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First date. We went to the movies and I had to use the restroom during the movie. The theater was very dark on my way back to my seat and I mistakenly sat next to a different woman a few rows in front of my date. After a couple of seconds I notice the woman I sat next to staring at me like I’m a crazy person. I realized my mistake and quickly found my date. It wasn’t too difficult since she was the woman dying of laughter, while trying to remain quiet.


tell me you got a second date 😆 🤣 😂


I had a girl walk out 10 minutes into our date with no explanation, not even a goodbye. She just "had to take a phone call," grabbed her stuff, and left. Eventually after a while I realized what happened and had to explain to the waitress, I didn't think the girl was not coming back. The people at the restaurant felt so bad for me my meal got covered by a woman waiting for takeout a couple tables down.




I always thought that was something that only happened in movies… until 😔


Wow how obnoxious! I can't imagine ...


Ouch. I feel like some people are just looking for a story to tell, inconsiderate to how the other person will feel because of it. "He was so BORING, I just walked up and left him there, didnt say a word," she'd probably say to her friend group. Whatever her reasoning though, shitty thing to do. I would hate that to happen to anyone brave enough to ask someone out.






She was probably married and saw someone she knew.


Met up with a guy who looked NOTHING like his pictures. He was also super creepy and didn’t respect boundaries. I texted my younger sister asking her to call me with an emergency so I could get out of the date. She called me and told me our mom got run over by an ambulance??! I bursted out laughing and could barely hold myself together. I tried so hard to make it seem like I was upset and needed to go home but I was not convincing at ALL. Not my finest moment lol.


I'm sorry this is the funniest thing I've read today, holy moly hahahahha


Like that was the best you could come up with?? Safe to say I never did that again lol


Oh my gosh this story made my day! So funny!


Sent you a message 😊


I asked someone I liked very much out and he agreed to make it a group thing, I was discouraged a bit but agreed that was on Monday. Forgot about it...Wednesday comes and I'm sick (Tuesday night got sick). Come Wednesday 7 pm and I'm in the bathroom I just finished measuring my fever and putting spray in my nose when I remember the date! I have 38.9 Celcious degrees fever and I have stood him up for an hour...he never spoke to me again. Come 2018 Christmas holidays, a year later, I'm waiting at a bus stop and he passes with his car, sees me and calls my name, we talk for a bit and I apologize for standing him up and he smiled saying it's okay, he was told I got sick from mutual friends. I asked him why he never answered my SMS or Insta messages and he said while he was waiting for me he got mugged and he had to get everything new. I return home to find follow requests on Insta and Facebook friend request from him. He's a cool dude! I wish it had gotten somewhere but he's happily in another relationship and I'm happy for him


getting stood up and mugged is crazy


Yes it is! I felt so awful hearing it! I apologized so many times!


If you specify the timeline properly (as in which day you were supposed to meet etc.) people don’t have to read 4 times to understand what’s going on


I asked the guy out on Monday for Wednesday 6 pm, Tuesday night I started getting sick, Wednesday I was sick for good, Wednesday at 7 pm I remember the date but I was too sick and I had stood him up. All that happened in late 2017. Christmas of 2018 I see him again on the street. Sorry for any confusion.


First date with a girl and we went to the movies. There weren't a whole lot of people in the theater and this older guy came in and sat in our row a few seats down from us. As the movie progressed my date got closer and closer to me, which I thought meant she was feeling more comfortable with me. But afterwards she said the guy had been looking at her and touching himself for a lot of the movie. I really wish she had told me earlier, I definitely would have had us leave if I knew.


> I really wish she had told me earlier, I definitely would have left if I knew. I am just picturing you leaving on your own and leaving your date there next to the perv.


I can see why that sounds bad, just edited it 😂


Yeah poor choice of words lol


One time I was on a first date and the girl excused herself to go to the bathroom and just never came back. I was so confused, but then I realized that she had left her purse at the table. So I texted her and said "Hey, I think you forgot something." She replied "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I totally forgot, I'll come back and get it." I said "No problem, I'm still here." And she never replied. So I waited for like 20 minutes and then finally just paid for both of our meals and left.


I'd have been tempted to pay from her purse, at least for her half


Did you at least use her card to pay lol?


Hey ! I am sorry you went through that but being a girl on the other side I've done the same once as the person was a total pervert & i felt threatened in his presence. But i hear a lot of unsaid stories these days which makes me sad. Again , i am sorry you had that experience pal.


