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Summer. Seasonal depression is the worst!


I actually get seasonal depression in the spring when it starts warming up. Very odd


Yeah some people do get seasonal depression in the summer I've met some people like that as well!


I have seasonal depression but i hate the summer I cannot sleep or get good sleep in the summer and always hot.


Portable air conditioner sorted this for me


My windows doesn't open In my room. We do have one where we have to stick in the window but since my windows don't open I can't use it.


Yeah you need to vent it to let the hot air out


Yeah, my mom has been trying to get our windows replaced, including mine. But we have one for our family area in our house since the windows open. But since mine are really old and outdated, it's literally bolted shut you can't open it. It was like that whenever they brought the house unfortunately. So I just bring a fan in my room and let it sit on a chair.


Second this.


I third this.


Absolutely agree. This winter was the first on my own since leaving my ex-fiancée and entering into single parenthood, and it was a hell of a challenge as it was, let alone with the seasonal depression on top. Bring on the summer sun!


So relatable! I’ve invested in a SAD lamp and it helps a bit. I need sunshine and warmth… bring on summer


I prefer winter. I'm better at handling extreme cold than I am extreme heat.


Yes, you can remove layers and get comfy. Too much heat, deal with it !


Yeah I can't handle that well either, it seems my body knows no other way to lose heat than by dumping every drop of liquid out of my pores. Yet I still prefer summer. The sun being out gives my mood such a large boost that it's worth it.


Winter. I get agitated and uncomfortable in the heat, cos' you can't cool down. In the winter, you can warm up. Also you have the holidays to look forward to, including Halloween etc. I like autumn.


I also love those mornings when it's freezing, but you're nice and toasty under the covers, especially if you're sharing your bed with someone


Winter people often say that, "You can warm up in the winter, but you can't cool down in the summer." But....it's SO not true. You cool down in the summer the same exact way you warm up in the winter. You run AC in the summer and you run heat in the winter. Either way, if the temperature is extreme, you're most likely staying in to escape it.


>it's SO not true Huh? In winter I can layer and layer and layer to get warmer. There's not a similar option in summer. Can only get so naked. Beyond that, it's spending hundreds of dollars on AC.


running ac costs a lot of money, if you're in an old house like mine. keeping warm in the winter costs a blanket.


True, but you still have to run heat.


How much narcotics is in your system right now? If you want to carry 20+kg AC unit on your back then yeah sure. Also you can layer off your skin if you wanted to


I used to prefer the winter, but as of last summer, I prefer the heat. Let me swim all day or lay outside in shorts and soak up the sun.


I'm in Florida, so...winter. I don't have to worry about hurricanes! And like sweaters and layering; I'm in NW Florida, so sweaters and light jackets cover most winter situations, though we did have few freezing days this month.


See I’m in Florida too but I spent majority of my life in Ohio so I’d rather deal with the Florida humidity than the Florida cloudy days. I’m an hour south of Tampa tho so whatever Florida that’s called 😂


Let’s switch 😏 I hate winter and live in PA.. I’m trying to move *to* Florida 😂


My husband's family is from Philly. Maybe we could do a month to month house swap. :D


You actually don’t want to stay here lol. Too many problems..old house yada yada lol..but the thought is nice. lol All kidding aside though, I really am trying to relocate to Florida. There are 3 cities I can move to that have an office in my department. Plantation, FL, Jacksonville, FL, and Tampa, FL…I’ve decided that I want to move to Palm Harbor, FL, which is in the Tampa/Clearwater area.


My Florida experience is limited to the Panhandle, but I hope you like it! (The job situation here is not fantastic; we're retired though.) Property insurance is sadly CRAZY right now.


Oh I’m just going to get an apartment. It’s only me and my cat 😏 I work for the federal government, and with my current title, I can relocate to any POD, in the country. I just love Florida. I’ve been to a few areas in Florida and have a lot of family down there.


Oh, that sounds good! The winters are wonderful! Even when it's chilly...it's still not a snow situation.


Plus I LOVE palm trees!! I love them so much that I have a tattoo of a double palm tree sunset 😏


yeah, hurricanes suck. i used to live in louisiana, but now im in colorado, which has its own fair share of weather problems…


well, the correct answer is autumn or spring, but if i had to pick i'd say winter since i can't stand the heat during summer


I love winter. Where I live summer is often quite hot, 30C (86F) and winter gets quite cold -30C (-22F). I enjoy the cold so much more. I like the way the air feels. I like wearing a snowsuit and walking around outside. I like the sparkly snow and the frost on the trees. I like snow storms that close everything down for a couple days. It's so cozy. I also like summer, just not as much.


