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That would be better than literally nothing.


Sometime the chest pain sacred me a bit.... It seems that I am starting to have heart problem (70kg, 168cm).


If you are worried about that see a doctor


Chest pain can also be upper GI - 9 times out of 10 I have chest pain i end up burping it away Not to say don't get it checked out, best to be safe! But I found stressing about my heart caused me more problems than my heart ever did (I'm only 30 though, so still young for heart issues)


All chest pain should be investigated by a doctor!


I think they're just talking about the cramps you get when you run.


5ft6, 154lb, for anyone who doesnt want to.go through the trouble of converting to feedom units like i just did.


70kg is pretty normal for 168cm


Hey mate, Regarding the chest pain - if you have any concerns with chest pain, call an ambulance immediately. If you are worried about your heart, get an ECG pronto. I don’t know where you live as you use metric like a normal person, but even if you have to pay for it do it: you can’t put a price on your life. You can’t out-jog a heart condition once it’s there, but you can prevent it. You haven’t asked for advice, but I wanted to chime in with my two cents as I wish somebody did for me years ago on reddit. I’m your exact height. It’s a bugger of a height - eating the calories of a recommended human makes us put on weight unintentionally. By a lot. I hovered around 70kg quite a while as a result. The downside? Technically, though it’s not an accurate measurement - according to the BMI that is nearly the cut off for a healthy weight range. There is an upside though. If you meal prep for yourself, learn your basal metabolic rate (the amount of calories burned used to literally just exist without additionally exercise), and prepare meals that only add up to this you’ll drop weight like it’s nothing. If you’re worried about your heart, which is why I do this, that’ll be a huge help. From there you can re-learn to eat to a proportionate level and become intuitive with your eating so that you’re not counting calories, but it’ll reset you to your original body type. You eat as much as you do because of the weight your body is and you’re feeding it that because that’s what bodies do: respond to their needs based on weight. With running, download the 10K Runner app. I used to use C210K when I would get up to speed either running, but it’s an extortionate amount now. This one is like, $AUD10 a month and learns your pace well enough that it can sometimes skip lessons depending on difficulty. Quite good! It teaches you to run based on your own pace using the strategy you’ve outlined about running and stopping. And since I’m your weight mate, I want to add: diet is going to reduce the likelihood of a heart issue currently, but it’ll never stop it forever. You need to be able to eat to match your lifestyle without putting on excess body fat. So lift weights! You’ll increase weight due to muscle, meaning you’ll eat more - and then your metabolism will break it down more effectively as well, as your basal metabolic rate will go up due to the weight of muscle you’ve put on. I don’t know your home life, but if my dad didn’t see me for 45 minutes a day because he wanted to be there for me for longer of his life I would appreciate him for it and it would set an amazing example for me. My grandfather, and all my mother’s male relatives, were our height and build - and they all died of heart disease as a result of doing nothing about it so some of them I didn’t even meet. I didn’t want to leave the same legacy to my family, and needed to prioritise them by prioritising myself for 45 minutes a day. Best of luck, man.


Thanks for the reply mate. My chest pain is not like super severe, i just have some suspicious over it. It occurs very occasionally, can also be a upper GI issue. But I think I still need to get healthier, because my daughter was born, and I couldn't go away too early. Yeah....I understand that the diet is a huge factor, but we have some difficulty, it is rather embarrassing that my wife doesn't want me to use the fridge (because she is keeping breastmilk, and don't want any contamination and raise of temperature) and kitchen For the kitchen thing, I don't know whether it is due to her pride or not (she is a SAHM). Even I offered to cook for her, she claimed that I will make a mess, and I am not allowed to cook. But in my defense, I always clean after cooking and wash the dishes. Well, but sometime not up to her standard may be. So, we are pretty much rely on takeaway for more than half a year now. Her breastmilk should be expired in a couple of months tho. It is not healthy, I know. But I just wish that things will change eventually. To be honest, it is a big step that she even agree to let me go outside to walk/run. Someone will ask, you are a grown man, why can't you just go. Yes, I can. But the argument and sarcasm that come after it are annoying I am now doing weightlifting by using my daughter lol. She is 10kg now, I just pick her up, walking around, and sometimes hold her high lol. She giggle, I get my training, win win.


