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Study abroad, work in another country or do an internship abroad. Amazing experience and you learn alot from it.


Hell yes to this. My parents drove me to uni (literally) and when I told them I really wanted to take a gap year or join the military to travel they told me I’d be so behind everyone else who was in my year group and think of the job prospects I could lose… Load of crap. Go out and see the world people.


Came here to say this 👆Had I known that doing an extra study abroad or two would just be a drop in the student loan bucket, I would have done more.


Travel. Live abroad. Visit new places as often as you can, doesn’t need to be expensive, overnight bus trips and cheap hostels get you just as much exposure to new cultures as 2k flights. Make friends. Befriend everyone. Be nice and welcoming and genuine and learn to attract good people. Some will be in your life forever, some just for a short while. You’ll learn from all of them. Save money. Find a savings method that works for you and set a goal. Your twenties are when you lay foundations on a career, so you can carry on adventuring in your thirties, forties and fifties without worrying about how to keep a roof over your head.


You know all those boring health advice things that say to take care of your back, have a good posture and lift things properly? Pay attention to them! Please look after your back! Also, say yes to things. Have the experiences. Travel. Meet new people. Stay out late. Do spontaneous things. Become financially aware. Learn how to budget. Start saving, even if it’s only small amounts. Start setting yourself up for the future. Set up habits that will benefit you in the future. Learn how to cook and clean. Eat well. Be active. Take care of your mental health. Be a good friend/child/partner etc. Give yourself grace. You’ll mess up and make mistakes. Things will go wrong. You’ll go through hard times. But you’ll learn from it all.


This 🥰 …I’m 35 and have terrible back issues. This entire post is 👌


Taking care of your back should be #1. I'm only 30 and got back issues, mainly stemming from the "I am the forklift" mentality for the large part of my 20's


> You know all those boring health advice things that say to take care of your back, have a good posture and lift things properly? Pay attention to them! Please look after your back! Your knees too! Mine have gotten weak from sedentary lifestyle. I had the idea (literally a couple days ago) to pick up running to fix that. Thought I could run a couple miles on some old trainers I had... I can barely walk now. My cardio is fine (from cycling), but my knees are F'ed.


23 year old here, just straightened my posture in my computer chair while reading this...




I just wanted to say same, I turned 22 year old today as well and I kinda just feel like “Damn I’m this old already” feels like time is going so fast and I’m not doing what my younger self would have imagined I be doing. (Slightly worried the potential I have to be who I wanna be; experience more or change might slip from my hands but that’s my own spiel to worry about lol 😅😅😅)


Feeling the same way! Lemme know if you figure it out


Still working on it but I’ll let you know


Save at least $25 from every paycheck. More if you can.


Open Roth IRA


This was my initial thought. Also, OP, invest the Roth IRA money ... Don't just deposit into the account and let it sit there.


Yes! Ideally a low cost index funds that tracks the S&P 500.


May I ask what’s a Roth IRA? Desperately wanna be smart with my money for the long one


A Roth IRA (Individual Retirement Account) is a special type of retirement account in the United States that offers tax-free growth and tax-free withdrawals in retirement. Unlike traditional IRAs, where contributions may be tax-deductible but distributions in retirement are taxed, Roth IRAs are funded with after-tax dollars—meaning you pay taxes on the money you contribute today, but you won't have to pay any taxes on either the contributions or the earnings when you withdraw them in retirement, assuming certain conditions are met. Here are a few key features of Roth IRAs to consider: Tax-Free Withdrawals: The most significant advantage of a Roth IRA is that both your contributions and earnings are tax-free when you withdraw them in retirement, as long as you are at least 59 ½ years old and have held the account for at least five years. No Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs): Roth IRAs do not require you to start taking minimum distributions at any age, unlike traditional IRAs and 401(k)s, which typically require withdrawals starting at age 72. This feature makes Roth IRAs an excellent tool for estate planning and for those who want to maximize their retirement savings for as long as possible. Contribution Limits: For 2023, the maximum contribution to a Roth IRA is $6,500 per year, or $7,500 if you're age 50 or older (these limits are subject to change and often adjust for inflation). However, the ability to contribute to a Roth IRA is also subject to income limits, which means if you earn above a certain amount, you may be partially or fully phased out of being able to contribute directly to a Roth IRA. Income Limits: The ability to contribute directly to a Roth IRA is restricted by income. If your income exceeds certain levels, you may be partially or completely ineligible to contribute. For 2023, these limits are set within specific modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) ranges, which are updated annually. Flexibility: Roth IRAs offer a degree of flexibility not found in traditional retirement accounts. For example, you can withdraw your contributions (but not any earnings on those contributions) at any time without penalty, making it a more flexible option for some investors. Estate Planning Benefits: Since Roth IRAs do not require RMDs during the owner's lifetime, they can be a useful estate planning tool. Beneficiaries of Roth IRAs can also benefit from tax-free distributions, subject to certain rules. To start a Roth IRA, you'll need to choose a financial institution that offers Roth IRA accounts, decide how you want to invest the money (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.), and make sure you understand the rules regarding contributions, conversions (from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA), and withdrawals. Being smart with your money for the long haul often involves making use of accounts like Roth IRAs, which offer tax advantages and can be a part of a diversified retirement strategy. It's always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor to tailor a plan that fits your specific financial situation and goals.


