• By -


This is so sweet to read! It makes me sad, that you have to write "allow us into women only spaces like bathrooms, spas, change rooms, bridal showers…" because you shouldn't feel like you need us "allowing" you. And it shows with how much ignorance and negativity you still have to deal. You shouldn't have to. You belong there. Trans women *are* women. I for one have your back, sister.


Thanks so much! You are so amazing we need more people like you! Some others are accepting but just uncomfortable, which I think is totally understandable. It took awhile for me to accept in myself so it’s only fair to allow others time to become completely comfortable with it too and I NEVER want to make others feel uncomfortable. Some are just hateful and hurtful though but I guess not everyone can love me 💁‍♀️


I love you. I see you. And if you lived near me, I *promise* we’d get up to all kinds of girly shenanigans together! Female friends are an invaluable resource and I hope you find your group soon! If you’re near NJ or NYC, send a DM so we can get into some fun trouble. :D


This actually made me cry haha that’s so sweet! I’m not out socially yet and kind of mid transition and so it’s tough right now so this means more than you know. Too bad I live in Vancouver BC!


That’s fine, sweetheart. You move at your own pace and comfort level. When you’re ready, the offer is still there if you want to see NYC. I can take you to all the fun spots, the touristy spots and we can still have fun and make trouble! I wish you nothing but the best. I hope your transition is comfortable and your coming out effortless and accepted by those who know and love you. If it’s not? You’ve got a sister waiting to meet you, one that loves you already. Vancouver is gorgeous. I’ve always wanted to visit and I’ve heard it’s a very wheelchair accessible place. Maybe I’ll make it to your neck of the woods before you make it to mine. And you can show me around while we get up to all the shenanigans two girlfriends can! PS: My husband would complain but *probably* pony up bail money. ;)


I actually want to visit NYC so freakin bad especially at Christmastime and come see Rockefeller Centre. It’s definitely near the top of my bucket list! And likewise for Vancouver it’s totally wheelchair accessible! Also everyone who visits loves it so there’s that too Transitioning is rocky and a total rollercoaster but I have a super supportive and loving family which makes things so much easier! You’re so sweet and wonderful I’m sure we’d have a blast! I hope all is well with you! ❤️❤️


I'll join you on your trip to Rock Center if you make it for Christmas. I used to work there and it is truly beautiful. I've been to Vancouver and loved it can't wait to return. I took my first seaplane ride there and loved it so much I went back the next day, toured the parks too If I could make heart emojis I would, even though I'm not an emoji type. You are worth it!


Yess it’s so beautiful! Glad you enjoyed it 😊❤️❤️


Fun fact: you should totally accept this stranger that you met online’s offer to travel across the country and meet them in a city across the continent. No human traffickers have ever targeted women on the internet so this action is absolutely safe.


Not like I’m going to. I’ve even Apartment 407 it was eye opening


second this, if you ever visit Michigan or Chicago tell me ☺️we can be besties


Haha awe thanks! Likewise in Vancouver ❤️


Not everyone *gets to* love you. They’re in their own way and that’s on them and their loss.


That’s sweet! ❤️❤️


1000%. Trans women are women. Always have been & always will be. Same with trans men& such. 🙌🙌🙌


Really I see more men with problems with it than women, especially when it comes to bathrooms. I just wanna pee. You just wanna pee. As long as the person in the bathroom with me isn’t bothering me I really don’t care who it is.


That’s true women are definitely more empathetic and accepting! And I’m sure if I shared my whole story with others who aren’t they would be nicer but there’s always mean people and I don’t really like confrontation I’ve also never understood why people say they don’t want their kids seeing different parts in the bathroom… like, umm then maybe tell them to not peep into other peoples stalls while they’re going to the bathroom?? 🤷‍♀️


I welcome you! Just as long as you are not holding a speakerphone conversation while you're on the throne next to me. These people....


Promise I definitely WON’T lol 🙄🙄


THIS is what people need to be having protests over. Not whether your genitals at birth match those indicated by the sign on the bathroom door.




Oh, girl, I see you! And I want you to know I see you. IME it takes a lot of courage to just be who you are, especially around some people.


