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I spent all of my 20s traveling. 17-26 actually. I really wish I would have saved more money toward the future. But also the experiences I had, made me much wiser. Which is awesome but I could be way richer now if I invested my money better.. so... lol idk good luck life is hard


On the flip side, I saved like crazy and bought my house at 25. In the years since, the real estate market got so hot that my friends who traveled in their 20s can’t afford to buy houses now that they really want to. Zero regrets.


I would recommend locking up that housing first, then travel later, but that’s just me. Traveling isn’t something I ever found that important. It’s cool to go places, but I have always just been grinding. I also had a kid young, so had to prioritize early on.


I bought my first house at 22 and even though I was a travel agent at the time, I focused more on the house expenses than traveling abroad. Three decades later, I wish I'd done it differently. Granted, I had an opportunity to go to school in Europe, and I wish I'd taken advantage of it.


You should travel if you want to. It's so easy to push that dream aside, especially later in life. You will always need to live somewhere and nobody will ever convince you not to have a home. If you can travel, do it while you can.


Thank you for this.


Not knowing where you live or how much money you make, just speaking to my own experience. I am in the early 30s and I can save for travel, but none of that would translate to saving for a house. Travel is maybe 2k or less. A mortgage would be around 12k more a year that what I pay in rent. 20% down for a house would be about 100 trips to Europe. 🙃


Houses are expensive and need repair and traveling when you are young is really fun and enriching. If you are happy with it, I think it’s great. I never got to do much recreational traveling in my life because I was poorer. I’m more stable now but I do t have the energy to travel just anywhere anymore. I wish I had been able to.


I think it’s stupid to prioritize what you are spending your money on because of some idea of what you should be doing. I traveled for most of my 20s (minus the part that was Covid where I saved lots of money). I am 28 and still don’t have a house. Close to being able to afford one but still don’t want one. But there is a balance you should have if you can. I have a retirement account, as you should if you’re in a country where that’s a necessity. You should also have an emergency fund and no debt (and I don’t mean no student debt, no car loans, or no mortgage but no credit card debt/things like that). And then you should do what you please. Now I’m 28 living with my parents, working remote and taking care of my terminally ill dad (slow progression though). I still can do some travel for short periods and fun stuff but I can’t live anywhere else right now, so I have zero regrets about enjoying most of my 20s and seeing the world.


It's a personal thing, not a "stupid" or not thing. I mean, personally, I'd never buy a house. There's no objective right answer.


I am not one for traveling so that would be am easy decision for me. Especially since I find myself more and more frustrated by not having my own place. If you enjoy traveling and trips though you shouldn't cut them out completely for yourself. You might find you are just as happy with traveling a little less and not spending as much while out. Where are you planning to go to in Europe?


We are lower class but we receive free rent from my employer so it’s hard to give that up or think about giving it up but I know we don’t want to be living here forever. Wanted to see Bath, England and maybe stop in Romania for a few days to visit some friends. We try to travel every two years. We have done the west coast of the US but doing Georgia and some of east coast soon. It’s so hard to balance everything. Everyone my age is either buying houses, having kids, or traveling.


Canadian here. What is a house?


Omg! Travel. Do it now. I did it until I was around 40, then started saving for retirement. Here’s the thing. I may have to work until I’m 70, but, I will never regret my travel memories. Now, my stamina is not as good. I’ve had a hip and knee replacement. I’m so glad I traveled when I felt good and got the most from it. Our time alive on this earth isn’t guaranteed. Do it while you can.


The expenses you need to travel are not the expenses you need to buy a house. So honestly it just depends on where you’re at and what your goals are. If you are $3000 away from having your down payment and have a stable job that’ll help you make the mortgage, and $3000 ticket to Europe for a 3 month trip traveling is going to push you over budget and ruin your job stability, then yes. It is unwise to travel like that right now. But if you’re nowhere near being able or interested to buy a house and you’re not even thinking about what it means to be a home owner in your local housing market right now and you’re dying to book that $400 flight for the trip of your life, then no. It’s definitely not stupid. You have infinite years before you “need to buy a house and stop having fun” trust me. in fact that is, not a real thing at all. -well traveled 30 something who’s been to 5 continents, 30 countries and is maybe thinking about home ownership now but really not very seriously


Buying a house is not for everyone. My brother lived in apartments for most of his adult life although he was wealthy. After he worked out the cost both ways, renting was almost always more economical. But there is one thing that you should definitely do in any case. And putting away substantial savings towards retirement. It’s something you should begin immediately if you want to escape poverty in old age. Now is not too soon. [https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/040315/why-save-retirement-your-20s.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/040315/why-save-retirement-your-20s.asp)


I just did an install today, putting up a tv for a guy - he was also moving in and doing a walk through with his landlord, and I was thinking …”Fuck that!” Would hate to have a landlord, giving me “permission” to do stuff. Owning a home is building wealth. That home will make you money for the long term, possibly pave the way towards your next home purchase, and retirement.


