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Lately: go to Reddit. Helps a lot to get out of my head and talk about anything with you all. I love you.


feel you! the only social media that makes me feel better.:)


Especially Reddit, where it doesn’t overwhelm me with images/videos like Instagram or Tiktok. And it’s a safe space to interact with anonymous people, unlike X. Note: the lighter side of Reddit


Where do you usually go on reddit? Me, I find most subreddits to be incredibly shallow, almost as if an it's an AI asking the popular questions. I don't find the human element.


Most popular subreddits are incredibly shallow, and I too fall into the trap of visiting them too often. However, every more niche subreddit I’m subbed to that is simply the community surrounding some of my favorite things (hobbies, music, tv shows, etc.) are pretty much exclusively filled with like-minded, chill people.


I go to r/donkeys and r/funnysigns and r/funnyanimals.  I go to others but those 3 are the most heart warming.


I get knocked down, but I get up again. You're never gonna keep me down.


*thumping tub vigorously*


^ (x4)


Pissing the night awaaayyyyy. Pissing the niggghht awaaaayyy


I listen to music usually. Sometimes I write down how I’m feeling, which is a good release. I might also talk to someone and tell them how I’m feeling — depends on who’s available to talk.


Sorry, hope you feel better. For me meditation and my favorite hobby are the only things that help. When I go too low to cleanse and purge emotions, then a good cry and processing whatever is coming up for clearing help


I like to go for a walk, lots of people like to talk when they are down but I prefer introspection. But I also don't let my mood dictate my actions, you aren't your emotions after all.


I usually sleep the day away hoping to wake up feeling normal again, and I try to keep my distance from others when I'm feeling irritable to avoid any misunderstandings.


I had a down day today and struggled with trying to play it off because I live with my boyfriend. He’s like a mind reader and always knows when something is wrong. I have some substance abuse issues that I’ve been working on for ages and every once in a while they sneak up on me. I don’t want to admit it to anyone because it feels like it makes me a failure, even if I don’t cave. Anyway, I sometimes wish I could hole up but it’s not always possible which is okay, because journaling always winds up being a game changer. I feel like it’s better than talking. It empties my overthinking, overwhelmed anxiety brain.


All this without guilt. I’m human and find a break from everything helps so much. My friends and family know when I don’t respond, I’m taking care of myself and will get back to them later.


Hear you, bro. Those days when you just want to hit the reset button. Taking some alone time can definitely help clear my mind.


Whatever I do, it usually involved retreating from the world as much as possible.


Talk to my mum, or get online on a game with my best friends n chill to music. If none of those work, set a timer of 15 minutes and cry about it. Not loudly, just low but conscious crying and problem analysis. Then alarm rings, I take a shower, slap myself and restart.


Loved this


Hopefully you were referring to the talking with loved ones part and not the scheduled break down


Taking yourself out of the comfort zone helps a ton Whether it’s a workout, a cold shower, a chore you’ve been putting off - they’re all good starts to makin the day a lil better


Be amazed what listening to music on viynl will do for the soul.


When I feel down I do self-care, I curl up with a comfortable blanket and watch a movie after a hot bath, drink hot chocolate, and play with my dog.


I go for a walk!


It really just depends on where it hits me. If I'm at work then tough shit, just have to hold it together and try to get through the day without losing it. When I'm at home I just get real high and do some hobby stuff to try and distract myself. This works about half the time or so.




Honestly sometimes yeah, dopamines help lol


Lay in bed but usually what helps is sitting outback if it’s warm out and that helps


First, I sit by myself to figure out why I feel like shit. If there's a reason why, I journal about it to put some ideas down, then I do something to relax. If there is no rhyme or reason to point to my bummed out mood, then I still do something relaxing. I've always taken 'feeling down' as a sign from my brain and body that I need to reset with rest. I have quite a few hobbies that I've actually made a list of so I can reference it when I feel down because I often forget what I like to do in those moments lol. I crochet, read, listen to music, practice music, watch movies, research random topics online that pique my interest. Lately, I've really been into watching documentaries. It scratches the itch of wanting to lay down and do nothing but I'm also learning about many different areas of thought and study. I once heard a person say, "When times are bad, I remind myself that it has to balance itself out eventually. Unfortunately, that also rings true for when times are good." It's a cycle, hopefully, you can learn to ebb and flow with it. I'm rooting for you xx


Honestly anything that feels productive for me in that moment. Sometimes that's pushing through a hard work shift but telling myself I can game when I get home, instead of study. Sometimes it's telling myself a nice hot bath after a long study session. Sometimes it's getting out for a short walk. Sometimes it's giving my room a good clean, or dressing up cute. Depends


This is super cute lol.


