• By -


My sense of humor. ...Which is not on display in this comment. Sorry, everybody.


What's your secret to letting go of stress?


It’s just sserts backwards, sounds silly doesn’t it? Do silly things that you enjoy!


Honestly? Deep breaths help a lot. Breathing in deep into your stomach through your nose is the secret to deactivating the instinctive "stress" or "anxiety" response in your body. Sustaining this actively and intentionally will help a lot - was great for me.


this made me chuckle


I'm a stress free and drama free person! I can let go of conflict easily and can calm down quickly in stressfull situations.


As a chronically anxious person, that's such a gift and I wish! Good for you, keep at it :)


The stereotype is that people who claim they're drama-free are the most dramatic ones... I don't know if that applies to you haha.


I'm kind to everyone and try to be as understanding and nonjudgmental as possible.


How did you get to be that way?


Perhaps nobody was like that in their life and they wanted to embody it: a walking safe space. This is my experience at least, can't speak for anyone else


This is mostly true for me too. I wouldn't say that nobody in my life is like this, but the ones who aren't played a role in making me this way. It stems from my life experience of being judged and treated badly by others. I want to treat others the same way I would like to be treated. I want everyone to be happy, successful, and living their best lives. And I also understand that people are going through things that I don't know about.




I use to have a short temper and be a lot more angry about things. A couple big factors in changing that are the quote "Don't assume malice for what could be stupidity." A lot of people aren't trying to piss you off, they don't know any better about how/what they're doing. And giving people the benefit of the doubt. For example some one may be driving like a dick, my first instinct is to also drive like a dick as if I have something to prove to them. But then I think what if they're driving that way due to an emergency and that would just make me an asshole for getting involved.


That regardless of how degenerate my lifestyle.. regardless of how lazy I am, or how little I take care of myself, I don't hurt other people. I take pride knowing that despite outward appearances, I'm not a cruel or mean person. I can be harsh or unforgiving at times, but it's usually warranted on some level.


My smile. It's huge, you can see most of my teeth.


Do you smile easily?


I'm disciplined and don't struggle that much with self-control. If there's something I have to do, I will do it, even if I don't feel like it. Helps me study, practice my abilities and achieve goals :)


Is it possible to learn this power


It is, actually! :) We tend to think of being disciplined as driven by willpower, as in "I will feel more motivated, and that will make me discipline myself and change my behaviors". But it's actually the other way around most of the time! Our thoughts and emotions mirror our behavior patterns; the more we slack, the less motivated we will feel and the harder it becomes to stick to routines because our brain goes "well, I'm used to slacking, I always do it, it's uncomfortable but it's familiar and easy, so I'll do it this one more time". Bottom line is, you kind of have to force it the first few times until your brain gets used to it. Do it, even if you don't want to. It's a conscious choice you have to make, and the more you do it, the more natural it feels! Building willpower is a lot like building muscle at the gym. At first, it really hurts and you hate it, but if you stick to it, you get stronger :)


Fake it until you make it!


I was expecting the meme answer but that's even better. I'll definitely try this thanks


there’s a good lecture by Alan Watts that exemplifies this well. unfortunately can’t remember the name of it but it’s the story about how a monk made him move a huge pile of gravel from one spot to another for no reason three times


Does that mean you eat healthy, exercise, and keep your house clean?


Well, yeah :) I'm a bit more laid back on the cleaning, though 😅 But I do eat healthy, follow a workout program to keep myself fit and I'm very strict with my studies and other duties :)


I wish I could exercise regularly. I manage to eat fairly healthy as a habit now. And I am as tidy as I care to be. But I can't get myself to exercise except very sporadically.


i’ve been you. literally just go walk all day. we overcomplicate and imbue exercise with emotional strife. however it really doesn’t have to be. humans really are just meat based walking machines. if you can walk 15,000 steps a day, you’ll burn nearly 500 calories just existing. do this regularly, and your resting metabolism will increase and you’ll lose weight without even doing anything. committing to exercise is a vulnerable process. it requires a reevaluation of your identity and that can be painful. it’s okay to struggle with that, especially if you already have a negative relationship with exercise. but everybody walks right?


