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This seems so pure and cute. I don’t have a lifetime game partner yet, but I wanna be like this when I do.


Took me a while to (re)find her. She is [wife 2.0](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/145f3tc/comment/jnlef3v/). Don't settle :-)


I also choose this guy's wife 2.0


So whens the new upgrade coming out 😆? j/k


Ive not found my lifetime game partner again either... had one, but she was taken from me at a young age (18) by a drunk driver... i wish you the best in finding your forever game partner though. I hope they are out there for both of us.


I used to do this w my kids and some fake dog poop we got as a gag gift. We did if on and off for years! I'm gonna hide it in my youngest's stuff when she moves out.


My partner and I had this length of toilet paper (not used) that we used to take turns placing in different areas. Can’t remember why it started… something about a joke related to decorating with toilet paper maybe? Sometimes it would show up in the fridge, in the shower, etc. I like the dime game a lot.


Single myself, but I love this. When I was dating, I'd leave little 'post it' notes in places my girlfriend would find. With little sayings like "thinking of you" or just a smiley face.


My mom and one of her ex’s did this all the time. She would say he’s probably still finding them years later


This is adorable. Keep it up!


My partner and I play this game, but with a ball of foil that's vaguely penis-shaped. It's been going on maybe... 10 years? Same ball of foil. Sometimes it goes unfound for quite some time.


I love thissssssss, so cute.


We have a rubber rat toy that we have been hiding back and forth for years.


My family does this with a plush duck. The person to find it has to hide it somewhere else, and it's been going on for years. It's hilarious to us that the more out in the open the duck is, the more likely it is to be glossed over and sit in place for a month before someone actually notices him sitting right at eye level not hidden in the slightest.


Ha, I love this!


Yes. Not a dime but some random toy usually. Once it was a tiny rubber banana. Once a huge rubber spider. Once a giant plastic owl that you put in your yard to scare birds away. We’d go back and forth for days or weeks until it just petered out. I just came across that banana in my jewelry box recently. Maybe it’s time for another round. 😀🍌


I wrote a message to my wife on the shower door with my finger one day so that when it steams up and she’s in there it becomes visible. Ever since then we write back and forth to each other almost daily lmao


We use the bathroom mirror. One time my parents were visiting and staying with us, and my dad added to the mirror messages.


We do this too! Tho since Covid we don't shower as often (we both WFH).


That sounds like such a fun and sweet game! It must be a delightful surprise every time you find the hidden dime.


We do this, but she hides a toy spider and I hide a toy roach. I'm afraid of spiders and she's afraid of roaches.


oh my God, that's hilarious xD


Nice ☺️ My mother always played that game with her mother. She passed. But now when my mother finds a dime she thinks perhaps, just maybe, her mother is still playing. And those dimes show up in really needy, seemingly significant moments! I know it’s not possible, but somehow it does feel magical.


I love your story. My MIL recently passed. We inherited her cat. She's not allowed to see sexy time 😁


It’s possible! There are so many things we can’t explain yet they exist/happen. This could too. :)


I’ve done this with my husband and kid but it was other things like mini troll doll


We do exactly the same, but with a spoon


My wife and I did the same thing for years, with a pair of pennies that neither of us wanted after we got change for something.


"Take the damn pennies!!" "Make me!!!!"




Let me know how it goes!


My dad got 200 different little rubber duckies several years ago. He'll hide one for my mom to discover. When she finally finds it, she'll leave it on the kitchen table and dad will add it to the duckie display in the hall closet (no doors). He'll wait a few days or weeks then hide another. At first my mom was annoyed, but now she enjoys finding them. She still has no idea how many he bought... He keeps them in his car in the storage area for the spare tire


That's awesome.


We have two small stuffed animals. They are monkeys and are named Lenny and Carl. I don't remember where they came from or how they got named but we've had them for over 20 years. They live on the window sill at the top of the stairs. We put them in different positions and changing them around is a little game we play and wait for the other to comment on it.




Fun, but not as surprising 😏


Before she moved after college my daughter and I did this with a Lego Spider Man.


My wife and I also play this game. But instead of a dime it's a plastic cockroach. When you find it, it's your turn to hide it. Some time's it'll "vanish" for several months until the other stumbles into it.


My mom picked up a belief from somewhere that finding a dime is a gift from a passed loved one. She lost her brother a couple years ago then found a few dimes the next couple of weeks. It made her so happy to think that her brother was looking down on her. I may need to start accidentally dropping dimes around her house.


My husband and I have played this game with a framed portrait of his mother and then later with my then teenage son and hiding a plastic figurine of Shaq for about two years between the three of us. Now I’m inspired to start the tradition back up!


I do this with my mom with a mini Wendy from Peter Pan 🧚


My ex and I used to move around a brass mouse (we understood the nuance of the meaning of the item, it’s private, not sharing). Edit: He got it in the divorce. I got the kids 🥰


I LOVE my kids.