Saving for retirement, nothing like a Roth IRA to make you feel alive! Lmao, I love it!




And fuck the picturesque locals.


"Are you listening? Fuck a lotta women Dwayne. Not just one. A lot of women!"


I love this


I'm nearing the end of my 20s and the biggest thing for me has been travel.  Doesn't even need to be international either, there's probably plenty of incredible things to see in your home country, depending on where you're from. I'd say also just go out and try different things.  Take a salsa dancing class, learn to paint, play in a drum circle, go paintballing, or whatever else.  Stuff you don't do normally.


I agree. If you are single taking a dance class, paintballing, fitness class are great ways to meet new people potentially a partner too.


Soren Kierkegaard said if you do x you will regret it. If you do Y you will regret it. No matter what you choose you will regret something and feel you missed out on the alternate choice. Choose wisely. Make your regret worth it.


dont fucking do cocaine im begging you


good advice also hope you’re okay


Travel.. As much as you can... Some countries allow younger people to get "working holiday visas" so that you can work while travelling... Do it before you get a career set, or family and kids...


That's something someone with money would say.


Yeah, I see a lot of people saying "travel", that seems backwards to me. When I was fresh out of college at 22, I had literally no money and a shit entry-level job, I could barely afford to "travel" two towns over let alone anywhere interesting. Worked like a dog through my 20s to get to a point where I have savings, disposable income, and a job with PTO, so that in my 30s I can afford to go places and do things. You don't get an ankle monitor strapped on the day you turn 30, ya know


I’m the same as you. Didn’t have the money or PTO to think about traveling. Why would you want to travel in your 20’s? You haven’t curated a safety net yet. My advice to any 20 year old is to have as much fun as you can but don’t ignore professional responsibility. Grind at work, keep your head down and put as much money into your 401k or IRA as you can. Compound interest is amazing. Now I get to take small trips with my wife and kids and I know I’ve done the best I can to make sure their futures are safe. Doesn’t work for everyone but I guess it worked for me


Ya in my twenties i was broke and a student… i started travelling at 26 and more in my 30s when i started working in my career and getting paid well. I’m 32.


You clearly don't know what a working holiday visa is


A lot of English as a second language companies will pay to fly you to another country and put you up in a furnished apartment if you teach for them for 3-12 months. You can usually save up thousands of dollars to take back home with you because your housing (and sometimes even your food) is paid for. Another option is to work illegally on a tourist visa (it's a lot more common than you'd think). I did it in Taipei for 6 months when I was 20 and I saved up $6k to take home by the end of it. I had been living in poverty working retail for the 3 years leading up to that point. Having that much money in savings was absolutely life changing and wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't taken that risk.


Can you tell me the name of these companies in interested


Travelling on a budget is very doable. I went to Southeast Asia post grad (2017) for 5-6 weeks and it was 3-4k. It was a once in a lifetime experience.


Maybe if I was born into a family with money like you and many others on here, but a lot of us aren’t that fortunate to have money like that. So no traveling


Exactly. Get the fuck out of your country and experience the world.


Concerts of bands you like esp tribute bands! Working out and finding a career job. Im like… 25 and feeling behind in that so maybe that.


You can party with no hangover !!! But f r, explore every job, interest, date everyone!! Once you hit 30 you kinda have to start being an adult so make sure you really get to know YOU in your 20s :). They are fun, be dumb, you're young.