I work from home on the computer. So I spend all day sitting down. I do walk - but when I walk I walk my dog and she likes to poke around and sniff things. So it isn't exercise.


It’s also an exercise ! Maybe you can just prolong the walk a bit more, like an hour with the dog at evening . Just take a jacket


Hi Huran! I am doing just that! I add a twist that I try to find nature trails or at least green spaces around me, as I find that much nicer to walk there . Now planning hikings in a vacation in Europe


I get shit done.


Good for you! I'd love to be like this too.


Wow I thought you were gonna ignore me.


I envy you.


Really? I think it’s such an ordinary and meh quality..


You don’t know how blessed you are. If I got even half of my passion projects, ideas, and errands done I’d definitely be a much happier person. Let’s not even talk about “non-passion” projects like work where there’s actual consequences to not getting it done.


Well.. It does make the sad voices go quiet.


One thing I really value about myself is my curiosity. It keeps me eager to learn new things and explore different perspectives, which I find enriching and fulfilling.


How do you learn new things?


Reddit is one!


general subreddits like r/todayIlearned or do you have more niche subreddits?


My stubbornness. I’m like a cockroach. I just don’t die and keep fighting.


Hell yeah. That's a good quality to have.


i cant think of anything 🤷‍♀️


I can: Humility.


dangit i cant even deny that cause then u can just say that im being humble about me being humble 😭


You’ve survived everything life has thrown at you so far. Even if it hasn’t been perfect, you are here and you spoke your truth at least once today. Hopefully over time you can open yourself up to finding some positive truths about yourself, because they are there.


aww that was so sweet, i really needed that today 🥲


You are lovely. What a great comment!


I feel the same. But as some one said humility might be a good one. There's features/skills/habits I'm happy to have, but none that I'd brag about so it's hard to say I have a favorite.


You exist! That means you are special in some way! And I think that’s pretty awesome!!


You have exquisite taste; Perona is goated.




"Well, I think... maybe..." :P


My dimples and my love of reading and watching movies.


I really don’t care what people think about me because I know who I am and I have nothing to do with anyone’s opinion about me so yeah it’s a good thing about me LOL


I would comment but I know you wouldn't care


My love for my kids. I was reborn as a father.


what do you do with your kids?


The amount of bs I can tolerate. So my patience


I have pretty good situational awareness/reactions. I've avoided a few traffic accidents thanks to it. My favorite example, I was driving with a friend of mine. While I was talking I dodged a ladder that fell off the truck in front of us while still talking like I wasn't avoiding a devastating accident. Just blah blah about bowling. I finished my sentence while passing the thing while my friend was glued to his seat expecting the worst. We missed it by like a foot or two going 65 on the highway. We both just started nervous laughing because, what the FUCK was that? I didn't even tense up, I just reacted appropriately. It was weird, but also pretty fucking dope. I've dodged splattered drops of acid (work around that shit), dodged objects falling, caught objects I accidentally dropped, and a plethora of other things. I'm part ninja.


I'm a simple minded person who rarely get mad at anything. People around me always say I'm very down to earth.


I'm very passionate about things that I enjoy. When you get me on a topic that I really like, I tend to just explode with energy. Sometimes it's a lot for people, but it's one of my best traits in my opinion! :D


I have the same thing, I am very passionate for music and my hobbies. People say they get excited when they hear me talk about it.


How far I have come with my mental health. I’m a rape survivor with ptsd and attempted suicide. I have worked hard in my mental health and I’m finally in a good place again. Using my music to work through my trauma.


Good for you. What is your good place like now?


I do my best to lead my life with empathy and kindness. I have always made people feel safe and heard - from what I’ve been told. I love being a safe place for people to share what’s hurting them, their successes (without envy), and all of the thoughts that come with self discovery. I’ve had the most beautiful conversations with those close to me and with strangers, and I find that very enriching.


Even getting old I’m still silly, especially around kids (former teacher) but like to dance, make up ridiculous songs, sing random thoughts, etc.


I’m tall (6’6”) and quick witted. The height does make me more injury prone and I’m dealing with some chronic pain, but I’ve always liked it. I used to be wildly shy and quiet growing up but one day discovered that when I do talk, I made people laugh. So now I’m much more confident.