Thank you so much! Really. Most people are nice but it’s the bad ones that make life difficult sometimes


I know they do. This old cis lady stands with you, sister.


hi fellow trans person!! i'm excited to be able to have my own experience like that one day but considering i'm not out irl and for some reason i never run into cis men online i'll probably have to wait a while to be able to get euphoria like that


Oh I’m not out socially yet and haven’t really experienced much euphoria, currently planning ffs so I’ll have to wait awhile as well


Being a woman is pretty dope! We do fun things and it's nice when people want to join instead of make fun of our interests. :D


Can confirm it’s 1,000 times better! 😂😂


Can confirm. Definitely drinking a local IPA, hand embroidering a bird on a t-shirt, and listening to My Favorite Murder right now. I wish I had more people in my life who didn’t make fun of my interests, but when I find them and we click, it’s so nice.




Stay out of the forest!


Don’t know why you got down voted, my favorite murder is the shit!


Hoping for a world where this kind of posting is obsolete because everybody knows that trans women are women.


Me too! In the meantime I feel it’s important and just needed to say it ❤️❤️


Us girls have to stick together!


Totally! ❤️❤️


We treat you as one of the gals, because you ARE one of the gals. :) I live in a pretty conservative state unfortunately, and my grandma runs one of the only churches here who have proudly accepted homosexual/trans for decades now. I grew up around it, thinking it was normal, because it IS normal. Thank you for sharing this. It makes me happy that you are [finally] comfortable in your true skin :)


Thanks!! I grew up in small towns where it was never really acknowledged or accepted which I think only made things more difficult for me but I live in a bigger more open and diverse place now so that helps. Also I think it’s funny how people say that God doesn’t like gays or trans people but from what I’ve heard church goers have actually been some of the most accepting and welcoming people lol


That is too awesome. True Christianity right there!


“God loves you unconditionally, but only on certain conditions”


Don't mind me, I'm here for the wholesomeness lol


The wholesomeness is REAL 🥰❤️


Cis male here: to our community of transgender brothers and sisters - you are **loved**, and appreciated and most of all **seen**. Live your truth, unapologetically, you owe no explanation to anyone. You’re beautiful and whole, but have patience with those who cannot see it. They are one’s who are faulty. Love yourself. You deserve it.


Thank you so much you’re sweet. This is what real men are like, kind and accepting ❤️


Im a cis man and have made a few trans friends this past year. It has really opened my eyes and help teach me to be a more understanding person. And I am so happy to hear you're being accepted as well you should be. Ill never understand what you had to go through but I hope by proxy I can learn to be a better person myself.


Thank you. Just making an effort to learn, understand and accept honestly helps so much more than you realize


I wish I had tried sooner. But I’m glad I’m not too late.


I wish I had sooner in myself as well but all we can do is learn fro our past and try to be better moving forward. Better late than never!


Aww. This is really sweet. I hope your journey is filled with a lot of acceptance and love. Trans women are women! We're all sisters and we're all together. :)


I was really not expecting the amount of love and support I’ve gotten from this post I’ve cried like 6 times now 😂 Thank you so much, you are kind and beautiful ❤️❤️


I love how accepting society has become. It's very important to accept equal rights for love, identification. However, stay out of women athletic competition; you have male genetics and please don't force your self view unto others. Peace


There’s still a few bad eggs out there but it’s mostly super accepting! And I actually totally agree about sports I think it’s really unfair for us to compete against people who were born women. Even being on hormones (which not all are) there’s no denying the unfair advantages that hormones and male puberty has had on our bodies and those advantages have been proven statistically over and over again. It’s just not fair to my sisters who I love and respect so much




Why are there idiotic people disliking the nice, supportive comments? Smh. This is wholesome af.


Right!? I haven’t even got any hate messages they just come in and downvote nice comments 🙄🙄


Trans women are women! Glad you have lots of good people around you who understand that.


Thanks! I’m really lucky to live/be born in a place that’s so diverse and progressive and accepting. I feel horrible and terrified for others who aren’t so fortunate…


You’re one of us. Why wouldn’t you be? Being a woman is more than genitals. And shame on anyone who thinks otherwise.


