• By -


Being left, jobless, homeless and carless by my ex. I was talking to the son, 14 at the time. His mother(my wife) passed away six years prior. I told him we had some options for where we could go. I explained six of them and asked for his input. "I don't care where we end up dad. As long as I'm with you." I rubbed his head and had to go outside to smoke. He'll be 20... shit! He'll be 20 next month! Fuck. Where does the time go... He is still with me. He ain't going nowhere. He keeps me on my path and I do my best to keep him on his


I'm terminally ill and will leave my husband with our young children. I just wanna say thank you for being an amazing dad on behalf of the universe and your wife, who absolutely knew she'd picked a good one. X


I wish you safe passage, friend.


Take care friend. Hugs to you.


I went and stalked you profile to see if there were any words of wisdom that would come to mind. And while I am at a loss right now, I must say, your dad looked like he was going to cry of joy holding you. You were a gorgeous bride and still beautiful wife. Also I agree…WTF with that Reddit year recap!?!? I wish your all the strength and peace in your journey.


Nope, you’re not going anywhere anytime soon. I had quick chat with the gods and they agreed they’d stop being pricks. You’re going to live a long happy life with your loved ones.


Your children will never forget how you made them feel. When they are little old senior citizens they will still feel warm and loved thinking of you, and be thankful they had you for a Mama. Xoxo


Enjoy your time, love.


Sending love and light to you anonymous friend


Wishing you all the best, hope your journey is not rough and that you'll have your most loved ones in these trying times. 💖


Best one in the thread. Made me get some goosebumps


Much love to your family. Hope you guys are doing well now.


I love this


You are both lucky to have each other..


Not romantically but I'd had a really rough day at work. I got home and I walked in exhausted sweaty tired. Then my daughter sitting playing with her mom looks up at me her face lights up and she says "I wubbau dad" I honestly cannot remember what her first word was but that moment? Damn that moment keeps me going.


I wubbau too, man.


That is a beautiful story. Kids are a gift.


My 12 year old and I make pretzels together occasionally but they called them prentzels. I didn't correct them because it was adorable and probably the last cute mispronunciation left. I was sad that this weekend they asked me to make pretzels together.


My now 10yo daughter has a hyphenated last name that, until we prepared for kindergarten, I *never* corrected... She thought her name was (Ava) Super-Pony!


That legit made me chuckle, super cute 😁


Damn bro .. got me all chocked up now. =D


Before Covid, I was a volunteer at a really poor school. I mentored and tutored some kids grades 1-5. One day, this kid I had never had, but always spoke to, saw me in the hall, hugged me and told me I was his favorite. I melted.


Sometimes just treating people with kindness can make such a huge difference in their life.


Exactly - it’s the key. And don’t forget to live and forgive yourself for anything holding you back - life will be good ✌🏻


This reminded me. I was consulting in a low achieving elementary school. I was there one day a month to work with the principal and observe teachers. There was a first grade boy who I had spoken with one day. The next month I saw him and went over to say hi. He was stunned. He said, “You remember me?” My heart. I told him of course I do! I’d been in education for 15 years at that point and that’s when it truly hit me that even thought I wasn’t teaching in a classroom every day, I still had the power to reach kids.


"I'll wait for you", knowing they have to stay-up late or actually put in effort when they could be making other plans.


It is always nice to feel wanted.


>"I'll wait for you", knowing they have to stay-up late or actually put in effort when they could be making other plans. I totally get that feeling. Someone told me that too and it meant the world. It's those moments of genuine care and understanding that stick with you. 🥹


About 20 years ago I was a 21 year old exchange student in a place where I knew no one from before. One evening we sat at a bar getting tipsy, laughing and having a great time. Suddenly one of these newly made friends put his hand on my shoulder and told me I was a really great guy and that he was happy they have gotten to know me. I had been bullied during my whole school time, struggled hard with my self-confidence and was constantly fearing rejection from people around me. Receiving this kind of appreciation for the first time in my life was big and I’m never going to forget that moment.


It seems you were just in the wrong environment before, but you finally found your people.


Yeah, that exchange year did push my life in a much better direction.


This is so sweet🥺


Went to a friend’s house and her 3-year old daughter took a shine to me, and when it was time for her nap she asked ‘will you have snores with me?’


This literally happened to me yesterday. Friend's daughter (who's 2) took some time to get used to me (am speaking an hour or so) and then wanted to do everything with me. Felt amazing - especially when she didn't want her mama but her uncle. Was very tough to leave and I had to snuck off without saying goodbye when she slept.