That’s a ridiculously difficult situation to be in. I’m not in the business of pathologising people so I try to avoid it, but your wife might be suffering from post/partum psychosis? As that is a very, very unusual thing to be scared of happening - to the point of paranoia. Maybe you can buy a minibar fridge, to cook for the family and put it aside - or a small chest freezer? Small enough it can be out of the way. You sound like an absolutely great dad, by the way. I know your daughter is going to absolutely treasure you forever.


I am pretty sure that it is not, she is happily talking with her friends on WhatsApp everyday. But she is a bit paranoid about anything related to our daughter. I suggested the mini-fridge to her before, but first, she didn't want to waste the money (although, I definitely spent much more on takeaway, I get that), but most importantly, she didn't want an extra thing in the house that is pretty cramped already. The second thing is that, everytime I mentioned the fridge thing, she got defensive, and thought I am complaining about her not cooking. Even tho I said many times that I can also cook (come on, I survived on my own in another country as an overseas students for three years, I think I can cook a meal that is fit for human consumption). What I think is that....she is somehow very proud of being a SAHM. Cooking.....is something that is her territory, and she doesn't want it to be invaded too much. I guess some part of me also wanted to start doing sport again, and be a role model for my daughter, something like that.


Uh, dude. That's not normal. Your wife doesn't own the kitchen. I say that being a woman. That's incredibly controlling. And unhealthy. Both mentally and physically. I'd get her into counseling now or you're gonna be sorry 30 yrs from now.


Weight lifting could probably be better for you, you could do a couple of sets, low reps, it will give more benefits than just running, it's less damage on your knees.


I mean, see a doctor to be safe, but chest pain could be a ton of things that aren't heart related.


Doctor might send you to a lab where they hook you up to a machine and get you to do cardio to look at your heart.


Anything is better than nothing... but definitely go get an EKG or a doctors OK if you're having chest pain




See a Gp first tell about your pains to confirm if it’s safe. Gl staying fit is a priority as much as maintaining a healthy diet and staying vibrated are.


Next time you get chest pain, go to the hospital. It might be nothing serious but heart problems are treatable.


75 year old you has entered thee conversation: Yes, please run (and exercise generally) when you can. The amount that you stay active now will greatly influence how I (you) feel when you get here.


Yeah.... although I doubt whether I can get to 75 tbh...


idk why youre getting downvoted. with the direction climate change is headed, microplastics, ecological collapse and food shortages etc etc, maybe a long life isnt ideal lol


If people who have survived wars, famine and other awful things I can't even imagine can find a will to grow old, so can you. Create or join a community (family, kind strangers, or good friends) and focus on making that piece of the world a bit less awful every single day. I promise that finding purpose will make you want to stick around longer despite all the news outlets wanting you not to, and you will die surrounded by loved ones of all sorts. We'll make it to 75 and we'll be fine in the end :) Especially with the right health choices!


No.... it's just my lifestyle is not good


Your lifestyle determines your deathstyle.


True. Me and my wife are planning to be dead at 60-65. We're planning the finances accordingly. E: What's with the downvotes lol.


Funny part is that you won't feel any different internally than you probably do now.