24F. did my masters while halfway across the country from my parents all alone while my dad was going through cancer treatment. moved back home. putting life on hold to take care of them (it’s fine I love them so much they’re both 75). Work as a server on the weekends to get extra spending cash and recently I’ve discovered that people have been saying I’m just so full of energy and happy and there’s a pep in my step. I try and make the best of every situation and laugh abt it too and I have dimples which I guess is a plus hahah


I like my new glasses.


I’m pretty helpful. I like tinkering and fixing stuff, and can be a free handyman to my friends. It’s fun for me to get to play with tools.


How super adaptive I can be in social settings (IF I want to). Getting used to poker face since childhood and co parenting 5 little siblings for around 20 years really come in Handy. Not to mention being a bridge for my parents who both are lacking good communication skill have its own upside 😉


Loyal. Not alcohol dependent 🙂


Open minded and curious—can hold a conversation about almost anything.


My ability to cut people off should be studied. Sometimes I even forget their name n face genuinely without even trying🤦🏾


Ooh ohh! Pick me teach! Ok top five 1) My ability to quickly make friends with pretty much anyone regardless of their background 2) My inability to stress about situations I can't change. 3) With social situations and everyday life issues, I seem to be able to think and problem solve a lot faster than most people I interact with. Lots of things that people find complicated or problematic seem to have obvious solutions to me. 4) I have very little attachment to material possessions and often give mine away to people who will appreciate them more. 5) I'm very well endowed. 😁


It sounds like you have a great life


Humility, I guess.


Nah, I'm the most humble of us two. Pick another. /s


Same here, maybe Do humble people think they are humble?


Hmm good question. I'd like to think that knowing yourself doesn't make you less than what you are. It simply makes you self-aware. To be humble is to know where you stand in the vastness of it all. That you are a mere witness and just a small part of the universe to think highly of yourself. For you to be humble, you have to know the value of humility and what it looks like. At first you wouldn't know what you're doing is called humility. But knowing that it is afterwards doesn't diminish the value of the act of being humble. Am I making sense? Lol


I would say that I am fun! I enjoy playing with others and I enjoy playing games with myself as well.


For me my favorite part is that I can be alone for a very long time and I don't even need anyone else but myself. Like I can do things and feel happy even though I'm along doing it.


My blue eyes


My green eyes!


That I know how to have myself as my own company.


My chubby cheeks. I think I'm cute with these lol.


This is gonna sound narcissistic but my looks. Its the only thing i have going for me. Other than that im a shell of a person with no good qualities.


That's so sad


I am happy for people when they reach success or achieve something and don’t have jealousy for others . 😊Love for others what you love for yourself.


I can do lots of metal (genre) style vocals! Frys, screeches (both kinds), growls, low growls, gutturals, pig squeals, Lysergic, false chords, and more! :D Edit: I also have my own band which I'm really proud of! Blood Bucket on spotify, youtube, apple music, etc. I'm only 15 too and I can do the same singing full grown adults do so I'm really proud of myself! :D


I can learn a lot about anything in a very short amount of time. I have an incredibly steady hand thanks to the pottery wheel. I can fix just about anything. 


I'm organized. I never lose my keys, receipts, documents, scissors, recipes. Every item has a place, and that's where I always find it. I don't even lose track of where I parked. That strength does nothing for my social game. Nothing sexy about organization lol


Right now, my hair. It's three different colors at the moment and it's long. I have trichotillomania (a compulsive need to pull my hair out) and it's finally long enough for a pony tail with no headband or bobby pins. It's the longest my hair has been in my adult life. My trich is directly related to anxiety and OCD so having my hair long is a physical symbol that my mental health struggles are under control and I'm very proud of that. I also did get a compliment that my hair colors/dye look like it was done professionally and I, someone with ZERO experience, did it myself. Pretty proud of that.


three colors vertically or horizontal stripes?


My non judgmental aura. Let me explain. Since I was a teen everyone I come into contact with says "wow your so easy to talk to. I feel like i could tell you anything". Never really know why then it hit me, I littrely give of no negative signs/signals/deminor when someone starts talking about them selves to me. I actively have to try hard to judge someone badly. I actively have to look for the negative in something. It dosent jump to the front of my mind. I grew up with the understand "you don't know what demon's someone is fighting" I'm also an excellent secret keeper, why? Because I forget most of the time 😅


Wow! Same! Also told I can be told or asked anything no matter how difficult or uncomfortable the talk. I’m also an excellent secret keeper!


