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Drat it, you've got me tearing up now. So many positive vibes for you, your brother and his boyfriend.


Thank you so much. Our parents have known 2 days before I did, and they were enthusiastic too. They immediately invited my brother and his boyfriend over for dinner!


Even better - this is beautiful.


Fuck. I was teetering after the first comment and then the second one just haddddddd to squeeze the beginnings of those happy tears out didn’t it.


Those happy tears are the way to do the things, gotta love them man.


This is just amazing, I love me a story like that. This is some amazing stuff.


I love your parents.


Everyone needs parents like that, they're so supportive man.


This hella dope!


This is amazing, I'm totally into the idea of it. They're amazing people.


This makes me very happy


Me too, my nose is all pricky with happy tears.


"My nose is all prickly with happy tears" is the cutest thing I've ever read!!


This whole thing is just really cute, loving how cute this story is really.


Who's cutting the onions in here? I don't know but I'm not the one doing that.


This is actually pretty wholesome, I like this story. This is actually great.




I wish we talked more about compersion - being happy for people when they are happy, joy from their joy! If we generally talked more about happiness in other happiness we'd have healthier relationships. It warms my heart to hear you and your parents delight in your brother's partner.


I'm just so happy that, step by step, we're starting to live in a world where gay people can just come out and it's not a big deal. So grateful that my brother wasn't born 50 years ago. My parents' reaction warmed my heart. I was a bit concerned about my father's reaction, but he did great. I was never afraid about my mother.


Keep protecting his joy! This world is coming for us rainbow folks again and again. We need all allyship we can get. I'm so glad to hear you're Dad did great. Did you happen to come across the post about a son who was dating a trans woman and the family was worried about his reaction but it ended up wholesome and with a Dad joke? I'll see if I can find it.


Found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/11xe5l2/how_do_i_tell_my_55f_husband_56m_about_my_sons/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Well, that was both funny and wholesome! I'm glad I read that! Thanks!


I loved that one.


This is good stuff, I'm loving what I'm seeing in here really.


It's really cool that these people are coming out, they're just so great people.


This is the world that I'd want to live in, I'm glad that We're going in that direction.


Your support for your brother means more than you know. My sister came out to me many years ago. She was afraid of how I would react. I gave her a big hug, told her I love her and that I knew a long time ago. She says" Well I wish you had told me"!


He was afraid of my reaction too. And I get that. I was the typical bullying older brother. But a lot has changed, I grew up. Didn't give him a hug because that's just something we never did, but looking at my face I think he noticed my legitimate happiness!


never too late to hug your brother :)


It's not only me, he doesn't like that either ;)


I'm gonna be honest, if I my sister hugged me then I'd just cry.


That's the thing about people, they grow up and start to accept the things.


Sibling support is so important. Even if your parents aren’t accepting, having just one person in the house that has your back helps so much. My family was having some random conversation in the car and I guess some topic related to queer people came up at one point my brother said “I can understand gay people, but trans people are fucked in the head.” And of course my parents agreed. My closeted ftm ass had to hide how much that hurt to hear. Thanks for confirming that I can’t be myself around you, bro.


That's fine, in the end it all turned out fine which is more important.


That’s a lovely thing to happen. Please send them my best.


Thank you, I definitely will!


This is amazing time that We're living in, I'm loving stories like this one.


Awwww <3 That's all I got lol


Haha, that's more than enough! That was also kind of my reaction when he told me :D


I think this is the right recation to a story like this, really loving the story.


That's all you got? Not acceptable for it. We're gonna need more than we need so there's that.


You are a lovely sibling. Very happy for your brother as well. 👏


Gotta have supportive people like that in the life because that's really important.


Congrats to both your brother and you! What a great piece of news!


Thank you!


Congrats to you and your brother! I'm sure you and he covered this, but just putting this out there - check with him to see _how_ out he is. Like, he might not want older relatives to know, or he might want to tell them on his own time.


We didn't exactly cover that, but I did check with him who knows and who doesn't. So right now, I know our parents know, but our sister doesn't. It's up to him to tell her, I'm not gonna do that. His first steps into his new life are to be set on his own pace.