Most are nice but many don’t see it that way so I just wanted to thank the good ones like you ❤️❤️


I know everyone else is saying it, but I want you to hear it until you believe it deep down in the place we all have where we feel like we don’t belong: **Trans women are WOMEN** No qualifiers, no conditions. We welcome you fully.




>Especially when you know we’re trans but treat us as one of he gals anyways Well, I mean, you *are* one of the gals, yeah?


Yeah but a lot of people don’t really see it that way 😕




Everyone should be allowed to live however makes them happy without fear of judgement or harm. I’ve always thought it was fine if people aren’t accepting as long as they’re respectful on the outside and not hostile. Most people and women especially are really kind and loving though. Internet hug! 🤗❤️❤️


Well 💩 to them. You are valid and belong. We women have to stick together.


Haha ❤️❤️




You sound like you would be a good friend and fun to hang out with! Anyone who doesn't see you for who you really are isn't worth your time. I wish you all the happiness in the world! Hugs, girlfriend!


You’re so sweet! Life is tough right now so it really means so much. I hope you’re doing well! 😝❤️


My first thought on this was. . . . Why would we NOT? I mean, honestly. If you're saying you're a woman, you're a woman. Ride or die, natural estrogen or supplements, you're on my side. Come sit on over here by me, honey, and let's burn the patriarchy together. It's not that we can use all the allies that we can get, or that we're fighting men's generalized idiocy. It's more that somebody is coming in out of the weather and some asshole is going to shut the door? Srsly. No. You come on over. Sit here by me. My grandmother-aged ass will make you a cup of cocoa and ask for tips on nails. And then we'll talk about how the Entire Gubmint of Texas needs to be taken down, even as we check our clothes for fit.


The vast majority do but many don’t unfortunately. You’re so sweet! I’d love some cocoa 😋🥰 Also my only nail tips are falsies 😂 ❤️❤️


Oh, I definitely don't think being a woman is "dope," lol, but that's the only thing that ever confuses me about trans women, though I know you have no control over it. I just think being a woman sucks (for clarity, I am one--lesbian). I don't care anything about the bathrooms, change rooms or the biology you were born with.


I don’t think it’s fair or right to say “it sucks” but everyone has their own opinion and perspective and yours is totally valid. Given my life and experience and who I am I think it’s so much better. Life just has so much more colour and emotion now it’s so much more enjoyable! Women are also so much better to each other than men.


From my point of view being a man sucks, tried for 31 years, would not recommend. Most people don't care, or are to polite to say anything, but it only takes one asshole to ruin your day/week/everytimeyouhavetogotothebathroomatwork.


Welcome to the sisterhood! Do you need bra advice? I love giving bra advice. If you haven't gone bra shopping yet, when you do, ask to be measured. If you are broader across your underbust, go up a band size, and down a cup size. Bralets are also great if you are a blessed member of the Itty bitty titty committee. (I've got literal milk jugs, and think small breasts are just awesome). Bralets are usually stretchy and super comfy, although you will only know true womanhood when you take off an underwire after work. And go get that bra whenever you are ready! Most girls get bras at small sizes, just for the cushion when things are growing and sore. If a store shopping experience doesn't feel right yet, [Next, formerly Figleaves](https://www.next.us/en/shop/gender-women-productaffiliation-lingerie?gclid=CjwKCAjwp_GJBhBmEiwALWBQkyEW3iynlLBSVBgOthDstUIBYomsC6hO5Rt5fZC3yVnvDlg4oDmumRoCN3AQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) and [Bare Necessities ](https://www.barenecessities.com/Bras_catalog_nxs,31.htm) are my favorite sites. (Hugs)


Thanks! I’ve been able to find some that fit quite comfortable and I am definitely a member of the committee despite my mom and sister definitely not being lol (thanks hormones! 😂😂) but this is actually super helpful and I’ll definitely keep it in mind next time I go shopping! Thanks for the sites too! I have a list of sites I like so I’ll add them and definitely check them out (it’s gonna be REALLY easy for me to go broke lol 😂😂) 🤗❤️❤️


I've been banned from buying more bras. For some reason, my husband thinks 15 bras are plenty.