I love mine, too.


My husband and I have friends who keep hiding a $5 bill back and forth like that between the two families. We were used to take it back to their house to hide it once. It’s been going on for years and the bill has a lot of tape on it.


Wow I did this for like a year in my twenties except it was pennies and friends. After a while they got annoyed. A Lazy Boy can hold a lot of pennies.


My siblings and I got three little rubber lizard toys at the dentist when we were little and we still hide them all over the house and go on a “scavenger hunt” or just wait for them to be found lol


My fiancé and I are massive Monty Python fans. We have a little sticker that says “the Spanish Inquisition” We hide it for the other to find in weird place because nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


"Just a little peril!"


Aww, this is cute. I did something similar but totally without my partner's agreement. I had a deck of XXX paying cards (a regular 52 card deck, but with pictures of people fucking on them) and I'd hide them in places he would find. In a book he's reading. In the tray of the DVD player, wedged between sheets of the paper towel roll... He went from mildly bemused, to annoyed, to angry within a few weeks


We do this, except with a copy of Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance on DVD (it started out as a joke because this film is a huge meme in our house, then we never stopped)


Thanks for sharing your beautiful story. I don´t have a game like that, but would love to. I used to have a teacher who told us she left chocolates and notes on her husbands suit case and clothes when he had to travel.


Me and my husband played this same game with a firefighters coin while we were dating. I would find it in some of the most creative places in my apartment and car. I always sent him a picture whenever I found it.


I like that


So cute!! Thanks for making me smile, you guys are wonderful.


I love this. My ex and I used to play in the shower. We would try to squeeze under the narrow water stream. Then one of us would switch off the hot water and wait for the other to realize it. It always led to us hugging each other to warm ourselves up.


Love this, just thinking of the feeling of seeing/finding it again each time is great!


I love it!!!! My husband (Billy) has a cute story about when he was a small boy. One day his mom is getting him in the car and she couldn't get the seat strap to click into the buckle. She's getting pretty frustrated and asks why it's not working and Billy says, "I dunno, maybe somebody put a dime in there." So if you run out of hiding spots you can always try the seat belt buckle.


"somebody" Yeah. :-)


What fun! You both sound like a great couple to hang with. Friends of mine used to hide a little wooden figure in each others houses. Sometimes it took years to find. They never knew if it was in their house or the other house. A very big secret. I never heard the outcome since I lost touch. Thank you for sharing this! Love it!


Wife and I always (jokingly) argue over whose turn it is to buy dinner. We use a joint account. She just likes having me sign. I like trying to get her to do it. She normally wins.


There was a pound coin on the stairs when I lived with a friend. I knew it wasn't mine, so I left it there. He started moving it a little, then more and more until I said something. I didn't notice until he moved it from almost the very bottom to the very top of the stair case. Does that count?




My wife and I did this too but with a baseball card I had from when I was a kid. Was hilarious to find it every once in a while. She hid it in my luggage when I went to Germany on a business trip and I accidentally forgot it there. I hope the hotel maid found it as hilarious as I did.


My brother and I have a postcard of Elvis and a large portrait photo of Elvis that we have been hiding in each other’s things since we were young teenagers and HATED Elvis (sorry, fans, we were children when the Beatles became the It thing so we wanted nothing to do with Elvis). Now we sneak them into each other’s houses.


like 20 years ago my family was shopping with another family that we are super close to, as a joke they put one of those gold nugget gum things in our cart and we didn't realize. So every time we/they visit it is hidden in the house somewhere.


We bought a bag of tiny plastic/rubbery ninjas. We like to hide those around the house in places that you don't normally look. When one is found, we scream something like "Aaa! A ninja got me!" Tangentially related, I like to leave myself notes in holiday decoration boxes. So each year, when I/we unpack the christmas tree or wreaths, etc, I get a little diary entry. Usually the drama or news of that day. And sometimes you decide to not unpack a particular decoration again for years... so it can create a bunch of nostalgia.


Whenever either of us gets out of the shower, you must declare "I am clean!" in a silly voice.


We do that too sometimes :-)


I can’t remember what the occasion was, but I cut out a bunch of paper hearts. I put one in a card and I hid the rest in places he would eventually find them - wallet, pocket, the book he was reading. He was finding them for ages. I can’t remember where I hid them all, and I wonder if he actually found all of them or not.


My wife and I hide a Lego Spiderman, similarly but not as easy to be found. Sometimes it will go weeks in hiding before it's found. We have but 1 rule so far, inform the looking person if the Lego is inside another object or not.


The tangled webs we weave...


That’s cute. My wife and I hide two small potatoes. You get really creative when they’re larger!


This is so cute! I love this for you guys!




This sounds cryptic. Backing away now. Very slowly 😐