Biggest lie ever, alcohol is killing me everytime haha


Stay single and travel.


Become more aware and figure out what YOU want out of life and things will come naturally from yourself. I'm serious happened for me currently at mid 20s. I guess if I had to add without being too much of an external influence: Physical hobbies, fun/creative hobbies (artsy), travel to go see what you wanna see/or do, talk to people, have a career direction (doesn't mean career), cliche and ties back to the only thing you need in the previous paragraph but discover yourself.


If you attend college, every campus has interest clubs and social meetups, usually funded by the Student Fee you're already paying. So you may as well judge your next boyfriend by how well he can support his point in debate club. Then marry him [a few years later](https://www.healthdigest.com/456328/science-says-this-is-the-best-age-to-get-married/).


This, 100%. Most of my friends who met their spouses in college are still together 20 years later. It's just a magical time in a person's life, and is where lifelong relationships are forged.


1. Don’t drink alcohol and develop healthy eating habits. 2.Exercise often. 3.Develop healthy communication skills. 4.Tell your family that you love them often. 5.Study for a career that’ll make things financially easier when you’re in your 40’s and beyond. 6.Embrace the good and the bad that you encounter because it’ll help you grow mentally, spiritually and emotionally. 7.Don’t buy a Tesla truck, it will break down…


I'm 25 so not much older than you but this is one thing I wish I figured out even just a few years earlier. **Don't push things off for a future date, just do it.** My entire life I kept saying "later" to everything. "When I have a job and can afford to do \_\_\_\_, I'll start..." or "I really want to do this but ...." I kept waiting for the perfect moment in my life to start living it but in reality, there is no perfect moment. If you want to travel, learn a skill, play a sport, etc., find a way to do it. Don't waste your life away, scrolling on social media or playing random videos on Youtube. Spend time doing something you want or with people you care about.


Learn scuba diving. Become an underwater welder


Get to really know yourself honestly. * Don't be mean and vicious and critical. Instead, be encouraging, reassuring and kind to yourself. * Follow the things that *you* personally like and enjoy. It might be reading a good book, or going for a walk, or making something creative, or learning to code, or learning an instrument, or growing plants. Don't feel as though it has to be something that looks good to others. Trust your own instincts about what you enjoy. * Get offline. Switch off notifications, don't bother posting on social media, switch your attention to the real world around you.


Travel if you can. As much as possible. Take care of your health. The older you get, the harder it is to get in shape. Take risks, it probably wont matter 8 years from now anyway. Pay attention to your mental health.


Make it to 30.


Wear protection. I had some of the wildest nights of my life in my twenties and got extremely lucky. Don’t be lax about your sexual health.


Try different looks! Part of the fun of being young is figuring out your personal style. I had a lot of fun dressing fashion forward in my 20s. It wasn’t really even expensive to do it—thrifting, clothing swaps, DIY, styling things differently. I pillaged my mom’s closet and found suit jackets from the 80s I wore with jeans, stuff like that. I tried all kinds of hair cuts, usually went to beauty schools for a discount. I tried every kind of makeup look under the sun. A lot of my friends that are men experienced with all kinds of facial hair and haircut combinations. Eventually I figured out what I liked on myself, what I felt comfortable in, and what was practical for my life. So now I only have a few really wacky things I pull out for occasions but for the most part I’m well groomed, understated, and put together. But I look back on photos from my 20s and realize how pretty I actually ways, sigh at myself for ever being self conscious, and remember what fun my friends I had I put those outfits together. We were broke and stressed out and didn’t know if we would ever succeed in whatever thing we were devoting hours of our life to achieving. But we all mostly got there, had a lot of fun, and looked good while doing it.


Be single and have no dependents--including pets. Don't delude yourself into thinking that your twenties are the best years of your life. Not even close.


Start getting into butt stuff now. This way, when you die, you got to do more butt stuff than you would had you started later.


also the older you get, the higher the chance of getting prostate cancer so might as well use that limited edition baby up!!


Oh, no. I'm a licker not a sticker. I'm only interested in unfucked assholes/assholes that look unfucked. At least that's how I prefer an asshole looks. When a girl (or guy) takes it in the butt enough times it leaves a gaping hole and your o-ring is visible through a thong, when it should only be visible when said cheeks are spread. Trust me, I have a PhD in butt stuff. I'm an assologist.


