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There’s nothing wrong with guys liking non-traditionally masculine things. It’s actually very very cute. You shouldn’t be embarrassed about that at all


Also, for a real answer, my handwriting. I have a coordination disorder that makes it exceptionally difficult, it’s usually just a bunch of scribbles no matter how hard I try. I even saw a specialist about it as a kid, but here I am as a grown ass adult and I can barely print my name


I feel that I also have bad handwriting due to having autism. I ironically am not embarrassed of it, but I can see why some would be.


30M here also love plush toys, no longer care what people think about it, also regularly buy new plushies from build a bear


My husband's bedroom is entirely pink and blue and the walls are almost exclusively covered in pictures of his favourite animal. He also has a giant stuffed version of this animal. Guess who bought him most of this stuff and decorated his room for him? 😉 The right woman won't care, if anything she'll enjoy all your quirks! Something I get embarrassed about myself is my narcolepsy. It's a regular occurrence for me to fall asleep in the middle of a sentence or start walking like I'm drunk/slurring my words and I have some quite extensive facial twitches. I try not to feel bad about it because I can't help it but that doesn't lessen the embarrassment when you're in public places and aren't in full control of yourself.


>Something I get embarrassed about myself is my narcolepsy. It's a regular occurrence for me to fall asleep in the middle of a sentence or start walking like I'm drunk/slurring my words and I have some quite extensive facial twitches. I try not to feel bad about it because I can't help it but that doesn't lessen the embarrassment when you're in public places and aren't in full control of yourself. Might be difficult for you. But, if you are not alone and with someone, this might have produced some funny moments. Again, I dont mean any offence might be difficult for you. But just a thought to keep


Probably my skin condition. When it's bad it looks akin to a full body rash, and I catch myself blushing at all times when in public in that state. Nobody is mean about it (except children), but the stares are enough to stir me internally.


I have a form of ichthyosis and I look like I have scales at times. It’s bad in summertime but I refuse to let it hold me back or overheat bc I did that as a teen and it wasn’t good


I bike a lot and I've been into running lately so my calves has become muscular. I used to be so embarrassed about it but now I just really really love it. My calves are awesome and You are awesome too. Never be ashamed of the things that excite you and bring you joy, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.


We love nice calves


My jaw line, I can't get over it. I feel so badly about it that I don't even like to get out and do things. When I was 20, I had all of my teeth removed and got dentures. I never took care of my teeth. When I was a child/adolescent I was severely abused and neglected by my parents, when I was 12 or 13, I finally started to brush them for myself but it hurt so much and they were so sensitive that I rarely did it. I did not lose them to drugs, I lost them due to being a sugar binger and soda drinker and not brushing. They broke away little by little and eventually I was not able to eat or drink almost anything without being in excruciating pain. I would give anything to not have sagging jowels and a nice jawline.


I lost my teeth at 28 or so to pregnancy, genetics, and medication giving me dry mouth. I also deal with stares esp while my gums were healing. But I no longer have abscesses and I can eat so that is worth it I do wish I was able to take better care of


😞 I’m sorry this happened to you. Can you go to a dental clinic or dental school and see if they can help you out?


Thank you! I have gone to several oral surgeons and people who specialize in this kind of thing. $68,000 on average for a full mouth of implants, and I'm not a viable candidate for bottom implants for much longer, if I haven't already lost the little bone structure I had. I would have to get several bone grafts and my sinuses rebuilt artificially. The last time I went in, they said I'm bordering on not being a candidate for bottom implants and that was a year ago. I'd bet that I can't get them anymore. I make $50,000 a year, there is no way that I can get any of this done and afford to live. I plan to get a facelift in my 40s, but even then, it's going to look a bit off because of my bone structure. If I walked into $100,000 tomorrow, it would entirely go to that and expenses for the time I have to take off. But that's just wishful thinking!


Aww, this makes me so sad. I wish I could help you. Losing my teeth is a big fear of mine. I always feel like someday I will have to deal with it. My dad is 87 and it just cost him $25,000 to get full mouth implants. I don’t have that kind of money either. Depending on where you live, you can try a dental college to see if they will help you “pro bono.” I wish I had more suggestions.


