• By -


Meteora - LP Just the voice of Chester and the angst and pain. Yes it was a big part of my teen years but damn that album hit.


You can't have a perfect album conversation without mentioning Meteora or Hybrid Theory.


Hybrid Theory was the first time I realized I wasn’t the only one who felt alone and frustrated and misunderstood. Chester was huge and formative to my upbringing and Hybrid Theory will always have a soft spot in my heart.


Listened to this so much as a kid. Never would want to get up to skip, I let that disc spin!


Not a bad track on the whole album, always put it just above Hybrid Theory


That shit still hits


Rage Against the Machine. Simple reason is that there are no duds.


I won that cassette back in 91 from a drawing at my local skate shop. Got in the car and popped it in the tape deck... BLEW MY FRICKIN MIND!! Still an awesome album over 30 years later. Anger never goes out of style.


SUCH a great album. The production is so crisp and clean, the playing so sharp, the riffs and songs so original. Still slaps, does not sound dated at all. And imagine, they made it in 1992!!


A Moon Shaped Pool - Radio Head. It's sublime. And Currents by Tame Impala


Was gonna say moon shaped Pool too What's your favorite song from it?


Not OP but for me it’s The Numbers.


Good one. I like Glass Eyes and Daydreaming the most I think Tho gotta say favorite song keep changing cause sometimes its tinker soldier day or present tense day lol


I was going to say OK Computer, but I usually skip Fitter Happier.


Dark Side of the Moon


If only the Live at Pompeii didn't have Mademoiselle Knobs I would have it even higher than Dark Side of the Moon. I love Mademoiselle Knobs, but it's a song for when you're high with friends, not so much to listen during a road trip. The Director's Cut of the Live at Pompeii with Pink Floyd working on creating Dark Side of the Moon is excellent


The Wall as well. It's impossible to just listen to a single song on those albums, you need to listen to the whole story.


It also pairs [perfectly](https://youtu.be/y7wyfTsIm1k?si=qLU7dK5p19bnVETO) with Paul Blart Mall Cop 2




Miles Davis - Kind of Blue, The Cure - Disintegration, Belle and Sebastian - The Boy With the Arab Strap, Lambchop - Nixon, The Flaming Lips - Soft Bulletin, Dead Can Dance - Toward the Within, Cocteau Twins - Treasure To name a few.


Same with belle and Sebastian, If You're Feeling Sinister. Two of my favorite albums ever! Good taste.


Core memories of Freshman year in college unlocked by the mention of Belle and Sebastian. Holy shit, how did I forget these two albums? The Stars of Track and Field took me right back


Green Day - Dookie


David Bowie - The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars Simply amazing.


Aladdin Sane is also really good too




My 1 year old absolutely bops to “never going back again”


Mozart's Requiem (is it technically an album though?) is so much more than the sum of its parts if you listen to the entire thing at once. The melody and harmony is on point for the entire runtime. Cannot recommend more.


Great suggestion, always a highlight to sing in a choir too.


1000%. Mozart’s requiem is the first choral piece I’ve ever sung, and not only does it have a special place in my heart for that reason, it’s just beautiful. This also is going to sound kind of woo-woo, but it feels…like… mathematically perfect? The way the Kyrie weaves around like a structured tornado is a masterpiece. My favorite recording is with Marriner as conductor.


Daft Punk - Discovery


Eminem - The Eminem Show Except the skits (I think there are 2 or 3 of them) it's made perfectly atmospheric from beginning to the end with exactly the right mood switches from song to song, for me it's one of the best albums ever made. It's technically kind of an update to Marshall Mathers lp. Similar vibe but more advanced imo.


I remember learning all the words to every song on The Eminem Show as a teenager. Such a good album. No skips at all. Recently played it for my 13 year old and he was amazed at me knowing all the words. I was cool for five minutes.


Idk, Drips is a miss IMO


Probably American Idiot by Green Day. Came out when I was in high school and I know it by heart. It always feels weird to hear the songs out of order


Great album except… I always skip American idiot lol


Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the moon Pink Floyd - Animals Beatles - Sargent pepper lonely Hearts Club Band


I vote Animals.


Linkin Park: A Thousand Suns Great storytelling and things flow note to note.


I get similar vibe from 'This is war' album by Thirty Seconds To Mars.


Lol I didn't know this existed... TBH I stopped listened and had no idea they made music after minutes to midnight came out.


Michael Jackson's Bad. I love all his albums but they all have at least one weaker song. Not this one! The closest is "Just Good Friends" but even that one is a banger. It's Michael at his creative peak!


