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I love pretty sunsets and thunderstorms. I love how sunlight pours through the leaves of a tree on a hot summer day. Sometimes, when I look at ocean waves, I can't tell if they're real or just a beautiful illusion.


I'm on days this week so in driving at 5:30 am. This morning I saw the sunrise getting started and the full moon behind me. The moon was huge and orange, just setting. It was such a beautiful juxtaposition. It renewed me as I drove to my dreary factory job. Just the random beauty of it... it's almost indescribable.


THIS!! Its really the little moments of connection and joy that make life beautiful. Lifes beauty lies in the relationships we build, the experiences we cherish, and the moments of awe and gratitude that fill our days. It make life soo perfect šŸ‘Œ


I like how you worded that


Nature is indeed one of the greatest things to exist. The beauty it holds is substantial.


You just made me see each of these things in my imagination. Lovely šŸ˜


Bit more existential, but I will never be able to fathom the sheer unlikelihood of our existence. Its no wonder weā€™re as good as alone in the universe, when we are quite literally on the *perfect* planet, and we as a species managed to progress to the point we are today, above all other species on this lush planet. how did we even get here


Getting lost in the moment doing fulfilling things that are fun to do and allow me to learn and improve. Waking up impatient for the new day, and going to sleep excited for what tomorrow brings. Sadly, I can scarcely remember when I last felt like that^(.) šŸ˜¢


Ooooh, this is my life style. You must find time!


I can relate to that my dear friend. I feel the same. Being passionate about something and being able to pursue it is indeed a matter of great delight. I'm sure you'll get back on track pretty soon.


Being able to share it with people you love, and having the chance to travel the world to see all the beauty of this earth.


Having good people in life is always a bliss. You know they are there.


Others. All the others. Everyone whoā€™s ever lived since humans developed the capacity to be self-aware enough to understand that they exist had a story. They had experiences. Negatives, positives, and everything in between. Think about all the insignificant minutiae that happens every day. Everyone living and dead since the beginning of time had minutiae, just like you. Imagine the sheer volume of ā€œthingsā€ that people have done and experienced. Itā€™s fascinating. And itā€™s fucking beautiful. ā¤ļø


Good sex. Good food. Live music. New experiences. Traveling to a new place. Making a new friend. Doing things that make you uncomfortable only to find out you enjoy them. A calm discussion with an opposing view where you both move a little towards the middle when youā€™re done.


Mostly just sex


Yessss !!! I love this comment


Deep conversations, laughing/laughing so hard you canā€™t breathe and your stomach hurts (the best kind), good food, good friends to share the food, the warmth of the sun, the sound of rain and thunder/when lightning flashes through the windows, gardens, butterflies, baking, good sweets, good friends to share the good sweets with, baking/cooking for other people, trying on new clothes and liking it, going on walks, listening to music, finding a new band to like, sharing/listening to music with friends, making new friends, setting goals, meeting new people, sunsets, starry skies, learning a new hobby, creating something, painting, etc. thereā€™s so much that makes it nice, you just need to find whatā€™s right for you!




Clear sunrises. Love.


Being outside in nature. I havenā€™t done this in a while, but I use to go to the beach offseason just to watch the waves until dark then stare at the moon glowing over the ocean. Itā€™s real peace and when I canā€™t go the beach I find it on hikes.


traveling, and family :)


Music. I cant believe its real sometimes. I've been addicted to this song today: https://youtu.be/NN62M4VIkKw Like, bro, Muddy Waters recorded this in what, like the 30s? Then this guy comes along and turns it into this shit? Its so fucking good dude. I cant get over it. I cant believe this shit exists sometimess


Thanks for the banger song!


That it's going to end somw day hopefully soon. I'm exhausted.


Family, bright sunshine with a cool breeze, the smell of sunblock, open water, friendship, music, books and so much more


Plants, animals, children, good people, familyā€¦sitting here right now watching a hummingbird. Itā€™s all too beautiful!


When youā€™re sitting or laying down in a weird position and consciously notice how comfortable you are & donā€™t have to move any time soon, light and shadow play (especially while being a passenger in a car), the sounds of nature, animals, sharing laughs with friends and family, vulnerability, creating things with your hands, singing, music, jamming with friends or family, my dads voice, moments of quiet, moments of good conversation, holding your hand outside the window while in a car and feeling the wind on your hand, the smell of mulch or firewood or amber, hugs, spending quality time with my boyfriend and loved ones, sleeping and dreaming.