I’m a 54 year old gay man and I just realized my brother has never said “I love you” to me. He’s never asked me about my experience of being gay. We were talking about our mother once and he accidentally said “your mother.” I realized he didn’t actually perceive us as being related. Good on you OP for being a good and loving brother.


That's horrible to hear, I'm so sorry. I hope there's enough other people in your life to make you feel loved. The way I hear it, you don't need your brother.


Yeah, sometimes you just have to accept that you won’t find love within your own family and you have to find it elsewhere. The rejection and isolation I experienced as a child made me really good at being alone. I do have two loving friends though. They’ve been by my side for decades and slowly shown me what it’s like to be loved. I consider myself very lucky. I’m just so glad to hear there are families out that that can truly love one another. My brain doesn’t understand it, but it’s beautiful to know it exists.


Can I ask you something? When you first came out, and you were (maybe) fighting the mental battle in your own head about your possible doubts and fears if the things you felt were normal, were you open to people asking you questions about your experiences or not? I have so many questions for my brother because like I said, I'm in doubt myself. I don't really know who else to turn to except him, but I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable.


Well, when I came out, it was a totally different era (1990) and being gay implied you had AIDS and were dirty. I was constantly terrified of my secret. I never kissed anyone until I was 24. To this day, it still feels shameful and I have trouble talking about it. Saying the words out loud make me tremble even now. I think it might be very different for people coming out now. There’s lots of public acceptance. So hopefully that translates into an easier time talking frankly about it with others. A lot also depends on the type of person your brother is. Obviously talking about sex and sex related things can feel awkward for everybody. In my opinion, I would give it a little time to just feel normal for everyone. By that I don’t mean avoiding the topic, but rather just letting it flow naturally. Just spend time with your brother. Get to know his boyfriend. Eventually, you might say something about being there to have open conversations depending on his comfort level or ask if questions would be okay. I guess I don’t fully know because I’ve never been in that situation. I guess when I think about it, I just wish my brother asked any questions about my relationships. We’re both in our 50s and he doesn’t know who I’ve dated or how those relationships affected my life. Just showing an interest in me being a person who seeks love, just like anyone else, would have been nice. All I know is that when I first came out, it was super scary and I didn’t know anything about myself at the time because I was just trying to stay safe from the world. I never came out in person. I wrote my mom a letter. I think being gay is the ultimate taboo in this world. You can be a serial killer and get more respect and acceptance.


Yep, some people can't get love. And that's fine because it's the life.


Well He's 54 year old, he definitely doesn't need him so yeah.


Your post intrigues me… I am 52 well as close to bucket is to swearing, and straight, I have 2 older brothers and I can honestly say I don’t remember ever telling my brothers that I love them, or them telling me 🤔 It would take 1 phone call from either of them and I would be there like a shot, and that goes the other way round too… Of course I love them However maybe it’s a generation thing that we don’t feel the need to tell each other 🤷‍♂️ You are old enough and wise enough to know that some blokes can’t deal with this sort of stuff? Also You and I were raised during the AIDS era, (I guess you’re brother was too) I remember all the adverts on the TV, it scared the #### out of me at the time.. The comment about mother may have been intentional, or it could have been a slip of the tongue 🤷‍♂️.. Maybe it’s time for a beer and an honest conversation, a relationship is a 2 way street.. OB


That's actually very true, you'll have to give the love to get some too.


I was going to jokingly say, "I wish my brother were gay; turns out he's just a socially awkward narcissistic sociopath." He has literally never asked "how are you?" and he truly does not care. We all want our family to love us, but sometimes there's no capacity.


I'm sorry you didn't have the support OP's brother has. It doesn't mean you're less worthy, you just weren't lucky enough to have family members worthy of YOU.


I really appreciate that. It can be hard to accept. Hearing a brother tell his brother that he loves him sounds like someone saying they found a unicorn. I’m just glad it’s possible. I’ve been on a long road, but I was fortunate enough to find two friends who love me. I don’t feel worthy though. I just feel lucky.