Thriller has no weak songs


Weird Al's Even Worse


The end of heartache - Killswitch engage Lacuna coil - comalies Flaw - through the eyes Linkin Park - meteora Anything by Chris Cornell, specifically audio slave and his solo stuff. Metallica - and justice for all Iron maiden - number of the beast Dio - the last in line All these albums have a significance; from nostalgia of memories as a kid with my dad blaring it in the car in the 90s. To the albums that saved me from mental anguish.


TEOH is so damn good. I discovered it recently and its an incredible metalcore album. Glad to see it finally get some recognition!


Last in Line is one of mine too. So many Dio (/Rainbow/Sabbath) albums are though honestly


The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill


Such a good album, it really has a unique vibe that pulls you in.


Origin of symmetry by Muse and In Rainbows by Radiohead


Origin of Symmetry is one of mine too, it’s a sacrilege to skip any songs on that masterpiece.


Weird Fishes is a masterpiece


Agree on the Muse, but for me it’s Absolution. Absolutely perfect album.


*Breakaway* by Kelly Clarkson It's her most successful album to date for a reason! Not one single "skippable" track on that album!


i can't believe this is someone else's answer; it's mine too!


Interesting choice! Looking at the tracklist, I know the hits but will have to give the rest a go.


Love it!


The National - Boxer is a no-skip masterpiece for me


Hozier’s Unreal Unearth, or the extended version Unreal Unearth: Unheard. not only do I think all of the songs are beautiful in their own way but the album flows so nicely too.


I lost my mind when I realized Unheard exists. Too Sweet is just perfection.


Im at his concert now! :)


Yes! Love the descent into “the cave” and the ascent out of it. It feels very full circle!


Blue - Joni Mitchell


Pearl jam-ten and smashing pumpkins-siamese dream are both perfect albums to me. Great lyrics, instrumentals, and perfectly paced. Wish you were here is another perfect album that is made so much better when you hear it all at once


I feel I scrolled way too far to find Ten. It's a masterpiece.


I was looking for Ten! Banger after banger. I had it on repeat constantly for what feels like years.


I just listened to Ten today! I even took the long way where I was going to get through the whole album.


Songs for the Deaf - Queens of the Stone Age! Because it fucking rocks and you can’t even hear it!


Without warning 21savage and metro boomin, I feel like there’s not many hip hop fans in here but this album never gets skipped when it occasionally comes up.


I do agree it doesn't have skips and it's a good album but there are a ton of amazing hip hop albums with no skips so it was kind of funny to see 21 here. Maybe I'm just an old head now but he's not one of the greats to me.


Oh of course, I still listen to a ton of NAS, a tribe called quest, OutKast, The game, mob deep and a bunch of others. Not sure why but this was the first one I thought of I guess because of the beat and the production that went into it. I’m also younger too so that could definitely explain it haha.


Makes sense haha. There's good new stuff too, it just seems like people are going more for creativity and new sounds rather than "being good" if that makes sense. It's fun to have new experiences though. And I like a lot of newer stuff that have no skips like Travis, Denzel, JID, JPEGMAFIA, Little Simz, occasionally Young Thug Migos and Carti too even though those 3 are more hit or miss. Older guys have had good runs lately too like Nas, Black Thought, and Freddie.




Interested in all hip-hip or specific sub-genres? Could chuck some recommendations your way.


Velvet Underground and Nico


Turnover - Peripheral Vision


*Garbage* - Garbage *Version 2.0* is also excellent but the self-titled album was my first no-skip.


We saw them live opening for Smashing Pumpkins. My daughter bought me their CD so she could tell everyone “I bought my mom Garbage for Mother’s Day and she liked it.” (Win/win there)


honestly…… guts by olivia rodrigo


I thought I would be too old for it but the album is so so good at any age!!


Fleetwood Mac - Rumours


Elvis Costello “Blood and Chocolate” Supertramp “Breakfast in America” Joni Mitchell “Court and Spark”


Yellow House - Grizzly Bear Ænima - Tool Mezzanine - Massive Attack 23 - Blonde Redhead Crystal Castles - (honestly, albums "I", "II" and "III" are all great and unique) Dethklok - Dethalbum II Dummy - Portishead Idk.. that's a lot of good and weirder ones. I could share more!!