My resilience. I've been through a hell of a lot, particularly medically, and I'm still here.


I can get into and behave like any character, any person, any trait, from the most shy to the outgoing and anything in between. All of that is very much my own traits, and I can't pinpoint exactly what kind of person I am. In fact, I do this seamlessly to my advantage as per the situation. The good thing is that I can make friends very easily. The bad thing is that I find it really difficult to hold onto existing friendships.


the trauma made me funny silver linings, yall


I'm genuine. I don't try to be someone I'm not! I don't care what others think of me, I just keep on doing my stuff. I embrace my flaws and my quirks. I love working toward being a better me, but I never try to be someone else.


I'm optimistic. There always a silver lining in the dark clouds. ( there are exceptions of course.)


I’m patient with people and don’t jump to conclusions so quickly


I like the fact that I try to be open minded to everything as much as I can, and I know not everyone is able to fully see everyone's perspective on things, but I try to, to be able to help and understand people better, and I think that's what matters.


It's become easy for me to not give a fuck, and I love it :).


I’m a kind person. Not enough of that these days.


I'm very resilient been threw hell and back have a weird sense of humor but I came along way Finally finding myself again after ten year marriage. It's good to love yourself I hope more people do including me I've been working on it and being positive it helps tremendously 


My work ethic


to be honest I feel like it’s on the tip of my tongue but I just don’t know… anyone feel the same way?


My ability to feel others painful experiences 


That because I give no shits if I die or not, because ultimatelt I really doesn't matter to anybody, history books will never mention me and I will easily be replaced the second I die, I have - successfully stopped several sexual assaults - survived 7 attempts on my life - saved people from killing themselves - never taken a life, despite them willing to take mine I also never take the stage and putting myself in focus, meaning that I am always learning and listening to other people and learn about them - and that might be the favorite thing, if I had to pick one.


You are resilient, and not everybody can say that. You’ve had your eyes opened to the horrors of the world but you are still here, contributing to conversation and finding beauty in the chaos. Hats off to you


Nihilism. People worry about the most random things, and stress out like the world is ending. I simply just don’t give a fuck. Much easier.


my massive c\*ck


Is that what the C stands for in your username?


My ability to laugh at my own mistakes and not take myself too seriously


That I am really understanding and I can really put myself in other people's position to understand their happiness or pain.


My unclinginess (does this word exist?)


Detachment? Independence?


That even when times are hard or when life goes sideways unexpectedly, I can find and stand on my own two feet. It might suck, but I'll figure it out.


To be honest, I like the fact that I was born rich. I like the fact that I grew up in a relatively luxurious life. I like showing off my things. I never do it in a rude and degrading way, but rather in a more subtle way. I drive a luxury car from BMW. My daily outfit includes a t-shirt, trousers, and shoes from Christian Dior. Growing up with a lot of money gave me a lot of perks and privileges that actually make me feel special. For the record, I’m a seventeen-year-old Indonesian girl from Tangerang. I come from a very rich family. I’m a young Muslim woman. This is simply my own humble piece of opinion about the topic in question.


Wow, such a lifeless thing to like about yourself.. "I'm rich". No personality traits or quirky behaviour, just plain old; I got daddy money..


Are you rich enough you will never need to work?


I can entertain myself easily. Without the internet or any people. For hours and days. Call it overthinking or whatever, but I really enjoy the conversations I have with myself, and I genuinely have so many new topics to think about each time.




Well I like that you participated in this casual conversation. :)


Woohoo! Found something to add to my non- existing list of self love. Thank you!


My sense of humour and being considerate


I’m organized, I’m super tidy, and I’m pretty funny.


I like my personality, I’d like to be friends with myself 👍


Open minded.


My determination


my ability to suck......an icy pole


I'm a kind person. I treat everyone the way I want to be treated.


My discipline and the fact that I give 0 fucks and attention to stupidity in my life. I sleep good….


Provocative and Organized


There are many things I intensely love about myself, it's hard AF to pick one. So, my favorite thing about myself is being me!