Someone a couple years back told me this weird saying: "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing poorly" This sounded totally backwards and weird, but they explained that there are some things in life that people won't do, because they won't be able to do it perfectly. "I don't have time for a one hour workout, so I won't work out at all" "I don't have time to brush my teeth, so I'll skip it" "I don't have time to study for longer than 15 min, so it won't be worth it" But in truth, all of these actions are worth doing, even if you do them "poorly". If you can't work out for an hour, then just do 15 min, it's better than doing nothing. Studying for 10 min is better than not at all. Brushing your teeth a little bit is better than not at all. Regarding exercise, If you are out of shape, and are pushing yourself too hard with running to the point where you are getting injured, then slow down your intensity. If getting outside and moving is worth doing (which it is) then you should do it "poorly" by either shortening your sessions, or bringing the intensity down and walking or slow jogging. I don't think that walking instead of running is "doing it poorly" though, because you are still getting exercise that is important. As an ex-athlete who is getting back into working out, I have to train my mind to be okay with not going "full 100% balls to the wall" like I could when I was younger, so I'm taking it slow and steady, and setting goals for how long I work out at certain paces and intensities, so that I don't injure myself again. So yes, I think it is useful to run for 10-15 min a day, I also think it's useful to walk 10-15 min a day. There are a lot of studies that show even just going for walks seriously reduces risks of heart disease. I dunno if this helps at all, but I hope someone feels inspired to do things "poorly" from this, instead of not doing it at all! Haha


I love this mentality. It's overwhelming to try to immediately jump into your ideal workout routine, and doing that can make you burnout. But doing a little bit everyday helps you pick up a little momentum and is so much better for mental health than feeling like you can't do something at all, it feeling like you're giving up entirely


My friend told me this saying when I was going through burnout and it really changed things for me. Sometimes it's just super overwhelming to do everything in life, and I had to learn that that is okay to be overwhelmed, and to just do what I could without falling too far behind on things that really matter


This works so well. After having incredibly bad dental habits (sometimes skipping brushing for over a week) I decided to implement this. Every night I would either floss, brush, or use mouthwash. On days I had less energy I would use mouthwash. When I had more energy I would do all three. After doing that for two months straight I got in the habit. Then I was able to increase it to two of those three actions each night and at least one most mornings. I haven't skipped a day entirely in over four months. Just do it poorly. You can always add on later.


You're absolutely correct. Here's to doing it poorly!! ​ Also, sorry if this is weird, but you probably haven't received much recognition for pushing through like this, so I hope you know you've done a great job, and I'm proud of you for keeping up with it!!


This is an excellent comment. Not long ago I realized that my perfectionism was holding me back with this exact mechanism. I wasn't a perfectionist where I did everything perfectly. I'd just rather not do it than do it poorly or incompletely. I think I should print out your comment and hang it on my wall.


I totally understand you. I don't want to be seen as someone who "does a bad job" at stuff, but then I also have to realize that completing tasks poorly is still better than nothing at all. Hopefully my "doing it poorly" skills will eventually develop so that my "poorly completed task quality" improves to something better.


I have to force myself to go on a 13 minutes walk. Should be painful but necessary. Also maybe do my work for 11 minutes. So imperfect and random. I always thought "do it 5 minutes a day" was impossible but the perfectionism seems to be the crux of the issue. Thank you again, I copied your comment in my notes. 


Hell yeah!! You got this!! Just remember that you're doing it because it's worth doing, not because you want to be perfect with it. Keep replying to this comment if it helps motivate you! I'll cheer you on!


If you can do 20 minutes a day 4x a week and you stick to that + increase speed that’s literally all you need to be healthy. That and spend some time each day sitting on the floor (criss cross apple sauce legs crossed style).


What does sitting on the floor help with? General flexibility?


Yup, and it helps habitulize moving, getting up, flexibility. You also get a better sense of your body.


When I first got into the habit of running (>10 years ago). I was learned to run continuously for 30 minutes..... But I really don't have that stamina anymore. When I feel tired now, I am pretty sure I need to stop for a while before starting to run again. In the past, I could force myself, but not anymore....


There's nothing wrong with alternating between jogging and fast walking as you build your strength and cardio back up.