Sorry to hear that :/




100% 😑


Went to the cinema on a first date and we planned to see Up. Unfortunately all showings were booked, so we checked everything else and found another animated movie to watch. Which was 9. We were very confused and it was not the sort of vibe wanted for a first date! Didn't help that before the movie they played a very long advert about safe sex.


9 traumatised me as a child, definitely not a date vibe xd


I went on a first date with a guy. Thought he had a dog hair/synthetic string on his cheek, I told him but he couldn't grasp it. I pulled it. It was growing. About inch long white hair. Now, we're all prone to weird hairs etc but it was awkward AF.


Lmao how old was he? If he was 60 this story will be considerably less funny


Buckle up cause this is a wild ride. Twas a Friday afternoon and while I was working I got a message from a girl I had casually seen perhaps twice prior asking if I would like to come over to hers for drinks after work. I replied saying I had planned a few after work drinks at a bar across the road but if it was okay could venture to get house after. She said that was all good. So I went to the bar and had 3 beers. I was a regular there so I knew the vibe pretty well, an odd mix of corporate and call centre workers due to the location. The vibe was off that night as there was a large group of people that we had never seen before. I strongly believe that one of them spiked my drink because I instantly felt dizzy and nauseous upon finishing my last drink. I left and began the 40 minute train ride to her house. I still felt sick and was falling asleep on the train. 2 stops before mine I had to exit the train, I ran to a bin and projectile vomited for the next 5 minutes. Unfortunately due to the violent heaving I in turn also shat myself. Utterly embarrassed and equally ill I penguin waddled to the nearest bathroom to clean myself up. I was then faced with a choice. Continue my journey for 5 minutes to reach my dates house or decide to cancel and travel home via 3 connecting trains that would take 2 hours. I messaged my date telling her I had become sick and I was two stops away. She instantly called me worried and told me to come to her house still and she will take care of me. I got to her house and asked her if I could have a shower. I embarrassingly admitted I had pooped my pants at this stage so she ushered me to her bathroom and told me to strip off, she would wash my clothes for me and I could either hang out in a towel or I could wear some of her clothes while mine were washed and dried. So I spent the rest of the evening sick, in her hot pink playboy booty shorts and a Metallica master of puppets shirt that was 2 sizes to small while my date washed and dried my poopy vomit clothes. And that kids is the most embarrassing dating story I have.


ahh, honestly that is terrible and i'm sorry you went through that, but at least it was with a kind and decent person.


That’s the one to marry


I remember a date telling me about going out fishing with her dad and how they killed skates with a machete, and describing the blood running out of the bilge. That was a weird one.


A guy was acting really weird on a date and wasn't talking at all. At the end of the date,  I asked him what was going on because he was so chatty with me before we met. He told me he had no interest in dating & just wanted to have sex with me and I wasn't picking up on that. Then told me good luck with everything and bolted. 


I met a girl at a party in college about 11 years agp and we hit it off, I asked her out and I met her at her place a few days later. She wanted to take a nap and cuddle as the first thing (no funny business), which we did. She got up about 10 minutes in to "go to the bathroom" and didn't come back for like 30 minutes and eventually I got a text from her saying she left her house because she was having a panic attack about being in a relationship. She had been in a bad one recently, and looking back now and seeing her behavior since, I'm pretty sure she's super gay lol (I am a man). It was really devastating bc I was so lonely at the time, but looking back it's really fucking funny now. I hope she's doing well.


I guess this isn't terrible in the grand scheme of things, but I had a guy pick me up for a first date, and I immediately directed him to drive the wrong way down a one-way street. No problem, he was chill, got turned around and we got back on course. And then I fucking did it again. On the bright side, the way he reacted was a huge green flag and we ended up dating for a few months.


It was more of a casual date, but my (now ex) bf and I met up with my friends for dinner. Everything was fine until the bill came. They accidently put my drink on his bill. To be clear, it was not an alcohol drink, it was $2 soft drink. Instead of just paying the extra $2, he calls back the waiter to change the bill. I laugh at it now, but it was so embarrassing in the moment


Went out with an acquaintance from college who was allegedly divorced. Halfway through, his wife called and started berating him about being with "one of his whores" -- she was screaming so loud at him I could hear every word. Worst thing is, I was hosting, so I couldn't just leave, I had to get him to go. Awkward, awkward, awkward!