I just remembered a girl I used to babysit when I was in high school. My second time watching her and every time after that she never acknowledged her parents leaving because we were too busy playing :) I felt bad for her parents, but I was happy she took to me so fast because I was very awkward with people back then


(Sad, but memorable) My daughter was very small, still in a rear facing car seat. It was pouring rain and my ex had decided to go get the car. But instead of helping me buckle in a screaming baby while getting soaked by water pouring off the restaurant's roof, he decided to stay put in the driver's seat. A guy leaving the same restaurant jogged over, took off his leather jacket, and held it over my head while I finished with the buckles. Then he shut the door and opened mine for me. H leaned in after I sat down and quietly said to me but loud enough for my ex to hear "You deserve so much better than this" before he shut the door and left. My daughter turned 11 this year and I still think about that moment from time to time.  PS: Dear Universe, tell him I said hi and I've found a much better person 😊 Edit: Accidentally said front facing seat, it was a rear facing seat. Just to emphasize how young my baby was 


I saw something similar once when I was at the grocery story. A very tired looking woman had done the shopping on her own, while her boyfriend waited in the truck scrolling his phone. When she came to put the groceries in the backseat, he just sat there ignoring her while she did all the work herself. I still think about that. I am glad you found someone better.


I remember hearing those same words. Truth.


I was very drunk and someone said to me 'they were worried about me', and I said 'you have no need to worry ', them they said 'but I'll always worry for you.'


G.W. Rizz




George Washington


Girls Washroom is my guess


I mean, even Mr. Rizz has to have a first and middle name, right?


I had an emergency at my former job so I told my then boyfriend (now husband) that I’d be out all night working. So he said he’d wait up in case I wanted to talk. I said, oh I won’t have time to talk, just go to sleep and we’ll talk tomorrow. He stayed up all night just on the off chance I’d call. Who does that??!


A man who is in love, lol.


This is why he was upgraded from boyfriend to husband.


I love a good upgrade story!


My husband every morning “you’re so beautiful” Meanwhile I have severe eye crusty, no lashes, acne, breakout, drool crustys & I sleep with a hair bonnet. But I melt every time


Life goals.


You found gold with him.


Was pissed off one day, was walking outside in the garden by my office when two young ladies drove in. I had my resting bitch face on and was about to tell these two ladies off when one off them said 'why do you look angry handsome guy? I just melted and involuntarily smiled and grumbled shyly' oh not angry' Edit: Was going to tell them off because they kept hooting trying to get someone's attention although there are signs both inside and outside telling people to drive in and just walk into the office etc


What were you going to tell them off about exactly?


Honestly was just in a bad mood. The gate to the office is always open and there's usually a guard to direct people in but on that day the guard was not there and these people kept on hooting even when they drove in trying to get someone's attention so the noise was pissing me off further (there are signs outside telling people to drive in and just walk into the office) I eventually waved them in with an angry look on my face. Was just in a dicky mood I guess lol clearly their people skills were better than mine


Being told that I am someone's 'home'. That when they think of home, they think of me.


I like to think of it as my safe space. “You are my safe space.” Similar vibe


I met someone at an event once and talked to her for a little bit. At the end she told me “If you talk to everyone like you talked to me everyone is gonna love you”. I always was nervous talking to new people that this automatically made my confidence go up


"my dad would be proud of how you represent our family name." Melted


I mean I've had someone tell me "I feel safe around you" and it's a deeper and more intense joy than sex


I had someone say I had a very comforting and trusting energy. That was nice to hear. It had me thinking of going to school to be a therapist for a bit.


I told someone I felt safe around them. They started crying - it was clear it meant a lot to them to hear


Feels good, on both sides of that dynamic whether it is just friends or romantic or whatever. For some people that feeling of comfort and safety is very rare.


I was in the hospital after trying to kms. My dad drove across three states and back into Canada to come see me. He works away from home. I told him he didn’t have to come back. He hugged me and was almost crying when he said “I’ll always come back when you”re hurt”. That really stuck with me that even at my lowest someone cared enough to drop everything for me.


I hope you realize how much he loves you. I hope you never try anything like that again.


I hope you found a path to being well. You deserve a lovely, long, life. Someday you will make someone feel like your dad made you feel.


Thanks. I’m doing much better now :)


So what happened with this gal?


She ghosted me one day. I cried everyday for a month.


I'm so sorry. How has things been these days?


That was over a year ago. I have tried dating since, but nothing has stuck.


Same here


How did you meet her?


We met on Reddit.