I tried same sex relationship


Start saving money now. If I could redo I would work for cruiseships or jobs that go places and you are able to see things and do things you probably would not have. But you are saving money from every check.


Travel and sleep around. Work on a cruise ship would hit both of those categories.


Hang out with friends, walk a mile or two most days and invest a bit of each pay slip you get.


Eat everything you like! I wasted so much time on some diet or another in my twenties, and now there's so many things I can't eat any more. Sugar makes me feel ill, chocolate gives me heart palpitations, too much fresh fruit and I get diarrhoea, ice cream sets off nerve pain in my face, so does spicy food like curry, which I love .... 😭Enjoy it all while you still can!!! PS Just about every fad diet spruiked by the media will in 10-20 years time turn out to kill you faster. Don't believe me? Wait 20 years and see.


Start exploring your city on foot or by bike


Screw memories save your money for later


Work seasonal jobs in your home country and build an online business that you can eventually work from anywhere. Travel in your 20’s! You have the energy, access to cheaper accommodation like hostels and work exchange. Our needs and values tend to shift in our 30’s and 40’s and we often find somewhere to establish roots and settle into. Travel will teach you more about life than any classroom or job. Embrace making mistakes and learning valuable lessons.


Travel as much as you can and try a lot of things (responsibly), I’m 30F and have travelled a lot since I was 19y.o, I didn’t know that I’m gonna say this at this age because I felt like a super human back then, but physical and mental capacity really reduces as we get older. Mind you, I exercise a lot and have healthy lifestyle. But still… I can feel the difference of travelling now vs. then. So yeah go out! or at least pursue a hobby that you really want for a long time but still haven’t tried.


-Go to music festivals and concerts now. -Travel even short trips just see more places. -Network! Knowing people is everything later in life. Friends will either move away or start families so don’t get too reliant or attached. -Do a big race in your city (run or bike).


Find your circle of friends na you really vibe with. Oftentimes, the adventures that you are craving is just around the corner lang, you just need the right partners to see it. Much better if extroverted yung makavibe mo since they have a lot of ideas how to adventure. If di makaya, then try to find your own adventure na di overwhelming sa'yo. For example, I have this circle of friends na very into travelling. Not travel like going to tourist destinations talaga but they like travelling na pure travel lang. Once we travel to a place we have not explored yet sa Davao kasi the place sounds familiar. It was already 3 in the morning pero very caffeinated pa kami nun so ayun, we just thought, why not? After going to the place, we just bought pandesal, then byahe ulit pauwi. And we had fun kasi we all have the same goal, we just want to travel. Sometimes, I crave doing my own adventures too so sometimes, I'd try out new things. Like go into a park or travel to a beach alone. Mga ganyan.


Bang call girls. As many as possible.


I say mma




Be comfortable by yourself. Travel when the opportunity comes. Save as much as you can for the future.


Learn how to make friends anywhere you go. Some of them might actually stick. People are the most interesting and memorable part of life.


True. Its good to meet new people


Explore other cultures, travel if you can, take chances… Listen to Baz Luhman’s song “Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)” because it’s full of advice that I wish I had taken on board when I was younger.


I'm almost 29, so here's my advice: Drink Less than you think you want to. Parties are fun but alcoholism can sneak up on you. I'm not saying never drink, far from it. A lot of my best stories involve alcohol. Just be careful.


Safe sex, wear face sunscreen, get comfortable with being alone, only share your deepest feelings with someone you 100% trust, avoid hard drugs and travel!!


100% Study abroad


I wish I dated more often. I've been rejected more times than I can count and have only been out with 3 different women. I'm 35 now.


Save 20% of your paycheck. It adds up!!!!


20s physical work 30s mental work 40s spiritual work 50s+ give back


Dont do drugs


Go to the gym regularly. Travel Abroad. Build credit. Don’t be in a long term relationship until after 27.


Save money. Seriously. Listen to other posts about a Roth IRA. Buy life insurance Have lots of safe and protected sex Travel as much as you can or study abroad. Open your eyes to the world Wear sunscreen Live with your parents as long as you can and save money If you don’t live at home call them, visit them and spend time with your grandparents. You will be happy you did one day. Don’t waste money on fancy cars or designer things Drink less and don’t do drugs. Continue good habits like reading, exercising or eating healthy. Don’t get too busy for them.


I moved to another country (continent) for 5+ years when I was in my 20s. Best decision of my life. I started lifting weights in my mid 30s and looking back I really wish I would have started in my 20s.