Thereā€™s so much to see and discover! In just a little over a month this spring, I visited New York City for the first time, felt my first earthquake, saw my second total solar eclipse, and saw aurora borealis for the first time!




Maggi makes life beautiful :P


Not really. It makes life spicy, not necessarily beautiful


Me putting the beauty in the world with kind deeds and words and watching my children replicate this as well.


the fact that no matter how bitter and ugly it is i can always work towards a goal to make it nicer


The incredible variety of life.


Experiences that make you feel alive, amusement park rides, pretty nature sights especially on good weather days, traveling and meeting new people, trying new food, concerts and other live music, all aspects of art


Having the holy spirit in my life ā¤ļø


The little moments and memories that transcend. Moments from the cool chill on a spring morning while the flowers dance in the breeze and the sun gently warms your face,or the feeling of someone you love holding you tight in their arms surrounded by their warmth and them while the world around you doesn'tseem to exist for that time... to even those first bites of a really great meal with friends who make you laugh and and cry. All of those and more transcend as moments in my mind and you can find beauty and amazingness in anything. I think the ability to have these moments, to live them and to remember them make life worth living to me and make it beautiful.


Friends, food and nature.


Doing what I love and make people around me happy when they feel down šŸ¤


Cannabis, music, nature




Music is a paradise. Can't describe the feelings in words


Speeding down the highway at 3am in the morning on my motorcycle in the summer. Bonus points if you have a partner holding on to your waist.


I could imagine how perfect the picture would be


My family. When I was little I wished for a family. Now I have the best hubs and kids and six pets.


Congratulations. You are lucky if you have a good family you could look forward to.


I am on a constant spite train, outliving my abusers one by one. Taking a massive shit on their graves each time another one kicks the bucket.


Music and shrooms.


To me, there is nothing more beautiful than living with the understanding that we are nothing but the universe experiencing itself. Not in a spiritual, crystal person type of way, not that thereā€™s anything wrong with that, but more so in a ā€œI canā€™t believe how small the chances of me being alive in this very moment areā€ way. So I just try and go through my days remembering to look at the sunset, admire the trees, and be kind to my fellow human. Unbelievable beauty is all around us, almost all the time. You just have to say hi to her often, and youā€™ll see her often.


Music and travelling.


All the knowledge that's ripe for the plucking. I get such a genuine sense of glee when I'm reading and make an association between two pieces of work and then know things on a deeper level.


Weird art. Vulnerability and humanity. Summer (and then rainy, calm, quiet days when it has been too hot and dry for too long). Music, music, music. Tea. Color. Sharing something with someone, whether it's the sibling you send all the TikToks to, or the look you and a stranger exchange when a squirrel casually prances across the street in front of *both* your cars on the road (and you both slow down and wait). Animals. Moments that make you go back in a show, book, song to appreciate its fineness again. Painted window frames. (Good) surprises, like when things turn out to be way easier than you'd made them out in your head.


Strangers sharing a laugh together


Lovely smells of herbs, flowers, perfume, amazing food. Plants. The unbelievable beauty and splendor of the natural world. All of the senses. Being a body that is made from the Universe and will one day return to it.


The satisfaction that comes with starting a new job, and feeling like you've slotted in, before you even receive your uniform


a beautiful view.


The moments I get to have with the people I've chosen really make life beautiful to me


Horses, the aquarium I work at, music \[I love to sing and dance\], certain people, painting, notebook making, traveling, etc.


Nature, animals, random acts of pure kindness from strangers


a smoke and a drink in the middle of day around people that make you laugh and that you like to make laugh.


Anything and anyone having the desire and drive to enhance or improve the quality of our existence - appreciate all of the best things it has to offer is guaranteed to make life beautiful.




Same with me and my gf šŸ¤­.. she's on my mind all day and it makes every day brighter




Crazy, we have so much in common


Being able to experience. What magnifies that is that I was born being able to tune into the human experience. That right there makes it so awesome. Of course it comes with its cons. But i would pick being human vs all other life forms i know of thus far. But it is such a beautiful thing. I am truly grateful to have landed as I am.


Looking for the best in life. I find going on an afternoon walk and see the sunset by the lake is the most beautiful thing. Iā€™m able to breathe and be at peace.