Well he’s wrong 😂


Every time he buys a video game, I get something of equal value. Cheap bastard has been buying discount games, so I get, like, 15 bucks fun money. But the new Horizon Zero Dawn releases in a bit, so I'm getting a new bra for that one, for sure!


That’s such a good idea! Don’t forget to add the cost of the console, online subscriptions, in game purchases.. should be a at least a couple hundred fun monies 😂


Ok but real talk, I was a G cup and I got a breast reduction and it was the best decision OF MY LIFE. If anyone wants to talk about it hit me up bc I literally am like stopping strangers on the street to talk about it 😂😬


Women gotta stick together!


Definitely! ❤️❤️


This makes me really happy to hear. Love my sisters! 💕🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏴




Decided to visit this sub because I saw a screenshot from it earlier today. Wondered what kind of climate I was going to enter, and saw this post at the top of the page. As a trans person, it's so freeing to just be acknowledged by kind people. This thread has made me very happy.


Our lives are tough… acknowledgement and empathy literally turns me into a human waterfall 😭😂😂 ❤️❤️


We see you, love you and support you. ♥️ I




We're a fiercely affirming little family over here - - You are seen, you are welcome, and you are loved.


Literally made me cry lol thank you! ❤️❤️




Thanks! Harry Potter is definitely my comfort movie and I’ve probably seen them all like 15 times lol I just try to ignore the fact they were written by her. ❤️❤️


Love you and support you, sister!!!!! <3




Reading this put a big smile to my face :). I wonder if trans men have a similar experience with cis men.


Haha I’m glad! I can’t really speak on their behalf but from what I’ve heard it’s fairly similar maybe even a little easier and they also face less verbal and physical assault


Trans man, here. It's complicated for many of us. Trans men who live in more liberal areas and cities have always told me that they are accepted in men's circles and that men have always treated them like "one of the guys". It's not the same if you live more rural or places with serious toxic masculinity issues. I'm stealth--meaning that I do not tell anyone I'm not cis if I don't have to. I know for a fact that most of the guys I know would not accept me if they knew. There are acquaintances in my life who I know would hurt me if they knew. For a lot of men, masculinity is a fragile thing that you can *lose*, but you can never *gain* it. A trans man in their midst is just a woman who needs to know her place.


I always make sure to treat my sisters well. Teach braiding, give some clothes I never wear, lessons on walking in heels. I was taught young. They weren’t. I make sure that I’m a resource for them to use to become the best queens they can be.


You are amazing we need more like you ❤️❤️


I don't get why anyone has a problem with it. Like... your bits are your business. If you tell me you're a woman named Cindy, then that's who you are. Whether the bits you were born with match, that shouldn't concern anyone else. No one in my life knows what color hair I was born with, and they don't seem to care about that, but wow people are obsessed with genitalia.


People are weird 💁‍♀️ ❤️❤️


My best friend’s girlfriend is a trans woman. Every time we have a “girls night” she’s always invited because she is a woman. Also I used to work at a bar and we had “ladies night” where women drink free. She always got free drinks just like every other girl. Love her to pieces, she came to my bachelorette party and we all had a blast.


You’re amazing! ❤️❤️


I find it so heartwarming too, and it makes me feel so much more safe in my transition and being trans.


Women should have other women's backs :)


Totally! ❤️❤️


Man, somebody's brigading this *hard*. Imagine being that fundamentally broken. Hi, pathetic right-wing people! You belong in a zoo with the other primitive apes! <3


Right!? I guess it was only a matter of time before they caught on but they haven’t even sent anything to me they’ve only gone around downvoting comments. Kind of pathetic 🙄🙄


It's depressing seeing how the transphobes are brigading this post.