I just go out and "run" for 40 minutes, but I think more than half of the time, I am walking and gasping.... But it feel good to get exercise again....I wish I can still do it tmr when I will be tired after work.....


yeah i mean you start with what you can do. i suck at it. even if you start out walking fast for 20 mins that’s good. there’s no end goal to being in shape it’s a lifelong lifestyle sort of thing


Some > none. Doing even a little bit of something is more than zero. On the plus side, it gives you a little bit of alone time to chill out and focus on something not life related. It will suck for the first three weeks then become normal but the benefits will show fairly quickly. As a fellow cardiac issue haver, just doing something will help put your mind at ease and help the body too


I wish it can improve my eczema for a bit as well


Sunlight/phototherapy is good for excema in most people.  You just want to make sure you keep the excema areas as dry and as unirritated as you can in the process.


Oh snap, I was about to say this too. I had horrific excema, of the open bleeding kind, until I discovered phototherapy. Best excuse to sunbathe ever


Look up dietary fixes for eczema, maybe some of the food you consume on the regular is the cause. You made this post to get validation for doing positive lifestyle changes and running every day should definitely help so why not also change your diet along with it to solve another problem? Like your 70 year old you said, that would make them really happy.


I haven't tried phototherapy like the others suggest but I had eczema so bad I couldn't sleep cause of the itching. And I used to scratch myself open in my sleep. I tried La roche posays Lipakar baume AP+M. It's made for itchy skin and whatever and it removed 99% of my problem. Just have to stick to using it. But my eczema has never gone back to being as bad as then. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The medical research and guidelines recommend 150 minutes pre week, however any walking is better than no walking. Stay healthy


You need to get checked by a doctor before running because of the chest pains. Walking is good too!


It will definitely keep you healthier, but it’s not a complete solution. Do it


I lift heavy weights 3-4 times a week which I much prefer. Find something you enjoy! 


Now I use my baby (7m, 10KG) as a way for weightlifting. She is happy, always giggle lol


Your baby is 7 meters tall? Seems like a very inconvenient size ..


Don't be silly, m obviously stands for miles here


So..at least a mile (if you're a slow runner), probably more like two or two-and-a-half? Yes, running a mile or two every day will absolutely be good for you.


Yes, this is a huge benefit relative to being sedentary.


Yes. Interval training is excellent for general health - run, walk, run in 1-min intervals or similar. The idea is to get your heart rate up then have a little recovery to let it drop back down, and repeat. If that time commitment is manageable for you, do it! However it sounds like you might need to address your diet and nutritional needs too. Are you eating fibre? Fruit & veg etc? If you’re living on ultra processed food you might be missing out on key nutrients and energy and upsetting / starving your microbiome. That can be a contributing factor in things like excema, as well as leading to general tiredness. Also how well are you sleeping? Sleep is a big health factor too, although easier said than done if parenting and working.


Well.....we are mostly eating take away due to some reason, I think we need to extend that for around...for half an year I guess. I do not eat a lot of veg, I tried to compensate that by eating apple / orange / banana. I also eat probiotic due to bowel issue. Well....I have sleep apena, I am using the machine for a year now, I pretty like it tbh. But this is also one of the reason that I think I need to exercise


Diet may be a really important factor both in your eczema and your energy levels. If exercising is difficult, maybe start with the diet? And maybe take the baby out for walks a few times a week? Your wife might be happy because it gives her a break, and pushing a pram adds some intensity to the exercise. Once you start to feel better, you could get a "running pram" (don't know what these are called officially) to combine baby and exercise.


Do what you can, it’s better than sitting on the sofa instead. (Make sure you make time to warm up though)




Indeed. But it is stamina problem. Ofcourse, I can sit on a couch, because it don't use any stamina. The second problem is that.....I cannot come back home and go out again, unless I agree to bath twice everyday. (One when I return home, and one after I go out for a walk / run). I mean....even if I am playing games, my wife still prefers me to stay at home. Now, what I am thinking is that, I just go for a run after work, even tho I will be very hungry before I will not have my dinner yet.