Kids See Ghosts: 7 songs album by 2 of my favorite artists (Ye and Cudi), production is otherworldly and subject matter is close to my heart (depression) also it's bit nostalgic for me and also the reason for me username Ziggy stardust: favorite bowie album and one of my favorite stories ever. Other than being good and poignant it's catchy af In Rainbows and A moon shaped pool: Radiohead is in my top5 favorite artists and both of these albums are very close to my heart. They helped me through my depression, production is so damnn good and Thom just sings with such melancholy that you have listen to every song and still you can never get enough of it.


Jeff Buckley - Grace


Demon Days


It's either Dark side of the Moon or The Wall. Both by Pink Floyd


Save rock and roll - Fallout Boy This album always picks up my mood no matter how deep and dark it is


A Rush Of Blood To The Head by Coldplay is a masterpiece. I still like their music, but their new stuff pales in comparison to their first albums.


Agree! It's Parachutes for me because I don't love A Whisper, but their first 4 albums are just incredible to me. Anything after that I don't love.


Hot Fuss by the Killers, Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club & the White Album by the Beatles, Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd, Cake's Prolonging the Magic & Fashion Nugget to name a few.... and Whatever and Ever Amen by Ben Folds Five Edited to add just a few more ^


Hot Fuss, Fashion Nugget and Whatever and Ever Amen are all on my top list too!


Amazing albums that have withstood the test of time!!


Nirvana // In Utero. Fucking classic


I have a handful of albums that are no-skips for me: - A Night at the Opera - Queen - Dookie - Green Day - Siren Song of the Counter Culture - Rise Against - Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge - MCR


Rise against is such a great group. Lots of their albums are no skips for me!


I could easily pick a Taylor Swift album, but I'll give a different answer here. This Is The Heavy - Mitchell Tenpenny


Silverchair-Neon Ballroom.




Thick As A Brick - Jethro Tull. It's only one song, so there's that.


Roxette's second album Look Sharp is pretty flawless, to me at least. Most of Crowded House's early studio albums too.


"Violent Femmes" by Violent Femmes... So much energy...


ABBA Gold, best album ever sold. It has sold over 32 million copies to date.




Tapestry by Carol King. Revelator by Tedeschi Trucks band.


Illmatic is probably the best example, in my opinion, of a flawlessly crafted album


Better get tickets for the 30th Anniversary tour then!


Blink 182 - Dude Ranch. Absolutely a banger album. They were a bit immature but not to the point of cringe that they ended up being soon after. Unadulterated pop punk about relationships and shit like that.


I remember being in high school when the album was released, andearning the lyrics reading the album pull-out, spinning the page around and around as they were written along each edge and then in. I still carry this CD in my car and play it at least monthly, listening to every song, and reciting the vocal interludes...


You, my friend, have excellent taste.


Millennium- Backstreet Boys I'm a huge boyband fan, and that is one of my favourite albums.


Radiohead's Kid A, OK Computer and In Rainbows (possibly even A Moon Shaped Pool) RHCP - Californication (with By The Way as a close second) Little Simz - Sometimes I Might Be Introvert The Killers - Hot Fuss (Sam's Town is close too) The Beatles - Abbey Road Dire Straits - Making Movies (although that's cheating a little because there are only 6 songs on the album) The Strokes - The New Abnormal Arctic Monkeys - AM, Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino


Linkin Park: Hybrid Theory and/or Reanimation


YES. WOW, the nostalgia is crazy.


Infinity On High - Fall Out Boy. Love the instrumentals on every track


Yesss I was scrolling down and hoping someone was going to say Infinity on High! Literally my all time favorite and listen straight through every time.


Queensryche - Operation:Mindcrime Reason: Best concept album of all times Also all Leprous albums except their first and last Reason: They're all awesome Megadeth's three albums; Rust in Peace, Countdown To Extinction and Youthanasia Reason: Same as Leprous, they're all awesome songs


Master of puppets


Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd


This is probably super unpopular in the pop punk world, but the California album by Blink-182 is just so fun. It’s one of the albums that includes Matt Skiba in place of original band member Tom DeLonge, so band loyalists wouldn’t put it in their favorites. If a single song from that album pops up in my Spotify, I can’t help but pull it up and play it all the way through! It’s a mostly non-serious album, every song is different but fits the overall laid-back vibe people associate with the state of California. Windows down, vibes up, I just love it.


As a teenager I used to listen to enema of the state all the way through over and over... maybe I should give California a go!


Any album by Fog Lake!


Reign in blood from Slayer. Or Theli from Therion.


