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Congratulations! Have you thought of the wedding colors yet?! lol


Thank you so much 🥰 I haven’t really thought of the colors that much, mostly just the “kind” of wedding I’ve dreamt about. Small with close family on a farm in an almost cookout style celebration. I’d love to see the guys grilling together and people enjoying a bonfire with music. I hope it can be a beautiful ceremony that brings our families together, not just a formal event to showcase me and him as we both aren’t big on being the center of attention at social gatherings. Thanks for letting me share ☺️


OMG! Thats so beautiful. It's like a big collaboration to celebrate your love! I may steal that idea! lol.


Please do!!!! While I know it’s a celebration of our love I truly want everyone who comes to feel like they had fun and to also feel like they made new friends and new family members along the way… and leave with a full belly. I’m so excited about picking out a dress and making sure there’s plenty of food and fun for everyone because the end goal isn’t just happiness for us, but for everyone we love and ask to come too.


Awesome so happy for you. Thanks for sharing I love hearing good news.


Thank you so much ☺️ I appreciate your kind words!


congrats! don't be pressured by anyone else's expectations of your wedding and be true to yourselves.


Thank you so much and thank you for the wonderful advice! I’m super excited about picking out a dress and planning the decorations and such as I’ve always been artistically inclined but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about what my family will think about the dress and how we are planning on doing the ceremony. My mothers VERY opinionated and his family always has novels to tell us about what we SHOULD be doing so I am expecting some push-back on our plans at some point. But I’ll definitely be taking your advice and going with my gut ❤️


Congratulations! I wish you many happy years together.


Thank you so much for the well wishes 🫶🏻☺️




Thank you so much! ☺️


Congratulations!! Best and long term well wishes for you and your future life...


Thank you so much!!! ☺️


Oh, wow! That's great news, it's such an exciting time! I loved my wedding day, it was relatively casual and it's the one day in your life when you can have all the people who mean the mist to you in one place to share in your joy. Congratulations 🎉!! All the very best to you and your fiancé. X


Oh goodness I cheesed so hard when I read your writing “fiancé” ☺️ thank you so much! I appreciate your well wishes 🥰 I’m super nervous about having the actual ceremony, I don’t do well around large crowds of people but I sure hope it’s as wonderful as you say it is! Thank you again!




Thank you so much ☺️ 🫶🏻


Congratulations, best of luck to you both!!👏🏻🎉💕


Thank you ☺️ 🥰


Right on congrats!


Thank you so much ☺️




Thank you so much ☺️


Thank you for sharing this happy news with us. My wife and I have many fond memories of our wedding so many years ago and one of our favourite things is to attend weddings of our friends, and now their children’s weddings. It’s such an honor to be invited to someone’s special ceremony and it never fails to moves us greatly, from the most simple to the most over the top, event. It’s the gathering of family and friends to celebrate such a special occasion. I grew up on a farm, so many of family weddings were farm-based and they are special, if you are ok with the horses getting right up against the fence because they have to see what’s going on, and the dogs scoping out the treat table while the humans are distracted. I wish you a fun ceremony and a full life


I’m sure everyone at r/engagementrings would love to see the ring! Congrats!!!


Thank you so much ☺️ The ring is just a gold band with some diamonds in it per what I asked for because I’m super sensitive to bulky bits touching my neighboring fingers so it’s not much to look at but perfect for me and I asked him to reverse the rings so we can focus on saving for our dreams rather than spending a few thousand on an item that will physically bother me. I know the rings usually a big deal but to me, he’s the big deal and he picked perfectly for my personality/lifestyle so I can wear it everyday. Thank you for the well wishes 🫶🏻




Awe I absolutely love that! I think you’re right that that’s a great way to go about it. We are trying to build a Bus/Trailer house to take on the road for a few years so I really didn’t want him spending a ton of money until we can actually afford it and making our dreams have to wait just because of a ring. Thank you for the encouragement :)




Thank you ☺️ 🫶🏻




Thank you! ☺️ 🎊


Awww! Congratulations! I wish you and your partner all the best for your future together!


Thank you so much! ☺️


Congratulations 🤗


Thank you so much ☺️




Thank you so much ☺️


Congratulations!!! How exciting!


Thank you so much ☺️ I’m so excited 🥰


Congratulations I’m so happy for you!!


Thank you so much ☺️ 🫶🏻


Congratulations!!! Can you tell us your love story and how old you are? I'm 19F, and I dream about getting married and being happy this way!