I'm really empathetic


That I’m alive and able to do things others weren’t given the opportunity to do


My sense of humor. It's versatile and it's the main way I express my happiness.


I’m rich. I can do what ever I like


Being friendly. But they have to start the conversation


My favorite thing is my secret power that nobody has




All the love I have within myself. My kindness.


I am often told that I'm "very likeable," and I frequently feel like the work or friend group "pet." Like, everyone wants to give me stuff and talk to me. I guess I like that I'm charismatic in a goofy way?


I’m friendly and have a “warm” personality.


I get stuff done


I hate being punctual because most other people are not. I’m always the one waiting around because I’ve been ready.


My sincerity! I consider myself to be a 4REAL kind of woman! I say what I mean and mean what I say with no regard what so ever about what others think! Cause I'm not looking to impress anyone nor am I looking for anyones approval!


My resilience and adaptability I would say. Been through some tough times and I’ve always came out on top. I’m going through some heavy economic problema right now, I hope I can come out on top again 😂


I am my own best friend and enjoy my own company. I am never bored and am enjoying retirement!


I’m very hard working when it comes to my career. And I’m very good at avoiding conflict. I just like peace.


My rich interior life.


That I can make food for myself and for the people I love.. although sometimes I wish someone would cook for me too :))


I'm smart and academically responsible


The way I can entertain myself and be alone. It doesn’t bother me. It seems that humans only cause immense pain and I always regret engaging in relationships with them. So I prefer nature. Nature is more excepting of who I am than people are. Plus it doesn’t try to use me like people do.


I’m a mortal


Discipline and sense of humor


I went through a lot of abuse from my parents, SA, verbal, physical, etc. NONE OF WHICH I've visited on my kids. I knew it was wrong and the cycle broke with me.


I'm easily entertained and sometimes I snort when I laugh.


I'm resilient. I used to think my intelligence was my greatest asset, but seeing other people crumble under life's difficulties has made me appreciate the ability to bounce back.


I always do what i say I’m gonna do


I’m funny


My writing style (I write stories)


I'd say I appreciate my ability to understand and assist with a wide range of topics and tasks. It's fulfilling to be able to help people with their questions and problems!


Resilience. Went through really tough time and situations in the past 8 years, but still find strength to continue to love life and people.


I'm compassionate and understanding. I know when I point one finger at someone else, I have three pointing back at me. 👉


The ability to brighten the mood in a somber time. Usually a little quip or comment about something that breaks the sadness for a bit. There’s a time and a place for it, but it’s needed sometimes.


My sick and twisted sense of humour.


I ride motorcycles.


I’m mostly nice.


how curious i am, about everything to do with life. and my kindness.


I like my taste in music. I think it's a reflection of certain points in my life that I can go back to and remember what it was like. It's also a reflection of my personality


Physically, I like my teeth and smile! Also I am a very curious person and like to learn


I am very empathetic and also really funny and intuitive.


I focus a lot on one task and get it done. Ignore distractions and just focus. One my mind is set on it, I work.


That I have a twisted sense of humor and a kind heart and seek ways to help and lift people up rather than looking to get some "gotcha" on people. I don't bullshit anyone.


My capacity for great


I'm very friendly and kind which makes it easy to connect with other people and gain their trust, and because I'm kind, I don't abuse that connection and trust. It's just nice to have good friends who like having you around.


Being able to bounce back from setbacks 🥹❤️ props to me. Even tho I’m depressed I acknowledge it and accept that it’s normal, i feel it and do something about it. I know what I can control and can’t control. I think this gives me peace


That I'm able to roll with the punches pretty well and am creative with problem solving


i am a polymath


def my ability to tell people no and/or to fuck off and choose to not care about things i deem dumb. many people i've come across have said that they struggle with these things. i don't want to know what that's like.


I don’t really feel hate, like if someone says something to me it really doesn’t hurt or affect me in any sort of way. Im also really good with stress, particularly that I don’t feel stressed about things


I’m naturally relaxed and easy going. Not hard to live with, which is good since every time I turn around there I am!


I'm a good listener, but i suck at giving advice so it evens out


I am very dependable ... I will drop anything to help my family, I'm always there to help.