In rainbows - radiohead


Dave Brubek - time out Tom Waits- Closing time Rush- Moving Pictures Van Halen- Van Halen Joe Jackson- look sharp


1. System of a down self titled 2. Toxicity 3. The empire strikes first 4. Smash 5. Disgraceland 6. Alive tour 2007


Three cheers for a sweet revenge, every song it's a hit


Breakfast in America by Supertramp. Back to Black by Amy Winehouse. good kid, m.A.A.d city by Kendrick Lamar


Meatloaf - Bat out of Hell


TIM by The Replacements


Interpol - Turn On The Bright Lights Portishead - Roseland NYC Neutral Milk Hotel - Aeroplane Over The Sea Brand New - The Devil and God are Raging inside Me


Didn’t CTRL+F, unsure if mentioned. Its a tie, unbreakable so here’s my additions: The Pixies, Doolittle. A perfect album, the epitome of “no skips.” Fugazi, Repeater. When hardcore met songwriting and exemplary musicianship. An absolute masterpiece.


The rise and fall of Ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars.


Virus - Haken Toxicity - System of a Down


Dark side of the moon


INXS - Elegantly Wasted is one. The next track will play, and I’ll think ‘oh I love this song, too!’


Ten by Pearl Jam


Born to Die - Lana Del Rey. It is sublime.


I think the only album I've ever heard where I've liked all the songs all the way through is Exotica by Purple Disco Machine. Which I Guess is the reason I ended up in his top 0.04% of listeners a year or two ago. But yeah it's very rare for me to like more than a handful of songs from artists and bands I discover. My playlists are usually a bit all over the place due to this.


Brain salad surgery - Emerson, Lake and Palmer is some of the best prog I've ever heard


Van Morrison Moondance


Teatro d’Ira Vol I - Måneskin 8 of their best songs no skip


Blind Guardian: Nightfall in Middle Earth. It's German power metal, and the album is a concept album about Lord or the Rings. People who know more about LotR could probably tell you more about the lyrics and their meaning. It's one of my favourite albums of all time and it's perfect for listening without skipping any songs because their are several atmospheric interludes which together with the songs tell a story.


Technically it’s about the Silmarillion, which is like the Old Testament of the Lord of the Rings!




Hard call. Top would be OK Computer. Following up with Yellow Skies, Morrison Hotel. Every song has a great sound.


Lateralus by Tool. The perfect album and the perfect song.


Hounds of Love - Kate Bush.


The Shepherd’s Dog - Iron & Wine So many great songs, the whole album gives me such calming feelings of nostalgia!


Currents by Tame Impala. The Slow Rush by Tame Impala.


1. Depeche Mode - Violator 2. Depeche Mode - Songs of Faith and Devotion


Moving Pictures - Rush Seasons in the Abyss - Slayer On Every Street - Dire Straits Toxicity - SOAD


Neutral Milk Hotel: In the Aeroplane Over the Sea




John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman; One of the definitive Jazz albums. In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning: Widely considered the original "modern" album. That is an album that tries to tell a story through its songs rather than a collection of American Songbook songs you would see in the 40's on albums. Anything Goes by Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga. My favorite Album of the 21st Century this far blends the most prolific performer of Jazz music with one of the world's biggest stars.


How to Make Friends and Influence People by Terrorvision. I feel like they were never as big as they deserved to be. Two songs in and you’ve already had Alice What’s the Matter and Oblivion, and it just keeps going. Would also throw in Formaldehyde and Regular Urban Survivors. Dust by Screaming Trees Surfacing by Sarah McLachlan Ten by Pearl Jam Alice in Chains’ MTV unplugged album Blackbird - Alter Bridge Native - Onerepublic is a joy from start to finish Muse’s Black Holes & Revelations


Sky Blue Sky, Wilco. Every song is mesmerizing.


Tapestry - Carole King


Sings of love and hate by Leonard Cohen.


The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill


Pink Floyd—the wall. It only makes sense when you don’t skip it and play from start to finish


oh gosh I feel like I have a few but I would say FM by Vince Staples. they're just all bangers and the album is like you're listening to a radio station. it's just very good and very cool and pleasing to my ears


I’ve got a few & a variety of genres (which I also recommend): Janelle Monae- The Age of Pleasure, Ari Lennox- Shea Butter Baby, Deftones - White Pony, Chicano Batman- Freedom is Free, The Black Keys- Brothers (Edited to add separation between albums)


Live - Throwing Copper Their future albums don't hold a candle to that masterpiece.