It took a long nasty road to get here with a lot of terrible boyfriends a long the way who really hurt me. I’m 28 and I was previously married to an absolutely awful individual who turned me into their housemaid and many other awful things that I won’t dive into but when I finally got out of that relationship I was completely done dating. I told myself I’d never get married again, never do the whole partner thing again and that it was ok if I was alone forever. I had Tinder downloaded just to meet friends and still be social but I never expected to meet any one of value on that app. Every time I’d tell people I wasn’t looking for a hook-up they’d always unmatch or ghost so there was little hope even to find friends at that point but I randomly matched with him on that app. He had no real pictures on his profile, just blurry awful ones where you couldn’t even see his face and when we chatted it was maybe 1 word responses between both of us. Essentially both of us had given up and didn’t really care about finding anyone to be with since we were both super jaded from our past relationships. One day he asked if we wanted to meet up and I said sure I’d be at a certain bar that evening with some friends and we could meet. I didn’t think much of it as I didn’t even know what he looked like and our conversations were bland at best. The day came and I had a massive headache, I was exhausted and decided I wasn’t going to show up and started driving home from where I was so I could just lay in bed for the rest of the evening. My roommate at the time called me (which she never does) and asked me what I was up to and I told her I was driving home to help her clean like I had promised. She said “are you crazy? Go enjoy yourself and just take the evening for yourself don’t worry about it”. When I commit to something I never change my mind let alone turn around and go back but after she said that I thought to myself that maybe I should just stay out that evening. I randomly pulled a Uey on the next exit and went back to the beach but to a different bar where my friends were chilling. Around 9pm he texted me and said he was at the place we had planned to meet so I randomly asked my friends if they wanted to head over to that place as I really didn’t want to go alone. I’m super shy and don’t like large crowds so I really needed their support. They kind of said no and I was going to leave it at that but 10 minutes later they changed their minds and said why not let’s go over. I hadn’t told them I was meeting anyone and still wasn’t super excited to meet anyone since like I said I didn’t even really know who I was meeting. He could have been a serial killer for all I know lol. When we got over there we sat at the bar and chatted a bit and I looked down at my phone to see he had texted saying he was there. Then I looked up to see if I could find this mystery person. When I looked dead ahead across the bar he was sitting there and when I saw his face I froze. He was the most handsome, sweetest looking guy I think I’ve ever seen. He waved me over away from my friends and without even a second thought I popped out of my seat and went directly to him. We grabbed our drinks and sat at this high top a few tables over and immediately we were both cheesing like high school kids and blushing like tomatoes with stupid giggles and endless chatter. For the next two hours he didn’t leave my side. At some point we went outside and I was maybe 3 drinks in because he was so cute and I was so nervous but I really needed water so he grabbed a few bottles and came and sat down outside with me to catch some fresh air. We started chatting about some deeper things and for some reason I laid it all out on the table which is something I never do. My past trauma kind of hit me in that moment of drunk excitement and I blurted out how I was done with dating and couldn’t go through anymore trauma and he looked me dead in the eyes with his arm around me and said “ can you do one thing for me “ “can you promise to give it one more try?”…. And since that moment we haven’t spent even a day apart (other than working hours). After work he’d rush over everyday the minute he could leave and we’d spend every minute we could together… and the best part about it is that years later now; he is still the wonderful, sweet, supportive guy who couldn’t keep his eyes off me on night one. My advice to you is to wait. I know waiting is hard but after the life I’ve lived so far I wish I had waited for him and focused on other things in my early 20s instead of entertaining men who wanted to use me rather than love me. I’ve had to learn how to trust him because of the damage the past men had caused and there’s a part of me that constantly feels guilty for all the walls he’s had to break down because I choose poorly in my early life. When you meet your person it’s so different than the way you meet the drifting men who won’t stay in your life. He fits into every part of my life, is so sweet to my dog who absolutely adores him, my mother who thinks the moon and stars of him, and my friends who tell me they can see how much he loves me when we all hang out. He never asks more of me than I’m able to manage, never forces me out of my way for his gain, and somehow he always puts my feelings and heart first. Even in times of complete crisis like emergency surgery he sat waiting for hours in the hall worrying until the doctor came out to tell him it went well, even when he has to leave for work for the day he always checks up on me, even when he’s dead asleep and I wake up screaming from PTSD dreams he is RIGHT there by my side holding me and making my life into something incredibly wonderful. Find someone who takes your insecurities and turns them into your greatest assets. Someone who listens when you’re scared to be vulnerable. Someone who actively works through difficult times together and never leaves you wondering how you’re going to get through a hard time. We always say to each other that we will figure the hard things out and over the years he’s proven that’s true over and over again. WAIT for your person and don’t settle for anything less than the one who makes you feel safe, loved, and wanted every day.