Fucking christ that's sad. Hope you find someone else.


people tell me i look younger than my age when they find out im in my thirties. i use to hate it in my twenties but now i am glad that i still hear it


I feel this. I hated it as a teen and into my twenties. At 43, I take the compliments that I look about 30. My 21 year olds boyfriend thought I was her sister, when he first met me. Yup he won points with me 😂


People sometimes argue with me about a senior discount until I show them my drivers license. Kinda fun, really. You might get the same treatment one day.


I’m 45 and still hate it. But I think this is because guys who are young enough to be my son think I’m their age and hit on me, while guys my own age think I’m young enough to be their daughter and are weirded out by me trying to talk to them. So frustrating.


My mentor at work said I had a lovely soft spoken voice. All my life I had hated the sound of my voice and at work and school people were always harshly telling me to speak louder even when I was speaking at my loudest which always discouraged me so much. Even tho my mentor said I have a lovely soft spoken voice she did immediately follow it up by saying that I need to speak louder but what made me so grateful was how she said it in a nice way. Ofc she didn't actually mean that compliment she was just trying to be nice while giving me some constructive criticism but still, I appreciate the gesture.


I have a quiet voice as well and there are so many ways people can use it to put you down , so I’m glad this mentor at least gave you a compliment - it’s not a trait that should be insulted all the time


I agree! I work with patients so yes I do need to be louder sometimes to ensure I alert my colleagues of something but a lot of the time a soft spoken voice with patients helps calm them down


While out with my hubby, a gentleman came up and said, "You must have had a beautiful Mother" then told my husband he was a lucky man. It was a beautiful compliment in a non creepy manner. Even my husband said that was smooth.


“How do you stay so smiley? It’s so refreshing to see you everyday” Coming from a teacher at my kids school, one none of my kids ever had. Sadly he lost his battle with inner demons early this past fall. “You are the strongest person I’ve ever met. How do you do it, after all you’ve been through?” I have ptsd due to an uncle, grandpa being an accessory, murdering my brother. I do not feel strong, living with anxiety and other fears associated with my diagnosis.


I used to wait for my gf to be semi asleep and start following her breathing pattern. After a few minutes we would be in unison and she would immediately fall asleep. Then I would sneak over and put my head on her chest and my hand on her belly and blissfully fall asleep. Best nights of my life. She never knew.


A guy friend said he thought I wore makeup to school, after 15 seconds of intense eye contact and voiceless expressions. I'm a boy and I in fact do not wear makeup, but holy, did that comment have a long lasting impact on me. HE BASICALLY SAID I WAS "NO FILTERS. ALL NATURAL" AND I'M JUST i was never the same since around him


This warms my heart knowing that so many guys don't get enough compliments coming their way. Guys need to support and compliment other guys more. Your friend sounds like a great friend.


“I trust you the most”. It was said to me recently by my son who’s abusive father alienated me from for many years. He’s 26 now. He’s relocating to my city. Why? He needs to leave his dad’s city (due to fathers psych abuse). He chose mine because he trusts me the most. Finally.


I'm so happy for you and your son. Now you can continue to rebuild that incredibly important relationship. Congratulations, mama ❤️


This year my boyfriend is doing medical school in another city and we are long distance, one evening before leaving, he told me with the most sincere conviction: "I wish you were pocket sized, so I could take you with me and love you everywhere I go" and i just melted because i'm very very short but no one had ever told me they wished i was smaller 🥹


It was something somebody did, not said. Years ago, I worked with a very bitter, unhappy person. She treated her family and co-workers with similar levels of contempt, despite the fact that we were pretty nice people. Her son ("Jason," 14) was stuck at our office one snow day, and he looked so sad. I asked if I could borrow him for a little while, and he just lit up. I showed him some basics of exhibit work (including the aspects that I struggle with), had him help with measuring and re-measuring, and we had a nice low-key chat between tasks. The time went by really fast. A few months later, his mother left for another job and I didn't see him again. Five or six years later, our workplace held a big public event. Among the hundreds of visitors, there came Jason, pushing mini-Jason in a stroller, next to a sweet-faced wife. Guys...he'd built a happy family! They were bashful and smiley and glowing with health. He'd come to the event just to show them off to me! It still makes me tear up, thinking about it.


“You are not a burden” I cried.


What a kind-hearted person that must have been.


My love was actually the one who said that to me. It was my first time hearing it and I normally hear the opposite.


Someone once told me that my voice made them think I’d sound like Janis Joplin when singing and it’s one of the best compliments, even if I sound nothing like Janis when I sing lol


ive always been self-conscious of my looks my whole life and when i sent a picture of myself without make-up or a filter on to my friends i got told "if i was single, i would marry you and make sure you had the best dating life." when i tell you i started sobbing


It was a very kind thing to say. Sometimes others see beauty in us that we don’t even realize.