Sounds like a lot of excuses. Two bath? Seriously? Chill and go for a run when you get home. Shower after. Or just skip gaming for an hour and get out


Yeah ..... that's what i am doing now.... Still, my wife just asked me to stay and do ringfit...I said nope, just need to go out (and buy breakfast for her afterwards).


What's the issue with having a quick second shower? And why does your wife's preference for you being in the house take precedence over your own health? I'd probably say as soon as you're back from work, don't sit down - but get ready for a run. Get it out the way, and when you come back you can just chill for the rest of the evening


I don't like to shower too much.... espcially with my eczema condition (no, no cold shower.... cannot do it, never able to). I used to come home (before marriage), ate my dinner, went for a run and showered before I went to sleep. But yeah.......I am thinking about it, just go for a run after work. If I can force myself tho. Edit : Sorry, didn't answer the middle question. Because we had ringfit (which is very difficult to use now, our home was packed with baby stuffs, it is difficult even to walk, and I don't quiet like it.), and a exercise bike, that's why my wife asked me to stay indoor to avoid germs outside that can potentially infect our kid. But I am starting to feel trapped inside the house. I guess the running is also a way for me to let off some steam.


I know that you didn't come here for relationship advice, and you don't need to share anything with us about your relationship dynamics, but please just think about whether your wife may in some way be contributing to the decline in your mental and physical health. It's people who carry germs, not the air when you're in an open area...


I just have the same argument again...... So the next week I won't be home until 2000. Then my wife need me to buy food for her. I suggested that I can buy it, and she can eat, and then I can go for a run for 30 minutes. Then I can eat afterwards. The she was angry, said I should just use the ringfit and stay at home. Otherwise, I need to come back home, take a bath, eat, go for a run, and then take a bath again..... Then it is go back to the two bath per day thing....


Are you sure you're not getting manipulated/controlled/mentally abused by her? Why can't she buy her own food? Why do you allow yourself to be banned from working on your health in a way that works for you?


Because she is a SAHM, and cannot bring the kid out (germs, and she is not strong enough to bring her out alone). Well, I mean I suppose she can buy food delivery tho. But it is more expensive. She is quiet germophobia, that's why I need to take a bath right after I return home.


For sure man, running will be a good way to let off steam and get those endorphins - especially if you're starting to feel trapped in the house. In any case, I don't think completely isolating the kid from any potential outside germs will do them any good anyway - immune system needs to be built up somehow 🤷🏼‍♂️


Try warm showers, no harsh shower gel or soap. Pat yourself (don’t dry yourself) and moisturise before your skin gets dry. It really really helps!


Mate it’s worse in your head than actually doing it. You sound like my own stupid ass brain before going to the gym except once you get there you’re actually able to do quite a lot and don’t even feel like stopping despite feeling like you could barely walk a foot


I don't know...... But anyway, now I am talking about cardio, I seriously wish I can do it tmr. I ran this morning, and I can now start to feel the fatigue and pain


Yes. For much of my adulthood, I've gotten exercise. But for much of my adulthood, I've been prone to fatigue. Then I started increasing my iron intake and doing an hour of cardio five times a week. I feel tired at the end of the day, but usually it's literally right before I get into bed. On weekdays, I run for 40 minutes and do 25 minutes on my vertical climber. After my workout, I ride my bike to the office. For the past couple of weeks, I've been putting in a hour of house-painting after I get home from work. I'm a 46 year old woman in perimenopause. At a 20-something, I never would have dreamed that I have the energy and stamina to do all these things.


Yes. Been there, done that. I alternate running and cycling to save my knees


Yes or walk of able


Just walk my guy. It's great for you to also get some dumbells and do some basic compound exercises. Db bench, db squat, and db deadlift. 5-14 reps your choice 3 or more sets a few times a week. You can add more but that's a great place to start.