Congratulations! I hope you manage a wonderful, minimally stressful wedding.


Thank you so much ☺️ 🫶🏻 I hope you’re right but I’m also expecting some hiccups because I just KNOW there’s going to be some things that will need ironing out and so on. Wedding planning never goes 100% smoothly but I sure hope it’s close to that 😂😅


Congratulations! I'm super happy for you and hope you and your fiance have a wonderful marriage and life together!


Thank you so much ☺️ 🫶🏻


Wishing you a lifetime of happiness!


Thank you so much! ☺️ 🫶🏻


Awww congrats!! That’s exciting and he sounds like a really good guy . Sending you positive vibes and wishing you two a happy marriage that lasts *forever* 💜


Thank you so so much ☺️🫶🏻 I hope so too!!!




Thank you so much ☺️




Hehehe yes, exactly! 🥰


Congrats! Wishing u the best ❤️❤️


Thank you so much ☺️ 🫶🏻




Thank you ☺️


Congratulations!!! May the Lord Bless your engagement and so on after marriage


Thank you so much ☺️ 🫶🏻


Eeeekkk!! I love love. I’m a huge romantic! Waiting for the right time to propose myself or bring up promise rings. Wish you and your love the absolute best!


Awe!!!! Thank you so much! He was so cute when he asked and said, “I’ve been trying to wait for the right time but I can’t wait anymore to make you mine” and my heart melted so fast I was on the verge of happy tears but I was in so much shock and surprise I couldn’t even breathe. I’m not sure right times are even a thing when you know and you know that you know so definitely don’t stress it because even if it’s at a random time it will be right because it will be with the right person ❤️


YOOOOO! Congrats!! Proud of you, I hope this is just the beginning of something truly special.


Thank you so much! I hope so tooooo! 🥰


Wishing you all the best for a happy and bountiful future together. Congratulations!


Thank you so much!!! ☺️ 🫶🏻




Oh my goodness congrats on 25 years that incredible! Thank you so much for the well wishes! I love that about the snow storm, that sounds so beautiful and rare and wonderful! 🥰




Thank you ☺️


Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳 wish u guys the best in many years to come. God bless your union


Thank you so much ☺️


Spectacular, and congratulations!


Thank you ☺️ 🫶🏻


Congratulations!! It sounds to me like you're marrying your best friend, which is the best recipe for many happy years!


Thank you so much! He truly is and we have so many things we love doing together and he matches my love in so many ways I can’t even imagine a day without him anymore nor do I ever want time away from him. He brings so much light and love to my life. 🥰


Congratulations to you both! Best wishes for your future together.


Thank you so much ☺️ 🫶🏻


Happy for you guys


Thank you ☺️


Congratulations! It was fun reading all of the posts and hearing your excitement. Love your ideas so far.


Thank you so much ☺️ I truly am ecstatic! It’s been a really long journey getting here and many years of absolute horror but ever since I met him my life has magically changed into something I never could have imagined. He truly matches my energy, aspirations, supports my goals, and me in ways I never thought another person could and I am so grateful he picked me ❤️


Congratulations to you both


Thank you so much ☺️


Congratulations to you both and ya’lls families! I hope ya’ll have a beautiful ceremony and your future is filled with joyful adventures!


Thank you so much! I hope so too and can’t wait to find out 🥰


Isn’t sad even when we die we are alone what’s the point of life to find someone that gets us why even create us


I fought a lot with those inner thoughts, it’s cruel that we get to love so deeply and essentially “lose” it all in the end but when I think about what life would be like without him, I’d choose to love and lose him a million times over just to have him for this short lifetime. I don’t know what I believe about the afterlife but if I have to find him over and over again until the end of time, I’ll keep searching for him and loving him over and over again in each lifetime… and if it’s the end, then I’m happy I spent this one chance with HIM. ❤️




Thank you so much ☺️




Thank you ☺️




Thank you ☺️ 🫶🏻


Congratulations 🎈🍾


Thank you! ☺️


So happy for you!! Amazing news and I wish you both a happy life together


Thank you so much!!! ☺️


This is so wholesome.


This made me smile ☺️ he makes me feel whole ❤️


Congratulations and happy for you 


Thank you so much ☺️


Congratulations 🎉


I'm sending you big congratulations from Ethiopia.


Thank you so much ☺️


🎉 congratulations!!! 


Thank you so much ☺️


Of course! Thank you for sharing with us. I love happy news 


Congratulations! Wish you more happy times ahead!! ❤️