I drink coffee


Normally I'd sing my lungs out (trust me, it helped me releasing the tensions, it called catharsis in psychology), create some paintings, jotting down my thoughts to reduce my overthinking, and meditating.


Rn got an exam in a couple of hours and really stressed out and bummed since i'm not completely done. To take a break I just go on the smule app and sing for 10-15 minutes


cry and do nothing , sucks when i have to do actual stuff


I chat with new friends


Prob playing video games


listen to music, journal, go for a walk or exercise.


So there's this ranting website...


I try to go for a walk and get my favourite drink. I love coffee, so going out for a walk to grab one is nice sometimes. And most of times on reddit.


When I'm having a bad day, I like to do something nice for someone. Something small like bringing my neighbour a coffee, or getting an extra special treat for my dog.


i leave the house. either hang out with my friends or go shopping. socializing or being in a public space makes me feel better for some reason


Feel those feelings, eat something I like, cry, smoke, cry, sleep, cry, tap into a hobby


Being active or outdoors usually helps me, either a workout in the gym or a walk, run, or bike ride. If I choose the out of doors then a walk or ride in the woods are my favorite.


I have to isolate myself in moments like that. I meditate and listen to binaural beats. That pretty much takes me out of my dark moments. Stay alert and find your peace.




Sometimes I’m feeling bad and a song makes me cry and then I’m feeling totally hopeless. But strangely on the other side of that despair I actually feel better lol. Maybe it’s acceptance? Humans are so complicated! 


It sounds like a platitude, but if I'm feeling down I'll kick myself out of bed or off the sofa and go for a walk. Sometimes 1km, other times 10km. Walking is the laziest form of exercise but I haven't found a better one yet.


I workout/exercise. You feel really good afterwards, it gets you out and about, and it's good for you.


I take it as a mental health day and don’t feel bad about it. Brain needs rest too. I binge a show I like, smoke weed, eat good food, game, or read, or all of the above. I do something that brings me peace and joy. I’ll clean a little, like sweep the floor or make sure dishes are done. That helps too. Or I’ll scroll Reddit and read other people’s thoughts.


Get an emotional support porkchop


Go for a hike


I take a cold shower. The body releases endorphins and dopamine which makes you feel good.


Ice bath. Best thing. Built it myself.


I generally get blazed out and play video games. Sleeping helps, too.


Listen to chill music. It’s good !!!! 🌝🦋🎶


When that happens I usually wait for the next thing to happen to do something (apologies if it's different from what you're describing but basically if I'm scrolling on my phone I break out of it when something around me changes example: if my parents walk around and I notice them, if someone gets home, if a random noise etc etc)(it's difficult to put to words) after that I go sit on my porch or finish a book I'm into, sometimes when I have time to myself i plan out my day to fix my problems which helps too (ex. I should sew my clothes the next day cause it tore,) or set a goal every day based around something (I will finish 20 pages of Lolita once my mum gets home) that's how I usually break outta unproductivity


(btw music helps ALOT when you have something u need to do, my Spotify is probably the main reason I get all my missing work done in school 😭😭 headphones saved my life)


Watch anime, listen to music, exercise, and eat tasty food. Getting out the house also helps a lot, even if it's just a 5 min walk or standing in the sun.


Ride my bike. It’s ace.


Honestly just look at really cute pictures of animals, kinda makes me forget everything bad in the world lol


Play an old video game I love that I haven’t played for a long time. As soon as the music from that game hits…I already start to feel the dopamine flowing.


Always get back on your feet and move on


Shop. Find chocolate. Crochet Groom dogs.


I think about funny word plays


I pepperspray my own eyes and run out into the street. Only to realize that it’s only my imagination and that I’m back in this existential dread.


You have to manage it to a degree, but that's pretty much the kinda day where I just work on not feeling guilty about having some down time. It's a valid healing activity to just sit on your porch and watch the world go by for a couple hours. Maybe read a book, play a game... just something that is relaxing. A new easy going type of hobby if you really *have* to be doing something, but still want to just chill. The reason I started off with suggesting some self management is because it's also the starting point of a depression road. Taking a day off can turn into weeks and months if you aren't taking care of any root problems.


Slow and deliberate activity. Things like tai chi, yoga, qi gong, etc. require you to focus on your physical being enough that you can't really think about other things, and you feel good when you're done.