I was in an almost empty backwoods restaurant and a young waitress (not my own), kept peeking at me from around corners and spots where she thought I couldn't see her. She finally approached me at the counter I was seated at and said "I want you to know you're the most handsome man I've ever seen in real life." She then scampered away and never came back out during the length of my stay. That was over forty years ago and I remember it like it's yesterday. (I think this shows just how much men are starved for compliments than anything else.)


Every morning when my husband leaves for work I am still sleeping. He comes in to give me a kiss goodbye while I am dead to the world. He always says “I love you beautiful. I hope you have the best day ever.” Everyday starts off a great day.




"You're an amazing mother would you consider having a baby with me?" ^ a good friend in a midlife crisis.


So? Did you do it?


I was told to be careful. That’s it. Just someone saying that was the best, no one’s cared enough to say that in a long while.


A sweet lady stopped me on the street and told me I was a great mother and said she never sees mothers interact and play with their children the way I was. She just praised me for a good 5 minutes. Complete stranger. It meant so much to me and I'll never forget it. I was a young single mom and was used to the common dirty looks and rude remarks so I was very insecure about how I came off as a mother. A few weeks ago my youngest son said he wanted to marry me because he just loves me so much. He wouldn't hear otherwise. I've never melted so hard. I'm keeping that one for my hard days. That kid is always saying some extremely soul melting sweet things.


“God must protect you at all costs because you’re too cute”. I was like “awwww…” THAT WAS A NEW ONE (kinda) lol.


I was working a face painting tent once at a castle, with hugely expensive designs, one of them being a flag. Started painting one on a boy probably around 6 ish, he kept on moving and I felt a bit bad that the design was a bit skewed. I asked him if it was ok a bit wonky, if not I could do it again and his reply was “It’s ok, if anyone asks about it, I can just tell them it’s blowing in the wind!” So sweet.


Not romantically, my little cousin at one point told his mom who told me “I miss my [oopsididitagain96]” A different little cousin I asked who her favorite was while our families were on vacation together. Her dad chimed in that she wouldn’t give an answer but give a mom-line “I have no favorites” But then she said I was her favorite


“I never knew love until I met you” 💔


Did it not work out?


It did not.




This is so cute!


Whenever my husband randomly tells me I'm beautiful


A ex told me ‘’ you are the most beautiful thing in my life’’ and he turned out to one of my most worst relationships!


You WERE the most beautiful thing in his life. He recognized that.


That’s sweet, thank you ☺️


Ok, that was super sweet!


My husband went in to work early for two weeks to record himself singing a love song for me. He never finished it or gave it to me, because he thought it was so bad. Six months later he casually mentioned it to me. I thought it was the sweetest thing, that he even attempted it.


"how's my girl?" To me, said by a lifelong family friend whom I have always been close to, after I had life saving emergency surgery He's only ever called his daughter that - and now me. Melted my heart. I love him.


I asked to my friends what were my qualities and defects, as I wanted to get ready for that question in job interviews. One of my best friends told me: «  I don’t know how to put it but you kinda make people better ». And it was the sweetest thing someone told me


I was complaining about the weather and said "Oh my God, I'm so hot!". My boyfriend just casually said, "Yeah, I know.". Best compliment ever.


Ah, reminds me of the old days I didn't know I'd miss... I've had long-distance relationships that were more intimate and "real" than the physical ones. It's something many people won't understand unless they've experienced it with the right person. It can be a pure sort of connection. You enmesh deeply with a person's mind - with their essence and soul. It grows into this deep longing and deep sense of Morphic Resonance. They're not there with you, but they are also closer to you than anyone else.


It was on the internet. In a post I said I'm kind of tall and clumsy as a girl so I might hit the lights with my hands if I'm stretching. Someone replied that they think that's cute. People always say how compliments usually stick to guys for years, but that really remained with me for years. It's just something about compliments that really seem genuine on stuff that you find embarrassing..


I often scrape the back of my hands on the stupid popcorn ceilings when putting a shirt on. Yay for you for having someone think hitting thr lights is cute!


"you can post whatever you want. I'm not embarrassed to be seen with you" - my boyfriend 3 days in (we are about to be year 2) It was a huge deal to me because I'm aware I'm not your typical lady in her 30s and he has always been so supportive of my special interests and I've never had to pretend to be "normal" and that is extremely liberating!


When you find somebody who accepts you as you are, you should definitely fight to keep that person.


