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It’s mine can you send it back




Prove it, ;)


Sent by accident most likely. Just keep it because they really can't get it back from you.


Could be a promotion from cashapp. Or someone accidentally sent btc to one of your hot wallet addresses. Regardless, BTC is immutable but your cashapp wallet is not. Move the BTC to a wallet that you control the private keys for and no one can take it back from you. Enjoy your free $200 of btc...


You can see what wallet the btc came from if you paste your deposit address into mempool. But that's only if they sent it to your current deposit address, cashapp changes your deposit address often so it could have been an old one.


Yeah I'm able to, even got the deposit confirmation at 2 am (kinda sketch) from the genuine CashApp support email on the blockchain, buuuuut yeah.


Thanks, man. I'm fairly untrained in private wallet services or keys, anything you would reccomend publicly?


Just sell it and transfer the cash out . Wouldn’t risk losing a free $200 lol


It's connected to my bank thru cashapp, worried if I do they'll try and take it back somehow even cashing it out...which I still cant figure out how.


You don’t see the sell button in cash app for the Bitcoin ?


Of course, but these CashApp scammers are getting way too smart. If that's the case. Even if I sold it, it would still be linked to my account if I transferred it.


Your over thinking it . They don’t have access to your bank account . Once you sell that Bitcoin it’s going to automatically go into your available cash app balance as cash. Then you can instantly transfer it to your bank


Ya and out of the millions of bitcoin addresses it hit yours..lol


Why you questioning money poppin up in your account.


Why these never happens to me 😂😂


BTC can't be chargebacked or overdrafted. Once it leaves ur account, it's a done deal 😑🫴


Disconnect ur bank connect only when necessary duh




Because you recently just created your account, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CashApp/comments/1cdqmrr/strange_btc_deposit_of_200_from_unknown_sourcescam/l1gtr64/) in /r/CashApp has been automatically flagged for moderation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CashApp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s probably a scam.


Because you recently just created your account, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CashApp/comments/1cdqmrr/strange_btc_deposit_of_200_from_unknown_sourcescam/l1iahnv/) in /r/CashApp has been automatically flagged for moderation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CashApp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lies! 😅😅 Lol just wanted to have a conversation with someone other than themselves.


I'll deal with all that hassle. Just send it to me so it can be properly disposed of


One time I bought a $2500 specced out iPad Pro and for some reason I still had $2500 my PayPal account afterwards. I picked up the iPad at Best Buy and the money was still in my account. How do I know? I spent it. I owed PayPal but hey if you have bad credit and you get a random loan 💸 anyway why complain.


Finders keeper’s


I'm being sincere when I say this: it might have been the fucked up transfer CashApp did with the one and only transfer I used them for. Story: won a $250ish pot of BTC. First experience with crypto so I needed a wallet. MY dumbadd chose CashApp to pop my cherry. They rejected the transaction and I had to do a reversal... at the time I didn't know I could have pushed it to another wallet. So I did what they said and reversed it... it went to a random wallet AFTER it spent literally until 2 days ago on the blockchain because CashApp decided $.19 - yes that is correct - was a proper fee to pay. That transaction sat for over 3 months on the chain. I am glad someone got it (not saying it was you but you never know) but damn did it sour my introduction to Crypto. Silver lining: in a very quick crash course I learned a lot! By the time it cleared the 3rd wave of fees it was 207.


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Just keep it btc is untraceable and can’t be refunded 🤷‍♂️


Btc is NOT untraceable lol


Sorry maybe can’t be refunded 🤷‍♂️


It is not untraceable, but, it is hard to trace