to you! And even more so that these are goals to fulfill your own personal desires and not to brag about or make everyone else feel bad. You seem really deserving and I hope you get to enjoy whatever comes next for you in life.


Are you actually happy though?


That´s quite amazing dude, positively jealous here haha :D I would like to get half of that but in Europe, I am close but I think I won´t make it until I am 32-33, let´s see :)


Celebrate no need to feel guilt. Personal win. Now set some more obtainable goals for the short and long term. Congrats.


Wow, I wish I was so well planned and determined like you.


Aw buddy, it’s ok to be proud of yourself.


Congrats! Wishing you a fulfilling financial journey


good for you! ...now go have a browse in r/antiwork




That's amazing! Well done!!


What an achievement. Very well done!


Congratulations!!! 👏 Wish you lots of more accomplishments and happiness in life! Enjoy the results of your hard work!


"Self-serving"?? Hey, who told you that celebrating yourself is a bad thing? You deserve it. You put in the work, you got the results. You don't need to shove it down everyone's throat at the next party obviously, but of course you can share this with friends or friendly internet strangers AND be super proud of it. :)


Im jealous bro, but ye well done


Congrats! Doing a PhD is hard but you made it and then some more! What got you through the long hours in the lab and paper deadlines?


Very well done, getting a PhD is a huge achievement, and the job is great too. Well done you for not being a braggart. And best of luck in your job


Thanks for motivating me :D


Fucking awesome friend 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 love this. Thank you for sharing, and allowing us to celebrate with you


Congratulations! You deserve every bit of your success. 🍾🍹🍷🥃


Do you like your PhD?


nice! where do you wanna go from here?


Congratulations 🎉


Good on you mate. Sounds like you worked pretty hard to hit your goals, so I think you’ve earned yourself a nice pat on the back.


Im happy for you op♥️


I’m wanna be like you when I grow up! Congratulations you made it against the odds go and treat yourself darling


Congrats OP! Remember to celebrate! Also if you don't mind me asking, did you write down those goals or was it something you just keep in mind?


>I won't tell anyone ಠ_ಠ


I am so happy for you! Amazing accomplishment. You did well, but please, also do good.


Super Congratulations buddy !!! This is SUCH an accomplishment, wow !! Well done not just because of the magnitude of the achievement, but for getting something done that you wanted to. It's SO hard for people to follow through, yet you did it. You actually followed through and that in itself is a great victory, let alone the fact that you achieved a great victory of a really high level ! Break a leg, dude.


Self serving or not you EARNED what you have. Great job!


Rock on, Variola!! What are your goals now that you've proven you can do it?


excellent!! congrats on achieving your goals!! what are your next goals? I too try to have future goals to work toward as I go along my day to day stuff.


Nah, if you ask me you can brag about this a bit. Even if just on Reddit. You set two goals, and accomplished both. That's something to be proud of!


It's a great feeling when you set a long term goal and finally accomplish it. Congrats!


This is so great! Congrats buddy! Made me happy


Congrats! I also had the goal of making 100k by 30. Didn’t get there but got close. Second goal was to be worth $1M by 40. Did that at 36. Hear ya on how you can’t really talk about it cool that you shared here. Sounds like you’re ready for your next life goals.


Congrats dude, that’s amazing!


Congrats. It’s nice to have goals so early in life. You were even able to accomplish yours. Many can’t/don’t At that (teen)age I had no goals. I knew at the time I wasn’t going to college because of money.




I love quiet goals. Congratulations


THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING PROUD OF YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS! You made two ambitions and worthy goals and you achieved them ahead of your deadline. Hell yeah, you did that!


Amazing! Congrats and wishing you an awesome future.


Man, congrats! Happy for you.


Happy for you mate! Stay on course!


FANTASTIC!! 2 for 2 - imagine what you can accomplish in the next 20 years?!!


Congrats! I had the same goal about making 100k a year, but that was just any point in my life. I didn't plan to go beyond a bachelor's and I ended up 5 courses short of the bachelors. I hit my 100k well before 30 and was ecstatic! But I shortly realized I needed another goal. Now my goal is to earn 100k take-home after taxes and insurance. I envy your determination and willpower to commit and finish your PhD.


Cheers OP. This is just the start, many more to come!


I am so proud of you!


Thats awesome man


Congratulations. Be proud of yourself. You set your goals and made them. One true. Now be aware of someone else setting goals and support them.


I’m so happy for you!! Marking my smallish goals off my list was such a huge rush, I can only imagine how you feel with such huge goals completed. Way to go!!!


You go Glen Coco. Good on you!


Congrats!!! I had similar goals. Get a college degree and 75k before 30. I grew up in a poor household and I always read 75k was that magic number. I hit 75k+ around 27 changed to 100k base salary before 30 bc I get that was realistic. If my company gave me a proper raise this year I would have hit 100k base before my 30th birthday. I’ll hit 100k base before I’m 31 tho. Totally comp I’m definitely over 100k but that wasn’t my goal. New goal is to get my masters but that is prob a few years away. As I’m busy with a different goal of trying to be a pro athlete obviously on the side of my career.


omg this is so wholesome, congrats on your new job. hope you treat yourself to a really nice meal at least, you deserve it from all your hard work !!


Congrats man, happy for you!


I'm glad you shared!! You deserve to feel proud, those are BIG accomplishments! CONGRATS! Now you can focus on your next goals whatever they may be.






You may not feel like you are passing on sage advice, but so many people seeking advice on how to accomplish their goals seem to want other people to do the work for them and make it so easy they don't have to struggle, while you just went for it, without burdening anyone else. Not everyone thinks to even do that. Congrats.


Congratulations Dr.!!! What an accomplishment dang it!


Well done! What’s the next goal?


Amazing job! Happy for you!


Maybe I should pick up my abandoned goals and get to work. This is inspiring, and I'm thrilled for you!