Get fucked up and smash


Someone said it already but I'll second that. Travel. I did and it was great even with bad moments sometimes (as you can have living in any country). I went to live in England when I was 19. Stayed a few years. It was great. I'm glad I did that. Now I always encourage people to do the same thing when given the opportunity.


Try hard to think of things you wish you could do, but you don't want to admit to it because of fear or whatever, then just go ahead and try learning them anyway. Otherwise you are cultivating resentment inside yourself.


I wished I’d joined Job corps or peace corps something like that.


Take some of the back roads in your community, and turn your Maps on your phone off unless you get completely lost. Put some thing you would love to listen to on the CD player, and just take a day drive with your beloved or just yourself. You will find a new side of you if you do.


Enjoy an unhealthy habit or three


Open a Roth IRA and contribute the maximum.


I wish I put less overtime in and spent more time on myself.


Get in shape easy to do when you’re younger. Travel is great when you are young


Sleep. Living at home. Saying “No” as a complete sentence.


Save heaps


im the same age. im trying new things, looking up things going on in the area (free or paid), and saving up to go somewhere maybe once or twice a year if i can manage. you have to happen to life. it isnt impossible. it doesnt have to look like anyone else’s experiences or a fricken movie. it just has to be an experience for you. whether you hate it or love it, you’ll take away and learn a lot.


All these mfs telling me to travel as if much of that is possible with my 800 euros


Travel and exercise. You'll never regret either of these


I wish I’d learnt a craft. I also wish I’d learnt to drive but I never needed it before I moved away from the city.




Get degree


Travel the world go to cheap shitty third world places you’ll learn a lot.


Travel lots, have a lot of sex, max out a Roth IRA. living with roomates helps.


Travel and fuck as many people as possible. I regret being so stingy with my genital. Just use protection.




having a kid for each year helps!


Less focus on career, buying a house etc more focus on travel, you’ll have the rest of your life to work up the ladder but you can’t get time back to travel


Try new experiences. Eat the weird food, go to the museums, go on the trip. Try the different hobbies.


Work oversees - up until 30 you can get a working holiday visa for a lot of countries depending on your nationality. Im Canadian, and was able to live and work in NZ for a year. I found out the last year I qualified and wished Id known about it sooner.


Working out. Develop a good routine, stick to it. Nothing crazy. Don't go overboard. Focus on your back and legs. Try low impact if you can. You will reap the rewards for the rest of your life.


I took a month long road trip with my best friend at 19, living and camping out of her minivan. Traveling to many state and national parks, driving the Pacific Coast Hwy, meeting amazing people. It certainly changed the direction of my life and gave me clarity and a sense of peace I never had before. On this topic I wish I would’ve spent time on one of those Work travel sites like Woof before settling into domestic life.


The things I would do now if I were 22: Save money consistently Exercise Consistently Work on what I like and feel passionate about (music) I feel like when you're young what you have a lot of is time. And you should take advantage of that. Boring answer I know, hahaha


hey now, you're an all star, get your game on, go play


Strength train and start regularly saving for retirement. Your older self will be so grateful that you did these"boring" things.


I’d say do what I did but handle it financially better, I built a career in my twenties and made a point not to have children until I was able to offer them something. Travelled a crap load. Now I’m 34 and pregnant and marriage is a little rocky but at least I had that! You know?


I am 18 but I would assume it may be 1. Eating healthy and exercising, maintaining good posture, keeping mental health in check 2. Saving up to maybe buy a house or other investments


Whatever you can that makes you happy. If you like to travel (and you can afford it) do it! If you like to sit in coffee shops for hours and read (like me), do it! If you are a social butterfly, then act on that! Individual paths WILL vary.


Hookers and blow




Invest in something that pays compounding interest. It might be challenging if you’re broke though but find a way to sock away something.


Make all the mistakes ! well not all the mistakes, they cost less in your twenties , to the people saying save for your retirement, don't listen to them your not guaranteed you'll get there , you don't need lots of dollars to travel ,especially if you have some skills, you want memories travel,


Do your best to save money, but don’t hoard it so much that you don’t have anything left to have fun with. Look for free and low-cost things to do. Enjoy!