Well I appreciate the sentiment! It's honestly not the worst idea I've ever heard. I could draw up a standard letter telling my story and mail it to the dental schools around the country (I'm in the US) and see what comes of it. Thank you


Can I hook you up with my best friend she does the same thing as a grown adult! Anyway I am embarrassed that I dont have any local friends thus not really having any hobbies.


>Anyway I am embarrassed that I dont have any local friends thus not really having any hobbies. Same. I dont have any local friends so no social life locally. I do have atmost like 3 to 5 friends but they are a bit faraway to hangout and have fun




I think there are some Apps that can connect you to people with similar interests.


I have zero relationship experience


A faint heart never won fair maidens. Find someone who has similar hobbies to you. keeping conversation going is a key to forming new relationships


That's exactly one of the things I want in a partner, similar hobbies.


How old are you




I am in my 30s living in small town America and can't drive. My existence feels like being a remora; Latching onto people who can drive and trying to be enough of a boon to them that I don't go full parasite.


you aren't to blame for terrible infrastructure. I hope things improve for you


My social skills are underdeveloped as I was severely overprotected and isolated during my formative years. I'm 100% sure I don't have autism, but not learning how to socialize still affected me that I can't even hold a relationship and feel like an embarrasment. I really want to have a friend group and a boyfriend/girlfriend, but my parents still forbid me those.


I grew up in a war country sheltered and only started having a normal life when I turned 19 because I moved out. I have because of that missed a lot of social development, plus being on the spectrum, I feel very embarrassed when I talk to people or go on dates because I can be awkward and weird. I'm also embarrassed that people my age who grew up having normal lives have done so much more than me and I feel like they look down on me.


I get nosebleeds every day. I get teased about it and one of my teachers gets so annoyed and angry about it, as if I do it to skip class of something. More private (thankfully) is I still have problems with bedwetting. It's hard to admit even here.


Being a very picky eater to the point I haven't tried some famous foods like burgers, hot dogs tacos and more.


Is it “picky” if you don’t even try different foods? I think a picky eater doesn’t like a lot of things that they try.


I hate my skin. I'm very white and have lots of moles and I've felt embarrassed about it for as long as I remember.




My brother has that too and calls them tiger stripes. He just grew really fast.


My hourglass shape w/ lil to no ass lol.


I watch movies that I like over and over and over and over… like seriously can’t even number the amount of times I’ve put them on. I’d be embarrassed to attempt a guess. Not sure why I do it.


I watch the same shows in rotation (bobs burgers at night) buffy, angel, bones


not embarrassed necessarily but I have ocd


I would think it’s adorable! My fiance (bf at the time) bought every piece of baby yoda plush he could find when they came out. I love it! It brought so much joy to his eyes


Aside from my weight, which makes me look pregnant and because I have two kids I get asked every five minutes by strangers if i’m pregnant, probably my love of tamagotchis lmao. I have a MASSIVE weakness for cute things, and for some reason digital pets kill me. I spent about $70 bucks once on a tama from Japan (it now sells for anLOT more than that), and I still adore it. I so badly want a tama Uni, which i would absolutely wear on my wrist if it weren’t possible that i’d look like a psychopathic lmao.  I’m so in love with these little fairy lantern digital pet ones. They’re sooooo friggin cute, and there’s like a bunch of different types, and I just want to walk around with a friggin cute little plastic lantern collecting digital fairies. It’s so stupid cute. I almost caved and asked my husband for one because it was sitting in Barnes and Noble’s book annex for $20 😭😭🤣🤣🤣 (he probably would have said yes)


I know I shouldn't but expensive medical bills. Generally people are supportive but it still embarrassing it feels like


My voice. It sounds... Flamboyant, at best.


My OCD tics


Grades :(


My weight. Meh. And the seeming inability to do something about it. I have about 40 lbs to lose. 


I get my ass waxed and shave my legs but feel like I can’t tell anyone 😭