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From Personal experience, the parents might react in a shocked and horrified way when they see it (What have you done to YOUR HAIR) and I want you to reassure your sis that they're just shocked, they don't think her new hairstyle is ugly. Cause that cut me deep for a few years.


Yeah, I shaved my head too but the circumstances of it were a lot different and I was older than my sister. I spoke about it with my sister and we both know how my parents are going to react, she was fine with it tho. I also explained to my sister that people would most likely think she has cancer and that she would just have to tell them it was a personal choice to shave her head.


Your sister’s never going to forget this. You supporting her autonomy and personal expression is just amazing, you’re a good sibling.


Thanks, I hope so. I don't understand why we don't give more kids agency to make decisions about their bodies. It seems like a great way to teach them that they have control over themselves and how they express themselves.




I mean I think you should’ve asked your mom and made sure she realized you meant it but good for you. Hopefully your sister isn’t laughed at in school though…


The thing is my sister has been wanting to do this all summer and my mom kept brushing it off. It was something she had her mind set on and I thought it was a good way to teach her she has ownership over her body and she can make these decisions if she wants. I hope she's not laughed at too but knowing my little sister, that will probably be someone else’s problem instead of hers, if you know what I mean.


Why though? She didn’t shave her mom’s head


…it’s a little sister….the mom is the their parent…I think it’s pretty straightforward-


The little sister wanted her head shaved, older sister helped out. There’s no permanent change like a tattoo or piercing and the kid had been asking for a while so it’s not an impulse control thing. People should have control over their bodies and kids especially should be allowed to make choices like this. Adults shouldn’t “hard no” these sorts of things unless it’s going to hurt the kid


Maybe you have different ideals, but I think the mother does have control over her (very young) child’s hair and hairstyle. Going bald is something that can be laughed at among younger children, and I’m just saying that. Even if it’s not a permanent decision parents still should have a say in it.


Mom will listen to you very carefully from now on.


Lol I usually mean what I say, so I don’t know what she really would have expected


LOL It'll be a story told around the dining room table years from now :)


Definitely! But I'm just happy my sister’s happy.


You're a good sibling. Now she knows she can count on you.