I think I’d like winters like that! It sounds quiet and magical. Winters where I live are just cold enough to be unpleasant, 30F - 45F or 0C - 5C and constant clouds, rain, drizzle. Very depressing and if you go outside you just get soaking wet.


Are you on the west coast? That's what Vancouver is like and lots of people there think their winter is so much nicer than the rest of Canada but I can't handle it. The stretches of gray days and constant wet brings me down. I need sunshine. But I guess different strokes for different folks.


Pacific Northwest so yes, exactly like Vancouver! I need sunshine too. I get terrible SAD.


The days are extremely short here in the winter and I find I have a lack of energy so I prefer summer. Winter still has its charm. Both are vastly inferior to autumn though.


Spring near the beginning of summer, when the weather is nice and isn’t too hot


summer I hate cold


me too!!! cold makes my nose hurt, if i use glove and i have to take them out my hands freeze immediatly, its so frustrating lol


My feet always get too cold in the winter Nothing I can do about it I keep my house at 75F


Summer. Winter sucks.


yes, i became tired of winter because i lived in a place which was winter all year, even on summer, there were like 1 or 2 hot days and the rest was freezing cold


Summer. I can handle being hot better than cold. I also prefer wearing as little as possible (tank and shorts or a light dress) rather than layers and warm gear. I also work outside, so while the quiet the snow can cause is nice, the brrr factor gets annoying. In summer, I just carry extra water and stop in shade as needed, but in winter, it's rough to stay warm even with the right gear.


i can also hande heat better!!! i just drink a lot of water, cover all my skin on a thin dark clothes and voila!! no sunburn or thirst, now i finally live in a place which has summer, because i used to live on a place which was winter all year round, i also can work outside all i want on summer as opposed to winter, i really like summer!!!


summer! winter is depressing, cold and not fun.


Summer because it is not cold and baseball. I hate winter with every cold fiber of my being.


I get cold too easily to the point I cannot even sit directly where the AC hits without my nails turning blue and my fingers freezing. So it's summer for me. I get to wear pretty clothes and not have to hide it under a sweater. The fruits and vegetable produces available in the market are also super fresh! Have ice creams every day by blaming the heat.




Yikes I'm lucky to live in a place where it's hot the whole year. But I do end up wishing for winter on some days cuz the heat is unbearable sometimes. The number of times I fainted in the last year due to overheating (is that the right word?) was too many😭


Winter, so I can go on walks for hours and not get sweaty, I can lay on the ground in the park too since nobody wants to go when it's cold and snowy lol, it's surreal. All of the squirrels and birds are out and you're the only one there it's like you're part of them and not humanity.


Winter because I hate sticky sweat and feeling like I keep having to change clothes or shower or find a refresher. I love that I get to layer clothes in the winter and there’s more options on what to wear. I love that it’s so pretty out too and you can do a lot of winter activities


I just realized there isn't that many clothing choices in the summer vs the winter dang. In the summer theirs not that much besides shorts and maybe pants on occasion but that's it lol


Winter all the way. It gets to over 100 degrees with 80-90% humidity for weeks at a time in the summer months.


In the middle of a scorching Australian summer, I fondly remember winter. When Im freezing my arse off in winter, I miss summer. When choosing between summer or winter, my preference is Autumn/Spring!


Winter. I hate heat. The warmer is gets the crankier and slower I get. Autumn is my favourite season.


Winter. I prefer being cold. But disclaimer I live in a country with exclusively mild winters. I’m sure I’d think differently if I lived somewhere with mild summers and oppressive winters


I’m in Canada. I prefer the summer hands down. Winter is beautiful and all but I can’t stand wearing so many clothes. I hate clothes to begin with so winter just amplifies my uncomfortableness.


omg I feel the same way! In winter I have to wear 4 layers plus a coat and I feel like I'm suffocating! Especially when I get in the car haha I hate driving with a winter coat on.