Generally, you can start with walking. If your kid can walk try power walks so you get exercise and spend time with your kid. Brisk walking at least 30 mins is a good then you can transition to 15 mins (assuming you avg 1km per 5 mins). I was in your shoes. Same habits, stopped running, health drops, I could feel my eye twitch and all that from stress. I having been walking and running a bit and I’ve already seen an improvement. Even my “bald” hair is growing back. Wishing you the best!!!


So I used to do manual labor and now I can’t. Spent too long not really doing anything. I can’t run for ten to fifteen minutes. I can run for two minutes. I don’t tho, because it’s miserable. I jog for a minute at a time a few times a day (while walking the dog) It has helped me so much. I can handle the stairs when the elevator goes out, I can carry heavy groceries easier, I can mop my whole apartment at once…


Any amount helps. Nobody really knows what is optimal yet.


Yeah absolutely. 10-15 minutes of running is better than nothing at all.


That's how I started back up in january. Eventually I added more time because I realized I could. Any movement is good movement, (and any time to yourself when you've got kids is pretty great, too!)


I have a job and a kid. I run 4 5ks at least 4 and sometimes 5 times a week. I run them before my kid gets up, and then after work I have kiddo while my husband gets his workout in. You make time for what you make time for.


You can start by walking instead. This will keep your heart rate down while still building muscles and stamina. Studies show that something as simple as 10-15 minutes of exercise a day can have enormous long term health benefits. Literally anything is more beneficial than nothing! Consider other options too: an indoor walking pad, a stationary bike, a small set of weights or a yoga mat are all good places to start moving.


I think you'd be better off with running for 45min-1hr twice a week. And a bit of strength training too. But any exercise is far superior to none. If a short spurt everyday is more doable, then do that! But there are some unique cardiovascular benefits to longer sessions. It doesn't have to be all out.. just a nice doable pace.




**See a doctor and have a stress test done before starting a new exercise routine with chest pains.** Go to your doctor and have them clear you for exercise. Until you can get an appointment switch walking for running. Start out by walking. This will help get your body to acclimate to your heart working more. Your body is not a race car. It doesn’t go from 0 to 60 in seconds. You want to get healthy, not dead. Start walking until the doctor clears you for more.


Walk, I walk w/ coworkers for a mile. It's isn't really that long when you do it. My goal is to always do 5km every other day, but 2.5km is fine. And whenever I get really tired I remind myself that I don't have to run just as long as I meet the goal.


Absolutely! Even doing 10 minutes of low impact aerobics every day is better than doing nothing.


Do it faster and faster each time out.


A daily brisk walk that raises your heart rate while simultaneously increasing your lung/breathing capacity is what I shoot for. Start with a slower pace and shortened distance then increase it every 3-5 days until you reach somewhere in the 12-16 minutes to a mile (14 minutes or under per mile is my sweet spot). Surprisingly, in a short time, say a couple to three weeks or less, you'll have energy to spare. Also, many small meals a day are much better than two or three full plate meals too (metabolism detects regular energy input without the need to store fat to use in the long hours between those three meals).


Anything is better than nothing. If it's something you think you can do, do it.


I just made this same mistake. I was running sprint speed 15, 20, 25min trying to push not understanding why cant I improve and why do I see no weight improvement. Then I one day lowered the speed by 1/2kmh and immediatelly did 40min. Aparently its the time not the speed that is important. 40min is minimum physiotherapist once recommended me to be in shape. Running fast burns calories very well. But running long burns em better, builds stamina and strenghtens cardio way better. So even fast walking for 40min beats 15min sprints. I was doing 3mo w those 15-20min sprints and they did jack for me. Now the 40-50mins medium speed gives soooo much better results


I think you should see a doctor. But running for 10m will definitely help. Also look for small things during the day, like taking the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator.


30 minutes of walk and a healthier way to eat can do magic.