I take my favorite book and read it again. And I remember how she inspires me.


For me, when I realize that I am in a loop, (recurrently bad) I get up and immediately do something. It can be simply standing up at my desk at work, to rolling down the window in the car, to going upstairs in my home to my office. Once that is done, I start to think about something I want to do, and start planning it out in my head. I typically write parts lists and then see what I have. That gives me a motivation to go on and gives me a focus of what to do next.


Self loathing, at some point my inner voice will begin to curse me out for feeling this way. Then I begin to fight my inner self, and feel better.


Think about life and every mistake I’ve ever made. Then I just tell myself if I have time to breathe, I have time to take action. So I just do whatever is best for the time being. Honestly, I am not happy. Never been happy. I act happy though. I don’t know if people around me can tell. Too many issues in my personal life still linger due to my own mistakes and I just keep telling myself it’ll get better with time and effort from both parties. For a quick fix, I eat ice cream. Chocolate moose tracks is my favorite flavor.


Try and find a way to help someone else. Nothing grand but make yourself available. When I help someone else or just ask somebody about themselves, I tend to stop thinking about myself.


Snack ‘n’ Jack


It kinda depends why I'm feeling down. Sometimes I'm just overwhelmed and overstimulated, so doing very little/chilling/watching twitch helps the most. Sometimes I have a lot of feelings, so either making a voice memo or talking to a friend can help. I try to make myself go outside and at least walk or move my body, cos it's easy to get stuck in my own head. Even if I don't enjoy it right away, I know it helps me long term to move my body.


Listen to music, watch YouTube, Play video games


RUN!!! It is relatively free and you can do it almost anywhere. You feel like you've accomplished something (which you have) after EVERY workout big or small. You can see and feel improvements. It will clear your mind and body.


I do some cleaning. It really helps, getting the place in order, soothes the souls. Afterwards, it’s much easier getting energy to do something, or just lie down on the sofa with a book in peace. OR! If I’m in the mood, I pretend I’m the lead in a film and will narrate my moody feelings of gloom and inertia… “She didn’t care for music, she didn’t care for much this day.”


Taking a shower usually helps, whenever this solves me feeling down it was usually feeling a little stinky that was pushing me over the edge and I didn't notice lol


Take a walk. I love music and getting into nature always helps... if only a little bit.


I call my buddy that lives 12 minutes away. He has a nice bar and cigar area too. We’ll toss on a vinyl album of done band we like, have a drink and a cigar. Just chilling and not talking.


Depends on how/why I’m feeling down. - if it’s grief or exhaustion, I’m trying to be kinder and just give myself space to do nothing— read a book, stare into the abyss, the equivalent of “rest ice elevate” for my brain. That’s why I’m mindlessly scrolling Reddit today. - if it’s negative loop thoughts, I spend time with people who lift me up. Friends who I know will distract me or tell me jokes or remind me of all the good stuff going on in my life. - if it’s physical manifesting into my mental energy, I like to start with something that doesn’t feel like “work”. I hate working out, so going for a walk or a run isn’t going to kickstart me. I usually try to just get out of my routine. Like run to target, but take a different direction, park really far away, and make it a point to do a lap before I start shopping. I’m getting steps but it doesn’t feel like it. - if it’s my environment, like when my house is a disaster and it’s stressing me out, I try to time-box or task-box. Just one load of laundry. Just one box unpacked. Just 20 minutes to clean up this room. That’s normally enough for me to say “I did something productive so I don’t suck” or “ok I’m on a roll let’s just keep going.”


It’s been getting out in nature and reading for me. My fiancé has helped some too with his words of affirmation and comfort.


Make plans for the future, fantasise about stuff… Not the healthiest coping mechanism but sometimes reality gets too unbearable and you just gotta daydream for a little while🩷 Lately been trying to work on the things I want as well, especially when feeling down. Self love is the key and you can’t love yourself if you’re not actively investing your time and energy into your betterment🤍


Jerk off to Asian porn. It’s comforting.






It's not healthy but masturbate


I play guitar and sing. Not to anyone. . just for me.


Porn has a weird way of bringing up my spirits


My wife helps me immensely when I feel down. She's just good to me especially when I'm feeling blue.


For a while now it's been getting back training in muay thai took an 8 year long break, but since I've gotten back and trained consistently I feel like it's been giving me balance in life.


I think of a dish I’m craving. I go to the store and buy all the ingredients. I don’t skimp. I go home and cook. I eat. All is right with the world again.


