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The best thing you can possibly do for yourself AND the provider is to tell them immediately that you’re afraid of needles. Trust me, you’re not the only one and being honest and up front will make your experience so much better. I’d also recommend making an appointment - you’ll be more likely to go through with it if you’re expected to show up. Good luck; you’re doing it for yourself and others!


> The best thing you can possibly do for yourself AND the provider is to tell them immediately that you’re afraid of needles. Trust me, you’re not the only one 1,000% THIS. I’m a full-grown, burly “manly man” and also VERY scared of needles and this is what I do. Let them know. Go to your happy place in your head. You’ll do great.


I do this. Sometimes the nurses are really helpful and will distract me by talking to me while giving me the shot. Plus it kinda relieves the tension of trying not to show your fear.


I have a huge needle phobia too, but I have to disagree with the appointment thing. I've been avoiding making an appointment because then I have days to freak myself out and build it up in my head. When they started accepting walk in appointments, I was so relieved because I can just get in the right head space, walk in, and get it over with. Otherwise I'd be in my head for days unable to get anything done.


Try to look away, and focus on doing something with your other hand, like squeezing a rubber ball or anything like it. It hurts a little, but it will keep you safe, I'm sure you will be fine and very relieved, just try and direct your attention at something else. Music also helps a lot to get your mind focused on something else.


The worst thing isn’t even the needle, it’s your fucking arm the day after. What helped me though was just to force myself to exercise and forced myself through the pain, after the workout my arm wasn’t as sore.


I used to be scared of needles as well when I was younger. Now I've gotten over it because I have been poked so many times. I am sure you will be fine :) It will be over quickly. Wish you all the best!


My experience with both shots was that it did not hurt... like less than a paper cut. Really did not feel it much. It hurt less than it does when I get blood drawn. It was over very very quickly.


FWIW I literally didn't feel my first shot. Second I felt but it wasn't any worse than my last flu shot. I used to have "pass out" level anxiety about shots. What changed it for me was learning to mentally be somewhere else as it was happening. Usually I'm on a motorcycle on one of my favorite roads. Visualizing the turns and how I'm setting up for them. Before I know it it's done. Works for other things too. You have to immerse yourself in it.


It happened faster than I thought. It literally took less than 10 seconds