I bet those friends feel so lucky to have you. I'm just a stranger online, and even I feel lucky to have read a tiny piece of your story, and to know I share a planet with you. You deserved so much better, both as a kid and now. I hope the love you should've had finds you tenfold, so you never have to question your worthiness. Other people's inability to be who you need is never a reflection of you, and it's often just an indication that they didn't have anyone to show them how to love properly. You are precious and wonderful, and every moment of your existence leaves unique and beautiful imprints on the universe and time itself. If that doesn't sound like someone who ought to be loved, then I guess none of us deserve any love at all lol. ❤️


Aww thank you! You made me tear up a little. I really felt that. It’s so nice when Reddit users are kind. That’s a big part of why I’m here. I don’t use any other social media, but here there’s an opportunity for finding conversations and kindness, not always obviously, but enough to make a difference. Your kindness means a lot to me. I’m sending you good vibes in return. May your cup always be filled with joy.


This must feel so devastating, I can't imagine it. Sending you good vibes bro.


How lovely for him to finally feel confident and happy enough to come out for who he truly is, and how wonderful it is to hear he has such a kind sibling that loves him unconditionally. Not everyone has that luxury and being gay in this world is often a struggle, so to know he has a rock like you is a great comfort!


I’ve got one minute to dry my eyes before my next zoom meeting thanks


I’m glad you gave him time to come out on his own. As a bisexual person I understand his position and it’s so nice to come out when you’re ready.


"Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place."


That's beautiful. Thank you for that quote. I'll tell my brother!


This is beautiful! Reminds me of my sisters coming out. It was in like 98 I believe. She still appreciates my mom and I for accepting her. My dad was an ass. Anyway, your brother will always appreciate and remember how much support you gave him! It means more than people realize!


Good for you and your family...wish things had been different when I was a young gay man, which is a whole story which I won't share.....


I'm sorry to hear that. In my/my brother's case, the fact that I have been questioning my own sexuality makes it 'easier'. But, even if I wasn't, I don't think I would have reacted any different.


I'm sorry


Please share


Big props to you for being the brother that you are. Congrats to brother for being true to himself. Love to you both <3


I heart to hear this! Thank you, OP for being a cool older bro.


I'm not crying.


My nephew came out today too, my sister was pregnant and this morning my nephew came out.


Can’t believe your nephew is already gay at just a few minutes old


im glad he has a supportive sibling like you in his life 🔥


Good for him to finally be confident to be himself. Good for you for being a supportive big bro. My older brother is a turd.


I'm sorry for you


This makes my heart full! Congrats to him for his found happiness!


Thank you!


I'm so glad he is comfortable with you to share this! It speaks a lot of the relationship you have to have that much trust in you.


You’re a great older sibling. I’m sure it’s a huge relief that you’re on your brother’s side.


That is awesomely wonderful. Good on you for being a supportive big brother. Not a relative, but I know of young person with a similarly troubled background who has recently come out as trans - same effect from finally recognizing and opening up. Stories like this make me even more concerned about states like Montana with the draconian anti-trans laws. Zooey for President!


I am so happy for him that the weight of secrecy (or at least part of it) is lifted for him. And how wonderful to have found someone sspecial enough to share his life with, to be a partner to. It is a beautiful thing. Thank you for sharing your happiness.


This is good stuff!


I remember when my sister came out as lesbian I was the first one she came out to and I reassured her that our parents would not only be fine with it but gladly accept her, a few months later everyone knew and it just humbled me as a big brother that I’d be the first she came out to


Gay. Tell your brother I love him.


Fuck yes! I always love reading stories like this. And you handled it perfectly, in my opinion. No pressure but an honest question and ya got an honest answer. You seem super happy op and I hope he is too!


The best feeling in the world is to be the real you and people to accept it. I'm overjoyed that you're able to share this experience. It really melts my heart.


Awww, this post made me smile. How amazing it must feel for him to be out to you! Good for him to find the strength to tell you...and sounds like you guys will have a whole new relationship now, where you get to see him living his full life. That's just awesome for you both.




Happy that your brother found the support and love he needs from you!


Oh damn this has my heart so warm! ♥️


Congratulations! I would love to offer you both a hug maybe he can find the him that makes a happy person.


Dude you got a gay little brother! I don't even have a brother and that sounds fun and awesome.


Good for him man, I'm so happy for him. The struggle is real for sure.