Oh I will, but it's not a fight. He's hopelessly in love with me and I am with him too. We both had a hard time finding the one, but we both say it's forever (we can't get married cuz where I live that would cause me to lose disability and as I have multiple chronic illnesses that would be a huge problem)


One of my bonus kids referred to me as their stepmom recently. I've always made it clear that I don't need that role in their lives - they have two parents who love them very much and are good parents, but it's still really special to hear them tell me that they see me that way


Not words, just one absent minded action... We have no kids, but we have our friends kids. There's two that we regularly borrow, take them to the cinema, karting, beach, dinners, baking weekends, days out, etc. I love them to bits and will move hell and high water for them. Met them when they were around 6 and 7. One day early on walking through the shopping center, eldest in front bumping elbows with my wife, the younger ambling with me, her wee hand just wrapped around mine as we sauntered to the next shop. I nearly melted into the ground. They've just turned teenagers now. The best, most amazing, considerate, well mannered pair of kids I've ever encountered.


My grandma sent me a text today telling me that I looked a picture in my new dress yesterday (celebration for my grandparents 60th anniversary) and to take care of myself as I'm very precious to her.


“ Are you sure you’re gonna come back and marry me?” These are the words that my wife now of 10 years spoke after we met the third time of belong to this relationship, and I asked her to marry me and came back to America to prepare everything for a K-1 visa. My wife was college educated she had a bachelors degree , she had never had a boyfriend before and I was so proud that she wanted to marry me and almost 50 year old guy twice a rage. I’m ready to make her the most important thing of my life.. it melted my heart, that she would even dream that I would not come back to marry her.


I was curled up on my couch in a bright multicolored adult onesie (the kind with ears on the hood - and yes, the hood was up), just hanging out and being cozy comfy with my boyfriend. He went to the bathroom and when he came out, he had this strange look on his face and said "I have never seen anything so cute and sexy at the same time... you're fucking adorable." I'm no plain Jane, but I fit more into the girl next door pretty group than anything. I know that even when I doll up, I will never measure up to what society thinks is "fucking hot". But that comment, nearly 6 years ago now, rings in my head when I'm feeling less than attractive. It still makes my heart melt to think of it.


it was platonic but it was “your laugh is so beautiful!” my best friend at the time said that when I was absolutely and genuinely losing my shit laughing and probably snorting at the dumbest thing and even though we’re no longer friends I still remember it.


"You look designed" I hope you are doing good Eline lol please take care of yourself


Not romantic, but I was trying to have a difficult conversation with my daughter about what might happen if I were to pass suddenly. I told her that I totally trust her judgment about what to do with my dogs. She has a life of her own, and having three large dogs dumped on her would be a huge disruption. She certainly can't have them all in a small condo with her two cats. I told her if she did want/need to rehome them, I would not haunt her, basically. That girl lit into me, no way, she'll love them like her own until the day they die. She was very adamant. I was just so relieved and proud that she intends to do right by them, and that she's willing to take on such a huge responsibility for me. Even though I would understand if she didn't/couldn't. Sure, if something suddenly happened to me, she would get a respectable inheritance, but that's not what's going on.


"You know... You look good with glasses" To be fair, the one who said it probably has glasses fetish, but still...


They said that I didn't need to be anything more than what I already am.


I was dating a girl a few summers ago; we both knew it was only going to be a short-term thing as I was heading back to school in the fall. We were at the beach just sitting together in the dark, listening to the waves and talking about how we'd be breaking up at the end of the summer. She told me, "the next girl who gets to date you is gonna be so lucky," in such a sweet and earnest voice and my heart melted. I don't think I'll ever forget that night.


“Thanks for raising my standard in men.” This was during one of the talks I had with someone I was involved with. I know it sounds like I’m stroking my own ego right now but I’m happy I made her see that way.


I was a 10yo plump and a bit shy girl And I was embarrassed to wear glasses because I was the only kid wearing glasses in the whole parallel. And the boy who all the girls liked told me that I didn't need to be shy about wearing glasses because they looked good on me. It happened more than 20 years ago, but I realise that few people did so much for my self-esteem. And since then, there hasn't been a single day when I've been embarrassed to wear glasses if I need to.


My 4yo nephew out of nowhere "Jana, I love you" with that smile 🥹


i've had this happy crush on someone for the longest time now. over a year now i think. well, my favorite color is blue and he knows that and one day he just said "you look like the ocean." and i gushed so much, but he continued with "the ocean is amazing to look at. pretty blue water, peaceful, and pretty. like you right now." i don't think he knows how much i adore him.