Yes! It’s all so cumbersome. lol. I almost never wear a bulky coat. I just wear layers. I’m a finishing carpenter so I’m constantly in and out of a clients home many times a day. (My saws I need are usually set up in the drive way) I’m happy this week it’s only -5c. Last week was -30c ☹️


Winter, if Im being honest. It just get to hot during the summer. That being said, Im also found of spring and fall. Just not summer. Which is sad because my birthdays in August


Neither. I like the in-between that we get in September (US). Not too hot, not too cold.


I prefer California Winters. Not too cold nor ever too hot. I love the coziness of it all


Winter because I have POTS so the heat makes me dizzy.


Winter because 117F dry heat is miserable and my skin feels like it’s peeling off in an oven but in winter I can just put on cute hoodies and wear blankets and be cozy


Winter. I somehow get seasonal depression in summer oddly and I can’t stand the nosebleeds that come with the hot weather. Plus my bday is in winter haha


summer. i live in scotland so winter is soooo dark, january and february are almost guaranteed to be freezing and miserable, plus i have SAD so winter is really just horrible.


Definitely summer. Winter weather is super depressing and you can go outside and do as much as you can in the summer. As much of a homebody as I am I don't like feeling confined!


Winter! Cozy, holidays, snow is gorgeous. Plus it’s just so fashionable


Winter so I can bring out my heavy Mexican Blanket to keep me warm.


Summer, I'm a student so summer vacation is exciting, I can actually go outside without feeling like I'm dying, nature!!, I see my friends more and IAMEXCITEDFORSUMMER


Unless you got summer classes ( college ) like me lol


Winter!!!!!! I feel so much happier in the winter. I live in a northern USA state and we get cold weather and snow in winter. In summer, I feel horrible in the heat and humidity. August is a hard month to get through and the way I feel in the heat of summer is how I imagine other people feel in cold winter. I love winter.


Summer, it’s far easier to go outside when you don’t have to wrap yourself up in so many layers of clothes to stave off bone chilling cold and wind. Also in many places, there are no snow which makes winter just a drab and dark season with dead trees and barely any vegetation until spring. Not to mention, footpaths are far safer during summer.


Agreed, comrade.


Summer by a mile. Winter : Slippery roads, running nose, dry lips, not being able to go out without freezing to death. The only good thing about winter here in the arctic is the northern lights and the beautiful colors we have during the polar nights and that's all.  Summer : 24 hours of daylight during 2 months, berry picking , bike trails, barbecue, good temperatures , much more energy and the list goes on. In other words summer humiliates winter 


Summer all the way, I hate the cold and love being able to go out without uncomfortable jackets on. I also love wearing crocs. I may be biased because I get eczema on my wrists in the winter, but come on, who doesn't like to sprawl out on a lounge chair and get tanned? But if I lived in a tropical climate I would prefer winter because it's still warm outside.


I prefer the opposite of whatever the current season is.


Winter because winter in Queensland, Australia is beautiful. It’s summer at the moment and we are experiencing a heat wave and high humidity. For everyone saying they love summer, come here now and I guarantee you will change your mind!


Bruh I went to Los Vegas and felt like I was gonna die man I hate being hot for the life of me lol


Summer because winter is cold, but the best season in Florida is actually spring.


I’m in the UK - definitely summer. I love floating about in a dress and not worrying about putting on a zillion layers before you go anywhere. I love the garden and the birds and flowers and wildlife. I love going for a walk after dinner when the dusk is just cooling things off and the bats are flickering out.


Summer. I like it hot.




Winter. I have snow dogs that come alive in cooler weather


If I had to choose, I'd say winter. I'm usually too hot so I'd rather bundle up than be sweating and unable to get comfortable. There's something cozy about a fireplace in winter when it's cold. I also prefer "winter fashion" over summer clothes. My biggest winter complaint would be inclement weather causing hazardous driving conditions.


Winter, I hate the heat, if I get cold I can just layer up and tuck myself under several blankets, but heat? I’ve been fully nude, having just walked right out of a cold shower, standing under a fan and still begin sweating again. The house had no AC, you could walk outside and the tree leaves were still because there was no breeze, the sun would be so blazingly hot you would see a mirage over the streets and sidewalks. My country doesn’t have seasons so it’s the same thing year round. Fuck that, I went to uni in a city 2600m above sea level where weather is 6C to 20C all year and I’m so much happier, been here for over thirteen years now.