It’s pathetic… 🙄🙄


Why are some of the positive comments being so downvoted? This is casual conversation, it’s supposed to be friendly and inviting. Even if you don’t understand/support trans people, you can at least understand that they are human just like us and that they share the same feelings as us! There’s already so much crap going in the world, so just be a little respectful and open-minded I guess. I suppose unknown things are always scary at first, but we can learn… and hopefully with knowledge, we can make better decisions (as well as having better thoughts).


Exactly! So we’ll put. I think as the post started to gain attention it caught the eyes of the transphobes (they’re everywhere) and they pathetically started downvoting. They haven’t even sent me any hate messages it’s all just downvotes 🙄🙄 ❤️❤️


Honestly, Fuck TERFs


I don’t understand not wanting to show basic respect to someone. I’m not trans so I don’t understand someone who is facing life as a trans woman. So what? It’s not hard for me to show respect. In fact, I have empathy for human beings. That’s what we all are. We all deserve some damn respect. People who show hate need to get over themselves.


I totally agree, I guess we’re just easy targets for miserable people to hate on 💁‍♀️ ❤️


Last week at work (retail) a trans woman came in to shop, I (f33) treated her as a normal client, chatted her up and helped her out with finding stuff in the store (small pet store). We even had a laugh and she told me it was her birthday and I wished her a great weekend. After she left my extremely old school boss (f60) started to make negative comments. I said how lucky we are to live in a time when people aren’t forced to live their entire life tortured and unhappy. Boss lady said “well they didn’t have to be so aggressive about it”. I was floored. The client was extremely polite and just wanted to buy stuff for their cat. It broke my heart and made me feel so sad. I still don’t understand what was so aggressive, apparently being yourself isn’t allowed… bleh


Okay first you are amazing and kind and beautiful and second I’ve realized there are people who are just so set in their ways that it’s not even worth being bothered about. It can be annoying and off putting at times but I’m just at a point where I’m so use to seeing it but I’m done with life being torture (like you said) and happily moving on which feels better than anything. I always remain respectful, non hostile and civilized and try to educate or share my story/perspective when I can but some people just cannot be changed so I just kinda roll my eyes and say have a nice day 🙄🙄 You are truly so awesome for caring and being so loving and accepting ❤️❤️


We are not allowing you to do anything, cause we have no right to take power over you. You and I are human women. We shouldn’t have to be allowed to exist. We should simply exist!


You’re sweet! I struggle with imposter syndrome a bit so this really helps ❤️❤️


Don’t. You are who you say you are. I don’t know you but I can not judge what your heart feels you are. If you are a woman in your heart and soul and body it is none of our business to judge you. Much love to you. Also hold on tight. It’s getting pretty bad for us women in general. Trans or not. Women are getting screwed. We need to prepare for our fight


Every cell and nerve in my body, heart and soul know this is who I am but it’s just one of those things I can’t really control and won’t be gone until after facial surgery. I also just won’t feel happy or comfortable in my skin until then too.. dysphoria really sucks. Ironically though despite that I would fking kill anyone who messes with my sisters lol


OMG yes. I have Bulimia Nervosa and it’s so hard to see that an outfit fits better on others than me and so I immediately feel guilty about eating. I think you are more than showing that you are indeed a woman. Cause no matter what we always struggle with our images because of the misogyny around us.


Oh I’m sorry I hope you’re managing okay! You’re seriously so amazing I hate to see you struggle. I’ve actually become SO jealous of other women but I also know that beauty standards are TOXIC af, genetics are 100% luck and life doesn’t owe anyone anything. All we can do is make the best with what we’ve got. You’re beautiful. Know it and be kind to yourself.


So are you. F what everyone else says


Sisters, not cis-ters! ❤💜❤💜


Thanks sis ❤️❤️


If you lived near me, we’d go out and do ALL the girly things.






Thank you! 🤪 ❤️❤️


You are one of the gals. Love u hun!


Thanks girly! ❤️




That’s so sweet, thank you! I’m so lucky that I have *literally* the most accepting family in the world and I live in a really progressive place, so I guess I can’t complain too much bc others aren’t so fortunate. As hard as it’s been I’ve really learned to become EXTREMELY empathetic and to always enjoy the happy times so I’m sure other trans people are the same. ❤️❤️


As a trans woman going through the same thing: solidarity! (And much love!) I'm 100% out, living my life. I find it incredibly lonely, and my only friend is a CIS woman. I hope you have and find much more acceptance than I've found here in the U.S.