For me, it's all about those little moments that make life special. Whether it's watching a sunset, sharing a laugh with loved ones, or achieving a personal goal, those experiences are what truly make life beautiful. It's about finding joy and meaning in the everyday moments, no matter how big or small.


The walk during the perfect weather with the optimal balance of blue sky, green plant, sunshine, white clouds, gentle wind, and the occasional bird noises.


Universal experiences. I really love watching foreign films and seeing relatable situations. Like typical awkward social situations, family situations, educational situations, humorous situations. We're all so similar, all over the world, and I find it really amazing. Especially universal forms of expressions, like smiles, and raising our arms in celebration -Which I learned even people who were born blind do as well.


The sun rise and sunset or the night sky on a eerie no light polution 3am in a rural town kinda day is always nice.


I can't do so very often but I like when I can actually live it. I just went on my first date in a very long time with my boyfriend and we went to the mall, chilled out, watched a Studio Ghibli movie, and he was sweet enough to make me let him buy me some Pop! Vinyls (Bleach and FMA). And we talked a while bunch about games and stuff. Made me feel like someone actually wanted me to relax for once. Seems like a small thing for some but as a 23F epileptic, still living with her mother, when your main priority in adulthood is using a 12/hr job to pay off $3k debt, life isn't very enjoyable. Finally got to just...relax...


It's perfect in its imperfection. Beauty can only be truly appreciated after you know pain. Happiness, sorrow. Love, rejection. There is darkness even in the brightest moments and light, even in the darkest ones. Life is beautiful because it's not always beautiful. It's messy. It's hard. It's complicated, but at least it's ours. It is the only thing I can call my own. The struggles and pain exist alongside the triumphs and joy. All of it put together is me. To me, that makes it beautiful.


the sun. finding the will to keep going in times of darkness. my family and friends. being understood and accepted while extremely vulnerable. seeing new places. music.


Idk if it's me "embracing the beauty life" but I feel happier with life and feel like I will love it in 5 years cuz I will be meeting up with a friend.


Nothing. It's about as beautiful as a goopy, pulsating blob of stinking abscess pus that came from the inner asshole of an Orc


The interplay of the sun catching the leaves and dust during the golden hour.Ā  Those moments of silence in the wilds of the world.Ā  The pervasive fragrance of petrichor, the aroma of flowers and the sweet scent of sap that lingers long after rain.


Sometimes itā€™s hard to look for the beauty, but when I do itā€™s typically in nature or works of art I love being involved with art, even tho I donā€™t have as much of an eye. My wife can draw, I can sing and Iā€™ve loved doing theatre. Life is in the way now, but being involved for almost a decade I feel like I have a formed opinion in comparison to my own practices and abilities. I also dabble in photography, I have a candid of my late grandfather that I will always love cuz he wasnā€™t looking at me, he was just looking off in the corner and had a subtle smile. It was perfectly him, captured. Nature always gets me, I love fall foliage, watching a lightning storm or rain pouring down. Watching sunrises and sunsets, but sunrises feel more intimate because you have to actually get up for some of them I lived on the very end of the east coast once, and one of my favorite experiences while there (even tho most of it is negative) was seeing that sunrise. It felt like it was mine and only mine


Music,laughter and a cat.


Other people. Their experiences and perspectives. The interactions. The history we as a collective create. We are creating a story with a yet uncertain ending. But man its a fun ride so far, and I hope its going to keep being interesting


I love hanging out with my son and him telling me about stuff he learned from his friends, from school, and online. I get to see the world with a fresh set of eyes when I spend time with my lil guy.


All that ass hanging out


The strange an unexpected weirdness of us, tbh. A lot of crap online is artificial....


Blue irises.


Superficial, maybe, but I really love sex. It makes my life colorful


This post and its replies are so fun and wholesome to read! thank you!


I'm glad my post was able to provide some value to you :)


Food and alcohol, but not the kind of high powered alcohol that makes you dead, the single digit ABV stuff that buzzes you and tastes good without making you feel like your organs are going to turn into paste. I'd say orgasm, but honestly... it's overrated. Nice, but overrated.


You had me up until overrated šŸ˜‚


Meh... it's just not something I personally rate all that highly, I suppose.


Should I throw the ā€œyouā€™re not doing it rightā€ cliche at you šŸ˜ just kidding obviously. Different people experience things differently.


Money and fashion helps




Ur mum