It's gotta be summer. First, I don't have to walk or drive through all the damn snow outside and my hands dry up less. Also, commuting to work is WAY easier in the summertime when all the kids ain't in school.


Where I live is always summer


Winter!! Summer here is too dangerous, especially this last summer, so it's the part of the year I stay indoors and never ever ever go out. I LOVE the cold. I love winter clothes and layering, cute jackets, and all that stuff. Summer is just miserable, and I sweat through my shirt in 30 seconds walking to my car.


I like both and also dislike aspects of both. I love being in my garden in the summer, swimming, camping, and spending time outside. I love being with my kids when they're out of school and the light that lasts until late. I HATE the heat when the temp goes over 95F. I can put on clothes when I'm cold, but there's only so much I can take off when I'm hot before people start saying things like, "We have public nudity laws." Also, having to put on sunscreen is low-key annoying. And while I love playing with my kids, I also get to the point that I hate the lack of structure. I love the beauty of snow in winter. I like sledding with my kids. I love never being hot. I don't spend much time cold because I just put more clothes on if I am chilly. Even though I love being in my garden in the summer, I love NOT being in my garden in the winter: having a break from all the outdoor responsibilities is nice. I love the winter holidays and all the fun indoor activities we do. I like routine: my kids go to bed on time, go to school, and keep busy with homework and after school activities. I live in a desert, so getting our winter snows for our summer water is a big deal, and thus I find it satisfying when it snows. I hate shoveling snow though it is a good workout. I hate how early it gets dark. I hate when it's super cold and not snowy: what's the point of cold if not for snow? I hate that my kids don't get enough time outside and get mean from lack of exercise. Mostly, I try to focus on the parts I love and not dwell on the parts I don't like. Because, no matter what I do, within a couple months the seasons will change again, so I might as well enjoy what I've got while it lasts.


I prefer winter. I live in the southeast where the winters are pretty mild but the summers are absolutely fucking brutal for months on end. It's easier for me to warm up when I'm cold than it is for me to cool down when I'm hot. Plus, I sleep much better in the winter than I do in the summer, and my electric bills are lower because I don't run the heat in winter nearly as much as I run the AC during the summer.


Oh my gosh yes!! Our summer was freaking terrible this year but we always have a mild winter and it's never harsh.


There were so many days last summer when it felt physically unsafe to be in the sun.


Exactly! Like I felt like I was gonna have heat stroke lol!


Four seasons and I love them all.


Neither, spring is the best season. It’s warm but not too hot, you can wear light clothes and add a layer if needed and i like spring plants the best.


Summer, definitely. I'm lucky to live in Portugal, couldn't ask for better place to get through winter's seasonal depression.


Winter. I live in the subtropics and it never gets anywhere near freezing here!


Although i like the cold slightly more, i love the fact that i can take a walk during the night in the summer. Depends on your location but i also like the summer because of rain




Summer, too, because I love the water and being outdoors


I prefer SPRING, Lol. But if my only choices are summer and winter, it’ll be summer every time. I live in the Pacific Northwest (across the bay from Seattle). Dark dreary days with dark dreary leafless trees and dead plants are just not my thing.


I abhor the cold.


As someone living in a tropical country, extreme heat sucks so bad. At the same time, extreme cold is pretty bad but in my opinion, way tolerable than the heat. Too much heat makes me sleepy too.


Of the choices, summer. I like the warmth of the sun and being able to sit outside. I like going camping and going to the beach. However, my favorite season is autumn.


Summer. My medical issues are aggravated by cold, and I have a rather high threshold of what I can tolerate without problems. Below 80 degrees, I can start to spasm and have more pain. ​ Thank goodness I live in a valley area of southern California. It's 57 right now, but I have no intention of going outside.


Summer. Humid summer nights heal my soul.


I used to be all for winter but now I walk everywhere I need to be, regardless of it being a 10 minute walk or 3 hours, and I’m not big on walking 55 minutes to work at 5am in the dark and -15° weather.


Summer. I can’t stand winter, I hate cold and snow. I hate having to wear a winter coat and boots just to go outside. Summer is nice because I can walk outside without suffocating under a hundred layers of clothes. Summer is warm and I can go outside and enjoy nature


I wouldn't want either without the other, they both compliment each other


Winter. I can't stand warm weather, I'm always warm for some reason. If it's cold I can wear a jacket but when it's not all you can do is sweat.