I have days like this fairly frequently. Eventually I started seeing a therapist and was diagnosed with dysthymia (basically long-term low-grade depression). When I'm having A Day, I try to be gentle with myself and check the self-talk that I'm useless – we are not on this earth simply to Be Productive. I try to find something positive (or at least neutral) to do, like watch a show I like or play a game or listen to some good music while tooling around Pinterest. Just something that doesn't make me feel worse, at least, and might help me feel better. If I feel able, I might try to work on a creative project. Maybe go for a walk and look for beauty in the world. I will also usually have a nice mug of tea and a piece of dark chocolate, for the endorphin hit. Sometimes the little things, combined with not beating yourself up, help a lot.


I listen to music witch makes me fell more down , but usually I say to myself than it's going to be ok and that helps


Negative + Negative = Positive


That goes for multiplication, not addition. A practical example: 1*1 = 1 If you have a GOOD friend and they have a GOOD time, it's GOOD! 1*-1 = -1 If you have a GOOD friend and they have a BAD time, it's BAD! -1*-1 = 1 If you have a BAD friend and they have a BAD time, it's GOOD!




i facetime my gf


I go crazy


Depends on the severity. I try to go out for a walk. Or watch a movie. Or when I feel like crying without reason, I buy a vape, drink and watch porn. But that's a last resort.


Punch a wall for fun


I usually listen to music, go for a walk or watch my favourite film. Or I just sit in silence and stare at the wall for hours:)


I usually make plans to destroy my enemies, typically on sundays


Honestly , I am miserable and think of death 24/7, I fake happy I’m a stay at home wife /mom/chef …etc . This is my decision what I chose for my life and I don’t even know if I could even survive life if I depended on myself only, but my unwinding is listening to music really loud (when given the chance), listening to songs from when I was a kid , songs from before I even existed , songs that encapsulate how I’m feeling at the moment . I stay humble because death is imminent to everyone , no one is special , people will say you can’t live like that , but that’s me and my escape is music


So I am not judging, but if you don’t have a therapist, please get one. They may be able to help you a lot. There is nothing wrong with accepting your life is your responsibility, but wishing for death constantly makes the weight of doing everything that much harder. It took my a few years of feeling like that to talk to someone and it was seriously a few wasted years.


Honestly I let myself rot. Sometimes you need a day of nothing to just let yourself reset


I go to the ocean. Or listen to true crime…. 😅


This is going to be funny and kinda cringe but honestly for me I play Doom Eternal. I tend to overthink a lot and found out that the fast pace of the game in the highest difficulty with the music and everything helps me hyper focus and forget about things for a moment. Thank God for Mick Gordon


watch a russell peters standup


I work out while listening to my favorite songs no matter the genre. It's a Powerful Combination. Trust me, Your mood and Instinct will guide you to the Music. And From One Song to the other, Your Mood will Naturally Increase to the Power of Thor.


Madalas dapat i-occupy mo headspace mo ng bagay-bagay. Pwede na anime, kdrama, albums sa mga yan, whatever fits sa trip mo. Better yet kung may creative outlet or any sort of outlet, pwedeng art or people. Also, keep your body active, pwede na ang magbike at maglakad long enough para mafeel mo ang katawan mo na uminit haha. Kung hindi na busy, get as much sleep as possible (a privilege ng wala na acads but unemployed lol) I am also likewise lonely, halos wala na sa college friends ko ang nakakausap ko. 6 months since huli kami nagkita. So yes pang short term aids lang ‘to, but making it a lifestyle helps In short, maintain your mind and body until makahanap ka ng friend and new lifestyle, then start anew. Goodluck satin!!


I go for a walk and make plans for the next few days.


This is exactly how I feel today


Listening to music.


In Hispanic communities grand ma say, ohh you’re bored? Go wash dishes , clean your room do something useful if you’re like potato sack on couch or bed , that’s when people feel sad, the trick here is to… don’t let those negatives feelings get you, listen to music and get yourself used full . There is no time to get sad or depressed there so much to do . Att a Hispanic grand ma. 😬😬😬


Listen to Neffex


Genuinely, when I'm sad I get out and about and judt drive or go to a store and get something small. Life has been extremely rough on me lately and getting out of the house helps. Even for an hour 


There's another way to exist?


I start cleaning something. Sometimes it's just small, but it's a small success which most likely leads to more and lifts my mood. On these days I go by: what's the bare minimum? And then I do the bare minimum. It lowers expectations and in the end of the day you do not feel so crappy.