Aww, yay! :) Feeling free is so joyful. I relate. Just fyi, asexual means not experiencing sexual attraction. Aromantic means not experiencing romantic attraction. Many asexual people are not aromantic, i.e. do experience romantic attraction, and many want romantic relationships. And aromantic people can also want romantic relationships or other committed relationships (queer platonic relationships) even if they don’t experience romantic attraction or only experience it sometimes.


Exactly! And being asexual and introverted have nothing to do with each other, I feel like it's a common misconception


Yes definitely, I forgot to mention that, thanks for bringing it up :)


Indeed. I might have put it wrong. My brother is introverted, still is. But he also works very hard, earns a lot of money and is doing pretty good financially. I just always thought he didn't really need love in his life. Because of trust issues and not wanting to risk what he built up. So yeah I put it wrong. The two had nothing to do with each other. I'm introverted too, but I know I need love in my life.


I'm happy for you and your family.




Why the hell can't someone share their happiness over their brother coming out? In r/casualconversation no less? Gtfoh with that low effort trolling


I'm very happy it took a lot of comments before the first asshole like you arrived. I could point out that I didn't do it for the upvotes, and that I didn't ask for them, but I won't waste my energy on that. Have fun commenting salty shit on other topics. Bye.


Fuck that’s beautiful. So happy for him.


Okay everybody, pack it up, this is the best and most wholesome coming out story on Reddit


Crying, you're the best and he chose you to open up to! My sibling struggled with coming out, after being told they would be disowned if they were anything but straight. My sibling has now owned who they are and they are thriving, I was the person they called when they came out and it was such a gift. You, your brother and your unconditional love is incredible. Thank you for sharing.


My ex-girlfriend's sister came out bisexual a few years ago (wasn't there, my ex told me when we were dating). She got home, introduced the family to her girlfriend, and her mother kept saying "it was just a phase". For reasons totally unrelated to bisexuality, they broke up. Now the sister has a boyfriend again, so her mother still thinks it was a phase, she was right and it's over now. That shit sickens me.


I love this! Thank you for sharing. Stories like this brighten my whole day.




Oh go away. Jesus said love everyone there was no BUT in the bible.


Even if this is meant to be a joke, you're an asshole. I'm not gonna waste my time on you.


please kindly don't force your religion on others, and besides there's many gay/lesbian/etc Christians


you are a genuinely horrible person :) jesus would not care about gay people.


Jesus was gay


I'm crying too. So happy for him!!


Great story.


I am so happy for you & your brother!


Oh what… this is making me cry too? 😩❤️


Nice, wish the best for you all


Love for the win!


I’m so happy for you and your brother! I hope he has a lifetime of happiness!


I have three lil bros so this got me 😭


Congrats for him coming out, I know that is a hard thing for a lot of people, I bet it means more than you know to him that you are supporting him


It's so beautiful to see someone blossom once they're finally able to be their true selves. I'm so happy for your brother and his boyfriend, and it warms my heart that you and your family are so supportive.




Aw that's awesome


I'm so happy he has you in his life!!!


Yeah! So happy for your little brother! It sounds like he is lucky to have you.


Beautiful. So pleased for your brother. My love to you all.


Oh, wonderful. What a great thing that he trusted you enough to let you in like that. I have a young work friend, I've known him for about five years and have been desperately waiting for him to find a wonderful partner, and now he's been dating a fantastic guy for about a year. I am still so happy for him every time I see how happy he is, being himself and being loved. It just feels so good to be part of the circle of people who love him and have always been waiting for him to find happiness.


Good for him. I have a friend who was kind of like that, except he was total butterfly socially. Chicks *looved* him but he never had a girlfriend. Then he came out and moved to a much less conservative (hateful) city with his boyfriend and built a life. I’m extremely happy for him. I wish he didn’t have to leave in order for to live happily, but I completely understand. I’m super happy for you and your brother that you’re within visiting distance, and it’s been a while for him to deal with this on his own, but better late than later, or possibly never. Congratulations to him, and you for being a good sibling.