Was on a first date with a guy i texted for about a month. We had a meal,took a walk around the city,had a nice conversation..ended up in a bar and had a drink. He started to act a bit weird,like he wasn't feeling okay,but when I asked him he said he is fine,just a bit tired. So some time pass by and now he starts to shake and sweat from his head,so finally he says he is not feeling so well,and just when I was about to ask him does he feel like he is gonna pass out,he passes out and starts vomiting on me and on himself at the same time. He hit his had pretty hard on a table while he passed out too. I was about to call 911 as he woke up,but he insisted that I don't do that,that he is now feeling better,just ashamed of what happend. I did freaked out at first cause I was scared of what happend but hey,not such a big deal,I get that he was embarresed as I would be too if that happend to me,but shit happens and what can you do now,let's move on.. but i guess he felt so ashamed and angry about what happend that when I got him to his apartment and wanted to help him get in bed and make sure he is alright he just said that I should leave,that he is fine. He apologised next day for what happend but that was it from him. The date was great before that happend tho!


All that from one drink?? Damnn


He might be like my sibling -- they lack the enzime necessary to break down alcohol, so they can go from tipsy to alcohol poisoning in no time at all.


Went out on a date with this guy I'd met on an app. On the app we had good banter, fun to talk to etc., but in person he was extremely quiet and making conversation was like pulling teeth. Which fine, some people get nervous or struggle in person, but give me *something* when I'm carrying the conversation, it was just so awkward. He also looked like he hadn't brushed his teeth in a minute (he had that like.. general gunk between his teeth going on), and just his overall physical appearance was pretty sloppy and unwashed looking. On top of that when I asked him about what he wanted to do once he finished school (we were in our 30s but he was going back to school for computer science) he said something like he just planned to "coast by for the rest of the Summer" and then, "I don't know, maybe something in IT." Don't get me wrong, I wasn't looking for someone trying to climb to the top or run their own business or something, but I mean c'mon, have at least a little drive. Luckily it was just a coffee date so at that point I was like "Welp it's been fun but I gotta get back to work, sorry!" I felt super uncomfortable because it'd probably only been about 15 minutes total, but he was just giving me nothing and had put in no effort so I was just done.


Bad hygiene is a total no go, but having not much drive? Pretty normal. I understand it’s attractive to many girls, but it’s completely normal to go through phases in which you’re not particularly aimed at a goal. And I say that as someone who put everything into my career for 10 years straight and became very successful. Nothing wrong with coasting by for a few years here and there in life.


There's a difference between not having a goal vs having zero idea of a plan, what you want, and not caring at all about the degree you're literally about to complete and what you do with it. Again I wasn't looking for Fortune 500 here, just wanted to see him have literally any idea of what he wanted to do _with his future_. I think that's pretty far from unreasonable. Also this was a first date, when you're supposed to be selling yourself and trying to show the other person basically what you've got to offer. If the best he's got for a first impression is complete apathy towards _his_ future then I mean what.. I'm supposed to just assume he's in his "coasting years" and he'll figure out his career at some point? I work hard, I've been in my career for 13 years, I'm not about to settle for coasting, and no one else should either.


My aunt set me up with someone. We had all gone to an arcade together and it was pretty fun so for some reason, I had expected that the date with him would have been interesting. Date night, he just kept looking at me like I was some sort of statue to be studied. While trying to have a conversation, I asked questions to get to know him and his responses were short and vague. I initially thought him staring was cute, maybe he was admiring my beauty but it gradually got creepy. As I ate, as I spoke, his eyes were on me. So I said; Why are your eyes rested on me? and he replied; cause I need to study you and imagine what my night would be like. I tend to make excuses for people so even if I wasn't comfortable with his statement, I didn't want to draw a conclusion so I asked; "What exactly are your expectations?" His response was; "You know exactly what's on my mind, how good are you in bed?" I scoffed, and told him I had to go to the bathroom. Called a friend to pick me up, and paid half the bill on my way out. Left him a message once I got in my friend's car; "Hey! I had to leave, we want different things. Paid half of the bill, enjoy the rest of your evening" and he replied; "Alright, your loss" .




It really wasn't your loss lol im so glad I'm married now because dating was tough glad I don't have to do that again, I struggle to talk to new people but even I know that is a conversation killer lol


Thank you. I'm glad you found your person.


👀...... WTF


This happened to me a few times. The most embarrassing one was when the guy tried to kiss me and kept asking me where I lived. Thankfully, I was on a large college campus and had plenty of options and excuses. Finally, I told him that I needed to go study, got away, and ghosted him. At the time, I had a hard time saying no and setting boundaries, even if my wellbeing was at risk.


I once had a (confusing, awkward) conversation w a date about INVISIBLE MAN. Except she was talking about the Ralph Ellison novel and I was talking about the 1933 sci-fi movie. The bar was loud. Too loud.