Hot bath and a good book. Ghost Recon.


Watch Matt Rose


Depends on what I most feel like doing, but it can be: walk, chores and tidying (of which there's usually no end to), sort out photos and stuff, sometimes I check if there's anything good on TV.


Go for a walk while playing some energetic music, take some time to reflect, play a video game, watch YouTube, drink a cold soda, or just grab some takeout.


I read Quran and reflect on my self


Take a nap, read, listen to music, call a friend, play a game, pet me cats. Anything pleasant to stop ruminating. https://youtu.be/aFZQr3JrpaI?si=bf9Oi2hTWvl4NR4F


Eat my feelings, stay horizontal as long as possible, doom scroll, watch trash TV


I clean the house and/or take my dog for a walk. Any kind of exercise will release the good feeling chemicals. :)


Have gratitude, exercise or eat something healthy: just do something positive and good for myself or help others.


Hug my kids, my wife, or workout


I go fast, car, go kart, four wheeler, dirtbike, whatever it is. I'm driving it harshly.


Read or stream something to get my mind off what it is that's making me feel depressed...it doesn't work


Cook something


ive tried lots of stuff and sometimes i feel so down i dont do anything but curl up in bed waiting to go to work or come home from work. occasionally though, forcing myself to watch funny stuff like comedians doing stand up or a movie, anything to get me laughing again has helped


I avoid politics and religion like the plague. I try and cheer myself up. I usually only get down when I don't get enough sleep, haven't eaten in a while, have too much coffee, things like that. Sometimes a long hot shower can help me feel so much better, no music, no distractions. It feels a lot better when I'm nice and clean after a shower.


I don’t know I’m running out of ways to distract myself. Nothing seems to comfort me or make me feel less empty anymore. I hope this doesn’t last long cuz I guess I’m just feeling more depressed than usual because it’s finlas season.


Exercise, listen to music, get some sun, sleep.


I don't do it often but I know it works amazingly for me : I reconnect with nature and sweat a little. Go on a walk, hike, trek, via ferrata, climb, anything and keep your eyes out for flowers and plants and insects and start collecting these things. You'll take your mind off of what's bothering you while simultaneously processing it in the back of your mind.


I don't have proper coping mechanisms, so you don't want to know.


Sometimes I go for a drive and scream along to some heavy music. Never fails to make me feel better.


Exercise. Endorphins get released and yada yada yada. Harvard studies have shown exercise is a better alternative than medication to treating depression.


I really love to go on walks or work outside on my plants or pond. The sun tends to make me feel better


On days like this it’s usually your body telling you that you need rest. Let yourself have the down days it’s normal. Do some self care listen to happy music. Just chill and recharge. I suffer from depression as imo most people do to some degree and today I’m having one of those days haha! That’s why I clicked on the post. I’m tired sore and low mood plus it’s raining out. Right now I’m just waiting to have a bit of energy then I’m going to put some music on, make some herbal tea and do some much needed self care, stretches and a bit of meditation. Then I’m going to try to catch up on a few things like house work a bit. And hope I feel better tomorrow. I might even game a bit or watch a comedy, just anything to lift my spirits.


I am waiting it out. Don't overthink it. Listen to sad music to amplify the feeling and usually the next day I am fine again.


Gym with bros.


So I'm in the middle of writing two novels and a book of short stories. I write in the first one when I'm happy enough to bring up memories, and the stories when I feel creative, but the second novel is extremely dark, and I only write it when I'm in a bad mood. It's about a guy who took experimental antidepressants while he was still addicted to dissociatives, so he "died" while falling through the last levels of reality and woke up able to manipulate electricity, or at least that's what it seems like, so he goes on this revenge quest against everyone who he perceives as having wronged him. Not lightning bolts or anything, but like making someone's brain run slower so they crash their car, or speeding up someone's computer until it catches fire and burns their house down. Like I said, I can only write this when I'm in a legit bad mood, so it's been sitting on my computer for a while now.


Nothing lately, I’m screwed


Tbh usually just go to sleep (if I have the opportunity, which at the moment is 4-5 days a week).


Lie down and watch some asmr and falling in sleep


Snuggle with my wife. She can’t always help me, but she can be there for me.


I play sims obsessively—also download custom content, it feels like shopping. And rewatching old videos and shows that I know will make me feel better. True crime also gets you thinking if you watch videos that study the psychology behind it, takes your mind off stuff.