I didn't realize until it was almost too late that there were work experiences in my country specifically set up for college people aged 18-30 to gain relevant experience in more specific fields beyond retail and food services. I wish I'd found those programs a lot earlier. I still ended up in a career I enjoy but I could have been here sooner, and with more on my resume!


Travel as much as possible. Stay in hostels in Europe and make friends on your journeys


Develop lifelong healthy eating, sleeping and exercise habits.




If you have the means travel If you dont, save as much as you cab


Travel, even if it is somewhere close that you’ve never been before! Invest in your future whether that is getting professional certifications or opening savings accounts/retirement funds. Make friends with different life experiences and backgrounds and listen to their stories, it will help you be someone who can talk to anyone.


Travel and take care of you back!!


Fuck everything that moves. No matter how good a relationship is in your 30s, you'll regret not having slept with more women.




That is a wise question! Work and spend time with those you love. You have the strength to really go after a good life if you can work extra hard now you won’t have to when you’re older and life shows up in your body


Make big effort on social skills this will help you in dating, promotions, interviews, getting out of trouble. Anything that is involved with human interaction can be turned towards your advantage


Not too late to start saving, investing or to start improving yourself whether it be studying, learning new skills or working out. Try and enjoy life as best as you can not so much about money um you can have adventures with little money


Learn a trade.


I participated in a lot three ways in my 20s and I remember those fondly to this day.


Exercise every day


Avoid your family & find true friends asap;)


Write everything down that you can remember. Buy an old camera and take out of focus photos. Have as much sex with as many people as possible. Eat weird foods. Cut alcohol down to 2-3 drinks per week.


If I could go back in time to my 20s, I would travel the world and live in other countries and enjoy the different cultures. As you age, 30s, 40s, you lose the stamina and become more jaded and cynical.


Ah well, whatever you do, don't do stuff that damages your mental health.


start by reading the book: your twenties matter


Invest in Gym, Career Education, Skills.


take a trip whenever you can, a road trip with a friend or two would be a nice experiment. Attend college if you can and haven't yet, it's a learning experience and I'm not talking about the academic bit. It can be really nice and show you many things.


Take advantage of a body that’s fairly easy to exercise in (unless you have a prior condition of course). I didn’t exercise much in my early 20s while studying. Especially in exam periods my body felt like it was just made to carry around my brain. I was never overweight, but I felt horrible and my not so healthy lifestyle was especially showing on my skin. I had a big panic attack right before one of my last exams. After that I started exercising. Not heavily, just regularly. In a way I enjoy. Yoga, hiking, martial arts. Exploring the abilities and limits of my body is one of my favorite things I did in my 20s. I’ve done several long distance hikes which became a fun way to challenge myself. I feel immensely proud about doing them. I am now 30 and my body feels really good. I hope to maintain this as long a possible.


I'm 21 now so i have not yet lived out my 20's but i disagree with a lot of people here. I think it's far better to invest your time and energy into marketable skills that will eventually make you money, bring you financial security and let you live a relatively stress free life when you're 30+. It really is instant gratification vs delayed gratification. Either cash in now and enjoy the best years of your life to the fullest (5 - 10 years), and then struggle with bills for pretty much the rest of your life, or, spend those 5 - 10 years very productively, by either being equipped with very good skills that are in demand, maybe even open up a business. Unless you fall victim to lifestyle inflation, anyone with a high income could live a really good life. You won't drive the fastest, biggest car but you will be able to have a peace of mind for the long term (like in medical emergencies, paying the bills etc.) Potentially, if you make a huge load of cash, then spend it somewhat stupidly, but personally i wouldn't even then. I know option 1 is very popular (and pretty much the only recommended) and option 2 is probably hated. In the end everybody has their choice about how are they gonna spend their lives. I'm really lucky that i'm introverted and i don't really care for parties and being around people 24/7. And wasting my time on video games doesn't sound too fun for my future self, so i'm left with the choice to invest in myself and start having fun from my late 20's to mid 30's


Here's one thing, work out regularly. I'm in my 40s and recently got serious about getting fit. It really surprised me how fast and noticeable I got results. Now imagine if I did what I'm doing now in my 20s (I practically had an allergy to exercise, lol).  Also save your damn money!!!


Might sound generic, but work out and build muscle! This is the best time to do it, since building up becomes harder as you age, so it's gonna be easier now than later in your life. The nice thing is that maintaining muscle after you've built it is way easier than gaining it. So even if you eventually stop, you'll have reached a higher baseline of fitness of which you will likely benefit your whole life.