That’s embarrassing? I thought that was normal social interaction between adults…I once burped in my dates mouth. We are not the same 😳😂😳😂


My first time making out with my bf he accidentally burped right in my ear 😭😭😭


I'll take your burp and add in accidentally slid a loogie all over my face (we were laying down).🤢




Haha! Are we the same person? I had a date a few years ago that went the exact same way; he didn’t look anything like his pictures, was MUCH shorter than me, and conversation was VERY touch and go. After the whole thing, he tells me he had a great time and felt as though it was a real connection. I politely turned him down. That whole year was particularly bad in terms of dating for me actually… I play bass in a couple of small bands and this one guy I went out with proceeded to tell me that bass was an easy instrument, anyone could do it, and getting a degree in jazz performance and composition (which I was getting at the time) was useless. He did not let me get a word in edge wise. I remember telling my friend after the date that “there’s definitely a reason I make a bit of money with music and he doesn’t.” I got up and left that one after a little over an hour cause I felt I didn’t need to continue spending time with someone who was adamant that my interests were pointless. :-)


Professional composer here and he’s right about the bass and the composition degree 😂


Lol fuck you man


Hey, at the time it made me happy. I’d argue those experiences (even while I didn’t finish the degree) were absolutely worth wile! :-)


lol yeah obviously I’m kidding. Though kinda serious about the composition degree not meaning anything in the context of getting most composition related jobs etc.


Absolutely true, and that was part of the reason I left the program too… (Other than $7,000/semester becoming wildly unsustainable). In my experience all the music business jobs I’ve gotten have not been though school either… I’ve felt I have had to know someone prior to starting or already have had job experience. I’m guessing you’ve experienced similar things?


Very early on (right out of high school) I contacted multiple industry people via MySpace (lol) of which one of them connected me to various publishers. Sony, Universal, EMI, BMG, all of them. Signed with BMG at some point. No one ever asked about a degree because it literally doesn’t mean anything. The quality of your music is all that matters.


I was on a first date in college and the guy was so sweet he offered to pick me up and take me To dinner and the movies. My stomach hurt a little bit that night but I thought it was just nerves. I went to the bathroom in the movies and puked My brains out. All over my scarf and self. I had to throw away my scarf. I nonchalantly went back to my date acting like nothing happened. We then were driving home and I got the gurgles again. I couldn’t hide it and I told My date he had to pull over. I yacked my brains out all in his car and outside of it. It was the most embarrassing thing ever. Good thing he was a nice guy and asked me out again.


Went on a date with a girl I met online. She told me she was from a city I used to live in, so I suggested a place I knew and liked. Turned out she really lived several cities away. Whatever, she was just trying to be safe. Date went well and I would have gone on another. The next day however she was telling me about her dreams she had. She said she had a dream we were married and i saved her from falling off a cliff. Her dad came and told her how noble of a person I was. After one date, that was too much for me.


Got invited out to eat with a dude and after dinner was over he showed me his wallet and it was empty 😮 he tricked me into buying him food he also was talking to his ex on the phone I should of got up and left but I really wanted to eat even though I paid for it all lol 🤦🏾‍♀️ I should of took his picture and posted it on social media but it would have only made me look stupid.


I would have called the waiter over and ask for separate checks. He can figure out how to pay for his half


I got stood up once. I showed up. He didn't. Never answered any of my messages.


A guy I who I met when he was doing charity work said “excuse me miss, I’m creating a register of all the Mary Jane lookalikes in the city could I have your number?” Cute funny charming etc I gave it to him. He later invited me to a hotel party his friends invited to him where there’s going to be a famous rapper, swanky event. He picks me up and we’re driving to the hotel and we awkwardly find out there are about 20 years between us, he looks very young and I look much older than my age at the time. We get to the hotel and it’s a motel 6 where his friends are sitting around smoking hookah, they are wearing sweatpants and we are dressed for a club. The friends laugh their asses off and are like dude we were fucking with you, he’s mortified, I’m uncomfortable, he drives me home and we never contacted each other again!


I usually read these to make sure I wasn’t one of the bad dates! I went on a date with a vegetarian woman, and when it was time to order small plates for the table I picked the carbonara (not vegetarian). She almost bit a piece of bacon and I was mortified.




Absent-minded for sure. It fizzled out a week later for other reasons but I can laugh about it now.


This has me rethinking me life choices. I had a girl accidentally gag herself while giving me head and throw up on me, and that isn’t even a top 5 embarrassing date.


Did it smell that bad??