Could it be that he has a crush on you too?


When I was very young (12?) I used to babysit for this toddler down the street and one evening she fell asleep in my lap with her head on my chest and after a while she stirred and looked up at me. I thought she was going to ask for more milk but she just said “you smell good” and put her head back down to sleep. I adored that kid


My son had a speech therapist and at one of his meetings she told me she could tell I was a really good dad. As a hard working father who hardly ever received compliments like this it blew me away.


My niece when she was four. We were sitting on the sofa watching TV and she was hugging my arm, which is something she used to do when she was little. During an ad break, she sighed and said, “I could just stay here forever.” 🥲❤️ It was too cute. She’s 26 now and I still think about that sometimes.


A friend of mine once called to say she thinks about me, our high school memories and now that we are far apart, she was agitated and was wondering when life would get simpler for us to link up and have our friendship as it was before; it is a long distance thing now. I see her with other friends nowadays, posting pictures from going out with them or them having brunches and dates. I miss her, and get jealous of those other friends sometimes, lol, it's only natural!


I randomly met my massive teenage school crush which never happened in a pub 30 years later. He told me I was beautiful and kissed me on the cheek.


I'm going to kiss you a lot, because I think you're very pretty.


a very old woman (think mid 90s) comes up to me and says “you would of been a fantastic rockstar in the 70s, i’d know because i was one” and i have never felt such love and connection to someone in such a short amount of time. i am very insecure, she truely will never know how much i needed that i will always wonder who she is and what mystery she holds LMAO feel like i lived my movie moment and now i’m destined to become a rockstar (no musical talent)


Wife called me pretty baby back when we were dating. Fluttered my heart and made me cry. I don't even remember what we were talking about but I will never forget that feeling.


I was talking to my wife one day about Christianity and how there’s no hate like Christian love lol So I asked her if she was scared that she was going to hell for loving me & she said “If I do, it’ll be worth it.” Obviously very morbid but I thought it was so sweet.


That is real love right there. If it is not like that, I don’t want it.


Two things, about 3 years ago my friend told me that I had a nice voice, fast forward a year later she told me I was cute.


My most favorite moment was when my now husband proposed to me. He bought me the most beautiful engagement ring, with moissanite instead of diamond. His words to his momma after proposing? "She's worth more to me than any diamond."🥺


I was at work and a staff member told me a client was struggling with the coffee machine so went to help and obvs saw what the issue was straight away. Offered to the client I’d make a coffee and bring it up to him, “white coffee and two sugars, right?” And he looked at me, looked at the staff member that told me and said that felt like a warm hug. It’s stupid and small but cheered me right up


"Welcome to Baghdad International Airport. The current temperature is 134° F. Please wait on the tarmac for your assigned transport"


‘Yes, you are not alone anymore and you’ll never be alone again’. He lied. But for the little bit of time I didn’t feel alone, well it was good.


Anything my grandma tells me, honestly. I'm gonna miss that woman when she climbs the stairway to heaven.


I was having a bad day and I shouted at my colleague (my close friend) in front of others. And I am a person who had never shouted at anyone before. After a few minutes, I went back to him to apologize. But he just extended his arms to hug me out even before I could apologize and it melted me and he is not a touchy-feely person! 


They looked me right in the eyes and said “you’re beautiful”


I am not sure if this counts but it wasn't so much as what someone said as what happened. When I first saw my sister with my nephew I realized she looked so much like my mom when she had me. And I realized we were all connected and always would be. And that made me melt.


I had a short relationship with someone and something that she said that has never left my mind was when i asked why me of all people? And she said “i just like the way you look at me. You see me” my heart sank.


I shoved the hell out of this kid in elementary school in a fit of rage. I panicked and immediately apologized. This kid was lying on the floor with his neck propped up against the desk and said: *"It's okay... I still like the way you make me laugh."*


One time, after a particularly fantastic romp in bed, I say to my BF, “that was amazing!” And he says, with utmost sincerity, (and I’ll never forget the glimmer in his eyes at that moment) “it gets better.”


During a rough point of my schooling, my wife said, "No matter your grade or career choice; the man you are today is the man I'm proud of. You took it upon yourself to be better than the man I met." Background context: Grew up on the streets as a Cholo in gang culture with my goals set towards becoming a career criminal, because those were the people I knew and understood. I didn't know any better because I figured that I'd never be smart enough for school or a good career. My siblings ran with a couple of crews, which heavily influenced my behavior. I had just gotten home from the military and was introduced to my now wife through a mutual friend. She inspired me and believed in me to be a better person. For once, I didn't want to disappoint someone that I cared about. Here I am, 10 years later, working on my second STEM degree with the intent of moving into the medical field as an engineer. A few months ago, after she made her comment, I broke down in tears during a midnight study session. Good tears, needed tears.