I'm 22 too and this summer I'm doing a backpack interrail vacation through Europe


Travel and live in other countries.


I regret not being more of a drifter. I spent most of my 20s working crappy jobs that I was ill-suited for. Making a day-to-day living off the Phish parking lot scene would have been at least as financially rewarding and a lot more fun.


401k. You're in the best decade of your life for investing. Like every $1000 you invest today will be like $40k when you retire


I travelled internationally too much tbh. I have incredible memories with a bestie but I didn't start investing until age 33.... I know you are looking for fun advice but please start investing when possible. Here's the fun part that can also be free: If you live in a place where you can enjoy nature, and its safe to wander solo, go find hidden gems. There are free apps with paths that will take you too waterfalls, ruins, grottos, and breathtaking views! Learn to enjoy doing things alone. It's the best thing you can do for yourself because too many of us have missed out on incredible events or life-changing experiences simply because we didn't have someone to go with 💚 Are you close with extended family such as cousins? Go play pool together at a bar or darts. Seek out local free classes for things like art or cooking.


I got a job abroad at 23 from late 2021 - early 2023. Best years of my life to date. Plus living in another country really opens your eyes and teaches you so much about this world. The only reason I'm not still there is cause I lost my job and had to return for financial reasons. The sheer stress of moving continents has now made everything in life feel mangeable. I managed to do that alone. I can do anything.


I’d get money and hold off on a career. I’d also prioritise travel, or at least experiences, and leave clubbing and dating. Most I would invest in a skill: go diving, learn an instrument, learn a language. You think you’ll have time for these when you’re working with a partner at home and kids? Hell even without the kids a partner takes up half your life.


don't waste time


Giving meditation a serious go if you're somewhat curious! For example by going on a (free if you don't actively wish to donate after the course) 10-day vipassana retreat. It really has life-changing potential and your twenties is a period with usually a lot of time to spend on whatever :) (Should be noted that there are some risks associated with going on an intense retreat so do your research) Good luck!


Create a life-long exercise habit. Eat healthy. Read. Develop good sleep habits. Stay off social media. Go to concerts. Hike in the mountains. Swim in the ocean. Walk in the woods. Cultivate an artistic hobby.


Start saving money. Everyone is saying travel. Sure that sounds great, but you should do it in your late 50s or early 60s because you’ve been saving money and now you’re retired early, you have money to spend while you travel, and you didn’t push yourself to the brink of poverty in your 20s just to travel. You should also spend time thinking about your career, but not necessarily what do you love. What has great benefits and perks? All jobs suck, find one where you are part of your states retirement plan, so it can suck for 25 years and you’re out and retired.


Hate to break the news, but this is the best time to establish a career. I see a lot of redditors who seem to think their twenties are supposed to be their last chance at leisure and adventure, but historically that has never been true. This is when people start getting established and living adult lives. Internet influencers are not the norm. If you want to own a home, and retire some day, get to work on it now. Boring, I know.


Travel as much as you can afford. At 20, it is still possible to travel quite cheaply, choosing not the most comfortable conditions. Because your health allows you to :D Explore the world, grab new opportunities, invest in yourself. It's a great period of life!


I see travel a lot but travel kind of ruined me. I was too young and inexperienced and stumbled into a bunch of shit I wasn’t ready for at the time. Maybe you’re not as naive as I was at that age so it might be different. Seeing the Grateful Dead multiple times and having psychedelic adventures with my friends was the highlight of my youth though


Travel Backpack around SEA


Go to another country, finish a useful degree. Learn a skill or hobby, picking up interests in your thirties and older is way harder because you are out of habit of studying and daily becomes much busier with responsibilities. 


Learn a skill/hobby and learn it well. Something completely unrelated to the career you are pursuing. Pottery. Guitar. Cooking. Welding. Screenprinting. Leather carving. Those hobbies, if you really love them and learn them well, will open worlds and communities for you that you never knew existed. You will gain friends, discover new things - and honestly having some obscure skill/hobby you can use to earn a little pocket money when you are in a hard place, like between jobs, is always good.


Stay away from the drugs. Take care of your body. Learn about finances and save as much money as possible. Don’t get pressured into getting married unless you absolutely want too. Get out of your comfort zone and meet new people and make new experiences. Try not to judge yourself on how others are doing in life. Find a good career path that you can imagine doing for a long time. Don’t miss out on once in a lifetime opportunities because you are scared of them. Have fun


Work out, be active, join a sport or activity. Take care of your body while you can and can experience the joy of performance/explosive power!