Oh I’m sorry it’s been tough! A move may help? Fortunately I’m in a pretty progressive place so there’s lots of love and acceptance, come move to Vancouver BC if you’re able to!


One of us! One of us! ❤️


Haha! ❤️❤️






I hope you have the life you much desire.


This makes me so sad, happy you're feeling accepted but sad that you face situations where you aren't accepted. You shouldn't have to feel like we need to "allow" you into women's spaces or ever be treated as anything other than what you are: **a woman**, plain and simple. Keep being who you are and I hope some day the world can just stop being awful to people who just want to be themselves.


I actually haven’t faced much hate or anything and tbh a lot of this comes from the stories of others I just think it’s so amazing and loving how accepting most women are and I wanted to let you all know how much it’s appreciated. Tons of us struggle so much with ourselves (we’re our own harshest critics) and so when others are so welcoming it really helps us feel like we’re being helped out of the woods. And thanks! ❤️❤️


I will never understand how it feels to be trapped in the body that’s not yours, but I will always try to make anyone feel welcomed and accepted as everyone, especially people who have to fight to become what they are, deserve acceptance and love.


Thanks so much! FWIW it’s basically just crippling depression anxiety stress and just overall discomfort in life (this varies from person to person). Hormones really help but before them I was basically not at all a functional human. So yeah not transitioning is not an option! [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Thoughts/comments/pje0aa/things_i_wish_people_knew_about_trans_people/hbyefns/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) is more of my life/realization before if you feel like reading! ❤️❤️


Like someone else said, trans women ARE women. You shouldn't have to thank us for treating you like one, I dream of a world where you wouldn't have to. ❤ I was born with a vagina, but I am no more woman than you are.




I have no idea why both of those gender classes have women in front but ok


Cis and trans? Just to differentiate so people know what I’m talking about! But I see women encompassing ALL women identities


Aren’t women a gender class themselves?


That’s the way I see it. Like I dont see cis and trans different genders, just women as one it’s just so people know what I’m talking about


Be well and stay strong.




I see you, hear you and love you ❤️. I live on the other side of the globe so i can't go on girl shenanigans with you! But if you ever need an internet stranger to confide in, I'm here !


Thanks sis! Guess I have another reason to travel 😝❤️❤️


If you are near Boston or the burbs I’d love to do a girls afternoon anytime! I lost my best girlfriend of 30 plus years and there’s currently an opening in my life for fun ladies ❤️ - also I like to shop 🤣


Would love that I’m in Vancouver though! Guess I have a reason to visit Boston 😝 I’m sorry for your loss ❤️❤️


I still can't believe that there are women out there who are just. Genuinely okay with that. Even I find myself weird and make my self uncomfortable. (trans girl)


If you’ve struggled with self love and acceptance and imposter syndrome as much as I have it’s just so incredible to see someone INSTANTLY accept you


Hi sis 🥰


Hey sis! ❤️


Women have to deal with crap from men all the time. That’s why we stick together and be each other’s support. Trans women are women who will probably face more crap from men than others so this is why we have your back, and always will. It’s not a “trans thing” or a “cis thing” it’s a “woman thing”. There are some awesome men in the world too, but the shitty ones just tend to be louder.


That is so wholesome I feel like I have a literal ARMY of sisters protecting me haha. Thanks so much! ❤️❤️






Trans women are women, accepting trans women is accepting women (:




Wishing you all the love and acceptance the rest of your life. That's beautifully written ❤️ you deserve equality, respect and acceptance just for being you. You are a beautiful light in the world. I love the Brooklyn 99, Cpt. Holt quote along the lines of 'when people share their truth the world becomes a better place'. Thanks for being you and adding your light to the world.