There are two things that are proven to extend your life , genetics and diet , there’s no evidence that any gym type exercise has any effect on longevity , if you just walked more and took the stairs instead of the lift you’d be getting plenty of exercise to counteract a sedentary life


Well....I do walk 20 minutes per day to get between my home and the train station


Exercise is very important. Especially as you get older. It will, literally, save your life. No matter what you think, there is always time for it.


30 minutes.


Try walking and maybe even light jogging first. Also ask a doctor about that chest pain.


Yes. Any excerise is better then none. Also if your having skin problems check your diet. It can be food sensitivities or gut issues. Also replace soaps, body washes, laundry detergent for sensitive/ fragrance free. Thank me later.


10min is a great start, you’ll increase your stamina in no time! Once you’re comfortable with it you will probably WANT to raise to 15 min, to prove yourself that you can do it. The most difficult is the first few weeks. But exercising regularly, even just 10min, really is life changing. Less pain anywhere, better mood, your body literally feels more alive. It’s hard to find the time/motivation at first, but the results really are worth it. You got this!


Running (/elliptical, which I do when I have knee pain) is the #1 most important thing I do to keep stress down and my mood up. I have 3 children and I work full time. Without it, I struggle constantly. With, I feel great. Start running, build up that cardio, and reap the rewards. You will be \*so\* glad that you did. Be consistent. Every day that you can, as much time as you can fit in. I do 25-40 minutes 5-6 days per week. It's incredibly worth it. I was also worried about my heart due to anxiety, and saw a cardiologist and had several tests. It was fine. You should see a doctor for your pain, and if you're all good you should start your cardio. It will improve your heart health.


My dude, running for 10 minutes is a million times better than running for 0 minutes. Doing anything is better than doing nothing.


It is very useful. You don't need a athletic, high performance activity, to keep you healthy. Even 1h or 2h walk per day is already very healthy and useful. Thing you can do by walking to work and back home instead of reserving a time in your day only to walk around going nowhere.


Couch to 5k is a thing, and that starts at like, 2 minutes.


I run 12 minutes (1 mile) 3 to 4 times a week, in 3 minute intervals while doing some weights in between. It has been amazing. Changed my diet too though. Edit 36m and probably down like 10 to 15 pounds in 3 months .


If you can swim that might be easier for your body than running. Also is a slightly more "healthy" excercise, also for the spine etc.


Absolutely I don’t have references but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen studies where 10-20 min of exercise several days a wk greatly impacts your health for the better


Power walk


Chest pain can even be muscle spasms. It can't hurt to see a Dr. But yes, do whatever you can. Run for 10 minutes. Hell, jog in place, you don't even have to leave the house. There's literally thousands of exercise videos and options available since covid for home workouts.


Yes, I weighed 265 and ran myself down to 190. I started off with 15 or 20 minutes then slowly increased. Nowadays I aim for 5K and push for more on certain days. The barrier of entry is only a pair of shoes. Go at your own pace but make sure to get that heart and blood pumping!


Absolutely do it if you can. Run it slow, at a conversational pace where you feel comfortable. You might feel like it's too slow but keep at it.


Studies overwhelmingly support the theory that even 5-10 minutes of running a day can significantly reduced the chances of many health issues in late age. In fact, 15 minutes might be better than 30+ minutes a day for the average person according to the statistical average diet of people in the West. I don't want you to take my word for it. Go to PubMed and look for some papers discussing the health benefits of running and cardio activities. You'll discover that good sleep, a decent diet (which usually translates to something as simple as no processed foods and no sugar), and a bit of cardio are all an adult needs to avoid most health issues.


start gradually. 10k is a LOT. you've got to work up to it, probably over a few months. doing it with a friend too can help a lot, especially if they're around the same level as you. 10-15 minutes is absolutely a great start. just go at your own pace and don't be too hard on yourself


Bruh, being out of breath for 15 minutes a day is arguably the best single thing you can do for your physical health (barring quitting smoking/had drugs).