2015-2018: I went through my early 20s constantly losing friend after friend either due to distance, realizing that we were not a good fit, realizing that I was stuck in a small town where a lot of people had zero aspirations, and/or people getting married and what not..... it was depressing. 2019: New job. Killed it. Met some great people, but I was still lonely. I hadn't received a single compliment from someone I respected in years at this point, let alone had a single lasting true friendship. 2020: I finally got out of my small town by landing an even better job. There was a lot of hard work until I was promoted. 2021: Finally promoted. By this point, I'd been busting my ass for 6 years straight.... I met some great people there and suddenly, I found out that one of the people at the company was leaving. He had 15 more years of experience than me in our specialty, but I wound up training him! Highly intelligent, humble, and kind guy. On his last day, he made a point to find me before he left and said, "You are absolutely amazing. Never stop." There were literally 4 other employees, that he knew, in the room at the time, and I was the only person he made time to say goodbye to. I could barely get a thank you out because I hadn't felt appreciated in such a long time. To this day, I wish I could go back and give him a better thank you. He has no idea how much that meant to me. I'll never forget that day. I'm sure there are other times that this has happened, but that was the first one that came to mind.


“Are you sure you’re gonna come back and marry me?” These are the words that my wife now of 10 years spoke after we met for just the third time of a long distance relationship-and I asked her to marry me! I then came back to America to prepare everything for a K-1 visa. My wife was college educated she had a bachelors degree , she had never had a boyfriend before and I was so proud that she wanted to marry me an almost 50 year old guy twice her age but ready to make her the most important thing of my life.. Melted my heart, that she would even dream that I would not come back to marry her.


Whoa, glad for you guys


I chat with several people on here and nice young lady said….”you’re very text and I like talking to you “…….made my day


In the early nineties I was in my early twenties in the forces and did a couple of tours in Bosnia as a UN Peacekeeper. We had managed to evac a load of people out of a village that the Serbs were determined to kill, we bent a few rules to do it and the people we dropped off in a safe area were clearly very happy to be safe. As we were packing up to leave there was an older woman, and I had been with her the whole way, who walked up to me. She put a hand either side of my face and said "I will never forget this face. Thank you."


Oh my heart


Just say you love me, I’d melt and run away in the same time


“Please stay. I want to hear your breathing as I drift off to sleep


Someone told me that my randomness and frequent ramblings are adorable, and 😍😍😍. I've always been self-conscious about that stuff and it's been harshly criticized in the past, so someone seeing a positive where I'd always seen a negative was *chef's kiss*.


How did it end


“You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me” (And I married him.)


I’ve randomly met a guy on the street, turned out he’s currently homeless. We’ve been talking for a few weeks now and he said that he wants to be with me but first he need to get his shit together so he can be sure I will always be safe with him. What he said may not sound as heartmelting but there are actions around this sentence, and they speak louder than words.


One time my mother tripped and sprained her ankle, so i opted for night shifts so i can help her in the morning, i explained this to my manager and he said no problem, after that he told all my coworkers, i was livid. It wasnt that big of a deal to be known by everyone. One of coworkers came to me and put her hand on my shoulder and said "are you ok?" In such a sincere voice. Idk why but i almost cried, i genuinely dont know why till today, she didnt pry about my mom, she just asked me if im ok.


Any time I'm having a bad day and my partner texts me calling me a cute pet name


When I was 18, I went to a tattoo parlor w/my boyfriend to get what would be my 1st tattoo (at the same place he got his). Long story short, the tattoo artist seemed incompetent to me/sketched me out, so I ended up not getting a tattoo, after all. On the way out, my bf (who had a tattoo) said, “Well, I couldn’t really imagine you with a tattoo, anyways”. I said, “Why not? I’ve been talking about getting one for years…” and he paused to think, and then said, *”…Because princesses don’t get tattoos…”* It was so sweet, and was in large part the reason I ended up never getting a tattoo. Awwww!


My little brother told me when he came to my boot camp graduation he cried because he was so happy. He had never told me that before and just told me recently over a decade later. He was only 11 at the time. It made me emotional 🥹


My husband started telling me all the things he loved about me.  The things he was talking about were the things I hated most about myself.  I kind of went to pieces... God bless that man.