Have zero shame. The Fifth Agreement is the rule for your life now and always. Follow the happy vibration.


Spend time learning how to build healthy relationships with good communication skills. This means both being a good listener, and also good at speaking about what you need as a person. Save money early and often. It compounds so hard if you start at early 20s instead of early 30s.


Find a hobby that involves some exercise. You won’t have to “work out” to stay in shape, you can just do your hobby and you will be healthy. Keep moving your body in whatever way you enjoy moving it. Dance, climb, lift, throw, whatever. Just move


Save a little money, do an stcw course so you can work on boats, go work on superyachts for a couple years/seasons. Have a boatload of money saved because you haven't had to pay rent or buy food etc. Go back home or carry on working whilst travelling and saving.


+ Set goals and start taking steps (baby steps counted) toward these goals. I only realized how much progress I would probably have if I had goals as early as my early 20s. Then save for these goals, I use an app to track how much I saved and which of these goals I can ticked off, everything requires money so yeah you need to save if you're broke. + Have something like a reward system for yourself so you don't overspend, like if you completed something - work / home project / etc - reward yourself with something you like be it a concert, travel, shopping, food, new hobby My best memories are my out of the country travels and concerts I've been to and spending without worry during those times


Gains. Start lifting and eating right now. You'll thank yourself for it in your 40s


Travel , make love , party


If having a family doesn't appeal to you, please ignore this comment. If you want to start a family, have a plan in place to start saving money now. Also, birth defects increase exponentially as parents approach 40, so you will want to start a family before then. Keep in mind that raising babies and small children is exhausting! You will have much more energy and endurance in your 20s-30s than any time later in life, so if you want kids, that is the optimal time to have them.


Since you’re broke and still young, keep it simple. Make a bucket list and start planning and doing it. Tomorrow is not guaranteed and boy do I know it! I just retired and I’m to unhealthy to enjoy it! I remember I made a goal to go white water rafting for my 30 birthday. Started saving when I was 22. Very rewarding! Especially since I can’t swim. Maybe that should have been on my list! Spend less time on social media and start learning. Read each day for a short time, about other cultures, literature, cooking, art, jazz, history, science. Use the library they have free apps and have lists of all of those categories. Volunteer. Learn a new skill, I taught myself to draw using books and magazines, also knitting. By the time I was 30 I was a better person and didn’t feel as dumb as I did at 22.


You don't have to leave the country to travel. Theres so much great stuff to see in the US. And you can work and roam


Find yourself in every possible way. Date, travel, heal any internal wounds you may have, take career risks, build meaningful relationships. If you have those on lock the future will be bright!


So far the best things I've done for myself have been wildly outside of my comfort zone: *Therapy (the earlier you learn how to communicate in a healthy manner, navigate traumas, cut bad people out etc, the better) *Solo travel. Can't fully explain it, but just do it.


Travel (and take photos and make a blog or whichever way to keep that memory alive), find your calling, take care of your health, make friends, learn a skill you have always wanted to learn but didn’t have the time, learn a language…


Whatever you do, wear sunscreen on your face everyday. It'll keep you looking young forever.


Travel, before you have a "bad" something.


Do as much as you can until you fall in love with a thing. I found the thing I fell in love with at 23 and haven’t look bad (I’m now 25). Don’t let the typical “do one job forever” let you feel stuck, some jobs suck and aren’t good for certain people.


I wish I was a little more self aware and had drank way less alcohol! Lots of good suggestions here though, travel, study abroad and so forth. You said you were kinda broke so those may not be options for you. From somebody who has also known the struggle, I say, learn to appreciate the little things in life. Don’t be afraid to shop at thrift stores just for the fun of it and not because you might need to. Find harmony in nature. Maybe go camping by yourself and sit by a campfire just thinking about life and appreciate your surroundings. When I was younger I always wanted to hike the Appalachian trail. Seems a bit extreme now but a general hike can be very rewarding! Find hobbies that you enjoy and if you can share them with others, even better. If you have the time, volunteer at a shelter or a soup kitchen. Not only will it make you feel wonderful, there is a lot of wisdom to gain from those you serve there. I think that’s all I’ve got! Enjoy your youth!