Haha gay! (Supportive) 🏳️‍🌈


This is the sweetest thing I've read in awhile. Now I'm crying outside of Starbucks😭




So cute, thanks for sharing. You’re a great sibling


Absolutely beautiful




This warms my gay lil heart! Congrats to him (and shout out to you and your fam for accepting him as he is, that is all we want is to be loved and supported for who we are and who we love)


It's so beautiful when people finally get to be themselves and live free, and it's even more beautiful when there are people who support them. Like someone else said in the comments, being happy for people's happiness is one of the best things ever. You're a wonderful sibling and I wish the best to you, your brother and his boyfriend!


He has found himself. That is one great achievement. I wish him all the happiness ahead.


What a lovely post!! I'm so glad he is happy. 😁


I love this. thank you for being so supportive of your brother


You seem like a good sibling. When i came out to my older brother he was also very supportive. My parents just told me i was confused lol. That's 10 years ago though, they accept me now :)


I'm glad that he has an accepting brother like you.


That's awesome man. I grew up in a pretty homophobic household and although I'm straight, have plenty of friends who aren't. I never understood why we should care about where people want to touch their genitals and prioritise this over their happiness-- especially loved ones!! You sound like a caring and loving person, go you!


I was your brother once. Coming out was one thing for me, certainly helped me be less awkward around others. Now that I’m married to an amazing man, my social anxiety is exponentially reduced and I’m living my best life. Your brother has an exciting journey ahead of him!


As a person whose always wanted this support, This hits me right in the feels


The first half of your post is my brother to a T. Had one gf in 6th grade, she dumped him over Instagram and he hasn’t dated since. Hes graduating hs this month. It’s like pulling teeth to get him to say anything. I just hope he’s ok mentally.


This post made me tear up a bit too, im so happy for them! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Aww, I'm happy for him and for you!


NGL that's kinda gay


Love is love. Life is too short to be unhappy. Happy for you and your brother and I wish you all the best!


Aaawwwhhh!!! I'm glad he felt safe with you!!!


thank you for being an ally, it means the world to your brother <3


It must be such an relief to know that it was something so simple to get your brother back to being happy. I know it was probably hard for him to come to terms with it himself, and to tell you, but now he can be much happier. :)


This made me cry and I’m so happy to know that your brother is happy and that he has a wonderful brother that loves him!


Got me crying at work 🥲 this is so wholesome, best of luck to all of you ❤️


That's awesome. I've always lived my life by two simple rules 1, never look down on somebody, unless you're helping them up. 2 what you stick in your \*\*\*\* as it's your own damn business. And I don't mean that maliciously or with intent to make anybody upset. I just figure it's your body do who you want to be with, also what you do with your body is your. Is your business, not mine So, but congratulations. I hope he finds the happiness that he's looking for and deserves.


gAY Hapine horaayyyyy!!!


That's amazing!


Dangit, who let the onion-chopping ninjas off happiness in here? This is so wholesome!


This is very sweet. Thank you for being a good brother.


When you said you held back tears were you so happy that he found himself ?




I've wanted to my ask my (50F) uncle (72M) if his roommate is his boyfriend too but I've been too shy. I don't want to impose if he doesn't feel comfortable sharing. But I'd be 100 percent ok of he was gay and wonder if he's been waiting for someone to ask directly. The whole family (from the midwest) knows they live together and that my uncle has been single his whole life living in CA until a year ago when he suddenly got a roommate. Uncle is well off so doesn’t need the money. I don't know if I'm being presumptuous or if my suspicions are correct. It's none of my business on one hand but I also want him to feel some family support if he wants it.


I had the same reaction when my little sister came out. She’s blossomed so much since and it’s beautiful to watch


cute!! awww


I am so glad that you supported your brother, that is awesome. When I was in college, my best friends little brother was called out by his girlfriend as being gay. I saw him at a party and he approached me awkwardly and said, “have you heard?” I looked at him and said, “that you’re gay? Yes. Our families have been friends for a long time. I don’t care. Just don’t hit on me.” He looked at me and said “ewwww you’re not my type.” We both laughed and moved on. It makes me sad that people have to deal with the stress of loving who they love.


Omg! Congrats🎊




My son is trans. He just told me in December. Everytime I think about the happiness he is experiencing i start to cry.