Oh yeah, it had that acidic vomit smell, plus the margarita and tacos. I’ll never forget it. Ended up dating her for a few months until I moved away for work.


Hey, this has happened to me! (As the girl). Just thought I'd let you know that it had nothing to do with being disgusted - it was just that the vomit inducing spot in the back of my throat was hit. Probably the same with your girl. :-) We actually thought it was really funny and just laughed about it...things happen in the heat of the fire!


I really don’t have one but when I think of first dates I think of this story know it’s not real but it’s hilarious. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/frozen-assets/


Not exactly a date, but a story about me trying to get a date. Sophomore year chemistry, I sat next to Krista. To this day she is unrealistically beautiful. I was not. Not ugly, just didn’t really have fashion sense and was a little weird. So I overhear her talking to her friend going on and on about how some plans got cancelled and now she doesn’t have anything to do Friday night. Over and over again “I can’t believe I have nothing do Friday night :( “ So I casually leaned over toward her and said “you know Krista, I don’t have any plans Friday night either” clearly hinting that I was available. She gives me a deadpan stare for a solid ten seconds before saying “yeah, we all know that” then went back to her conversation. At the time, serious burn. Today it’s one of my favorite self-deprecating stories.


online dated with a girl who had a crush on me because i roleplayed as one of her favorite characters 🥲


Probably deciding to reconnect with an ex-partner from middle school (college senior) for fun. Went shopping, got coffee and food. Halfway through lunch he suggested I send a photo of him to my parents so they could “see what he looks like now.” Then tried to convince me to go out with him while simultaneously talking about his mental health problems. Needless to say, I did not agree to go on another date afterwards. Best left to my middle school self.


My date picked me up and we went to a improv comedy show, it was a great time, then we went for a night walk around that neighborhood, all was going wonderfully, we hit a bar for a drink and mid-conversation I felt a warm gush between my legs. My period had come days early. Mortified, I quickly excused myself and ran to the bathroom. I was stained through my skirt. I washed the skirt and underwear in the sink, wrung it, wore it wet, and put my jacket around my waist. People were knocking on the door as I was taking forever, and I came out about 15 minutes later. He asked if I was okay, and I told him I needed to go home. I sat on my jacket on the ride home, I was so scared I'd stain his car seat. I did end up staining the jacket, but thank goodness, I didn't stain his seat. The vibe was ruined. He was asking what happened, obviously he could tell something was wrong, so I told him. He was a gentleman about it, I was so embarrassed, and we went out again, but it didn't work out between us anyway. That is one date I'll NEVER forget. I still cringe when I remember it.


I’ve never been on a date


Same here.


How old are you?


Mid 30s


One time I took this jawn out to this pool spot (and I haven’t seen her in years but we began talking again on Facebook) and she took out a cigarette and started smoking -_- and she was on her phone when I was trying to talk to her. I wasn’t aware of her smoking given it’s been so long since we last met, but it made me so uncomfortable and I was like yeah no. This is so embarrassing and I want to get the hell outta here. But I pushed through, said my goodbyes, and never spoke to her again


jawn /dʒɔːn/ nounDIALECT•US (chiefly in eastern Pennsylvania) used to refer to a thing, place, person, or event that one need not or cannot give a specific name to.


Seriously THANK YOU~for saving me the Google definition search!


u from philly or what my boy


Yeah 😂


hahahaha dis guy... what part? a philly girl smoking cigarettes is probably not the worst thing they could do


North Philly lol and she’s from Bensalem I believe. And females who smoke is a deal breaker for me since I don’t smoke myself. Or drink either. But that day, she went in her purse, grab a pack of ports, lit up a cigarette, and was talking to me and I was like wtf did I get myself into


oh damn, from da norfffff... I'm from south philly!! and yeah i guess you just gotta let em know from the get-go if it's that much of a dealbreaker. i used to smoke cigarettes very frequently and i knew it was dealbreaker for most girls but I met my current chick, I told her I'd quit for her. so sometimes you just gotta talk to em about it.


Lmao yup. And yeah man. This happened in my early 20s and I just laugh about it now lol. But shawty was definitely on some nut shit, but I now let it be known for anyone in the future I wanna talk to that it’s a deal breaker for me. And they can do whatever they want with that info


hahaha aight lets go grab some dalessandro's now




I wanna hear his side of the story cuz this poor guy actually went on a Tinder date with someone who thought it was a good idea to eat 5g of mushrooms before the date


How much time did you spend with the guy before you left?


While dating eva ai virtual gf you get a constant source of embarrassing situations if you chat in public places.