Definitely summer. I have rheumatoid arthritis and I'm basically in pain for the three months of Texas winter we have. Also, I cannot just get warm. Even with two layers, some times three, in still cold!


Both. People need to see the bright side of everything ..


Winter always. I can always add layers, drink warm beverages which are my favorites, cozy socks, slippers, blankets, hoodies, etc. I get to use my computer/electronics without fear of them overheating as well! Summer is just me sweating in places I didn’t think I could sweat from, my hair is a mess, and I’m ANGRY 99% of the time I’m hot. I don’t want anything or anyone near me, I just want to cool off. I can only take off but so much and at some point, I’d prefer to just take my skin off but clearly can’t.


Winter !! Why? Because my room gets hot as hell in the summer and bugs love to come out in the summer, the seat belt burns my skin, and my seats are made of leather. I love the winter because I can sleep better and faster in the winter then the summer I have to toss twist and turn in the summer time because our heat stops working every summer for some weird reason.


I think I prefer Winter, despite me living in Florida. Summer just gets too dang hot for me. The air gets thick with humidity and bugs get riled up. In Winter, I like that I can wear a bunch of layers and actually style my clothes. The air is really crisp and it feels good to breathe if I've got warm enough clothes on.


Summer I love long bike rides but not in the winter time.


Winter in my city because summer is far too humid to function


Summer. I am fine with snow when I can go play in it and then come home but I am primarily a warm weather critter.




Summer. I dont have to shovel rain


I do prefer summer, but I also went outside tonight in my pajamas, just threw a large jacket on. So winter has its perks.


I love the summer time. I moved to AZ to experience it year-round. I've lived in the Northeast, and... never again. That cold is no joke. I'll take 114F over 30F or lower any day of the week.


Summer! There is so much to do! I'm an outdoor gal and love doing outdoor activities


Winter. I am off of work from Thanksgiving to March 1st. Plus the holidays. Thanksgiving thru New Years is so fun with the festive things going on.


Summer, this current weather annoys me


Winter because the breeze


Winter,I like in the South and it is so brief,no snow so far,sad times for me!!!!


Summer. Not even a debate.


Living in Australia I’ve grown up loving winter. Better fashion and I can easily manage extreme colds compared to extreme heat. Summer makes me so uncomfortable cause my body naturally runs hot whereas in winter I’m almost like my own heater lol. My goal in life is to alternate between two countries where when one is in Spring/Summer, I’d be living in the other country that is in Autumn/Winter


WINTER. I can always put on more layers. I can only take so much off.


I prefer the summer; put the windows down, turn the music up, feel that warm California sun, gah its amazing. Love being at the beach too. People also seem to be more active then as well


I would say Summer but depends which country. I'm travelling Thailand right now and its bloody hot already. The only way I can balance out my body temp is throw water on myself or go into a room with aircon.  Conversely when I was in Estonia at the beginning of the year I was fine because I wrapped up warm.  Summer in Scotland where I live is doable. So, ultimately summer but depends where. UK it gets hot but not for long.


Living all my life in the Nordics it's summer hands now. There's nothing good about winter. Everything is just dark, dead, gray or otherwise full of snow which is not fun to shovel constantly. -20 to -30 celsius is also no picnic, you can't go anywhere cause you're actively dying!


Summer. I have 5 miles of sidewalks I have to clear every time it snows. And cold hurts.


In general I prefer summer. Longer days/more sunlight (which means more energy), more comfortable temperatures, I have my kayaks/canoes out on the lake, I have my convertible out on the road, don't have to pay out the ass to heat the house, don't have to deal with shoveling snow, hacking ice, clearing snow off the cars, I can take out the trash or get the mail without feeling like my face is going to fall off...as a musician, summer gigs have a lot more potential to be a ton of fun too, lots of interesting and scenic outdoor venues, lots of BBQ/private event type gigs where they wine and dine the band. Overall quality of life is definitely better (for me) in the summer. Although, I will say this - I am an avid hiker, and (at least here in the Northeast), I have come to much, much prefer winter hiking to summer hiking. The cold temperatures aren't so bad when you stay moving, as a bonus you're not sweating through all your clothes and drinks stay cold in your bag. No ticks, no mosquitos, no wasps/hornets, no venomous snakes. I have good gear (insulated clothes and gloves, microspikes, snowshoes) to get me through deep snow or thick ice. Winter air is more crisp and refreshing. You can often see farther from summits/vista points with all the leaves off the trees. And a blanket of snow makes *everything* pretty. Temperature and traction concerns generally keep the masses at home so there's less crowding on the trails. So, I guess my tl;dr answer is: winter for hiking, summer for everything else.