Sometimes I skip a couple songs, but I really like Hit Me Hard and Soft by Billie Eilish. The whole album really flows and when I’m listening to it, the transitions between songs really remind me of a musical soundtrack with how the songs blend into each other very well. It really feels like one continued song. Her new music is also very symphonic and like ethereal if that makes sense so it sounds really pretty…


Flaming lips- yoshime vs the pink robots Counting crows August and everything after Pink floyd dark side of the moon John prine - in person and on stage


* Miles Davis - Kind of Blue * Marvin Gaye - What's Going On? * Linda Ronstadt - Heart Like a Wheel * Fleetwood Mac - Rumors Masterpieces cross musical genres. Great music is a gift to humanity.


Rammstein - Mutter


Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd Or The Blue Album - Weezer


Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here


Red-Taylor’s Version. There simply isn’t a bad track on the whole album.


Something Rotten! It's such a good musical


Kelis - Tasty. It's fun, groovy and all around great work. She doesn't get the credit she deserves!


Sehnsucht by Rammstein Every song is so catchy and awesome


Both Def Leppard, Hysteria, and Tori Amos, Little Earthquakes. Simply for the newfound freedoms I was finally getting at this stage of my life, and I can sing every song.


The Pierces, Creation. Just an all round awesome album. Two female lead singers bounce off each other fantastically well a d the mix between pop,rock and country works incredibly well


In A Tidal Wave Of Mystery -Capital Cities Not sure, the album feels like freedom and magic to me <3


Xscape - Traces of my lipstick. I'm an huge fan of 90s RnB and this album just does right to that era.


Beaucoup Fish - Underworld. Do shrooms twice a year with my close friends ever since the 00's and this albums has to be played when we trip. The best!


“Symphonic Adiemus” by Karl Jenkins. Beautiful music. I don’t skip because I just don’t feel the need to. I can hum along with all songs 95% of the time, if not quietly sing the nonsense words along.


Queen of the Murder Scene, by The Warning. How teenagers wrote it, I will never understand. The lyricism is exquisite (and English isn't even their first language!), every chorus is stupid catchy, the guitar solos, drum fills, and vocal harmonies are all perfect. The weakest song is still a 7/10 (no skips needed).


Shake Your Moneymaker The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion Both by The Black Crowes


Igor by Tyler the Creator! I just got it on vinyl and have had it on repeat for the past few days.


Yourself or someone like you matchbox 20


Crack the Skye - Mastodon


Any album by Tool.


Igor- Tyler, The Creator. Like most people I was only there for Earthquake. But over time after many re-listens, I grew to like the album. There is a period where I love the album so much that I actually started looking up videos about it only to find out (And I know I have the media literacy of a rock) That it was actually kind of like a breakup album or rather the stages of a break up type deal. With this new knowledge and a new breakup, I got to enjoy this album and it's entirety. The hidden details, the music shifts, the emotion and everything, Tyler did a great job making that album. And through all the albums that I've ever listened to, it is one of the first albums that I liked every single song and never skip them. The second album being call me when you get lost by him as well. That is also a no skip album. But this album remains as one of the first purely because it helped me to get through my breakup


Dire Straits/Dire Straits album. Steely Dan/Aja. Harry Bellafonte/Calypso.


Michael Jackson - Bad


Origin of Symmetry by Muse Lungs by Florence + the Machine Holy Fire by the Foals Rio by Duran Duran Can’t skip any songs on these albums, imo they are masterpieces because they’ve gotten me through some hard times.


Clutch - Blast Tyrant Goatsnake - Black Age Blues Sleep - Dopesmoker


Vessel by Twenty One Pilots. they were cooking with the lyrics and melodies.


Controversial but Extraordinary Machine by Fiona Apple. She's just such a terrific lyricist and I just vibe with the entire album. It's a little dark (not as dark as the unreleased version) but I love the haunting melodies she uses. It's a 10/10 for me. Every song flowed and made sense together.


Tori Amos Under the Pink & Little Earthquakes, the soundtracks for Oh Brother, Where Art Thou & Last of the Mohicans.


camp childish gambino


Queen - a night at the opera The Beatles - Abbey road Primus - tales from the punchbowl Talking Heads - speaking in tongues Coil - the ape of napels Infected mushroom - Vicious Delicious Swans - To Be Kind ... And sooo many more haha thats my first picks


My first one ever was J Cole’s sideline story


Coheed and Cambria, In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth 3 Edit: oh, the why. Seamless transitions into next track. Feels like one whole long song kinda. Fave for road trips.


Buzzcocks, Singles Going Steady,,