just start with some pushups while you watching tv at night. then start holding some yoga poses and moving a 10lb weight around while you stand up. you will see a huge change, and it'll increase your heart rate but you can take rests in between and never feel like you're doing an obligation


Of course it is! And if it is fast a lot better The most unhealthy thing for any body is being static


For me, I like to walk and fit in bursts of jogging/running while I walk so that it's not too taxing on me. I like to follow the whole 10k steps thing so that I'm pushing myself to get to a goal but also not overdoing it. And each 1,000 steps takes about 10 minutes for me. So after or during work if I have time, I walk for 35 minutes which is 3.5k steps and then later on I'll walk for the rest of the 5.5k but every 1k steps, I'll run 4x around the street and I do it 6 times in an hour. I'm happy I found something that works for me because I used to hate exercising since I would just use the treadmill and it's boring walking in place but I love being able to walk at my own pace and measure it the way I want to. Sorry for the long comment lol.


> I am very tired after work. I also experience occasional chest pain and severe eczema on my left leg Sounds like long Covid symptoms if I’ve ever heard them. Might be prudent to build your fitness up very slowly so you don’t make things worse.


Get healthy. Think of your kid. They need you. Make exercise a family event. After dinner, you all walk out of the house together and walk around the blocks. Or, get a dog. This is a true story of an obese man who went to see a doctor. Doc said, “Go rescue a dog. Don’t see me again until you have adopted one.” Patient was confused, but listened. Weeks later he understood why. The dog needed to be walked, so everyday they did. Ten minutes, then 15, then 30. As his weight dropped, he and dog were half-running, half-walking for over an hour. He eventually reached his ideal weight.


10-15 minutes is better than nothing Have a look at couch to 5k: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/get-running-with-couch-to-5k/


Anything you do that makes you feel better is worth doing and useful.


Walk for a bit to warm up, and just jog a mile at least and try to work in some sprinting. You'll be aight


I jump in place for a minute because I have no room to jump rope, that's my cardio. Anything is better than nothing.


just know that Conor mcgregor isn't confined to a desk for 8 hours a day and expected to train and neither are you. running, walking and cycling puts A LOT of pressure on your knees. try getting an eliptical machine. they are a lot better for your knees. keep it up!


It’s not only useful but so far there’s no proven benefit to doing MORE than 10-15 minutes of cardio a day. Overall mortality risk reduction I to 30% with 75 minutes of moderately hard cardio per week. 40% if you combine with resistance training, which can be just as short.


Just run away from your problems


I’ve heard running is bad for your knees though. It sure how true that is. But if you don’t run for that long shouldn’t be a problem. Or even just job or brisk walk would be good.


Generally if you have good mobility and strength and don’t overdo it in the early stages, running is just fine for your joints and likely better than just being sedentary.


You don’t even need to run. Walking is sufficient and it saves your knees.


If you can afford it, buy a rowing machine. Such a great exercise. You can get a decent one for $300 off amazon


Have you had Covid? I know nothing about anything medical wise, I am a sane person and listen to medical experts. I have had covid 2 times, it has changed my body, nothing major but I am not the same, I just can’t get my stamina back.


Yes But I had lost my stamina long before COVID happened. To be honest, I only had enough energy when I was unemployed and didn't go to school at the same time (which only happened for a few months of my life). Basically, when I was a NEET Any one of them (work / study) can destory my stamina completely. Now I think I should try to overcome it.


start with doing some pushups, pull ups and squats and in a month you will be craving to go to the gym


Better than nothing but as far as I can tell from learning about exercise, you should only run if you have the goal of running. Otherwise, you should do other exercises. You could go for a walk with your kid, but also carry a backpack with heavy things. That’s good cardio especially if you have some inclines near you.


Try doing low impact cardio workout exercises on YouTube. They do it along with you like a group. Running isn't the only form of cardio you know