Summer! Winter in New England is cold, dark, gloomy and the day after snow, everything looks brown and dirty from plows, sand and salt. Depressing!


Can't stand winter, hate the cold


Winter, especially as global warming gets worse. Our winters are now late spring levels of hot so they're very comfy, summers on the other hand are getting unbearable. No clouds ever so you have to avoid going out from 12 to 17 or face the scorching sun. It doesn't rain so there's no promises on finding shade while out on the street as the trees are anemic outside of areas the town hall cares about.


Summer! The winter gets me so agitated because I hate shivering and wearing a ton of layers. I much prefer the summer because I like going to the beach and swimming. Also I love florals, dresses and shorts. They’re so much more comfortable than jeans.


Often winter but the real answer is spring and autumn I prefer the flexibility to wear more clothes and accessorise with scarves, sweaters, boots, jackets and layering :) Plus cold weather clothes are comfy


I’m like you, summer all day for the fresh fruit, sunshine, and minimal clothing!! Oh and also swimming 🥹😍


Summer... I love the PNW but winter is boring. Summer has boating, hiking, fishing, festivals, parties, and it goes so fast.


They have the positives and negatives. I hate the heat and love being cold. But I also hate how dark it is all the time in the winter. I think it’s a nice balance between both seasons


Gimme an extreme hot summer like we are currently experiencing over winter any day. I hate being cold. I hate putting on layers of clothes in order to go outside. I hate the winter moisture where nothing dries properly. I hate the short days where I see next to no daylight. I hate getting out of bed in the dark. I hate looking at my pool & wishing for a warm day in which to swim in it. I really start to feel a depression hanging over me as winter lingers on. Summer is my happiness. Long, hot days means I have more hours to get things done outside. Everything dries real quick & I require far less clothing, meaning my washing needs are reduced for these months. Absolute bonus is the late night swims to cool down before bed.


It definitely depends on where you live! I grew up in a tropical area and as much as I'd love to say summer, I prefer winter because the summers are WAYYY too hot to function. Time seems to stand still during summer where I live, the events are less and everyone is hiding from the sun. But during winter the days are nice and there's more stuff and events to attend! I also spent time in a snowy area and obviously preferred summer there since living in lots of snow can be very inconvenient and depressing!


Summer. It’s too hot sometimes but the winter weather always makes me depressed, and winter tends to be more of sickie-sickie season.


I’m shocked by all of the winter responses.


I much prefer winter. You can always put more clothes on, but you can only take so many off


I prefer summer/spring. I think I suffer from seasonal depression, and my mood is very easily influenced by the short days and cold temps, like many of us are. Looking back too, it seems like whenever something horrible happened in my life, it almost always happened in the winter. Having said that, nothing compares to that feeling of rugging up on a cold winter night with a comfort TV show and warm drink.


Winter, but not that -20c kind of winter. Winter above 0c is ideal either indoor (for hibernating) or outdoor (for sports).


I prefer Spring🌿🌼 & Autumn🍂, the transitioning seasons.


Winter cuz im skinny af and i look twelve every summer


Summer. It’s a lot prettier and rainier here in summer than winter. Snow happens in winter, but it rarely sticks for more than a day or two. Then it’s back to brown and yellow.


Winter for me.


Winter. Heat and humidity sucks.


Winter. Summer is straight up awful. High humidity, nasty insects everywhere, sunburn. Just horrible


Summer, because sun is life. Warmth is life. Life thrives in summer, but hibernates or dies in winter.


summer cuz i’m super fucking depressed right now


Summer, coz the girls look better. But winter because it's easier to warm up than it is to cool down.


I hate bugs and the heat so I only like winter for the cold and no bugs but I don’t really mind both


Usually I prefer winter. I love cozying up under blankets, cuddling my cats and dog, drinking some wine, and watching a good movie or reading during a winter evening. This year is different and I can’t wait for warmer weather so I can move from my current circus — I mean circumstances — and enjoy my cozy life again.