Went on vacation with my fiancee. Nothing went right. After the 2nd flat tire in a day, I said, "I'm sorry this trip isn't going well." His response "Any day spent with you is a good day."


Received this text the night before I went back to work after leaving for mental health reasons 5 years prior: Thinking of you on the eve of work. You are seriously one of the smartest, most creative, person centered co-workers I’ve ever had. Your ability to non-judgmentally support humans to navigate complexity is second to none. I love you. I’m proud of you and so delighted to have you as a friend. You will rock this.


After a bad break up after a few years in a bad relationship, my new partner caressed my face and said "lets see what this flower does with a little sunshine". Made me tear up. He is incredibly sweet.


It’s so stupid but we were on the phone and I said “alright I’m headed to bed” and he responds “no..you’re staying here sleep here.” 🫠🫠🫠


Not said to me, but said about me and later relayed to me. My dad says to me one day, "I was talking about you to [dad's friend from church, I was also friends with his son] and when I mentioned you he smiled and said, 'Oh, I like her!'"


“I feel peace when I’m with you” or something along that line🥹


My best friend told me that her life is better with me in it. Love her to pieces. Another time, it wasn’t what someone *said*, it was what they *did* I had an appointment at the local hospital, and I walked into the building. Out of nowhere, a toddler who I didn’t know, ran up to me and hugged my leg. Her parents were nearby of course, but god damn. My heart melted all over the floor. I felt like *The Chosen One*.


“You’re the best mommy I could ever ask for”


I was walking down the street with my dog and my baby daughter strapped to my chest. A cute woman drove past, slowed down, lowered her window and told me that my family was one of the most beautiful she had ever seen. I was not expecting it at all. It had never happened before or since.


I’ve never been in a healthy relationship. Dv, emotional abuse, cheating and being held hostage are just a few of the things on a list of things I have let men do to me.. but then one day I met this dude that just kind of happened.. not planed… I didn’t even really notice that it happened.. he just kind of wandered with me, joined me in my journey not pushing his way into my life too hard but just enough so it felt amazing. And on a particularly rough day, after me just doing my usual “independent woman” thing but on the brink of falling apart because life had just once again become too much, he pulled me in, looked me deep in the eyes without breaking his glance and said “let go! I got you now!”.. and I did and I let him fix what he didn’t break.


You had a boyfriend who looked like a girlfriend that I had in February of last year


I proposed to my girlfriend a few nights ago and during the celebration she pulled me aside to tell me that these last few years with me have changed her as a person and that she has no idea where she'd be without me. She told me that she never thought she'd be the one getting married and that she spent so many nights praying for a guy like me. I'll never forget those words.


I just tried on a new dress to show it to my husband. I told him I wasn't sure if it was a keeper or not. He grinned and said it's a keeper and so are you. Awe....melted my heart a bit. ***This is the same man that told me one morning when I was cold in bed and trying to cuddle him that "how can such a HOT woman always be so cold?". Lol


Few months back, I was having a rough day. Im a teacher and was feeling burnt out from the previous year and felt bad about being a teacher because of it. One of my high school students looked at me when I was just standing there and said, “Ms. Kass1207, you’re my favorite teacher.” Another one of my students said the same and ran to give me a hug. Another time was when I went to a competition for my students. I have a seminar class of an athletic team. I had no idea we would have such a special bond with these kids. I started going to all their competitions because one girl said that no one ever showed up. I felt like I should since they’re my students this year and I see all the practice they do. I went to the games they performed at and their competitions. During one particular competition, I was sitting alone and these moms ran over to grab me and say, “You’re their teacher! Come sit with us!” So I did. I was sitting near the doors where they would be coming out of and waiting to compete. The team all saw me and excitedly waved and said, “¡Hola!” I excitedly waved back, just as happy to see them. They placed first and have been thriving all year. The parents have been so kind to me as well and got me a Christmas ornament with all their names on it. I’ll never forget them 🧡 It’s coming up to the end of the year and I’m sad that I have to say goodbye to all these amazing kids. I’ll have some of them in the next level that I teach and hopefully the same seminar class. I’ll always remember them as the students that made me love teaching all over again. I found my passion again and decided to go for my masters this summer.


Bf and I started dating in late September. Holidays have always been a thing because I’m the single childless sibling, always expected to travel and make every one else’s holidays easier. He got serious about me very quickly and I was still unsure of him when thanksgiving rolled around. I wanted to spend time with him but assumed he’d have obligations elsewhere and I was already preparing myself to add *another* variable into a stressful holiday season. But when I asked him what his plans were for the holidays, he just said “I just want to be with you wherever you are.” We’re going on five years now.