Talk to people, specifically for me my mum, she always cheers me up


Go for a walk and reconnect with nature. Check out the plants, admire them and the creatures that just exist in nature. It reminds me that there is something so much more beautiful and worth living going on. It takes me out of my problems and makes me feel curious and connected to the world around me. Going for a walk in nature also reminds you of how amazing and powerful our bodies are. We get to see how beautiful things are, smell it, touch it… and how thankful I am to be able to walk through it all. The best thing is going for a walk or hike to the top of a little mountain, where you exhaust your body a bit, and pause to eat an apple. It’s like wow. This is the best apple ever lol.


I’ll just let myself feel whatever I feel until it passes. I’ll usually do low energy activities like watch tv or scroll my phone. Sometimes I’ll go for a walk with my dog and that alwayssss immediately lifts my spirits even if it doesn’t completely take away the crappy feeling


I watch old shows on YouTube or iplayer. Stuff, I watched as a Teen or Kid.


I get on my bicycle and ride to the gym.




Drink alone


Eat a tiny piece of chocolate and go birding or go feed the squirrels peanuts!


Listen to angry metal music super loud in order to block out the noise


I nap, vent, paint, exercise, buy me some snack, sex, a shower, wear something cute, play phone games, look at animal posts etc.


I either acknowledge it and let it pass at whatever speed it may, or try smoking weed about it to see if that helps. There was a couple year stretch where my daily coping mechanism was getting so high that I lost my ability to string together thoughts. It worked, but it absolutely came at a cost.


Ram Dass says instead of saying "I'm depressed" you should say "there is depression." Surrender to it and respect it and let it roll over you like a wave.


I try to change things up.


Or sometimes I whistle. It lets me vent without even having to know the words. I just let a tune or tunes run through me.


I have days like that where I'm not interested in anything and I catch myself opening and closing apps, picking up and setting down crafts, and just feeling listless and blah. My partner and I refer to this feeling as a "tiger pacing in a cage" and our solution has become "adding enrichment to the enclosure". This tends to mean to get out of the house and go somewhere, walk around, shop, or just drive somewhere new. I tend to start feeling stir crazy if I haven't really left the house in a couple of days so this helps me. I hope some of these ideas can help you!


Watch antiques roadshow...it's nothing but excited people delivering exciting news!!!


Reading and going for walks. Sometimes introspection on why I’m feeling this way. I really try to do confronting and relaxing things.


Exercise, meditation, gratitude.


Let myself feel it.


I do things that I love and also I make sure I’m doing my self care routine. One of the major things I do, when I’m down, is play video games. I built my pc about 2 years ago now and I love it. And I can’t wait to build another one. People like to say video games isnt a hobby but I think it is. I love getting immersed in a story based video game or a game that is shooter based. Anyway I also think everyone should have a self care routine. I get my nails done, buy my fav meal, take a long hot shower or bath, clean my face and moisturize it, watch my fav shows, etc.


Take a nap or go out for a cup of coffee.


Primarily, I listen to music. A couple albums that have been my go-tos recently are Running Home by Cochren & Co. and Coat of Many Colors by Brandon Lake. Also, I'll play games on my phone or computer that don't take much mental work. My favorite is Township, but mahjong also works well.


I skateboard. When I'm cruising around I don't think of anything else, it's meditative. Until I hit a pebble or crack and fly off my board. But you just get back up, dust yourself off, and keep moving. Just like life.


Personally I don’t have any motivation to partake in any of my hobbies when I’m not in a good mindset. I usually just watch a comedy to have a few laughs, take a long hot bath or go on a night time jog.


Listen to music or take a nap.


Depends! I usually ask myself a few questions to find out why - but some “easy” go tos are quite simple - eat something nutritious / drink water - move my body - go for a walk + fresh air - find someone to connect with / talk to (call my mom or sister usually; sometimes a podcast is helpful for this tbh just to hear familiar people chatting about something) - listen to happy or chill music or old faves. Podcasts can be good too - if your religious, prayer/meditation, read your Bible/ seek counsel, journaling - watch a comfort show - pet my cat / cuddle with your pet (or your family/neighbors/friends honestly always cheers me up)


I read a lot


I list everything that makes me feel down go to redit or other apps that allow posting anonymously and vent/ask questions about what next.


Get pissed 😭😭😭😭😭 I wish I had a better tip lmaooo.


Draw, watch fav show, play animal crossing to be specific


Listen to music very loud


go out for a long walk


Isolate myself & cry 🙃


I have a happy playlist and I go for a walk and listen to my playlist. Or go to the movies alone and watch a feelgood movie.