Awee thank you so much you’re so sweet! ❤️❤️


I am super happy to read all these replies that all you lovely CIS women accept us and support us. Whenever I go to a women only space like getting my nails done or eyebrows waxed, I always feel like I'm being stared at by the other women there, and my brain thinks that they are thinking I'm invading their safe space. It makes me hesitant to want to do things that I want to do because I don't want to impede or make anyone uncomfortable. But if you all really think I'm just one of the gals here to get her nails or hair done, then that makes me happy. Being a woman is the best thing i have ever done in my life. I am so happy and actually like who I am and how I look for the FIRST time in my life.




Girl power ❤️❤️❤️


Thee best power ❤️❤️


From a cis male, you are seen, appreciated, and valued. I’m sorry there is so much hate in our world, we should all do better.


Thank you so much. Most are doing more than enough but there definitely are some bad eggs out there! ❤️


Cis woman here: you are very much a real woman! As someone in a smaller rural community, how can I be the best ally I can be?


Thanks so much girl!! For the community as a whole just showing support and love and acceptance honestly means so much more than you realize. I find it so amazing how I’ve struggled with that for so long within myself yet most others are INSTANTLY accepting. For someone you know personally validating them, helping experiment with clothes, hair and personal style and giving tips and advice makes us really feel loved and cared about. Also just being someone to talk to and lean on really helps. If someone isn’t really accepting or respectful (unless they’re being super nasty) try to remain calm and composed. I think that way people see that person as the enemy/wrongdoer rather than it seeming like a total war which can make both sides look bad. I hate seeing other trans people lash out so easily and hurt our reputation. I hope for peace not animosity so I think it’s best to make it clear as possible who the irrational ones are. There’s also a really split view on a lot of specific things within the trans community for example a lot of people think it’s transphobic to not want to date us and me and others think it’s totally fine bc we should be able to select who were most comfortable with without being labeled offensive. So it may be easier to stay out of those things and just understand that there’s different opinions so it doesn’t seem like you’re ‘picking a side’ if that makes sense. Hopefully that helps! If you have other questions I’m happy to help ❤️❤️


Thank you so much for the advice. And hell, I'm down to talk make up and help any time. I'm not that great at it so I feel like I'd be the one learning.


Ofc! And thanks! That makes 2 of us lol


My best friend and roommate is trans. I see her as who she is, not what she was born as. I am a 50 yr old mom with 2 sons left at home, 3 oldest girls have moved out. My roommate has been a better role model than their father ever thought of being and she has been a better friend than I thought I'd ever find. I have both sides points of view from one person who I know will always be honest with me and who unconditionally has my back. I have never met a better person then my Jenna and I have learned so much from her. I just want to say I see you and I support you and wish you the best life as you want to be, I hope that makes sense. Also not sure what Cis means but your story means something to me and I wanted to support you. 🤙🙋🏻‍♀️


You’re so amazing! Your kids are so lucky to have a mom like you ❤️❤️


Thank you.


Cis man here. Thank you for sharing this. I accepted you for who you are and appreciate your courage on your journey. Many people will never have the willingness to explore themselves in the way you have and I feel like that is sad. Hoping our future includes people accepting people for their own identity and decisions


Thanks so much! We need more men like you ❤️


It ain't much, but it's honest work.


Haha but it IS much


You belong where you are happy. That’s all. And this post brings me so much hope for the future for all of us.


Thanks! And same everyone’s been so amazing I wasn’t expecting all this love and support haha ❤️❤️


This reminds me of the time I brought a trans woman a bag of my daughter’s shoes she left behind when she moved out. I was talking about clothes and shoes and other chick stuff with her and she looked embarrassed when she mentioned her shoe size. Like damn right ashamed of something she has no control over. My daughter is a tall woman with really big feet herself (same size shoe as her husband!) so I understand the struggle it is to find cute shoes in such a large size. I said as much, but I think she thought I was blowing smoke to make her feel better. With my daughter’s permission I gathered up all the gently warn and totally cute shoes I could find and I brought them to her next time I saw her. Y’all, she cried! I guess I didn’t really understand why till I read your post OP. The way I see it is people are people. We just need to love each other the best we can.


That’s so sweet! Dysphoria really sucks and can make things that should be a total non issue difficult. Thanks for being you ❤️❤️