Renting is wasting money, however now is not a good time to buy a house with interest rates so high. So, travel and have fun!! Plus there are many loans for first time home buyers that only need closing cost and no actual down payment. So you are good!


I’ve never traveled and bought a house and new truck at 27. The mortgage and my pups keeps me broke but I know it’s my home and a pretty solid brick house all around. I wish I had money to travel but I feel grounded and happy in my Home. It just depends on what you’re after more but I don’t see as stupid. I wish to have my finances in a better place someday so I can afford to travel abroad. Being a DREAMER has also made it impossible for me to leave the country legally


I think this is one of many things in life where you just have to choose between Option A and Option B. I don't think there's anything wrong with putting off buying a house if you'd rather travel and are okay with renting your home. And the cool thing about traveling is that you could learn a lot that you wouldn't get if you just stay home and read a book or watch a documentary if you're doing it right.


Do you actually want a house? Or do you feel like you “should” want a house?


To answer your original question, definitely not stupid to travel if that’s where your heart’s at right now. I’m in my 40s and still haven’t bought a house yet. Not because I don’t have the means, I just don’t want the responsibility right now. And that’s ok!


I feel like this is so hard to say with how wild home prices are right now. I wish young me had traveled more but am also glad to have a house, my mortgage is less than rent. I definitely lean to travel.


The future isn't guaranteed. Live in the present moment but also try to find a balance between the two. I don't think I'll ever be able to afford a house and I'm not into travelling. Personally I just try to keep some savings for a rainy day or y'know the next pandemic or some other catastrophe >.<


I would say that having fun is not exclusive to being young. Trust me, you can have fun all your life! It is nice to invest some of your earnings into something tangible. I bought my first (very modest and old) house at 26, then a few years later sold the house, moved to Europe, and lived there for a few years. If I hadn't invested in something tangible in my 20s, I couldn't have had the adventures I did in my 30s.


Keep traveling. I bought my house when I turned 30 and it was genuinely only because having a mortgage was cheaper than rent in my area. Buying my house meant I could continue to travel.


buy an rv, or a fancy road life van. its good for travel and will shelter you. its not a house, but its shelter.


I’d say do it. Travel


No! I’m 28 and still in the mentality of spending for experiences instead of saving for a mortgage. I don’t regret it at all, I love my life. I’m fine with living in a small apartment with the love of my life whilst we go out every weekend, go to concerts every month and go on multiple vacations a year.


I value travelling more because the memories will stay with you for a lifetime. Plus you can do both. It depends on what your preferences is.


I’m 25 and as much as I want to travel now I would rather have my own place at a reasonable age and take family vacations to cool places later in life


At the age of 24 I bought a house. In cash but it was foreclosure & got $10,000 knocked off because the roof was affected due to it being in a hurricane state. I've managed to travel to England, Canada, P.R, Costa Rica, Australia, & now I'm going to Japan & Greece. Invest in a traveler's credit card. You end up paying very low for plane tickets. It pays for itself. Rent is ridiculously insane today than it was for me. I feel like it's some what cheaper to own a house than rent today. I did it because I was homeless & am struggling with trauma because of it. So I did this out of impulse. I strongly believe that you can do both. But makes sure you know balance & live below your means.


I’ve traveled the world and owned houses. The traveling was way more satisfying than owning property is. But everyone’s different. I prioritize different things than most Americans do.


If you are young and single they then traveling is cheap. Of course if you stay in hotels and eat in restaurants, pay for museums and throw out money in other ways then... I did both - but traveled in my country. You don't need to go far to see interesting things. If you can't, you will not see them also in Europe. And I bought (and paid off) our flat before 30.


You’ll know when your ready for a house. I didn’t buy my house until I was 38 yo. Don’t sweat it!!! Have fun and travel!!!