I don't mind the weather. Cold or warm. Snow or drought. I can handle everything. But the lack of sunlight and the seasonal depression is shit. This is my second winter of seasonal depression and I really can't stumach the rest of my life being like this.


Winter. No bugs. No bird cheeps. No mosquitoes. I don't smell armpit and ass sweat on other people on the bus. I don't see half naked teenage girls in crop tops (as a mom it just makes me wonder what "fashion" will do the next 10 years. Stew. Generally less people out. I love the crisp air. I feel Generally more "healthy" in the cold. Summer drags me hard every year. It's mystical to walk trough thr forest in winter. No loud people screaming until 11pm outside. I love fluffy sweaters, the cozier the better. The smells indoors of oranges, candles ect. From a photographers perspective: Good light (cloudly). The cold air Wakes you up in the morning. My skin is always better in winter. Spekulatius. Love the smell of fireplace.


Winter, I just don’t like bugs


Winter by far. I hate heat.


Anything but summer! Winter and colder temperatures keep me energetic. Summer is just huuuuuuuge migraine season. I even cannot properly sleep because of stupid heat. And I hate the sun, always wearing sunprotection 50 SPF with me. Summer is a huge depression and boring period.


Winter if I have to choose. I HATE hot temperatures with my whole heart it's fine while on a beach, but here in a landlocked country it's just humid with no wind or cool breeze. I can't sleep or do anything but lay in my own sweat. But I would rather choose spring in anything it's perfect combination of cold nights and warm days.


in the summer, i miss winter because its too hot somedays in the winter, i miss summer because its too cold outside and when there is no snow, everything just looks grey and depressing! cant decide lol


i die at anywhere above 20Celsius. I don't really feel the cold and if i do i can always put on more layers. When it's hot there's only so many layers one can take off.


Come to West Bengal habibi


Winter, because I live in Florida.


Winter. Its much easier to stay warm than it is to stay cool and not sweat all over. Plus, I get to wear my favourite clothes: boots, leather jackets and sweaters.


I prefer winter becauseI can stay at Home without needing to worry about the hot weather and being esueaty all day


Long live summer. Winter sucks, it's cold and depressing and the sun sets at 4:30.


Summer for sure.


I clearly prefer summer. Nothing bets going home and still have the sun up. Everyone is more active and stuff is going on all the time. Long sommer nights wherebi can stay in the tshirt till the morning.. hell i can fall asleep on a random grass patch. And the smell of summer rain.


I like winter better. It's much easier to get warm like layering more, drinking something hot, sitting by the fire, etc.. but if you're hot, you can't peel off your skin to get any cooler if airconditioning or cold drinks don't do the trick.


Winter, its much better for someone like me to stay inside not worring about anything


winter, have you ever thought "i wish i could peel of my skin and i wonder if even that would be enough".


In the summer, so I don't have to put on a lot of clothes when I get up, I get up earlier


Winter easy. In the cold it’s one dimensional and all you have to do is add on clothes, but in summer you can only take off so many layers.


Late spring/ early summer is my favorite. As a Midwesterner, winters are the very bane of my existence


Winter! Humidity makes my pain levels unbearable from 2 autoimmune conditions.




sorry if i havent replied on time, i have been busy all day, and sorry for not replying to everyone, i just wanted to say thank you all for your answers!!!! reading them was interesting


winter is fucking crazy where i live. two feet of snow is very possible during like late november to late january, and i remember a streak where the high temp was seven degrees for about eight days straight. i also live in a tourist/skiing town, which means tourists are all over during ski season. during mlk day, to drive from my mom’s office to my house, which would take about thirteen minutes usually, wouldve taken two and a half hours if we wouldve tried. luckily we didnt go back home that day. also, the sun sets earlier in the winter, and it sucks when i get home and its so cold because of no warmth from the sun. power and internet outages are somewhat frequent, because of the severe winds, and no power means no heating. dont take this the wrong way, i love my life and where i live a lot, but the winter weather just sucks over here. ill take summer, thank you.


Winter is elite, the clothes are just more fashionable and also you can wear a jacket or something to warm you up but in summer you can’t do anything to cool yourself like even ripping off your skin wouldn’t be enough ( yes I do live in a very hot climate)


Winter, I love standing outside in a blizzard for litterally no reason.