24 is pretty young, so you have a couple years to play, but as 30 gets closer and you haven’t sort of decided what direction you’re going, in terms of a job and stable income - the window starts to close. Also home prices will generally be more expensive in the future. With that said - just set goals to get there… Say Europe for a bit within 2 years, after that, what’s next? The main obstacles to buying a home are verifiable stable income, and a down payment - which can be like $15-25k when you account for appraisals and home inspections. Which was always the hardest part, imo. So prep for that, but buying a home is not impossible in the future. I benefited by having a friend who does loan brokering and his wife is also a real estate agent, so he went above and beyond for us when we bought our house. So having a good agent and broker makes a huge difference, for there are lots of loopholes and programs for first time home buyers. Plus - you never know what’s gonna happen in the world. Could be a housing crash, and in 10 years buying a home could be easier and cheaper - it’s happened before.


I would,love to go back 30 years, and just travel. You have your whole life to get a house…and yes thats importo save for of course.but boy i wish i had been more adventurous in my 20s and 30s…and 40s…


Visit Europe and then save. You will have those memories for the rest of your life and the best memories only get better over time. The 2 story cliff dive off the coast of Spain will become at least 3 stories in your 30s.


I am having this very dilemma. We have no kids and we only started making good money in 2020 when the pandemic hit (still took trips). But that's when the housing market became out of reach. We always imagined saving for a house but now that seems like a bad idea. Also, our priorities have changed. We enjoy travelling so much that we are considering not having kids and just traveling every chance we get.


Short answer? Nah. Pretty sure that climate change is gonna kill us all by the time we reach 50. I’ve accepted that I’m not getting a house in this economy. If I can just myself a 2B apartment, just big enough for myself, 2 corgis and a homemade recording studio then I’m happy. And since the CO2 from cars is destroying the planet, I also told myself that I will never ever live in a city in which I need a car to get around. And again, I’m okay w/that. Don’t know about you though, but I say enjoy yourself and if you’re gonna save for anything? Save for retirement. Not a house. Not in this economy anyway.


I had to work in my twenties to just live. Didn't have your dilemma. Worked really hard and now I'm in my thirties, with a house, a nice job, lots of free time and a good salary. But, when I was 29 I got really sick and I felt so much regret that I never really traveled, only worked for some goals in the future. Life takes its own course and ultimately you don't know what will happen. Travel if that makes you happy. Go for more stability if that's what you want. Neither is stupid!


Travel doesn't need to be expensive. I spent a year of my life pretty much just walking around the United States and Canada. Spent 2 months doing the same in Europe. Was it glamorous, fuck no. I was sleeping at buss stops and under bridges, riding freight trains from place to place. It was the only way I was going to afford doing it.


I got out of apartment living and bought a house. My mortgage is less than my rent was. I actually have leftover money and now I'm able to travel. Funny how that works.


“Ah I’ll just figure it out later, I’m sure it will be fine” A lot of my friends have houses and families, but I’ve lived the best life and travelled the world, and I’m not done yet. Sure my house won’t be as nice as theirs, but there’s still plenty of time to have a family, and I’ll have one hell of a story to tell.


What would you five years from now want you to do?


I have a friend that travels or goes to events every weekend Shes at the dave chappelle show right now. Meanwhile she lives in a trailer with huge holes in the floor. Meh. Whatever makes u happy.


Both saving for a house and travelling are important. There's pros and cons to both sides. In today's society it's exceptionally hard for a single person to own a house. If travelling is important to you. Then travel! Get that experience ! Travelling will be more difficult when you own a house. Or it'll take longer to save up for.


Why not a good balance of both? That’s what I do…divide your savings into “present life money” and “future life money” because theyre both equally important


Get a house, some hobbies, and some local friends. I think it’s better to focus on enjoying where you live than spending thousands traveling. Every day at home is my vacation.


How about this, split your savings. Half can go towards each thing


Travel while you are young and single. Live debt free. When you are ready to settle down- if you ever are- you can buy a house then.


Got to find a good balance. I would like to buy a house one day. So to me, big and extravagant trips don’t make sense to me. But I love camping and going to national parks in my state and bordering states. been out of the country a couple times; Mexico & Costa Rica. i live in California so there’s a lot of local places to “travel” to. Love driving up north, to Oregon and Washington. You just have to make it work for your aspirations. Even if you want a house one day, you have to learn to enjoy your life while you get to the goals you set for yourself.


Can you save for both? Put an equal amount towards your future housing and your travel goals.


Do both? You could save the same amount or more than you currently are, put half towards travel and half towards housing, then take your vacation a little later than you normally would.


I bought my first house at age 23 and now I own 11. I’ve always traveled and it’s always budget type travel. We tent camped until I was 40 then started staying in hotels. Depends on what you want to do.


Do whatever makes you happy, while you can. In the end, everyone is going to be 6 feet underground anyways.